[Applause] roads [Music] media I wonder what every single Giants fan is thinking right now this dude gets a damn hatrick he gets over a 100 yards with ease this guy is ridiculous he's ridiculous and you just let him walk out your building and go right down 90 5 to the Philadelphia Eagles you must be sick you must be just as sick as their damn loser owner what a win for the Eagles let me say this right off the top here on Thursday night opening day I watch the Kansas City Chiefs win because of a big toe week one is weird week one is strange and it gets even stranger when you fly 10 hours you go to Brazil you play on a piece of grass that sucks and everybody slipping nonstop so it is going to be a bizarre situation you just have to find a way to win I don't care if it's greasy I don't care if there's ugly moments and guess what there definitely were and we'll talk about it but what is most important is is starting out 1 and0 on the season because 0 and one adds insane amount of pressure when you go into your second game you can't start 0 and2 that would be abysmal everyone gets tight there's this poor bad feeling at the Nova Care complex all week no no no no no no no I want a party on that damn plane all right I want a party after this one in the locker room because you earned it that last drive while Jaylen probably could have been picked off for a third time but luckily AJ Brown played good ass defense hey you hit Devonte Smith with a couple of nice throws I thought Jaylen was a very mixed bag and that brings us to our Bleacher Report poll question of the show and I'm only giving you two options because I think there's only two Fair options for this question how would you describe Jaylen herz's game great or good because I saw some out there as soon as the game ended saying wow Jayla made some really Elite passes out there and he did no doubt about it that pass to saquan Barkley in the in the end zone for the first touch touchdown of the game was gross that pass to AJ Brown to start the second half was filthy as I alluded to that fourth quarter drive to keep the possession in the eagles's hands while there was a penalty on the Packers that helped keep you moving a little bit and there was a missed field goal that changed things around to Tad it wasn't Perfect by any means from Jaylen but there are some that are looking at a lot of the the positives and feel like that is enough to outweigh the negatives and labeling it great is what they saw out there I'm not there my answer would be good because I can't forget about the mistakes when he's throwing an interception in the end zone playing herob ball for whatever reason when the score is 31-26 that cannot happen when he took a sack right before the first half even though the Eagles got a field goal so points right before half and follow that up with the AJ Brown touchdown at the start of the second half you can't you can't take a sack you can't take a sack I want real shots at the end zone and don't even get me started on the third and 15 to start the game off with the turnover of throwing it over the middle of the field where there was what maybe triple coverage going on like three guys surrounding the Eagles out there when he started over the middle of the field I thought that was a disaster so by no means was it super solid from Jen Herz but I definitely would label it a good game he almost got picked off one play earlier when it was 31-26 with the pick in the end zone One play earlier on the left side of the field so he probably could have been intercepted four times in this one his decision making needs to be cleaned up the fumble on the the push tush I don't know I don't know but I don't want to roll out all of the solid things I saw fourth quarter using his legs getting the first down his legs wasn't great in this one and you could tell that the Packers were trying to limit him as a runner so let's just keep feeding saquan Barkley please because nobody can stop him there were times where I adamantly jumped off the couch and went go go go go I mean he's seeing holes behind maai beckon that he hasn't seen ever in his NFL career playing for the garbage Giants and then when he's he has a one-on-one situation he just has a filthy dance move a sensational cut to his right and he could just beat Defenders oneon-one you watched every skill position player that we said isn't impossible to defend have really sharp moments whether it's saquin whether it's AJ and whether it's Devonte Smith good luck they didn't even get Dallas got really grooving yet wait until that becomes an added layer to this offense you know what cracks me up though what cracks me up is Nick serani seriously said to everybody that motion's dumb oh my God that's how our head coach feels yo dude I hate to break it to you did you watch did you watch did you see what Kell Moore is able to do what frees up some of this offense and what frees up some of your skill position players it's the pre- snap movement I know that might be a little too much for you to understand I know that may be a little bit difficult for you to absorb that information but I'm watching in go to the right side of the field I'm watching AJ brown run routes that free Up Guys in space now SE Quan's open and they're able to utilize matchups and take advantage of linebackers it's crazy what real legitimate smart NFL football schematics do and I watched it happen for a lot of plays Devonte Smith is wide open in the middle of the field because of the design it's crazy it's so damn crazy I'm watching jayen Herz and and his ability to utilize the movement pre-nap and all this design to get free opportunities over the middle of the field it is unbelievable literally unbelievable thank you Kell Moore for showing me exactly what it's all about to have real knowledge of NFL football all right let's take a look at some of these other positives in the game Zack bong could play you know I was a little harsh on the Eagles because they were shoving him down our throat in all of training camp and I made it very clear this guy better be the second coming of Jesus swear to God he better be one of the greatest in the world now obviously I don't think he's the greatest in the world but guess what this guy Mak place the way the game finished unfortunately Jordan love got hurt and I really hope that it's not as bad as it looked but it did not look pretty Zack Bond finishes the game off with a monster tackle he was everywhere he was the reason why the interception where Reed blankin ship caught it even happened because of his ability to get back in the middle of the field the way he used his arms to get the um you know sort of in the lane to get his hands in the path in the lane of the ball and then Reed blankin chip was able to make a nice jump on it but that all happened because of Zack Bond Zack Bond was everywhere and I have concerns with the way that this whole Devin white thing is being handled I don't even know if re ever will see Devin white that's how much I thought that that was an absolute disaster with him randomly popping up with an injury him not even flying with the team I think something happened behind the scenes and I'm sure we'll get some more information on that in a little bit but the reason I bring that up is I thought niobe Dean mixbag when he goes downhill he's not afraid to bring the boom you saw him have a monster hit stick and a fantastic tackle there um I gotta tell you though I am very disappointed in not being able to take that pick six to the house because the second he failed in that spot the Packers responded and there's two ways to look at it you could either be like me which is extremely disappoint that he failed in that position or you could be like some of others out there that think he's constantly putting himself in the right position and eventually as he continues to get his feet wet and he feels more confident and more comfortable out there he will take advantage advantages of those poor throws and whatnot and I hope so I hope so there's no doubt more snaps more playing time more availability because he's been injured so much will absolutely put him in a position hopefully to feel like a noobe Dean that can take over but you can mess up that pick six that pick six is a game-changing drop the game is on the line you could put the the Packers away and you can just shut them down Big Time way earlier than making us sweat it out and he dropped it he dropped it and that can happen and he's not very good in coverage either so a mixed bag some really good stuff adding to Kobe Dean and some things that make me really scratch my head and angry um moving along though I thought quinan Mitchell as we bounce around and talk about the highs in the lows of this win I thought Quin Yan Mitchell was making plays everywhere he made the one mistake where he got beat over the top there and it was a big explosive play for Green Bay but other than that he was everywhere and Not only was he everywhere and in the right spots and breaking up passes and you name it just good solid coverage forcing Jordan love to have to drop a dime or put the ball perfectly and he clearly wasn't doing that I thought Jordan love he he kind of missed a lot of guys and left a lot of meat on the bones out there over the middle he would throw it behind somebody as they were running their route towards the middle of the field he he'd force them to have to stop and and sort of you know go to the left side of their body or the right side of their body yeah the right side and it was put behind them I thought he missed some throws out there that probably at the end of last season he would make but I don't give a damn you know what I'm saying um Quin yon Mitchell though he was willing to get in the face of people you hear it all the time about camp that he was in the face of AJ Brown he was in the face of Devonte Smith he was willing to go after the number one receivers and the top tier Targets on your offense and he wouldn't shut up he'd say you're your route was trash he'd say that you're not good enough whether they are or not but that's the mentality you need to have as a number one corner it's a shame because I would have loved to seen him play the slot and we hopefully we'll eventually get to see Isaiah Rogers play on the opposite side of Darius leay and Darius Slay even had a nice hit stick that forced to Fumble it's just unfortunate that the Packers jumped on it and it was close to the line of scrimmage there and it's just a shame that we weren't able to jump on the loose pig skin I would have loved to seen quinan Mitchell playing this get Avante Maddox off the field because they were attacking him they were getting after him early and you could tell that he was not feeling good all right he was not feeling like the Avante Maddox that we have felt normal with when Avante Maddox is at the top of his game they were saying yeah we won't mind attacking that man out there and I I wish he wasn't out there as much as he was I got to give a lot of props to this defense though because when all the turnovers were going on it was absolutely heading in the direction of the Green Bay Packers just taking control and Vic fangio earned his paycheck big time keeping the Packers out of the end zone and not putting up seven points instead kicking field goals it's 6 nothing it feels it should be 20 nothing it's 6 nothing and this all fense sucked this offense was turning the ball over cam Jurgens doesn't know when he's supposed to snap it Jaylen Herz it hits him in his chest the ball goes on the ground he's throwing an interception as well on Third and long when he's in his own End Zone there I mean that was bad bad bad bad bad that's as bad as you can draw it up that is as pitiful as pitiful gets and most teams could really punch you in the jaw and go up potentially 21 nothing they can score three touchdowns or so and you are really screwed instead Vic fangio the the the the defense just looked super super real in those particular times after the turnovers happened there is one area of concern for me with the defense I thought they got gashed pretty good when the Packers tried to run the football they could get exposed somewhat easily at times in that department and hopefully that's something that Vic fangio can clean up as the games continue to move forward here and I guess we can get some pass rush too did Bryce Hof play Bryce Hoff was one of the biggest Acquisitions of the off season you let Hassan ready to go who accidentally on a super bad year gets double digit sack and you let him go because Bryce Huff is supposed to be a game wrecker I didn't see him at all I saw a few nice plays from Jordan Davis I saw some things from Jaylen Carter outside of the penalties I mean stupid penalty because he was frustrated and then there was the the play where he was lined up wrong right was it on an on an extra point and then that pushed the Packers closer so they decided to go for two but the Eagles defense once again to their credit really stepped up and helped this football team out to keep points off the Bo there there's a lot of things I feel you can like I guess a better way to put it is this a lot of the areas were mixed bags but when you look at a mixed bag there's going to be a lot of good things in that bag and for this to be week one not that the bar is hey it doesn't look like last season because it better not not look like last season if it looked like last season then you know you know what I'm saying that's not the bar the bar is to look like a real football team and that shouldn't be something I praise you for that should be something that's a standard that should be the dull I hope you look like a damn football team look how much money's getting thrown around and look at the talent on your roster so I don't really want to give them any sort of Standing Ovation just because hey at least I'm proud that it looked competent like of course it should should look competent there's no way in hell I can date back to last year and ever use any of that as some sort of comparison point so with the defense their run defense wasn't necessarily awesome but I like how they worked in the red zone and they didn't give up touchdowns after turnovers I thought Jaylen did a lot of great things out there there's a lot to build off of here there's some things that have to change though part of the reason why I expected Jaylen to make a huge step in the right direction this year is because traditionally speaking he does not make stupid decisions he's smart with the football I got a little backyard football hero ball in him today we got to clean that up jayen the snaps him and cam Jurgens I think you realize big time that when you lose a Hall of Famer like J Kelce there's going to be a learning curve and a learning period with Cam Jurgens hopefully it doesn't take too long to get on the same page Right Guard playing Right Guard that's not the same as being the one with jayen Herz and His Hands underneath yes got to get smoother there they got to work out some of this jayen Herz running stuff so he could be a threat with the ball in his hands but if saquin is this special you got to lean on him sometimes I thought they got away from them just to Tad it's three and two or third and two it's you know third and short yardage let's not get too cute let's not overthink this there's a man who wears number 26 he can go for over a 100 yards blindfolded and by the way he already has three touchdowns this game what are we doing why are we trying things that are a little more complicated than it needs to be hand the football off get on ster and hand the football off I like that play that might be my new favorite play screw the tush push let Jaylen go under Center and let's hand The Rock off to saquan saquan is scary as hell we've seen some really good backs over the years DeAndre Swift was a really good back myo Sanders had his issues but he was a really good back not worth paying by the end of it but still a really good back yo yo these thighs these hamstrings those tree trunks what what just keep feeding him I thought for a second at the very end they were going to get him his fourth and honestly I probably would have done it just to stick it to the Giants even more what is their GM thinking after Hard Knocks oh man oh man all right so those are sort of my thoughts on this one that's pretty much instant Reaction game just ended clock hit zero I go live those are all the thoughts that are running through my head I greatly appreciate you guys all kicking it with me here thank you guys all so much for hanging out on Bleacher Report I greatly appreciate you all and uh we'll be talking very very soon enjoy the rest of your night e

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