Category: Entertainment
Mark and esta since yeah the i don't know that seem it seems deliberate at this point yeah that applause is for you [music] guys hello everybody and welcome to den of geek studio at san diego comic-con we are here with the lovely and quite frankly gregarious folks behind uh amc's mayfair witches um... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] what's up everyone welcome back to the collider interview studio at san diego comic-con 2024 i'm lucky enough to be standing with the cast of may fair witches huge congratulations on season two thank you so much feeling good celebratory time cat in can all right my first big question for my... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[música] and rise fue una de las escritoras más destacadas de ficción sobrenatural y actuar además de 30 novelas uno de sus trabajos más conocidos fue su debut entrevista con el vampiro publicada en 1976 y adaptada en 1994 a una película protagonizada por tom cruise brad pitt y christian dance su trabajo... Read more
Category: Comedy
Please welcome sasheer zamata. [applause] n/a n/a n/a sasheer. - jordan. oh my gosh. - oh my gosh. - oh my gosh. oh my gosh. i see this-- is it witch season already? it's been witch season. it's spooky time. it is. it comes earlier every year. is that because of, like, dark magic? - money. - it's money.... Read more
Category: Entertainment
All women have some kind of you know witchiness witches are healers and they're in touch with nature and i think it's really powerful when you get a bunch of women together historically you know they don't like when women gather you know because it becomes very powerful that's how cuins are formed Read more
Category: Entertainment
Pranks and playing around - i don't like any technology. i especially don't like robots that you talk to. i don't wanna talk to my house. i don't wanna talk to my car and telling them to do things, them telling me to do things. i have enough problems as it is. (cheerful music) - [interviewer] aubrey,... Read more
Category: Gaming
[laughter] [laughter] [music] [music] [laughter] [music] [music] [laughter] [laughter] [laughter] [music] [music] [laughter] [music] [music] [laughter] [laughter] [laughter] [music] [music] [laughter] [music] [music] [laughter] [laughter] [laughter] [music] [music] [laughter] [music] [music] [laughter]... Read more
Category: Gaming
Vocês acharam que não ia ter mais react depois do vídeo de ontem acharam errado toma aí react do crimson desert videozinho da ejn aqui vamos dar uma olhada em como tá ficando o crimson desert eu particularmente estou muito ansioso para ver o crimson desert apesar de eu ser um jogador degenerado dos... Read more
Category: Entertainment
This is we renegade wites blog hit is up when you want some real [ __ ] work done of course go to the we renegade website and the direct link and also it's in the description area of course is wayward renegade witches and of course lessons have already ended but however you already know that... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hello everyone i'm glad you're here with me today i'm just kind of enjoying myself today uh kind of cruising around and uh the holy spirit came up on me i every time i'm uh in a vehicle it seems like cu the solitude i think the quietness holy spirit starts speaking um so you know uh everything that's... Read more
Category: Entertainment
J'allais mourir clairement parce que je m'étouffais en fait quoi bordel je vois une ombre se dirige vers moi et le pire c'est que je sens une pression sur mon torse j'arrive plus à respirer et mon torse il augmente comme dans le film et l'exorcisme en fait j'ai commencé à flotter dans ma tête quoi je... Read more