Netanyahu is bullying America into a catastrophic war. Donna Brazile made me proud!

welcome to politics and right I'm eberto will is your host good morning Houston good morning Harris County good morning to the great state of Texas good morning to America the United States of America that is good morning to every nook and cranny receiving our signals whether it be Northeast Texas Southeast Texas Northwest Louisiana Southwest Louisiana welcome good morning to the rest of the world through our Internet the tentacles reaches all over and we are listened to all over anyway folks we are going to have a great show for you today I trust all is well I trust you had a great weekend well you know the weekend was kind of tenuous in the world but before we get started let's go to the Geniuses in the studio buenos Miss Amigos Miss henos Favoritos good morning my brothers how are you guys doing this today ladies and gentlemen from across town to Across the state to Across the Nation to across the world it's politics done right on kpft Houston came first really you want to try that again well we we need that piece of music from 2001 Space Odyssey yeah right and and you need a better announcer for soon was great yeah Jack and I went to the Art Car Parade broadcasted live from there which was pretty cool so we had a good time down there and saw all these weird art cars the only thing that stops people from anything is their imagination and their imaginations were quite stimulated with the Art Car Parade we saw some really weird stuff man yeah I've never pictured uh using foam to shake the shape of a car that spray on foam oh you don't live on the right side of town they do that all the time well I mean that is crazy I mean I saw some of those cars on TV I mean it is amazing and bad way the foam car cars made of that kind of stuff you hope it would be structural but it's not man think about it you get a little B but those cars aren't meant to go out there it's they're just they be beautiful it's just an art car you know you don't drive those things I mean well some people do I've seen those things out on the street and like okay crazy person number one avoid avoid well you know there woman there was a I I should have I should have but you know I had to spend some time with a friend who lost his wife and yeah you know yeah so you know it was one of those weekends where so much was happening you know but I I tell you what it's great that we can do all the broadcasting from all the different places because of the Great work from you guys man you know folks and that's why you invest in a pro in a station like this because this this this the this is a little station not that could this is a little station that is so great it does yeah yes you know it's great that is just like marvelous but anyway what's the word of the day brother Jack the word is war again no American citizens Please be aware the corporate fascist Mantra is privatize the profits and socialize the cost they're doing this for war also taxpayer monies pay to build the bombs the missiles then the Builder profits when the bombs missiles are sold this is how war is financed on the backs of the people to kill the innocent to profit Big Oil how much oil is under Goda anyway way well I think we're going to find out you know because that's what that whole thing's about it's about we're going to take your land because you won't deal with us we're going to destroy your land we're going to destroy your your civilization just so we can get to some oil well that's pretty that's that's bad it's just bad hey egg Berto you know what I saw this morning I watch scripts I watch scripts news it's one of the free channels you can get one of the sub channels uh-huh and I saw something that said the federal government has given billions to Samsung to develop computer chips and they're going to build them here in Texas so that means some jobs will be coming up I love that I think I love it you love that right I love it but I don't love it because what's gonna happen is Samsung will develop something charged the crap out of people and their R&D was paid for by the government and [Music] ta no no no that is ABS but you know you know by the way I I made a mistake and didn't have the share turned on so it's turned on now but um here here is the uh interesting thing you nailed it again I mean um I I I I I kind of missed when you said we are paying to develop these chips because that is exactly what we that is exactly what we do uh Howard with medicine with drugs with uh techniques we invest in the universities and pay for all this stuff and then these other guys make a ton of money over it that's what we got to try to put in the minds of people remind people that this is what happens they're the they're the our Our Saviors in the world are the people man and they have to realize the power that they they really have vot them out that's what I say you nailed it that's what we need to okay well what you what you got for us today man I know you got an exciting Monday show yes yes yes today the title of the show is Netanyahu is bullying America into a catastrophic War Donna Brazil made me proud VII Netanyahu is using Americas on dying support for Israel to fight an ill advised catastrophic War Donna Brazil put the breaks of immoral ever talking former RNC cheer rince FAS look um I I I hope I get to those but before I just want to start with a little bit of sort of a I don't want to call it a history lesson because I'm no historian I just know things that have happened right but the interesting thing is this first of all every country on this planet has its good has its bad because that's what governments do good and bad that's what societies do good and bad there's no pure Society there's no there's no Society country or whatever that can go out there and say we are all good we're all bad or anything like that um we use nationalism Glory Glory Hallelujah as a form uh as a national form whether look I'm I'm a United States citizen I will do whatever I need to do to defend our our people against other people attempting to harm us that is just a natural thing but at the same time I as a individual human being Howard as an individual human being Jack is a human individual human being all of us it is incumbent on us to make sure those that we elect don't do the things that harm us but we also are in we also need to understand that the people we elect reflect who we really are whether we elect them because of ignorance or whether we elect them because of Vengeance or whether we elect them for some purpose you know they will not replace us whatever reasons we do the elected officials reflect us now um when we start to justify our support for a country like Israel or our disdain for a country like irang or anything of that nature I think it is incumbent on us not to just listen to politicians but to try again listen to some history and one of the reasons our country is allowed to make the choices that it makes some very ill advised choices is because again we don't know our history and like likewise uh we allow those who profit as Jack mentioned earlier from war again war is a very profitable thing a very very profitable thing and when we allow ourselves uh or allows our na to allow these guys to continue the profit from us we make bad decisions we have cascading decisions now we love to hate on Iran here if you listen to uh uh President Biden if you listen to former president uh I don't even know why I mentioned him Trump because it's not like he has a lot upstairs or even no thing about history but if you listen of their articulations if you listen to our state department Etc you know it's like uh for no reason this one evil empire Iran uh is something to hate now look let me tell you do these guys have a social system that Deans women yeah is does this system have a a a social system that doesn't give women their rights don't give people a whole lot of of your rights yes that's a very bad thing in the system but does that mean we go to war for those things uh no uh did do we have crosses in our past where we have done things badly just as bad as Iran yes should we have some humility when we castigate other the countries for the evils that they do yes we should have some humility we should look in the mirror a whole lot of times not only from the Inception of the country our past when it comes to uh not only slavery or the genocide against the Indians or the mistreatment of our indentured servants or the mistreatments of the Chinese look every country has its ills to Bear every country has things that they have done really really badly and we have done our share to the end degree so we should have humility when we're talking about other countries which we don't other countries believe me they know the things that we've done I mean while we can burn books in the United States to try to make sure our people don't know the things that we've done or to learn the his hisorical things that we've done we can burn books we can we can stop teaching it in school we can stop Dei we can stop critical thinking we can stop and try all those things but all it does is it makes a population that is fairly ignorant and in making a population fairly ignorant it makes a population easily controlled it makes a population that would not see what electing a what having elect a Donald Trump in 2016 what it actually does to what people think about us not because uh of Donald Trump but because we the people saw it saw him fit enough to elect as a country that calls itself the leader of the world that we could elect someone as unintelligent unknowing of the world like this guy but on the subject of Iran and Israel let's remember that back in 1953 when we the country who says it supports democracy overthrew mashad in Iran which it started all this cascading I mean people have a tendency to have a window of opportunity or a window where they only see what's happening today not understanding the Genesis of the situation not understanding that there is always cause and effect and you know it becomes cliche when you hear Jack today talk about uh the defense industrial conflicts or when you hear Jack talk about the oil everything is based on oil or it it seems like we're here to attack oil something that let's say Texas is very dependent on nope that's not it at all it's that so many Americans so many foreigners so many panamanians who came and fought in the American Military has paid so much for those fat cats sitting in these offices controlling the World by oil the world is run still by oil and we don't understand it when you see the the corporate greed index also known as inflation that is all that all has its Genesis in oil people say what what are you talking about the fertilizers that the the farmers use oil the transportation of the goods to Market you're when you go to the store and whatever oil the uh the the flights moving around the country oil the electricity most SL that we burn hydrocarbons oil everything is an oil economy and it plays a major role in the enrichment of a few now ask yourself what happened in 1953 the new government that it was elected in Iran said the following all the oil companies that have royalties here drilling for this great amount of oil in Iran which has a huge Reserve you know what we want to do you you foreign companies come into our land drill for oil take the oil and give us a what a profit a royalt so you come to my land you're digging for my oil and you're giving me 16 cents on the dollar for the oil that you extract out of the gold for the oil of the Iranian people that you extract out of the ground you're giving us 16 cents but it's not that you're giving us 16 cents it's that we have an idea that you're not telling us how much oil you're taking out of the ground and sending it on to the markets so mad says you know what guys we want to audit of what the British and the American Allies are taken out of the ground and for that we overthrow we the British and the Americans overthrow the government and reinstall the Monarch palavi into Iran that is how this new Iranian thing started we should we should understand a few things here oil a country overthrown because of oil and how much profit is going to be made by a particular Company the company now known as BP and others how many of you know that how many of the people here really condemning as Super Evil this country of Iran okay I'm not I'm not here to defend Iran I'm not here to defend Israel I'm not here to defend anybody I'm just here to tell what has happened stuff many of us don't know and in such in not knowing we make bad choices or we support bad choices so this stuff didn't start yesterday and the same with the formation of Israel a few uh decades ago uh and the defense of Israel which uh we continue to do let's look at also how Israel was created for what reason partially also because of the prejudices racism of America and Europe why you know the justification of I mean it's a long it's a deep story but uh understand that you you know when you create a new country where people are you must ask yourself questions but that's beside the point now that is that that Al but we must understand the history now we have had problems with Iran since the overthrow of palavi Resa Ali which was a pawn then the Monarch a pawn of the West that he did a lot of good things for Iran but still again allowed the piler of the country like we piler other countries like we've done with oil around the world there remember many of times I said this is a corporate greed index there is no oil shortage there was never an oil shortage the way we prevent Venezuela from putting its oil on the market by attrition because again under Venezuelan law that oil would belong to the people not the corporations which mean the people would benefit from the extraction of the great resources in Venezuela we can't have that so we rather keep that oil in the ground until we can get the appropriate government in power where corporations can just take the profit for a few we take a look at the United States of America we are we we are kept sufficiently in check by giving us just enough to live on to give the semblance of prosperity as our oil companies go on to Federal land and mine the oil and take the oil that should be the birthright of every single American which means if all that oil money instead of going into the coffers of a few instead of enriching a few was going into the cuffers of the United States of America your tax rates would be much lower you would have health care you would have all these things instead of watching a smiling few on Wall Street talking about how great it is that oil is now 90 a barrel even as there has never been an oil shortage as you have been lied to and told look it up look up where the major sources of oil are still in the ground and I'm not an oil proponent of course I like green energy but I'm just saying even with those who purport to love love oil it's all over the place if we really wanted to talk about it now the war what Israel did to take your eyes off of the genocide in Gaza you go ahead and you bomb a sovereign land and when I say Sovereign land I'm not talking about syia every Embassy in every country is a piece of land that is at that point in time while it's an embassy it's the land of that country so the Russian Embassy in the United States is Russian land the Costa Rican Embassy in Washington is Costa Rican land the Finland The Finnish Embassy in Washington is Finnish land the agreement that countries have around the world is that we have a piece of said country in every single country as a representative of our country in your land it's a place where you the laws of your land are it's a place where you should have safe haven that's why people looking for Asylum can run into the embassy in Iran can run into the embassy in Israel can run into the embassy in Japan can run into the embassy in England or all these other places because that piece of land that that Embassy resides on that that consulate resides on is a part of that country by decree when Israel sent those missiles knly into that Iranian Consulate in Syria it invaded Iran and it set a precedent that now these guys are at war look even when the United States was at war with Japan the Japan consulate officially or Embassy was untouched because you have to have continuity in a world of many countries Israel cares nothing not Israel but Netanyahu cares nothing about what it does and how it affect FS the world internationally and what we have allowed being complicit in this and the the retaliation by Iran and by the way everybody saw those things flying in the air all those 30 something drones Iran wasn't trying to do no damage to Israel it just wanted to make a point to the world you know why because the Iran knows that if too many of those bombs landed in Israel the United States the great defender of Netanyahu would have escalated themselves in fact over 80 drones 80 drones missiles Etc were intercepted and blown up by the United States forces in the different oceans we did it we are a part of this war we can say whatever we want we can tell Israel not to escalate whatever we want we have we already in this war we are fighting against Iran when we took out those missiles right that Dome the Iron Dome partially developed by the United States the Patriot missiles developed by the United States the king the David the David system that all those systems that seem to work perfectly around Israel that that IM that invisible Dome designed by you the United States of America some of it by the United States of America plus Israel every missile that went into the sky to knock out one of the Iranians uh drones and missiles and and and uh whatever else they they at Cost You When in regards to the Patriot missiles every single one of the hundreds of missiles released last on on Friday or Saturday night you paid $4 million because Netanyahu wanted to make a point and take out a Consulate in Israel where many a few generals or you know for the Army died got killed just like Israel has taken out since 2012 scientist after scientist nuclear scientist after nuclear scientist after nuclear scientist in Iran if you I don't know if a nuclear scientist in Iran could get insurance because they're a marked person for Israel for Netanyahu to take out if we want if we want to be respected around the world there are two ways to be respected we got to respect you because you may drop a bomb on us that's the kind of respect we have today that's the only respect we have today but when it come to uh intellectual honesty that's gone Biden started to rebuild that but then he hugged Netanyahu um we must know our history there is so much more I want to say but I have two calls and I want this show is yours but I needed to get that out first Johnny come on in okay good morning everyone I hope you okay yes sir how are you doing my I hope you had a good weekend too my brother uh challenging I'll tell you about it some other time okay when Captain when Captain renold's rap of deliveries the news about a chip factory reportedly that will happen here in Texas soon he is correct when he points out the cost at what cost are these jobs this is another example of the of the uh inflation reduction act if I am correct which as you and I both know it's being funded in the wrong way the way Republicans like to fund everything kind of structure project they like these so-called public private Partnerships where as magic jack likes to point out uh socializing costs and privatizing profits we wouldn't have to do it that way we could hey as we go as Republicans pretend they love so much if we had a progressive income tax code like we had back in the early 1950s under Republican Dwight the Eisenhower so so what we're stuck with people like Josh Holly Ted Cruz Kevin McCarthy Steve SLE Scott Barry mop Brooks Jim Jordan Paul goar marble mouth Mitch mcconell Chuck Gresley Lindsey Graham Matt Gates uh Ron Johnson and Rudy Giuliani and Andy bigs all these people in power including I I would say Rudy Giuliani are the reason why we are where we're at because we don't take our our lead from people like Jesus or John Lenny or Bernie Sanders I hate to conflate these three but you know where I'm headed or oh let's see who else oh Martin Luther King and and uh Malcolm X these people these last group of people that I mentioned to you are the true north of the American Spirit and the human nature but we allow these other folks those other folks I mentioned to take the leadership roles and pollute our policy so it's up to us to coordinate without the use of the internet so that we can't track so easily and figure out a way how to dislodge these people from power and not just these Republicans but also yeah I know I sound like a broken record V Democrats yeah I call those the neoliberals and you know I there's so much to unpack with what you just said and it's it is important uh we have to do it and I think that's why in the beginning of of this I said that our government reflect us it reflect either us an uninformed us because if we knew a lot of things that we should know uh we wouldn't elect the people that we do elect and it's on us and you know uh a good example is is what Biden has done with Netanyahu uh is not you know we can look at it as an isolated thing or whatever but it has put every single American in danger not just here in the United States but traveling all over the world I mean people don't get it too often I mean it's not a Tit for Tat it's not I mean we have to understand the reasons why things occur and just listening to these people and the things that they say makes no sense but anyway Jan anything else before I get to spike yeah I hope Donald Trump puts his fo in his mouth on national TV today when he goes to his first four criminal trials God help us all byebye I I agree thank you my brother Johnny that the the mayor of politics done right uh uh Mr Eric Hayes is on the chat with us no I did not vote for the results and you ask uh also does Iran back Hamas yeah they do they back Hamas they back Hezbollah do they back a whole lot of terrorists yes they do but you know what is a question never asked do we back terrorists as well do we back governments that are illiberal as well and that's where I talk about we have to understand the world not from what we're told but from what we do and it's our responsibility to make sure that the the parts that we do that are bad that it's mitigated let's go to spike come on in Spike hey how are you you all doing this morning I'm doing fine sir uh you know man I I I I I love what you just said because I said that same stuff back in the 80s on a talk show it was a talk show that had they always on every Wednesday they had some Israelis on the you know as guest you know and I asked them you know I I asked them I say who was there before y'all got there you know be before they bomb them people off of they land and put y'all over there and you know in the Bible it says and this is just what I told him I says those who portray themselves as Jews and are not Jews are the synagogues of the devil okay now I said this on on on your station about United States control Israel they created Israel and they created Israel to do just what's going on right now they built the Su as Canal so they can go over there and take all the the the minerals the from over there the all everything and they are over there protecting they interest that they that's the only reason they there is protecting their interest and when you said they the ones that that that built all of the the the technology uh uh stuff they have over there along with with the Israel did some of it but it's a America that's controlling that war over there and when when when Biden is talking to Netanyahu like when we hear it it's like oh man I I like what he told him man he just telling that so for the people of here to make make you think that he's he's mad at him and he's against what he doing and he's going to do something about it and but but when he what you don't hear is keep doing what you're doing we got your back I I stop right there Spike keep doing what you're doing we've got your back that's the magical statement there but before I want to I want to I want to say something to my um to my uh to my Jewish audience this has nothing to do with jewishness this has nothing to do specifically with the new Israel as I'm want to explain in a minute uh because we have to be very careful about anti-Semitism and listening to your talk you don't sound like an anti-semite you sound like a person who understands a whole lot of what occurred historically but I I want to put that out every time I speak about this subject I have promised my Jewish brothers and sisters with what's going on here and with many of the attacks that are in fact happening on campuses against my Jewish brothers and sisters I want to make sure that as we talk about what Netanyahu is doing about what the IDF is doing that we don't make that a reflection on our Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel and outside of Israel and here's why I want to make this clear because remember we are Americans and just what our corporatocracy is doing around the world to harm people we don't want we don't want those people having an excuse to say well because many Americans have been ignorant to what's occurring around the world we are going to make you pay by bringing down an airplane by blowing stuff up because just like I mentioned earlier we are complicit in electing the government that we elect that and do bad things in our name the same can be said about our Jewish brothers and sisters who have elected people that do do things in their name that harm others so as a host as a responsible host I want to make sure that on this fact based discussion nothing anti-semitic comes out of there so I I I would love to I would love to get pragmatic Jewish and brothers sisters and brothers calling in as well to get on to this subject but now let's let's take uh what what some of what you said brother Spike we have to understand that none of this has anything to do with Jewish Americans or anything in the aggregate it's ultimately all about a small powerful people controlling us in this case through oil uh through their they're they're they're profiteering on oil and harming the entire world system because of oil uh and it's not because of oil but because of the oil being the source of their power and profits and you're you are correct that uh it's a winen and not always with whatever an Israeli government does and it is a fact of it is a it is a fact that uh we create ated I mean look Israel has its its religion or or or it religion of of that land Etc so does the Palestinians so does many others but we have used that the corpocracy through influencing the government has used that for ulterior motives of oil and many other things so the the the gist of your statement brother Spike everybody who reads history has to agree to anything else before I jump to Augie yeah yeah and and this this is what I I I I want to say to the people who went over the Africa and and and claimed Africa the ones that went over you had the Dutch Dutch the Spanish the Portuguese the Belgium yeah right right right and this I'm I'm going somewhere with it they went over there who came over here English you know they call them American they came over here and you had other groups of people went to other parts of land where where people already were and claim that and claim that and what I'm saying about when they created Israel they brought other people over there and and gave them that name see we don't want to look at the truth of what's going of what has went on WE and then we don't want to talk about it how come they deny who we are you know because we are the Jews but they don't even want to look you know they took those Ethiopian people over there because they call they call them Jews we going to bring them up but then they turn them into dog on slaves that's what they did to him but we don't want to look at that that that is another actually that that there's another connection there that I am not I mean I I I just know a little bit of the subject of the Ethiopians I do that but so I'm not prepared to talk about that particular one because I don't I don't give information unless I you know I'm fully aware of it but thank you my brother I appreciate your call and um let's go ahead and jump let's go to Augie thank you for your call uh Spike Augie come on in sir by the way folks folks so say the telephone number is 713- 526 5738 again that is 713 526 5738 um I I I love the conversation that people are calling in uh I have a lot of other subjects to cover but you can read those directly at our newsletter uh for what the show is about today politicsand newsletter politics andri newsletter uh we have the subject on abortion and many others that we were going to cover today but I much prefer getting the voices your voices on Earth so give us a call 713 526 5738 come on in brother Augie one of our great supporters come on in well s Saturday was a great day great weather Great parade uh looks like a lot of people really like the kpft float uh they were really dancing and to the music that we had nice but anyway uh uh some of those cars our street where the uh there's were like about three of them that were driven year round in the montros used to be a nuclear car to had like a nuclear bomb on the Trump are you serious I didn't see that one yes well it wasn't there in the parade it hasn't been in the parade for quite a while but it used to be in every parade for a while and uh it uh the whoever owned it worked near the garage we lived at and they would drive around neighborhood year round and uh there were a couple other cars in that same neighborhood that drove around year round too even decorated like they were but anyway uh talking about Iran and how they got Short Change uh here in America the same thing happened with the uh Grandpa Coke he stole the the oil from the indans and Oklahoma they put the engines on this Barren land they thought it was Barren they didn't realize it there was oil under it and so it had to be pumped out and there was meters attached to those pumps telling them how much oil they had taken out and Koch was the one whose company was the trucks were taking it out of there and he told his drivers if you ever give the indin accurate reading you're fired so the indin were short changeed too here in America and that's how the COK got rich short Change of the American Indians uh and then they with their money they went on to buy the politicians and uh the politicians never used to work for money uh not until Eisenhower came into Power like when Truman uh retired he went back to his little house he didn't go to make millions off of the stock market um and uh the Congress people when they went to his house says oh no uh you need to get a a a retirement money and uh so uh and uh and they call him President Truman said I'm not president anymore they call me Mr Truman nowadays after they out of office we still calling president and uh tumis says I'm proud to be a a citizen of the United States all got do is call me mister you don't have to call me president I'm not president anymore but anyway um and uh um that thing about Ethiopia in the Bible that talk mentions the Lost tribe of Jews and uh after the European Jews went to Israel uh the L trib was the Ethiopian tribes and the Ethiopians said hey all these Europeans came to Israel we want to come to Israel too but the Israelis said no you're not Jews it was it wasn't until the somebody did a blood test on the Ethiopians that they found out they had a Jewish Gene in them and when it became public then the Israeli government couldn't deny them to come in like the European Jews came in so they had to let the Jews in because everybody knew they were Jewish whether they wanted to or not and just because uh you're Israeli uh doesn't mean you're perfect they have their own terrorists they have their own right-wingers too just like everybody else does and uh the people who are protesting this what's Israel is doing there're American Jews here that are protesting it and there's Israeli Jews that are protesting it it's just not you know I'm I'm glad you brought that that up because the idea is that we have to not let the threat of things being called anti-semitic cause us to make bad decisions and we need to make sure not to be anti-semitic but by the same token we cannot allow an anti-semitic Trope to be used on those people who just want to do the right thing and and again that's what I mentioned earlier about the uh my black Jewish I mean not black Jewish friend my Jewish friends who make sure to say look we're like what you're doing just make sure to realize that there is anti-Semitism out there and don't be a part of giving people an excuse to be anti-semitic and that's why I say specifically I come out and I talk about look I you know I have no support or tolerance for anti-semitic folk I have no tolerance for those folks on campuses of universities making lives difficult for Jewish brothers and sisters just like I have no tolerance for folks making black folks lives difficult or gay folks lives difficult or Latinos life difficult we we have to get past that continue my brother Augie right yeah Israel is not a synagogue it's a state so when talking about Israel we're talking about the state not the religion and um oh there was something else oh yeah about the embassy we have a we did have a Chinese Embassy on the mantros they had a fire but they wouldn't let the fire department go in because it was a country and they're not going to let Americans in there exactly and then so because that fire they had to go across the street and took over a floor or two and uh I used to work in that building a couple times and I was used to going to the telephone room and working for the businesses that were there and uh there was a African art store in the first floor so after the fire and I had a job in there I saw some guys in black suits uh and white shirts and black ties in there and uh said um was it ever used and then you had to sign in found out that was the FBI and the phone lines for the Chinese offices were in there too so they were watching those lines and they're watching what did uh but anyway and a m is like a parachute it doesn't work unless it's open and that's something to think about when like when Brian calls up and he's comes with those gotta questions uh he only hears what he wants to hear he's not open to facts other guys you know uh let me just uh in in defense of Brian in defense of many of our callers who have certain things to say we have taught and and and and and you know this as well as I do Augie we have taught people not to learn just regurgitate things right there you know whenever people you know the the most important thing in in life is critical thinking right critical thinking is important it means that you're and the thing about it is critical thinkers eventually they get to the same place if things are objective I mean look things that what color do you like red or blue that's a subjective thing that's a that's not a scientific thing right but otherwise otherwise uh people come to the same conclusion on fact based system if they critically think and if they learn how to critical think and one of the reasons you see the things like book banging and and controlling uh farit Zakaria had a good piece that I clipped that I was supposed to try to get ready for today but just had too much going on this weekend that I didn't uh that talks about the problem of the world becoming a liberal because and I I agree with some of what he says I think he missed the boat on a couple of particular issues I mean and sometimes I think when you go to Washington and you're around too many elitists you a lot of things fall through the cracks but the the gist of his argument made a lot of sense and I'm going to try to have that for tomorrow but um I think it's important a Augie like you do like many others do to critically think and if we as a service as our program can just tickle somebody to say I'm not just listening to what you say egberto or Augie or Johnny or anybody else or Spike or whatever I'm going to go after I listen to to this I'm going to go do research like a little off topic that I learned recently right and then I went and looked it up you know I love tiktock I honest for anybody out there I love tiktock I follow a lot of historians on Tik Tok that you know they give us give some stories Etc and then what I do when I hear a story that's kind of like shocking that I didn't know about before I go ahead and take that Tik Tock story or that Tik tock narra from the professor or whatever and then I go online and I do research from from various different places to validate that information like a little simple thing do you know why uh we are uh trying why our toddlers in the United States don't get potty trained as frequ as early as toddlers in the third world and other places the diaper industry they were promoting letting your kids wear diapers as long as they wanted to I didn't know that oh wa but again how did I find stuff out like that critical thinking looking at ads looking at information out there that's what we got to do people we have to stop the book Banning they are doing that to keep you dumb you have to stop all these things that we are doing to try to shut you up and by the way we have to stop the thing called um what what's that that that method of excommunicating people we have to stop uh erasing people what I for forgot what the term is called we have to keep ideas flowing anyway Augie before I go anything else you want to say real quickly well uh that uh well like Fox News uh Sean Hannity and tuer Carlson uh people believe what they were saying but Tucker Carlson and Son hany didn't believe what they were saying they were they were sued and went to court and this said uh we're not newscasters we we're not telling out the truth we're a talk show we're talk show host we just give opinion not facts or truth but people still believe that they're giv they don't give opinions though they give lies I mean a lot of what Sean Hann is say is not an opinion it's just an outright lie and he knows that he's lying but anyhow anyway aie thank you for calling in my brother you have a wonderful rest of your day folks 713- 526 5738 713- 526 5738 I can still can take a one or two more calls come on in Donaldo oh good morning Alberto how was your weekend good yes I I I look I worked a lot this weekend I know I had to go meet a friend as well who lost his wife and you know sit down and have a a a good chat with him it's a was a difficult time but also I got a lot of work done still have a lot more to do but got a lot of work done how are you doing I hope you had a great weekend Oh yes sir uh Go West Young man that's what I got to tell you okay I'm going west out there and it's undeveloped and guess what when you get it halfway manageable we going bring our railroads in and we're going to come take everything that you halfway built and we're going to develop it what we need and we're going to put some evil Indians on the reservations and we're going to make some money and you're gonna get left by the side now there's a few that did manage to make their way out of that but all the people that West to develop it ended up with pretty much nothing you know amazing I I mean you touch on an important fact right uh the the plutocracy those in power will have everybody believe that they are that they get to piece of the action right but in reality they are you know when I talk a lot about antiseptic slavery I'm talking about the rest of us right uh the when when the slavery based on pigmentation was given up a better slavery a more a a nicer slavery to look at was created and if if we can get Americans to understand what's really going on we will get better elected officials we will get the right Health Care system that we deserve we will get the social system that takes care of people over capital thank you Donald let me get to Brian anything else real quick before before I go well I was gonna say that's why on that island out there there's protected those people on the island that kill even the little Christians that try to kayak to them they know something there's a really reason anybody trying to come on that island because they already know what's going to happen I don't know how they know it but they know it all right thank you thank you Don let's go to Brian Brian you got a couple minutes talk to me Brian okay so I guess since I've been called to I don't know any facts or something we live in a representative Republic correct okay yes all right your friend Tom Hartman continually promotes FDR okay and says that uh Donald Trump is a dictator yes as as it works a consensual calls a representative and says hey uh you know I think taxes are too high can you lower them the representative puts for the bill it goes to the Republic the the house then it goes to the Senate as a bill the president goes and he signs it or Vos it okay is this this correct you're correct okay so your your Powell Tom Hartman thinks that FDR was the greatest president ever lived okay how many bills did FDR veto I have no idea 657 okay is that a republic or is that a dictatorship um well look was it let me ask you this what he did was it unconstitutional or was it constitutional it's his opinion no no no I asked my question to you is what he did was it constitutional or not yes it was constitutional okay let's stop right there and is he elect wait wait wait no okay I gave you the chance to talk let me ask you the next question what he did was constitutional that did the Americans have the right to remove FDR yes or no yes it's called the voting process thank you so therefore that process worked in other words FDR may have vetoed 600 something something bills as you say I'll take your word for it but uh every time every time it was time for him to get reelected he got reelected is that correct yes it is so that means that the people agreed with what FDR was doing it's that you know I don't have a a problem in the system working that way as long as we have free flow of information look and by the way I I love what FDR did from a social standpoint but there are also a lot of things that we should know deep undercover that followed the same ills that followed Society then so Brian I think I answered your question and I think you brought out what you wanted to bring out as what brother Hartman said and by the way brother Hartman is a friend of M okay well you can tell him he's he he needs to really come out with some facts such as confiscation of the Japanese Americans that was terrible you agree I agree with you bro you know we can talk about that tomorrow we can talk about that but you are absolutely right on that we'll talk about that tomorrow or whenever you want it brother we gotta go I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go thank you for calling I appreciate you let's go to the studio well Brian is certainly right as far as uh FDR vetoing so many bills he is correct on that one however what he vetoed them was they were full of pork full of wasteful spending and a president can take a look at that and say no this is wasteful spending because most of those bills that come through are full of wasteful spending they just happen to be called milk for children or something like that yeah and you know they're mislabeled as to what they really are they're just pork so any president that vetos one this full of pork kudos to him that's it Jack says no all right anyway folks thank you so kindly for listening thank you callers thank you listeners you know I love you all my name is oh but go to newsletter for all the topics we were going to cover that we didn't cover because I prefer speaking to you my name isberto will politics and right and you guys know how I end this baby I am what out we spend a lot of time deconstructing the news trying to trying to parse it into a form that everybody can understand we try to find those little nitpicks where uh it goes it flies above The Fray Etc if you really like these videos that we do I want to ask a big favor please go ahead number one subscribe to our Channel and number two please join if you can thank you so kindly for watching keep watching please remember to share we must populate the entire internet with our Progressive message a message that we know is what most Americans say that they want so help us 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