Dimock Pennsylvania Fracking Tour - 08/16/2024

you know who our Senator was here for 12 years Gan yaw the most prodrill person in the capital right not one time did he ever visit his constituents even with that even when the D shut off the whole area all he did was try to sue everybody to reopen it that was his thing so our our focus is this is not and what we're going to talk about later this is not a political issue there's no politics involved in this you're not going to win with Dr or R you're going to win with people power and you're going to enforce the constitutional right to clean air and clean water that is it if you're not all aware that is a well pad right there with the green fence 500 ft from Ray's house um they're supposed to be a th000 feet away unless you sign to agree Ry never signed anything to agree to have it put 500 feet from his house that's been leaking and causing problems since 2008 when it was put in so we're going to go to famous world famous Carter Road it's right here that's the Carter Road Bridge why that's where it all started back in 2008 September 11 2008 Easy Day to Remember um 33 private water wells went bad on the same 24-hour period Scotty's um aunt and uncle live right there Bill he passed away at least a dozen people have died here cancer heart issues breathing difficulties all that that is well pad that's the one that caused gford pad that had to be um shut shut down as we get past this spot right here on the right that's the guessford and it's right in the back that was the first well that they decided couldn't play uh reindeer games anymore so you'll see the guest pad right there 248 there's a mailbox at every one of the pads folks cuz they get mailed they have to have an address and their GPS located see back there all that stuff what they tell you is oh you won't even know we're here there'll be a little Christmas tree of pipe sticking up look at all that stuff back there see almost those pipes and all you're like what the that's not a little Christmas tree you idiots so then they leave the tanks behind so as we go up the hill past the White House on the right you're going to see another guest for pad and the problem is if you I if you own the property right there and I live right here that property owner can have them put the well pad right there next to your house like literally the the Carters lived in the trailer on the right at after this white house and they they're about 200 feet from fracking was going on now if you don't know what that means is the lights are on 24 hours a day they had to lock their windows out so their kids could sleep cuz it's daylight 24 hours a day the noise is horrific the clanking pipes the noise the engines from the fracking all that so the drilling and the fracking happen 200 feet from their trailer they're not supposed to have anybody within 500 feet of their operations but because the guy owned the land right across their driveway then he just they put it right you'll see it now What's Left Behind is not just a little Christmas tree they have to have Flowback tanks the Earth keeps spitting up and regurgitating the uh chemicals uh from fracking and the and the um rine water that comes up for 30 to 50 years folks it comes out fastest in the beginning but they have to come and pump the tanks out every day so what's left up here is T tanker trucks pumping the brine out and it's not brine it's highly radioactive Wastewater from from drilling see those tanks that was drilled in 2008 that's the guessford pad there's their trailer right there the Carter's trailer originally literally you can throw a rocket at the stuff right so look at all the equipment still there and that was fracked 16 years ago and these were all vertical fracking this is not horizontal none of the ones that wrecked diic were horizontal fracking they were vertically fracked wait a minute I thought it was horizontal that wrecks everything no this area was destroyed by and that's another Gord path that guy gford is Mega millionaire and he's right there on uh the road you root in so that's was the Carter's trailer okay and then their their daughter and son son and daughter-in-law lived in the trailer right next to it right behind the shed white pipe stuck up that is a vent stack wow for the water well they've had to vent it that was the answer vented in the air wait it's methane leaking from water wells right Carter live here now Jean lives there her husband Ron also died all the women here lose their husbands cancer uh breathing issues all kinds of stuff right on the back of it there should be a white and black shed anywhere you see those that is a $50,000 filter system black and white garden shed down there that is a filtration system that cabat put in all over here they said they could filter the water and fix it that's $50,000 worth of equipment in there and none of them ever work nobody ever trusted the water but the DB said oh they're going to put filter systems in you cannot filter uranium berium stonum lithium arsenic like that those levels it was eating the systems every month they have to the cab was spending $1,000 just to fix the pieces that were being eaten by the costic water after they moved out they got the property cabbat sold to them for $4,000 they paid $200,000 to buy it and tear It To The Ground okay but there's a stipulation in the deed folks you'd like to know what it says no humans or animals can ever live on this property permanently no permanent buildings can be built Forever Wait a Minute there's nothing wrong with the water nobody ever moved in for a year then they tore it down and they sold it to the neighbors at1 $96,000 loss that's what they do with investor money they waste it on buying out people to shut up right right there's a pad right there this was a house and a trailer right uh a trailer right here on the right nor ref it's her water well that blew up on January 1st 2009 the methane built up the pump kicked on and it blew a 4in thick cement cover blew it apart like a it was shot all over the place and that was worldwide attention that got 2020 here ABC CBS FOX News everybody showed up when her water well exploded um this is the up on the top of the hill when we get up is the Demi Township building December 5th we had the w we we met with them about getting water for the citizens of Dem we had mayor Matt Ryan from Bingington he was a two-term mayor Democrat he met a he came on the tour here and he went hey wait a minute he said if nobody will help you with delivered water I'll take one of our water trucks that we use for Road stuff clean it out and we'll bring it here and I'll bring water to everybody until somebody else decides to do it so we all show up at the meeting hundreds of people showed up at this demic Township building and what happened they told Matt Ryan and on certain terms get the out of demic while you still have legs no no right threatened him the mayor of Bingington you're coming here don't tell us what to do in he goes no you won't help your citizens that are you are in charge of helping so I'm going to help and bring it AC cross from and Bing to if I have to their little door where it says demic is where we normally have the they normally have the meetings we met in this big Warehouse with about 300 people it was standing room only if they had ropes they would have hung us from the ceiling literally no no you don't get to talk bad now after we get past this white house on the right I want you to look there's a barn right behind it that was where the Eureka wastewater treatment was going to be right there that Barn see Eureka coming soon no it's not because Victoria and Senator Katie M we slammed them they just pulled the permit after 5 years of trying to get it done yeah yeah no you're not you think you're going to do something so that was a done deal and the water was in a flow they'll flow back right there underneath the road right there and go right through his farm and the farmer behind it right through their cow pasture that little that little thing right there was to be their Flowback that they said was safe to drink you're like no it's not and it's beautiful I mean this is a gorgeous area it was always either Farm FS or or um cories that was the big business year farms and cories dairy farms right my family sixth generation I'm a I'm a sixth generation farmer that has never farmed before my dad left because uh when he was 17 because he didn't want to shovel cow manure in the morning it just look like a trailer sitting next to the house cuz those sheds were too easy to spot we're like oh I wonder where the water filter systems are can you imagine the these companies spending $50 or $100,000 to build a filter system in every month then they tried to gift it every everybody they go oh um Shannon we're going to give you the system great are you going to pay the $1,000 a month to keep it for they go no no no it's like get somebody gifting you a membership to a golf club but they didn't tell you it's $2,000 a month for the dues I like no sorry so they they're snaked oil sales people notice nothing looks like it's rich people this is not the Beverly Hillbillies where they get you know became a millionaire the ones that became millionaires leave they just leave the houses the property here and then they tell everyone else you know you got to stick around and well and because if your property gets ruined like Victoria's they they're School teachers they bought that house with every bit money they had now they can't move because you cannot sell a property to somebody if know the water's bad without disclosing it otherwise you it's basically a uh crime or Jess and Joseph that are there Jessica and Joseph they bought their house they moved from New Jersey Northern New Jersey and uh unsuspecting nobody warned them and bought a house that was contaminated back when the road was done in 2014 so it was contaminated 8 years ago we even have emails from the couple that owned it talking about how the water's poison and the end put vent pipes and then they sold it to this couple without disclosing there was any problem and then their children got chemical burns in the bathtub because the water well had chemicals in it so it was burning the children I got pictures of them with burned marks on their hand on their bodies and everything else but look at this if you made money you could really screw up your property but everybody else uh you know back in the no it's no money zone so they have to make the roads real sturdy like this even dirt roads and keep them smooth because the trucks have to drive them and the trucks wreck the roads especially they're really good at ruining it they started they were fracking up the road from my house one pad that's all I have near me a mile away and they turned my asphalt road into a dirt road in two weeks the trucks just crushed the asphalt down to nothing and split it all out dairy farm also corn out the back and that's what people do here they they grow stuff or they have animals or they Quarry quing does a bad enough job on the water and the and the air and all that stuff but uh here well pad that's one of the Laro look at that oh we're only going to leave a little Christmas tree behind not those giant tanks now do you notice they're not metal the first tanks they put in were metal you know how long it took for the holes the size of your thumb to be eaten through 6 months and it was eating holes in metal so they have to use these polyethylene tanks that are six layers to hold hydrochloric acid because anything they put in from the slovack just ate right through the metal so do you think the piping that's made of metal is going to last very long no it's not because the Flowback will eat through those tanks it'll eat all that it'll break down the cement and pretty soon there is no protection that building over there we're going to drive by that's the compressor station it's blowing out um uh Vex and everything 24 hours a day depends on which way the wind's blowing there's a that's the pipeline station right there all the hay bales are stacked across from his house he's making money they probably uh they're probably gone 90% of the time because you know who wants to live where there's this kind of stuff that's a pigging station where they put the cleaning part in to send down the pipes that that right at the bottom of the SW pad is a school teacher lives there they have to move it's right they they basically ruined their entire backyard by building them this now they used to be on ground level so when you pulled up you could see everything but they filled out they found out we can bring in tours like this so they started building the pads up and spending all this time to build them 60 ft High there's the pad you always tell when they have the um the uh solar panels wait a minute why is there solar panels don't the industry tell you solar doesn't work well they use it because you know how much it is to run a power line over there 50,000 bucks that's how much it is so they put those solar panels up and they transmit all their well information from solar power and batteries we told them we offered to help them and so we ended up doing locally because the government will not help them you don't when you raise your hand and say your water's bad you get it's like whacka mole at Chuck-E-Cheese they just start smashing everybody to talk so we said we believe you that's all you have to say folks we believe you and we will help you it's like the Ghostbusters we believe you right we're the Frack Busters so what we did was um Tammy you'll meet earlier Tammy and her husband Matt they paid $1,000 bought a uh water tank I bought the water pump it was $500 Ray is an expert at Plumbing things in so he went over and we got them plumbed and disconnected their water well uh from their house and the problems went away the next day no more problems it's a magic right the governor wouldn't do that he wouldn't even touch this area Governor Shapiro would not include this area and there's about 12 homes that got affected minimum on this area very rural and he doesn't care not that's not doesn't fit in the thing yeah I went after the company I um bogus charged them dropped all nine felonies of misdemeanors down to one misdemeanor on November 29th 2022 and that's all I need to do thanks for electing me Governor I'm the environmental guy then as soon as he gets in we know what happened he's FL flipped 180 we liked him he was like our hero Ray and I got the meeting because I filed criminal charges against everybody in the uh all every elected official we have that's how you do it folks this is not about uh money or drilling this is about standing up for your neighbors that's what I've been doing for 14 years and why do we do it cuz if we don't do it nobody else is going to do it none of their elected off off help them Governor's not going to help them our US senators are not going to help them when you look at problems nothing's working because the Democrats say we don't have the numbers to get the um pass legislation I go uh it passed 53 years ago it's called the uh Constitution Amendment Article 1 Section 27 so stop tap dancing around and start doing your job you got to pick a side are you on the side of the citizens you represent or in the side of the only gas in Street and by the way um did ever see the the undercover work that was done where they talked to the guys from Black Rock who say we buy US senators for $10,000 so here's the thing when I say to people I go cuz politicians don't like you tell you to tell them they're bought and paid for it just doesn't go over good with them here's what I say though we paid their salary we already bought you you don't get bought by anybody else if you don't want the job resign and go get a job with whoever it is that wants to pay you more money see that right there look at those those are the Frack tanks this is a tank farm that that they had things but there there's a farm tank farm near here that want to double the capacity to hold 4 million gallons above Ray 4 million gallons there now I think they want to go to 8 million gallons those are what they use in fracking those are the water they have to leave those there and the trucks come in and dump water into them now we're entering the drilling areas you will see truck traffic this the action is happening here we had a guy come into town from was a decorated Marine staff sergeant from Capal June to for his sister wedding this is about 2015 he was parked right there at that road at the bottom um there was a water truck did he parked below the above the water truck waiting for him to turn and then another water truck came over the hill and could not figure out how to stop he crushed to the Dodge Durango his dad's do Durango he was driving like a beer can it exploded lit on fire and burned him beyond recognition he had two a beautiful wife and two beautiful children and then they tried to ignore it like when they killed my friend John Jones that lived near my house with a truck they always to ignore that but the Comm commander of Camp leun called up our local sheriff and said you either get something going on this I'm going to bring in the feds they went uhoh so they had to prosecute the guy got um military manslaughter all kinds of things done but the one that killed my neighbor he he jumped out of the truck they drew him the hospital and he left the hospital now on your left will pad you can slow down a little bit here check that out well pad now this is the smithold farm the Smith Farm right there Springville Pennsylvania here comes a Frack sand truck that's a Frack sand truck coming across the left they have to those are by coming in by the hundreds look at that right there this is a dairy farm three well pads they Frack those things right with the animals right there chickens cows milk eggs produced by animals that are literally breathing in fume taxes and everything else so I would not trust the milk or the eggs coming out of Pennsylvania now they're well pad folks those are all look at that those Frack tanks over there this is another Well pad what's the name on that one I can't read it yeah so that's a well pad with all the animals they'll get out of the way most they're good at getting out of the way of vehicles you just have to go slow they come she's got some pretty full letters there look at them they're in the Stream drinking on the right delicious crack water our own um District Attorney's husband was run over in montro by a water truck run over crushed his legs he lost one of them already the other one they're trying to decide I think and and that and it was never in the news they own the they own the the the news stations by the way we used to be able to call and get every news station in 100 mile radius here if there's a problem and then about 2013 they wouldn't uh they wouldn't show up anymore so we asked why and they said well they said or call our manager station manager there's another pad right up here right up where the yellow gates are um so I called the station Banner he said they uh they advertise a million or two dollars a year on our station they told us to cut it out on station on stories that showed a bad light on them so guess what they cut it out when I went down to demic the first time and there's a big billboard on the side of the road had our entire first responder team from montro with the with cabat CEO Dan dji's right between them we love cat thank you kit because here's what they do they buy new fire trucks buy new police vehicles they buy wings and hospitals down where you guys are at especially like uh in Pittsburgh area million bucks for the new hospital Wing whatever and then the the there's another pad cabin oil and gas now says Cera on our Hospital inless mountains Hospital yeah they helped raise cost 55 million to build it they helped raise 3 million doll they got their name on the outside of the hospital Ray won't go in there he goes I don't want to be carried into the cabat hospital if you look up to the right before we turn that's a tank farm with all the they're going to Frack cuz that's why you have the blue ones there that you can't hold those full you have to hold there empty because it would just lift the truck carrying it right off the ground so to the right is a big giant pad that's a huge pad that sand truck sorry samand truck what's crazy is we've gone to places where they're filling those up where the because they were come in by Train by rail then they scoop it dump it into the top of the Hoppers there right and we found a place that was the the the railroad tracks where they were doing the transfer was right where a daycare center was and the entire daycare center all the cars and the toys and the playground were covered with silica dust if you don't know that's more 100 times more dangerous than asbestos it'll give you empyema in 5 years of breathing it in not 40 years like with uh asbestos because asbestos is a really long microscopic fiber that takes a long time to work its way into your lung tissue to stop you from being able to breathe but um Reay has um Ray has silicosis of the lungs they said it was COPD when he went to um G singer but he went to uh I got them in Philly to the real doctors and they go you don't have COPD got silicosis the lungs are you a gas worker that's exactly what they said you work in the gas industry what so they can tell that they just take an x-ray and if the bottom of their lungs are all filled with sand they go are you in do you work in the oil and gas industry yeah they don't care about us they actually want to make it so bad to live here that everyone just leaves it's all they say don't if you don't like it here leave and he goes no I didn't buy this property here to I wanted to live here I didn't buy it to move out because somebody came in and bullied me out or poisoned me out a mile from me her her husband's family's been there for five generations I'm sick so and one time she caught me at a a public event and she goes Craig why are you making such a big fuss about this I go what do you mean shell she goes Craig this is a godsend we had to go work other jobs because our farm wasn't doing enough so God put this down there for us to get I said this I said Shelly God hit it th000 ft down in the ground he didn't think you'd be stupid enough or have a big enough shovel to reach it God hid it there to keep it out of away from us I go so don't blame God for this because God did it right he he put 8,000 feet of of dirt Rock between us and that we're the ones stupid ones that drill down and break it up you know it's like you watch the movie like Godzilla or something sooner or later you're G to dig down and find something you don't want to have come back up down here is radon we have the largest radium content uh I mean the second largest in the United States so it's radon gas comes up that's radium right that's what creates radon gas now you cannot sell a house anywhere in the United States without having radon tested I don't care where you are California whatever so imagine when they're drilling they're bringing it up through the water wells radon because it's already there so here we go water the sand truck so we definitely are going to be yeah just stay off to the right let them go pass because they're profession professional drivers but we we have to be we've seen them do crazy stuff before they might not the Reyes pad is the one that they're fracking at it's up a dirt road so when we go up there you'll see but that's where they're actually or where all the trucks are driving up to so the drilling is different they bring the drill R again they drill different stages the first the breake they punch through then they do the Deep stage and they do the horizontal stage that they're doing horizontal which is what they're doing with all these slow down around the cor here now white truck industry anybody that drives an all- white vehicle 95% it's industry that's Solaris industry so check this out we get up here that's the Frat crane right there check that out folks that is a huge pad look at these giant tanks oh we only leave a Christmas tree you'll never know we were here uh-huh yeah when you see the crane that's racking when you see the rig that's drilling huge rig is for drilling um the fracking rig and the the shorter rig is uh mobile that's for drilling the initial hole they use inverted mud which is Lee will tell you when we get back he was a 42-year master driller security at the at the gate those are the high 20,000 lbs per square inch is pushed at the top right there to shove the um fluid and the sand down there that's massive amount of pressure if that thing blows and you're near it it'll just knock your head right off little like a punting a a soccer ball across the field so that is a short spin around where you get to see now they had slowed down you obviously they were not full bore fracking there because they knew we were doing this today that's why there's no trucks on this road

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