Sabbath School : Closing Remarks Sermon :Secrets of the Kingdom : Elder Manwaring 09/08/2024

can you all stand I stood deed for the wers so my soul thee you Al alone are my heart desire and I long to worship thee you Al alone Are My Strength my shield to you alone may my spirit you are are my hearts desire and I Love to Worship thee shall we all kneel for prayer Eternal God and our Father in heaven we are so grateful this morning morning that we are alive and that we can be in your house today to worship you in the beauty of Holiness thank you for the privilege we have of being unmolested to be able to do so we claim your promise that wherever two or three are gathered together in your name you are there you are in the midst and you are there to bless so today we expect blessings from you upon each individual upon each family that is represented bless us individually and collectively and even those who are on their way and those who are missing because of illness or otherwise we ask your blessings please accept our worship today we pray forgive us of our sins and our shortcomings and may we see Jesus AR fresh high and lifted up here we leave this place where we go forward to be a blessing to others in his precious name we pray with that Thanksgiving amen my strength my shield to you alone may my SP you are Lord are my heart the and I Lord to worship thee good morning Saints morning happy Sabbath I want to welcome you welcome you to this Sanctuary where the Holy Spirit dwells where we come together on a Sabbath day to worship and praise our creator so I welcome you with the warmest of greetings greetings on behalf of the church Management on behalf of our pastor and of course greetings from your creator to God am generally we have visitors in and among us every Sabbath and I hope that this is the case today so I want our visitors to stand up so that our members can recognize you and welcome you in a special way so if you visiting today please stand all right it seems as though that our visitors are on the way amen am so we pray that God would hasten the footsteps amen I want to thank you here our regular members for your continued presence you've made the best choice to be in the house of the Lord at this moment today to our online viewers those who are online I want to once again welcome you and encourage you to continue to be part of our Sabbath worship you're making the best choice that you can make we want to welcome back brother David James who has been out on in the spice Island welcome back we are glad to have you so at this time we are going to fellowship with one another welcome each other in a meaningful way as we do the song Let Us greet somebody in Jesus name somebody in Jesus name let us tell them that we love them in Jesus name tell them we can work together in Jesus name everyone is love Jesus loves you everyone is love Jesus loves you smile is everybody is everybody is everybody's SM everybody's SM everybody's let us greet somebody in Jesus name let us tell them that we love them in Jesus name tell them we can work together in Jesus name everybody Jesus loves you everybody SM Jesus loves you everybody's SM everybody's SM every everybody Smile Smile everybody smile everybody Smile everybody smile let us bre somebody in Jesus name let them we can work together in Jesus name tell them we can work together in Jes name everybody smile Jesus loves you everybody SM Jesus loves you thank you thank you these are the announcements for this week thank you Psalm 1 1 says the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid a number of our members are sick and this is a list of our members sister elain Fuller brother Eric Elder Eric bowler once an elder at this congregation was discharged from the hospital amen and is at home recuperating that sounds as good news amen sister Ellen God sister Gemma O'Neal Helen Shephard Elder Carl boros brother Neville laa Sis Sis Wilma laa sis Katy Sven has been admitted to M sin Hospital in Brooklyn so these folks we want you to remember them in prayer if there are any other members who are in need of prayer and that we don't we don't know at the moment that their me their relatives are hospitalized please send your your your information to the first Elder prayer lists for the month of September are our college students so so their names are samori kador Maki kador ran Cyrus Ronald Noel Jr Kiera Williams Victoria Williams Willams Joan serson Jazel inis Lauren Alexander Barry Ford and zachari Williams today's program lesson preview 400 p.m. panel discussion ay would be at 5:00 p.m. Bible class 6: p.m. led by Elder Elvis inis vasper at 700 p.m. by Elder Al Albin kador sunset today is 7:17 p.m. Elder in charge today is Alin kador H Personnel on duty AA hawood and nicool Anne the offering today is for the world budget Church calendar funeral service for the late Elder lesie will be held here at New Haven Temple on Sunday September 15 and Ellen Les you remember is the brother of sister Sanderson viewing begins at 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. service is 11: a.m. to 1:30 p.m. our communion Ser service will be held on September 21st so that's a key Date to Remember September 21st anti-drug antib bullying bullying sorry March would occur on September the 21st at 300 p.m. please have your sneakers ready women's ministry day September 28th members meeting October 2 6 the Grenada Adventist Association Convention day will be October 12th the the week ahead Monday SE Monday September 16th at 12:00 p.m. midday prayer session 8:00 p.m. prayer line on Tuesday September 17th 7:15 p.m. Bible reading 7:30 p.m. prayer session for children Wednesday September 18th 7:15 p.m. Bible reading 7:30 prayer meeting Thursday September 19 7:15 Bible reading 7:30 Sabbath School Adult class review led by Sister Janice Campell Friday September 20th 7:30 p.m. family and health focus on on YouTube December 24th our church will be celebrating 40 Years of ministry in this community amen as an organized body in the greater New York conference SDA Amen to that we are planning a weekend in thanks to God for his leading and we are asking that you spread the message to your friends and past members of the New Haven Church finally our birthdays in September 14th to 18th today Ronald Noel Jr Sharon duble and we are also celebrating sister nma Cyrus MacDonald uh thank you for the correction uh on the 15th Natasha Robinson on the 17th ala glaive on the 17th also Michelle Prince Oscar Peters and Cilia Joseph and on the 18th we celebrate the birthday of Aaron Edgar grandson of The Proud Elder manarin who would be delivering the message today thought for today be happy not because everything is good but because you see the good in everything and I just want to let you know that many of our members today are at the United camp meeting at campaka today and um we want to pray that the event is successful and that they have traveling mercies we at this time ask God to bless our proceedings amen amen amen call S call good morning church good morning church good morning amen amen we are having our own camp meeting right here today all right so we're going to sing number 207 20 7 will be our first song this morning and we're going to sing with gusto as sister Shepherd would say it may be at morning when the day is awaken when sunlight to Dark Shadow is breaking that Jesus will come in the fullness of Glory to receive from the world is oh Lord Jesus our you we shout the GL song Christ hallelu hallelu hallelu at me B at my light and may me P that the Blackness of mid night Will Blast into light in the place of his glory when Jesus Rees his own oh Lord Jesus how how we Christ returned hallelu hallelu amen hallelu amen oh joy oh Delight could we go without D no sickness no s no crying all up to the with the Lord Glory when Jus Rees his oh Lord Jesus how how sh the Christ return hallelu hallelu hallelu amen amen praise the Lord our next hymn will be number 388 388 don't forget the Sabbath the Lord Our God had blessed don't forget have the Lord of God and bless of all the weak the brightest of all the weak the best it brings report from labor it of Joy Divine it of light desending with heavly beauty shine welcome welcome ever welcome blessing day welome welcome ever welome bless keep the sa holy and worship him today who said to his Des IES I am the living way and if we make for our savior here belong you give us of the fountain who dreams Eternal blow welcome welome welome blessed saath day welome welome welome bless day of secret pleasure is for and us will SP in thankful lips to Jesus the children's dearest friend oh gentle and savior our good and kind the our prous is I promise to dwell in every heart welcome welcome ever welcome BL and saath day welome welome ever welome amen amen I know what third and final hymn will be number 34 340 and we'll stand after The Pianist give us our queue we have heard the joyful sound Jesus is Jesus is the BL All Around Jesus Jesus a news to every land clim the step and cross the ways onward is the Lord's Jesus Jesus walk on the rolling time Jesus is Jesus is death to S as star and wi Jesus is Jesus is see the eyes of the SE back the ocean W out your keep ju Jesus Jesus G the will by Jesus Jesus by his death and endless life Jes Jesus Jesus sing it s through the GL when the heart of Mercy great singing Jo for the Jesus Jesus give the wind the mighty voice Jesus is Jesus is let the nations are Rejoice Jesus Jesus shout Sal full and free highest heels and deepest this of victory jesuses Jesus amen amen amen Jesus saves Jesus saves our call to worship comes from back of the Himel number 857 the word of God declares oh come let us worship and Bow Down let us kneel before the Lord our maker for he's our God and we are the people of his pasture and the Sheep of his hand this is a call to worship amen mesty worship His mesty on to Jesus be all glory honor and praise mesty king of authority love from is true on to his own his so ex lift up the name of Jesus mag come glor Christ Jesus mesty worship is mest Jesus now glorified Jesus who is now glorified he the glory amen amen amen We Believe let's pray father we do thank you for your presence here today we pray father that you take this service into your hands guide us and lead us Lord that what you want to proceed today let that alone be proceeded bless everyone here today remember in our Brethren who are other places may they receive your blessing also yes accept our worship and save us for your kingdom we pray for Christ's sake amen amen amen we believe you're going to repeat Exodus chap 20: 8- 11 and then John 14: 1 to3 remember the day to keep it holy six day sh thou labor and do all thy work for the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shal not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter manant nor thy M servant nor th cattle nor thy stranger that is within thy gates for in six days the Lord made Heaven and Earth the seed and all that in them is and rested the seventh day wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it John 141:3 let not your heart be troubled believe in God believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you onto my side that where I am there ye may be also amen opening hymn number 34 hymn number 34 wake this song wake the song of Joy andless be the bring your newest Bish thought of sness for and for your highest praise sing to him who care has brought us once again with PR to me and whose loveing voice as da us on the way to Jesus feet wake the the the the S of Joy wake the soul wake the s the S of joyfully with songs and leers we will grieved of this new day shout the loud of glad L and of grateful H me we will chant to sing Glory one our thoughts we raise till stilling all on story precious theme redeeming wake the soul wake the soul of Joy andness W soul the the soul of true thanks to thee Oh Holy Father oh mercies of the year they heart as he we together SW with gratitud sin thanks to the are loveing saor for Redemption through the bre upon us holy spirit sweetly draw Us near to God when the s w the S The Joy wake the soul wake the S the to amen good morning church good morning the scripture reading is taken from Matthew 5: 20- 26 for I say unto you that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees ye shall in no case enter the Kingdom of Heaven ye have heard that it's said by the time by them of old time Thou shalt not kill whatsoever sh kill shall be in danger of judgment but I say unto you that who whosoever is angry with his brother without cause shall be in danger of the judgment and whoever shall say to his brother raka shall be in danger of counil but whosoever shall say thou fool shall be in danger of Hellfire therefore if thou bring thy gift to The Altar and there rememberest that thy brother Hast against hath ought against thee leave there thy gift before the Altar and go thy way first be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift agree with thine adversary quickly while thou Thou Art in way with time lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to to the judge and the judge deliver thee to to the officer that be cast into prison verily I say unto thee Thou shalt by no means come out then till thou Hast paid the utmost fathering am amen amen we ask God to bless the reading and bless the deliverer our youngster continue to pray for our youngsters at this time I would be offering a prayers on behalf of our church members you would have gone through a week of Trials high points and low points we all have issues and problems just last weekend I was in a men's uh convention in Piscataway and they say what happens in piscado stays in Piscataway but I just want to remember remind you that even at our highest level among our church leadership we have members that are experiencing difficulties it seems as though the closer you try to get to God the more you work on behalf of God the devil targets you in a special way so the only thing we can do is to reach out to our creator and I ask him to continue to be faithful to us because he's constantly faithful to us we are the ones who falter we are the ones who are unfaithful so at this time bring your cares to Jesus I also want to thank for thank brother best for being with us today amen you know he has suffered loss amen you know his wife and um you know she has been they both have been a tremendous benefit to this church so we would want to pray espcially for him today and and we would like to invite the best if you feels like to come closer to the podium as well so with the prompting of the praise team please come closer into my heart into my heart to my heart Lord Jesus GL come in to come to my lord lord Jesus thank you and let us kneel Heavenly Father Cleanse This vessel this weak vessel touch me from the crown of my head to the soul of my feet and remove anything that would be unlike you from me father I'm here to present a word on behalf of our members today so I ask you Lord that my prayers would be able to reach up to you so lender hearing air father the ever living God in Jesus's name dear God we thank you for our church membership Lord we thank you for our members who Faithfully come every Sabbath and do homage to you to worship you to praise your Holy Name Lord we ask you to touch the hearts of those of us who have for one reason or the other are not part of the folded again so we ask you Lord to touch them give them that spirit that would allow them to make that turnaround and realize that fellowship and constant Worship in your Sanctuary is necessary so father touch all our past members who are within our geographic location but are not coming to church so Lord please bring them back into your fold I ask father our members here today are here because we believe in you we want to worship you and praise your name we are here to give you thanks for what you have done for us in Jesus's name father we thank you for this week for the protection you have provided for providing food on our tables for providing us with jobs for the very aspect Lord of clean air a comfortable home Lord we thank you Lord for being alive today we thank you we promise you Lord to continue to serve you and worship you because you have done so much for us father in and among our group here today and those who are online our members who are grieving due to the loss of family members we want to remember brother best and family in special way and sister serson and family in a special way because these are our most recent bereavements and we also want to remember our other members also sister dub we also want to remember our members who have suffered loss in the past so we thank you Lord for giving Comfort we thank you Lord for assuring them that if the loved ones lived a life that was pleasing to you and if we who are alive do the same that we have that opportunity to be reunited when you come again father give our gven members that blessed of Hope we thank you Lord for the healing power that you possess so father we offer up our members that are suffering from different ailments and physical conditions those who are aware at the moment and those who even don't know father you're the bombing gilan you're the physician of Physicians touch our bodies our bodies that have been racked by illness because we have not followed your health message our bodies that are rocked by illness Lord because we live in an environment that has been degraded by men we have foods that are poisoning us if we are listening to the news we would have heard of the various recalls that are going on so father we ask ask you to heal our bodies because we depend on you and in some instances we try our best to observe your instructions but we falter so touch us Lord and we claim healing in your name and because of your power Lord we have those who have Financial issues mental issues and other issues Lord we ask you Lord to continue to provide at our table because you said the cattle on thousands of hills are yours so Lord continue to provide for us continue to give us good health and strength and may we in turn testify of your goodness and continue to praise your Holy Name Lord this week we are praying for a special way in a special way for our College to students Lord they are in a new environment some of them the very first time there are others who are continuing in the course of study we ask you Lord to keep them on the straight and narrow let them continue to develop a personal relationship with you give them wisdom and intelligence knowledge and understanding so that they they may be able to discern what is good and what is bad help them to make wise decisions to choose the right friends and of all father make you their best friend Father we want to remember the shutting Among Us those who cannot come due to physical issues Lord bless them in a special way bless the man servant Lord who would be delivering the message open open up our hearts Lord so that our hearts would be receptive and that the message would have an impact in our lives so that we the people who see us would know but we are Christians by our love and by our lifestyle because you say the light should not be put under a bushel but it should be exposed to the world so let us Lord having the me message and receiving the message consistently live lives that would show that you are in us and that would lead others to you so father bless the deliverer of the message bless his message and we thank you Lord for its delivery Lord may we continue to observe this holy Sabbath day and do everything that is pleasing to you in Jesus's name I ask humbly and if I forgot anything Lord you know what all our needs so father please take care of them we ask in your majesty in your time on your own will amen amen and amen turn your Jesus love is wonderful and the K in the love of his glor please allow me to include in a special way sister Eva sister AA you know is a member in this church God's daughter and she would be embarking on major surgeries soon so we pray Lord that you would be with the hands of the medical team you would be at her bedside and you would guide all the proceedings and we claim a successful surgery Lord we know that she would testify of your good of your goodness we also remember Sister Enis who's recuperating Lord you Elder Bowa in Grenada touch him in a special way he's been one of the icons in our church and if I fail to call Any Other Name Lord you know bring Healing Touch us all in Jesus's name amen our special music today would be done by someone I call my mom so sister Jackson is going to bring on song of blessing to us amen Earthly ples andly call me I would be like Jesus nothing woral and true me I would be like Jesus be like Jesus is my song in the home and in the thr be like Jesus hold I would be like Jesus he is broken heav G to would be like Jes that my soul be serve him better I would be like Jesus be like Jesus Is My Soul in the home and in the throne be like Jesus hold long I would be like Jesus that in heav he may me me I would be like Jesus that his words well done May greet me I would be be like Jesus be like Jesus my soul in the home and in the be like Jesus who the Lord I would be like Jesus this moment is to to do our offer Tre but I just want to make take one moment just to remind you this song is very appropriate be like Jesus all day long and at our Men's Ministry Conference last week the leader of our conference spoke directly to our men men we live in a society that is very Lous meaning that you can be sued for everything so be like Jesus all day long even in the church as simple thing as a hug could be a problem so be like Jesus all day long at this time we would worship our Lord and our creator by offering thans and offerings let us pray thank you deacons Heavenly Father we thank you for this opportunity to respond to your command we worship you at this time by giving thans and including offerings Lord bless it and may it reach out and be multiplied to do your will we thank you for all those who are able to give this day we ask you to continue to bless each and every one those who are not able to give Lord we also thank you for the presence open a way for them in Jesus's name as we respond to your command and as we worship you in faith amen the Lord says all the animals in the forest our mine and the cattle on thousands of Hills all the wild birds are mine and all living things in the fields let the giving of thanks be your sacrifice to God and give the almighty all that you promised 2 Corinthians 9 13- 15 says many will give honor to God when they see how humbly you obey him and how Faithfully you can confess the gospel of Christ and will thank him for your liberal contribution to their need and to the general good thanks be to God for his gift beyond words stand bring the food ties into the storehouse that there may be food in my house and thereby put me to DET test says the Lord of hosts if I will not open the the windows of heaven and pour you down an overflowing blessing we good afternoon everyone good afternoon it is now time for our children's story so I know that we are few in Num numbers because many of our kids are soaking up the last bit of fun at Camp Berkshire this sabbath but for any that are here I'm inviting you to come a little closer and if you are online you have permission to turn your device up to hear your story and I'm going to invite some of the little ones to come just because we are few and number does not mean that the education fund and children's ministry has to sendle so please be generous and drop your dollars in for our children okay on to make me what I to the moon and the stars the Sun the Earth will he is still me bask basket here the basket thank you working on me amen you working on me thank you so much for your generous contributions the Children's Ministries department and the education department truly appreciate all your support as we continue to grow this ministry so this afternoon um well first and foremost it's we're in the middle of September and by now everyone should have started school right so I pray that you are all off to a great start you all have wonderful teachers who love you and care for you and you have made some new friends and if necessary got rid of some not so nice ones right it's okay um but today's story is about a little girl named Mabel and Mabel is about 8 years old um but Mabel is from Uganda have you heard of Uganda before if you have even our older the kids if you heard of Uganda before you can raise your hand have you heard of Uganda does anyone know where Uganda might be you can Shout It Out There You Go Africa right um so this story is about a little girl named Mabel who lives in Africa and when Mabel was 8 years old unfortunately her parents started to go through some rough times and things got really bad for them dad was out of work mom was out of work and there was not enough money for them to sustain their everyday lifestyle so Dad made a harsh decision and said you know what there's no work right where we are I think it's time for us to pack up and move and moving is not a uh sometimes moving could be a good thing sometimes it's hard when you move right because you have to make new friends you're leaving behind all that you know and you're moving to the unknown but Dad said you you know what I think this is going to be the right thing for our family it's time for us to pack up and go and that's exactly what they did and they moved to a new place and he said hopefully when we get to this place I'll be able to find work so he packed the family up Mabel wasn't too pleased um and Mabel also had uh little siblings and they moved um far away and when they got to this new place guess what things started to pick up for Mom and Dad because Dad was able to find work immediately and he found work as a security guard or security officer um at an Adventist School all right but guess what Dad Mom Mabel and the family they were an Adventist so as soon as dad went and got the job and he spoke to the principal he said you know what principal thank you so much for this opportunity I appreciate you opening your doors and giving me this job as a security officer I will do my best but I just want you to know that don't try to convert me because myself my wife and my children we don't intend on being advances so although I appreciate this opportunity just leave it right there okay we can be cordial but try not my kids are not going to come to the school I just want to work here and in fact the principal respected that he even went as far and said you know what I have a position if your wife wants it in the school cafeteria so invite your wife and if she wants she can have the job as well because we're looking for um someone to help serve lunch to the children in the school and things started to pick up for them mom was working dad was working the children were all at school in another school not Adventist school but nonetheless things were picking up and they actually worked there for 3 years but guess what they're in a school they're in a church school so do you think Mom and Dad was learning while they were in school working yes they were they were hearing all the lessons whatever announcements and prayers were going over the loudspeaker they were listening and hearing when it was time for um any event dad of course had to be there because he was the security officer mom had to be there as well because she was serving and preparing food so she was learning they were all learning about God about Jesus um they didn't even realize it but year one went by things were great they were able to save year two went by things were even better they were even able to save more year three went by and things just seemed to be looking up for them and then we got to the middle of the year and something happened there was some sort of misunderstanding between the dad and the principal and Dad decided you know what I'm not going to take this I'm not going to have this man speak to me that way and he said you know what I'm quitting and guess what he quit for his wife too he didn't even give her the opportunity he said if I'm going my wife is going too so they both left the school and they left work and at first mom was very upset she said you know you just quit for me you didn't even let me know you know if you had a disagreement with the principal that's on you you know but I understand we got to stick together but hey you know this is our livelihood but nonetheless they quit and as soon as they quit things started to go downhill you know their savings they were using their savings that they had and they had a decent amount of savings but of course with three children um things started to go quickly and before you know it they were out of money and they found themselves back in the same predicament that they were before no money nothing to sustain them and guess what Dad did again he said you know what it's time to pack up and move and he packed the family up and this time they moved to the capital he said you know let's just go this I have to find work there there have to be work there there must be work there so they packed the family up again and they moved and this time when they moved if they were still facing hardships and they couldn't figure out why dad was not finding work why mom was not finding work and one day while Mom was washing in the yard and hanging clothes out it came to her and she called her daughter she said Mabel listen to me this is what I want you to do I know you're only 8 years old right now well at that time 3 years past she was about 10 now right said I want you to go get your little brother and sister and I understand we're new in this area but I want you all to walk together just walk the neighborhood and see if you can find an adventure church he said because the last time we were happy the last time we were blessed is when we were amongst the Adventist people so I want you to just walk the neighborhood walk up and down remember where you're walking hold your brother's hand hold your sister's hand and walk walk walk until you find an Adventist Church and Mabel was a little nervous she's like you know Mom I don't know this area we just move but she said you'll be okay and that's exactly what he did and they walked and they walked and they walked and guess what they looked up and they found a church and in fact there was actually three women outside that was cleaning up the yard getting ready for Sabbath and when um she saw them she said what time are you leaving here I want to bring my mom she said we'll be here we're going to be be preparing we'll be here so Mabel and her siblings they ran home and they called their mom and said mom we found the church let's go and that's exactly mom stopped what she was doing and immediately went with her children to the church and guess what she met the four women who were there and they greeted her with love and warmth and actually invited her they were preparing Sabbath food she said come in have food and they ate together and guess what the community service department there at the church was well um in full swing and they packed three bags for them to take with them of um produce and goods and Foods mom was so happy and so blessed they even invited her her to church do you think Mom took that invitation yes Mom did she took the invitation and next the next day which was actually Sabbath they went to church her and her kids they went to church dad said he wasn't going right but that's okay they went and they went and they went and they continue to go and dad started to see how his wife and the children dis despite what was happening in in the home that they weren't technically thriving because there was no work that they were so happy they were singing and praising and dad said you know something let me see what's really happening here and one Sabbath he actually went to church and he continued to go and Mabel said Dad this is exactly where we need to be just like that Pastor came down one Sabbath and spoke to come and said you know what I have a job opportunity for you if you want to take it Dad said yes Dad took the job another opportunity for Mom Mom took the job Mabel decided one Sabbath that he's getting baptized and after Mabel got baptized guess who else got baptized mom got baptized then her siblings got baptized and guess who was the last one to get baptized dad got baptized so all of them now are in um Church Adventist Church they are working for the Lord and they are thriving Dad is working mom is working and guess what with Jesus in the family there's a what happy happy home so I want you to remember that you can do all things through Christ who strengthed you always remember that you can pray to him he will help you through your difficult times you're never ever ever alone God loves you and so do I all right so who would like to pray for us today our JD would like to pray thank you Jesus to having a good day that's it and bless everyone to have a good day and bless everyone to have have a good day at home and bless everyone amen amen amen amen thank you so much boys and girls and you may return to your seat amen Church the message today would be delivered by none other than Elder Sterling man waren one who has grown up in this church he discovered God in the Adventist form many moons ago and has not departed since instead he has grown stronger in the Lord he's blessed with his wife Debbie and he also has children and grandchildren he's also blessed to be God's partner and he works in his Vineyard ceaselessly so you will be hearing a special message from him today but before he comes we would be blessed by meditation with sorry with meditation by Sister Ruby Jack afternoon church afterno thank you for that lifting my spirit you have long for sweet peace and for Faith to increase and have earnestly fly prayed but you can not have rest or befly blessed until all on the altar is Lay is your all on the alt of s if I SL your heart does the spirit control you can only be blessed and have peace and sweet rest as you yield him your body and would you walk with the Lord in the light of his word and have peace and contentment always you must do his sweet will to be B from a on the altar your all you must live is your all only order of sacrifice L your heart do the spirit control you can only be bless and have peace and sweet rest as you heal him your body and soul oh we never can know what what the Lord will bestow of the blessings for which we have prayed till our B and soul he that fully control and all on the altar is SL is your all on the alt of sacrifice L your heart does the spirit control you can allly be blessed and have peace and sweet rest as you yield him your body and soul who can tell all the love he will send from above and how happy all Hearts will be made of the fow sweet we shall share and is Fe when all on the altar is Lay is your all on the altar of sacrifice L your heart does the spirit control you can only be blessed and have peace and sweet rest when you yielded your body and soul amen sister Jack for a moment there I look to see if it was Sister Shepherd singing it was that bright amen I want to thank God for life and for health and for another opportunity to come before his people I am not a eloquent speaker I am a God fearing person though am so whatever I say today would come from this book amen may hit some people with love may hit some people with something else my only my only reason for living now as I would say is to help others get to know the man Christ Jesus that's it I don't I'm not too inclined to know too much about your Finance your good looks but if me and you could understand that we are in a battle for heaven we we could we could really hit it off I was born in a a little island there was something they used to say that Jesus is a Trinidadian I I don't believe that no more because Jesus didn't believe in the things that's happening there now I want to start my little topic that is secrets of God's kingdom amen what are some of the things that we have forgotten Jesus started his ministry here on Earth very humble he choos men of low which we would he didn't choose a lawyer or a doctor oh sorry no noris I would have choose you believe me if I was in Jesus place I would have because I I I know your your degree and your your your job qualities doesn't say the person you are yes yeah I've gotten to know Norris and to know he's a very humble individual yes okay the reading was done from m Matthew 5 and verse 20- 26 what is some of the things that trouble me in my life today to want it back with Jesus Jesus used what was suitable for the people of his time did it work for everybody no is it working for us today sister Jack s say if we don't lay it all on the altar but if we do we're going to see changes in this place today I look around and oh blacks there I good I got just felt a big Stone had blocks but here you know we because um I supposed to see my friends here today you you know I look for Ron I saw Mandy but that's half is better than none at all you know so right I believe that everyone who loves Jesus should talk act eat work and play differently from those who do not love him amen as a child of God I need to think feel act in harmony with the teachings of the Bible in all aspects of personal and social life everything I do should show others that Jesus is living in me in my heart and that I live by him rule of law amen very hard to get me to go and steal can't steal the only way I might okay all right okay the only way I might take a life is if somebody come to take M that that's the kindest way I could put it because on my bricks and and something might happen after that but it's never my intent to hurt nobody in Matthew 5 and verse 7 that's the verse that's the verse that I want to speak about because it speaks about Mercy it speaks about Mercy Jesus said blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain Mercy now merciful people are people who are piously and charitably inclined to pity pity must be shown pity must be shown to help sucker people in Misery we must be Christians sympathetic to partake of the afflictions of our Brethren you see today where we know there is a few people that has lost loved ones don't forget to it's good for we to say hi in the church but when you go home we don't we don't know how when they are home the family and that person that was there is not there we don't know how to make it that's the time you need to call you know so get a number of the people you know that has lost a loved one today that's part of being a brother being merciful I lost my daddy almost 2014 still when I go to Trinidad and I go by that house something is missing and my daddy wasn't a nice nice guy you know let me tell all you but he was a father that stayed body body still stay didn't go when we would get in with little r as young boys growing up and when the heat get too hot for we we can't win fight we run to home because when that lion come out the battle has been won my father will show up and who is the aggressor got to go that's it and as he grew old he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior and I thank God for it every day sometime around say I like my daddy but yes but when he was old not when he was young you know but Mercy is part of what Jesus wants us to be not only in but in action we must have compassion on Souls of others and help them we must also pity the ignorant and instruct them the careless and warn them those who are in a state of sin and snatch them as Brands out of burning we must have compassion on those who are Melancholy I think I didn't know that yeah you see and in sorrow and comfort them do not be rigorous and severe you know some people take it easy that they come as come come up here this platform and probably their life is a little more organized than mine and yours and they they they would speak things that we should be in line and salvation is a growing process I'm I'm not where you are yet but if I stay with Jesus I'm going to get get to you and probably pass you Comfort them and do not be rigorous and severe with them on those who are in want Supply them that way you obtain Mercy Mercy with men when they meet it we know not how soon we may stand in need of it you know one of the things I look at we if someone goes to the doctor with a heart complain broke a leg a finger today is a lot of things is happening but you see if you can't use the bathroom can't sleep can't walk can't talk and that sounds a little little nasty people would say can't use the bathroom and see how your life is going to be it's not an easy thing to think about we may not stand in need of kindness for with the merciful god will show his Mercy Jesus went on to say in verse 24 I say unto you that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees you shall not in no case enter the Kingdom of Heaven you see desribes were the in Jesus day were the most noted teach teachers of the law and the Pharisees the most celebrated professors of it and had such a reputation among the people that they were looked upon as super comfortable to the law and people did not think themselves obliged to be as good as they it was therefore a great surprise when Jesus said to them they must be better than day or they would fall short of Heaven education only good for here on this Earth while we are alive 70 years by good eating good living we could probably go because my brother here is 18 87 86 brother Bradford 86 and he is fit as most of us here yep I pass by his house and I look and he's up moving and I say I can't I can't do it all like that I wish if I live like his age I could have that energy the scribes and the Pharisees were enemies of Christ and his teachings and yet it must be owned there was something commendable in them you see sometime Wicked people they have some good things about them you know they were much into fast fting and prayer and giving arms they were punctual in observing ceremonies appointments and they made it their business to teach others yet our lord Jesus tells his disciples that the religion he came to establish did not only include the Badness but excels the goodness of the scribes and the Pharisees we must do better than they or we too will fall short of God's kingdom amen the opening verse of Matthew 5 and verse one the opening verse of The Sermon on the Mount indicates that the message deals with the inner state of the mind and the Heart it's indispensable absolute of Christian discipleship it delates the outward manifestation of character and conducts of True Believers and genuine discipleship thus the life of the believer describes by Christ in the S and the mount is a life of Grace and Glory if we are unable or not willing think not willing is a better word to come to live the life that Christ wants us to live we will fall short of the Kingdom right now as I stand here before you Brethren there is a judgment that's taking place for our souls I don't know if we have already been judged I don't know if all we are waiting on is for Jesus to burst the clouds I know there are some more things to happen but I don't know if I'm being judged already neither do you so we got to get in line and let God now the thing is we can't save ourselves you know all the goodness you doing all the preach all the singing all the arms giving food if we do not let God win us we cannot be be saved amen we just have to believe believe and the little I have to do is to follow that's it to spend eternity on this planet made new there is a few things that's a little controversial but I still going to talk about it our school system I know when it was Tuesday night there was a a debate between two people who probably don't even know what names don't know if they care one it's a radical we have seen him for four years do what he wants to do what I I tell my friends I enjoyed that I could have got gas 199 a gallon wasn't used to bust my pocket by the gas station the other person is said quote didn't hear her mention her daddy one time I said Mercy I know Democrats don't like me to say that but I'm just saying what is there she had to have a mom and a dad but we got to be careful Adventist Brethren the LGBT community has been trying to intersec in our church they did it in a place in in California College year but the truth is being compromised Brethren by Many religious and educational administrators because the fear of man has taken place of the fear of of God today human reasoning supersedes the law of God misguided leaders today are not just welcoming but affirming the very thing that God prohibits the early church did not condone sin or affirm sinners that is not love true love will call others away from the path of sin the early church spoke through love Ephesians 4 and verse1 15 nothing is more cruel than to speak lies to Sinners and withhold from them lifechanging power of the Gospel it is not cool it's not hip or even loving to leave people enslaved in sin I was told that if a little boy wants to be called or feel like a girl in school you can't call him him I don't know you would call him if he wants to put on a dress and use the bathroom and he wants to go in the girl bathroom Can't Stop that's the way he feels that's the way the parents allow it in you know I don't blame kids when they if they come to church and they pass everyone straight and go I don't blame the kids you know I blame the parents because I my daughter grew with me here in church and if Kim would run to her friends and pass one of the people I say hey come come back you say hello got to say hello but that was Tau from the house so I blame parents for children bad habit and I tell my daughter to raise your kids to respect Elders I'm not telling them to go on the road and follow everybody but you you you you got to raise your children to respect others I would like to know that if sometime my kid well my grandchildren now my kids are grown that something is happening to them that someone of you would see them and gravitate and say no this is brother man we granddaughter or grandson and I'm going to take care of it be to that kid as how you would be if it was your very own but when there is that lack of respect that lack of showing that love from kids to grown up you blame the parents don't blame the children for that huh well that one I now get in trouble with yeah okay let's go on with um some real thing okay I was to touch divorce but I'm going to skip over that like uh cuz that's going to get me in trouble too but I'm going to touch a little bit I'm going to just skip skip skip okay oh Lord it has been said now this is I'm reading what Jesus did Matthew 5:31 follow me it has been said who shall put away his wife give her writing of divorcement and Jesus said I say to you that whosoever puts away his wife saving for the cause of fornication and there is a little tickness so I could I could take a PR and now we ought to be very careful about putting away putting away it's like I wouldn't know everybody personal life I always said it's better to walk away and live than stand and die somebody agree with me it's better to walk away than stay and lose your life saying that you want to save the union and the other person want out but Jesus says that whosoever put away his wife saving for the cause of fornication causeth her to commit adultery whosoever shall marry her that is divorce commit listen the whole thing about God's business is Serious Business do not get into things if you especially if I mean if you're out in the world you can do whatever you want because the people them 350 for a divorce 350 bucks after 6 months poop you're gone God God people don't do it like that they have to be a but Brethren what I'm telling you here is is it's personal to me it's happening in my family as didn't want to go in as I speak it's happening in my family on several fronts and when they talk to me so St what you think I say give time for things to make back give time if you don't give time how you would know if it work it take you guys how many years to get to this part and something happen you want to run out but you have to give time give time for things to work if it don't work that's fine it's all right that wouldn't take you to hell but your action if it was you was the cause and you didn't make it right remember one of the verses that the young man ready says if you have ought and you remember leave your gift you come to offer a gift at you leave it at the altar go see if you could make it right because God you can't M guy God you could M and sweet talk a lot of people you see God you can't M and you can't trick him so one way you could come to God on the altar lay everything down there that's the that's the only way Jesus was teaching this lesson and the people teaching it to Y some people getting it and some people people want to kill him because they don't want to change but when we reach in church and we come here and everyone who is in here to they come here because they have a love for God but we all are at different stages in our Christian walk and we need time to grow we need time to this I saw it in the movie ex ex exhale huh whatever it but we need time to to grow some people could just get there and they Stu help them along the path this is what Jesus is saying there is a next let me get this one minute huh got it okay in 2010 it was the first quarter it was January 21 we studied this thing and it's it exactly where I get it from therefore if you bring your gift to The Altar and there you remember your brother has something against you to leave your gift and go and make it right the basic principle is Jesus is teaching us these words we do why do we find it so hard to implement this principle in our lives people don't like to say the s you know you know sometime you have to beckon somebody just go and say sorry make it up with your Breen now do you know have people in church pass one another straight not not children children make up thing quick you see these young people here have a misunderstanding next week they like they okay they get on the phone yeah okay I'm sorry yeah all right and you all right yeah all right cool bro boom you're done can't hold thing because they clean they straight but you see the big old ones like us all a malice preaching and teaching the gospel is one of the most difficult areas in which to exercise patience most of us are too impatient with people who do not know the truth or who do not seem to care about it we must be longsuffering as we seek to lead people to Christ amen it is too easy to shake off the head and say we don't know why they don't understand we fighting an arch enemy he out smart and turn away oneir of the angels from God didn't know if every wanted want to follow but they did because some point when you see God judgment come is either you here or you're dead God don't like no easy Riders lukew people God don't like it he say he'll spew you out spit I spit you out they SP because sound a little different than spit spit you out of his mouth he hate lukewarm people who can't stand for righteousness amen okay I have one more thing to read one more and we're going to go to the great controversy it says the books of record are open in the Judgment the lives of all who who have been or believed in Jesus come in review before God the Father it's taken from facing life judgment page 249 beginning with those who lived upon the Earth our Advocate presents the cases of each successive generation and closes with the living every name is mentioned every CL case is closely investigated names are accepted names rejected when any have sins remaining on the books of record unrepented and Unforgiven their names will be blotted out of the book of life so I urge you today Brethren have communication with God otherwise they will just be coming to church like the Catholics and them come to church drink the little wine gu TR little water on them go back home and come to the next next service again we have a job to do and now there is no excuse in know could have internet service it have internet now we have a phone and instead of we chitchat things that only could show how good you are lift up Jesus good to see my two my two friends the two Davids back in church today after after a nice long vacation thank God to have you guys back unrepented Unforgiven their names would be blocked out the Book of Life the record of their Good Deeds that's all the good things are you doing giving clothes food going and some people go as far to go and bath the sick who cannot do nothing you know people do all them things in this church church here when we here on Sabbath sitting and enjoying Church some of the members here take their time and go with those folks who cannot walk out go and spend time with them spend sabbaths with them all these good those are good things but all them good deeds would be erased from the God's book of remembrance the Lord declared to Moses whosoever had sin against me him will I blot out of my book Exodus 32 and verse 33 and he says to the prophet Ezekiel when the righteous turn it away from his righteousness and commit iniquity all his righteousness that he had done shall not be mentioned see God was straight from the beginning you know with the Israelites he say if you do this I'll do that and if you choose not to do I tell you then this is going to happen to you so God didn't leave nothing for you to guess no guess who with God here on Earth somebody is going to you know and we see that in construction a lot of time some unfair people we work with there are some brethren could tell you that some of the finance people ow them now if they get it do better and they do it with with a smile on the face but there is a Time everybody would have to answer we we a liveing here and T Stone all of us have a time when we would have to stand before the father and if there is no intercessor oh thank God for Jesus because Jesus is your intercessor we don't we don't have to frighten as God people when we come before the father and if you get before the father that mean means you've been doing something right sinners in getting CAU up in the first resurrection they got to stay here wherever it is for 1,000 years while I enjoy my time in heaven you think I will let no child No Woman No Man by God's grace will stop Winston from getting get in there yes all who have truly repented of sin and by faith claim the blood of Jesus as their atoning sacrifice have had pardon entered against their name in the book of Heaven as they become partakers of the righteousness of Christ and their characters are found to be in harmony with the law of God their sins will be blotted out and they themselves would be accounted worthy of eternal life just as in the sanctuary back in the church days once a year they had this this service where the high priest had to go in but he had to be prepared to go and stand before a holy God and it was said that if he wasn't prepared you coming out Al life they had to tie him with a rope to pull him out had to be prepared Jesus is doing that same work in heaven today same word because we are unable to be constantly good people can't stay on the straight and narrow look you remember remember Lord when you walk away from a certain life you know I have a friend I'm praying for I'm going to tell you the person name and I'm praying that person come back into church very nice person and if you know some people that you know you have some people on the job that's very kind to you or some of your neighbors wouldn't let you pass without they acknowledge hey how you doing nice people need to pray for them need to have a conversation with them because you don't have to save a million people you know but those who God bring in your presence those are the people you have to tell the truth amen that's it sometimes it's I've been trying in my home oh and sometime in your home you know you have to use same Cal same restraint and sometimes you try and sometime you just had to walk outside and say let me take a break and go outside and come back you know because sometime it's frustrating but you can't stop praying for that got to keep praying I got two grown sons Jason and Clifford I sometime tell my friend blacks I said take one man and leave one with me man I I can't take them two guys alone you know but you usually the girls listen more that's just with me usually the girls listen more and they get to the god business at a more serious time I pray for my sons on in Trinidad I haven't seen him for a while but I I keep praying for him keep asking God to save him I have seven grandchildren one great grandon so my family tree is growing just wish that it could be a little more Godly now that's my family I talk about remember I ain't call nobody family so when I finish here you can't say man waren felt nothing and nobody I just talk about my family I talk about the word of God and I want people to be saved based on God word you know some people comes up here and and and they start to spell bong people and because they have some little di the name they they like the privilege to do it let me close with this Jesus said Matthew 5:44 but I say unto you to love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you I pray that the few things that I said to you today would be in a sense that you remember that we are in a judgment hour let us be careful if death would come tomorrow you have made your calling an election sure if this is the day you got to make a decision to walk right with God do it today Saints we would bring closure to today's Divine worship by singing the closing hymn 218 we want to thank elder man Warren for highlighting the secrets of the kingdom and I hope given all the different illustrations that he used the stories that he used that you are inspecting your person and determining Where You Are in your mission to accept God's salvation and enjoy eternal life because the decision is now and we know that he's coming very soon so let us stand together and with lustful voice and bondless energy sing hym 218 when he cometh he come when he come to make up is true all is true precious TRS his love and his all like the S of the morning his bright Andor he shine in with beauty Bri for his CR he will GA he will ga for his kingom all of you all the bright his love and his by the St of the morning his bright grounding is shining with beauty right for little children little children who love their deeper are the Jew precious Jew his love and is of the morning is Bri round and morning shining with beauty right let us pray Heavenly Father we thank you for this opportunity to worship you in your Sanctuary today we pray Lord that this Holy Spirit has filled our hearts and that we have receptive Hearts so that we are able to employ the directives that your messenger delivered today am words that are meant to encourage our growth in our Christian walk words that are meant to help us prepare for the coming of of Our Savior Jesus Christ so Lord even as we leave this sanctuary we ask you to continue to be with us so that every aspect of our form and our being would flow and emanate an essence of you in our lives so father bless us and bless the rest of the Sabbath day and help us to continue to worship you in our words our actions our Deeds our thoughts and our intentions in Jesus's name I pray Amen Let Us sit for meditation God is watching all you good his meres go before you good we be praying for you so good God bless you amen so today our services continue as we adjourn upstairs for lunch and our Sabbath sets today at the Sabbath sets today at uh the sun sets today excuse me at 7:06 p.m. today the services continue where we come back down here at 4:00 4 pm this evening for our lesson preview then there will be ay at 5: p.m. and bible class at 6:00 p.m. and then we'll have Vespers at 7 I pray that the words that we have heard today and all that have been said and done here would draw you closer to God have a wonderful Sabbath God bless you and we'll see each other as the day goes by

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