Category: Entertainment
I want to say thank you and i wrote a little something just in case i won it's no disrespect i put it here i'm humbled to achieve this award thank you for seeing me black people thank you for believing in me black people thank you for honoring me in this way i got to thank my wife shaina my kids my... Read more
Category: Entertainment
To our bet news special black america votes the vp choice i'm michelle miller my next guest was in fact on biden's vp short list and has known kamla harris for many years dating back to her time as the first woman and the first african-american district attorney in san francisco joining me now is the... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] welcome back to another edition of america and black i'm cbs news correspondent da bakis we want to begin our show by exploring a health crisis impacting far too many black women and families in the united states black women are three times more likely to die from pregnancy related complications... Read more
Category: Comedy
Der ist vorbei würde es vorbei breckle corona statt fast alle endlich eine komische kleinste problem sowieso sind der maßstab und annemie schön forsch und beim wettschießen reihe vorbeikommt kann sie jungen der gerne den turinern also kein stempel und dann nicht nur den genau wie wenn eine mücke tod... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Il mondo dello spettacolo è in fermento a causa delle recenti indiscrezioni sulla fine della storia tra belen rodriguez e stefano de martino con un inaspettato coinvolgimento della schermitrice ed ex concorrente del grande fratello vip antonella fiordelisi secondo fonti vicine alla situazione sembra... Read more
Category: Entertainment
And now a brief word from our sponsor i am about to start the biggest war of this century and i'm not going to fire a single shot well if you think that got there un eas in want you just wait what did the president know and when did he know it every mr gof tear down this wall wants to rule the world... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Woll mal gucken was heute abend so der glotze läuft ja Read more
Category: News & Politics
Intro [music] good morning america battleground blitz vice president kamla harris focusing on pennsylvania pitching herself as an agent of change as donald trump campaigns out west doubling down on immigration promising mass deportations as he answers questions about those comments involving springfield... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Support for israel's war on gaza i'm definitely not going to be voting for trump or harris they're both war criminals and kamla wants to act like she's one of the people and she is not she is part of the same administration sending bombs to gaza ahead of tuesday's debate minnesota governor and democratic... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I think it perhaps is m i would argue hello and welcome to go to bat the series shining a light on the hidden gems you should be watching today my guest is lea farazad hello hello how are you i'm good how are you yeah i'm good thank you thank you for joining us today thank you for having me um you aren't... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Missouri supreme court has allowed a ballot measure enshrining abortion rights in the state's constitution to remain on november's ballot tuesday's ruling came just before the deadline to print ballots for malin voters if approved by voters the measure could undo missouri's near total abortion ban which... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Intro this is k in the barbarian and is the winner of our actor's breakthrough role poll it's hard to say so this is the movie that we saw arie and everyone was like hey kind of like you let's put you in everything anything that we need a big man you can do it i think this is one of those arie movies... Read more