Category: People & Blogs
[音楽] あh [音楽] Read more
Category: Entertainment
[संगीत] यह आदमी एक पेशेवर चोर है सबसे पहले वह एक न्यूज़पेपर चोरी करता है फिर रास्ते में उसे एक बूढ़ा मिलता है जिससे वह बस हाय बोलकर निकल जाता है फिर यह चोर एक शॉपिंग मॉल के अंदर जाता है मॉल में घुसते ही वह बड़े मजे से अलग-अलग चीजों को छुपाकर दूसरे कस्टमर्स के बैग में डालने लगता है जैसे ही कस्टमर्स बाहर निकलते हैं मॉल का अलार्म बचने लगता है सिक्योरिटी गार्ड्स हर कस्टमर को रोकने लगते हैं और हर बार लगता है कि मॉल का अलार्म खराब है... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Hello there taylor with the arm again report sir the big news tropical storm ernesto now no longer hurricane but they're still torrential rains and flooded anticipated as an ester skirts the coaster medicare near kill to zack caucasian border i don't know these names but if we go over here and we click... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Hello there h with the armagen report so clearly the big news for the north american continent is hurricane anesto anesto after having been predicted to become a hurricane for quite some time has now finally been declared a hurricane by apparently the air force hurrican hunters so yes anesta there are... Read more
Category: Sports
Trung vệ world class er militar hướng dẫn cách để vô đối trong các tình huống m v1 trong phòng ngự 1 v1 thì các hậu vệ thường có ưu tế hương tiền đạo khá nhiều ưu thế đó là việc hậu vệ luôn đặt đối thủ trong tầm mắt và nhiệm vụ của hậu vệ chỉ là ngăn chặn những pha đi bóng hoặc dứt điểm của đối phương... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[musik] hallo michael willst du ich könnte mich jetzt hören ist der ton jetzt da [musik] ich hoffe dass sie mich jetzt hören könnt hallo zusammen jetzt läuft's tut mir leid ich habe schwierigkeiten keine ahnung irgendwas war es mit dem ton ich habe leider das programm neu starten müssen herzlich willkommen... Read more
Category: Entertainment
So a really simple trick that everyone can do with this is when you're creating a blur top take advantage of the other parameter that we have here which is the pre-shrink so for example instead of turning the filter size all the way to 81 and having pre-shrink at one i can actually achieve a very similar... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Here's how you can resize your model and avoid texture stretching in blender in edit mode hover your mouse over options menu on the top right and click on correct face attributes checkbox now you can move faces edges or vertices of the object without worrying about texture distortions follow me for... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Gareth's films hey everyone welcome back to visual effects artist react today we have an incredibly special episode you probably saw you know rogue one godzilla his breakout film monsters oh and the creator which is nominated for an academy award in visual effects which is sweet cuz we love v effects... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Welcome to vfx artists react guys this is a really cool episode welcome back to another one of vfx artist react we are here with none other than gareth edwards gareth is one of the few hollywood directors who actually got their start doing visual effects getting into the nitty-gritty of how movies actually... Read more
Category: Entertainment
It's why i think you know bobby like picked me out of the bunch to run with him it's because you know i keep track of every penny i take it very seriously i think there's a moral um commitment you make when you both give money and take money and i'm very strict about that um immigrants tend to be really... Read more
Category: Comedy
One year [music] later one year later Read more