Big Ten's Most Shocking Week 3 Picks Nobody Saw Coming

Music [Music] hey hey and welcome into the Big 10 huddle I'm your host Jr we got a lot to talk about going on in the Big 10 got Russ Johnson from the boiler Express podcast with me tonight of course we're be talking spoiler makers trying to uh spoil it for Notre Dame I don't know is it still spoiler makers Russ if they lost to Northern Illinois last week what's your thoughts on that uh oh Russ you might be muted great um it definitely takes place some of the spark um some of the magic you know I we're celebrating anytime Notre Dame loses you know if you're a Purdue fan you know your second third favorite teams or anybody playing IU and anybody playing Notre Dame so you're still excited but yeah it definitely takes away from kind of the lore of beating the top five team now but um beating the Irish anytime is good so yeah it'd be good I figured I figured anytime is a good time to beat Notre Dame for you guys we're going to be talking about Indiana as well in this episode that's going to be fun we're going to talk a little bit more in depth about the Indiana game so last week or two days ago we talked about every single game so if you want to hear about every game this weekend you can go ahead and go listen to that one that one was on Tuesday and then tonight we have four big games we're going to talk about and really just kind of dive into what is going on with those games and who could possibly win we'll give our score predictions I already gave my score predictions on them but I'm still going to talk about them and we'll see what Russ the score predictions are for them who knows Russ might pick Indiana Indiana is favored we'll see or he might not Zach didn't pick Indiana so we'll Pac-12 Expansion see what Russ thinks Russ before we get started though I got to ask you about this pack 12 expansion okay so the Pack 12 they've added who is it Boise State Fresno State San Diego State and I think there was one more that they added uh if somebody knows please put it in the chat I forget it off the top of my head but they obviously need to add more they need to have two more and be an eight team conference in order to have that like solidification of being a conference the ncaa's eyes so Russ my first thought was could we possibly see a big 10 team jump ship and go over to the Pack 12 I think it'd be the stupidest move in the world I don't actually think it's all that likely but I'm curious your thoughts if we could ever see a big 10 team jump ship and go to a conference like the Pack 12 or could they possibly leave and go to a conference like the secc the ACC the Big 12 what are your thoughts Russ yeah so Colorado state was that fourth uh Team for the mount West but um yeah I I could see some cases I you know we talked about um back in our previous affiliations the getting ready for this expansion this year with USC UCLA you know Oregon and Washington and what that means for the whole conference not just the Ohio States and the michigans but like you know the indianas the Purdue the Northwestern the at least as far as Football goes the kind of teams that have been at the bottom recently or or for the most part of the last 10 years and I think at the end of the day you want your team to to stand Pat you want to be a part of the Big 10 even if you're a bottom feeder in the Big 10 it's better than anywhere else but there's a lot of teams at the bottom of the Big 10 you know and Indiana Purdue might be included this Northwestern whatever that they have the mindset of our goal is making a bowl game right like our we don't think we're going to win the Big 10 especially now that it's expanded you know it's that much harder to make the big 10 championship game if that's not a possibility and your goal is just making a bowl game and you're looking at a conference going man look at like produc schedule is what number one toughest the rest of the year right like nine of the top 10 or eight of the top 10 toughest schedules remaining are big 10 teams so if you get a a schedule where you're like man I gotta play Penn State and then I gota play high State and then I gotta play Oregon and then oh and two weeks after that I gotta play Mich you know like but then you look at hey well I could play you know Fresno State Colorado State Sano state which you know no disrespect to those teams obviously Fresno State beat Purdue last year but you're looking at that going okay well if that's my conference schedule and I can schedule four games like maybe it's an eight game conference schedule and I can schedule four games against the Indiana States the ball States and that's like a guaranteed 6 S8 win a year season so I can see that case as far as like if your goal is just to win games but I think at the end of the day nobody in the big 10's going to let themselves get picked off like that like they know that's where the money is and they know that that bottom feeder in the Big 10 is the best place to go now if you're looking at like the ACC and people are rumoring it's going to break apart or even the Big 12 as they're scrambling trying to get stuff together I think some of those teams are a lot more suscepti if you're looking at another Power four team at getting picked off yeah no I I I agree I think everything you said was uh you know very good point I think you're right that if a team ever wanted to like just leave and go get more wins they could certainly do that uh you know the Pack 12 it's going to be probably one of the higher rated G5 conferences they're going to consider themselves a power five conference I don't think anybody else is going to consider them that way they definitely are going to have a number of good teams that are I mean that final G5 spot is most likely going to come from the Pack 12 most seasons but I just I don't think it's going to be um I Brian's telling me my mic is a little low I apologize Brian I turned it up a little bit more hopefully that's better thank you for checking me on that but um but I yeah I just I I don't think any team would ever leave the Big 10 just because of the money now we did bring up the SEC I could possibly see that happening but I think Brian does bring up a good point here that there's too much history in the Big 10 to leave I mean you have so many teams in the Big 10 that have been in it for so long I mean you know Oregon Washington us USC UCLA could any of them ever Le for the SEC no probably not but we also have K and Stanford in the AC right now so who knows anything could happen at this point I think it's very interesting to see what will happen with the Pack 12 if it will Ascend to that highest G5 uh kind of level where it's like not quite power four but gets up there enough I think if you add teams like you know maybe a Memphis if you add maybe a two lane some other teams like that that have been very successful in the G5 you could certainly see that happen but short of adding a really good team out of the SEC or Big 10 which you're just not going to do because the money isn't there for it uh the Pack 12 will most likely remain a G5 school or a G5 conference agreed yeah all right let's get to some comments really fast and then we'll move on to some of our previews uh we have Phillip it's now the Pack 12 State comments that's true well we have Boise State Oregon state Washington state they're all states that's a good point uh Brian says go Bucks yes indeed go Bucks there Brian Russ or Dylan says Russy hot takes in the building as always you weren't you weren't able to give your hot takes on boiler Express the other night I was watching no I wasn't um unfortunately we had a a death in the family so my week's kind of been off and this is like my first day back to normal is today so and I told them sorry guys can't do wer Express I already told Jr I'd be on here so yeah yeah well uh hope all is well with your family and sorry to hear that Dylan does say J.R was gugenheim Zack gugenheim exhausted from having on the show last night I don't know but I was exhausted listening to you guys I listened to the show it was fun but afterwards I was like man the analysis the craziness so all right all right well let's go ahead and get to our first game here which just so happens to be the Purdue Notre Dame game Purdue vs Notre Dame I I didn't want to delay it any longer than we needed to Russ I'm really excited to talk about this game Notre Dame loses at home last week to Northern Illinois they do win the very first game at Texas A&M that was kind of a defensive battle kind of reminded me of the Ohio State Notre Dame game from uh last year however Notre Dame came out on top in this one so I mean I'll be honest after the Texas A&M game I was feeling pretty good about Notre Dame I was like okay this could be a playoff team this could be somebody that makes it happen and then they pulled what they pulled two years ago against Marshall and they were just not good at all and quite frankly Northern Illinois won the line of scrimmage in a lot of ways they had 190 rushing yards and Notre Dame wasn't able to throw the ball so I mean far from me to say that I think Purdue is the favorite here obviously the betting line doesn't doesn't reflect that but if I'm looking at the way Purdue played week one and the way that Notre Dame played last week Purdue looked like a much better football team granted it was against an FCS school but Notre D played a Max school and they looked terrible so Russ I'm really curious what are your thoughts like do you feel confident do you feel hopeful what's your thoughts going into this game against no today um both yes confident hopeful um you know I don't by any means think that we're a favorite that's that's going a little too far but even before the season started you know you listen to some of the Notre Dame takes and their fans and some of the the more knowledgeable National takes is that you know while Notre Dame has kind of owned the series it's always been kind of a close game with puru most years like they have they've had to pull out a lot of fourth quarter you know game winning drives come from behind drives to to beat Purdue even though they hold a dominant lead in the series so it was already a game that it's like okay it's at Ross a we're rekindling the Rivalry we got a second-year coach who's supposed to be you know that's when you're supposed to make the big leap as a second year so we're already feeling good about it and now that you see that game there's there's full-on blood in the water like it's full on like we aren't going in intimidated by any means you know yes they're the bigger program they're the more historic program they've got the national titles you know all the NBC money all that stuff but we definitely go in especially looking at Northern Illinois like it's not like they lost to an unranked power five school like they lost to Northern Illinois which granted produce had their upset losses to Northern Illinois no no disrespect to them but you know the way you said it to is you know they lost it through poor quarterback play and not controlling the trenches and this produc team put two of the top three sack leaders in the Big 10 on the board last year right and Hudson card you know when we protected him and we get an offensive line in place has shown himself to be a very talented quarterback so the recipe is definitely there for some magic to happen at Ross State Saturday yeah no I think so I mean and you already have uh will HT held H however you pronounce his par of saaks against Indiana State yep yep got a pair of sacks coming in off the edge and kaidon Jenkins getting a sack himself so I mean you look at it and they're picking right you know right where they left off last year and so if you are able to get pressure on Riley Leonard he's not been great against pressure this season you could really see the secondary have some opportunities if Dylan thean gets himself the opportunity to pick off a football I think he's going to pick that football off and he's going to make the quarterback pay so I do think that you do need to see a little bit more jelling of the secondary if there was a weak spot of the team against Indiana State I would maybe say it was a secondary I mean it's hard to figure that out but I think if you have a weak spot of the secondary against this Notre Dame team that's the weak spot you want right you don't want to have a weak defensive line against the team that's mostly going to run the ball you don't want to have a weak offensive line against a team uh that's going to want to that is going to want to make you run the ball because they have a better secondary I mean that's the strength of this Notre Dame team uh Morrison the safety I forget his last his name but he was uh he was an award finalist last year so I mean they have good players in the secondary so if Purdue can get Devin mcabe and Reggie love to really be running the ball this is this is going to be produced game if you can control the r scrimmage and you can run the ball this is going to be produced game do you see that happening re do you see Reggie love and Devon mcabe running and doing a good job getting a good amount of yards and getting some touchdowns in this game um I do I do see the o line looking way better um there was one kind of weak point against Indiana State and I'm not going to name names but it was the left tackle position and that happened to be the starter on the o line that we had out against Indiana State so we bring him back and per pro football focused grades last year he would have been the best pass blocking lineman we had all season last year so that's a very strong piece that we're going to be adding to that o line on top of what we had against Indiana State but like you said it best with the question mark on our secondary Indiana state had thrown I think eight passes for 12 yards well into the fourth quarter I believe before they finally threw some passes and connected on some long balls so our secondary is definitely very much unproven now we do return you know third team All-American safety Dylan Dean and we bring in some fourstar five-star pieces teron Grant a true freshman looked really good against Zen State he got left on an island now he didn't have to really get tested too much because like I said they only passed it I think they end up passing it 10 times total in the game but they were at eight for 12 yards you know into the fourth quarter so that's definitely what I'm looking at is what what is our secondary going to do are they going to be able to stand up to it but if our defensive line can attack Riley Leonard the way Northern Illinois did you know our secondary is going to be eaten they're they're definitely hungry they want to be tested they probably were frustrated cuz the thing about India state that was frustrating was they got they kept getting into second long third and long situations and it'd be third and 14 in their halfback draw you know third and 12 they're run it up the gut it's like they just would not throw the ball against this and that secondary is ready to prove themselves and I think they can especially if this Notre Dame offensive line is not ready and to be up to the task I mean the tackle Anthony uh knp he he allowed seven pressures so far this season that is a lot of pressures to allow in just two games now you know Texas A&M they have a good defense however Northern Illinois you should not be allowing press pressures against Northern Illinois it should not be that high both tackles combine have allowed 12 so far this season between the two of them so it's going to be imperative for Purdue to get pressure on the quarterback and for the secondary to be able to be opportunistic and take care of uh the balls when their thrown and um and when they have opportunities to pick it off just it's going to have to happen because honestly the offense I really really like Hudson card but if we're being honest Hudson card had struggles last year at times because of the offensive line I think you're right I think the offensive line for Purdue is better this year but I also think that the Notre Dame defensive line has not played up to what they should be and so do they feel like they need to be challenged do they feel like hey we really need to put ourselves out there put ourselves back on the map because we haven't played up to our abilities so far this season there could be a little bit of that going on with the Notre Dame defensive line and if that happens you could see an opportunity for the puru Purdue offensive line to struggle a little bit I don't think they will I'm picking Purdue to win this game I think Purdue is uh you know the more prepared team I do um Brian said it here he said a bye this early Purdue is more harmful than helpful would have been better for them to get some live game snaps to develop I I I agree you know like live game snaps would be better but I also think going into this Purdue game like you have more time to prepare and you're coming off one game where you can kind of correct things so I think you can kind of take it either way and we'll see how well Ryan Walters does with that I mean this is going to be a good test for the Purdue coaching staff and what they're going to uh try to install and what they're going to try to do overall I believe in Purdue I think they can do it I think last year Purdue lost and got upset by Fresno State this year I think Purdue is going to come in they're going to get the upset against Notre Dame and Notre Dame fans are going to be kicking themselves again on their postgame shows and saying why is Riley Leonard our quarterback and why can't Marcus Freeman put out a good offense and part of it's going to be the offensive struggles but I also think it's just gonna be this defense because I think Purdue's got a pretty good defense this year Russ yeah I agree I agree it's definitely much improved you know it was towards the bottom of the Big 10 I don't think it's going to be at the bottom this year and you know again right Riley Leonard you know Pro Football Focus ratings you don't want your quarterback to be the worst rated player and against not against Northern Illinois Riley Leonard was their worst rated offensive player starter or or otherwise and that's not that's not good it's not it's not good B but um yeah no I I really do think that that Purdue will will pull it off this Saturday um I don't think that it's even within a possession um just because I think that's I think that's the recipe for us to beat Notre Dame I've I've seen too many games where we we don't put them away or it's just a possession game and then Notre Dame pulls it out in the end so I think the recipe for us to win is to get on top of them a little bit and try to hold a 10-point you know 12-point 14-point lead throughout the game and just always have an answer and not let them get that late game magic they seem to have gotten against us in the past wow yeah that would be crazy I I am predicting a 24 to 14 win for Purdue so I agree I think that it'll be more than one score I think that will be a field goal late in the game I'm kind of predicting that it's going to be a close match for most of the game and then Purdue has a late drive at the end and they just kind of put themselves above with uh with 10 points there and so Notre Dame tries to drive late but it just isn't able to happen however if Purdue is able to you know keep a two-score lead in this game for a good amount of time that would be really impressive and honestly it would say a lot about this Purdue team and what Ryan Walters has done and uh you know how he has been able to develop this team in the off season all right Russ score prediction then your score mine's 244 what's your score prediction I'm in a similar range I but I think it's a little higher scoring I think you're you're looking at maybe 31 to 20 I think that this pass defense will have a little bit of learning on the Fly and I think they might give up some some yardage but may be maybe be a b break type defense where we are able to hold them to a couple field goals either inside the 30 or inside the Red Zone and that's kind of where you come up with a 20 instead of getting up like a 28 or 30o game and I think it's right around 10 like you had so 3120 is what I'll predict all right I like it I like it let's look at some comments here really fast and then we'll move on get to a commercial and then get to our next game Dylan of course his uh his prediction here boilers by a billion are you wearing your hat Dylan yeah he's got a hat now uh Purdue seems ticket hold holders are getting some good games Notre Dame Oregon and Penn State that is true that is true if you are a season ticket holder you're getting some good games this year uh the big time boiler he's smelling an upset I love it I love it smelling an upset he also says I think the big physical Purdue wide receivers will be a major factor Purdue has uh never had so much size at wide receiver that's a good point I'm actually going to take Purdue's wide receivers over Notre Dame wide receivers in this one I don't know if I would say that many times in the past but I think Purdue has a good set of wide receivers here they're not you know Ron Del Moore and some of those other smaller guys big time boiler is here right is here here is right that they are kind of bigger body this year but I think this is a key factor in the game what do you think Russ yeah we're rolling out a trio of 63 guys as our starting wide receiver Trio so yeah it was impressive to see in person against Indiana State I was not I mean I was expecting to see a size difference because it is Indiana State but then you look at the program and you go okay yeah we got some dudes wide receiver and yeah our our o linemen are all like 64 300 plus all the starting o linemen so it's it's a big team and that's something that Walters wanted to prioritize was building size especially on the o line and it definitely it showed against Indiana State we didn't have to throw many deep balls I think part of that is because CJ Smith is still not healthy I think he's gonna be our deep burner but um he did try to get um Jamal Edan deep at one point during the game but he got lost in the Sun and then we just kept dicing them up with the short stuff because that's what was working but yeah we've got the size and they they've got separation they got again it's Indiana State but the reason Hudson card went 24 of 25 was because his receivers were so wide open he made one impressive throw his first touchdown to Max Clair who by the way Max Clair was also the top rated tight end in week one in the country so that's another weapon that you could talk about outside the wide receivers but uh yeah our wide receiver size is impressive for sure yeah yeah and Max CLA yeah I should have mentioned him earlier he's an impressive tight end that will be a major factor for Hudson Carr this year if he has a good year so all right excellent stuff there we are going toit a commercial really fast and then we will be back to talk about oh who do I have next we have Oregon Oregon State so stay with us have you ever wanted to watch all 22 film this you know that film the coaches watch well now you can introducing the coaches film room over at minesa sports former college coach Zack Smith breaks down film of the most relevant teams in college football with a bit of a big 10 lead it's not free so you'll need to sign up for the colonel tier which is $25 a month but I can attest to you that it is far more worth it than that with about four to eight games per week this is worth so much more money not to mention Zach's analysis making you a smarter football fan go check it out the links are in the description Minas you won't be sorry back here on the Big 10 huddle I think over on minesa Sports they've done Oregon USC Penn State I don't I don't think they did a pretty good game they don't typically do the FCS games but they'll probably do this game they've done not Notre Dame a couple times so they'll probably do this game against Purdue uh Ohio State they do every week just because Zack Smith was an Ohio State coach um Michigan they do almost every week so yeah a lot of big 10 content over there even if they're not doing your team you might be able to scout a team coming up so all right Russ let's talk about this game Oregon favored by 16 and a half against Oregon State I I think that is crazy high they started at like 20 and then it got down to like 14 and2 now they've gotten themselves back up to 16 and A2 it looks like the odd makers don't know what to do in this situation because on paper Russ Oregon is the far better team on paper Oregon has more Talent Oregon has better players Oregon has better coaches however you have seen Oregon struggle against FCS Idaho you saw Oregon not be able to stop the run against granted a very good running back in Ashton Gentry Oregon vs Oregon State over at Boise State but still not able to stop the run and honestly if they didn't get some special team scores they lose that game and so this is going to be a huge game for Oregon to prove that they can come out and beat an Oregon State team that should not be as good as them obviously by the odds but that's happened with the last two teams and the last two teams it was a 10-point game and a three-point game so Russ I'm really curious your thoughts on this Oregon team them struggling so far and what they've looked like against other teams and then how you think that will translate into this game against Oregon State yeah so uh Brian kind of took the words out of my mouth there saying take Oregon State and the points so that's kind of what I recommend against you know with Purdue Notre Dame as well of course I'm a Purdue fan I'm going to be positive I'm to predict their boy America win but you know almost 10 points against Notre Dame when they just beat got beat by Northern Illinois and it's at Purdue that's I I would say the bet is take the points and again in this one 16 and a half like you said is high Oregon is the better team Oregon should be able to pull this off even though it is at Oregon State um Oregon does not want to blunder in its first season in the Big 10 they do want to bounce back I think someone else said in the comments uh Philip yeah good teams tend to get embarrassed tend to bounce back um you know that goes for Notre Dame that also could go for Oregon even though they didn't lose you know there's a lot of talk about now it's just Ohio State in the Big 10 or maybe just Ohio State in USC like people starting to dismiss Oregon's chances even though they're undefeated and you know yes they didn't look good yes it to special teams but Boise state has been historically one of the better G5 programs that's also I believe the first time in program history they actually beat Boise States they got a monkey off their back so you know these good teams that have talent sometimes they struggle all year sometimes all of a sudden it just clicks to get the ball rolling and you forget about those struggles early in the season so you know you could see that happening against Oregon State it is a rivalry game so I don't expect them to cover the spread um Oregon state has also not looked great I mean Idaho state is not I mean Idaho State I think got beat by Idaho who was Oregon's week one to point they struggled with like 61 to7 or something like that like they're blown out they aren't even on the same plane as Idaho so um and then again you know it's it's all about protecting the quarterback right controlling the trenches keeping Dylan Gabriel clean you know when he's got a clean pocket I think he's close to 130 was it 25.9 passer rating when he's under pressure it's 85.1 so the recipe simple to like what Purdue got to do against Notre Dame Oregon State's got to get after the passer and then they got to control the line of scrimmage on offense and be able to run the ball and be a dual threat offense against Oregon when they have the ball yeah for sure that's what Oregon's been able to do with their defensive line they've been able to get to the passer without having to Blitz and that's been a good thing for them however they've not been able to stop the run as well organ state has a has a better running game I think some people give him credit for they had had a good game against San Diego State and they shut out San Diego State future conference member San Diego State so I mean that's a huge piece for Oregon there or for Oregon State there um but I mean like I I'm glad you mentioned it's a rivalry game because Dan Lanning is one and one against Oregon State rival and he's 0 and3 against Washington their rival so like I I know people love Dan Lane I know the Oregon fans love Dan laning but like Russ could you imagine if Ryan day started out 0 and3 and one- one against his Rivals like it would not be pretty at all people yeah if Ryan Day couldn't beat Michigan in the last few years that'd be crazy right I mean he has one win and then he lost three straight so if people are already mad about that imagine if he started only losing three in a row and didn't win any so I mean it it's really interesting to see how the Oregon fans treat Dan Lanning I tend to agree I think Dan Lanning is a very promising head coach do I think that he's like a top five head coach in college football right now like some people say no I don't think that much but I think that he has a lot of potential and he can be a very good head coach but this season it right now is going to be a test for him can he bring this team together because I see a lot of players playing for themselves right now on Oregon I see a lot of players kind of doing their own thing and I don't know if that's selfishness I said it seemed like a selfish football team a couple days ago I don't know if the players are self or if they're just not playing as one unit the offensive line definitely is not and part of the reason why is because they keep switching out their center it's one thing to switch out your guards it's one thing to put a different tackle in there but they keep swapping out their center right now and so they have no consistency with the person snapping the ball if the guy who's in there who can snap the ball well uh he's getting blown off the ball the guy who's in there that does a good job blocking he's getting Doan Gabriel bad snap so they're going back and forth and it really gives you no confidence in your Center and then Dan Lanning comes out this week and he says well yeah we're going to continue to rotate at the center position and I'm like dude you can't you you can't do that it's already pretty unheard of to rotate your offensive line in general but to rotate your Center position like we just talked about Minnesota rotating some of their offensive lineman earlier uh I think it was on Tuesday when we talked about that and I was kind of questioning that but I was like you know what they did it back in 2019 and they were 11- two so who am I to you know be against it you know what they did back in 2019 and what they're doing this year though they're Center is getting all the snaps their Center is not rotating out and so with Oregon doing this with their Center I just I think it's a huge mistake and I think it's something Dan laning has to learn from I think he's pressing a little bit right now I think he's stressed because he feels the pressure of knowing that this should be a national championship Contender right now but you're not going to be a national championship Contender if you're struggling against Idaho and all respect in the world to Boise State because they'll probably be the G5 representative in the playoffs this year but you can't struggle against Boise State after struggling against the FCS opponent in Idaho so I'm concerned about this offensive line I think Oregon State could take advantage of it and could find themselves in a situation where they're getting to the quarterback more often than Oregon is comfortable with I'm curious your thoughts on it though Russ am I overreacting to the offensive line situation or you with me and you're like man this doesn't look good yeah like we just talked about with the Purdue situation last year with roal lines so I'm you know you're preaching to the choir with somebody dealing with shuffling o linan in and out it's it's not good it's not good it's you have to get the the one unit that needs to be most most cohesive on the field is your o line and if they are constantly you're switching guys and there they call things differently because you're you know you're talking about just one guy being good at snapping and bad at blocking one guy being bad at snapping good at blocking but you know what about their reads their communication with their linemen because they've got to kind of run that line right so if they're seeing things completely differently and they're trying to get used to different voices in a hostile environment which I'm sure this will be at Oregon State in a rivalry game where they also will probably smell some blood in the water like Purdue I think that you have got to get that figured out and you've got to pick your guy and stick with him this Saturday and let them let him know that that's the case too they're not looking over the shoulder going you know if I struggle with snacking snapping but I'm good at blocking do I if I have one bad snap am I out of the game now and then the other guy comes gets thrown in the game he goes you know crap if I let Gabriel get blown up the first play what's GNA happen you know you can't have them kind of playing over their shoulder like that yeah exactly I think that goes into these players psyche more than I think some people realize you know if you if you are afraid to make a mistake there was a story last Ohio State game uh when they played Michigan where the quarterback was yelling to the team and he was like perfect game no no uh no no uh no mistakes nobody make a mistake and it was like okay it's it's good to say no mistakes but like if you're playing so tight that you can't make a mistake then like are you really playing you know they always talk about you know play free play fast because the best players play free like you make a mistake you get over it because you know your athleticism and your ability to play you're going to make the right play next time if you're constantly thinking about oh I can't make a mistake here I got to think through this I got to think through that you are not playing as fast and you're not playing as well because you're overthinking every little thing that happens and unfortunately that could be what's happening at the center position for Oregon if you're thinking about the snap every single time you get out there oh if I snap this ball too low I'm going to get benched oh if I snap this ball too high I'm going to get benched that just makes it worse and the same thing with getting blown up off the ball and letting a guy get by you uh it's just going to make it worse so I I think Dan Lany needs to instill some more confidence in his offensive lineman right now I think other players you know they they are very good players and they should be confident Tess Johnson Evan Stewart Dylan Gabriel needs some more confidence in his wide receivers he's not throwing the ball down the field well enough I mean he's got a high completion percentage but he's just not throwing the ball downfield nearly nearly enough so it's it's going to be interesting um Russ one more thing and we'll get to some of the comments I know people are are commenting we'll get to those in just a minute everybody um the run defense okay am I overreacting to saying the Oregon run defense is troublesome or are you one of those people that you're like no Ashton Gentry is just a really darn good running back and he just had a good game against Oregon nothing you can really do about that uh what what's your thoughts on the run defense for Oregon so I'm going to take the way out and I'm going to say it's a little bit of both right it's one of those situations where we're only two weeks into the season right like there's the games we're talking about are a lot of you know feel out games a lot of really good okay now we're going to have three weeks worth of data to go what is this team really because we get stuck in our ways before the season starts and go Oregon is 100% a national title Contender but then they might finish eight and four and you go okay well yeah because they had this new piece this new piece this coaching staff changed they had a transfer quarterback you get that so with Boise State you know we could be talking about a Heisman contending running back at the end of the season or we could be talking about a guy that like he just just went off against Oregon and of course you look back and go well yeah Oregon should have been worried because that was the guy's best game of the season so I you know it's something you definitely got a short because as a big 10 team versus a a G5 team you should be able to control the line of scrimmage and not let a guy go off on you like that um so you know it's it's definitely one of those it's a little bit of both like that guy is a talented player but the talent you have on Oregon and supposedly the bottomless pit of nil money you're going to have where you can pick the guys you want you should be able to stop no matter who it is across whether it's whether it's a Boise State running back or you're talking about trayon Henderson yeah no I I agree I think that's a good point um all right let's get to some comments really fast and then we will uh do our score predictions um all right I think we start Brian take Oregon State and the points I agree that's just a really big line I don't I don't think Oregon's gonna blow him out there can't trust the Ducks the Beavers will cover Philip says Brian also says Oregon will probably win but unless their lines of scrimmage have gotten much better this week it'll be closer than it should be I agree and then Brian follows it up down here with uh the Oregon lost their running back coach Lin to Ohio State yes and have a new o line coach could have something to do with the struggles that's a great point if you have a new o line coach in there he might be trying to have a hard time working through these rotations and working through the guys that he wants in there uh trying to figure out who he can trust who uh he he wants to put in there so that's a good point there Brian thank you for bringing that up Brian also says dan Lane is getting a lot of hype but the results aren't living up to the hype yep especially in the road rivalry games and then we have Zack here with us from Big 10 football talk thanks for being here Zack he says Oregon state will upset Oregon did you choose that did you what was your score prediction Zack remind me what your score prediction was I don't he's Mr upset man Zach is like let's let's do these upsets man I when I did the Purdue episode with him he was like all right yeah I'm picking more Purdue upsets let's go like he's just upset guy if you really get him going with it he'll get excited cuz uh when we got to that Purdue Notre Dame game oh he did orgon State 2724 orgon State okay um we got to that Purdue Notre Dame game when we were doing our preview I was like I think Purdue can win this one and Zach was like but are we gonna pick Purdue and I'm like I am he was like okay fine let's pick it exactly exactly like I think on his um his like he was more generous to Purdue when you guys did it together on your show but on his Show when he picked Purdue's Big 10 record or all big 10 teams records he had us two and seven but beaten Penn State like that's insane that's one of those Seasons where it's like well we did something but wasn't it wasn't so great overall that would be interesting um all right one last thing before we get to records I will remind everybody so Oregon and Oregon State the last four meetings Oregon State one in 2020 Oregon one in 2021 Oregon State one in 2022 and Oregon one and 2023 so for us are we due for an Oregon State win they 've gone back and forth every other year since 2020 are we due for an Oregon State win what's your score prediction I do not think so I I would I'll be rooting for him this will be the game outside of Purdue that I'll pay the most attention to because we do have Oregon and Oregon State on our schedule later this year and actually Oregon state is our next opponent after this weekend so um I also don't want them maybe coming in with too much height because if they if they knock off Oregon end up being like a top 15 team and we're going into Coralis playing a top 15 team that's a lot tougher test I think than a two one Oregon State team that's a little bit reeling so but I I do think that Oregon State covers I think you're looking at a close game similar what Zach predicted but I'm thinking that Oregon pulls it out and it's something like we'll go 3430 Oregon 3430 okay um I like the 30 Pro projection uh Oregon has scored 31 to 38 points somewhere in that range in each of the past four games it's actually been Oregon State that's been a little bit more sporadic last game they only scored seven but in 21 they scored 41 so it's been a little sporadic for Oregon State I think the key for Oregon State in this one is to take care of the football and have more time of possession and keep Oregon's offense off the field and keep their special teams off the field as well I think if they do that they will win however I think Oregon's offense is going to find their explosiveness and the offensive line I think will still continue to struggle but I think that the uh offensive coordinator wilstein will try to scheme around that a little bit so my PR prediction is Oregon 34 Oregon State 28 I think I think he's going to be a close one so I would not be surprised if Oregon State wins however it's just Oregon is too talented Oregon has too much Firepower they should win this game I just I don't think I can pick against them with all the talent they have so um John Hawk says he thinks Oregon is going to get well in this game uh and then he says puru will beat Notre Dame there we go John's predicting it too so got kind of Pur be Notre Dame prediction up John here we go uh and then Big 10 football talk hey do you trust James Franklin at Ross a that's a good question there do you trust James Franklin at Ross Aid Russ he should have lost last time he visited Ross a but uh we couldn't pick up a first down so was that was that 2021 when you guys went to the Big 10 Championship yes it was the puke six game it was the we played the it was the season opening game for us on Thursday night on Fox and yeah we had the ball twice with less than five minutes to go and all we had to do was get a first down on either possession failed both times and Pence state went down won it at the end that was painful that was the season that inspired me to start covering the Big 10 I started covering the Big 10 last year I just did college football on Tik Tok in 2022 but in 2021 I picked Purdue to win the division that year in the Big 10 and they won so I was like hey maybe I'm pretty good at this this I found out I'm okay I'm not I'm not great but I'm okay uh hey but hey Russ if the WIS get vacated you could have yourself a big 10 National or a big 10 Champion oh it's not if we've already made the banners borther Express is already we already consider ourselves Big 10 Champs that's done deal done deal I don't I don't think it works if they're vacated but they might make him forfeit it I don't know that would be so Random sidebar since you kind of went there so I do live in the Louisville area where our coach at the time Jeff Braum is now at Louisville who was at Pur at the time and um he and his coaches show this past week um talked about kind of getting used to the headsets and how it's been a learning curve but he goes his his his words were but that's something we've got to learn how to do if we don't want to get Michigan so he yeah he's definitely I think a little salty over that season in that that big 10 championship game because that was a that was a a decent game it was a one possession game in the fourth quarter that big 10 championship game with Michigan so if you know if they had a few calls that could have been the difference I'm just I've always wondered if maybe it was kind of like the TCU thought where like Michigan thought they weren't going to face TCU so they didn't Scout him as much like did Michigan think they weren't going to face Purdue so they didn't Scout him as much CU you're right in the first half it was a very close game and then it was in the second half where they kind of you know went ahead so I'm wondering if Conor St if Connor stallions really picked up on the signs come the second half and that's when that started working out more I don't know we're going full tinfoil hat here um he went in at half time and he got the uh cell phone footage from whoever he sent to the Purdue game and goes hey I actually do need that can you send that to me got the calls came out in the second half got it done there you go yeah he he got it uploaded to the Google Drive so that which I listened to a podcast today apparently that's what one Guy believes they were using he he's dug into this a little bit and he said that he thought they were using Google Drive which like how stupid can you be you have your payments on vinmo public and you're using Google Drive like I don't know but Harbaugh had no idea sorry harb had no idea uh Brian says has Purdue upgraded their visitors locker room yet Jim he calls him hairball uh Harbaugh was pretty upset with them yeah they're they're upgraded they're not the same they were back 10 years ago when he was complaining about the the locker rooms it's a newly renovated Ross a very nice if you haven't been there and you want to check out Big 10 stadiums very nice I didn't say I I heard they renovated it what was that 2022 or last year uh last off the offseason going into last year they closed in our our horseshoe um and they added a tunnel as an entrance instead of our players having to go all the way down to the open and the Horseshoe and then coming in now there's a tunnel that they come through and they named it after Joe tiller so it's tiller tunnel so that's right pretty decent entrance yeah that's pretty cool that's pretty Indiana vs UCLA cool all right well Russ uh we'll talk about your second favorite team in the Big 10 Indiana UCLA okay we go Indiana at UCLA uh Indiana is going to the Rose Bowl their second Rose Bowl ever I feel like I'm going to make this joke every time people play at UCLA bear with me this season I feel like I I feel like this is my duty to just make this joke all season long but Indiana is going to the Rose Bowl stadium for their second time ever I think it was 68 67 the first time they went and they're favored in this one Kirk cetti has got the fighting Kirk Signet out there now Russ he did say that Purdue sucks Michigan sucks and Ohio State sucks do we know does Kirk cetti think UCLA sucks guaranteed okay guaranteed guaranteed um another joke I keep hearing about this game is this is the the coach with all the uh the liners and the Clips versus the coach that uh doesn't know what to say we talked about that which by the way guys this game is it is in La this game is in La just yeah same same as town as USC if you didn't yeah yes yeah it's them in USC them in um all right so let's talk about this game a little bit I really like Indiana in this game even though Indiana is going to be traveling out to the West Coast we've talked about this a lot in the offseason what it's going to be like for some of these teams going out there I think the very first team traveling out to the West Coast like this has a good chance of winning this game so do the betons they have them picked at minus three right now so obviously there's some confidence there but I just I don't think UCLA is a very good team I think Ethan garbage was really stressing his first game and I mean he was a leading rusher in that game UCLA is going to have to figure out how to accumulate some more rushing yards they are going to get Jaylen Berger back in this one so that should uh be helpful for them but I mean it was also Hawaii you should not be struggling to run the ball that much against Hawaii it is an away game so I get that but still you should be able to run the ball well enough that you're starting running back is your leading rusher against uh against Hawaii so I'm a little concerned about UCL in this one I think that Indiana is kind of like a G5 like Superstar Allstar team with all the guys they have coming in from other places and I think they're playing like it right now so 77 points this last game again it was against a very terrible FCS team but still that's impressive for them to put up Russ are you with me you think Indiana is kind of has the edge here or uh can you not surpass your Indiana hate and you got to look at UCLA no unfortunately I do agree I do agree with you um it's also bad you can't run the ball against Hawaii and your your coach is a former accomplished NFL running back you know you would think you could do a little better um and then again this is another team we're talking about coming off their last game because us was also on a buy last week where they struggled and their worst rated player on offense was their quarterback and Ethan garbers he's actually at 49.3 was his PFF rating which is terrible terrible bad so yeah I I don't I don't see this looking good for UCLA when when Indiana can go all way across the country um and still have three and a half Point favorite like it's you know that I don't think that bodess well for USA I think this is a game where it could be end up end up being double digits and Indiana comes back going we're winning the Big 10 because that's how their fans are but um but no um you know yeah UCLA it's they they have a new head coach they struggled last year they're going to struggle in this transition and I think they're traveling more than any other team in FBS this year so they're going to go through a lot this year a lot of growing pains I don't think it's indicative of what what they're going to look like in the future but I do think Indiana Coes out there they're able to get pressure on garbers make him play even maybe even worse than he did against Hawaii because it is it's Hawaii and Indiana should be as a power five team they should play better than any G5 school out there especially if they're able to pull Allstars RoR has looked really good so far this year like you said it is against a a glorified high school team but it's still it's a record and you still have to go out there and do it you know you know Hudson card has he's tied the record for completion percentage all time in FBS and even though it is Indiana State well everybody plays cupcakes right like Indiana played a lot of cupcakes but they'd never put up 77 points and they they pulled starters like everybody on their their roster played so it wasn't like they just kept the starters in and destroyed them like they showed a little bit of their depth as well so I do think Indiana should go out there and take care of business and like you said it's kind of the first um exposure of UCLA to the Big 10 and 2A team coming in from the east coast and I think Indiana gets it done and like I said they come back thinking they're going to win the Big 10 but I am going to make a bull prediction and say whoever loses this game is guaranteed missing a bowl game because Big 10 schedules are brutal they don't have a ton of cupcakes you know and I just I don't think it looks good whoever loses this game yeah I mean if Indiana loses I feel like they still have a chance but I would agree with you that whoever loses this game it is likely that they will not make a bowl game this year which is interesting I think that Kirky net is doing some good things with uh W with Indiana right now if nothing else he's instilled confidence into this program this is a program that had little to no confidence under Tom Allen and Kirk ketti we can you know make fun of him all we want about you know Purdue sucks and Ohio State sucks and I don't even know if I'm making fun of him I just think it's funny that you know a guy is coming in with that much confidence that he's saying that on the basketball floor right away uh I think it's going to be a fantastic game at the end of the year when we see Indiana and Purdue face off because I really like both head coaches and I think both uh programs are growing right now we're going to see how it looks during the year but uh it confidence does a lot for a team and I think that Indiana is just quite frankly the more confident team right now I think UCLA is struggling with not as much confidence and I think their offensive line is in trouble now I think Indiana's offensive line also has some young guys particularly in the middle in their guards and Center so this is an interesting game where the defensive line on both sides is better than the offensive line I think we could see some really low running numbers and it's probably going to be a a battle between the quarterbacks and who's going to win if you're going to ask me who the better quarterback is between Curtis roor and Ethan garbers I'm gonna go Curtis R do you see it the same way Russ yeah unfortunately same way yeah uh we do have some predictions from people here in the chat uh John says UCLA by six by six okay uh Philip says Indiana loses to UCLA Indiana is getting too confident and hasn't earned it boy I don't know if I ever would have heard the s Indiana in football terms is getting too confident hey I will I will say they have the second highest overall PFF grade of any team in all of college football right now 77 points will do that yeah I thought I thought the Indiana fans might enjoy that and they did they they shared it quite a bit uh Brian is on the Indiana train he thinks Indiana 31- 17 um and John think cetti is a bum pH did you Google Signet yet I don't did I Google him yeah I've Googled him I've looked him up I not quite sure where you're getting at there Philip I apologize I might be missing a joke or something um or you might be talking to somebody El he might be trying to be like the youths and he's like going around saying Google me Google me oh I don't know like maybe that's one of his liners I don't know that could be that could be um all right any other thoughts on this one Russ before we get to score predictions no you kind of went the direction I was going to go Go With It ultimately was I think it comes down to quarterback play you know which is the most important position in football so it's easy to say that but um yeah the defensive lines are good and they're going to get after the quarterback and I trust Curtis RoR a lot more than Ethan garbers yeah yeah so what's your score prediction I I'll go with mine first 24-2 I have Indiana winning this one and I think more than anything I do think the quarterback's better but I just Al I I also think Kirk CTI is a better head coach than deshun Foster he's better speaker and a better head coach um I think it's a little bit more of a struggle um I think it's a u a little bit bendo break on both sides um where they're able to get some stuff going but then they get down in the red zone and they try to maybe you know get fancy with the pass game give up a sack or two and they have to settle for some field goals so I'm going to go 20 to 13 Indiana all right I see I see where you're coming from there that's a good point good point all right um okay let's do one more commercial and then Russ you and I will come back and we'll do Wisconsin stick with us everybody HomeField is your go-to destination for premium Collegiate apparel with a passion for comfort and a flare for vintage design HomeField brings you gear that is comfortable and stylish with over 150 colleges to choose from HomeField digs deep into the archives uncovering forgotten logos iconic mascots and Legendary Moments to create one-of a-kind apparel use my code tbth for 15% off for new customers or use my link in the description okay Phillip I see where Wisconsin vs Alabama coming from one of signet's First Press conferen he said just Google me I do remember that now yes told you that's probably what it was yeah I remember at Big 10 media days he was talking about how he's coached three different teams that the very first year they were chosen to be last second to last yeah or second to last in the conference and they either won or just made the championship game in the conference and I thought sat there thinking to myself Kurt that's a very nice story you are not making it to the Big D Championship Game this year man but they will I guarantee you they'll be playing that sound bite if they beat USA they'll be they'll be shared all over Twitter oh I hope so I hope so I just I love I love the confidence of other teams teams that normally don't have any confidence you really only hear from them in basketball season or teams you only really hear from in football season and then basketball season comes along I think it m I think it makes the conference really interesting and I didn't think we're gonna talk about maryn in this show but okay yeah they're not very confident right now they're they're uh they're one my foxly fired right now after into to Michigan State yesh all right let's talk about Wisconsin Wisconsin uh oh I put Alabama I apologize it's supposed to be at Wisconsin I don't know why I put at Alabama there uh Alabama is heading up to Camp Randall over uh up in Wisconsin Alabama one of their first games they are coming up north in a very long time they I don't think they ever really came up north when they had Nick Sabin I think like their second year of Sabin they were supposed to go to Penn State and they canceled the game so Nick Sabin never really wanted to leave down south who knows maybe he saw this game on the schedule and he's like I'm out I'm getting out of here caylin dbor who comes from up north is going back up north so this one shouldn't affect him too much Russ I'm really curious on your thoughts here man I have gone every which way trying to think of a way for Wisconsin to win this game I I I don't see a way I don't think Luke fickle is a better Coach than cayb D'Or I don't think that Wisconsin has a better quarterback has better wide receivers has a better running back I like there is nothing really see in this game of course we said the same thing about Iowa Iowa State and Iowa State won of course that's a rivalry game but still I'm really struggling to find a way for Wisconsin to win this game what are your thoughts Russ yeah similar similar I uh you know just like most of college football don't like Alabama I I love to see whoever they're playing upset them but um you know Wisconsin just has not instilled a lot of confidence this year right that not a really tough schedule with um I think Western Michigan and South Dakota their first two games only winning by like 13 14 Points each game where you know Western Michigan I know the transitive property does not work in college football if it doesn't work in any sport but um Ohio State went out and trout Western Michigan like 56 nothing so if that's any kind of comparison to where Wisconsin might be at as a program um I think if you go back and you watch some of the previous shows that I've been on here I've said some controversial things about Brett belma um but I think Luke fickle could also find himself in a bit of a bind this year because you know five of their last 10 games now are against ranked teams and four of those five are against teams that either top 10 or should be top 10 USC is 11 they should be top 10 that's ridiculous um AP poll is terrible but that's another conversation but you know Wisconsin got a tough schedule to close out this year and they're looking at they basically got to take care of every unranked team just to make a bowl game and they can't stumble against a Minnesota or and Iowa or even a you know if Purdue's hot at that time um and I think they could be in for a struggle this year with Luke fickle um they just have not seemed to put it together yet um van djk hasn't looked necessarily terrible but chz meoi was supposed to be the guy that carried the rock for them this year and really you know helped carry that team he's averaged under four yards a carry against Western Michigan and South Dakota like if those are teams you should be a if there's any team you should be able to run on it should be those two teams and so they you know do not instill any confidence or any chance in my mind except you know USF went in the fourth quarter down one points Alabama and they were a 500 team in the group of five last year so who knows it's at Camp Randle I'm sure they had this one circled maybe they just been asleep at the wheel for the last two weeks maybe trying to hide some things and get it prepared for Alabama when they come up there but but yeah I I don't see a way that you know it's going to take a lot of magic for them to pull this one off yeah I agree I think you you make a good point there with USF the past two years they've struggled with them now of course last year they were going through the quarterback change and stuff like that so that obviously attributes to the issues there and why they had uh had some trouble but in this one there really wasn't anything going on that attributed to the the issues now they did come out and win 40 to what was it 10 or 13 or something like that so uh they did come out with a big win and and won by a lot of points but for the majority of that game they were struggling and so who knows with Alabama going on the road going up north if these players don't come ready to play I could see Luke fickle with him being fiery enough and him being confident enough that he really gets his guys to just you know step on the throat and leave it leave it behind IND them and say we're taking down Alabama here so and Camp Randle is a very difficult place to play I mean I've heard some players talk I know it doesn't get the the you know recognition from some of the places but I've heard some players talk that they feel like it's one of if not the loudest uh College atmospheres they've ever been to so I mean I don't know if I completely agree with that from what I've seen on TV but I also wasn't on the field so I'm going to trust the guys who are on the field more than I trust myself watching just on a television so but I I I think this game is more about Alabama beating themselves than Wisconsin beating Alabama I think if this game ends up with a Wisconsin win you know 28 to 24 or something like that the storyline is going to be Alabama beat themselves I think if Ricardo hullman has a really good game and he starts making some more interceptions this season that could be a big factor uh I think if they do a good job of really restraining jayen milro and not allowing him to run and and taking away the Deep ball that could be a big factor um and also let's not forget Alabama they have snapping issues and Seth mcclaflin is not their Center anymore so they're continuing to have snapping issues this year now it's not been as bad as it was at the end of the season last year for Alabama but couple snaps go over Jaylen Miller's head and and they stall in some drives this could be a situation where Wisconsin is able to take uh take advantage of opportunities so that's my biggest thing for Wisconsin is if Alabama screws up take advantage of the opportunities because it's not likely you're going to get all that many more so if they screw up you have to take take advantage of the opportunities if they don't score on turnovers then Wisconsin's not going to win but if Alabama turns the ball over and they score on turnovers watch out they could have a chance Alabama needs to bring in Tom Allen I don't know if you saw those videos last year they get some help snapping yeah snaps but uh yeah understood the snaps I was like dude I want to like you but what in the world bro in the face of some those players in those videos they're just like please help please help they were the same as me they were like coach I want to like you but this snapping thing is so stupid when does the portal open up when does when can I declare yeah you think he's snapping at Penn State right now um I don't know he's probably trying to keep up with James Franklin running all over the place I was gonna say I don't know if James Franklin strikes me as like a snap guy so no he's just keep a moving guy he's like a way too hype to slow down and snap to something yeah no um yeah you said a little bit about the Run game there too and that that might be the one way that Wisconsin could could figure something out if they can shorten the game get the Run game going somehow against Alabama even though they couldn't really do it well against Western Michigan or South Dakota because Alabama was actually outrushed by USF as well in that game USF had more rushing yards um and so maybe chz muoi figures something out maybe he's able to hold on to the ball you know he did take a pretty good whack against South Dakota um and maybe that kind of knocked them off for that game I don't know what maybe happen with Western Michigan but um you know if they can figure that out and they got some stuff up their sleeve you know like I said they could pull off a miracle but I see this as as Alabama kind of going away I do too uh my score prediction was 34-13 I think I think I just I look at Alabama and I just think they're too good I think they're too tough and I think they overmatched Wisconsin in too many ways I will say a bit of a Revenge game for Luke fickle right lost Alabama when he was at Cincinnati in playoffs so of course Nick Sabin is no longer the coach so it's not a Revenge game against Nick Sabin but uh you know does does have some bad blood with Alabama just completely destroying them in the playoffs which you know I don't if that's so much of their fault as it was you know the committee for putting a G5 team in the playoffs but you know we can talk about that another time but uh did you give your score prediction Russ I did not I did not um I'm trying to do it on the Fly here too because I didn't really think of a score for this game um I think Alabama might get even closer to 50 I think it might be something like wow Alabama Alabama 48 Wisconsin 17 maybe 13 4813 yeah if they get a defensive score or or jayen milro gets you know two or three deep passes early on in the game I could I could see it getting there um but yeah they're going to have to have some help that way Philip says Wisconsin covers Jaylen milro too is too much of an unpredictable Force he will keep Wisconsin in the game wow yeah that's a interesting one interesting I I I don't know what do you think about Jaylen morroe I'm not as down on him as some other people are I you know I definitely think he is too overhyped with the Heisman stuff like when he was a Heisman hopeful last year I was like no he's not he's not a Heisman caliber quarterback but I do think he's Uber athletic and I do think he throws a nice deep ball so he has highlights to his game that if you utilize but the problem with that is he also has highlights to his game that if you take those away then he's not going to do a very good job of beating you so what do you think Russ yeah I see him more as you know as far as like running and dynamic I see him more as like a Josh Allen type where he doesn't he's not going to run the ball a whole lot but you get him in the Red Zone you know he's got four rushing touchdowns on the season but doesn't have a whole heck of lot of rushing yards right I think he had two touchdowns and two yards rushing against USF so um jam Miller um is seems like maybe that's the next great Alabama running back um I think if he can get going against Wisconsin and and give you know um give him some room to work in the pass game I think that they roll because Alabama is the type of team that when they get on you it just it seems like they just rack up the points quickly like you saw with USF right when when in the fourth quarter onepoint game they pull out a 42 to6 Victory so that might be kind of what happens here I'm not saying they just jump on Wisconsin and just roll the whole way through it might be a one possession game going at halftime or the second half and then Alabama just flips the switch and it's over yeah it could happen it could happen Philip says 3528 so he's on the little bit of a closer game uh there so we'll see we'll see I I wouldn't be mad if it's close game I wouldn't be mad at all Brian does say this should be a Prime Time game Fox sucks Camp Randall was crazy at night was at the Ohio State whiskey game last year great football environment all right so Brian was there last year that's one that's one of the little error on your screen there it's it's actually a noon game not 7:30 so yeah oh did I put 7:30 whoops I did change it to Fox so yeah I had all kinds of trouble with my Graphics today I apologize um yeah no I I agree I I like noon games watching TV because I I think it's really cool to get the big games kind of out of the way and then see what happens the rest of the day because often times in the night you know you have upsets and things like that happening so it's kind of cool to see those but I'm with you like these noon games do really inhibit the fans and what they're able to do like Penn State is nowhere near the type environment that they have been during night games during white outs when it's noon and of course Ohio State and other teams benefit from that but for Penn State fans I'd be I'd be ticked off because that's one of your best advantages of playing at home is how rabid the fans are but it just it doesn't happen the same way at noon as it does at 7:30 at night yeah my favorite setting actually is once you get into the fall those 3:30 kickoff kickoffs those midafternoon kickoffs where you know it's starting to starting to get a little cool the sun's starting to go down and by the time you get into the fourth quarter the lights are probably turned on and then those Big Time moments are under the lights I think that's probably my favorite yeah that's that's a good one too that's a good one too all right Russ any more thoughts on this one I think that's all we got that's all I got yeah just the the 3528 you know Wisconsin scoring almost 30 points when they couldn't hit 30 against Western Michigan South Dakota is just hard for me that's why you know I dropped him from 17 to 13 even make my own score I just it it's hard for me to think that A team's going to all of a sudden click against Alabama when they couldn't get it going against the opponents they've had so far yeah what was it 27 against South Dakota you said and was it 27 against Western M yeah uh 28 against Western Michigan 28 against Western Michigan 27 South Dakota so also um just got to say I know Kent gets on here runs his mouth a little bit um I'm now the number two team in the dynasty so yeah it's still his to lose but it's not I'm not going to give it up with that fight so I'm right on your heels and it's not over it's not over well Kent Kent wasn't on here last night for the basketball episode so some would say he's getting nervous and he doesn't want to come on and talk about it and he 100% is getting grief if he wins the national title after picking picking Michigan like yeah you picked the best rated team in the game come on now like are they the best rated this year it's they're one of they're one I think Georgia was the best but they're they're up there they're like top five top eight I mean the quarterback situation definitely hurts him a little bit but he's stacked everywh else I think he's got like two defensive linemen in the top five the Heisman along with Donovan Edwards but I'll tell you what Luther Burton I've become a closet kind of Missouri fan because that's I went black and gold I went outside the Big 10 and Luther Burton has been eaten like I think it's something crazy where Don Edward's got like mid 40s on touchdowns but Luther Burton's got like 38 touchdowns and I've still got a game or two left so yeah wow yeah he's a burner that's wild that's wild yeah I've heard um there's like a couple broken blers in the game Quin Sean Judkins was the big one with the spin move I heard Alex orgy's actually kind of broken like he throws well enough to get away with it but he's so Uber athletic that you can just kind of scramble and go anywhere with him Jaylen milroe I've heard is kind of the same way so maybe Luther Burton is just another broken player in the game that you can destroy teams with if you know how to play if you know how to play you know I guess maybe Kent needs the broken players on Michigan to to get it done but yeah that's it that's what he needs or he just needs to bend the rules a little bit oh okay uh oh oh there you go oh hey I want to address one thing too I'm going to go a little bit little rant here so for some of those non PAC 12 schools I heard you talking about a couple weeks ago about how do big 10 schools view each other like do they root for each other do they not root for each other I think there's more and more fans now especially since it's expanded a little bit that don't necessarily fall into the mindset of like I root for Big 10 at all times outside of big 10 play because you know I know you're an Ohio State fan so you've got your perspective but I think a lot of people in the Big 10 still like you I think you posted on your your your uh Twitter page actually are you happy that Michigan lost and of course the majority of your followers are probably Big 10 fan and I think it was like 70 plus% were like yes I'm happy Michigan lost so I think outside Michigan Ohio State fan bases in the Big 10 they love to see Ohio State and Michigan lose like they do not want to root for them maybe in a national title game if they're playing like one of the the the hated Brands outside the Big 10 like in Texas or in Alabama but um in the Big 10 there is some support but if you got a rivalry or you got the big dogs like Ohio State Michigan you you want you want to see them lose well some that is how the fans act too I mean there are a lot of Ohio State fans that are very arrogant about themselves in the Big 10 and you know ever since Ryan day has been there they haven't lost anybody in the Big 10 but Michigan so they kind of you know have that you know a little bit of reason to be arrogant there but before that Urban Meer was losing to Purdue Iowa Michigan State like he was losing to all kinds of teams that you know would kind of put him in their place and so while Ohio State fans could be arrogant it was like yeah but you can't beat Iowa you can't beat Purdue you can't beat Michigan State and so there was a little bit of that going on but now you know Ryan day yes he loses to Michigan and he's you know he hears about that all the time from his fans and the Michigan fans as well but uh you know he also beats all these other teams and so you got Ohio State fans saying like we're carrying the Big 10 because none of these other teams can do anything and it's like okay but I mean there are teams out there that are trying and actively doing that so I've changed over the years I I guess getting older has softened me I'm 30 now you know so I'm so so old and so wise uh but I like when I first started really paying attention closely to college football I was probably I don't know mid 20s and that was when you know I I really disliked anybody that wasn't Ohio State in the Big 10 and I was like I don't want anybody to root for root for anybody in the Big 10 because I was like you know well I'm not a big 10 fan I'm an Ohio State fan now I mean I just think it's more fun to root for the teams that you pay attention to the most and you know who are the teams around me that I pay attention to more than anything because they're going to play Ohio State it's big 10 teams so and now well I wonder too if that transitions a little bit without the divisions because I think the divisions and one thing that I'll miss from the divisions is how it went from you know Purdue Rivals were you know Indiana Illinois Notre Dame right those were the the rivalry games the trophy games but the divisions made Nebraska intense you know like we've beat them for the last six times we play Minnesota games were intense Iowa we were able to knock off you know Wisconsin kind of owned us but you know we won't talk about that one but it made all those division games with all those big 10 games more intense so I I think we're going to lose that a little bit when you've got 17 other teams and maybe adding more to it it takes a little bit of the intensity away from those rivalries which could make you want to root for your conference foes a little bit more yeah no that makes sense that makes sense and I think also the way that conferences are set up nowadays like I I think it means something to be one of the best if if not the best conference and so I think a lot of fans realize that and so I I mean I don't know maybe you can tell me as somebody who's not in Ohio State fan but as an Ohio State fan I start to recognize more how like you need Iowa Nebraska to be good you need Illinois to kind of shoot up there and and beat teams like Kansas every now and then before it didn't really matter but now like you have to be better than the Big 12 so a team like Illinois has to beat one of the contenders in the Big 12 in Kansas in order to kind of keep that you know Mantra of like we are the better conference than the Big 12 which obviously the Big 10 is the better conference than the Big 12 but if you don't beat teams then it's harder to make that judgment so I don't know do you think that like many Purdue fans and other teams like that like maybe teams that were in the west and stuff have grown to root for Ohio State and Michigan more because of that or do you think it's the same way where it's like no they they Joy they are joyful when they lose yeah I mean we're kind of bringing it full circle from talking about the expansion at the beginning of the show right like it's yeah you know we definit are proud to be part of the Big 10 and part of the brand that Ohio State and Michigan helped represent I wouldn't say we'd go as far as to root for them on National stages unless it is an SEC opponent like yes if Ohio State's playing Alabama 100% I'm rooting for Ohio State to win that game I ain't G to tell nobody about it I ain't going to get you know be a posting or nothing if they win but um yeah the Marquee matchups especially like bull games you know these games like I hope Wisconsin upsets Alabama and I hope Purdue beats them in two weeks but um you know I I'm I'm Illinois over Kansas that's tough because Illinois we've got our rivalries not just in football but basketball a littleit as well so that's a little tough one but um you at the end of the day if you had to admit it yeah you're probably happy the Big 10 is beaten up on some other conferences for sure but you hate Kansas and basketball too yeah maybe just because they added hunt and dickon we just yeah we don't play them much I think we play them in the tournament every now and then but yeah yep no I think that makes sense it's very interesting when I first started this podcast that was one of the things I recognized was it was really really hard to try and get big 10 fans to watch a big 10 podcast because they all just hate each other they all they all there are just so many of them that despise each other in the SEC they all they're all buddies they're all friends they're all cousins you know like they're all having a good time down there Oklahoma's rooting for Old Miss and yeah Vander belts like go Florida it's kind of crazy uh and they kind of recognize that like if Georgia and Alabama are good it's better for them so once they lose to those teams they're like okay we'll root for you for the rest of the season so we lost to you but you know like you just you don't get that same atmosphere from Big 10 fans so um philli says when's the last time Purdue beat Wisconsin in football I don't know do you know the top of your head Russ um it was I believe 2000 either 2003 or 2005 Kyle Orton was the quarterback at the time it was Kyle Orton versus Jim sorgi was the last time we beat them yeah that was the quarterback match up Jim sorgi that sounds like Alex orgy yeah no he I mean he actually went play for the Colts was backing up pay Manning for a while there oh really so yeah yeah yeah no you're right actually they beat him twice in a row in Madison take that Wisconsin 20 and Madison this year full circle full circle let's go so we'll see if uh we'll see if Purdue can break the 17 game winning streak that Wisconsin I don't know the Purdue if Purdue beats Notre Dame is it at Purdue or at Wisconsin it's at Wisconsin it's at Wisconsin yeah yeah no I mean if you're looking at Purdue um you know if they beat Notre Dame I think we got the momentum to go in and knockoff Oregon State and then we're going into Nebraska I believe is the next game after that and then it's hard to not see us go 4-0 if we're able to beat Notre Dame and Oregon State and then we're headed to Madison trying to go Five-0 and you know beat the curse yeah I mean even if you're even if you're three and one somehow in that stretch you only lose to either Notre Dame Oregan State or Nebraska like I don't know Wisconsin they might not be the same way going into it so Purdue could be favored that would be really really interesting see this is the other part of it where now that I do a big 10 podcast I'm learning more and more about the stuff and it's really really cool to really really cool to learn all right Russ watch help you where they can find Boulder Express yeah anywhere you find podcast YouTube Spotify um Apple podcast you just search borderer Express you'll find us if you want to come talk to me personally um or see some of my own takes um uh bxp Russ sorry bxp Russ on uh Twitter almost forgot there for a second I'm so old Dylan Dylan calls me the old guy on our podcast but we have a little fun obviously talk all things Purdue but we also interact with some of the other guys especially the Ohio guys as much as we might not want to root for Ohio State we've met a lot of good prod or Ohio State fans through doing this so um yeah come check us out hey we'll play for the trophy this year that's true and uh hel D and I are both trying to make the trip up to Columbus for that game this year so we'll see I've never been to the Horseshoe so be good well not as hard for Dylan Dylan's in so yeah yeah he's Behind Enemy line there yeah so but appreciate you having me on thanks j y no problem no thanks for being here appreciate it uh it's a big Purdue Notre Dame game so I'm going to be rooting for pdu hard and uh really hope that they can pull this one out and I gotta be honest I just I really like Ryan Walters I don't know what it is about him I I'm in a situation right now where I really like Ryan Walters and I really like Kirks and netti and I feel like Purdue and Indiana fans are going to get mad at me at some point for it but you know what sue me it is what it is so all right everybody thank you what you say I said we'll take it okay there you go uh thank you so much for watching everybody we do appreciate it thank you to Russ for being here go check him out on the boiler Express podcast have a

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