LIVE: Dennis Allen | Saints-Cowboys 2024 NFL Week 2 (9/11/24)

sir yep you got it all right uh is this your first one of these uh it is my first one uh uh second we lived in Houston during one of them so uh yeah what what did you add to your to do this week were you boarding anything I just made sure I got everyone told me here to make sure to go get gas uh and so I went and got gas because I didn't know and that the liines were crazy um uh you know for that so I was like hey that's the one thing I didn't even know to do but I'm glad someone told me cuz I wouldn't have known that so we went and filled up my wife's car my car or my truck and now we're good your first one here difficult to concentrate or easy to compartmentalize um it's easy to compartmentalize because there's so much just on our plate you know um but at the same time like we're playing a game you know so like you get done and then you think about just like you know our city the families you know we what we you know we're going to have to go through um you know this I guess this afternoon and tomorrow whatever it is and um you know just praying everybody's safe you know um you know there's more important things than football right now but at the same time you know while we're at home spending time with that f with our family making sure we're studying and staying on top of our game plan because there's still a game that we have to go try and win what kind of work did you guys get into that how' you feel about I was the practice same length same everything yeah everything was the same except obviously for the afternoon meetings you know um that is that's the only thing that that changed for us um but uh you know the way that we do things it's easy to you know jump on a call with Coach uh or your position coach or your coordinator and um you know you know talk over the practice because uh you know we can do it that way as well and so um you know everything was in the morning was the same uh we just started earlier and practice was the same so we we were able to get all of our work in talked a lot about how this offense you feel Freer a little bit I'm wondering how that kind of shook out theame you moment yeah yeah I just uh yeah I mean it it's just uh it's a different system you know and so it's my it's only my first game real game doing it um yeah we felt it's just uh just what's asked of me is just different than what I was used to in my in my career and so um it was fun you know I had had a great time obviously we won the game and all those things are good but again it's just one game you know and you know we got to play them again down the road and uh we got one especially this week and so uh but yeah it felt it felt good uh felt confident you know a lot of hard work pass off but now we got to go do it again you know and try and do it again this week responsibilities are different there any similarities like you doing with this off structure the off uh there's definitely like similar like plays and Concepts and things like that but what I'm asked to do is uh is is different yeah yeah it's different how much do you have like how much I guess free R do you have in terms of making adjustments changes at the line SC based upon what you see from the defense in this off yeah I think if there was something that I absolutely saw and had to do and did it and you know put us in the right position to be successful we would be fine you know but I'm just not that's not what's asked of me you know like they have a lot of things built in with calls and checks and this and that and in the play and all this kind of stuff and um it's really it's been really fun to learn the the game that way instead of like here's the play the rest is on on you which I love that you know that's how I grew up that's how I played my whole life in college and really high school college and in the NFL you know that's how I played except with my La except for my last year in you know Vegas you know like that was what I was used to and so um this is just a little bit different because of it's just a it's just a different system of how they put things together you know um you know all of them have all had success you know and there's different ways to do it it's just fun to experience this one some quarterbacks have said like with preep motion that you know it takes maybe a little bit like to but like they didn't like it at first and then they GRE to like it like did you kind of go through like a similar learing curve at all with that or you kind of I was I did probably in uh coming from college um you know because you just line up and go as fast as you can in college um and you you know everyone basically just lines up you know maybe one or two guys disguise things but not really and but in in the NFL like you know that you know with guden we were motioning shifting that's why you guys have seen all those clips of the play calls being this long and you know there we all laugh at them but it's real like it gives you information and all this kind of stuff um and so I got used to it kind of there um and so now that we do it at least I've had that in my background to where I'm I'm used to seeing that you've talked a lot about how this offense like can play to your strengths but were there any areas of like weakness or things you needed to improve on that Clint was able to either help or kind of help with how he designed the offense around way could do absolutely yeah we all have we all have things that we're not the best at um you know I'm not going to give all those CL moves away or someone's going to force us to do all those things you know but but he's definitely does things to help me um and and I appreciate that you know and he also um you know challenge me challenges me to get better at those things since April and so there was a couple of things that we worked on and we got better at and we we're doing them you know and they're still um you know pry some things just like with every player you're like hey well that's not his best thing let's just do what he's best at you know and so I try I've always been I want to say prideful but I try and you know do my best where I don't have as many of those things but I am human I understand that there are things that way and so not as many Tome quarterback powers for me but understand line I was very proud of him um you know it you know it is it is one game right and you know you know we understand that but at the same time it's still one NFL game you know like they played really well and I was very proud of of them and and there's things they you know want to clean up just like there's things I want to clean up you know but I really was proud of their response and I I tried to like you know we were I was talking about how how cool you know just their demeanor was all offseason you know they're goinging everywhere together you know they're doing things and I just felt you just felt this urgency about them and so to see that pay off you know we you know we talk about the right things they were doing those right things and but you never know until the game day if it's going to pay off and it it did for us and and so I was happy for that but we we have a huge challenge this week um you know with it with Dallas's front um you know they're they're really good but you know I have all the confidence in our guys to go out there and compete at a high level and so I was really really really proud of them you know in that first game on how they played it allowed me to go through my reads and uh go through my progressions and make decisions and you know run or not you know it it really allowed me just to freely play quarterback and it was fun there anything about the front that does stand out in terms of the way they able to generate that pressure I mean they're just really talented you know they're really good uh all across the board you know everyone's going to talk about uh 11 and 90 but I mean they got guys inside they have some guys other guys outside I mean they got guys all over the place and they have an amazing coach and Coach Zimmer and and Coach Gunther's over there I know coach Gunther is with me with the Raiders and he is one of the smartest coaches I've ever been around in my life um you know just the way he sees things and you know you know sees quarterbacks and sees coordinators and the way he does that and so you know they have great scheme along with really really good talent and so uh we we'll definitely have have our work cut out for sure what does make Parson a unique challenge he's so fast he's so fast he's powerful plays extremely hard he's he's one of our he's one of the best players in our game and so um I I hope and think people are talking about him that way but you know you turn on the tape and he reminds me of of Von Miller all those years that me and V were you know battling you know two times a year you know he really reminds me of V with that explosiveness that get off um his understanding of what they're trying to do to him and those kind of things uh very very impressive and and he plays off the ball too I mean he he can literally play anywhere he wants on a defense it's it's really impressive do you have to identify I mean specifically are you trying toidentify Dallas steam or are you like where is he because he well both I mean coach Zimmer knows that you know he he gets in the coordinator's mind what are they going to try and do well I'm going to do this with him and I and for a guy to be able to do all of those things he's he's one of the better football players I've ever seen in my life the the way that he can do all those different things so it's really impressive and it's fun to watch on film you know as a as a fan of the game you you appreciate you know watching a guy like that because you don't get to see that all the time and so I have yeah yeah he's a really good player yeah really good do you do you do anything that like are you keeping an eye on him or you kind of just trust the guys up front like how how do you handle that when you're going oh yeah man I I better not you know look at him you know I don't I don't want to look at him you know uh um you know you you just you know you trained as a quarterback to just feel your way in the pocket but you know guys like him and you know you know demarquez since I mean since College I've been playing against him um you know they they do a great job of disrupting the pocket as they did last week against Deshawn I mean they did a great job and so um you know for for me you just keeping your eyes down field make the best read try and get the ball out on time all those kind of things but if I look down I'm doing my receivers a disservice so you try your best um keep your eyes up unless you got to find a scramble lane or things like that but try your best always keep your eyes down field D you talked about compartmentalizing I your human beings first football play I mean how much is it a thought in the back of your mind how much conversation with players having about the storm and you know is it difficult though because you got a family home to focus just how big a deal is this in the yeah I think uh well I think all of us are we're humans first like we love I'm a I'm a Christian man and then I'm a husband and then I'm a father you know like and then I happen to play football that's my job you know and you know I want to make sure that you know my family is okay and all that kind of stuff of course you know we're human and all those things but but at the same time you know we also understand that we we do have a job to do you know even when circumstances aren't you know perfect you know you we still have to focus we still have to like I'll be home studying tonight you know but I'll be doing it with all my kids sitting right next to me you know because uh you know this is their first time going through something like this so they have a lot of questions you know and and those are real things that we have to answer but when I come to work I owe it to my teammates to be locked in and be ready to go for tomorrow and so um yeah I mean we're human um but we also Rec you know we also recognize we have a job to do and we also recognize that you know our our city has been through a lot and so you know we you know our prayers are with uh you know whole city whole state of Louisiana you know wherever this is passing through um and and you just pray that you know everyone safe I mean we had you know we had our players you know we were praying for the city today you know we were praying for each other and all kinds of stuff we were pray prayed for our city you know um because it's again we are football players but you know there there are some things that are are really important right now got a generator I do I finally got one I did yeah thank you yeah thanks guys than good job yeah before I begin yeah I first want to um let everybody know in the city uh that our hearts and our prayers are uh with everybody um we had our team prayer this morning um we were praying not just over ourselves but just over our city and all the surrounding areas just uh through this storm um I think when you think about you know storms that continuously hit this area it's it becomes kind of like you can have all the predictions in the world but it's still unknown as to what's going to take place and I think that's the part and so uh you know some areas have favorable predictions some don't um and and so we're just praying um everybody hope everybody's safe hope everybody's hunger down um those that were able to get away um you're steing our prayers as well uh it's just you know it's it's a serious thing and so um we just want to know like even in the midst of all that's going on and what we have to focus on and our hearts and prayers are are with everybody some of the younger guys maybe been through something like this guys like you question uh yeah people who knew to this you know you know they don't necessarily know what to expect and so um you know the people who multiple times you know kind of have uh a guess but you know we don't know for sure either so I think it's just one of those things that trying to make it through together so remember what works so well this probably hopefully won't compare remember the game after what do you feel like that show about that team ability deal with no I just think everybody um that's one of the the the unique things about this game you think about the high level that people have to be able to compartmentalize and focus at you have to understand that the the seriousness that we're going through is not the seriousness that our opponent is going through but the focus has to be the same our opponent is looking at us like they glad you got problems they don't necessarily glad you got a hurricane and not that they wish bad but they glad that you got problems you know because it's adversity that'll in their favor and so that's the part about this game it just it goes on um and and because that's your job you just got to be able to do it at a high level in the midst of whatever adversity that is think when you talk about living for in the locker room Focus uh it can be it can be um you know sometimes uh a challenge is so extreme that it it brings people together and uh I think that's um that happens so um it can't be an excuse for you not to do your job but it can be something that can bring you to together to to to get build more chem chemistry more camaraderie um more momentum uh whatever that may be um so yeah at times that that can happen has it been important for you to to convey the message of not getting too high after a performance like that this week is that a real challenge that that teams face especially after week one I mean it it was week one at the end of the day you know it's great to get a win it's hard to win this league um but it's week one there's nothing there's nothing to be you know boasting about um it's a win good win hard to come by grateful on to the next we have a tremendous challenge in front of us this week and um that's what we were out working on today and uh it's a heavy Challenge and and and we look forward to it embracing it one one of the guys that exeed DA's pressures so well over the years from your perspective what are some of the things that are like really good about how he designs those what you guys position um I think he's just one of the smartest defense of Minds uh that I've ever been around I I think I say that a lot but uh he's so Innovative he's so um good at anticipating what other teams are trying to do and creating uh complex uh equations for them to try to figure out in the middle of the game um you know and so that the the challenge is often times on on the players to to learn the scheme week to week um because we know if we go out and execute it it's going to create so many complex issues uh from the front you know a lot of times they they have a hard time trying to anticipate what we're trying to do from a defense of front um it's easier to run the ball when you know what they're going to do I think it's harder for the quarterback to get a bead on the coverages because they kind of look the same but they it's it's a little wrinkle that can throw you off um and so when we can learn it and execute it with speed it's it's it's a thing of beauty uh to see inside the game when you when you're looking at kind of the the chess match that's happening how much how much stuff has been kind of T since you first got here to kind of I got you yeah I got I got here in 18 and um I mean it's it's kind of like uh you know Madden you know it's it's it's the same game it's but you think about the evolution over every year you know uh Madden 2018 don't play like Madden 24 you know or you think about a car that upgrades or you think about a phone that upgrades it's the same phone the same car um but it's a lot of new features in there and I think that's what he's he's very good at and so it's like you can go back and study you know the tape for you know years back but it may be misleading or it may help you you know I think that's the complexity is like you know I think I would imagine for offensive coordinator you're trying to guess right but that that that same guess can cost you all right thank youall God [Music] bless um well look obviously um you know a little challenge in terms of preparation here with the you know storm coming through um kind of moved everything up just a little bit this morning to try to beat the majority of it get get the guys out of here get them home get them in a safe spot um and then based on the information that we have it sounds like it's going to kind of take its course through through the course of the evening and then um So the plan as we sit here right now would be a kind of a normal Thursday schedule but we'll be ready to adjust if we need to um look I think this is going to be a really really good challenge for us I think this is one that you know we're going to embrace this challenge um we're looking forward to going up to Dallas and having a chance to play against a really good football team an extremely well coached football team a team that's won a lot of games over the last few years um I think they're they're really good in all three phases um on special teams they they they they've got um they've got a really good scheme um got a really good returner um they do a good job with their specialist um obviously their field goal kicker's got an extremely strong leg so that that becomes a weapon um the punter can can can put the ball where he needs to he can directional kick it he he's got a strong leg um and they do a good good job of of of covering so they're really good on special teams on defense um I think Mike Zimmer is one of the better defensive Minds in our game he's always done a really good job he's got some good players they're good on all three levels um probably get after the quarterback as good as anybody in in our league um you know michah Parson's I think is a is a you know dominant player regardless of of position um one of if not the best defensive player in our league so um he's a guy that we're going to have to pay attention to understand where he's at um obviously Kendricks as the Mike linebacker you know he he runs the show he's been in Zimmer's defense so they do a good job they play they play they play sound they play with good fundamentals they take the ball away in the back end um so tough challenge there offensively you know they're one of the higher scoring teams in our league over the last few years quarterback's playing really well um CD lamb is a heck of a receiver Brandon Cooks um you know I think their offensive line they they've always built their team you know offensively to start with the offensive line I think they do a good job um they got Ezekiel Elliott back you know in terms of Run game so they just got a lot of weapons they they do a lot of really good things are well coached they play really really well at home and so it's a great opportunity for us was the decision to yeah yeah I think I think that was the um that was the reason why we felt like um you know there's a lot that goes into an evacuation you know it's not just we pick up and we go somewhere you know you got to find a place to stay you know you're trying to make sure you're taking care of the families so there's there's a lot that goes into that um and um I know couple years ago few years ago I can't remember exactly when it was we've been through a few of these so um I remember it was a cat one that came right through New Orleans that we it wasn't a practice day but we we were game planning through that so um yeah I mean look we want everybody to be safe and and yet we felt like we could still get our work done and keep everybody safe and and not have to try to go through all the logistics of what it takes to um go through an evacuation I think you were talking about Vega a few years ago yeah you work through generator power so yeah y gonna the coaches coaches will be here um this evening we'll probably find a corner of the room to lay down in some point in time and get a little bit of sleep but yeah we we'll plan on because I think the the the the most significant weather is going to be you know this evening into the early morning hours and so um that's kind of when we would be trying to wrap up so I don't I don't see anybody trying to get out of here in that type of weather does that qualify as a slumber party I that's not I would call it all right but but I I think there'll be a few people that you know find a place to lay down at here did you um miss anything like what's the most significant thing sacrifice to do this plan today an hour of sleep for the players I mean we moved everything up an hour um tomorrow we'll we'll we'll plan is to start at the same time but we'll we'll add in some the meeting time that we're missing with the players this afternoon we'll get that incorporated into you know tomorrow schedule so the practice time will be probably a little bit later than what it is on a on a normal Thursday schedule um these guys will get you that information in terms of when it starts defensive pressure is that is that much as it is personel yeah it's both you know it's both I mean I think it's a I think it's a really good scheme um they have a really good pressure package and so we'll have to have um you know we'll have to be on point with how we're identifying who's coming which way the protections go on all those kinds of things and and uh so that'll be a challenge and then when you have a good scheme and you have really good players doing it it becomes even even better team does have like so many good guys that are passes or like a lot of good receipt how do you guys dictate who you're GNA pay the most attention to how are those decisions yeah well I sometimes those are tough decisions you know like um and yet well like on offense you can't double everybody right and we can't double team every defensive player you know in terms of protection or run blocking or anything like that so I think you just you know you evaluate um their person you know and then and then you have to make the decisions that you think are best and sometimes that might you know um that might make somebody else's job maybe a little bit more difficult you know but I think on every play somebody's going to have a hard down you know and and we expect them to be able to do their job you guys are like deciding the double receiver like what situations in the game dict when you would actually double verus is it like down distance um yeah look I mean it's it's all game plan related you know I mean we're going to watch the tape we're going to see what we need to do what we feel like gives us you know a good chance to have success and then we'll go from there about SL all that I mean you Vick have these discussions at the highest level decision this one of those things just falls under the is the coach life this is what it's about I mean I know concerns family yeah look I mean there's a lot of things that you take into consideration when you're doing this you know and and um you know we felt like obviously in this situation um we felt like we were going to be able to to do our work and make sure we keep everybody safe and make sure everybody's family is safe um and be able to do that and stay here and then you know when it was Ida a few years ago it was one of those where we didn't feel like we were going to be able to get our stuff done we felt like people might you know be at risk and so we took basically the whole you know football operation and and families and everybody and we went to Texas for um well the team was there for about a month and and the families were probably there a couple of weeks anywayy you know I mean like a sudden yeah yeah I no I don't think I know anything about meteorology um but I can listen I'm I'm pretty good at that you know and and you know we just have when you have things like this the hard thing is ultimately you have to make a decision on what you're going to do you know and that's the hard thing it's like none of us wanted to evacuate um and yet we wanted to make sure that you know we weren't putting any anybody in In Harm's Way and so um and then eventually you have to come to that decision here's what we're going to do and you know an evacuation that decision has to come a little bit a little bit quicker you know um so I think we kind of knew early on that we felt like this was going to be a situation that we could we could manage now what I didn't know was were we going to be able to get in and get get our work done today you know I didn't know if we were going to have to treat this like a short week and give the players off today and then you know Thursday would be like um you know like we were playing on a short week and we'd have three days of practice rather than four days of practice so um but after we kind of let it get to the 12th hour we we realized you know I think we can you know I think this is how we can make this work you make no well I'm I'm I'm sending the players home they'll go home and then we'll just extend the meetings tomorrow and we'll get what we missed this afternoon we'll get that in the morning before we get into the next install you make um yeah look I thought it was good I mean I I thought you know I thought he played physical thought he played the Run well I thought he affected the passer I think I think he was disruptive um so yeah I think he was I think he was an issue in the game that I mean having pressures but have a sa is that as good as you can you keep getting pressures on the on the quarterback eventually you're going to your numbers you know from a sack total are going to are going to be there you know um and he's going to draw a lot of attention you know so um that's going to open up some some things for some other people so uh there there's a lot of um in this game that we play there's a lot of hidden production you you know where things are happening and you're causing things to happen and you're causing negative things for the other team and yet that didn't show up on the stat sheet but it does show up on the tape yeah how much of what the defensive line did in this game LED to's three sacks yeah um yeah well it it was it was um probably a combination of things you know I thought the I thought the fourman rush even though we didn't get the quarterback back on the on the ground every time you know I thought we affected the quarterback I thought we were around the quarterback I thought we got the quarterback off the spot you know so he wasn't able to just stand back there and read the defense out and and throw the football um and so you know we all get enamored with sack totals you know and and certainly they're important U but it's really about how much do you actually affect the quarterback um and affect his ability to be comfortable in the pocket and and that's uh and that really never that really never changes obviously when we want to get the quarterback you on the ground but you know when you bring the extra element okay now there's not as many scramble Lanes right you're bringing an extra you know dot in front of the quarterback you know so so he's got to maneuver around you know five or six people rather than just having to deal with you know four people so um and I think that's a that's a balance that you have to be able to have I think you got to be able to you know Rush the quarterback with four I think the most successful defenses are able to do that um and yet you need you need some times where you want to bring some extra pressure how does that change this week or what sort of challenges it present with that so good outside pocket yeah well look he's good outside the pocket he's good inside the pocket um he he's good wherever he's at you know so it's going to present a challenge you know either way um you know he does a good job when when when you pressure him he finds the open receiver um when you got more than they can block he has a tendency to be able to you know just kind of drift away from the rush and still have have enough arm strength to get the ball to to his to his Target um you know when you when you fourman rush him um he's he's he's a a good enough Scrambler mover in the pocket I think he's got really good pocket presence in terms of being able to step up through the pocket and find running Lanes or keep his eyes down the field and find open receivers you were really high on the cornerback even day one a training camp just the dep there do you feel that room stands now um even with a lot of more doing with an injury yeah I'm really confident with that group um you know I I think Deo lante Taylor um J quiny you know Rico pyton I mean this you know he's a guy that that uh um man to started training camp I was like ah I'm I'm I'm not seeing it and and then you know you just see him each day get a little bit better you know and so he'll continue to get better and and so I feel I feel really good about that about that room and and uh you know certainly when Latimore's out there um you feel even better he close to going to what's that was he close to going he did not practice today anything at all to you about playing in Dallas up in um only if we win I mean honestly you know it it's it's really about you know going and playing a game obviously you know grew up watching the Cowboys um and I still have family in the Dallas Fort Worth area so my mom still lives there so um special meaning I got I got some friends there I got my mom there I'll probably get a chance to see her this weekend which will be nice but um and I'll have plenty of family at the game but look other than that I mean it's it's really about just going and and playing and trying to win a game and and uh whether it's in Dallas or Philly or wherever no go back to the cornerbacks how do you feel like handled being called in there throw a lot more snaps than you probably was expecting yeah look I mean um well we came out of coverage on one of the scrambles all right which is a look it's a great learning experience for him you know and so um I would say overall I think he went in there and performed well um I'm excited about what I think he can do I think as with any rookie there's going to be some challenges there's going to be some rookie mistakes that you're going to make um the the big thing for me is that he gets IND rated to our culture and the way that we play the game um and he's been improving in that area um you know on a daily basis so I think he's going to be a good player for us um you know he he's growing and there's going to be some some Growing Pains that go along with that um but but that's you know that's really honestly that's what we get paid to do that's our job our job is to grow and develop young talented players and so that's what we'll do how do think motion how OPP well look I I can't I can't say specifically I don't know what that defensive scheme is you know and the structure and exactly what they're telling guys to do I do know this I do know you know from a defensive coach's standpoint you know when you stand stagnant it's it's it's a little easier to you know to uh to figure out what what's going on and so the more you shift Move Motion now when you shift in motion and do those things the defense changes too so as an offense you have to identify you know where those X's are going you know so we can get our OES in the right spot to to be able to have success and so um you know that that sometimes it can be it can present a challenge to the offense too so I think you have to have a balance in terms of what you're doing it's weird because they now you're in the business and they get this criticism like that doesn't win enough in the playoffs or there has great numbers but hasn't been in the play it's just someone who's in the business and had to prepare this week have you ever heard that stuff and what do you think about it um well I think this I think as someone who is in the business and someone who has had to prepare against Derek and has also had Derek in in in the building um and for someone who's had to prepare against Dak I got a lot of respect for both of those guys um I don't think anybody really understands how hard the quarterback position is to play in our league you know and and uh um and it's it's still only one it's only one position it's one of 11 you know and um the other 10 guys have to be able to do their job for you know the quarterback to be able to have success and in the same realm you know it's the quarterback's job to um you know Elevate the play of those of those around them you know so I think it's you know everybody everybody's always looking for who's the one person we're going to give credit to or who's the one person we're going to blame you know when things go good we want to give this guy the credit when things go bad we want to blame this person and and really it's all of us I mean it's everybody included and and so um yeah I think sometimes it's a it's it's it's a little you know unjust and and and yet I get it from a Fan's perspective you just want to win right I mean that's really all you're looking for so um I understand where that's coming from but Al understand the the internal dynamics of what it takes to win in our league it's a big top cont yeah well I mean obviously they feel pretty good about him right I mean you don't give a guy that type of contract without feeling pretty good about him and um yeah I mean I just know we we've played against him and and he's tough to deal with all right and so I can't speak on how anybody else may feel about that but I know I know I'm not getting a lot of sleep a little different subject I think probably tur the issues that some teams around the league no I I don't think we had any any challenges that I can that I can think of um and I haven't had any complaints with with our guys you know I think we're we're one of the few teams I don't know who else we put we put new Turf down in the dome every year um so that's one of the reasons why we like to you know obviously we play one or two preseason games there and then we like to have a practice in there and kind of get a feel for it and get our footing and make sure it settles the way it needs to settle and you know if there's any issues we can kind of get those things ironed out before we play a real game so along the lines of what BR was asking about back you know you don't hear a lot of hear a lot of chis of Michael coached against I'm a head coach how many games you want him to win you know what I mean like I don't I don't I mean I got it I understand I I understand you know postseason success that honestly I understand that um but to get in the postseason you have to win a lot of games and he won a lot of games in Green Bay as a head coach and he's won a lot of games in Dallas as a head coach you know so um I think that kind of speaks for itself not to mention he is a Super Bowl champion all right thanks day

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