Carry The G Radio The Podcast: First look at the squad

what's going on Packers fans Aaron negler here joined by Billy Schmidt of 97.3 The Game the Packers radio network with kri the G radio the podcast Billy how are you today man I'm better after that intro son of a gun I mean that is as that is as crisp as it possibly could be and we are within the problem is that's as good as it's ever GNA get it's all downhill for with that attitude no we are we are almost a 100 days away from the Packers kicking off so I'm getting close we're getting there we are SL through the offseason phase three is upon us sir which means organized team activities have commenced they started Monday Tuesday today was our first kind of look the media being the Royal Wii there at what's going on at Ray nitki field who's doing what who's in attendance who's uh hurt who's not and believe it or not coming off and off season you always know there's one or two surprise injuries that jump up and go hey how yall doing and apparently you know last year was the year of the hamstring early on in the Packers season this off season so far it is the year of the pectoral muscle where we already knew Matt laflor was dealing with a tornek but now it turns out Robert Craft and Zack Tom both dealing with torn pecs although Matt did indicate that there's no long-term concern they'll be ready for Camp we've heard this song in dance before Billy I'm gonna tell you I'm not going to be like 100% okay yes it's fine until I do see them out at camp yeah and that's the right way to approach it that also it just sounds like the most painful injury the worst to think of right like I mean doing the show with [ __ ] he talks about when he tore his bicep and that's one that I just think of like that's every day just grasping something you're feeling that the peck is just like living and breathing so that's just a painful injury to think of and fathom yeah n for me Chief no thanks but but I'm with you it's one of those where you can put it on the back burner for now but it will still linger and sit in the back of your mind knowing we do got to get that thing fully cleaned up by the time we go and put pads on and start hitting people in July and August and you know what it'll be I already I can already I I'll I'll write the tweets right now I'm get the T get your headlines get your August headlines today here at Carri the G radio because let me tell you what what will happen we'll get to camp and they'll be out they'll both be on pup out of an abundance of caution and then they'll bring them back along really slowly yep and they won't probably play in family night and then they'll be up for that first week of work in the preseason that's my guess yeah and I think you're probably right on it uh and it's also it's just a factor especially when you talk about Zack Tom because it at least mutes for the moment the competition and the potential of moving him around would assume right like so that that it just keeps on the back bur part yeah let it simmer let it simmer in the background for a little bit although to that point something that bill Hubert brought up in the media session after the practice today you know it does afford you as the Packers an opportunity to see guys in a bunch of different positions today the first round pick Jordan Morgan sliding over there with the starters at right tackle in place of Zack Tom leaving Rasheed Walker at left tackle and then they even saw a little Dillard their free agency pickup there at right tackle a little bit although I'm going to tell you right here and now I know we're all in the Reclamation project Zone we're all very very much rooting for the young man but man I'm I'm I'm not loving any ideas of Dillard actually seeing time this year that's just me that's just where I'm living sure that's how I roll similar to like you don't want to see Royce Newman get snaps last year right correct sir that's that's where I'm living there yep and I want to see I want to see the healthy guys on the field too I do think it's very interesting from the Caleb Jones perspective right where it's like sir they might not have the extra project spots that they've had over the last couple of years where they just feel really good about letting somebody simmer so to speak for that couple of years and say ah work on your skills craft up and we could see you in year three Caleb Jones change that up a little bit he he might but Caleb Jones could just flat out beat him out is fine by me Caleb Jones was running with the twos today like to see that give him that opportunity um the other thing talking about moving things around Andy Herman tweeting out that Elton Jenkins got some work with the ones at Center everyone talking about Zack Tom Zack Tom not available well we're still gonna be uh moving things around and providing a little competition for one Josh Meers I think we know they love Josh like they've made no bones about that they really like him Etc we've talked about it a couple times this offseason Billy where he's cheap labor at this point right right last year of his deal knows your system really well inside and has a good relationship with Jordan love but it looks like they're still going to you know probably do a little pushing that's the toughest part man you you got to continue to add some competition and it was clear they wanted to bring that in for Josh this year so if it means that multiple time all pro bouncing over who also played the position in college yeah that that'll add a little bit of competition it'll spice things up it they want to know and I do still think and we've talked about it a little bit no one anticipated John running was getting three years $30 million in the off season sir I think there's some thoughts of damn if he got that what is 71 gonna get if he hits the open market and we want to have a backup plan and we know that we got pretty good ones in house no doubt and but hell you got the rookie too and monk who was running with the twos to be you know at least again providing a little pressure there I think he's gonna crack the starting lineup this year who monk monk I I I think he's gonna have a great next I think he's gonna have a great chance to win that Right Guard job I agree I agree from from everything we watched from Shawn Ryan and I was very excited about him coming out of UCLA yeah last year left plenty of the doors open for that to be taken and I just watching and listening to the way they talk about monk they're gonna give him a chance to win that job agreed and you mentioned Ryan he was out there at Right Guard with the ones kind of we talked about that as well earlier this offseason figured he'd get that first shot right like yes you ended the year with rotating and absolutely putting some really good stuff on tape no question about it definitely needs some more consistency but he's getting the first crack at it so to speak to try and lay claim to that Right Guard spot um let's stick on the offensive side of the ball for a little bit here because it's good to see Christian Watson man like I know it's you know Spring ball it's shorts it's nothing really yet even approaching real football but man it's just good to see those videos from practice of him down the seam catch plucking the ball out of the air turning and speeding up the field man I they're just a different offense when he's out there in right and I can't wait I I really hope this hamstring issue is behind him because man he is just a whole other dimension when it comes to the Packers offense yeah Jaden Reed is the most fun in my in my opinion to watch because I love the way he runs with the football and and takes advantage whenever he's got the ball in his hands sir but he is the best threat for any defense walking in Christian Watson that being to to be a legit number one dude and you're right they're so different with him on in the offense on the field and you can just tell by how they game plan right like you can tell how much they understand he changes the flow of their offense by when he's in there and when he's up for a week how much of the game plan is centered around getting him the ball and getting him the ball early getting him into a rhythm and finding a way to get a couple of easy layup completions to then take the top off the defense it is you you had opportunities throughout the draft to maybe add more competition there but that's the one spot where you can look and say we need to improve from within and we got too many options that for that Improvement to not be on the field you know what speaking of which you know I'm not saying I totally forgot not that's that's not what I'm saying here but I did get reminded that Samari Toria was on the team today because there were a couple tweets where he caught a ball deep from Jordan love and I was like oh that's right it's Mari Tor good job buddy I was today years old when I remembered that he was on the team thank you that bre news again conversation around the offseason has been about the depth of this you know wide receiving group and everyone's talking about everybody from Watson to Reed to Wix to to even down to Melton and and Malik Heath and then I got a guy in a fan in a dynasty League that keeps trying to trade me Bo Melton and I'm like dude God bless I'm still all in on the week 17 but he's trying to gou you yeah price gou yeah I'm not I'm not going to give you a fourth round pick in next year's rookie draft for B Melton now I will potentially move some pieces around and we can change some things up once I get a look at it again but sure right quit asking right now there's too many too time to do it now I get it I get it like but because look back in the day when I was a serious fantasy player I'm still in a league but I don't really follow that much I like kind of set my line oh you're tooo cool for it I just set my lineup and like so Billy like what am I going to do okay there are 24 hours in a day and I'm going to spend real time I'm going to carve out actual moments of my life to worry about my fantasy football team no no you're gonna go to the bathroom I got no time I got no time for all that I got I got life to live over here you dropping the 50-year-old weirdo is the best thing that could have happened outside of you inviting me into your fantasy football league so I you might have a spot I'll let you know let me know I mean I could add number nine okay but that's the thing I was going to say back in the day when I very very very very first started it I think it was the year 2000 true story we had like we had a draft where you had uh drinking penalties if you drafted a viking and you had to take two shots if you drafted Randy Moss um or CT Warner I think because we just hated Kurt Warner at the time all we had all these rules right and I just got obliterated that first draft but um everyone knew that they could like offer me Packers if I didn't draft them like just outrageous offers and I would almost always like I my whole team would be as Packer Centric as possible well you know what as long as you were comfortable with it you probably didn't you might not have won a lot but you I won the championship one year and that's all that's all I needed to do it was 2003 and it was a glorious time because I had Aman green as my lead back oh yeah you were eaten I even had Tony Fischer as my back my backup flex and he scored a touchdown it was in like one of the biggest playoff games it was amazing that's my friend Jake has been trying to get Tony fiser on a football card he's got 15 different wannabe Tony Fisher drawings from he was his favorite player when we were in fourth grade made no sense yeah I love Tony Fischer is he still I think he's still on staff with the Packers he's still in the building or maybe did he just leave I can't remember he may have just left but I want to say if he left he left for a job potentially with the league office or with the PA like that yeah yeah yeah but I do remember Wes Hott saying that he was like one of his favorite people in the building one of the biggest brains I think that's come through there too no question I mean we are on a major uh detour here but I I'll get us back on track with uh some talk about the defense because no that's my that's all my fault uh you talk about the Packers defense and the rotation on the back end right we've heard so much about it and Matt leflour cannot stop singing uh Xavier McKenna's Praises here uh and you know from the sound of it from what was reported today from the looks they got sure feels like you know how they've talked many times both Matt and Jeff Halley about wanting interchangeable parts there're at the safety position sure sounds like that's you know at least initially the way they're going to be working because mcken was both you know deep post safety and also working up near the line of scrimmage throughout the entire practice today so I think they're going to be true to their word or at least they're going to attempt to be until someone shows that they're not able to do it well and that's one of the things as long as both are able you don't want to take away anyone's Powers right like it is to me it's always been super superhero kind of style right don't take someone's superpowers away just because it fits better right don't don't take something away from somebody just because H well that's kind of what we should be doing no allow them to be what made them one of the most prized Targets on the free agent Market and you talk about the back end NS and I still think this is a part of it when you talk OTAs it's who's showing up and who's there and some credit go goes again I think to Jer Alexander after last year there he is there was the what it's gonna take what 10 million get me here hey he's here he's working out he's obviously feeling hopefully rejuvenated re-energized um loving football loving ball because you know apparently it's just so dismal and difficult to play football in Green Bay so you're trying to you see you're trying to go to DeAndre Campbell now I see you what do you mean I didn't say anybody I'm you're not not I already did a video about this but it is but n it allows us to at least think and put ourselves even more validation to many people I was not one of them that wanted the move in the middle of the year right and realizing they're like ah these guys aren't playing for Joe Barry anymore there was clearly some people that were not happy maybe a little something to that clearly maybe a little bit something too there pack some Packer fans were right how right we don't know we don't know yet we don't know yet but at least the one that's the most valuable and the highest paid is choosing to give it a chance and give it a go and this is a real chance that he's given it so I think P I think it needs to be commended for that work from number 23 especially for a voluntary session you know these are all voluntary and there he is I think he does get a workout bonus but 700,000 amongs friends n you know it is what it is it's I mean he issued it last year right he laughed at it last year was nothing yes so yeah I get it I feel you the dandre Campbell thing though you can tell it bug me I know that's you're trying to get under my here because I did like I made the video yesterday because you know we talked before we got on here like look the the first tweets between you know the towards the end of the season where like oh I'm playing injured whatever fine not happy I get it tot although I will say he had one of my all time favorite quotes ever from any professional athlete in the history of the league when he said I'm not talking about anything on no internet on no internet you mean the thing you put on the internet no I'm not talking about anything on no internet I mean I need that I need that in my life I I don't want to talk about anything on no internet you you posted a fantastic video that we repurposed and appreciate you for allowing us to we didn't ask for your permission to play idea you just told me before we go out on the radio because I think you said it perfectly when you just said you can kind of miss me with some of the the talk now just three we got three [ __ ] sessions now on Twitter like at what point is it okay we get it you weren't happy the other part is then put a name to it I I've always i' I've never really liked sub tweeting nexts I never was a fan of you talking about somebody when you're clearly trying to talk about somebody but you don't want to I I'm always a put put a face to the the comment right put a name to it put your name on it and he clearly doesn't want to talk about the situation because then dang man I can't say anything with anybody being without anybody being upset it's the one buddy you have that is always passively aggressively going at one of your other buddies because he got cut from the Middle School basketball team and if it wasn't for Johnny he was gonna be on the basketball team and I would still be on the team in high school and you know what I probably would have been prom King but it is what it is I'm not mad about it I'm not upset about it at all but you'll just bring it up every single time every every six months you're gonna tweet about it I got it I see what it is no but that's the thing too right like I get it you like and to your point you don't want to say Joe Barry's name apparently but he could be talking about his position coach right could be as far as how what he's being asked to do within the scheme who knows who was relaying those instructions and how they I don't know could be talking about teammates he could be qu qu Walker was just lost and I had to like make up for him like we don't know we don't know because to your point he won't say which is fine again it's fine but my whole thing in that video was there's plenty of evidence of you in position to make plays where you don't make the play make the tackles make the plays and the Packers wouldn't have cut you the Packers want you to succeed they wanted you to be happy they want you to make those plays because they paid you to make those plays you didn't make those plays they cut you and the defense was different when he was able to cover right like I mean they were they were really good when he was able to cover look at the first six seven games so and it's it's a cautionary Tale But it's a tale as old as time you you go on the field and you are playing less than 100% most people at some point during the NFL season are yep and there's a the and it's one of the reasons why I love football because of the Brotherhood feel that it has of I got to do this for them I got to do this for everybody else in the locker room not only just because I want to do it for me and I only have a fite amount of times that I get to play in an NFL game and if I'm close enough to playing I'm going to do it but I I feel like I owe it to somebody all you are judged on though is what happens on the field between the white lines it will never allow you there's never that cushion of well I was playing with an ankle injury while you were good enough to go you're judged on it and and Lamar Jackson is one of the only guys that he no one will maybe say it right now but 10 years down the line on one of these podcasts you'll hear him say in 22 right I knew I wasn't going to be 100% I didn't want them to use that in my contract negotiation like I knew they were about to so you have to make that decision and it's it's a difficult one to do everybody's playing with something but when you are on the field that's all you're G to be judged upon is what the tape ends up showing exactly 3,000% correct it is you are judged accordingly once you step between the white lines but you know you've goed me into it now we've talked about dandre now we can get off of it because I've talked I didn't say anything I just love there was some dude in my mentions or in the che head TV mentions who was like uh because I say in the video I don't begrudge him his new found happiness which I don't go be happy I'm really excited for you good for you dude but he's like oh you say this but then you spend all this time like bitching about him blah blah blah you ignore the narrative that Packers players after they leave Green Bay are always upset I'm like yeah guys get cut they get upset welcome like yeah I was not happy when I got fired like like what what I love this the only that's only a narrative in Green Bay Packers fans are like so kind of dialed in myopically some some Packers fans in that regard it's like yes guys are unhappy when let go news at 11 I love it I absolutely love it well and yeah it just again you see it time and time again where it's this close to do we think there's one more in here or do we think we're getting a better deal haacker fans will always love when they know they got the better deal yes but right now we're in this gray area where it's uh he's not going to go and play really well next to Fred Warner right we should maybe ease up we also don't know what Edan Cooper is wait till week six and Edan Cooper is balling out and everybody will feel a lot better well and that's the thing of course here's the other thing we're talking right now about OTAs right that was the whole reason we're we're what we're talking about blah blah blah Edan Cooper didn't start today next to Quay Walker it's over it's a wasted draft pick Billy well I mean let's be honest you gota you got a red shirt him probably one year because he didn't play any good competition there Texas oh my God like this is the overreaction stuff that just dri I mean I'm literally watching watching replies on Twitter like someone was out there going oh Jordan loves there even though he's dealing with the contract talks with the Packers what what man just close Twitter go outside oh I got it I got into that yesterday a little bit we brought it up in the radio show just think about it though if indeed they had to put out a tweet one of the beat writers to say right not going to get into a contract dispute with the team right now he is participating or if nexts he would have just said you know what guys I'll do respect um I'm going to be here for all the mental stuff I'm going to take a bunch of mental reps but going to skip the field stuff I'm going to skip the field stuff mhm heads would be exploding oh my gosh it'd be Insanity be Insanity thankfully none of that occurred don't have to deal with any of it Jordan love is a dude he's out there I will say the thing that got me probably the most excited from all the updates today was the fact that we learned there will be not one but two joint practice sessions during training camp Billy we are going to watch the Packers host the Ravens prior to their preseason matchup at Lambo and they will also be having one joint practice out in Denver with the Broncos and I do love that they're only doing one joint practice for both because Matt was like you guys remember Cincinnati last year that second day it gets to be an MMA fight so we're just gonna do the one joint practice which I get I understand and I do love love the idea of being able to go against and have quality reps against different sets of not only talent but systems and schemes and you get all this teaching tape especially for a team like the Packers who are so young probably going to be the youngest team in the league yet again the idea that you get all these different looks prior to anything mattering I think that's really smart and I really like that the Packers are continuing to do this I'd love for him to be televised I I would just I'd love the NFL to do TV is ready and and en able to provide whatever is necessary for the Packers to make it available to their fans that will never happen but no we we stand ready and ready and waiting and we will and we'll stand forever because one of the reasons why these things are big and why teams like them and why they make sense and actually pay off is because they're not scouted and you're not getting film on it and you're not going to be able to share it with other teams so it's it's one of the big reasons why they like it so much and why you can get Frontline players into it selfishly I'm fired up because I wasn't going to be able to see Lamar in the preseason finale right anticipate so you get to see him on the practice field and for people in Green Bay I'm telling you dud that's electric you want to see somebody like that two-time MVP in this stage in his career so I'm very very excited for for that standpoint of what we get in Green Bay no question I mean yeah I just love the competition I love the vibe it's just phenomenal although I will say it is Matt doesn't seem to be as beholden or concerned about the idea of taking Camp days Andor practices away from nitki field from the Green Bay Community which I get it's just one practice they have to fly there anyway they're proba a day early whatever but he doesn't seem to like really kind of not care about it because I think he cares but I don't think he worries about it too much like he wants to get in the work he wants to get in which I think is good I just kind of miss those days Billy where you know that training camp schedule would come out and you'd get like 20 22 practices now last couple years we've had what 12 I still I'm and this is this is CBA talk more than Matt laflor for me but 100% [ __ ] the one that I really miss is the night practice night practice the night practice was always the most fun my God that was awesome under McCarthy under the light that miked up Lo just yelling into a mic I mean but you it was magical I remember talking to Greg Bard about it I was just like it I just turned him at one point I was just like this is fuing magical it was so great the was great it was it was so Elite it had to have been 20 2009 or 2010 I know you know exactly which one I'm talking about but when they got into what was it two or three scuffles and that was when Mike brought everyone together yep I watched and the f bomb drops flying through slom's mic and he was at the back end of the Huddle and you're listening to it sitting in the stands that was so my dad would always take us me one day you take a vacation day and we'd Venture up for a two a day we got there early we sat behind Kevin Green's family oh yes that's so great yes for the morning practice and then at the night practice after then I did all my investigating reporting like oh my God this guy's amazing I wish I would have known this before I sat behind his wife for two hours that's incredible right we got treated to that Marquee I it's it's something that a certain generation will never know the glory of I don't think we're ever getting back tell I know well I just want to pitch it to Matt that's what I want to say like you know how you say like you want to get them in the groove for the season well they got night games they got Time games one night practice why not a night practice getting night practice I love those it's funny you mention sitting behind family members I'll never ever forget one of the times I was in the stands there at raay nitki field and turns out I was sitting behind a group of players wives oh I think bag's wife was there and the issue was Don Barclay's wife was there who of course very active on social media very aware of how maybe you know people have not really appreciated her husband's work on the field in Green Bay and I guess I turned into a representative of all of them because once she found out that Aon negler was sitting behind her like in I'm Aaron negler CH at TV online blah blah blah and I was a somewhat of a kind of defender of Don because I'm like you know he is what he is like you bring him in you don't you can't have all you know a bunch of all Pros on your on your on your uh bench so you can bring in who you this Lombardi 60s pack ex three Hall of Famers but apparently you know she was not she was not happy but some some tweets so it was good it was good times i i i excuse that's awesome I excuse I was going to say how long did you take the whip him just like it was a couple comments and I was like okay okay I know where I'm not I know where I'm not wanted you know kind of I will say and and I don't know how you feel about it because they do a very nice job being able to let us walk up and down and you can see oh the media side yeah I do love still sitting in the seat I do too you get a much better view thank you especially now that they've like partitioned off the middle section and you get you can't stand there anymore you have to go one side or the other and then they close off that one side for family so you can't even go all the way down and see the defensive line drills anymore yeah it's tough it's tough yeah we we I sound like an old man there hey I'm right there with you dude I just I just said the kids aren't the next generation's not gonna know how good it was ma it's true I'm 29 and I just went 59 on people but that's fine that's okay wait wait wait before we go any further I'm going to get you out of here because I know you know time is money and it's it's a Absolut you know always a treat to have you and chat ball with you but I got I got to say you got a big weekend coming up there buddy oh thank you congratulations thank you yes big weekend weekend getting married out at the Flamingo in Las Vegas uh we are getting everything everything packed up right now uh everything's a mess behind me but more importantly uh there are cold drinks and celebrations right in my future that's what I'm talking about well I'm leaving for Barcelona tomorrow so you and I are both going to be up and about this next uh time period how long are you going to be there about 10 days what's that flight like uh about an eight hour flight it's it's a hall but um my dad and I are going on a cruise around we're doing Barcelona we're doing uh can France we're doing Naples Florence coming around we're hitting a Bea on the way back to Barcelona so you kind of go around and do dude that is amazing your your idea his idea something you always wanted to do dad's idea he used to do a lot of cruises with my mom and mom passed a couple years ago and finally he called me I want to say like six months ago he's like do you want to do this with me I was like yeah sure he literally said just want to do something with you before I croak love you Dad that's like the best thing I've ever heard like oh my God Perfect Pitch like you sold I'm sold I'm on I'm in Dad let's do it let's do it what do you want to do that is so cool man enjoy the hell out of it I've I've only been outside of the country one time and Florence was one of those spots really oh that's right I remember your story yep the the football that was Amsterdam the football Excursion well there was a land in Amsterdam there was a flight delay there was a 13-hour layover and a train ride downtown yeah but there was Milan Florence and Rome like six days we played a Allstar team uh out there right in Florence Italian Allstars yeah the Italian all stars that like it was the picture of Len Dawson in the Super Bowl smoking sigs on the sideline there was one guy who's like 45 and you know I'm in somewhat decent shape at this point NS right going to my senior year we're blocking he goes no kill no kill no kill like okay buddy we're going to keep you up here don't worry don't worry little brother treatment so oh God that's so good it's a beautiful beautiful time they didn't like uh our large group necessarily because we were somewhat um big bous boisterous loud of loud Americans you are GNA just fit in I'm gonna be in Rome I'm gonna be in Rome in a couple days I can't wait I'm very excited very exced walk around that Coliseum and just soak it all in I can't damn that cool dude but I can also not wait till get back here and talk more Packers with you we got got I'll be back in time for mini camp Billy yes that's and that's mandatory sir so I expect full attendance here on car the G radio and that's going to be Marshon Lloyd time just letting you know okay I'm down with it Marshon Lloyd by the way we didn't even talk about this getting first crack at returning kicks in the new kickoff format well they put all that money on Kean Nixon can't can't have him getting hurt right I know right right so Maran Lloyd was the number one guy that you were most excited to see coming up at okay Z at OT Z ask me who are you most excited to see I just love that it was like right at the end of my hit and he just put it out there like a throwaway right and I had to give him grief I had I had to give him some grief we've been shorts I'm not excited about anybody yet come on what you what I really wish you would have said is I'm most excited to see Matt laflor and how he's being able to wave and say come on to get M form can you use both arms still still a bit of a dead Wing there at the podium today that's what I'm saying so I mean he's he's got one side going come on and that's a big thing to be able to see i' been exciting that have been very exciting I love it Billy you're the absolute best I'll talk to you in a couple weeks uh congrat on the wedding and I'll talk to you soon man thanks man you too take it easy

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#PackersDaily: Can Michael Pratt make a move?

Category: Sports

[music] good afternoon packers fans aaron negler here with your packers daily chat coming to you live on the cheese head tv social channel it is thursday and i got to admit i just watched the brewers win a big one against the dodgers taken two out of four from the dodgers i mean that's just some gritty... Read more

Matt LaFleur on the field conditions: "It's been a problem for sure." thumbnail
Matt LaFleur on the field conditions: "It's been a problem for sure."

Category: Sports

For jord love to find their rym well we just made a couple big plays we had three big explosive runs in the in the run game and then we had the explosive pass for 70 yards you know obviously j reed's making some plays um but yeah it's just the down to the consistency and we knew it wasn't going to be... Read more

Why Jordan Love Injury Probably Won't Ruin Packers' Season || The Spread thumbnail
Why Jordan Love Injury Probably Won't Ruin Packers' Season || The Spread

Category: Sports

What's your one unit play all right one unit uh this is almost one of mine by the way i'm going to i'm going to look at a total uh team that's near and dear to your heart um we haven't even really touched on that whole situation from friday night um so the colts traveling to green bay to face the packers... Read more

Aaron Rodgers Talks Packers Standoff, Ted Lasso, Jeopardy! & More with Rich Eisen | Full Interview thumbnail
Aaron Rodgers Talks Packers Standoff, Ted Lasso, Jeopardy! & More with Rich Eisen | Full Interview

Category: Sports

Intro he is the mvp reigning mvp of the national football league getting set to take on the lions on monday night football to wrap up week number two he is none other than aaron rodgers how are you aaron hey good thanks for having me on thanks for being on here how's everything with you these days everything... Read more

Rich Eisen’s Advice for the Packers with Jordan Love Sidelined by Injury | The Rich Eisen Show thumbnail
Rich Eisen’s Advice for the Packers with Jordan Love Sidelined by Injury | The Rich Eisen Show

Category: Sports

Matt laflor needs to plus malik willis up i i i i honestly this is nothing against this kid remember we most of us were first introduced to malik willis on a street he was on a street corner at the combine remember that where somebody was just i guess for had their phone camera out and saw malik willis... Read more

Reacting to MORE Packers 11v11 Training Camp Footage (Day 9)!! thumbnail
Reacting to MORE Packers 11v11 Training Camp Footage (Day 9)!!

Category: Sports

Intro so although in yesterday's video i said we didn't have any 11 v11 clips to go over from yesterday's practice since then i've gotten my hands on quite a few of 11 v11 highlights from day n yesterday's practice for the green bay pack so obviously i'm not going to let you guys down you guys smashed... Read more