A French Horror Story|The Shocking Crimes of Michel Fourniret & Monique Olivier |Dreambed Tv

Michelle forner and Monica olier are names that strike fear into the hearts of many in France dubbed the ogre of the Arden and his accomplice their gruesome crimes shocked the world and left a trail of Devastation that still haunts fames today hello viewers in this video we delve into the chilling true story of this sadistic couple exploring the Twisted relationship that fueled their monst acts the victims who suffered at their hands and the Relentless pursuit of justice that finally brought them down this is a tale of horror manipulation and pure evil one that France will never forget nobody ever wants to be praying for their own Survival but for a 13-year-old girl this horrifying situation was her everyday existence a young girl helped the Stranger by getting into a white van and showing him the away when he stopped to ask directions to Monto lasol in June 2003 the girl claimed that the man's behavior changed as she got into the van his eyes glazed over and he smiled but it was an ugly smile after tying rope around her hands an ankle he asked her if she was a virgin threatening to take it away from her if she said yes at the next set of Lights the young girl who was tied up in the back of the van was able to escape by chewing chewing her way free from the ropes and running for her life the young girl managed to flag down a car that stopped to help they then drove in the same direction as the van hoping to pass it and they did the driver noted the license plate number and immediately made a stop at the closest police station to report the incident who is Michelle forner the 62-year-old French forest ranger Michelle forner lived with his wife Monica Olivia and their young son inart Castine a remote community of about 150 people when forer and Olivier first met in February 1987 forer was imprisoned at Flor mirage's prison in France and Olivier was 38 he had put an advertisement in the Catholic Journal LEP helin while he was imprisoned over the course of the following 10 months the two corresponded over 200 times and for eventually asked Olivier to marry him Olivier accepted but this wasn't your typical fairy tale romance throughout those 10 months Olivier had been in communication with forner and he was aware of the reason he was there in the first place the rape and sexual assault of multiple young girls in fact forer kept a notebook in which he detailed his victims and the abuses he inflicted the pair's dark and immoral chats were detailed in their letters which also exposed for's disturbing obsession with virginity for says that when he was 12 years old he had a vision of the Virgin Mary ever since he has been fascinated by the concept of virgins for described his victims as membranes on legs and said in the letters that he wanted to pierce a membrane with his penis which he called his rainbow the letters contained a horrific sexual agreement between her and Olivier According to which she would find him a virgin and he would kill her violent ex-husband a promise he never kept Michelle forer was freed from prison in October 1987 after analyzing the license plate number the police determined that Michelle forer was the owner of the car on June 27th 2003 they started investigating Foreigner rat's house with a variety of diggers and ground penetrating radar Michelle forer was freed from prison in October 1986 7 the cops discovered kid-sized clothing ski masks handcuffs condoms gags and inhaler masks inside the residence when Olivier was questioned by the police over their finds she denied knowing about the objects and gave the impression that she was a quiet obedient woman who never glanced anywhere but at her shoes when fornier became imprisoned he refused to talk to the police or assist them in any any kind so they turned to Olivier at first they assumed she was the weak link the wife of an evil husband who was presumably under the thumb the authorities were in a desperate attempt to uncover any information linking foreign array to the Abduction of other young girls because they thought that if they failed to come up with anything his yearlong confinement would soon come to an end they endured insufferably long interviews with amik Olivier who would only nod and shake her head was she protecting forigner although they couldn't be sure Olivier ultimately started to open up after countless interviews and a lot of pressure within 30 minutes although she had reported six killings to the authorities the whole scope of her and forner rett's relationship was far more Sinister than anyone could have ever anticipated it was that vile woman who brought children into this world but had no respect for other people's children m forign arrests and Monica Olivia's victims Isabelle laville 2 months after being let out of jail on December 11th 1987 forner saww his first victim 17-year-old Isabelle Lavo and the two of them came up with their ingenious plan after they had been driving around in the van forner got out to let Olivier approach Isabelle as she was walking home from school offering her a ride and forner who who appeared to be a hitchhiker was passed by them as they drove why considering that they were aware Isabel would feel safer with Olivier and would be hesitant to board the vehicle in the presence of forigner however Olivier then forced Isabelle to take a sedative Rohypnol and they drove back to their house in order to help foray carry out his violent plan Olivier performed a sexual act on him for had intended to rape Isabelle but was having trouble becoming aroused after strangling Isabelle forer dumped her body in a deserted well near busy an O Isabelle's remains were discovered more than 18 years later on the 11th of July 2006 second victim Fabby and ly for and Olivier went to a shop in chalon Sur Mars on August 3rd 1988 and there they met Fabi and ly a 20-year-old who was acting unwell Olivier and for asked her to help them find the nearest doctor's surgery after getting into the van with the couple Fabby n was taken to a remote Woodland in mermon Legrand where for sexually assaulted her before shooting her in the chest with a shotgun her body was found the next day on the 4th of August 1988 third victim Jean Marie after seeing Jean Marie on the train to charville mazers when she was residing at a Convent for invited her to her and Olivia's House nothing happened when Gan maray came to their house the first time but on the second visit Gan maray would be murdered that night forner started questioning Gan maray about her sexual past and whether or not she was a virgin Gan maray made an obvious move to leave the house after being asked this line of questioning after attacking Gan Marie forer and Olivier tied her and held her down with adhesive bandages before strangling and suffocating her further in July 2004 at another property the couple owned a Chateau in danty a garbage bag with a protruding bone was discovered leading to the discovery of Jean Marie's remains Elizabeth was 12 years old when she became the next victim of for and Olivier she was walking to a friend's house when forer saw her they follow followed her parked outside the house and waited for Elizabeth to come out for 3 hours by now former and Olivier were living with their little son who was born on September 9th 1988 9 months after Isabelle LEL was killed forette and Olivier got Elizabeth inside their van by saying that their baby was sick and asking if she could assist them in finding a doctor they spent 3 hours in their car with their little child Elizabeth was strapped to a bed in one of the bedrooms when the couple drove her back to their house however forer noticed that she was bleeding and requested Olivier to step in when he tried to attack her Olivier cleaned the girl's private parts the next day for took the young girl to their chatau and attempted to assault her again before he strangled her to death in July 2004 Elizabeth's body was discovered buried 3 M below the surface still clothed in the purple raincoat she had on the day she was kidnapped at that time the police question how Foreigner and Olivier could afford the chatau which was situated on 15 hectares of property the response came from jeanpierre helar a bank robber who was a member of the wigs a group of bank robbers who shared a cell with forer before his release in October 1987 despite the fact that his employment at the time was basically forestry worker in order to find an extensive stash that was buried in SE Woodland helor Enlisted the aid of his wife freed to Hamish but doubting her ability to complete the task she called on forer and Olivier who had grown close to Freda for assistance upon discovering the hidden treasure the trio retrieved many kilograms of gold including coins booleans and Bank notes although it's unclear exactly what transpired afterward aside from the discovery that Freda was a victim of murder and died from a stab wound in the trunk of the vehicle they used to travel to the location of the hidden treasure Olivier and for both accused the other of being involved in the murder taking the horde forer paid 1.2 million in cash for his chatau forner and Olivier were able to live off the rest of the money for the next 15 years farida's body has never been found in 1990 Joanna Parish an English teacher and student from new hamont sever blusterer was working at a school in the burgundy region of France and placed an advert in a local newspaper offering private English lessons after receiving a reply to her advert Joanna met up with a man in a well-known Square in azer who was looking for an English tutor for his son the man was for for offered to drive her home but as she entered his van forer attacked her Joanna was beaten raped and then strangled to death all while Olivier sat in the front seat of the van forer then dumped her body in the river yon Natasha Don Natasha was a 13-year-old girl who was lured into the couple's van as they asked her for directions in November of 1990 as she walked through a car park in L clerk out said they drove Natasha to a remote area near the coast where forigner stabbed Natasha in the chest with a screwdriver before strangling her and leaving her body on the beach a postmortem examination concluded that Natasha was raped after she was murdered Seline Sean on the 17th of May 2000 a police officer reported his niece Seline sagin missing and insisted that Seline was not a runaway and on the 22nd of July 2000 seon's skeletal remains were discovered by a group of mushroom Pickers for Lord 18-year-old Seline Sean into his van as she walked home from school on the 16th of May 2000 he drove her to S kusten gidon Belgium where for and Olivier had moved to in the early '90s forer raped Seline then strangled her to death and dumped her body in a forest in suney Mana thumb pong man disappeared on May 5th 2001 as she left a library in sedan as her mother and stepfather went for groceries when man didn't return home that evening her mother knew something was wrong and RAM the streets with a picture of her daughter asking if anyone had seen her in March of 2002 a hiker found a skull and discarded items of clothing in Wood Lindon Belgium these were the remains of manana for had spotted Mania several weeks prior and approached her one evening with the offer of going with him to play with his little son forer confessed to her murder but denied raping her however Olivia stated the police on July 1st 2004 that her husband had succeeded in penetrating a virgin even deflowering her before ejaculating unknown victims Moni Olivier whilst being questioned also told police that forner killed a 16-year-old girl whom the couple had hired as an opair at their home Olivier claims she saw for enter the girl's bedroom to which she then heard screaming and crying and claimed that afterward she never saw the Girl Again Olivier also told police that she was the one who wrote the advert advertising for an opair it is alleged that for killed the young girl in 1993 but this has never been confirmed nor has the identity of the girl in question the trial foreignay and the monster the police undoubtedly wanted the maximum penalty for both forner and Olivier but they knew it would be harder to get this sentence for Olivier as she was only implemented in one of the murders the trial started in 2008 and became a media circus due to the circumstances surrounding the case although foreign aray was already a convicted rapist all eyes were on Olivier how could she a mother a woman help her husband to rape and murder several young girls over the course of 10 years Olivier was known to play the controlled wife scared of her violent husband who was forced to carry out his evil plans as she feared he would do the same to her as he did to his many victims the police always maintained that she came across as a Meek unintelligent listless housewife but not everyone was convinced in 2005 psychological experts conducted tests on Olivier to determine her intelligence one test consisted of creating shapes out of white and red blocks to which Olivia scored 36 out of 40 the French average at the time was 11 a further test known as the codes where she would memorize symbols and match them to a sequence of letters Olivier scored 76 the French average at the time was 17 Moni Olivia's IQ was 131 putting her in the top to point 2% of the French population Olivier was no longer seen as the dim controlled Housewife of a monster but instead one half of the devil some even believed it was Olivier who was The Mastermind behind the crimes Michelle forner at the time of the trial instantly became in sufferable he refused to answer any questions and even made a sign no closed session closed mouth he refused to be photographed and even requested for the female jurors to determine whether they were virgins at the time of their marriages this request of course was denied on April 30th 2008 the trial delved into the sex life of forigner and Olivier for suffered from impotence and would usually need to be aroused by Olivier before he carried out his sexual attacks and Olivier also confessed that she and for would replay these scenarios in their sex lives with Olivier asking for Foreigner to rape her just as he made his victims beg him it was also revealed that Olivier was the one who had physically verified whether or not the victims were still virgins when the women in the audience find out what I went through they'll understand me Monica Olivier during her Tri at the trial during Olivia's defense the fames left photographs of the victims along with the single white rose and they left the courtroom the fam stated that they had no desire to hear anything that would try and lessen or explain Olivia's involvement in the crimes committed against their daughters the defense largely leaned on the fact that Olivia deserved a lesser sentence than forer as she was only an accomplice and that the sole reasoning about her being a mother was unfair as forer was also a father but he didn't seem to be receiving quite as much hatred at Olivier Michelle forner was sentenced to life in prison without the chance for parole monik Olivier was sentenced to 28 years in prison with no parole the last victim Estelle muen Estelle musen disappeared on November 9th 2003 as she walked home from school the police learned that a man had already approached one of her classmates and offered a lift home as her bag looked heavy but the young girl declined stating she was already close to her house they were able to get a composite sketch of the man in question along with the description of the vehicle he was driving a white van the first person to be suspected was forer who was arrested in June 2003 in belum but he had an alibi on the night in question he had been on the phone with his son as it was his birthday and the phone records verified this phone call however Olivier would state that it was she who made the call for forigner Olivier also stated that she took care of Estelle when forigner brought her back to their house and would even take her to the bathroom Estelle mu's body has never been found she was 9 years old nishelle forner riddled with Alzheimer's and heart problems died in prison at the age of of 79 Monique Olivier will be eligible to apply for conditional release in 2032 she will be 82 years old friends this was the horrifying crimes of Michelle forner and Monica Olivier viewers what you can say about this case please tell me in the comment box thank you for watching if you found this story compelling don't forget to like subscribe and explore our other true crime videos we dive deep into the most shocking and terrifying cases from around the world until next time stay safe

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