Donna Brazile neuters Reince Priebus. Trade Unionism vs. the Oligarchy.

support for this show politics andri comes from politicsand Publishers of how to make America Utopia take away the economy from those who rigged it as I see it class Warfare the only resort to right-wing Doom it's worth it how to talk to your right-wing relatives friends and neighbors and other books written by Berto Willies [Music] welcome to politics done right I am your host eberto Willies this is a progressive program that will take the mystery out of politics this is the program that will encourage you to make sure government becomes We the People whether you are liberal Progressive conservative or otherwise you get to hear your point of view we are an independent media outlet that unlike mainstream media beholden to corporations we only owe a aliance to you remember you can also send me a tweet at EG b r t o w l l i s that isberto Willies let us engage it is politics Done Right welcome to politics done right my name is agberto Will is your host good morning Houston good morning Harris County good morning to the great state of Texas of of course good morning to Northeast Texas Southeast Texas North East Northwest Louisiana Southwest Louisiana and all the nooks and crannies receiving the signals from our 100,000 watt transmitter directly from Houston Texas folks we are going to have a great show for you of course as well good morning to the entire world receiving our signals through the internet formerly known as arpet created by not the billionaires who are profiting from it right now but created by you the American people the people of the world the intellect of the individual the collective intellect of the individual who's generally stolen from by the few anyhow before we get started let's go directly to the studio with the Geniuses who really make things happen around here well uh let's one of the Geniuses turn off the fan here now we can actually hear ourselves yeah good morning hot good morning how are you doing this morning my dear brother how word summer summer number two without an air conditioner in the control room so yeah uhhuh we have to depend on this floor fan and it makes a lot of noise there we go man it's been a weird morning strange things have been happening Gremlins yeah I almost locked myself out of my house fortunately I had left the door unlocked so I was able to get back in because I was missing my gate key and my um garage door opener get here we're off track on Arie arneson because one of the shows didn't load overnight for some reason and I have no idea why very strange things are a foot it's called the computer system is uh messing up that's pretty normal you know there's an entire billion dollar a year business built on computer mistakes called it yeah no kidding yeah well you should know about that you wrote programs for it oh yeah and when the program does not act right what happens bad things the Gremlins I don't see any wisdom man well he uh I just decided I was going to do oligarchs play again since we were talking about Labor and oligarchs in in berto's post oh okay good good morning eberto how are you good morning Jack I can't wait for your oligarch oligarchs pledge because you know what man that's exactly how I'm starting to build the program today so shoot her off my brother all right all right uh this is oligarchs pledge I I rewrote uh I don't know I rewrote uh the uh pledge of allegiance to be oligarchs pledge so I pledge allegiance to the corporations of the United Empire of America and to the economy for which it enslaves all peoples demonizes and devalues them passes The Profit to the elite 1% with punishment and tyranny for the poor Slackers now how do I how do I become a one my mic is how you become a there we go how do I become a 1center I'm tired of this poverty I'm tired of this shortages I'm tired of these prices I want to become a 1center too so how do you do that man becom a one yes that's for the vast majority of one for centners you got to do exactly what Jack just said but you have to do it with a smile and you have to do letting people know that letting people believe that you are in it for them you know you're in it for them but anyhow look it's a con is what it is it's a exactly exactly it's a well one of those is running for president isn't it yeah yes one of them is running for the president and the other one is held in chain well I'm want to go over that in a minute listen listen listen guys know no no no no no no that's what I'm saying actually you're not derailing the show at all you are the show let me let me explain we have learned from birth a certain ideology and there's nothing wrong with ideology if it does good you know uh there are people who are Christians right uh they follow a cert a c a certain type of ideology and that ideology has uh for the most part good virtues that create good citizens by foll those virtues you also have Islam Islam has similar virtues as it's some you know in different ways that also manages society and ultimately creates a civil society where things work a certain way and and it and it goes on you know people may talk about how different people have different rights based on certain religious values Etc we shouldn't forget that we are a Christian Nation that have yet to uh give women their full Freedom we're a Christian Nation that have yet to give women the highest Office of the land while places that many times we demean like Pakistan or or India or other places themselves have elected women to lead their countries respectively so there's a little bit of humility that we as Americans should have but you know there's also an ideology that is spread economically right we we we teach ourselves a lot of things from birth from the time things have been hammered in our head about capitalism and freedom and democracy and we like to use those terms interchangeably they're not we love to use those terms interchangeably I like to inform us all that the largest capitalist country in the world is that actually a communist country a country where people have hardly any rights and that is where again China China is the largest successful capitalist country you don't hear we say that much because they're also likely the most efficient capitalist country more efficient so than the United States and why are they more efficient because they're also an autocratic country an autocratic country doesn't depend on the on the complexities of having different opinions different opinions and the complexities of people not wanting certain things over the other autocratic country is extremely efficient because what the autocrat says is what gets done and as such if we decide that changing a particular economic pointer in this in their capitalist Society will make things better the autocrat just goes ahead and he or she does it that's not America America is also a capitalist country but things change a bit more slowly and in order for us to have the similar behavior and efficiency of a China where we get most of our stuff made because there are a lot of things they don't have to follow because they're autocratic country we in America have to mislead our people so that their behavior Pro capitalist of the type of capitalist in China is the same that's how we can compete with a country that is inherently more efficient than we are because remember the complexity of different thought processes that we have here in the United States because we're all independent thinkers doesn't lend itself for the best and most efficient capitalist structure so in order for us to get to those efficiencies that China has or that other capitalist communist countries have we have to indoctrinate our own which is what we've done a great great job of doing indoctrinating our own let me give you the different forms of indoctrination as you all know one of my pet peeves is uh health care now think about it uh our entire Health Care system is a system it's yes a capitalist system and while it is inefficient for us all the patients it is super ordinarily efficient for the capitalist it is extraordinarily efficient for the capitalist and why so it is efficient for the capitalist because in the confusion of having health insurance companies many of them in the efficiencies of having different Hospital Systems serving the same thing for the same process of just healing you there is complexity people like say oh there's efficiency in having doing things different ways you don't need a capitalist structure to have different ideas to make things better it is just you need it in order to transfer your wealth to the few examples of the lies that are told to you simply based on ideology you pay your bills every single month or week depending on how you pay your bills if I told you that to pay your bills I will charge you a premium of anywhere from 18 to 30% you'll say are you are you crazy you mean if I ask you to write the checks to pay my $1,000 bill I've got to give you $1,300 and for that you'll pay my bill get out of here but somehow we tell Americans to believe that to pay their health care bills it is okay to have hundreds of insurance companies who each have uh parasites meaning the executives and everything to take your money to do one purpose one thing to pay a bill it's capitalism baby it's capitalism so we take a 100 insurance companies that we pay millions of dollars to each of their CEOs to each of their CFOs to each of their database managers to their advertising cost to their real estate cost all of that we pay all of that cost you anywhere between 18 and 30% of paying the bill when one entity either nonprofit or your government could simply say Well when the the cost of this particular procedure is this and we just pay it without paying all that overhead but you have been indoctrinated into believing that that is efficient that gives you options you are given the options to to choose who's going to screw you you get the options if it's going to be Etna if it's going to be Blue Cross if it's go whoever it is you get the options to choose who screws you but you get screwed no matter what and the same thing we learn about employment right you learned that our constitution guarantee contracts not withstanding that no contract we've ever signed with the indigenous people have ever been upheld because when we found that natural resources on your land we simply break the laws or when we want their land we simply create the Trail of Tears or the trail of whatever to stuff them where we don't want to be but for the right people we are a land of contract so you sign a contract to work and no matter how productive you are how intellectual you are to create things we get a chance to take your a piece of your pie albe it legal right we create a patent system we create all these systems that guarantee profitability not for the Creator but the patent holder for up to 17 years and it look I wrote the book called as I see it class Warfare the only resort to rightwing Doom to try to to try to let us understand the force the con that we've been under since the Inception of our country and as we moved on with unions ATC it got better because we slowly take power yesterday was Labor day yesterday was Labor Day and you know what we learned on Labor Day we learned that a lot of times it just takes work and work and work to make things better I'm going to continue with labor and the Labor Day in a bit but since we have a call I'm going to go to gon Salo but folks I want you to remember this before I take the call we have been indoctrinated in such a manner that those who attempt to un indoctrinate us attemp to tell us some truth is usually meant with resistance many will hear the things that I say and try to meet it with resistance but what about what about and I'm willing to tackle every single what about but the one thing we're not going to not tackle is the truth the verifiable truth I mean nothing is hidden from us it is all there for us to see we have to want to see it and we have to want to actually read it they bet on you when they came out with project 2025 notice they put it all out there for you to see but the BET was you were too stupid to read it they put out project 2025 but the BET was you would look at it and assume that if it's there and written by the people you like of your ideology that somehow it couldn't be as bad as we say that it is we got to wake up we got to wake up and realize that we are in it together and should never seed ourselves to the autocrat because of the the the ultimate bottom line is if you like communist China remember capitalism has nothing to do with freedom capitalism has nothing to do with efficienc the the personal efficiency of the individual because some of the most efficient and best states for that particular model is in fact those like communist China gono welcome to politics than right and by the way folks the telephone number I want I want I wanto 713 526 5738 is the call in number 713- 52657 38 I'll take calls before I go on to the uh labor part come on in gono okay um yeah nice conversation um uh first of all you are talking about communism and communism is an abstract concept so far there is none of the cont r or uh World divisions that has applied that concept at 100% we only abolutely right experiment we only have experiments are hybrid and a mixture of both so uh what politicians are trying to do in this case the Republicans is trying to be absolute and say hey you want to look like China or you want to look like Cuba well you would want to look like Venezuela or whatever and that is completely uh uh you know bull crap I mean there are some people who believe that uh on the other hand you said China it's the uh perfect model of capitalism in the sense that they all go one way and H I mean in that sense we could say that China has been the country that has uh provided the most to capitalism because they have uh utilized or used the labor force at a maximum uh way to get profit of can I stop you right there gono can I stop you right there gonoo let me stop you because I'd like to commend you for the statement you just made and you just made an affirmative statement that the default situation of the best form of capitalism looks more like China than it looks like America and that's why America is devolving into uh what's occurring by China project 2025 turns us into a plausible China continue my brother yeah and um of course uh everybody knows where we will take absolute decisions the world and the the society pays the price so for example China with the one policy in the 70s has created a gap in population now and they are paying for it Venezuela by selling and uh the resources to uh China Russia and all the powers they owe money and they have put it in banks in Switzerland and so on and so forth they have created a huge environmental problem in Venezuela of course they don't talk about that because what they're trying to do is get all the profit for their pocket let me stop you right there I need to I need to stop you right there because what I want to do with with your with your excellent Pros Gonzalo is to give parallels okay now you just spoke about what's happening in Venezuela what Russia and China are doing in Venezuela which is really messing up Venezuela you know first of all their their their equipment is in disrepair and a lot of the Frack not fracking but the way they drill there to protect the layers of um under the ground is not done correctly as such polluting a lot now let's let's let's come here to America if you go out to West Texas that is ex exactly what you find as well I had the the one of the people running for Railroad Commission here on my show who points out about the bubbling that is occurring in West Texas polluting the groundwater as all these well heads that are supposed to have been sealed are now flowing so the same problems that you're seeing in Venezuela is what we're seeing in West Texas but the way we are here in the United States of mine hold on hold on let me finish my statement out of sight if you're out of if it's out of sight it doesn't exist what I'm trying to say here is whenever we're pointing the fingers let's realize that in in Texas we run the oil industry as it's done in Venezuela with not protecting the environment as it should continue my brother yeah I listened to that uh program and it was very interesting uh when I talked about the environmental disaster in Venezuela I'm not only talking about the oil industry I'm talking about mine I have talked to Venezuelans that says that Chinese and all the companies that they have bed and they have uh uh put their trust in they're opening big holes in the Amazonian area and they are trying to get uh all the minerals and things it's not only about oil so that's what I refer to of course o I agree yeah and um I mean um that's all I want to say I mean uh nothing not a single model in this world is perfect and I I think the the most perfect models are in Europe northern Europe and England and that has been done at the expense of the poor countries that they have exploited and they have getting their resources for centuries so we all know that we all know the history and uh U thank you very much for your program and for your explanation thank you so kindly gono you opened up you opened up a whole lot of do I mean a lot of reasons for us to talk about this issue and you know so thank you very much my brother I appreciate you all right have a good day byebye all right folks you if you can call at 713- 526 5738 if you want to add to the discussion uh 713- 526 5738 is the number all right let's go ahead and um you heard the the earlier part of the program when I talked about the most efficient capitalist country being China and that capitalism has nothing to do with freedom capitalism has nothing to do with democracy capitalism is best done in an aut autocratic State when we look at what project 2025 is all about uh if you look at the recent rulings of the Supreme Court all these things were meant for minority Rule and minority I don't mean minority of Hugh but I mean by the least amount of people uh given the presidency uh uh or t autonomy from corruption uh is one of those one of the first stages of autocratic rule giv Corporation give uh remove removing uh the the when Congress puts in a rule for a body to function and the Supreme Court removes that body from being able to function and put it into the hands of Judges those are those are policies that create minority rules for those who don't quite understand what I just said in the past if uh the the Congress passed the law uh an agency a federal agency of experts Implement that law as an example with the particular court case uh if we're uh putting people on fish you know uh they may say we need to have an expert on fish trollers to make sure these fish trollers are not destroying the fish habitat that prevents sustainability uh if if the Congress didn't specifically say put that person on that boat to do XYZ the company can sue and make sure that doesn't happen and say well you interpretting the law that Congress wrote incorrectly let's take it to a judge and one of these judge panel say yay or nay minority rule earlier on in in uh my work here at kpft as a host I did a program where I spoke about how Republicans would control America with minority Rule and I I said Republicans I shouldn't have said Republicans I should have said Republicans and neoliberals because neol a neoliberal Democrat is no better than a a republican politician in general and what that was is simply to say let's control the Judiciary because it's the only undemocratic portion of our entire uh uh governmental system it's after a judge has placed s you need Super majorities to remove them by impeachment and that is nearly impossible given the Dynamics of jerim manderin that further creates minority rule how does nor Dakota have the same amount of senators as as uh as uh California we've created a country that is not a democratic country we've created a country that is really ruled by the few we can mitigate that and you know at netroots I interviewed the this the uh Multistate compact the national compact that could alleviate some of these issues but ultimately we have to do it otherwise we continue our path to exactly where we're going which is autocracy and complete indentured servitude meaning all of you will simply be as we are approaching right now antiseptic slaves anyhow yesterday was Labor Day and by the way folks the call in number is 713- 526 5738 again that number is 713- 526 5738 please don't wait till too long uh to call in anyway yesterday was Labor Day here in America it's not Mayday you know Mayday the rest of the world has Labor Day on May 1 it's called Mayday we're different we are America so we have Labor Day what is it the first the first Monday or so in in uh in September I don't know what it is but sometime in September we have Labor Day Bernie Sanders wrote an oped that I think is uh prent and he titled it trade unionism versus the oligarchy on Labor Day and every day and it what it's important is to point out in this article is that finally now America is at its highest point in the support of Labor Union remember I talk about autocracy and what capitalism does having labor unions Excel having powerful labor unions is the one combatant against the move to autocracy and oligarchy oligarchy meaning controlled by the corporations Etc uh autocratic meaning controlled by the few by the one autocrat or the the group of autocrats etc etc ET well we are at the point now where 70% of Americans 70% of Americans support Union oh my God the power Manifesto is losing its grip on America the power Manifesto is losing its grip you remember that document that was meant to control your mind to fool you into believing that that which is good for you or that which isn't good for you is good for you well that's one that is supposed to infil tra colleges universities hospitals uh churches and everywhere else to keep pressing in your mind that the way or economic system works is the best that it can the best that it should well unions are coming strong unions are coming on strong uh public approval of unions according to Bernie Sanders at 70% is higher today than it has been in decades over the last year major unions like the UAW have won some highly publicized strikes uh many other unions have negotiated trailblazing contracts for their members young people at Starbucks and on on uh college campuses are now more involved in labor organizing than ever before and for the first time in American history a president of the United States Joe Biden walked a picket line with striken workers and if anybody had a chance to watch camela Harris Joe Biden yesterday in uh where were they I think they were in I don't remember I think they were in Detroit I don't remember where they were but strong strong support for the union unmitigated support for unions by the way when Kamala Harris gets elected uh the pressure from the union must not subside they must pressure her into ignoring the whims of the oligarchy because as soon as she's elected the oligarchy will sweep in and just like they did with Obama and ObamaCare they will sweep in to get their bigger piece of the pie which we must not seed to them but anyhow it is not an accident to why we are now seeing more militancy and growth in the labor movement working people of our country are increasingly aware of the unprecedented level of corporate greed and Power we're now experiencing and the outrageous level of income and wealth inequality that exists I know we talk about that all of the times and many times people say ah it's cliche we're tired of hearing it what are we going to do about it well it's about unions it's about taking your piece of the pie not asking them or begging them for it taking it and how do you take it from the autocrat you you remind them who's who really has the power who really has the power in this country you see if you are fooled into believing that they control it all that is why they don't want collectivism that is why they don't want unions because when unions get together when the people get together as unions they realize that ultimately that one CEO with a 100 subordinates does not have the power of the people who are actually doing the work the people who actually have the intellect to invent the things they are the ones with power the others are just parasites and when we come to that realization which is the fear which is why the the the Chamber of Commerce uh uh wrote uh sanctioned uh what What's his name uh Supreme Court he was a supreme Democratic Supreme Court Justices to write the power memo the PO Manifesto LS Powell wrote the memo because the biggest fear is that we educate ourselves and ask the question why is the CEO making several times what we make when we are the the ones that create the product when our intellect create the designs when our hands put it to labor when are we going to realize that statements like uh wait a minute wait a minute um I'll make my money work for me is it it makes no sense because what it says is you're going to let somebody else do the work as you sit your butt down when are you going to start asking the real question when the capitalist says uh I am risk the reason I make so much money is I'm risking my Capital if you really believe in the sanctity of life if you really believe in all these concepts of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness how can Capital be worth more than Humanity how can that person risking their Capital be more important than you risking your arm risking your leg risking your mind in a job how can that Capital be worth more than what you are risking which is a part of your own Humanity but that is what you've been taught to believe and that is why you give them a pass well I'm giving the rich guys a pass I'm giving the capitalist a pass I'm giving Trump a pass he's Rich he made it no he didn't we made it for them we made it for them and then we give them the credit do you understand the chains your mind has to be in to believe that you believe somebody is worth a billion when that billion was made on your back on your work on your worth on your intellect do you realize the chains that one's mind has to be in not to go ahead and demand what is yours you're not asking for a favor you are not begging for a favor that's just how it is but you are asked to believe you're taught from birth to be a slave we are taught from birth to be slaves not the kind of slaves that the people with my H were but an antiseptic form of slavery and Union unions are the antidote to that and for that we much further we must further fool you into believing there's something wrong with unions because while the Chamber of Commerce is the biggest unions for the businesses that take advantage of you they have a union their Union go and Lobby Congress the metallurgical Union the American Association of this the American Association of that those are all unions they don't call them unions but there are different industry groups different oligarchic groups getting together to get laws P beneficial to them not to you you are just a cog in the wheel are you a secretary ha you don't matter are you a plumber you don't matter are you a engineer you don't matter are you a doctor doctors are getting treated like widgets right now we are blaming doctors for so much at the hospital you don't see you have a problem seeing a doctor because they're working the doctors like horses you can't blame the doctor the nurses are you know the nurses try their best but my God the nurses are in trouble they have so much to do folks it is time it is time and like Bernie said 70% of Americans are now in favor of unions um my qu only question is why isn't it 99.9 let's go to Harry come on in Harry good morning L Professor economics uh intelligent uh Professor egberto Willis good morning uh Mo inano anyway uh those other night let's see uh 70% so um let's see 80 90 that other 29% needs to wake up we need to listen to uh school day [ __ ] Le's uh movie watch that movie at the end of the movie uh when I was trying to when I was talking to my poor friend from Florida those people need to wake up like fitburn says but yeah Union uh oh I was going to before I mention get into the unions uh kabala Harris and Joe Biden were in the backbone of the steel industry the uh they were in Pittsburgh the the uh where I talking about uh uh labor in the steel industry and um uh the the state where the team that I told you about that I the teams that I told you that that I love the Pittsburgh Steelers the Pirates and the Penguin I follow those Steves but anyway um I'll get into uh unions I know you've heard about this uh in um those hotels like San Francisco and in Seattle those people went out on strike because their wages cannot keep up so kudos to them because they know that the unions are going to fight for them and get those wages up and they told those uh uh Hotel uh employers screw you you're not going to make antiseptic slaves out of us we're going to get those uh wages up and be and be paid uh liable wages because we we're tired of being a slave uh uh and making you profits and and and and we're and we can barely feed our families and we can barely uh make IDs me to pay our bills so unions are your friend as I have said on this show many times than you Harry thank you Harry gotta go to Jimmy you're a good man you're a good man let's go to brother Jimmy come on in Jimmy good morning robberto how are you doing I'm doing fine my brother talk to me sure um first of all we are very lucky to live in the United States I'll give you two examples in Namibia in Africa they are going to kill there's a shortage of food they're going to kill 732 animals including 83 elephants to eat can you imagine that eating an elephant that's that's that's really sad about their food situation over there and also now in Venezuela they've lost nearly 8 million people more than 25% of their population do economic misery and political repression so Venezuela is another sad country you know compared to our wonderful country right here I got one more thing um yesterday we went to see the movie Reagan it was sold out in Memorial City so we went down to the Regal Theater it's a really really good movie re Reagan is played by Dennis Quaid and uh it tells all about his U times as governor and president and uh he made friends with gorbachov and one of his most famous quotes was Mr goov tear down this wall and they did tear it down and that movie brought tears of joy to my eyes several times it is so good and so I highly recommend people going to see Reagan thank you very much for that Jimmy let me just um do a push back here rean there there's Reagan the Mystique and then Reagan the policy like I said I wrote a book called as I see it Warfare the only resort to right-wing Doom the reason I wrote that was to do a comparison not only a presidents and what their policies actually did to the economy as you know policies don't the the results of policies don't occur in the year necess earily the year that that President pass policies but in subsequent years a Reagan there are two Reagans there's a Reagan of patriotism and there's a Reagan of oligarchy and let me let me first say one important factor uh Americans ought to love America I love America Americans ought to rever their country like French need to rever their country like England need to rever its country I agree with that as well a a a country that will succeed is a country that can look at it and say I love the country and because I love the country I want to make these changes to make it better uh since the Inception of Reagan we've looked at this country and made it worse and we can go ahead and categorically look at policy after policy the policy of supply side economics that uh never allowed the trickle down after giving the rewards to the top to trickle down to the many the actual results of income inequality that has grown exponential since Reagan and you know all of these are in the charts these are all truths there it's telling these truths doesn't mean one doesn't love their country telling these truths says one loves this this country and needs to have the changes in this country to ensure that the demise doesn't occur because right now we are on a path um again those that are that have that are living comfortable lives I don't see it but those of us who go out there into the field and actually see how the vast majority and I'm not talking about a plurality I'm talking about how the vast majority of Americans are living how Americans have to double up in homes now how Americans have to uh make different different different compromises just to survive day by day I live in Kingwood Texas supposedly a a a place where you don't see some of the things that you're starting to see people doubling up in homes all these things are starting to happen and it didn't happen in a vacuum it happened because of policy and what things that I promote here is a love of America that can say we we can only love our country if we're willing to make the changes to make it good not for some but great for all anything else Jimmy before I go to uh Derek one more thing I've got uh two grand nephews here in town we had dinner with them recently uh living three of them are sharing a house and uh they don't even have a refrigerator can you imagine living without a refrigerator there you go I'll never be a I'll never be able to buy a house you know and that is policy that is policy one of the main policies right now coming out of camela Harris is we realize that stuff about homes right now so what do we do we create policies to solve the problem to mitigate the policies of the past thank you very much my brother Jimmy you keep being good a good guy let's go to Derek byebye thank you Jimmy Derek come on in brother okay dere you're on now good morning sir y i just just want to say man I appreciate EV every morning when you come on and you take the first 15 minutes of your show to lay everything out I like that man keep on doing that thank you brother I just want to say that Labor Day to me is a day that needs to be a day of reflection on how much of a working slave we have become as a nation wake the hell up America can't you see how much of a working slave you are and then you satisfied with one day off compared to the rest of the 365 days they have worked the hell out of us here and because when you look at some of the poorest Nations uh that I mean they they have armies they have a military that they have to deal with you have some people that that that whenever they get some of their workers get sick they give them a whole month off to recover C with pay and some and some depending on how worse it is they give them a whole year off with pay but here you try to be off for a month especially with the jobs that to where they don't pay you pay you for the day that you're out wait the hell up America you a got that good Derek thank you I mean let me tell you they like many of the corporate structure many in the oligarchy would want you to believe that Americans are not hard work or they're sling off and then they use couple of people that are sling off as the example to to paste on to project onto the rest of America when the slough offs are really the ones in the office right the parasites are really the ones up top most of the times but here's the funny thing uh here's the funny thing you go on the streets right now brother Derek and you see Americans are hard workers they are on that streets in the traffic every day at the bus stuffs I don't care if you're in the ghettos I don't care if you're in the baros I don't care if you're in Appalachia people are hardworking people people we work more than any other country in the world and you know what it's proven that uh that the kind of work doesn't give you the happiness there are a lot of countries where the people are a lot poorer but they are a hell of a lot happier thank you very much brother Derek right thank you have a great dayto yes yes let's not forget coming up we need to really force force the issue dealing with these insurance company it's too much money man people just went through this this hurricane they can't afford to get their rooms and property uh fixed up because they done they didn't put these premiums up I mean the uh the uh what what they call um the the deductibles the deductibles the deductibles the deductibles are so high that that the insurance doesn't pay anything yes I I get it let me let me just say Derek thank you for Derek thanks for bringing that up you I I need to cover that as well to show the fraud that they you know what I did the other day Derek I added up all the different insurance I had car insurance home insurance life insurance uh uh umbrella Insurance the the thousands of dollars that I pay every year I mean thousands of dollars every year in insurance and and get nothing for that and the one time I've had to use it when a tree fell when it was 1% of I think at that time was 1% of the value of the home they said okay yes qualifies but it's 1% of the home therefore you pay it all look you nailed it thank you Derek we'll talk another time I got to get to Moses and I'm running out of time Moses come on in my sister good morning my brother come good morning let me say this quickly people are beginning to open their eyes they are beginning to understand the power they have as a union when people are squeezed they will rise when people cannot find food when their families are suffering when they look up and they see the foot of the oligarchs on their net their rage will rise just as all the people's Revolutions of the past that rose up against the oligarch and push them out and regain control of the proletarian of the people amen amen love you girl love you love you thank you for that you have a wonderful day sis all right let's go to Brother Ray my Ray from South Park how you doing brother good morning egg Berto good morning uh look I I got a short point I wanted to make I woke up this morning with uh Axel F uh Beverly Hills Cop on my mind and the reason I say that is because um obviously we have the Top Cop from uh California running against the top felon um I wanted to say this though with that in mind you know when I think of that movie I think about that scene when he was at the hotel and he put the bananas in the tailpipe in the tailpipe yeah and you know I see Donald Trump is doing the thing again where you know he starts to you know shift to the left of his opponent with the you know no tax on tips and uh you know I'm going to go and and I'm going to support ivr even though project 2025 strictly forbids any type of uh Reproductive Rights so I say this to say America uh just like Axel did to those cops you know at the hotel he ordered them the the the lavish lunch the the lavish dinner with all the the fixings and stuff and they're like wow this is a great dinner I don't know why we got this food and then when he's ready to go make his move he didn't already stuffed the bananas up the tailpipe so when they tried to follow him they didn't stalled out and that's basically what Trump is doing he's trying to he's trying to produce this lavish vision of what he's going to do for America meanwhile he's stuffing bananas up to tailpipe so America don't fall for the banana up to tail pipe that's my message today thank you very much raid well said well said and great analogy from Axel Foley let's go to Brian come on in my brother Brian good morning how is everyone today uh we're fine talk to me my friend okay uh who had a higher Reemployment rate Ronald Reagan or FDR the same time I'm gonna tell you it was Ronald Reagan okay what I don't know what that means okay Reagan put more people back to work than FDR did that's that is a silly comparison there was a different there's a different amount of Americans back then the rate there's a whole if you want to make a better comparison compare Reagan with Clinton that's a more accurate comparison and there's no comparison there Clinton produced over 7 million more jobs than Reagan did so come on Brian Let's Get Right with the numbers the one thing you're calling when you call into this program you're not calling a fool okay we're talking facts here go ahead talk speak my brother speak my brother okay okay okay now we don't have to work for the man your caller forgets about what is called capitalism free market Society not the same no no no no no again you're not talking to a fool capitalism and free market capitalism I have my own business capitalism and free markets are not the same free free Enterprises not the same capitalism sir stop for a second let's not fool Americans capitalism is a segmentation of of an economic system such that those who actually do the work are abstracted from those who actually produce I mean those who work abstracted from those who control that's capitalism don't be fooled Yourself by what you're being told uh free enterprise is not capitalism go ahead don't don't don't tell me don't don't tell me that answer that is that is impossibly ridiculous you can start your own business that that but starting your own starting your own business is not capitalism capitalism by definition has nothing to do I mean in in communist China you can start your own business no you cannot sir no you cannot sir I am not asking you I do business with a private entity in China don't tell me you can't do it I do business with a private entity in China thank you okay you're totally wrong on the free enterprise system now you can't afford a how many how many how many million of illegal aliens are here tens of millions of illegal aliens and they're getting housing Brian you're wrong but Bri Brian again Brian we are doing what we are supposed to do in by international law you see you guys are so misinformed international law if somebody comes over here for Asylum which what's what most of the people who come over say they're for then we do what's the Humane thing to do you can try to spin it anyway to go ahead and make make the poor people of America feel like somehow these illegal aliens as you call are getting benefits that they're not that is not the way you solve the problem but I got to go I'm at 655 go ahead real quickly all right it look like cut off earli but anyway let me go back to the studio real quick oh nothing here very Lively show again and uh Jack what you got you looks like you got some notes here no uh it's just we only have like 30 something days to get registered to vote so people get your stuff together get registered cuz we need to make a sh in this this election cycle oh you can count on it that I'll be down there at the voting I might do I might do early voting you can jack yeah Jack thank you for reminding me for that and please remind me to do that every single day of those 30 day 30 something days because uh here in Texas we took a 1.1 million yesterday and we were still on the rooll so we're okay anyway folks uh I want to tell you love you all every single one of my caller all love for you every single one of my listeners all love for you our our great Studio love for you anyway uh the the entire program that we should have covered is at politicsand newsletter politicsand newsletter there's a great video on that that's going viral right now that you want to listen to any or watch anyway folks got to get out of here my name is eberto Willies this is politics done right and you know how I end this baby I am what out support for this show politics andri comes from politicsand Publishers of how to make America Utopia take away the economy from those who rigged it as I see it class Warfare the only resort to right-wing Doom it's worth it how to talk to your right-wing relatives friends and neighbors and other books written by [Music] Willies welcome to politics done right I am your host eberto Willies this is a progressive program that will take the mystery out of politics this is the program that will encourage you to make sure government becomes We the People whether you are liberal Progressive conservative or otherwise you get to hear your point of view we are an independent media outlet that unlike mainstream media behold into corporations we only owe allegiance to you remember you can also send me a tweet at EG b e r t o w i l l i e s that isberto Willies let us engage it is politics done right [Music]

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