Start of Live Stream what is up what's good how's everyone doing e Intro welcome everyone to my live reaction slw watchalong of the Mummy this movie came out in 1999 and as always there are links in description and watching this on tuby uh if you enjoyed this movie give a like if you're new subscribe leave your favorite moments along with where you rate this if you ever ranking for all the mum movies I'll leave those in the comments as well as any suggestions or recommendations for other stuff we should The Mummy watch that being said we are starting at the 0 second Mark in three 2 one go oh Universal Universal Studios oh okay turns into sun okay oh pyramid oh everyone's hard at work oh they God dogs got the Chariots Dees here should did the first tip [Music] okay so everyone leaves that body paint or oh my gosh they were in love oh my gosh he's kissing her oh messing up her paint oh uhoh what are they doing here is that the Pharaoh just act like you're normal who's touched you oh oh my gosh OT oh backstabbed him oh my gosh oh cut him down what are these going do oh my gosh they just mased him not the pharoh's bodyguards he's dead only you can resurrect me so these are like Priestess men they're not like falling the FOH my body is no longer his Temple oh my gosh oh he took herself out oh my gosh doing grave Robin I'm KN 1290 BC oh there's a full moon not the God's anger uh oh not the black B of the Dead and all different animals okay somebody's Happ the water is that our soul not the F's bodyguards oh oh a scull he now you got streaky banshee so how do they follow him oh my gosh m fight alive well so they're just doing this over the involution not don't die they taking his tongue he never been bestowed oh jeez so they like okay oh je oh what what the heck where's that scarabs they just like put them alive with scarabs oh got a key oh my gosh how they figure out these locks uhoh not a plague why did they do this so who's the f after that invincibility y mommy like just getting worn down 19 23 Matra oh setting it up not to Mai okay he's run away oh it's Brenan Frasier okay like BR if you're going to die I'm going to die oh he's running like your commander leaves and oh reload reload oh they're firing back oh my gosh look at all the bodies is falling oh they're com from the side oh my gosh they're getting mased oh they jumped over oh they're slashing oh throwing the knife oh my gosh oh rifle oh o ohow powww he's out oh he has two more guns Just ding Benny okay he's Shing the door on him well oh my gosh oh Le frog oh gun oh oh they're coming from both sides oh my gosh they're just blasting hey [Music] stopping oh they're aiming oh okay they're scared off oh my gosh but probably not about him somewh else there you die oh oh my okay what what's happened to this desert uh okay oh it's a face uhoh like what how is like the first time somebody like encountered that cre remains undiscovered like where survived that but what about Benny he's like stuck in there they're just [Music] watching I guess they'll just oh they wanted to kill him oh okay this Cairo Egypt three years later Museum of Antiquities oh my gosh it's RCI so wise to Moses so she's a librarian or like a what do they [Music] call okay just steady Ste well I don't think you want to swing it that way like well set it back on the the bookshelf and then climb down oh no it's a domino effect oh my gosh why are they oh my [Music] gez oh my oh Lord oh oops the uh um he's been on a bunch of movies we've seen testy put her okay erratic brother mother oh my gosh they're dead like just put everything back where it was s me come in secator oh look a torch AB do RIT B was making noise okay what huh oh that's her brother okay A bit when she wants to stay bdge experience in the field oh it's somewhere around here is that is that the key oh my gosh it's going to open up oh uh [Music] oh that map okay I said the first second pharaoh 3,000 years old like you say it's a myth but then you just found like proof person money is that the yeah the city of the dead that's a map to find the city was just like buried and none that technology like oh well there goes the map blazed yeah that's not yeah for the best okay so why is he why would you lie to your sister a good time okay yeah Brandon fer so you found it do from Eevee so what did he do I mean I guess he survived the desert how does no one know where it is in oh my gosh I punches them what kind is it that is that where the the sand was moving okay she's getting close to prisoner oh okay oh he's fighing back like well you want to know where it is it'll take you there hanged oh well uhoh oh my gosh 100 lbs oh had a request oh wait what else uh will you open yourself up for that oh oh my gosh it's hanging oh well oh there's about right like how's she going to navigate this what give them what 50% like w it's not yours to give 's a port Cairo is that that's what's his name was the the Hunter and jamanji he cleaned up oh conell Flim Flam not the Flim Flam change in blood the B boy so he's coming with them well now you got another person in on where to find it the heck can knife but like Bard the ship why is he telling everyone where they're going why is he telling them like yeah this tells where we're going this tells when that we're going to go find the City of the Dead where all the riches is okay manners like what would she call it then oh my gosh he's loaded it's like well they're going to a place where everyone wants to find artifact evil yeah but fairy tales right from and know certain facts do you want the incantation book yeah let's just open a book that you know un is the dead P gold okay oh yeah he hiding oh Benny so he's the guy that they found okay that makes sense the [Music] Americans oh well you have oh there's a camel maybe she just blasting [Music] away oh he's tossing overboard well oh oh we footsteps uhoh got some rap scallions okay not see where she's hanging things she never been kissed oh my gosh oh what map oh oh he has a hostage oh behind him boom boom oh oh oh then the couch on fire oh my gosh sting my eye oh here's the map oh well there goes the map oh the key oh my oh jeez just oh he's on fire oh well now he has the key why in Flames like well now the boats of flame oh my gosh they're burn the boat oh jeez blasting oh reload save his life again oh D wield boom boom boom boom Oh got him oh got him oh oh got him again well overboard well this is the occasion oh oh no like oh you can't leave yet oo get on fire y help why would you wait on a burning boat does he not know how to swim yeah why would we want to save you I guess the Americans can deal with you know the mag I guess or over there oh my gosh far guy oh oh oh oh distinguish him like you were saying oh he has the key oh oh everyone overboard oh the hores how they know they had everything oh she does never close oh we got all the horse the wrong side of the river oh my gosh what okay I mean all to cross over somewhere he wants four camel uh okay give his sister up why would he give up his sister like what they got four anyways so like okay so like do the camels just like return back or you actually buy the camels okay so did he no I hope they had enough supplies surprised they don't have like a guide other then I guess okon that Magi like I I told you we should have killed him oh fall asleep like we're almost there oh it just fell asleep while riding okay oh like five more minutes look what that look at the Moon oh my gosh it's him they've countered some people okay oh it's Benny's group okay the Americans like looks like they got there at the same time this is like their whole team the pl SPL with Benny like yeah Jud me good but the the Sun uh what wait what it just appears oh okay why can't they start running like before oh well Ben's in front like wait Benny has a c camel too just being with a stick oh two can play the game oh and toss him yeah some road rage their time limit oh oh it's boosting oh so like why did need the send like appear like what type of magic is that well everyone's [Music] digging like what are they taking out like reflecting the Sun okay [Music] discount oh that's where that's where he saved got get polished so how do people know this oh like oh okay like whoa whoa whoa okay you're good oh some tools look for bugs oh okay the cavern whoa it's been like this for 3,000 years oh him yeah you B to find cobwebs and dust oh oh my gosh that's how they [Music] illuminate preparation [Music] room okay not the mommies mean chittering what was that bugs like what bugs oh their secret compartment what's snaring Okay hold the torch voices Oh do wield oh it's Americans no no I don't think it's yours oh everyone just armed like they're by it oh there's a little Gap all children okay well she's giv the signal okay the make a caveen he's crawling around like when you want to help what you find uh okay hieroglyphics back oh some scurbs like [Music] Jewels okay just crowbar in it like there could be traps okay I don't you want to okay being PR open oh my oh jeez they blasted oh my gosh they're melting play golf take out your heart your brains oh your nostrils oh well just fell in our lapse okay world just came loose oh now some very knobby oh uh oh oh my gosh it's alive oh it's actually oh my gosh it's one of those oh my oh it's one of those beetles things oh jeez just consume the high priest is in his skin oh my oh jeez it's in the skin oh oh how it's going up to your brain your eyes oh jeez you shall not be named oh my gosh vort oh looks like uh we need a key yeah oh my gosh it's almost like they had a key oh there's the key what's ours oh and if it fits oh well I don't oh my gosh it's in his brain oh jeezus ran head first in the wall okay think going to lay eggs oh my gosh everyone's having fortuns salt acid oh my gosh the thing they D is like yeah maybe you should have them do it where was that well there's a reason why people say curses okay oh broken bottle okay rink up like were they revitalized by the sand he told her stay there where are they going oh you got the M oh my gosh they're saying BL their Camp man just blasting oh jeez oh oh took him out jeez they're just like crack shots okay Benny uhoh how you going going to spin his face oh hijacker oh my gosh oh disarmed him oh oh oh dynamite oh it's like uh leave this place or die one day oh do was in the middle of Shaving well oh my gosh is she hurt oh she's not okay just fell over like they warned you combine forces I don't know you guys you want just wanted to like dig your own thing oh teacher selfdefense oh like put you my jump in it doesn't get her obviously she wants has a goal oh Egypt in their blood that's why she became expert oh their mother's Egyptian it's like why are you different h what is she why is she taking fence he's like why are you here and that is a librarian okay like get the kiss back Qui okay oh okay passed out oh the sun's coming up oh okay they're opening up the thing like what in that like yeah let's not read it let's just open it so why would you open a cursed box here uh oh it's like yeah maybe let's not open this box maybe we should just leave maybe let's just not men this ever again bu all our stuff not tell anyone anything conate their curse wow oh not the organs of fluids not the not a plague Benny's backing away oh well oh they say that oh well now they opened it oh condamned oh well he's opening up just pressurized oh my gosh it's a skeleton J just in wasn't he wrapped up did like the wrapping just melt away no it's on the bottom okay juicy oh we got claw marks he was trying to escape for his life death is only the beginning oh hearing whispers like certainly nothing bad's happening right oh my gosh the book if only there the key so they find the yeah they found the book that she wanted and that's the treasure well I thought you were super rich oh oh my gosh organs oh got one that's broken key what how they heard about the mummy there why why does no one like keep secrets scare skeletons uh like yeah let's not touch these oh my gosh they feasted like was that the F's daughter that they're blers why would they use it then the temp ples of Egypt oh oh why did they why did they excavate him he's just like sleep with the book is he out going steal the book like what yeah it's called stealing okay she open it well that's not the book that she wanted that's the yeah the Book of the Dead maybe we shouldn't be messing with stuff like this it's like huh oh well opened it okay well got the wind heling that's a good sign okay maybe don't you know chant uh oh oh well he's alive oh now now you said something uhoh why would you read the incantations that bring the dead to life huh it's the Book of the Dead Oh what oh my gosh what is that is that scarabs oh the first plague Locus oh well be consumed oh my gosh just oh oh yep well what does she do oh my glasses oh we just stepped on him o oh I guess you're dead I guess he's not going to see whatever it's coming me just foggy oh never mind that's our perspective yeah let's go fumbling around touching the walls okay oh behind him like well this sucks oh behind him uhoh teleporting that the mummy like be careful you're about to shoot just breathing down your neck okay not going to shoot him oh oh that something Rising oh my gosh the scarabs uhoh yeah I don't think you want to have those touch you oh oh just blast them there's too many oh uhoh okay not coming after them oh she found a secret passageway uhoh like they must be coming this way still like what where where she want up [Music] moaning uh is that the blank guy oh my gosh his eyes are gone jeez my eyes oh my gosh he took his eyes because he opened it like would he be like kind of blind took his tongue like what's he going to do he can't see what like well I mean you can kind of oh just press on it oh oh we got the scares coming back it's like phase two oh well he tripped he's going in oh oh my gosh jeez just man dissolved wait he thinks she's the princess or princess oh my gosh okay oh to blast him bam oh we still up so how they supposed to oh oh got the Magi uh yeah I don't think the so why I killed them my eyes my eyes take a skin now now leave like no you didn't that's the bring of death he just consumes like well Benny's alone oh back where they pulled out the box he's like I want your organs oh he's behind you like did he open it he a cross the power of Christ compels you oh he's says everything he's like just in case cycle through it no not working language of slaves use for him rewards oh gold oh well he wants his organs or he wants her organs or his oh my gosh got a zombie where I think we should leave for brighten Cairo we got storm coming that like we are leaving we are leaving how are they going to stop him it's like why do people just play around like that Immortal weapons oh my gosh those on his hands yes yeah he's done that but like I guess she'll stay like darn it fine okay step in the fountain Winston the whoie he says this okay many times have you said that guys drink like well you won't be seeing you didn't see that coming uh oh oh my gosh Benny what are you doing well there's the my ads what not consumate their curse oh my gosh take out the mask oh my go oh jeez got the scarabs oh my gosh not the rivers of blood uhoh oh my gosh he's here was it going to start raining blood uhoh oh my gosh there rain Fireballs well that's the third plague it's like what are you going to do about the ring Fireballs jeez it's like no one's safe oh Benny like well yeah let's get out of here oh my gosh he mummified him oh oh uh oh he's reconstitution oh got skin back oh my gosh like we oh oh oh BR like how are they going to how how can they stop this guy oh my gosh cat oh he scared of cats oh what he just turned to sand okay guess it scared cats oh my gosh her boss why you have guns out we oh that's why you wanted not to go up for it like yeah's Supernatural oh okay that makes sense so we got two of the guys stop messing with stuff oh my gosh Everlasting Love ni Human Sacrifice both look at her I mean you just gotta play keep away oh power are growing oh Eclipse okay that was Darkness it's like he wants nothing to do with this who was theologist oh my gosh like what where you want to go just picture up oh part of the bed oh shut the doors Locker in like we got to save your sister now okay oh there he is okay and he has the book dark is m book oh uh oh oh zoom in oh he's behind him oh my gosh oh we got Benny looking through his stuff pop him oh just throw chair him oh jeez it's like world oh let's rough you up a bit it's like he's trying to destroy the world like riches immune like well I'm going to hurt you more if you don't tell me oh my gosh we gold oh we got screaming uhoh oh well took the opportunity huh oh there he is and he got the book back oh only there has another puzzle piece like well he's reconstituting oh Locus the Flies again they're with her everyone's at the same spot oh because he can't sit still well he's about to die oh well okay gun around oh uhoh he's coming for you does he like automatically know where things are like if somebody just like buried the step in the sand would he be able to find it oh well have some sand oh well picked them up oh oh jeez oh he sucked them dry oh my gosh she's almost put together oh he just crunched the scarb okay crunchy oh my gosh okay so she went to bed oh okay so we can turn to sand and go through the keyhole like where did all the sand go where' the sand come from like does she look like the Priestess oh oh oh a cat oh cat like oh no you don't oh well s everywhere okay like they re that like what there's the guy went for drink good things he's with them yeah they got to get the book oh the gold book tap oh got people CR around chanting not boys and sores so they're just being controlled by him L needs the last guy oh break down the doors statue of nubis how do they mix up the books inside where yeah but we don't have enough time I'm notra Horus okay so they got to go to the Statue of horse he going to blend in like how do he get here where I I guess she's part of us he's backing way that's one way to blend in oh the car oh there's there's Benny H does he not realize he won't be safe like after like everything yeah just blast him away like what a coward sh oh uh oh they just in the way oh the boils oh hit it punch it oh my gosh every just like scooped aside o oh oh okay yeah get him off oh my gosh jeez oh well they can't have him oh oh he sacrificed himself oh blasting oh he's out uh oh all top like bro he's about to drain you oh and he's about to be made hole oh my gosh Jesus crunching BR long dude oh the fire oh they're surrounded oh he's M hole it's like well it's not really hard to give one I guess forever is that what he said yeah I guess uh no it's like [Music] well oh my gosh well you better protect her okay the ritual yeah guns don't work on him it's like sure you will bucko There She Goes elyn they're just going to walk away oh the key kill them all oh my gosh well so much for that what a snake what a weasel okay oh sewer it's like where we got to we got oh got the curator oh he's going to hold him back oh oh my gosh pull limb from limb no roll Air Force Giza are they going to meet the one guy the drunk guy or someone else yep that's him okay I guess there's a reason why he was like introduced Winston he's like I'm having my tea what what a challenge okay save the world oh he's in oh and they're off are they hanging on the wings it's like BR I you're flying like I can fly oh my gosh sand N Sand tornado like I think that's that's him oh okay just drop him off well you chose to do this little lap dog oh his face okay well Recon student just open [Music] shirt like why can't it go closer oh to come rescue you my hero oh my gosh just shaking the world oh sand wall oh my gosh look we go faster oh die bombing o oh got the sandal lanche oh my gosh his face can you see through the sand unloading what what is that actually doing oh I must consume your everyone gear goggles on o oh just swalling up like that's the point oh it's like barely it's oh okay it's rolling oh kisses him oh well breaking his concentration like doing that to save them I mean oh oh engine uhoh coming hard ooh oh oh my gosh it crashed like oh my gosh that's amazing boss oh they made it okay no one's dead at least they you know have protection where is Winston okay oh he's upside down how how was he not s playing oh get the minigun oh my gosh say hello to my little friend he dead oh my gosh oh well Wist getting buried okay well uh well uh yeah what can you do about that oh my gosh or Winston in the whole plane loot well by by Winston oh that's sad like died in Crash well at least they made it okay imagine they all died like it just be the end so did you get all the things they come up and like yeah you think he's going to keep you alive always always oh cheering oh they're digging out like you want to help or you want to oh that's the where the scar things were can pry one off why would you do that I'll put in his hand oh it opened up oh oh well now it's in his hand oh it's going up to your eyes uhoh like will oh bring out the knife oh cut out okay now it's in the sand oh come back oh yeah oh well well now they know you're coming oh he's blowing the Dust there's a creature oh okay got the wcom note like zombies like they rocks yeah because they didn't know this was possible that one is crew like guys oh kill them that bodyguards like the others like you want to kill them or you want to wake the others huh mirr they supposed to like light this room oh oh my gosh all the riches well they found the treasure room it's like oh my gosh this is here the whole time like does he care about the treasure he like oh my gosh this the final lifetime like do you even touch any of that are we in the cave ERS so much gold how do they get so much gold where did they find it oh oh my gosh come out the ground oh zombie mummies oh not the priest blown apart oh du wiing like all the help they need they can get okay just tossing guns yeah oh hey Benny it's like I'm just surrounded by treasure he strapped her down oh he's doing the thing about to do thing oh right oh well that's the the priest oh dynamite oh Cav o there's a bag full of gold so many camels was like I don't want to go in there I know the mummies they're just going to start chanting oh open the book oh like they're trying to get the book of life or yeah Book of Life or something I don't know death oh we got some stragglers oh oh my gosh it's so heavy like what a squirmy individual oh what but they need the they need the key oh he's out oh my gosh Going H on them oh more Dynamite like well you're in the way oh taking out the entrance oh they blew hole okay oh the water like oh I don't think you want her soul but come on guys hurry up oh my gosh princess mommy oh my oh jeez oh no he h the dagger he'll be Invincible why would you say oh well that attention pleas doesn't have the key Oh Come behind with a sword how is he going to get the key oh breaker free oh slicing dicing come on get free oh home run oh got his legs oh jeez like where's your feet oh oh no oh no he's going to smash him with it oh seed hand going drop it on Drop The Troop bomb oh oh God the knes oh rush you that good oh got some guards uh oh they're online it's like I'm thinking wait he summon them oh my gosh oh they hopping oh they SCM back like well he's he's he's booking it in the water oh they can hop like playing hide and seek come on come on finish it oh up you go oh squished them like yeah let's not go that way oh they're on the walls oo like what hopefully you can like describe it from behind o oh took your head it's like where's your head at a stor oh fire oh s blazed oh kick him in the water it's like we sacrifice you oh oh down oh they got four oh oh they stopped uhoh oh my gosh almost went through his cheek okay well command them oh okay like we are it's like you you don't command us Moon oh uh oh they're going to have to princess drops it no oh my gosh oh turn down all the Shadows this Maser oh from behind oh cut off his arm he just like reattach it I think oh my go oh jeez TOS him oh he took it from him he pickpocket him oh my gosh you got the thief coming in like don't worry I got it yep Oh my God just tossed him his turn oh no oh no the Flies poweru poweru oh oh oh my gosh the ferrow spirit oh took the soul of him like yeah you're going back to afterlife my buddy well does he now being able to kill Pi a soul oh on the gut huh oh he bleeds oh flash him again in the chest in the heart oh he's going the goo oh always turning the dust oh my gosh the skulls in the he going down the river sticks just took them out oh sucks that you know the other death is only beginning oh Benny came back for more treasure okay he's like he just couldn't have enough oh secret Lev oh it's come down well yeah let's get out of here so Benny's going to be like trapped I'm guessing like the oh my gosh oh well don't need that anymore what whatever life life oh man he just had to come back for the treasure oh well yeah leave everything behind oh oh now they in the treasure room like so much treasure no we got to go no time oh here comes Benny oh well D's collapsing nope you helped him oh nope oh he's cut off well yeah byebye Benny well he warned you I mean he kind of choose his path oh oh come on like well I guess he gets to live with this oh no he's going to get squished oh no no he made to the stairs I guess uh uh you D on his treasure well no way out no oh well now's going to live in darkness all he has is you know oh got a Scarab oh he's going to be consumed uhoh got more scar coming oh my gosh he's going to be eating up come from all the sides oh the fire's going out oh oh my oh jeez sound effects like what oh did what's it oh the magic guy oh stand coming down oh the camels run camels run camel are just chilling I'm what the heck I was like falling a pit okay hey will like maybe things should be you know left buried oh what he made it out jeez it's like well I get my my workers is done yeah well G camels why stick around oh uhoh what oh oh we got a couple now oh little kissy oo okay oh oh the gold from Benny oh my gosh he just had to be greedy like oh I'm just going to put it right here oh cause the caveen okay even shmer that's it yeah um pretty good interesting um I mean the priest got himself in trouble by touching her and then they killed the Pharaoh and then the pharaoh's bodyguards tracked them down and killed them and then for all these years like I don't know people waged War over that land not no one was under it until it came to brenon Fraser's character and then then somehow 3 years later he gets captured and about to be hang so like the two archaeologists are the librarian get them out they track down the temple and revive him by by encanting the words like why would you even say those words and then the mummy essentially goes after the whoever open the the container and that sand wall and then uh they have to like I don't know make IM mortal and end him I mean I guess like both of them got like close during the whole thing um man the that one dude uh being like a MAG I guess wow that makes sense like why you would like turn her down I mean that was kind of kind of sweet that he was like trying to bring back his uh his love you know he's he wasn't doing the right way um like how' the how' the guards like find him was adapted from The Mummy 1932 one [Music] okay um let's see I think there's three mummy movies and then series called The Scorpion King there's like five in that like eight movies total like this series oh it's like the Sumer series okay uh Universal series from 1932 to 1955 then you got Hammer series from 1959 to 1971 and then there's another one in 2017 Alex curtzman apparently it's the animated series Revenge the Mummy boths enclosed roller coaster and Universal Studios Florida and studos Hollywood Singapore okay obviously we have Brandon Fraser who's in the whale um of flower Moon blasts from the past Kung Fu Panda apparently is in the back girl movie that like was scrapped or something uh GI Joe the Rise of Cobra Rachel wise been in oh yeah she's in Black Widow htine the lobster the born legacy Oz the Great and Powerful te reaction well she's G be Thunderbolts maybe seem it Arnold wo played imotep a couple things right he was in Blood Diamond he was the General I think right yeah GI Joe the Rise of Cobra also retaliation um that's it then got odad fur played uh R def Bay when the Magi he was in yeah he was in Resident Evil those movies um well like he survived seems that's it okay Patricia Basquez played an nukon he's been in not sure if I seen anything it's not John Hannah played uh her brother he was also in was he in something I I recog some from something but I guess not seems familiar I don't know guess I haven't see anything with them in okay maybe I'm missing mixing with someone Eric aari the doctor obviously was in Mr Deeds H BL mop Apes Daredevil yeah it was Alexa's father using Star Trek the Next Generation Jonathan Hyde obviously was in yanji Titanic I think that's it uh Bernard Fox played the captain who uh flew the plane oh he's in rescues down under he was also in Titanic he's in the first Rescuers movie um seems like he played a lot of old stuff the girl from Uncle that like the TV show from the men from mle an American spy fiction TV series uh from 1966 um it yeah you can currently watch this for free um I don't know for how long [Music] um huh i' give it like a three I think well IMDb gave it a 7.1 ryten Tomatoes gave it a 6 62 medic gave it a 48 and 89% of Google users like the movie uh says it has a at $80 million budget all right here's the synopsis The Mummy is a rousing suspenseful and horrifying epic about an expedition of treasure seeking explorers in the Sahara desert in 1925 sent upon an ancient tomb the hunters un wly set loose a 3,000 yearold Legacy of Terror which is embodied in the vengeful Reincarnation of an Egyptian priest who had been sentenced to an attorney as one of the Living Dead yeah that's essentially what happened um some good some my favorite scenes I think the sand wall that was a good scene um them stoping the mummy um them escaping them flying um I don't know the start uh with the battle I don't know it wasn't really like action oriented um I enjoyed it um yeah what's 's thoughts uh you can also watch the M returns which is the second movie I think uh also on tub um but yeah what's everyone's thoughts uh if you enjoy the movie A like if you're new subscribe leave your favorite moments along with way you rate this and if you have a ranking of all the Mumy movies leave those in the comments as well as any suggestions or recommendations for other stuff we you watch uh thank you everyone for stopping by hanging out watching along with me and have a good rest of the day bye

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Intro hollywood adaptations the popular theory hollywood adaptations says they always are worse than the original author of the game of thrones books george r martin recently blogged about his issue with hollywood adaptations everywhere you look there are more screenwriters and producers eager to take... Read more

*FRIDAY THE 13th* BROKE ME (First Time Watching - Horror Movie Reaction) thumbnail
*FRIDAY THE 13th* BROKE ME (First Time Watching - Horror Movie Reaction)

Category: Entertainment

It might be the ugliest outfit ever created ever no e don't do [music] that i've had dreams like that i'm in like a abisco factory well i i'm mrs worri an old friend of the christies yeah the crusties your favorite they're all dead all right all right i'll go look no no please don't leave me no you... Read more

AVENGERS: ENDGAME ( Part 2 ) * Marvel MOVIE REACTION * First Time Watching! thumbnail
AVENGERS: ENDGAME ( Part 2 ) * Marvel MOVIE REACTION * First Time Watching!

Category: Entertainment

Intro to the avengers endgame movie reaction [music] this would be totally awesome yeah in these circumstances not as much you tell us where it is then we'll be on our way oh no get him out of here jeez we have them all [music] that robe is kind of crazy though i do like that it was like harry potter... Read more

Watching *Jane The Virgin's* Most Twisted Episode thumbnail
Watching *Jane The Virgin's* Most Twisted Episode

Category: Entertainment

And welcome to my revisit of jane the virgin i'll be watching another of the show's best episodes based on recommendations in the comments of my previous videos about the show why well back today when we used to watch tv we start the show season 1 episode 1. we started summer middle and had to have... Read more

First time watching Beetlejuice (1988) Movie Theater Reaction thumbnail
First time watching Beetlejuice (1988) Movie Theater Reaction

Category: Entertainment

Hello everybody we are trying something new here today uh excuse my tired look i've been editing it for a while all night so it's a movie theater reaction to the original beetlejuice uh it's something brand new that we're really excited about so please watch it it's short give your feedback comments... Read more

BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE Out of the Theater REACTION! (2024) thumbnail

Category: Film & Animation

What is up my friends i just got out of beetlejuice beetle juu the new film from tim burton and i definitely have some thoughts this movie was pretty much exactly what i was hoping for it's it's a true sequel to what's now become a ct classic a movie that i've watched so many times in my life and what... Read more

Another Cinderella Story has the BEST STEPSISTERS (weird vibes) Movie Reaction thumbnail
Another Cinderella Story has the BEST STEPSISTERS (weird vibes) Movie Reaction

Category: Film & Animation

Hey guys so i never saw another cinderella story i did however really enjoy the first one with uh hillary duff now i know this is technically only a sequel in name in the sense that it has a whole new cast and it's another cinderella story right but i do know it has selena gomez and jane lynch who is... Read more