Predator vs Black Panther #1 Brings the Ultimate Hunter to Wakanda

you can't see me you Stevie wondering how I reach more Evolutions than e and make it look easy what is up Earth SMY and subscribers it's Ernie the blur without fear welcome back to the channel also if you're new here make sure that you click subscribe and tap that notification Bell so that way you don't miss out on any future videos and it also really helps me out if you hit that like button especially if you enjoy the video if you enjoy the video there's no no reason not to anyway today's video we're going to be talking about editor versus Black Panther number one written by Benjamin Percy with art provided by Chris Allen with Shawn Daman Hill on the assist with pencils with inks by Craig young and more art provided by Lee Ferguson as well as Eric Rena on colors and letters by Travis Lam this book is something that when Marvel gained access to the rights to things like alien and Predator those respective franchises and this is all stuff that actually had more to do with the Disney Fox deal than it did anything else there are a lot of people who are really excited for the idea of aliens you know Xenomorphs and predators going toe-to-toe with some of Marvel's you greatest superheroes and I was one of those people who probably could not have cared less and this is coming from a guy who was a huge fan of both of those franchise is just I don't know the idea of Marvel Superheroes I want to be more specific here not even just superheroes cuz I admit I had a soft spot in my heart back in the day for the old Predator versus Batman comic or Batman versus Predator I forget who had top billing back then but point of the matter was I love that comic and it was because it was a hero Batman a guy who is not super in any way other than the fact that he's rich and has prep time and this was at a time when Batman wasn't even the Batman we know him as today so yeah the idea of him going against Predator I was like yes this works but when you start when people start talking about I want to see the X-Men versus Predator okay calm down calm down let's we we've already seen that and it's called the X-Men versus The Brood we we we've seen a better version of this so when Marvel did Predator versus Wolverine I didn't care I mean was the comic good yes it was good but was I like absolutely positively excited for it no not at all it was just a thing that I read and this is coming from a guy who was a huge fan of Benjamin Percy like it wasn't anything against him it was just the fact that this is Wolverine versus Predator Wolverine has a healing Factor he is largely unkillable for the most part even when he is killed he comes back I mean yeah I feel like if you would have framed the story in such a way where the Predator was running from Wolverine I'd been like okay cool now we're in this is something that's more on brand on message with what I wanted from the series when it was first announced when it was announced that tala himself the Black Panther the king of wakanda was going to be taking on the Predator I was a lot more interested matter of fact I was more interested here than with any other crossover probably short of Ultram man and the Avengers that has been announced thus far and it's because see my earlier statements about Batman versus Predator now don't get me wrong tchala has powers sort of he is at ique human physicality he is above and beyond Batman in terms of physical prowess and that's just a fact it's not an opinion is a whole ass fact he is he's up there the heart-shaped herb basically makes him virtually super human all of his physical attributes are increased to Peak human status and even his strength while technically it is considered Peak human he can perform Feats that are considered superhuman in a lot of respects so yeah this is technically A Step Above Batman's pay grade in terms of just overall physical capability but that said it's also something that's a little bit closer to home because I think a lot of people when they think about Wolverine with his little adamantium you butter knives and they think oh yeah because the Predator has his two little gauntlets this makes them similar suddenly these two become the same picture somehow but I feel like Black Panther and Predator have a lot more Inon common in terms of just overall skill set and ability than what Wolverine and the Predator are and it's because they use very similar technology something that actually comes up in this issue the fact that the very Dome that makes wakanda invisible to the rest of the world and also protects them from outside threats is very similar to the same technology the same cloaking technology that the Predators use for their ships and even for their own bodies you to make themselves Invisible by bending light around themselves also the fact that the way that black panther stalks his enemies is very similar to how the Predator stalks its own prey using camouflage and other stealth tactics in order to get the upper hand and then strike when the moment is right these are all things that well yes Wolverine is capable of these things but these things are better associated with tala as the Black Panther than I would ever give Wolverine C credit for and not only that black panther knows how to think with more of the same type of cunning as what a predator would so yes the idea of Predator versus Black Panther makes way more sense and is way more interesting to me than anything that Marvel has done thus far with The Predator crossing over with any of the other franchises up to this point which granted we've only done the one and we know we also have aliens and Avengers going against each other soon too too but even that I'm just kind of like eh don't care and that's what Jonathan Hickman on board so that ought to tell you a lot about how I feel about crossovers that don't make any sense but anyways to get back to it what also makes this you know crossover more interesting to me is the fact that this is not just tala going against one Predator there's actually multiple Predators featured in the story well technically there are two technically three specific predators in the Predator versus Wolverine story AR for the most part it was really just Wolverine going against one Predator at any one given time but in this particular sense there this is an actual Hunting Party of predators up to this point and kind of where all this comes into play and what I think makes this unique is that these aren't just Predators who are coming to Earth just to Simply hunt to try and you know take the biggest trophies get the biggest game no these predators are actually here for a very specific reason they have come to take the vibranium they have come specifically to wakanda to seek out vibranium and use it to craft weapons and armor to make them superior to the other Predators now what I think makes this very interesting as well is it's not just so simple as that this is a story about two brothers who are at war with one another two yaa Brothers mind you who are fighting for their father's favor and one of the brothers already has that favor he is the favored son and the King has already chosen him as his Heir Apparent but the problem is is that the King has a weapon one that he refers to as God medal and that God medal is vibranium he has a vibranium spear that makes him formidable to any other Predator every other Predator very likely covets that very same weapon and he's going to pass it along to his favorite son meanwhile his other son the one who is not liked very much one who is smaller and weaker by comparison and is even handicapped in the sense that he has only but one leg and has to rely on a cybernetic enhancement in order to walk around as any other Predator would however this Predator while he's not as strong as his brother he doesn't have the favor of his father he wants to be recognized he wants to be acknowledged and he's going to do whatever it takes to get it and as he sees that his father has this vibranium spear that makes him the most formidable Predator among their Clan he wants something similar and if he's going to get the job done he's going to need vibranium which is why he goes to Earth in the first place now there is a kind of a thing about the uh the clan war and you know a fight between you know this Brothers Hunting Party versus the other brothers Hunting Party and the truth of the matter is I'm not really here to talk about that because it's not something that is even delved into very much the real story is the fact that this younger brother is going to wakanda because his desire to take this vibranium and use it to craft new Predator weapons new Predator armors and helmets and of course using it to bolster his own body to turn himself into the ultimate yaa the whole thing here is that he's willing to take on the entirety of wakanda to get it now he's not doing it by himself he does have other Predators with him he is not alone in this but just the idea that he's putting himself up against the Batman of Marvel's Universe shows this guy doesn't care and he's willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done and he's also going to go as far as to cutting off tala from all of his viable resources and allies the fact that the one of the components of the story is at Black Panther and mind you this is not black panther as we know him in the Marvel Comics universe I want to make sure I put that out there I probably should have said that earlier but he is still king of wakanda you probably heard me say it earlier and you wonder like wait a minute blur wait a minute this is Black Panther he's king of wakanda I thought he was you kicked off of the throne and wakanda's turned into a democracy and all this other no no no this is not main continuity to to Chala this is this is all like an else worlds type of deal this is this has nothing to do with main Marvel proper and which is why I think they're going to be able to play with some of the aspects and elements of this in ways that you probably won't expect like case in point the hatut zazzi are still around and as we know the hatut zazzi they were disbanded after the fall out of their [ __ ] and John Ridley's run of black panther so yeah this is not that black panther if that's what you're thinking no this is a talo who is still the king wakanda and one who is in a similar position as what talo was in the first Black Panther movie one where they have not yet opened themselves up to working with rest of the world they are still an isolationist nation and right now tchala has zero interest in Sharing vibranium or any of waka's other resources with the rest of the world and yeah I feel like this is going to be that story is going to kind of open all of that up you I think that's kind of one of the by products that's going to come out of this but in this shuri and tala have this back and forth about sharing resources and that's how he gets cut off from her they're already kind of at odds with each other in this book even though it's not like you know anger it's more of a hey I want you to do this I don't want to do that okay well I'm going to go do it you know my damn self it's kind of that whole vibe but what's going on here is that shuri is left Waka and she's going to go share those resources and this is what puts tala in that actionable position where he is not able to have everyone by his side yes he still has Ador malaj but the other predators are going to be working on trying to take them down meanwhile this main Predator is coming after tala himself I mean honestly this is every everything that I would want like I mean this is it is done in a way that's intelligent because that's one of those things I talked about and this is why I'm not excited for the aliens versus Avengers uh comic for things like this to work and I think this is something people just don't understand about horror movies I watch a copious amount of horror movies I'm a huge horror movie fan if there were any like other things in the world that I would have a YouTube channel about that was not Comics it would be about horror movies I literally I watch probably somewhere in the neighborhood two or three horror movies a day sometimes even at night to go to sleep because they help calm my nerves I know I know it's a problem that said one of the core tenants of a horror movie is that sometimes your main characters well it's good for them to be smart they can't be too smart sometimes they have to be a little dumb and in order for The Avengers to find the Xenomorphs in any way threatening whatsoever a lot of dumb [ __ ] has to happen and I mean Prometheus levels of stupid and I think a lot of people aren't going to be ready to see The Avengers make dumb choices to you know further a story of that magnitude now if anyone could write this intelligently it would be Jonathan Hickman but I I think even then there's going to have to be some dumb [ __ ] that's going to happen and that's kind of what I like about how Benjamin Percy does this he doesn't make tala dumb he doesn't you know make him stupid in order for all these things to occur the way they are things are just happening as they should normally and especially if you think back to tala's you earlier mindset like long before before he was ever a popular character it would all make a lot more sense but that said I really enjoy this comic I think it's great and I I feel like yes if you have any interest whatsoever in you whether it's black panther whether it's predator or both I think you can find a lot to love here I think you can find a whole lot to Love in This comic but anyways we're getting really close to 100,000 subscribers so man if you could hook a brother up and hit that subscribe button if you've not done so already if you've been watching my content for a long time cuz I know that actually happens a lot you know sometimes you I I'm guilty of it too I'm guilty of it as well sometimes you watch a channel and sometimes you're just enjoying yourself so much that you you forget to hit that little button you forget to hit the sub button you forget to hit the like button I would really appreciate it if you click that subscribe button and tap that notification Bell cuz like I said it really helps out with the channel and yeah all that good stuff that's all I got anyway I'm out peace

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