Category: Sports
E e e e e e and uh they found the matchup that they wanted and they got us in the exact same call twice once when we had had them backed up on a third down and on the last touchdown of the game there were similar calls and uh you know they got the matchup they wanted and they exploited it so you know... Read more
Category: Sports
To to deep tomorrow uh i think smu is going to release theirs as well so we're release our to deep at that point in time and uh you know shoot man i just think about this game and i think about what an unbelievable opportunity this is not just for our football program but really the community of reno... Read more
Category: Sports
Welcome to the biggest little city in the world reno nevada mccay stadium home to the nevada wolf pack where we have hit the jackpot with this matchup there's nothing quite like a great rivalry matchup in college football the bitterness the intensity the lifetime of memories that will come as a result... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Thank you for joining us on good morning reno our coverage of the davis fire continues it is 6 o00 and i'm dave i'm rebecca kitchen an amazing effort from fire cruise yesterday they were able to hold the containment lines against that wind and the davis fire not making that predicted run so in our first... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Again we knew structures were going to be lost at least 14 of them have been impacted many of them homes so far koo news now terry russell spoke with one family who lived in davis creek park and have now lost everything in just a matter of minutes it felt like we had the whole entire park to ourselves... Read more
Category: Sports
A leader we wanted to find the right leader we wanted to find a person ideally with head coaching experience we wanted a football guy and the non-negotiable for me is we wanted to find a person who would pour into our student athletes and as a result our student athletes will run through a wall he is... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Looks real good when did that change the whole vibe in your attitude it changed about the time i turned 80 inside boy that's a great way to try to stay cool too because it is going to be hot temperatures are only going to get hotter over the next couple of days a beautiful live look right now over carson... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] so my name is sarah and i'm going into my junior year here at university of nevada, reno. i've been a part of the honors college since my first semester and i'm currently studying chemistry with a minor in painting and on top of that i have worked on off-campus jobs but now i mainly... Read more
Category: Sports
Update on the joy uh i went through that last week right yeah working through something and justin herbert anything new is he still on track to be back uh to the gradual return to play uh coming up uh yeah same uh nothing new to report there okay and with a junior uh do you look like he was backing... Read more
Category: Sports
Erling haaland since he's been here but listening to to you talking it sounds like you think he's in the best physical shape that you've seen him since he arrived he feels good yeah last season always probs the hips probably with in ankle in the knee this season of course he take care of himself with... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Yeah this is trump rapping live you know the deal it's three against one but i'm made of steel k's got backup the mods are on her side but i'm here to set it straight no more lies to hide comma says no ban on fracking that's a joke yeah she lied i'm in favor of the ban she said it no way to hide she... Read more
Category: Gaming
What you can like keep doing your maximum um keep remembering if they told something in the att pos that might still help um and yeah i mean just keep doing your best keep trying to find a solution or change something do completely something completely different just to get that one round and maybe... Read more