Hello everyone. Welcome, Siggraph.
It is my first Siggraph. I'm so excited to be here. I'm so excited to speak to all of you,
and I'm so excited to speak to NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang. Thank you. Great to see you again. Thank you. Great to see you. Welcome to Siggraph Lauren. Welcome to my hood. You're a regular here, huh? Hey, everybody. Great to see you guys. Jensen, it is like 99 degrees outside. I know it's freezing in here, isn't it? I mean... I dunno I'm shaking. Leather jacket. Yeah. Feels great. Looks good too. All right so you have- I’m wearing a brand new one. Oh, a brand new one. Yeah. How many of those do you have? I don't know,
but Lori got me a new one for Siggraph. She said you're excited about Siggraph? Here's a new jacket. Go, go do a good job. It looks sharp. Thank you. All right. You have a long history of Siggraph. I mean, when you think about the history
of this conference, which has been going on since 1974,
and you think about the history of NVIDIA from the 1990s onward,
where your DNA was really in, you know, computer graphics,
helping to make beautiful graphics. What is the significance of NVIDIA
being here today, right now at a conference like Siggraph? Well, you know, Siggraph
used to be about computer graphics. Now it's about computer
graphics and generative AI. It's about simulation. It's about generative AI. And we all know
that the journey of NVIDIA, which started out in computer graphics,
as you said, really brought us here. And so I made a cartoon for you. I made a cartoon for you of our journey. Did you make it or did generative
AI make it? Oh, hang on a second.
I had it made. I had it made. That's what CEOs do. We don't do anything. We just have it be done. It kind of starts something like this. Hey, guys, Wouldn't it be great if we had a cartoon
and it illustrated some of the most important milestones
in the computer industry and how it led to NVIDIA
and where we are today. And also do it in three hours.
In three hours. And do it in three hours, right. And so this is this cartoon
here is really terrific. So these are some of the some of the most important moments
in the computer industry. the IBM system 360, of course,
the invention of modern computing. the teapot in 1975. The Utah teapot. 1979, Ray tracing. Turner Whitted. One of the great researchers,
NVIDIA researcher for a long time. 1986 programmable shading. Of course, most of the animated movies
that we see today wouldn't be possible if not for programmable shading
originally done on the Cray supercomputer. led to,
And then in 1993, NVIDIA was founded. Chris, Curtis and I founded the company. 1995 Windows PC revolutionized,
the personal computer industry, put a personal computer in every home
and every desk. multimedia PC was invented. In 2001 we invented, the first programmable shading GPU
and that really drove the vast majority of NVIDIA's
journey up to that point. But at the background of everything
we we're doing was accelerated computing. And we believed that you could create
a type of computing model that could augment
the general purpose computing so that you can solve problems
that normal computers can't. And the application we chose first
was computer graphics, and it was probably one of the best decisions we ever made
because computer graphics was insanely computationally intensive
and remains so, for the entire 31 years
that, NVIDIA has been here and since the beginning of computer
graphics, in fact, it required a Cray supercomputer
to render some of the original scenes. So it kind of tells you
how computationally intensive it was. And it was also incredibly high volume because we applied
computer graphics to an application at the time that, wasn't mainstream
- 3D graphics video games. The combination of very large volume,
very complicated computing problem led to a very large R&D budget for us, which drove the flywheel of our company. That observation we made in 1993 was spot
on, and it led us to be able to pioneer the work
that we're doing in accelerated computing. We tried it many times. Cuda was, of course, the revolutionary
version, but prior to that, we had a computing model we call CG,
C for graphics, C on top of GPUs. And so we've been working on accelerated
computing for a long time, promoting and evangelizing Cuda,
getting Cuda everywhere and putting on it every single one of our GPUs so that this computing model
was compatible with any application that was written for it, irrespective
of which generation of our processors. That was a great decision. And one day in 2012,
we made our first contact. You know, Star Trek first contact,
with artificial intelligence. That first contact was AlexNet
and was, in 2012, very big moment. we made the observation that AlexNet was an incredible
breakthrough in computer vision. But at the core of it, deep learning
was deeply profound, that it was a new way of writing software instead of engineers given input, imagining
what the output was going to be, write algorithms. We now have a computer that, given input and example outputs, would figure out what the program is
in the middle. That observation,
and that we can use this technique to solve a whole bunch of problems
that the previously were unsolvable was a great observation, and we changed
everything in our company to pursue it, from the processor to the systems
to the software stack, all the algorithms. NVIDIA basic research
pivoted towards working on deep learning. By the way,
this is a great place for research. As you know, NVIDIA's, passionate
about, Siggraph. And this year we have 20 papers that are at the intersection of generative
AI and simulation. And so in 2016, we introduced the first computer we built for
deep learning, and we called it DGX-1. And I delivered
the first DGX-1 outside of our company. I built it for NVIDIA to build models
for self-driving cars and robotics and such, and generative
AI for graphics. But we, somebody saw an example of DGX-1. Elon reached out to me and said, hey, I would love to have one of those
for a startup company we're starting. And so I delivered the first one to a company at the time,
that nobody knew about called OpenAI. And so that was 2016. 2017 was the transformer,
that revolutionized modern, machine learning, modern deep learning. In 2018, right here at Siggraph, we announced RTX, the world's first Real-time interactive
ray tracer, ray tracing platform called RTX. It was such a big deal that we changed the name of GTX,
which everybody referred to our graphics cards as, to RTX. Another shout out for, a great researcher. His name is Steven Parker. Many of you know he's
been coming to Siggraph for a long time. he passed this year, and,
he was one of the one of the core, pioneer
researchers behind real time ray tracing. And we miss him dearly. And so, anyways. And you mentioned last year
during your Siggraph keynote that RTX ray tracing extreme was one of the big, important moments
when computer graphics met AI. That's right. But that had been happening
for a while, actually. So what was so
important about RTX in 2018? Well, RTX in 2018, so, you know, we, we accelerated,
ray traversal and bounding box detection and, and,
and we made it possible to, use a parallel processor
to accelerate ray tracing. But even then we were ray tracing at about, you know, one frame every call it,
you know, ten frames, maybe every second, let’s say. Maybe five frames every second,
depending on how many rays we're talking about tracing. And we were doing it at 1080 resolution. Obviously video
games, need a lot more than that. Obviously real time
graphics need more than that. And this crowd definitely knows what
that means, but for the folks who are watching online, who don't work in this field,
this is basically a way of really manipulating light and computer
graphics. Simulating how light interacts with- True to life, happening in real time. That's right. The rendering processes
used to take a really long time when you were making something- It used to take a Cray supercomputer
to render just a few pixels, and now we have RTX
to accelerate ray tracing. But it was interactive, it was real time, but it wasn't
fast enough to be, a video game. And so we realized that
that we needed a big boost, probably something along the lines of 20x
or so, maybe 50x or so boost. And so, the team, invented DLSS,
which basically renders one pixel while it uses
AI to infer a whole bunch of other pixels. And so we basically taught an AI
that is conditioned on what it saw. And then it fills in the dots
for everything else. And now we're able to render fully
ray traced, fully path traced simulations at 4K resolution at 300 frames per second, made possible by AI. And so 2018 came along, 2022,
as we all know, ChatGPT came out. What's that again? ChatGPT,
you know. Okay. ChatGPT, you know that. Open AI's ChatGPT
a revolutionary new capability AI and fastest
growing service in history. But the two things that I wanted
to highlight since ChatGPT, the industry researchers,
many of them in the room, has figured out how to use
AI to learn everything, not just words, but to learn the meaning of images and videos
and 3D, chemicals, protein, physics, thermal dynamics, fluid dynamics,
particle physics. It's figured out the meaning of these,
all these different modalities. And since then, not only have
we learned it, we can now generate it. And so that's the reason
why you could go from text to images, text to 3D, images to text, 3D to text, to text to video,
so on and so forth. Text to proteins, text to chemicals. And so now generative
AI has been made possible. And this is really the revolutionary time
that we're in. Just about every industry is going to be affected by
this just based on based on some of the examples
I've already given you, whether it's scientific computing,
trying to do a better job, predicting the weather
with, a lot less energy to, augmenting and collaborating with creators to generate images or, you know, generating virtual scenes
for industrial digitalization. and very importantly, robotics,
self-driving cars are all going to be transformed
by generative AI. And so here we are
in this brand new way of doing things. And so let me just very quickly, Lauren,
if you look at where we started in the upper left in 1964, the way that software was programmed, human engineers programming software,
now we have machines that are learning how to program the software
to writing software that no humans can, solving problems that
we could barely imagine before. And... now, because we have generative AI a new way of developing software. And, I don't know
if you know, do you know Andre Karpathy? He's a really, really terrific researcher. I met him when he was at Stanford and, he coined the original way
of doing software. Software 1.0, machine
learning to be software 2.0. And now really we're moving toward
software 3.0 because these generative AIs in the future,
instead of using machine learning to learn a new AI for every researcher,
you'll probably start with pre-trained models, foundation models
that are already pre-trained. And the way that we develop software
could very, very much be like assembling teams
with experts of various AI capabilities, some that are using, tools,
some that are able to generate special things,
and then a general purpose AI that's really good at reasoning,
that's connecting this network of AIs together, solving problems
like teams solve problems. And so software 3.0 is here. I've gotten the sense from talking to you
recently that you are optimistic that these generative AI tools will become more controllable,
more accurate. We all know that there are issues
with hallucinations, low quality outputs
that people are using these tools and they're maybe not getting exactly
the output that they're hoping for. Right? Meanwhile, they're using a lot of energy,
which we're going to talk about. Why are you so optimistic about this? What do you think is pointing us
in the direction of this generative AI actually becoming
that much more useful and controllable? Well, the big breakthrough of ChatGPT, was reinforcement
learning human feedback, which was the way of using humans
to produce the right answers or the best answers to align the AI on our core values or align our AI on the skills
that we would like it to perform. That's probably the extraordinary breakthrough that made it possible for them to open
ChatGPT for everyone to use. Other breakthroughs have arrived
since then. Guardrailing, which, which causes the
AI to focus its energy or focus its response in a particular domain
so that it doesn't wander off and pontificate about all kinds of stuff
that you ask it about. It would only focus on the things
that it's been trained to do, aligned to perform, and
that it has deep knowledge in. The third breakthrough is called,
retrieval augmented generation, which basically is vectorized,
or data that has been, embedded so that we understand
the meaning of that data. It's a more authoritative data set. It goes beyond
just the trained data set. And it actually pulls from other sources. That's right. It's not just pre-trained
data source. It's something, you know, for example,
it might be all of the articles
that you've ever written, all of the papers
that you've ever written. And so now it becomes, something
an AI that's authoritative on your, and it could be essentially,
a chat bot of you. So everything that I've ever written
or ever said could be vectorized and then created into a semantic database. And then before an AI responds, it would, it would look at your prompt
and it would, search, the appropriate content
from that vector database and then augment it,
in its generative process. And you think that is one of
the most important factors, These three combinations really made it
possible for us to do that with text. Now, the thing that's really cool is that we are now starting to figure out
how to do that with images. Right. And, you know, Siggraph is really
about a lot about images and generation. And so if you look at today's
generative AI, you could give it a prompt
and it goes into, in this particular case, this is an Edify
AI model that NVIDIA created. It's a text to 2D foundation model. It's multimodal. And we partnered with Getty to use their library of data,
to train an AI model. And so this is a text to 2D image. And you also created this slide
personally, right? I had I personally had the slide created. And so. Imagine, I'm the prompt and then there's a
team that's like a generative AI and then magically,
this slide shows up. And so here's a prompt, and,
and this could be a prompt for somebody who owns a brand. It could be a brand of, for in this case,
Coca-Cola, it could be a car, it could be a luxury product,
it could be anything. And so, you
you use the prompt and generate the image. However, as you know, it's hard to control
this prompt, and it may hallucinate. It may, create it in such a way
that is not exactly what you want. And to fine tune this using words is
really, really hard because as you know, words is very low dimensionality. It's extremely compressed in its content. But it's very imprecise. And so the ability for us to now control
that image is difficult to do. And so we've created a way
that allows us to control and align
that with more conditioning. And so the way you do
that is we create another model. And this model, for example,
allows us to text to 3D on the bottom. It's Edify 3D,
one of our foundation models, we've created this AI foundry
where partners can come and work with us. And we create the model
for them with their data. We invent the model and they bring their data and we, create
a model that they can take with them. Is it only using their data? So this only uses all of the data
that's available on Shutterstock. that they have the rights
to use to train. And so we now use Prompt Generator 3D. We put that in Omniverse. Omniverse as you know, is a
is a place where you could compose, data and content
from a lot of different modalities. It could be 3D. It could be AI, it could be, animation
and it could be materials. And so we use Omniverse to compose
all of these multi-modality, data. And now you can control it. You could
you could change the pose. You could change the placement.
You could change whatever you like. And then you use that image
out of Omniverse to condition the prompt. Okay. So you take what comes out of Omniverse,
you now augment it with the prompt. It's a little bit like retrieval
augmented generation. This is now 3D augmented generation. Getty, the Edify model, is multimodal. So it understand
the image, understands the prompt, and it uses it in combination
to create a new image. So now this is a controlled image. And so this way we can use generative
AI as a collaborator, as a, you know,
as a partner to work with us, and we can generate images exactly
the way we like it. How does this translate
to the physical world? How does it translate
to something like robotics? Well, we're going to talk about robotics,
but one of the things that I would love to show you, and I had
this made not by myself. Well, I had it made myself. Okay, this is an incredible video. And this is,
this is a work that is done by WPP. Shutterstock. Working with, some of the brand, world
class, world famous brands that you'll, you'll know. Let's run the video. Build me a table in an empty room surrounded by chairs in a busy restaurant. Build me a table with tacos and bowls of salsa in the morning light. Build me a car on an empty road, surrounded by trees, by a modern house. Build me a house with hills
in the distance and bales of hay in the evening sun. Build me a tree in an empty field. Build me
hundreds of them in all directions, with bushes and vines hanging in between. Build me a giant rainforest with exotic flowers
and rays of sunlight. Isn’t that incredible? And so, This is what happened. We taught an AI
how to speak USD, open USD. And so the young,
the girl is speaking to Omniverse. Omniverse generates
the USD and uses USD search to then find the catalog of,
3D objects that it has. It composes the scene using words and then generative
AI uses that augmentation to generate, to condition the generation process and
so therefore, the work that you do
could be much, much better controlled. You could even collaborate with people
because you can collaborate in Omniverse, and you can collaborate
in 3D. It's hard to collaborate in 2D. And so we can collaborate in 3D,
Augment the generation process. I imagine a lot of people in this room
who aren’t just technical, but they're also storytellers. This is a very technical room. Storytellers see something like this. It's like 90% PhDs in here. I'm not even going to ask you to do a raising of your hand,
but I'm sure that would be fascinating. So they see something like this,
I see something like this. And I think, okay, that's pretty amazing. You are speeding up rendering times. You're creating images out of nothing. There are probably just as many people
thinking, what does this mean for my job? Where do you draw the line between
this is augmenting and helping people, where do you see the line being drawn, and this is replacing certain things
that humans do? Well, that's what tools do. We invent tools here. This, you know, this conference is about inventing technology
that ultimately ends up being a tool. And a tool either accelerates our work, collaborates with us so that we could do better work or even bigger work. do work that's, impossible before. And so I think what you're going to
what you'll likely see is that generative AI, is now going
to be more controllable than before. We've been able to do that with using,
RAGs, retrieval augmented generation to control text generation, better
reducing hallucination. Now we're using Omniverse with generative
AI to control generative images
better and reduce hallucination. Both of those tools, help us be more productive
and do things that we otherwise can't do. And so I think, I think,
for all of the artists in the world, what I would say
is, jump on this tool, give it a try. Imagine the stories that you're going
to be able to tell, with these tools, and, with respect to jobs, I would say that it is very likely
all of our jobs are going to be changed. In what way? Well, my job is going to change
the way in the future. I'm going to be
prompting a whole bunch of AIs. Everybody will have an AI
that is an assistant. And so every single company,
every single company, every single job within the company will have AIs
that are assistants to them. Our software programmers, as
you know, now have AIs that help them program. all of our software engineers have AIs
that help them debug software. we have AIs that help our chip
designers design chips. Without AI, Hopper wouldn't have been possible.
Without AI Blackwell wouldn't be possible. You know, today, this week, we're sampling - we're sending out engineering
samples of Blackwell, all over the world. They're under people's chairs right now. I think if you just look,
you get a GPU, you get a GPU. Yeah, you get a GPU, you get a GPU. Yeah. That's right. Supply chain, what? We all wish. Yeah. And so, none of the work that we do would be possible anymore
without generative AI. And that's increasingly the case
with our IT department
helping our employees be more productive. It's increasingly the case
with our supply chain team optimizing supply,
to be as efficient as possible, or our data center team, you know,
using AI to manage the data centers to save as much energy as possible. You mentioned Omniverse before. Yeah. that's not new. But the idea that more generative
AI would be within the Omniverse helping people create these simulations
or digital twins. Yeah, that's what
we're announcing this week, by the way. Talk about that. Omniverse now, understands,
text to USD. it could understand
text to, and has a semantic database so that it could do a
search of all the 3D objects. and, and that's how that the young lady
was able to to say, fill, the scene
with a whole bunch of trees, describing how she would like the trees
to be organized and somehow populates it
with all these 3D trees. Then when that's done, that 3D scene
then goes into a generative AI, model, which
turns it into a photorealistic model. And if you want the
Ford truck to not be augmented, but you use the, the,
the actual brand, brand ground truth. then it would, it would honor that and keep that,
keep that in the final scene. And so,
I think if you do that, so one of the things that we talked about
is how every single, group in the company,
will have AI assistants. And there's a lot of questions,
lately about, whether all this infrastructure that we're building is leading
to productive work in companies. I just gave you an example of how generative
AI is impossible without- NVIDIA's designs would be impossible
without generative AI. So we use it to transform the way we work,
but we also use it, and many examples
that I've just shown you in creating new products
and new technology that either makes possible,
ray tracing in real time, or Omniverse that we can now, imagine and help us create much larger scenes. Our self-driving
car work or our robotics work, none of that that new capability
would be possible without it. And so one of the things
that we're announcing here, this week is, the concept of digital agents, digital AIs that will augment
every single job in the company. And so, one of the, one of the
the most important use cases that people are discovering
is customer service. And, every single group,
every single company has customer service, every single industry
has customer service. And in the future, it's going - today,
it's humans, doing customer service. But in the future,
my guess is it's going to be humans still, but AI in the loop. And the benefit of that
is that you'll be able to, retain, the experiences of all the customer service agents that you have
and capture that institutional knowledge that you can then run into analytics,
that you can then, use to create better services
for your customers. Just now, I showed you an Omniverse
augmented generation for images. This is a RAG. This is a retrieval
augmented generative AI. And the thing that we're doing is,
we've created this customer service, basically, microservice
that sits in the cloud, and it's going to be available,
I think, today or tomorrow. And, you can come and try it
and we’ve connected to it a digital human front end, basically an IO. The IO of an AI that has the ability
to, speak, make eye contact with you, and animate in an empathetic way. And you could decide to connect your ChatGPT or your
AI to the digital human, or you could connect,
your digital human to our retrieval augmented generation,
customer service AI. so however you like to do it,
we're a platform company. So irrespective of which piece
you would like to use, they're completely open source, and you can come
and use the pieces that you like. If you would like the incredible
digital human rendering technology that we've created
for rendering beautiful faces, which require subsurface scattering
with path tracing, this breakthrough is really quite incredible,
and it makes it possible for us. Amazing graphics researchers,
welcome to Siggraph 2024. So it makes it possible to animate, using an AI. So, you chat with the AI,
it generates text. That text then is translated,
to sound, text to speech, that speech,
the sound that animates the face. And, then RTX path tracing, does the,
does the rendering of the digital human. And so all of this is available
for developers to use. And you could decide which parts
you would like to use. How are you thinking about the ethics
of something like this? You're unleashing this to developers,
to graphics artists, but these are being unleashed
into the world. Do you think a chat bot like that, a very human-like visual chat bot should say that it's a chat bot. What it is, is it so human
that people start mistaking it for humans. They're emotionally vulnerable. It's still, it's still pretty robotic. And I think that
that's not a terrible thing. You know, we're going to stay. We're going to be robotic
for some time. I think we've made
this digital human technology quite realistic. But you and I know
it's still a robot. And so I think, that's not
a horrible way. It is the case that there are many, many different applications
where the human engagement is much, much more engaging,
having a human representation or near human representation
than a text box. Maybe somebody needs companion
or health care needs to advise, somebody who is an outpatient,
who just got home, you know, helping elderly,
there's a whole bunch of, applications, a tutor,
to educate a child. all these different applications
are better off having somebody who is much more human and being able
to connect with, with the audience. That's interesting. What I hear you talking a lot about today, these are software developments, right? They're relying on your GPUs,
but ultimately this is software. This is NVIDIA going further up the stack. Meanwhile, there are some companies,
some folks in the generative AI space who are in software and cloud services,
but they're looking to go further down the stack right? They might be developing their own chips or TPUs that are competitive
with what you are doing. How crucial is this software strategy
to NVIDIA maintaining its lead and actually fulfilling
some of these promises of growth that people are looking at for NVIDIA
right now? Well, we've always been a software company, and even first, and the reason for that
is because accelerated computing is not general purpose
computing. General purpose computing can take any C program a C++
program, Python, and just run it. And almost everybody's program
can be compiled to run effectively. Unfortunately, when you want to accelerate
fluid dynamics, you have to understand the algorithms of fluid dynamics
so that you could, refactor it in such a way
that it could be accelerated. And you have to design an accelerator,
you have to design a Cuda GPU so that it understands the algorithms so that it could do a good job
accelerating it. And the benefit, of course,
is that we can by doing so, by redesigning the whole stack, we can accelerate
applications 20, 40, 50 times, 100 times. For example,
we just put, NVIDIA GPUs in, GCP, running Pandas, which is the world's
leading, data science platform. And we accelerate from 50x to 100x over
general purpose computing. In the case of deep learning,
over the course of last 10 to 12 years or so, we've accelerated
deep learning about a million times, which is the reason why it's now possible for us
to create these large language models a million times speed up, a million times
reduction in cost and energy is what made it possible for us to make
generative AI possible. But that's by designing a new processor,
a new system, tensor core GPUs, the NVLink switch fabric,
is completely groundbreaking for AI. Of course, the systems itself,
the algorithms, the distributed computing libraries we call Megatron
that everybody uses, TensorRT-LLM, those are algorithms. And if you don't understand
the algorithms, the applications above it it's really hard to figure out
how to design that whole stack. What is the most important part of NVIDIA's software ecosystem for NVIDIA's future? Well, every
single one of it takes a new library. We call it DSLs, domain specific library. in, in generative
AI that DSL is called cuDNN. For sequel processing data frames is called cuDF. And so SQL pandas, cuDF is what makes it possible
for us to accelerate that. For quantum emulation,
it's called cuQuantum. cuFFT, we got a whole bunch of cu’s,
computational lithography, which makes it makes it possible for us
to, help the industry advance the next generation of process technology
called cuLitho, the number of cu's goes on and on. Every time we introduce
a domain specific library, it exposes accelerated
computing to a new market. And so as you see, it takes that collaboration, the the full stack of the library and the architecture
and the go to market and developers and the ecosystems around it
to open up a new field. And so it's not just about building
the accelerator. You have to build a whole stack. NVIDIA is dependent on a lot of things
going right. Your foray into the future, your innovation, depends on a lot of things
going right. You have to continue
pushing the laws of physics. You do have competitors who are nipping
at your heels at all times. We've talked about this.
What keeps you up at night. You're also somewhat reliant
on the geopolitical stability- Last night,
just so you know, elevation. Drink some water. That's what they told me. But it was too late
by the time I learned about it, this morning,
I woke up with a terrible headache. Elevation. That's what was last night. Okay, so elevation. Okay, so elevation. but truly, you have to keep pushing
the laws of physics. You have competitors
who are nipping at your heels, both in the software and hardware side,
you are somewhat reliant on the geopolitical stability
of the South China Sea, Geopolitics. So much going on right now. You're reminding me it's a super hard
building a company. You're making me nervous. I was fine before. There's so many things you have to do. He wants to go back to showing you slides. But truly, you've had
you've had a lot of tailwinds, and I'm just,
you know, how optimistic are you that these things are going to keep trending
in your direction? Things have never trended
in our direction. You have to will the future into existence.
Accelerated computing, you know, the world wants general purpose computing. And the reason for that
is because it's easy. You just have the software. It just runs twice as fast
every single year. Don't even think about it. And, you know,
every five years is ten times faster. Every ten years is a hundred times faster. What's not to love? But of course, you could
shrink a transistor, but you can't shrink an atom. And eventually,
the CPU architecture, ran its course. And so it's not sensible anymore,
as the technology doesn't give us those leaps
that a general purpose instrument could be good at everything, you know,
could be good at these incredible things from deep learning to quantum simulation
to molecular dynamics to the fluid dynamics,
right, to computer graphics. And so we created this accelerated
computing architecture to do that. But that fights, that fight,
that's headwind. Do you see what I'm saying? Because general purpose computing
is the easy way to do it. We've been doing it for 60 years. Why not keep doing it and so,
so accelerated computing was only possible because we deliver such
extraordinary speedups at a time when energy
is becoming more scarce at a time when we no longer could just ride the CPU curve any longer. Dennard scaling is as has really, ended. And so we need another approach and,
and that's why we're here. But notice every single time we want to open up a new market
like cuDF in order to do data processing. Data processing is probably
what, a third of the world's data, a third of the world's computing. Every company does data processing,
and most companies data is in data
frames, you know, in tabular format. And so in order to create an acceleration
library for tabular formats was insanely hard,
because what's inside those tables could be floating
point numbers, 64 bit integers. It could be, you know, numbers and letters
and all kinds of stuff. And so we have to figure out a way to go
compute all that. And so, so you see that
almost every single time we want to grow into something
you have to go and learn it. That's the reason why we’re working on robotics, that's the reason
why we're working on autonomous vehicles to understand the algorithms that's necessary to open up that market
and to understand the computing layer underneath it so that we can deliver
extraordinary results. And so, as you can see, each each time
we open up a new market, health care, digital biology,
the work with the amazing work we're doing there. With BioNeMo and,
Parabricks for gene sequencing. Every single time
we open up a new market, it just requires us to reinvent
everything of that computing. And so there's nothing easy about it. Generative AI takes a lot of energy. I'm just saying my job super hard. But your assistants. Your AI assistants
are going to make it easier, right? What's that? Somebody’s
got to pat my back. Hey, a little applause you guys. Cheer him on. Yeah. Go ahead. Let's talk about energy. Yeah. Generative AI,
incredibly energy intensive. I am going to read from
my note cards here. according to some research, ChatGPT,
a single query takes up nearly ten times the electricity
to process a single Google search. Data centers consume 1 to 2% of overall worldwide energy, but some say that
it could be as much as 3 to 4%. Some say as much as 6% by the end of the decade.
Data center workloads tripled between 2015 and 2019. That was only 2019. AI generative AI is taking up a large portion
of all of that. Is there going to be enough energy
to fulfill the demand
of what you want to build and do? Yeah. Yes. And, a couple of observations. So first there, there are 2 or 3, or 3 or 4, model makers
that are pushing the frontier. A couple of years ago, they're probably three times
that many this year, but it's still it's still single digit,
you know, it's very high single digit, but call it ten
that are pushing the frontiers of, of models
and the size of the models are, call it, twice as large every year,
maybe, maybe, faster than that. And in order to train a model
that's twice as large, you need, you know, more than twice as much data. And so the computational load is growing. probably, by a, you know, call it a factor of four each year
just for simple, simple, simple thinking. Now, that's one of the reasons
why Blackwell, is, is, so highly anticipated
because we accelerated the application, so much using the same amount of energy, and so this is an example of accelerating applications,
at constant energy, constant costs. You're making it
cheaper and cheaper and cheaper. Now, the important thing, though, is
I've only highlighted ten companies. The world has tons of companies
and there are data centers everywhere. And NVIDIA is selling
GPUs to a whole lot of companies in a whole lot of different data centers. And so the question is
what's happening? At the core, the first thing that's actually happening
is the end of CPU scaling and the beginning of accelerated
computing data processing. just text completion, speech recognition, all of those kind of basic
AI things that are, that are used, recommender systems, that are used
and, and data centers all over the world. They are moving-
everyone is moving from CPUs to accelerated computing because,
they want to save energy. Accelerated computing helps
you save so much energy 20 times, 50 times,
and doing the same processing. So the first thing that we have to do, you know, as a society is accelerate up
every application we can. If you're doing Spark data processing, run it with accelerated Spark so that you could reduce the amount
of energy necessary by 20 times. If you're doing SQL processing,
do SQL, accelerated SQL so that you could reduce the power by 20
times. And so, if you're doing weather
simulation, accelerate it. When you're doing whatever scientific
simulation you're doing. Accelerate it. Image processing, accelerate it.
A lot of those applications used to be, running on CPUs
in general purpose computing. All of that should be accelerated
going forward. That's the first
thing that's happening now, is that reducing the amount of energy
being used all over the world, absolutely. The density of our GPUs and density
of accelerated computing is higher energy density is higher, but the amount
of energy used, it's dramatically lower. So that's the first thing
that's happening. Of course, then generative AI. Generative AI is probably consuming Let's pick up very large number, probably a,
you know, 1% or so of the world's energy. But remember,
even if the data centers consume 4% of the world, the goal of generative
AI is not training. The goal of generative AI is inference
and the inference, ideally, we create new models
for predicting weather, predicting new materials
allow us to, optimize our supply chain, reduce
the amount of energy consumed and wasted gasoline,
as we deliver products. And so the goal is actually
to reduce the energy consumed of the 96%. And so, very importantly,
you have to think about generative- about AI from a longitudinal perspective, not just going to school,
but what happens after going to school. You and I both went to Stanford. Stanford is not inexpensive. I think you studied something
slightly different, though. Yeah. Yeah, sure. It's a big school. It's worked out well for you. It's worked out well for both of us. And so and so so the goal, of course, is going to
school is important. But of course, the important thing is really after school
and all of the contributions that we're able to make the society. So generative AI is going to increase
productivity, is going to enable us to discover new science,
make things more energy efficient. Don't let me don't let me finish
without without showing you, the next- And so, so that accelerated computing- The lights just came on because
we were talking about energy and all of a sudden
it's like the Earth was like, okay, tamp down the energy usage, folks. I thought I thought they were- Am I getting chased out? I think we still have a few minutes. I mean, I hope so. I mean, I'm not I'm not going to get off the stage until Mark Zuckerberg
comes on here and kicks me off. How about that? He's not going to do that.
He's a great guy. So anyways,
think think, think about generative AI, longitudinally
and all the impact of generative AI. The second thing,
the next thing I'll say about generative AI is remember, it's
the traditional way of doing computing, it's called retrieval based computing. Everything is prerecorded. All the stories are written prerecorded, all the images are prerecorded,
all the videos are prerecorded. And so everything is stored off in a data center
somewhere, prerecorded. Generative AI reduces the
amount of energy necessary to go run to a data center
over the network, retrieve something,
and bring it over the network. Don't forget, the data center is not
the only place that consumes energy. The world's data center- that is only 40% of the total
computing done. 60% of the energy is consumed
on the internet. Moving the electrons around,
moving the bits and bytes around. And so generative
AI is going to reduce the amount of energy on the internet, because instead of having
to go retrieve the information, we can generate it right there on the spot
because we understand the context. We probably have some, content
already on the device, and we can generate the response
so that you don't have to go retrieve it, somewhere else. Well, part of
that is also moving atoms around, right? One last, one last thing
I got to take one last thing I remember. AI doesn't care where it goes to school. Today's data centers are built near
the power grid, where society is, of course,
because that's where we need it. In the future, you're going to see
data centers being built in different parts of the world
where there's excess energy. It's just that it cost a lot of money
to bring that energy to society. Maybe it's in a desert,
maybe it's, in places that has a lot of sustainable energy,
but it’s just not- They’re already taking up a lot of water. Well, there's plenty of water as well. It just happens to be undrinkable water. And so, we can use
we can use water that are, we can we can put data centers where there's less
population and, more energy. Just don't don't forget that there's there's plenty of there's a lot of energy
coming from the sun. There's a lot of energy in the world. And what we need to do is move
data centers out closer to where there's excess energy
and not put everything near population. AI doesn't care where it's trained. I'd never heard that phrase before AI doesn't care where it goes to school
and that's interesting. Yeah. It's true. I'm going to think on that. Part of, part of calculating the carbon
emissions though, is also considering the supply chain. It's also considering it's going all down
the line, and it requires transparency. Don't, don't move,
don't move the energy to the data center. Use the energy where the data center is. And then when you're done,
you have a highly compressed model that is essentially the compression
of all the energy that was used. And we can take that model
and bring it back. Hey, can we talk about the next wave? So the first wave, of course, the first
wave is accelerated computing. I know that she's the interviewer
and we're on we're, we're we're doing this on her terms. But I'm the CEO so... and and so. No, Lauren. We need to come and tell tell this,
this group about the work that we're doing that, that
that is, is really, really core to- I have so many good questions for you. I know, I know, I want to ask you about open source, which I think you're going
to be talking to Mark about? I want to ask you about... By the way, open source is really important. It's incredible. Yeah. If not, if not for open source. If not for open source, how would all of these industries
and all these companies be able to engage AI? And so look at look at all the companies
in all the different industries. They're all using Llama. Llama 2 today.
Llama 3.1 just came out. People are so excited about it. We’ve made it possible to democratize
AI and engage every single industry in AI. But the thing that I want to say is this
the first wave is accelerated computing reduces energy
consumed, allows us to deliver continues to sustain computational demand without all
of the power continuing to grow with it. So, number one, accelerate everything. It made it possible
for us to have generative AI, that generative AI, the first wave of it,
of course, is all the pioneers. And we you know, we know
many of the pioneers OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, Microsoft, a whole bunch
of amazing companies doing this. X is doing this, X.AI is doing this,
amazing companies doing this. The next the next wave of AI, we didn't talk about, which is, enterprise, of course, one of
its applications is customer service. And we hope that we can, give every single organization
the ability to create their own AIs. And so everybody would be augmented
and and to have a collaborative AI, they could, empower them,
helping them do better work. The next wave of AI
after that is called physical AI. And this is this is really,
really quite extraordinary. This is where we're going to need
three computers, one computer to, create the AI, another computer
to simulate the AI, both using synthetic, for synthetic data generation, as well as a place where the AI robot,
the humanoid robot, or the manipulation robot could go learn
how to, refine its AI. And then, of course, the third AI
is the computer that actually runs the AI. So it's a three computer problem. You know, it's a three body problem. And so it's incredibly complex. It's incredibly complicated. And we created three computers to do that. And we made a video, for you
for you to enjoy, understanding this. The thing that, that we've done here
is this, in every, each one of these computers, depending on
whether you want to use the software stack, the algorithms on top, or just the computing infrastructure
or just the processor for the robot or the functional safety operating system
that runs on top of it, or the AI and computer
vision models that run on top of that, or, just the computer itself. Any piece is
any layer of that stack is open. for robotics, developers,
we created a quick video. Let's take a look at that. Is that okay? That sounds great. The era of physical AI is here. Physical AI,
models that can understand and interact with the physical world will embody robots. Many will be humanoid robots. Developing these advanced robots
is complex, requiring vast amounts of data and workload orchestration
across diverse computing infrastructures. NVIDIA is working to simplify
and accelerate developer workflows
with three computing platforms NVIDIA AI, Omniverse and Jetson Thor, plus generative
AI enabled developer tools. To accelerate Project GR00T, a general humanoid robot foundation model, NVIDIA researchers
capture human demonstrations, seeing the robots hands in spatial
overlay over the physical world. They then use RoboCasa, a generative simulation framework
integrated into an NVIDIA Isaac Lab to produce a massive number
of environments and layouts. They increase their data size
using the MimicGen NIM, which helps them generate large scale
synthetic motion data sets based on the small number
of original captures. They train the group model on a NVIDIA DGX Cloud with the combined
real and synthetic data sets. Next, they perform software in the loop,
testing in Isaac SIM in the cloud and hardware in the loop validation
on Jetson Thor before deploying the improved model
to the real robots. NVIDIA Osmo Robotics Cloud
Compute Orchestration Service manages job assignment and scaling across distributed
resources throughout the workflow. Together, these computing platforms are empowering
developers worldwide to bring us into the age of physical,
AI powered humanoid robots. You know. You know what's amazing, Lauren? At this conference, Siggraph is where
all of this technology comes together. Isn't that right? Everybody? Researchers of Siggraph,
isn't that right? So whether it's computer graphics
or simulation, artificial intelligence, robotics, all of it comes right, comes
together right here at Siggraph. And that's the reason why I think you
should come to Siggraph from now on. Me? Yes! I'm happy to. I'm thrilled to. Am I right? Everybody? 100% of the world's tech
press should come to Siggraph. We can get behind that. Just drink a lot of water. I went and saw some of the art exhibits
last night upstairs in the exhibition. Fantastic. Just really, really cool. I loved the literal spam bots. Whoever created that one, go check it out. I was actually listening to the Siggraph
spotlight podcast before this. If folks haven't listened,
I really recommend it. the Special Projects chair
was interviewing a couple of graphics legends, including David Em. And one of the things
that David Em talked about was archives. And this is kind of an existential
question for this crowd, right? But people are creating this really amazing digital media,
all these computer graphics. You are accelerating it
with your technology. It changes so fast now. How do you ensure that everything folks are building
lives into the future? File formats, archives, accessing all of this work in the future?
The robots will live on. Yep, I have no concern
they're going to take over. Yeah, right. Yeah. What about the art
that people are creating? This is this is the existential question. Well, one of the one of the one of the
that's an excellent question. And one of the, one of the,
the formats that we deeply believe in is open USD. Open USD is the first format that brings together
multimodality from almost every single tool and allows it, to interact, to be composed together, to go in and out of these virtual worlds. And so you could bring in just about
any format, ideally over time, into it. At this conference,
we announced that URDF, the universal robotics
data format, is now compatible with or you can be ingested
into, into open USD. And so one, one format
after another format, we're going to bring everything
into this one common, one common language. Using standards
is one of the best ways to allow content and data to, be shared. allow everybody to collaborate on it
and to live forever. For example, HTML. Without HTML,
it would have been hard for all of these different content from around the world
to be accessible to everybody. And so in a lot of ways,
open USD is the HTML of virtual worlds. And we've, we've been a, early
promoter of it. There's, amazing companies that have joined
and many other companies joining. And, my expectation is every single design
tool in the world will be able to connect to open USD. And once you connect to that
virtual world, you can collaborate with, anybody with any other tool anywhere. And so, just like we did with HTML. You said this content can live forever. Are you going to build a Jensen
AI that lives forever? Absolutely. There's a Jensen AI. In fact,
just about everything that I've ever said, everything that I've ever written
and ever done, will likely be ingested into one of these, generative AI models. And I'm hoping that that happens. And then, in the future, you'll be able to prompt it and
and hopefully something smart gets said. So Jensen AI is going to be, running your earnings
calls in the future. I hope so. That's that's the first thing that has to go. That's the first thing
that has to go to a bot. Jensen thank you so much. I think we're probably going to get kicked off stage soon,
but you'll be back shortly with Mark Zuckerberg. Yes. And welcome to your first Siggraph. Ladies and gentlemen. Lauren Goode. Thank you. It's really great chatting again. Thank you everybody. We'll be right back.
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it seems like a very clearly this was a production issue and not a fundamental
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