Madden NFL 25 (PS5) Atlanta Falcons vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers [4K ULTRA HD | GODLIKE QUALITY]

it's the NFL on EA Sports and there's no love lost between these NFC South Poes it's the dirty birds and the Buccaneers coming up [Applause] next and we're about five miles Northwest of downtown Tampa at beautiful Raymond James Stadium near Florida's G Coast Brandon gard and Charles Davis on hand kickoff just moments away Charles quickly keys to the game for me it's coaching who prepared his team the best going into this one to give them the confidence to believe that they would win the game that's who's going to come out of this one on top [Applause] here's the punter Bradley pinion on to get us started and off we go from Tampa and he brings this out past the 20 to the 24 the Bucks getting ready to go on offense for the first time and it's Baker Mayfield leading him out in his second season as a buccaneer at his seventh overall and he had a most impressive bounceback season last year nearly leading his team to the NFC championship game that's not something you see every day and he was rewarded for it as Tampa Bay decided to make him definitely their quarterback for the future now for him he wants to prove it's not a one-year thing and in fact he is the long-term answer for this [Applause] franchise a first carry for Rashad white oh he's got a little daylight and they work this well up field across the 45 that good for 22 and a first down opening quarter his opening carry of the game I think they'll give it to him a few more times as they should you're exactly right about that with that type of a run you want to repeat it many times until they show signs of stopping it I think he did his visualization exercising before this one and they're paying off they go right back to White here on first down and he Maneuvers up the middle for three and it's second down they went right back to him but he pretty much had nowhere to go on that play yeah the previous carry looked pretty good that one maybe was a little tired I don't know yeah maybe he should have tapped out and had a second back come in and maybe make that run who knows here's second and [Applause] seven opting to run again here with white and a pretty athletic run right there as he's going to get this down inside the 40 it's a gain of 11 and the Bucks have a first down they did tell us they wanted to establish the ground game early didn't they they did and a small sample size that we've seen so far but pretty good return yeah you got to like that they've strung together a couple of first Downs established what they wanted the running game and guess what they also got their lead guy running it pretty well too they'll try to throw here Mayfield there's a short one taken in byon so five yds here five on the play and it'll be second down nice Rhythm throw there on first down he located his tight end made it a nice easy pitch and catch hoping he can break a tackle or two wasn't able to do that there but still good yardage from the 34 yd line here's second down at five Mayfield now steps away and he can't find a receiver and he's brought down give the sack to David anamat the product of Nigeria by way of Canada now that's a heck of a moment for your first sack of the game because if this long drive ends without a touchdown because of that sack we're going to look back and say that might be one of the biggest plays of this contest [Applause] and for the Falcons five men in the secondary now on third in motion goes the tight end now on Third and long they'll look to throw Under Pressure they got him again David onuma two plays in a row now that he has gotten in there for the sack and it brings up fourth down it always helps for a visiting team to come in and set the tone on defense in fact when we talked with them prior to the game they said they wanted this home crowd they feel like they had to hide their valubles when they were in town well the home crowd quiet now early see if their offense can take over and get some points on the board fourth down so Jake carda is out [Music] there and he didn't quite have the back spin on that one it hits at the four and continues into the end zone it's a Touchback so the Falcons make their way out behind their new quarterback for 2024 signed back in March the veteran Kirk Cousins and coming off of an off SE where Kirk Cousins was coming back from an Achilles injury he thought that was going to be his biggest challenge instead the Falcons drafted Michael pennx out of Washington in the first round and while that was a Joel Kurt Cousins has a great ability to just shake things off move forward and let his t bance come through and they'll send the slot in motion left a run for the first time with bejan Robinson and he's going to get seven out of this before being taken down at the 27 well you often say that sort of opens the Playbook now second and short what do you think early shot here I like where you're going obviously we've been together for a while cuz you know me I want to take that shot early and loosen things up operating from the 27 now here's second and three on the counter this is Robinson and he is met in his tracks behind the line of scrimmage it'll be a loss of a couple on the play so now third down coming up that was well played there defensively two tight ends in the formation which essentially gave him seven blockers up front hard to imagine with all that size and beef that they could let a tackler through but that's exactly what happened a loss resulted to throw cousins he's got his Target that's complete and he is going to have a Falcons first down as they're able to get the third down conversion what an intelligent play as he found open grass and uncovered quickly a nice clutch play to move the chains the defense they've got to do a much better job of accounting for these shorter routes [Applause] a quick throw out wide to Mooney and he's got some space here and he's going to be out of bounds but not before he takes it inside the 40 another big hitter there this one good for 18 zero hesitation that time that was get ball throw ball yeah turn into a smoke route if you see the coverage off the receiver doesn't matter whether you call a run or not just take the ball get it out to him now cousins and complete to Drake London and they'll get him down after a pick up of Eight Second and two you decide to run a hitch route it really helped to have a guy who can turn it loose and boy he rifled one in there on that one not much run after catch but it worked really well from the 31 here's second and a couple they'll throw again cousins throws right back to London complete again and this is going to lead to another first down as the tackle made at the buck [Music] [Applause] 16 no score after one on EA Sports second quarter now Falcon football as they've got it with a first and 10 on play action cousins touchdown Falcons Drake London a 16 yd touchdown and the Falcons post the first points of the ball game as they take the lead here in this second quarter an excellent long sustained offensive Drive and now they can look across the field and see a defense that looks a little bit beaten down right now as an offensive coordinator you're thinking to yourself can I dial up The Knockout [Applause] Punch now the extra point it's good and that gives the Falcons a seven to nothing lead so that a seven playay 80 yd drive and it was finished off by a touchdown catch from Drake London [Applause] now pinion with a kickoff honors following the [Applause] touchdown and able to take it past the 25 and up to the 28 yd line Tampa Bay they're getting ready to set up shop here for their second Drive they'll be looking to match that touchdown from a moment ago 7 nothing is the score as they begin with a first down [Applause] [Applause] down they begin the drive on the ground it's white and he'll take this up near the 35 maybe the 34 43 yds rushing for him now to this point they'd love to just strike back with a touchdown right here and if it's a long play so be it but the main goal get a couple of first downs run some plays run some clock allow their defense to get a chance to catch their breath settle down and relax a little bit after they just gave up a score Mayfield to throw it finding Sterling Shepard for his first catch his first catch good for nine and a first down this has to go down as one of the simpler routes in the Playbook but Oho effective nice completion there keeps the sticks moving [Applause] they'll motion the tight end across the [Applause] formation first down here's white he'll get this up to the 47 and brought down there yeah I don't know if it's exactly a win-win but if you're on offense you'll take that kind of a run all right it was kind of stacked up found a little bit of yardage and frankly they're pretty close to staying on schedule on offense The Playbook is still open for the coordinator from the 47 now they work with a second and [Applause] seven Mayfield it's caught by Mike Evans and Evans will have a bucks first down as he'll get this down to the 47 yd line seven yds there good enough to move the sticks [Applause] from Falcon territory now here's first and 10 at the 47 they'll try the right side here with white and he works his way forward to pick up four yds there second down some of the most unselfish players on any football team defensive tackles because we asked them to just eat up blocks and allow other people to make tackles but when he can make a play himself as we just saw there that's a big day to throw Mayfield and that falls to the ground incomplete a nice job of bodying him up defensively and now it brings up third down he already came through for them on this drive no surprise that they were hoping he could do it again seventh play of the drive UPC coming here on Third and six now Mayfield oh the ball comes out on the hit but they'll say it's incomplete certainly appeared to take away his first read and by the time he tried to look elsewhere and find an open Target the coverage was too good that one Falls [Applause] incomplete Jake kamart sent on now to punt this away and a bit of a mistake there this is well into the end zone for a Touchback Kirk Cousins now gearing up to lead this offense back out there five for five that last Drive touchdown pass as well he was clicking receivers I don't want to be cliche but running really solid routes too and what I love about it is when you look across any team all right the body types of the receivers are usually different the way that they get open different as well some of them use power to get open some of them use those head fakes and subtle moves some of them just use pure speed and the really good ones when they're established they know how to push off at the end of a route too and he's brought down at the 24 after a gain of four and I think he just wanted to get the ball to one of his Playmakers to see if they can make something happen but he ends up throwing into a crowded area and after the catch he isn't able to do much with it two minutes on the clock second quarter seven nothing ball game they'll come up second and six now from the 24 throwing cousins middle of the field it's Robinson even with that broken tackle can't go very far sto short of the 30 the result only four yds there on the play and that'll leave him with a third and two they'll come to the line needing only two yds to gain the first here cousins from the gun on third work in the middle of the field and he's got a man complete and he is going to have a Falcons first down and he's going to have it by plenty able to get eight yards there on Third and two that's a big conversion there on third down because they did not want to give the ball up here late in the half they'd love to take the clock all the way down and score this will definitely help the cause [Applause] so from the 36 now first and 10 playaction now cousin a throw right side here going to be incomplete normally you think the tight end's going to be able to catch the football and handle that contact but in this case maybe a little too much Target to hit that was timed well incomplete here's second and 10 to the air again it's cousins that's complete to money now the Falcons going to use one of their timeouts as the stoppage will come with a little under a minute to go in this first half [Applause] cousins now got an open man it's McLoud and brought down but able to get it to their 30 yd line 19 yds there on the catch and run and this was a nice example of an offens a coordinator scheming his guy open just a little underneath route just trying to free up some space and it worked awfully well got him not just space but plenty of room to run after the catch to pick up really nice [Applause] yardage cousins over the middle that's caught by McLoud the Falcons going to use the second of their timeouts as they'll stop the clock with 26 seconds to go until [Applause] halftime so from inside the 20 here's first and 10 at the 18 again it's cousins throw over the middle going to be caught here by Pitts it'll go down as a gain of six and it's second down that's a staple of this offense drag route to the tight end yeah he's unable to use his size to break off much more yardage after the catch but still an effective gain nonetheless and with Just 4 seconds left in this first half a timeout call [Applause] so with 4 seconds to go in the half here's the field goal unit onto the field from the left Hash A Chip Shot here coup knocks this one through the post so another scoring drive there Charles in an early two-score lead you'd like the six there partner but you'll take the three and I think they have to be happy about the way they moved the ball these first two drives they have to feel good about their opportunities the rest of the [Applause] game so barring a Touchback this likely the Final Act of the half as the kick is away and here comes a return from just beyond the goal line so we have reached halftime with our score 10 nothing as we toss it an hour or so east of here to Orlando it's Jonathan Coachman with our EA Sports halftime [Applause] [Music] report we were certainly treated to an entertaining first half both these teams with some high points and maybe a couple of low points as well so it's going to be a question of who can be the most disciplined team going forward all right coach thank you very much as we welcome you back for quarter number [Applause] three 10 nothing is our score as we get started again on EA [Applause] Sports and they will Wrangle him down a couple yards shy of the 30 so we get set to start this third quarter here's the Falcons offense now and Charles they've got the lead put your coaching hat on here now what's the game plan for the second half I think getting the running game going a little bit more because I thought in the first half they didn't get it moving the way that they would like they had success throwing it but I think these first couple of drives they'll want to get those running backs going and give them more opportunities and I will guarantee you that those guys were lobbying for them in the locker room at halftime second half begins with a run by Robinson he'll be stopped at the 35 but not before he picks up seven yards well no matter how they phrase it staying on schedule staying ahead of the sticks whatever you want to call it seven yards on first down that fits the bill now second and three the tight end in motion right it's going to be caught by Pitts look at the big man Rumble touchdown Kyle Pitts 65 yds and the Falcons come right out of the locker room and score here in the opening of the third quarter had the option to hand that one off a run it himself but instead a really easy quick pass I like the way they made a decisive decision and got it right to the receiver one move later he's in the end [Applause] zone coup now for the point [Applause] after he's got it and it's 17 nothing pretty clean and simple there just two plays the long pass resulting in the touchdown on play number two [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and following the touchdown now it's Bradley pinion on to kick this one [Applause] away and a decent return out to the 27 yd line here comes the Buccaneers offense they get their first reps of the second half [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now Mayfield in the Bucks come up on First and 10 at their own 27 on playaction they'll throw finding Evans here going across the middle of the field and they work this well up field across the 45 an ideal beginning of the drive there as they'll get 20 and a first down well we talk all the time about playing situational football and right now I think the scoreboard is dictating what they need to do where they are in this game they've got to push the ball down field take their shots try and get big chunks of yardage in a short amount of time that was a nice play there now a give up the middle this is white and he'll work it across Midfield inside the 45 another nice gain that's now 30 yds between those last two plays despite the score despite the deficit no quitting this guy he's running angry running through arm tackles he wants to change what that scoreboard is saying still in search of their first touchdown of the game but they're on the Move first and 10 they keep it on the ground wi again and he can only manage to get a couple second and eight coming up certainly a nice job there by the defense rallying to the football and getting him on the ground but I think the play gets made by the defensive front because if they can't get up field their job is to go ahead and get low almost get into a ball sometimes stack things up and make it difficult for the runner to find a hole Shephard will go in motion right Mayfield looks to throw that's complete it's Chris Godwin and that's going to be good for another first down as the tackle made at the Falcons 29 yd line a nice pick up there of 11 yds and it'll move the STI [Applause] throwing Mayfield and there's a short one taken in by uton and this will leave him a yard short nice pickup of nine yds on first down and there's a completion to the tight end and look at the size of these players nowadays at that spot 6'4 65 and up a lot of guys used to be basketball players somehow came back to football and that's really good for the game of football you're getting better athleticism great hand eye coordination guys who know how to control their bodies when they run their routes and he is going to lose yardage here he winds up giving a yard back there and now it's third and two the short field shrinks even more with the type of bodies they brought in on that play those extra tight ends they weren't able to secure their blocks and that one ended up going backwards trying to keep the drive going here this is play number seven on Third and two they'll try to pick this up on the ground with white oh they hit him in the back field and he will not escape and that is not going to get it done nothing doing on second and third down after that nyd gain on first after seeing that maybe time to go back to some downfield throws here yeah anything change it up cuz the teams that win the best teams they're the ones that make adjustments doesn't mean you can't come back to what you thought you could get done sometimes when you open things up a little bit you can get back to what you wanted to do before and his kick is good and they're on the board at least here it's now 17 to three so the response to that touchdown on the other side to begin the third quarter look just three points but still a response nonetheless you're exactly right about that because I think you needed to answer back with something even though it's not six just enough to send the message that says hey we're not going away after the M field goal here's mcgoffin back out there to kick it [Applause] away breaks through the contact and out a little across the 25 to the 27 the Falcons offense and Kirk Cousins getting ready for this next possession and as we show you some of the highlights from earlier he has been instrumental in getting his guys the lead as he looks to finish strong and close this one out [Applause] the Atlanta offense out there for their next drive this is sort of what you would call a putaway drive is they score here especially a touchdown it's almost out of reach it certainly feels that way and I think that they're going to call their plays accordingly because what you really want to do even though you know the scoreboard is still up there and the game's going to go on in fact you can take the spirit away from another team that their drive and will to come back and win can be taken taken with another score right here still third quarter but you just get that feel yeah they're teetering right there on the brink aren't they Robinson up the middle and pass the 40 before he's out of bounds 15 yds first down Atlanta Brandon I think you and I were both raised the same way in the game of football you run to set up the pass but I think we've discovered in this NFL a lot of teams pass to set up the run and that's what they've done throughout this game they've aired it out thrown it around the yard now they've come back to the running game and they find a way to be successful with it there goes a deep ball in zone and it's incomplete took a shot couldn't connect not only did he have a chance to scan the field there it felt like he had a chance to scan it twice the protection was that good unfortunately for him the coverage downfield equally good the second and 10 now it's As We Roll Along in the third quarter from [Applause] Tampa to throw his cousins sideline throw it's complete and a nice job there of keeping the toes in bounds they get six that'll leave him with third and four let's make this one simple what a catch especially the finishing part of getting his feet in bounds toet tapping and of course foot dragging little tapestry if you will Ooh I like it throwing his cousins oh tries to force it in and it's intercepted picked by anwan Winfield Jr and the Bucks will take over here as they get it up to the 43 yd line so a potential momentum shifter there working with a two-score lead third quarter but that not the smartest of throws I would agree with you on that one because this game is still very much in the balance it felt pretty one-sided to this this point but now if these guys can turn this turnover into points things could start getting a little more interesting now the buccaneer offense set to take over again they'll start an excellent field position following the [Applause] int now Mayfield in the Bucks come up on First and 10 at their own 43 [Applause] they'll start here with a hand off to White able to push his way through and this one not going anywhere they get him at the 44 for a gain of just a [Applause] yard and they're not going to get to the line to run another play so we will switch ends as the third quarter has come to a close you're watching the the NFL on EA Sports back now in Tampa it's Buccaneer football but they've got work to do they find themselves behind here to start the fourth quarter Mayfield now and this is caught by aans you got the big lead defensively willing to give him that underneath stuff right and this is why you work on your tackling tackle him after the catch inbounds keep the clock running just go ahead and bleed the game out that way the offense on third down tonight 0 for three to this point they could use a conversion they're up against a third and one situation they run Straight Ahead here with white fights through and now a crease and he is going to have a bucks first down as they're able to to get the third down conversion now yes a two-possession game but a good chunk of time on the clock so they have the ability still there to run it on second short but maybe they need to pick it up a bit you're right they did pick up the first down there but they as you mentioned they have to pick up the pace now because it's a two possession game they've got to get there twice to make sure they have a chance to win here's Mayfield He's got auton he's got room to roam and finally taken down at the four yd line a big play there on the catch and run 33 yds and here's a spot where this offense says we got to start making something happen we're down two scores it's the fourth quarter we've got to start moving with some urgency and here's a big play that gives them a ray of hope that they can get back in this one [Applause] first and goal and they got to be thinking a chance to get right back into this football game Mayfield to throw it Godwin's got it touchdown Tampa Bay four yds on the touchdown grab and the Bucks have made it a ones score game again here in the fourth the touchdown all set up by the big Play One Snap before but they finish it off here with a shorter completion this time for the score I like how they stuck with what got them there right the big pass play got the momentum going right that's you create it with a play like that and you come right back with another pass play to finalize things off here we go now as we get set for a big two-point [Applause] conversion they'll try and run it [Applause] here I have to admit I love the excitement of a two-point try you know to see what's going to happen and and it happens pretty quickly doesn't it you get an answer and in this case it was unsuccessful for the guys trying it completely unrelated I just realized that I stole both of your pins in this last half of game my bad partner hey that's okay while the and and just in the time they went for two [Applause] [Applause] following the touchdown here's mlin to kick [Music] off oh a dangerous Return Man showing it here and they'll have this all the way out to the 50 yd line excellent field position [Applause] they've got good starting field position as they come up here first and 10 right at the 50 yd line trying to shake off the interception from the last Drive he'll look to throw and he gets this inside the 35 yd line it's a gain of 16 first down Falcons well how about this aggressive approach got the lead fourth quarter continuing to throw the football are you thinking about Super Bowl 51 Atlanta had the lead against New England and they ended up giving it up I was going to say don't say it but you did say it I did didn't I yeah anybody watching Atlanta our apologies on play action cousins and this one is incomplete a that's some good closing speed there defensively because that looked open for a minute but that's great work with the ball in the air never gave up converged on his man and broke the play up now a second and [Applause] 10 now [Applause] cousins and this will be caught by Mooney and they'll have it in the the Red Zone before he crosses over out of bounds that catch puts him over 70 yds receiving now as he's got a first down and these guys certainly are not hiding what their intention is they're absolutely showing it they're definitely not going to sit on this lead here in the fourth quarter so the ball down to the 16 here for first and 10 cousins and he'll find the cloud on the right side complete and all the way down inside the five to the four it's all pretty simple sometimes isn't it go where the Defenders are not and he does exactly that makes a nice catch to move the chains defense got to find a better way of accounting for the shorter routes that are being R against them fourth quarter down to the final two minutes and we've got a one-score game so it's Falcon football as we welcome you back so first and goal six points here would go a long way toward wrapping this one up Robinson will score touchdown Atlanta what a huge touchdown that was obviously here in the late stages of the fourth quarter as they try to put this one away and Brandon when they watch the film after this week they'll be very proud of every rep if they close this game out just few snaps remaining they can't relax just yet coup for the extra [Applause] point and the lead is up to 15 now five plays there on that drive and it was bejan Robinson who took it home with a touchdown [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] run now pinion with a kickoff honors following the touchdown [Music] the lane opens here he's past the 30 [Applause] this is first and [Applause] 10 Mayfield to throw throw left side complete that's Evans now the Bucks going to use the first of their timeouts as they'll head to the sideline and talk over what to do next the two timeouts still remaining but scoring quickly a must it's first and 10 now Mayfield and oh that nearly their first pick of the game but it falls down to the ground incomplete well they've certainly had trouble unlocking this defense through three and a half quarters so I don't expect it to get any easier now you know they're going to be sitting back and waiting on everything and they force an incompletion there another try second and 10 now Mayfield this one taken in by oton and that's going to be good for another first down as the tackle made at the Falcons 32 yd line and that's a more than acceptable read right there because it's Zone coverage so timing is everything this time he waits for his man to come open puts it right on him and they pick up a first down here's first down here's Baker he completes it right side to white one thing I think that's safe to say defensively the tackling has been really good and because of that it's been very very hard for them to move the ball because you're not getting the benefits of run after catch they're tackl them almost on the spot that means they have to run extra plays harder to move it second and [Applause] nine [Applause] Mayfield toward the sideline and look at that catch dragging the toes and that's going to be a first down well done clock management definitely critical here if they want to get back in this game absolutely agreed they have to up the tempo in this case down a couple of scores want to make and now it appears that the referee's been buzzed and we'll get a review and this being inside two minutes of play everything coming from up above did he keep those feet in bounds that's the question they've got to decide and I got to say watching it in real time it was awfully close yeah certainly looked like a heck of a catch because he didn't appear to Bobble it which could complicate things but even with the benefit of Replay that's pretty tight well here's the call so the folks in New York just going to wind up confirming what the officials saw pause this play will stand as is two timeouts remaining but time is of the essence down two scores it's first and 10 now Mayfield and his throw here is incomplete that's certainly not the worst thing it stops the clock and let your offense catch its breath and lets us exhale a little bit now I expect them to call a couple plays in the Huddle so they're ready if a tackle happens in bounds from the 17 they work on second and 10 Mayfield with it once more throw left side hauled in by auton and he'll be out of bounds about a half to a full yard shy of the five and utton picks up a first down and he's hoping to take the next step here in year three after setting new career highs in practically every major category a season ago here we go first and goal to throw Mayfield looking in zone but it's incomplete certainly looked like someone was very confident in his ability to fit that one in I would say he was overconfident because there wasn't a whole lot of Separation there had that one covered pretty well downfield and knocked it away they come up here with another shot from the 6yd line and it's second and goal now Mayfield he'll get that out to the flat to White and he's able to get it down to the 2yd line well offensively that's the mismatch that you want you want to force a linebacker to try and cover your back out of the back field out in some open space but linebackers nowadays they run like backs and they take a lot of pride in covering what a nice play he made there in the open field third down and goal coming up here and again it's [Music] Mayfield toward the pylon but it's incomplete and now defensively in the two-minute drill the big key to me make sure you understand your assignments and anytime you get a chance to tackle someone in bounds get them on the ground the decision made for him they've got to go it's Fourth Down desperation time Mayfield on fourth down and he is into the end zone for the touchdown so they still need a miracle with a clock where it's at but they get one piece to the puzzle done still have hope I'm not sure win-win is the proper term here here but it certainly felt like it they got the touchdown they needed but if I'm on the defensive side of the ball okay you got the touchdown but it sure took you a long time yeah cuz offensively there you're probably hoping for a one to five playay drive that one AE up a little more time than they were hoping you're exactly right and if you have that one to five playay drive you actually build up momentum and even more hope when they had to slog their way down field they got the touchdown but it's almost like ah yeah yeah you know you got feel right exactly extra point by mlin is up and good as this gets him back within a touchdown and a two-point [Applause] conversion so with just a few ticks left they need a miracle and this is going to be covered up by the Falcons and that should just about seal it and that's why you have your hands team out there on the field those are the best guys ready to make that play and let's face it it was executed well it wasn't a bad kick it wasn't anything like that just that the normal outcome actually came to play analytics will tell you it's a very low possibility of getting the ball for the team kicking it an onside kick situation you're all about the numbers aren't you all about the numbers baby it's a new game now they don't lie and we will get a timeout with two ticks [Applause] left cousins is going to take this one down to a knee and end it so a win here for the Falcons and it was Kirk Cousins the veteran who really led the way yeah he really had his aame tonight he threw a couple of touchdown passes and he was instrumental in earning this Victory so that'll just about do it for Charles Davis I'm Brandon Gard you've been watching the NFL on EA Sports for more log on to EA with that we bid you good night from Tampa oh blow better than this get out of here are you kidding me really are you kidding me e

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Xavier mckin intercepts jayen hertz pass against philadelphia eagles in a highly anticipated match up between the new york giants and the philadelphia eagles safety xavier mckin made a crucial play by intercepting a pass from eagles quarterback jaylen herz this key moment showcased mckenna's defensive... Read more

BEST OF Los Angeles Chargers vs. Dallas Cowboys | 2024 Preseason Week 3 thumbnail
BEST OF Los Angeles Chargers vs. Dallas Cowboys | 2024 Preseason Week 3

Category: People & Blogs

Up open caught billy johnson out of bounds where they turned him away on downs against the seahawks lance and that's knocked away beautiful play stride for stride finley gets a hand on it brandon aubrey will come on he is nearly automatic and one of the best kickers in the nfl after a sensational rookie... Read more

Packers vs Eagles FULL GAME on Madden 25 NFL - PS5 thumbnail
Packers vs Eagles FULL GAME on Madden 25 NFL - PS5

Category: Gaming

He's just never looked back i mean mike think he's always had that power forarm he can push the ball up and down the field and make every throw imaginable but that time he spent on the sideline i think it ended up being a massive blessing in disguise he was able to work on his game from a mental and... Read more

MADDEN 25 NFL PS5: Packers vs Eagles SIMULAÇÃO MundoGamerBrasil 🏈 thumbnail
MADDEN 25 NFL PS5: Packers vs Eagles SIMULAÇÃO MundoGamerBrasil 🏈

Category: Gaming

Thanks for joining us everyone with my partner brock hward i'm kate scott and like so many matchups in the nfl brock our focus goes right to the quarterbacks in this one both of these guys players who've been around the league now for some time they've definitely established themselves as veterans who... Read more

Saquon Barkley's best plays from 3 TD Eagles debut vs  Packers thumbnail
Saquon Barkley's best plays from 3 TD Eagles debut vs Packers

Category: Sports

Sequan barkley's best plays from three td eagles debut versus packers sequan barkley made an unforgettable debut for the philadelphia eagles in a thrilling game against the green bay packers barkley showcased his exceptional skills and versatility by scoring three touchdowns proving to be a critical... Read more

Jessie Bates III, Bijan Robinson and more share their excitement ahead of Week 1 | Press Conferences thumbnail
Jessie Bates III, Bijan Robinson and more share their excitement ahead of Week 1 | Press Conferences

Category: Sports

Jessie bates iii yeah hey jesse just uh you know um i forgot when you w of the captains yeah was an honor to be selected as one of the captains here yeah uh it's it's a a super honor like you said um to just be voted you know by you know my peers my teammates that you know we've been building you know... Read more

A J  Brown's 68 yard TD recaptures Eagles' lead on second play of half thumbnail
A J Brown's 68 yard TD recaptures Eagles' lead on second play of half

Category: Sports

Aj brown's 68 yard td recaptures eagles lead on second play of half the philadelphia eagles reclaimed their momentum in dramatic fashion as aj brown electrified the field with a spectacular 68- yd touchdown reception early in the second half this pivotal play not only shifted the game's momentum but... Read more