CONAN THE BARBARIAN (1982) πŸ‘€ First Time Watching 🎬 Movie Reaction

Intro this is K in the Barbarian and is the winner of our actor's breakthrough role poll it's hard to say so this is the movie that we saw Arie and everyone was like hey kind of like you let's put you in everything anything that we need a big man you can do it I think this is one of those Arie movies that everyone's heard of but everyone apart from me has watched I certainly have heard of it I think even before I started doing the channel I'd heard of it it just never appealed to me and let's do a big shout outs to our top tiers who are kg Nathan wolf Robert McGregor ad mantis Rudolph MC Brian medor calco Jack Len anad Wayne kker Robert em Rob Jones Ragnar Mars alono Torres Bill Bryant Roger Freeman Jake mcnutley Eric bam and we are ready to watch finally cuz this is I think another one that has been on the list for a very very long time from almost the very beginning Conan the Barbarian and play and on to this Coran can tell thee of his Saga Saga Conan Conan Reaction [Music] Saga very dramatic do you know I always thought I could be a blacksmith or a a weapon maker of some sort but I don't do fire so I'm out imagine you were sharpening your sword and then your hand slipped and you AC accidentally Chopped all your fingers off once Giants lived in the earth and in the darkness of chaos they fooled crumb crumb or cro the gods forgot the secret of Steel and left it on the battlefield will found it for just men and then passed it down to you no one in this world can you trust not men not women this you can trust so he can't even trust you is he fishing in the snow [Music] there we capture the boy [Music] weing oh they are coming to cause trouble isn't it m that people could just decide to invade someone else's camp like for no reason and then just kill everyone and be like well what can you do kill that one oh oh Sor he got him oh oh oh the doggies are all dressed up oh that's a terrible way to go oh no oh [Music] no oh I don't like that oh really I don't like that no that was just terrible that was a horrible way to die is that James L Jones I can't tell I'll know by his voice yeah I think it is think he's [Music] [Music] here I think that might be the most brutal thing I've ever seen in my whole life I can't believe he just did that no wonder he grows up to be ar well I hope you get him were trampled into the Earth and the blood became as snow oh the kids this is sad I didn't expect it to be sad he's going to spend his whole life training bulking up eating lots of protein he seeks [Music] revenge Oh I thought that was a giant for a second there maybe there is Giants they did say something Giants in this earth that did the steel the steel secret maybe there's Giants left over maybe they're not all dead maybe Conan has got Giants blood in him and that's why he grows up to be so [Music] massive he's an old man [Music] now what are returning what's it doing I didn't even realize iiz what was going on I can't see on top of it so I don't know what it's turning or grinding or mixing um what even is that sit here t a bon with his long [Applause] [Music] hair what's wrong with your teeth very strange noises he's making you know they've got like pants on there's not much protecting their bom you could just like jab your finger there boys don't like that they'll just they'll just squirm away with their legs stuck together and their bum cheeks clenched his sense of worth He mattered an actual Barbarian where the war Masters would teach him the deepest Secrets War Masters what did he do he was just standing watching and he also came to know the pleasures of women does he not talk crush your enemies see them driven before you and I hear a lamentation of your women that's the first time we've heard him talk I thought he didn't wasn't able to these noises he's making are so [Music] funny the doggies aren't following you in there it means it's haunted I was right that's a skeleton looks like a pirate aha a weapon did your dad make it oh I have pins and needles on my leg oh it's oh it's the worst owie owie owie owie he's moving his hand oh what the hell Crum huh I thought he was a giant or did he just be the Le of the Giants ow my leg a lady a lady that looks like she's inviting you inside there's warmth and fire do you not wish to warm Yourself by my fire wi fire I knew it I knew she was being overly sexual they said you would come who's there a conqueror Man Who Would someday be king by his own hand how funny if it was the wrong man and there was still someone come and he was just like there by [Music] accident just in the fire I'm not even the slightest bit turned on what the hell happened to her food I have not eaten for days what are you doing there to CR but I seldom pray to him he doesn't listen what good is he then how do you know he's not listening just cuz he's not answering doesn't mean he's not listening my God is greater Crum laughs if your four wins there you go that's how you have a health the conversation about different gods if they can do it why can't everyone else oh my actual God I didn't think I was going to see an elephant best movie ever automatically get best movie ever if it's got an elephant in it oh my God I can't believe it I'm so happy so freaking happy I need to see it again to protect you from evil I am evil you're slats [Laughter] he just punched a bloody caramel come let's leave this place this is so strange two fools who left at death do you know what Horrors Li beyond that wall no do tell what's the wall made of it looks like rope like what rope like that what on Earth could smell so bad people dead people I'll see what's here go find out what's below you're not the boss why is she suddenly the boss just cuz she had a rope oh that's a biging I once saw a video of a snake eating its own [Music] tail why do they always have to be naked whenever they're performing some kind of ritual like this they they always need to be [Music] naked he watching [Music] you that was cool I like that very [Music] nice I no way the boys like this movie oh yeah oh yeah I didn't even realize that was snakes I thought it was like you know Maleficent horns like that I thought it was that holy crap you probably need to stab it again a little bit for further back in its actual brainy hell oh oh heppie [Music] jeepies did she not have anything soft to land on what did she think she was jumping into like did she think she was going to land on the snake and it was going to be soft you want to live forever why did she keep saying [Music] that he fancies her why is he just got it laid on the table everyone can see it kiss kiss him a maybe he's putting up put off having sex for life cuz of what happened the last time you turned that lady in a f flying and screaming light there's a lot of [Music] nakedness I thought he was washing her feet I enjoyed that but now I need to wash your feet success can test one's metal has surely what's happened to your face adversary ah he drank too much and possibly other things I thought there were three our companion he died in the gardens Lions ate him did he know Lion at him funny man she follows him as a slave seeking for the truth of her soul where is she my daughter travels East to thul doom and his mountain of power and you want her back you want Coran to go get her back there's more there much more enough to become Kings yourself a take what you want as long as I get my daughter back that's cute when the jewels cease to Sparkle all that is left is a Father's Love For His Child a hey that crazy lady did say that you was going to be king one day I have talked to subai and he agrees let's take what we have while we live why did you talk to him first before you talk to your boyfriend that wasn't very nice cold as dark and I would see figures holding each other in the night but I always pass by but he wants to go get the daughter let us take the World by the throat and make it give us what we desire nah he wants to go get the [Music] daughter oh because that who killed your family that's why I was thinking why would he want to go get the daughter if he's got nothing to gain from it but that'll be why got [Music] it he's gone on his own I like her [Music] hair I was just so say oh look at the stars in the sky but I've just realized it's specks of dust on my screen it's not stars that I am the teller of his tale oh I didn't wonder who you are I'm a wizard mind you I'm My Flesh and he will have to deal with the Dead Oh I like how they did that that he was telling the story and then we get to meet him Fire won't burn there no fire at all he getting in his protein do flowers grow around here flowers why would they not what it's so funny don't get it oril the sword and feed the horse have you ever ridden one of those he got flowers no you're funny I like you they're white I thought you had purple flowers you're so big and so well- grown you should be proud of your body he likes it could we talk over there where the other see yes brother he's going to attack you steal your clothes it's all I have it's all you'll ever need I don't think his clothes will fit you you need to go up a couple [Music] sizes oh yeah these are definitely the people from the start I recognize their hair wow look how fancy he is remember it was him that killed your mom or your big sister I'm not sure which one she was infinite what just happened a how did they know what wait what I hope they explain you kill my snake porrim is beside himself with grief is he really you killed my mother you killed my father you killed my P oh you shouldn't have said in then flesh is stronger come to me my child uh um uh that is strength void but she just died look at the strength of your body the desire in your heart I gave you this I can't get over this here I can't take him seriously with the heir like that crucify him nah oh I was just so way say there's no cross that would' be able to hold him they stuck him to an actual tree that's the only way they could do it do you know I learned in school that if the nail was through there it wouldn't hold because it would just rip through there so the nail would have had to be in here cuz then that would have been chunkier to hold on to I don't think that happens I think vulture's waiting till you're dead first oh my god well at least you're getting [Music] fed oh the nail is in there so that was right you know who's going to come for you you're girl [Music] friend how long would he be able to last cuz it must be roasting and he's not had any food or water and he is bleeding the spirit of this place extract a heavy T looks like she's wearing jeans this is funny it's a little crazy did he die die or is he just almost dead I need to know how much of a miracle he's performing is it a full one from Death to life or almost death to back to life if they succeed you'll follow oh that's the best stretch I've ever had in my whole life what's [Music] happened well he's done something no hey I'm quite impressed for how old this movie is wow actually how old is this movie 82 not bad it worked they're gone they're gone but what did they do did they take something like his soul I hope you know what's going on because I don't really [Music] know oh he did die die no he didn't die He's Alive live if I were dead and you still fighting for life I'd come back from the darkness well you don't get to [Music] choose now he's going to have to go back again try and get James Jones again maybe maybe be crucified [Music] again I just squirted everywhere that's what she said good thief could get in there steal the princess good thieves could do that but not vengeful ones and he is full of venge agreed Goan he has things on his mind I hope you thanked him for bringing you back from the dead or the almost dead war paint or they way to start a new [Music] band that's a pair of legs with no body attached just legs what are they up to they're doing weird things in there H it's not things I want to [Music] see I like this [Music] song what the hell is [Music] this it's a ma massive bubble bath what Oh I thought they were going to pour that onto them so they could have a a giant bubble bath orgy it's soup oh God Paradise looks like slime I can't tell what they're [Music] doing yeah she's not going to want to go through so good luck with that oh he got sneak ey is he part snake I think they wanted it to look like every is doing something but they're not nobody's doing anything they're just lying [Music] there what oh Christ he's an actual snake he look stra at me that is so very strange did the soup do [Music] that [Music] go you could add him the soup [Music] [Laughter] [Music] does he know that the the King guy is turned into a [Music] snake just grab a hold of its tail and yank it back out again a there's oh there was a head in [Music] there you did you were you not checking on him when you stuck him in the tree did you not realize he'd escaped he's left with the princess and he's leaving his girlfriend behind oh [Applause] poops oh [Music] no oh she is fine I thought she was going to die and he would have to live with that now they will know why they are afraid of the dark now they will learn why they fear the night he's very creepy isn't he in this this um role that he's playing seek you're a Tracker [Applause] snake oh he hurt the girlfriend told him I would pay the GS where did it go inside and then did he just pull out of her kiss me do you know what you also said was that if he was still up here fighting and you was down in Hill that You' make sure and come back and be right by side so [Music] he's going to fall in love with the princess now he's going to take the princess home the king is going to die and then now he then he's going to be king oh but yeah you've still go and kill that guy haven't you God there's so much still to happen Fire won't burn up there looks like he was wrong why do you C he won't cry so I cried for him a did you love her too oh you did get it I did wonder if you was going to get it back now and again just now and again I think of the actual actor like playing this part and he's sitting there like this and there's a cameraman going like this right in his face my father took me to the forest and we ate wild blueberries more than 20 years ago he hasn't spoken much at all in this movie so it's weird to hear his voice did you build all that that's [Music] impressive oh I know what that does are they going to help no that tellal him stay out of the way are they going to help no Crum I've never prayed you before I thought you said you hard but but he doesn't listen all that matters is that two stood against many that's what's important is the wizard not helping then grant me Revenge if you do not listen then the hell with you he's not going to do it now that you said that you have to ask nicely not [Music] threat ouch it was stuck inside him that's how I do it did it will my [Laughter] spear uhuh oh o I knew what that was that was a good one well that's right through [Music] him who's that do you want to live forever yeah that why did she keep saying that maybe she is [Music] crumb one left oh it's actually running [Music] away oh what is he going to he's going to shoot that snake into [Music] her why would he do that oh is that your dad's sword no is it so now you need to take the Princess Back To The King The King will die of old age and then you take over the king Happy Ever After oh wait yeah you still get this guy I keep forgetting day of Doom is here does the princess not like him anymore since he Tri to shoot her of the snake Off With His Head oh you should feed him to the dogs actually like he did to your dad cuz that wasn't very nice was it you have come to me my son who now is your father if it's not me can't the wizard be his dad without me my son quickly kill him before he turns on a snake son no not son he's trying toip ulate [Music] you oh it didn't go all the way through ouch [Applause] oh ah I'm watching it taking three times to get his head [Music] off well now what do you all do [Laughter] they don't look very happy about getting their old lives [Music] back what's he thinking about he's like should I live here and become a snake man or should or should I take the princess home and be kiding what a dilemma I don't really like snakes but this place is cool cool I think she can walk there's nothing wrong with her legs he became a king by his own hand this story shall also be told so is there a Corin too wow that was interesting it was all right it was all Review/Outro right I think probably for maybe at least half of it I was like not feeling it I was quite bored and I was not very interesting but it got good in most half Parts I think it's definitely one of those boy movies and I can see why the boys really liked it there was it was weird boys like a weird movie it was a little disturbing it was there was a lot of killing and fighting and all of that stuff there was they get a lot of a naked woman there was sex it was not my kind of movie it was all right I liked it I I don't think I'll rush to watch it again but very very glad I have watched it because it was the winner of the poll the actors breakthrough role poll which is always good to see the actors the the movie that made them big he's already big he's a unit there was a couple of scenes that was like wo holy crap I didn't really need to see that but there was a couple of scenes that was like wa holy crap that pretty cool was James arol Jones is this before wait this is after this is after Star Wars so he was kind of already a big deal cuz that's the first that I've seen him like that that was he had like the the crazy Fringe the crazy hair the Crazy Eyes just the crazy turned into a bloody snake face went like this and then he had the Snake Eyes why did he not turn into a snake at the end it was a bit long I kind of thought it could have not been that long and there was a lot of scenes I was like was that really needed certainly wasn't best movie ever although there was an elephant in it and I did say that it would get best movie ever but I can't just be giving out best movie ever just because of the elephant can't I I probably could I do make the rules do you know who I liked and it's not normal for me to like the female co-star the female coar she she was I liked her she was nice didn't have any problems or issues are complaints with her the scene at the very start when he's holding his mom or big sister's hand I can't don't know what I don't know who no it was mom because it said at the end Conan's mom so it was Mom at the start she's holding the sword and then he's oh my God it's I'm actually wa to cry like I wa to tell the story he's holding her hand and then James arold Jones the snake man don't even know what his name was he like looks like he's a wa not do anything and then he does something and then oh God that might be probably one of the most brutal things I've ever seen anyway this tied with Tom Hanks movie big um this one and that one and I've got a feeling that big is going to be like the complete opposite of this movie we're doing them both anyway if you like this video please give it a great big thumbs up if you plan saying you haven't already please subscribe comment post notifications if you can't make Channel grow and I will love you forever also get involved in these polls because we do them all the time and we need winners or else there's no point doing a poll nobody's going to vote so we need people voting on these polls over on patreon there will be as always a link in the description box below and that is me for today thank you so much for watching I will see you in the next one goodbye

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