Can the 2024 Georgia offense be the BEST in UGA history? | Breaking Down a key DL for Georgia

Intro [Music] welcome into the dog dispatch John Smith your host here my guy coach Hayes uh thanks so much for uh tuning in if you haven't yet like subscribe follow wherever you're listening to this on a podcast we are excited to have you uh as listening to the dog dispatch coach it's been a amazing week um Summer's right around the corner how you feeling how are things going where we at well right now we're looking at a 100 days left before we see our first college football game so that's nice to see as well a lot of cool news in there a lot of things that are unknowns a lot of unknown tangible intangibles out there that uh we're going to speculate about and talk about and uh like I said it's just going to be a wild ride as we experience this new uh New Era of college football a wild ride indeed we are creeping close to a lot of new things in college football and we're going to talk a little bit about Georgia our expectations for 2024 uh from just a stats perspective and just kind of how this the 2023 team measured up how we think we're going to measure up in 2024 uh we're going to continue the conversation on uh nil that we had in our live show earlier this week with Jaden rashada because we had the the house uh lawsuit settlement and we're going to do a first and fundamental with Warren Brinson so excited to breakdown Warren's game um coach as we dive in here to Stats um we're going to talk a little bit about setting the Baseline for 2024 for Georgia so obviously Georgia had a fantastic season last year Georgia Offense: Key Stats for 2024 um didn't quite accomplished goals in terms of you know college football playoff in terms of winning an SEC Championship the things that that really matter um but uh there was a lot of things that stood out you know on this team both both good and bad from just you know kind of a stats perspective um and so what I what I want us to do today is talk a little bit about where Georgia was in 2023 and some key stats and we'll just talk about you know where we think they're going to be in 2024 kind of our expectations around you know where we think the dogs are going to land um hopefully wet in our whistle a little bit uh to get ready from some for some exciting uh for some exciting production and and some exciting uh hopefully you know things to happen um for this 2024 team so we're going to start on the offensive side of the ball we're going to talk about some key stats for 2024 last year Georgia had uh 40.1 points per game is what they averaged in 2023 now that's incredible that is absolutely averaging over 40 points a game is is crazy even in this insane high-powered offense uh day of college football averaging over 40 points a game is is incredible it's even more remarkable when you consider that that was only the third time in Georgia history that a team is average over 40 points a game um the high Watermark is set in 2014 with Hudson Mason as quarterback for you know I mean good Lord like Hudson Mason and a a Hudson Mason Leed offense uh averaged 41.3 points per game in 2014 and then we know what happened in 2022 Georgia averaged 41.1 points per game with that insane Todd monin offense obviously boost by uh a 58 Point win in a national championship um coach do you see this 2024 Georgia team do we see this team averaging over 40.1 points per game do we see it potentially reaching that 41.3 Mark or do we feel like it's going to be you know maybe uh good but maybe not quite at that high water mark how we how we feeling just you know here in in May of of 2024 how do we think things are going to go when you look at consistent line play which we have we have one of the most prolific offensive lines coming back to protect Carson Beck and we have the the Myriad of receivers to throw to as well as a solid running back room um it's easy to want to say that we're going to average that 40 plus per game but also too what helps in this situation is we've got a longer year there's a longer schedule there's more games to possibly play including the playoffs even though we are playing a tougher schedule and we do have a lot of teams that we've got to go to their backyard to play I would want to say that we're going to definitely eclipse the 40 yard uh the 40 points per game uh just I don't think it's going to be something crazy but I do think we're going to be looking something very comparable to our 2 223 or 40.1 just being right around that Mark honestly if we're doing that in the SEC with the schedule we have with the games we've got to go on the road to play with the longevity of the schedule I think that is very possible with what we've got coming back offensively yeah I mean who boy if we average 4 points a game with this in this schedule you're Georgia is national champions Head and Shoulders correct uh because when you look at it you know best case scenario you play 12 regular season games you play an SEC Championship that's your 13th you get a buy you play two playoff games so you play 15 games uh and win a National Championship right which is what has what has happened um and even in that scenario uh you know Georgia Georgia has gone back toback 2022 2023 averaging over 40 points game so certainly possible um I think I think Georgia is going to average over 40 points a game this season and my main reason is because I do think that this is the type of season where Georgia is not going to take their foot off the gas in some of these games and the reason being is if you think about and we've talked a little bit about it on this show but if you think about you know Georgia starts right out of the gate with Clemson then you have have you know kind of a Tennessee Tech little bye but then you got Kentucky Alabama Auburn Mississippi State Texas I think Georgia is in a position where they have to have to have to build experience and in the past you know uh Kirby has played a little bit of uh you know get get out to a lead slow things down lead the starters in and grind it out a little bit and um and I believe that the mindset has to change because of the EXP playoff because of the tough schedule you got to get you got to get skill players in there and you got to keep throwing it you got to get skill players in there you got to keep you got to keep running it you got to keep you know doing your Tempo running you know like it is a real game scenario uh because if Carson Beck God forbid gets hurt you know you you're looking at a rough schedule um if if some of your key skill players get hurt like we saw Brock Bowers last year so I think George's going to average over 40 points a game not even with this tough schedule because I do think in some of these games where Georgia is probably going to have the potential to get out to an early lead and maybe slow things down I think they're going to keep the foot on the gas and so um that's my reasoning excited to see if if that comes true um second stat we want to look at is just Carson Beck you know Carson Beck uh one of the favorites to to win a Heisman Trophy Believe It or Not uh coming into the 20124 season I think Carson Beck had a very understated underrated ated 2023 um Carson Beck in 2023 this might surprise some people but Carson Beck threw for the second most yards in a single season all time in Georgia history uh number one was St was ston Bennett in 2022 Carson back thre for 3,941 yards almost eclips the 4,000 yard Mark um he also ran which this one surprised me a little bit he ran for 117 yards yeah he had over 4,000 total yards 4,50 yards which was second all time in a single season behind STS and Bennett who had 4332 in 2022 um so just you know about 270 yards shy of the all-time single season Georgia Georgia total offense record um where I think you know we we didn't see quite as much Productions he had 24 passing TDS and four rushing TDS so so 28 total TDS compared to you know sets and Bennett had had 37 in 2022 for example um Aaron Murray has the high Water Market at 39 coach when we think about um when we take think about you know Carson Beck his total offense pass yards touchdowns how do you see this season shaking out for Carson and and what are some key stats that you think uh he's he's going to hit some high water marks well what I wanted to do is I wanted to go back and look because we think he has that Heisman potential I think he has that just due to the fact of what you know coach Bobo wants to do with him I think he wants to open up the offense in his year two I think that he wants to look at him throwing the football to like I said we have a lot of receivers that he can throw to as well so I went back and looked at benchmarks of what Jaden Daniels did this past year of course last this past Year's Heisman winner and then of course with uh Caleb Williams before that you know Caleb Williams was roughly around 4,500 total yards with 42 total touchdowns and then Jaden Daniels Believe It or Not only threw for 3,800 just only 3,800 only yards which was less 40 passing which was less than Carson Beck which was less than Carson backck uh for 40 40 total touchdowns but the one thing that I think made Jaden so just the intangible he had I mean he rushed for over a th000 yards he had another 10 touchdowns rushing so 5,000 almost right south of 5,000 total yards with 50 total touchdowns now Carson's not going to touch that as far as his running ability so to me what I feel like he's going to fit more of the modality of what Caleb Williams was and so with all that being said I mean he is going to need to Eclipse I think in the area of that being said he needs to get up into that 40 touchdown Mark I think uh you know something what Aaron Murray like I said you gave that quote that uh that stat a while ago was it 39 39 is the high water mark all time yep in 2012 I think that has to be eclipsed if it's just 40 between 40 and 45 and throwing for just north of 4,000 yards I truly feel like puts him in the Heisman in the Heisman perspective as long as he keeps the turnovers down and the interceptions are sub five uh but like I said he needs to Eclipse Aaron Murray's 40 touchdown Mark uh and like I said it doesn't have to be necessarily 45 like Caleb Williams but you know it could be somewhere between 40 and 45 and be just north of 4,000 yards and I think that puts him in great Heisman contention talk yeah I mean I think obviously if you're again if you're talking those numbers I think Carson Beck is probably going to win the Heisman um I CU I think those numbers are are extremely I mean it's just rare it's rarified air um when you're getting up into those that level of of touchdowns like for example Michael pennick Jr last year um threw for 36 touchdowns right so like like 40 is I mean that's a lot like last year you had bonick and Jaden Daniels were the only two um that crossed the uh the 40 the 40 touchdown Mark and so um so I think I think I don't think I don't think Carson Beck is gonna reach that upper level of like touchdown mark If he if he does I mean I you know he will win the Heisman but uh but the reason I I say that is because um you know I think Georgia Georgia is still going to be a complimentary offense like I think you're going to have enough Rush rushing rushing touchdowns and those types of things mixed in there um and I also think you know the other reason is just the reason that I mentioned a second ago which kind of works against Carson a little bit is you got to build depth you got to build experience and so if you're out in these games where um you know like uh like Jaden Daniels you know out here playing in the in the third and fourth quarter you know blowing out uh Army and you know some of these teams I think I think Georgia is probably going to take a little bit of a different approach just to build depth but what I do think I do think Carson Beck will Eclipse 4,000 passing yards I think he's going to do that um I think he's going to push mid mid 30s touchdowns passing um and I won't be surprised if he reaches 40 total touchdowns between passing and rushing um and and my money you know I've already bought a bought a ticket at some pretty good odds is for Carson Beck um uh to be a Heisman finalist and and potentially even win the thing um I think I think if you look at his numbers from 20 from 2023 I mean again 4,058 total yards um coach do you know like where that lands nationally I mean just about you may not but just just off the top of your head I I would say nationally 4,000 over total 4,000 not say top five yeah it was it well it was it was it was top it he was fourth in the power five uh but you had a you had a a guy from the quarterback from Memphis a quarterback from South Florida that were four and five uh so he was six overall nationally but it in the power five the only guys that Carson Becka was behind in total yards in 2023 Jaden Daniels he did okay w a Heisman Michael Michael pennix Jr I think he was a finalist Heisman finalist yeah Bo and Bo Knicks who was also a Heisman finalist you had the three Heisman finalists in The Power five and then Carson back at Fourth behind them yeah so so that is um you know again like those numbers are just just incredible so that's where that's where I'm hoping that that Carson that's his that's his potential his ceiling is is insanely high and I think you know again for Georgia fans I think it's kind of I think it's kind of surprising when you take a step back and be like wait what like like Georgia you know and especially when you consider that Michael pennick Jr again you know not to not to make you know not to rub salt in on a very successful season for Michael penck Jr but you know he also played he also played an extra game um then then Carson Beck as well and so uh when you look at you know you look at some of those numbers it's it's pretty wild that he would be fourth behind the three Heisman finalists you know the status quo of this is always the fact that we've typically always had a a a solid running game that typically complements our passing game and the reason why you don't see the passing touchdown situation uh I just think because of the schedule and the way it's set up is going to give us better opportunity because I think the I think the offensive Playbook is really going to be opened up this year I'm hoping that by week three or four we're talking about how prolific the passing game is for us on the offense and being able to throw the ball anywhere we need to and then just having a nice complimentary running game similar to what you know I'm not saying we're going to be parallel to what burrow did with LSU but I mean the running back that they had for LSU that year you know he was a very good complimentary running back for them that went on the play for Kansas City but you know the throwing of course they had Jamar Chase and Jefferson to throw to but you know still I look at it from that standpoint is just having that opportunity to go vertical with the ball a little bit more and seeing those opportunities present themselves but I'm definitely in agreement with you love to see him go north of 4,000 yards passing yeah you know Georgia uh so they averaged um Georgia averaged 191 rushing yards a game last year um which when you look at it it was was 20th nationally so not not bad um I think you know again it's it's one of those things Georgia led the nation last year which is this is my kind of Carson be uh you know touchdown pass a little bit of hesitation is Georgia led the nation with 40 touchdown 40 touchdowns rushing last year so again another another thing that I don't think people you don't think people realize as much as like man some of these numbers were like Georgia literally it was Georgia and Michigan were tied at for number one in the country at 40 touchdowns rushing and Michigan played an extra game um so again just a very prolific offense and and I agree with you I think I think complimentary um I do think which this leads into my next our next stat I think Georgia is going to plug a big gap that they had last year in the offense which which led to I think some of those rushing touchdowns is that Georgia didn't have that weapon out of the backfield that where you can really get that you know the screen game the wheel routes you know some of those some of that that game going with your running backs out of the back field part partially because of injuries right so you had dejon Edward banged up a little bit Kendall Milton banged up a little bit but I think mostly because you didn't have that uh kind of Kenny McIntosh James Cook um uh DeAndre Swift um yeah some of those even you know even Nick chub and Sony Michelle even even those guys caught you know caught a decent amount of balls out of the backfield and so not having that um that type of of game you know I think I think really did lead to a lot of those rushing touchdowns for Georgia because it became more of that true you know kind of like separate ation between uh the pass game and the throw game uh and and blending this together with the running back I think is going to be a big key for Georgia this year so uh Trevor etn he comes in um and he is a guy who can certainly you know catch the ball out of the back field um he's a guy who had uh 925 yards of total offense 753 rushing and 172 receiving in that absolutely abysmal hot garbage five- seven Florida Florida uh offensive system last year I mean just Florida was was terrible for a lot of the year on the offens side of the ball and he's still almost had a th000 yards of total offense um dejon Edwards yeah dejon Edwards LED Georgia with 1,077 yards from scrimmage last year um which was 880 rushing 277 receiving what do we expect from Trevor etn in terms of yards from scrimmage do we expect him to you know get that 277 yards receiving maybe even more um and what do we think about you know on the rushing on the rushing side of things how do we how do we think Trevor is uh is gonna stack up here well based on previous stats and what we've got coming back on the offensive side of the ball he is going to thrive I think this year I think he definitely compliments in both the passing game and the running game and the fact that he's not going to be as heavily counted on with having you know a one-w punch with rodri Robinson with Branson coming back healthy and then of course Nate Frasier coming in who I'm still high on I really think hopefully he gives us a little bit of a just a flash that I've been wanting to see of course we won't know anything about that till after the Summer's over with but you know still I think that really does help etn part in making that I I'm not sure if we really see I think last year Milton and dejon both rush for 750 plus I think they're both in the 800 yard area and that was with you know them coming back after it was like week three before really both of them were healthy I mean they missed three ball games before we really even saw him you know get after it so I think etn thrives this year with you know an unbelievable offensive line that's going to block for him very well and obviously he's going to be able to we saw in the spring game how he can catch the ball out of the backfield he just becomes an outlet of your passing game and I know bubo's going to utilize that because you know that's what you want as that fifth receiver in the progression that can be that outlet when you get flushed or you don't have the opportunity to you know maybe go through your reads like you'd like to so I think he's going to thrive in this this year and definitely super you know he's going to exceed where those numbers were back when what he did at Florida yeah and I I I agree with that as well I think um you know I think Georgia has to get has to get that that run that you know that throwing to guys out of the back field I think Georgia just has to get that going um I think we saw you know we saw it um we've seen it a little bit when uh Dylan Bell lines up in the back field right so that was kind of a little bit of a stop Gap we saw some wheel routes we saw some of those things last year uh but I think I think Mike Bobo and and Georgia really has to amp that up this year um and I'm going to say I'm going to say that that that Trevor etn goes for 300 yards receiving um or more uh this year if you go back and look in uh 2022 this is the one this is the key stat that I wanted to to poke here Kenny McIntosh caught 43 passes for 505 yards in 20122 and that is a key element of that offense that was missing and so I I see uh Trevor etn going for you know 300 plus yards receiving and then what I also see is um I think he's gonna I think he's going to well Eclipse a th000 total yards from scrimmage um I think this is a guy who you know Jord is really going to lean on um and I think uh I think we're going to see him you know do do a lot of work out of that back field um and uh you know I wouldn't be surprised if he goes for you know 11,00 yards from scrimmage with three 300 350 yards receiving and and 800 to 900 yards um yards rushing next year that wouldn't be a bad number to go with my thoughts were maybe between 750 and 850 rushing and roughly getting to about that 500 Mark as well you know they can use him in the screen game they can use him you know in the quick screen game the jailbreak screens the the wheels like you talked about so I definitely see that being something he can uh he can be successful in all right so so we're we're we're set with about 40 points a game set with Carson Beck winning a Heisman set with with Trev just blowing the doors off and making Florida fans cry you know especially because you know they they wanted to to knock him on his pass Pro and all those other things uh coming to Georgia so um awesome all right well we're going to flip to the defensive side of the ball got three three key stats that we want Georgia Defense: Key Stats for 2024 to talk about here and just see where we think Georgia Georgia saacks up now 2023 Georgia allowed 15.6 points per game right and I think that was that was something that uh was a little bit I don't know I mean maybe maybe a little bit um shocking to some Georgia fans just because we're not necessarily used to uh Georgia allowing you know what 15.6 points per game is a nationally is a very very good Mark right um that was fifth nationally so again top five um but when you look at you know you go back and you look in in 2022 Georgia allowed uh 14.3 points per game in 2021 obviously that historic season 10.2 points per game um you have to go back to yeah you have to go back to the 2020 season which was the all SEC schedule uh you know and the co year and all those things where Georgia allowed 20 points per game to even have a um a Kirby Smart uh defense in the last five years that allowed more than more than 15 points per game um and so just you know Georgia has obviously been uh 2019 through 2023 one of the top defenses um in the country so tell me a little bit about uh how you're thinking about points per game obviously this schedule you know Georgia has a lot of a lot of good quarterbacks on the schedule a lot of good offense a lot of good skill players um you got you know teams like uh like Old Miss um I'll try not to laugh um because what court Kirby did to to Lane kein last year uh obviously obviously Josh hypo in Tennessee I mean that that defense I mean that offense can can light the up the scoreboard um tell us tell us how how you think Georgia defense is going to Fair between 10.2 you know kind of all-time best and 15.6 points per game they allowed last year honestly tell you the truth they stay around 15.6 points per game I would say that's solid for your defense the problem is is that's what they were doing between the 20s you know the Red Zone efficiency is what killed them last year and honestly that's what they need to improve upon they got to definitely close up those numbers and make those percentages increase a little bit better for them but if they stay at 15 you know points per game for this year um I would say anything around that number would be very sufficient for a solid defensive year to be in the top five to you know or you know even top 10 and uh you know because like I said the biggest issue I see this year is their secondary uh you know because they're going to have to be sort of the trial by fire a little bit because you're going to have at least two of those four secondary guys are going to be or really if they're in nickel a lot three of those uh five secondary guys are going to be you know dealing with firsttime pressures and dealing with u you know some inexperience there so you know we may have to have a little bit of patience with that going forward but again to answer your question to stay around that 15 Point per game Mark I think I would be very satisfied with that I'm not going to even go over under here with what it's going on yeah I think I I think that's where Georgia is going to land I think it's going to be somewhere around 13 14 15 points per game that this defense is going to allow um this year and to your point though the Red Zone efficiency that red zone conversion percentage Georgia went from second in the country in 2022 with uh with opponent score percentage allowed inside the Red Zone yeah to 122nd I mean it went yeah it absolutely plummeted I mean 12 second out of 130 uh 133 teams so um so I think you know that's that's the biggest thing and and Georgia you know went from just to put that in perspective Georgia went from 67% uh allowing uh scores in the Red Zone in 2022 to 91% so if you got in the Red Zone last year on Georgia you were going to score and so n out of 10 times yeah nine out of 10 times so uh so I think that is the key stat when it comes to points per game allowed is can Georgia you know close that close that Gap um and uh and last year you know you just had a lot of teams the reason Georgia didn't allow more points you they didn't allow many trips inside that Red Zone um so you know uh so I think that's going to be a key stat I do see Georgia you know around 14 15 points a game and and I'll take that all day long I mean that's a top five defense every single year um and especially with this schedule I mean if you tell me Georgia went to Alabama Georgia went to Texas to Old Miss uh Georgia played uh you know even like at Kentucky early like you you look at this schedule and then you also include an SEC Championship Game potentially a college football playoff potentially and you say you landed at 15 points per game again I think you're a national champion um with this with this team this year if you do that um right okay um second key stat this is one thing that I think Georgia fans have had you know a little bit of a maybe a concern about from year to year of Georgia getting to the quarterback so it's Georgia got to the Georgia gets to the quarterback we should clear that up Georgia gets a lot of pressures right I mean this is a team that they get a lot of pressures they they they cause a lot of Havoc but it's that sack number that I think that people you know hang on to uh around like oh yeah can you can you get you know the quarterback on the ground and and um and Georgia last year had 30 sacks which is not bad um but if you look compared to that 2021 defense which is where everybody Compares 2021 Georgia had it's good bench it's a good Benchmark historic defense Georgia had 49 sacks right so 49 so so 19 less sacks um last year compared to that historic defense do we see Georgia get into the quarterback more and and you know if you had to just put a you know put a pin in it to see you know who do you think might lead this team in sacks last year it was uh Jaylen Walker with five do do you see yeah do you see somebody uh eclipsing that Mark this year do you see the team eclipsing that sack Mark of 30 last year um this season I think so because your front six your front seven are more experienced this year I think it's just like with anything else we're going to see our interior lineman we're going to see those Edge pressure guys the Jack uh inside linebackers walked up on the edge line of scrimmage with their stunts and Stems that they'll do we're definitely going to probably see someone that'll eclipse the five from last year total sacks though you know honestly I think that's something now that's becoming overrated is a total stat because if you look at the people that we've had you know drafted in the last few drafts on their defensive side of the ball I mean you even with like Trayvon Walker for example I mean I'm looking back and thinking to uh what his sack total was the year he got drafted number one overall it wasn't very high honestly I don't think so you know it's one of those things about creating pressures and of course the sacks definitely look good on the stat line they definitely mean that we're you know putting people behind the chains and that's something that's very important defensively that we want to do but to answer your question I think we're going to be exceeding the five total from last year uh someone is going to have more than that this year and Jaylen Walker could be the one that actually uh does that this year um coming up there's a couple of them though I have in mind as we move forward yeah and I and and you know I I agree with your Point around um Sachs not being you know not not being kind of the the end all Beall when it comes to particular players when it comes to like how you actually gauge defensive success I mean there's a number of of stats that can go deeper especially like I mentioned you know it's more it's really more about your hurries and your pressures like the Havoc that you're causing than than if you're actually getting the guy on the ground cuz if you're forcing a quarterback to get the ball out a lot quicker than he's used to getting the ball out or that he had planned to get the ball out then that's as good as a sack right um so so I do think it's a little bit maybe of an overrated stat um but what I will say is like when you look at that 2021 defense you look at 49 of those things versus 30 um you know I do and you look at you know two guys Robert B and Kobe Dean who both had over six sacks That season um and last year you know you know Georgia only had one guy that had five um I do think that that Georgia's going to have to find a little bit you know a little bit more of of that motor to get home I think the key is going to be experienced I also think the key is um you know I do think that the the the rotation of linebackers that we're going to put when you you mentioned it you know Jaylen Walker you got Michel Williams you got CJ Allen rayen Wilson um smile mundon you know you maybe even have you know Troy BS some of those guys um I think when you look at just the the list I think this is one of the most athletic groups that Georgia has had even even you know um not not not equal to 2021 but it's up there in terms of just like pure athleticism um and how you can run your stunts and things so I think Georgia you know I don't I don't care if they get more than 30 I think they will uh but I do think I do think we see I do think we see a guy um and maybe it's Jaylen Walker maybe it's Mikel Williams but I see I think we see a guy get get six or seven seven sacks this year for sure you know I think a lot of people softball pitch would be easy to pick Mel Williams but I want to parallel your niobe dean and Robert Bill comparison and I think that's Jaylen Walker and CJ Allen this year um there is something too to what we're going to be doing in our first and fundamental segment here is I think Warren Brinson is going to be someone else that we're talking about he's not necessarily going to be someone that might have the high total sacks but he's going to create a lot of pressures this year I believe based off what I'm watching on film and what I think he can bring to the table this year but I really like the CJ Allen jayen Walker combo similar to what niobe and and Robert Bill did yeah and uh and we'll get to Warren Brinson in just a second because I'm really excited to break down Warren but let's let's talk one more you know since we're on that thread of of turnovers um you know so last year Georgia Georgia was 69th nationally in turnovers um gained right so Georgia only had 17 turnovers gained 14 interceptions three fumbles what we've seen the last couple of years that I think is maybe I don't know if it's a concern but felt like a little bit of a concern to me is that 2021 that team was was 30th nationally in turnovers and part of the reason is the offenses didn't run a lot of plays uh versus versus that 2021 defense so you didn't have a lot of opportunity to turn the ball over but even then they were 30th 2022 57th nationally 2023 69th nationally um how important is it to actually you know how important is it to actually Force turnovers how's it how important is it to to be in that you know kind of upper we'll say like top 50 I don't think I don't think it's necessarily we saw it with a t21 number that I just gave you I don't think it's important that you have to be a top 10 team in in in turnovers gained but but I am interested in you know how important is it that Georgia moves the other direction this season experience in the defensive side of the ball we play so much manto man it's a lot of times hard when you're in Phase running shoulder-to-shoulder with someone to typically make a pick unless you've got safeties and linebackers that are working on brackets between say you know inside rub routes or something that's going over the middle on the hash um honestly to tell you the truth turnovers create momentum shifts but I'm going to tell you right now what's frustrating for offenses is when you go three and out for seven consecutive offensive series to me as a defensive guy you're really looking at that that's more frustrating to a coach to an OC is when you've got them game plan so well and they cannot execute their offense and you're putting them off the field every three plays um then of course it's just adding extra fuel to the fire when you have that uh that momentum change or momentum shift with a pick or with a fumble um you know something that defensive guys should be working on I'm sure DC's work on those all the time is strip drills working through the ball um you know it's amazing too just like we talked about Malachi last week is when you have a safety in zone coverage and you got your helping bracket over top say someone like dalen ever who's in manto man on a hip on the outside is being able to go get the football I find it so many times that we're so worried about that pass interference call we get to play center field and go get the ball so you know those are good things to Happ but that again comes with experience it comes with this you know CJ Allen falling back inside and and and stealing that ball away from Carson in the spring game is is one of the ones I think about you know things like that have got to start happening but as far as turnovers do we exceed it as long as we're roughly in the status quo of I'd say top 50 maybe you know if we could break 50 and be in you know say the 30 to 40 range in in in in uh turnovers I'd be happy with that but you know it's like I said it's all about momentum shifts in the game and I would much rather be more efficient in sending offenses to the sideline after three plays than than necessarily the turnovers they just great momentum no I I agree and I think that what that's what you saw with Georgia last year the last two years right so Georgia has you know they were they were like I mentioned 57th in 2022 69th in 2023 and turnovers gained but um they were number two in the country in 2022 and third down conversion uh for opponents um holding holding opponents to uh to 2 uh 6% third down conversion in 2023 that you know Georgia was actually uh number one so 25% third down conversion so the tradeoff right is that again it's you're getting them off the field so you're not turning the ball over but you're getting them off the field and I think that's right I think the point that the reason I want to touch on this is you you hit the nail on the head for me is I think we've heard the last two years this constant refrain we heard it with key Ringo um we heard it a little bit with with um dalen Everett uh not a little bit a lot probably as much as K Ringo of like make a play on the ball turn your head you're in position like pick the ball off you know and um and for me that is one step I would like to see that secondary take take a big step forward but when I look at these numbers it is kind of like is that the trade-off is that an actual you know is that an actual defensive philosophy around you know versus like versus making a you know trying to pick the ball off is it more of like hey be in Phase don't let the completion happen get them off the field because that's clearly worked with key Ringo um in 2022 and um and dalon Everett in 2023 um and Kamari Lasser obviously um in there and but but it's just an interesting you know kind of when you start digging deep um some of the concerns that that I hear you know around those things uh to your point it's like you look in you're like well would you would you rather be would you rather lead the country in interception or would you rather lead the country in uh third down it's allowed third down conversions right you know and it would definitely be something where like I said you know you look at it from that standpoint it it's definitely getting them off the field it's so frustrating like I said from an offensive standpoint that regard uh there's nothing better though I ain't going to lie when you watch I think about it even back to the 2017 year you know it seems so nice to watch defensive backs in Phase with receivers and and right as the ball got to the receiver you know putting the hand through the crease point and knocking knocking the ball down those kind of plays to me and that kind of that kind of defensive gameplay is is really uh it's uh it's just c a catalyst to help that defense play well for the entire ball game yeah and I think and I think that's just what that's what Georgia has to get back to you know in my opinion is more of actually making a play on the ball not not you know you don't have to pick it off but there were we saw it you know we saw it a couple times like Luther Burton was a good example with Missouri versus Georgia where dalen Everett was in position like the guy like he was you know he was in position you just got to get your head around and make a play and um and Warren Brinson: First and Fundamental hopefully we'll see more of that more of that this year from Georgia good call yeah no doubt all right coach uh the segment that everyone is has been waiting for uh we're going to dive into our weekly segment where coach breaks down a player talks the little ex's and nose Good the Bad the Ugly um this is first and [Music] fundamental all right coach first and fundamental this week we got a good one uh Warren Brinson so excited to talk about Warren why don't you T at Warren a little bit and then we'll we're going to kick this uh this film off and and break down his game well watching The Total Defense of what we had coming back because I know everybody was skeptical about the defensive line play last year I think that what solidifies us this year and that we're going to see that front six that front seven be so much better this year because of the experience we bring back I know it's frustrating because it seemed like so many times we watch stal mates at the line of scrimage where all of our guys would be running into the chest and we're just sitting there on shelves not making a move to get to the foot football and we talked about Havoc I think Brinson is going to bring that Havoc this year that's something that I'm excited for uh really do think that he's got to be a leader as an interior offensive lineman when I look at the game film I do see that he is going to be someone that inside from the two te or the head-up shade he plays a lot better than the four technique from the outside uh but being a senior he's about 6'4 305 lbs he needs to probably work on getting Just a Little Bit Stronger in the lower body as he gets into this year because he's really got to set his rear end down and stay in gap and not be pushed out but uh he's going to have to be a staple this year he plays all positions at the nose shade the two Tech and the four technique which means he is a two Gap Defender and a gap at times and also a b Gap Defender at the two or the four technique um his one man get off in pursuit of the football is his strong suit he does have to take on double teams a lot as well he does a great job of splitting them in his pass rush because he has a great motor his run defense when it is run straight at him sometimes can be an issue because he does get moved he's going to have to work on staying stou in the Gap when he takes on base blocks where the ball is being run straight at him um his motor is very high though but he is going to need to work on that move that replaces his position back over the top of the offensive line to give him good tracks to the ball carrier uh he sometimes does run himself out of the play because he is so fast sometimes off the football his first move is very nice uh his run Pursuit away is good and he creates plays for himself by not giving up in his initial move off stunts into the offensive line and what separates him from other defensive lineman right now though is his experience um he has a great explosion off the football and his first move to get off the block is quick and instinctive his pass rush and stunts are good but he has to be able to hold his ground once he pushes through and get to the quarterback with the running back right now I would say that he needs to work on his run Pursuit off the Tope of block he gets and increases motor his endurance to pursue for greater distances and longer periods of time time working smarter not harder for Warren is going to be his best friend he's a hardworking young man who should have a spotl year for the dogs and I you know I I sit there and think about everything I've said here about him the one thing that I like is that he doesn't fit the mold of just striking pads and sitting on the pads which we've seen a lot where you don't see that initial move what I love about him is that I see the move I see him get off of blocks and I see him Chase and he does it very well my thing is is just because it is taking a lot on you it takes a toll to stem and then stunt from B gap down into a gap to allow a linebacker to cross then you go from being in single to double teaming trying to split that double team the quarterback still got the football and now you got to put your foot in the ground and Chase his awareness and see to me that's where the experience plays into his situation is that he's going to learn that hey when I get something straight at me I've got to sit down on my rear end a little bit better and be able to get off that block and not be moved uh like you saw in the Alabama game I mean he's fighting he's a fighter but one thing I like about him versus what I saw in like log last year and even with stack House coming back this year as well is that he doesn't stack house does not have that first move like brinon does brinon has sort of that quick twitch that I really like to see off the line and when he does engage he doesn't just sit and engage he gets off of his of his blocks as quickly as he can and then from there that's where the endurance part comes in he's got to be able to spill down the line of scrimmage like you saw in some of the plays that I had pulled up there where he redirects very well and gets straight down the line of scrimmage and gets to the football and that just comes from getting reps from what I watched watching him last year he was hail unbelievably too much I know listen I know I know you think that the I know you you we you and I talked we talked about the Alabama game and I know you think that the officiating in Alabama game was absolutely uh just top tier that they just it was it was hor you don't think they you don't think those officials did a fantastic job in that Alabama game coach tell us how you feel about it coach you know it's really hard to sit here and grap about something that happened back in December but you know watching film and breaking down each individual play from the line of scrimmage didn't watch linebackers didn't watch secondary didn't watch anything I watched what happened from those four down I know that I counted on my hand now granted we could have done it on offense too I didn't watch anything offensively so if it plays both ways so be it and I know as a defensive coach I always had to tell my guys prepare to be held don't make an excuse for being held get off of a hold and still get to the football because you cannot rely on the ref to make the call for you but I think Alabama was daring the refs to throw a flag I was like my God I'm going to tackle your ass and then I'm going to see if you'll throw the flag and if you don't okay I'm going to do it again but yeah no doubt was unbel and that was just one example back to Warren Brinson that was just one example of of you know I mean the GU getting the guys getting double team the GU getting held and and so much of that goes back to what you were saying which is his first his first step is so quick like his his twitch his Instinct getting off the ball is so quick that a lot of times um you know I I I'll say it this way I hate to say it this way but a lot of times that hurts him in in the you know getting some of these calls from some of these officials cuz guys are guys are grabbing him guys are tackling him and uh and of course you know Alabama um uh you know in mercedesbenz Alabama holding in mercedesbenz stadium is like peanut butter and jelly it's like a match made um but yeah and I'm GNA tell you what Warren went up against leam a lot in that game you know who obviously was drafted to the NFL but I'm going to tell you it's amazing to me how we saw that Alabama's offensive line gameplay to me through the year wasn't very good but all of a sudden they magically got better in the SEC Championship but I can understand why I sat there and watched Brinson get held at least five to six times that never even once got close to being called and you know when you're fighting through that as a defensive lineman and you still are giving it all you got cuz he he had a pretty good game against Alabama but I wanted to break down you know his beginning of the year through the middle of the year to the end of the year that's why I Ed the the those game plays that I had there but he is definitely going to change that with his experience now having that quick twitch and getting off the ball and then replacing his spot because you know if you get over the top of a guard or over the top of a tackle and the tackle can just run you out if he can get over the top and get his butt to butt behind that tackle now he's on track to make that play now instead of getting run out of there so it's exciting to see hopefully what he can do and bring that experience to the table to that interior defensive line this year yeah I love it um well that's first and fundamental Warren brinon we're going to continue this series every week got some really good guys coming up in the next couple weeks so keep tuning in coach will keep breaking it down we'll keep talking about it um coach we're going to end the 2.8B Settlement in NIL Lawsuit show today on uh on nil which is a Hot Topic right now for a number of reasons Jaden Rashad's lawsuit we saw this week um we have this house versus NCAA class action lawsuit that has reached a settlement almost has reached a settlement um and so what I wanted to do is just give a little bit of a quick quick brief overview quick summary of what this is and then really the reality is you know talk we can talk a little bit about the SE settlement but really like you know kind of what does this open up continue our conversation on nil that we started earlier this week so um there was a class action lawsuit filed against the NCAA that basically said that athletes should be compensated for the use of their name image and likeness um which obviously started in 2021 but the class action lawsuit was filed that was basically players who competed between June 15 2016 and and the 2021 season so what they were saying is you know if I if I came as a student athlete and I was a competing as a student athlete in you know I came before this was enacted I'm competing as a student athlete when this is enacted I am owed damages because I was denied my right to earn on my name image and likeness so that's the basic basis of the lawsuit um they were looking for back pay of uh the class action was looking for back pay of 4 billion in Damages um which is which includes you know nil back pay and then a share of the of the TV Revenue which I think is really important I think is really important yeah um so what happened is this went through you know all the legal EAS and whatever um a settlement was proposed with the NCA agreeing to pay over uh $2.7 billion almost $2.8 billion over a 10year period And so what happened this week um and what happened uh just yesterday if you're listening to this um as as we're premiering here on Friday is that the power five agreed to a settlement with the NCAA um and and these student athletes who were who were F the lawsuit and so what they agreed on is a is a $2.8 billion settlement and and the NCAA would pay o 40% of that and the schools would fund 60% of that so these schools would pay 1.6 billion over 10 years um it breaks down not super important but the power five you know would pay about 660 million of that the other 27 non power 5 schools would pay the rest of it um I think the real key here is that out of the 2.8 billion 2.5 of it is probably going to go to Power five football basketball players right so there's so again you know when I say there's there's 300 million that's going to go to the other the other sports and other athletes but that just tells you like you know when you're thinking about this this Revenue share and where you think about you know kind of how this is where this is going that's what that distribution looks like so the power five has agreed to the settlement and I say power five we know that there's only Power four now but the Pack 12 the schools that were in the Pack 12 um they were part of this class action lawsuit during this time when the Pack 12 existed so those schools the old pack 12 um are on the hook for for for these uh these payments as well um coach we know that this is like ushering in you know a lot of like it has all kinds of implications on student pay first of all let me tell you know let's let's just get a quick reaction um uh from you on you know this the power five agreeing and the NCAA agreeing to the settlement now they're going to work it out and see if these other conferences will agree to it but what what's your reaction to a $2.8 billion lawsuit settlement for uh for back Revenue share and back in Al it has to start somewhere I guess if you want to put a framework around it you know it's looking like you know based off the dates that you're seeing there that even like someone like Nick chub is possibly going to benefit from something like this is that is that correct if he was at the school during that that time I mean that was right before he no Georgia yeah no Georgia Georgia student athletes well no I let me let me take it back Nick chub so those those players would not be enti would not be part of this class action lawsuit it's players who were competing um in that when nil was enacted in that 2021 season so essentially like if you if you competed if you were competing in uh June the 15th 2016 and you were still compe July 1st when nil became enacted then you're eligible for this so uh so guys you know I mean you can name there's a number of different guys right but like noobe noobe Dean is one of those guys you know it's uh it's uh Trayvon Walker um you know um all those all those guys yeah list just yeah list just populated I'm not saying I'm crazy just populated OD some back this I think it's kind of a baseline of what we're going towards you know you know I think we're going to be looking at the arbitration eventually of of schools being basically allotted a certain amount of money and being paid out to the to the players just like we're seeing here is sort of that that Foundation uh there's going to eventually be a salary cap that's going to be put onto those school systems as well I think as time goes on and eventually I don't see us having even conferences anymore there's going to end up just being a a total group of a Power Group I don't know how you would call it or what you would justify it by but it's going to be something that fits that category and all of a sudden you know does that lead into us uh or say us does it lead into teams becoming part of labor unions and having to deal with contract Clauses and things like that where you can be traded uh kind of stuff as well so uh uniquely enough I I see it being something that sustainable just for the simple fact that it kind of it washes everything in a sense a little bit clean to get everything you know sort of put out even killed everyone um but it's still a long way to go but it is a beginning process for us to see this new wave that we're going to be seeing in college football as far as nil is concerned and and putting some you know maybe some guard rails on it a little bit as well to to to like I said establish a framework for these these teams and seeing some I don't say equality but at least some more leverage where you know it's a a more even playing field for all all teams involved yeah I um you know I think it opens up a lot of you know a lot of potential changes which we're already honestly we're already in the works right already being discussed so the way that you compensate athletes obviously that there there's legislation that needs to happen or changes that need to happen around that the the idea of um H what what you mentioned which I think is key to this is is really less about I mean College athletes are going to get paid right and I think it's I think it's less about whether they're there's a lot of implications on if they're employees of the University or if they're if it's a red share you know all these things I want to set that aside because I think the mechanism of how they get paid doesn't matter as much as the what needs to be put in place the structure and the framework that you mentioned that needs to be put in place to to control some of this so you mentioned it contracts for example um the organization of conferences I the Iowa State a couple weeks ago the Iowa State athletic director he he came out and said something really interesting he came out and said he was talking about um conference expansion and revenue sharing and you know uh all these TV deals and all these things and he said he you know in light of these lawsuits and all this stuff he said his his key quote was those with the gold will make the rules which means the schools that are driving the most revenue and the conferences are driving the most Revenue were going to be the ones that make the rules but he also said which which I thought was really interesting

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