Category: People & Blogs
Hollywood star and former wwe legend dave bautista has left fans in shock after his recent red carpet appearance at the last showgirl premiere during the toronto international film festival bautista 55 has slimmed down significantly from his days as a heavyweight champion and fans quickly took notice... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Alec baldwin y gina davis quienes interpretaron a los icónicos fantasmas adam y bárbara maitland en la película original de 1988 no estarán en la esperada secuela de beatle juice tim borton el legendario director detrás de esta saga oscura y cómica ha revelado finalmente por qué estos queridos personajes... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[musica] io ho le correzioni quindi leggo le correzioni sì sì le correzione ce la fai mi spiace per nella porta bassa nella parte bassa della schiena ok poverino è stato colpito nella parte bassa della schiena l'urto deve essere stato violentissimo sì e visto le tracce delle gomme credo che fosse parcheggiata... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Okay let's see if we can get through one of these skits sketches baby please okay ready c maybe maybe [ __ ] you want me to break uh okay do we go again act on theire my name is laen michaels i'm the producer and creator of saturday night we're excited because there's never been a television show like... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Stevie nicks the iconic voice behind fleetwood max's timeless hits and a solo career that spanned decades has always been shrouded in an aura of mystery and glamour but behind the glitz and the glam there's a story of hardship and heartbreak that few have fully grasped this video explores the darker... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Robert redford's early years were marked by hidden tragedies and intense personal challenges losing his mother to septicemia just after high school redford's family faced difficulties in processing grief a legacy of silence stemming from earlier losses his struggles with bullying and risky behavior... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
La somos lo que [música] [música] somos no pues pronunci quién es be chose eres producto de mi imaginación y esto es producto de tu imaginación and don't forget share and friends and of subscribe Read more
Category: News & Politics
Ladies and gentlemen today we delve into the life and legacy of an actress whose career has spanned over six decades and who has become as renowned for her humanitarian work as for her roles on screen mia phoh a name synonymous with grace talent and resilience has left an indelible mark on both hollywood... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
You know i could have handled that you were dating him pisses me off that you lied to me like dad lied that sucked people on the internet that are picking you apart are disgusting it's cuz you're a woman and it's cuz you're older than him they hate you for it so that's just hypocritical and unfair and... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Government is is more than just a bunch of people with policies what government actually is is it's a transactional body that's all it is it's policies tell us like how we spend that money but the reality is is it's it is a transactional vehicle and one of the best things to increase productivity accountability... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Esta temporada de el lado oscuro es una idea original de danny mcfly producida en colaboración con podimo la principal plataforma de podcast y audiolibros en español hoy te cuento la historia de gerard de par probablemente uno de los actores franceses más conocidos con una larga carrera a sus espaldas... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Could you just not breathe what did you do h ex good evening ev on please no ice dr manville yes ernest manville yes hi i'm vivian adams have we met long ago i never had a chance to thank you for the spectacular job you did with my aunt esther oh well thank you very much her color her tone you even... Read more