hello guys welcome back to the media nights my name is Ari I'm Denise and today we're going to be watching How to Train Your Dragon this is an animated film by Dreamworks and it's been quite a while since we watched an animated film I think the last one that we watched was Puss and Boots The Last Wish and we actually had a great great time watching that one I mean the animated style looked incredibly beautiful the character Arc was you know endearing and and something we can all relate to and overall we had a great experience with that one yeah absolutely and it it was just such a great time to go into like animated stuff especially because we haven't done that too much on this Channel this is one of those movies that we have just been getting so many recommendations for over the past like year I think I would say like since Puss and Boots you know we we trust you guys cuz you have not steered us wrong so far so I'm super excited to see like what this is about I've heard amazing things about this one if you guys want to catch the full length reaction that's going to be available on our patreon and if you want to watch these reactions early make sure that you hit the join button and become a YouTube member huge shout out to Jeffrey nun and also to fenry sulfur guys thank you so much for becoming producer nights we hope that you're enjoying the channel so far thank you for your love and support and as always we'll catch you guys after the movie oh that's cute I think we saw a dragon in the background flying down was that what that was I think so this is Burke it's 12 days north of hopeless and a few degrees south of freezing to death so a nice place in a word sturdy it's been here for Seven Generations but every single single building is new the only problems are the pests oh we have dragons oh no dragons what oh boy my name's hicup hiccup I know but it's not the worst parents believe a hideous name Will frighten off gnomes and trolls oh get inside that's stoic the vast chief of the tribe he say that when he was a baby he popped a dragon's head clean off of his shoulders he's a big man look at that Majestic beard of course I thought you'd been carried off W me no come on I'm way too muscular for their taste they wouldn't know what to do with all this of course man you tell we move to the L defenses we'll counter attack with the catapults see Old Village lots and lots of new houses ah then now it makes sense that's why they keep getting destroyed snot L the twins rough nut and tough nut and ASD ASD ASD hey oh come on let me out please I need to make my mark oh you made plenty of marks all in the wrong places you can't swing an axe you can't even throw one of [Music] these but this will throw it for me oh oh [Laughter] how if you ever want to get out there to fight dragons you need to stop all this oh he's an invent just pointed to All of Me keeping this much raw Viking contained there will be consequences I'll take my chances poor hicup man taking down one of those would definitely get me a girlfriend okay as if P back ooh exotic two heads twice the status well that is so cool we're getting to see all the different kinds of dragons they've got oh reload I'll take care of this gotcha of course he would take this one on yeah get down wa what a blast no one has ever killed a Night Fury that's why I'm going to be the first ah he's Aiming High H stay put there stay I me go get him [Music] man come on come on come on you can do it you got to prove yourself I hope it works oh you can barely see anything oh there it is it is yeah oh wa and it's fast oh what I hit it yes I hit it did anybody see that oh no unlucky oh God run run run run run do not let them Escape get the heck out of there oh gosh oh oh no get all that to fight yeah o bare hands too wow o sorry Dad no yeah so the expectations are going to be really high those are big shoes to fill okay but I hit a Night Fury no it's not like the last few times dad I mean I really actually hit it let's get a search party out there before stop winter is almost here and I have an entire Village to feed yeah between you and me the village could do with a little less feeding don't you think my God I see a dragon and I have to just kill it yeah it's the Viking and you many things hiccup but a dragon killer is not one of them get back to the house I think the man voicing him is Gerard Butler sounds like it right right yeah never seen anyone mess up that badly that help thank you thank you I was trying so ow a it must be so difficult for him poor hiccup excuse me barid I'm afraid you brought me the wrong Offspring I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms it's not so much what you look like it's what's inside that he can't stand that's not helping that's worse I just want to be one of you guys poor hiccup you should still go out and check out exactly yeah yeah see where exactly that Dragon fell if we find the nest and destroy it the dragons will leap they'll find another home now who's with me everybody's like I'm not doing it man those today we look after hiccups oh my God what am I going to do with him go put in training with the others no I'm serious so am I he'd be killed before you let the first dragon out of its cage oh you don't know that you got to give him a chance even as a boy I knew what I was what I had to become hicup is not that boy I know it seems hopeless but the truth is you won't always be around to protect him he's going to get out there again he's probably out there now literally already out there yeah he gets a son better than the actual father you got to give him a chance to prove himself and to learn some people lose their knife or the mug no not me I managed to lose an entire Dragon oh no out of luck ooh oh something crashed yeah follow the trail you're close bud by the way the voice acting is phenomenal they're killing it so much emotion there it is whoa look at that no wonder you couldn't see it that thing is black as night this this fixes everything yes I have brought down this Mighty Beast just taking a nap wow look at the scales I love the amount of detail oh oh God it's up I'm going to cut out your heart and take it to my father I'm a VI King I am a f King he's hyping himself up to do it trying to don't do it yeah he couldn't do it no I did this I'd feel bad too yeah poor baby he let you go he let you go look at those eyes wow I love the attention to detail they look beautiful oh my goodness yeah that's a little warning ow you got it you got it Dragon close call huh yeah yeah leg's got all mushy try to ignore him yeah this scooch past uh I have to talk to you Dad I need to speak with you too son I think it's to fight dragons what no the complete opposite they are so oh God in different Lanes I can't kill dragons but you will kill dragons no I'm really very extra sure that I won yeah he just tried to do it and it didn't work out for him when you carry this axe you carry all of us with you no more of this you just gestured to All of Me they're all gesturing to all of him I'll be back probably and I'll be here a that's so sad maybe he doesn't get to be the person he wants to be he has to be he has to fit in right yeah what seems to be the norm for them too killing dragons waa what is this like an arena this how they train I wonder wa I'm loving the World building man this looks amazing don't worry you're small and you're weak that'll make you less of a Target gee thanks buddy speed eight armor 16 the 11 stealth time 2 power 15 oh my God that's amazing the gron strength he's the dragon expert I love it I believe in learning on the job learning on the job no prep needed quick what's the first thing you're going to need a doctor plus speed definitely a few doctors all dragons have a limited number of shots how many does a gron have five no six conct six that's one for each of you really this a great way of getting to learn more about the dragons as well so sound is kind of like their weakness and they've got a limited amount of blasts you and me huh no just you one shot left all right come on come on come on come on you got this oh o go back to bed you overgrown sausage overgrown sausage a dragon will always always go for the kill H not always yeah we've seen one that was different already mhm so why didn't you there you go I love how we got to learn so much about the dragons in such a little you know short amount of time even their stats yeah scales oh that got me what's going on something's up with that Dragon yeah ah does it hurt why don't you just fly away I don't think I can an angry dragon oh no I love that design looks so cool but even how there's so much meaning in the eyes right it's amazing you need to live and breathe this stuff the dragon manual everything we know about every Dragon we know of well at least they get their guide right mhm they can prepare there's this water dragon that sprays boiling water at your face and and there's this other one that bears itself for like a week sounds great there was a chance I was going to read that but now wait I want to know more so I guess we'll share uh all mine then wow so uh okay uh I'll see you uh he tried I feel so bad for him strike class fear class mystery class Thunder Drum W oh the thunder drum produces a concussive sound that can kill a man at close range wow that look like it hurt scalon sprays scalding water at its victim extremely dangerous it's incredible how their attacks are so diverse chokes his victims turns its victims Inside Out extremely dangerous extremely dangerous all of them Night Fury speed unknown size Unown no wow they have no idea I mean he already survived two encounters one of a kind and clearly nobody else has seen one of those before can actually add to the book now port or helheim gate helheim gate I also love it how even though it's obviously animation it's It Feels So cinematic like the movement of where the camera would be yeah I keep wanting to say be like oh I I love how that's shot and I'm like wait no it's not shot it's animated yeah it's framed really good I just happened to notice the book had nothing on night furies is there like another book or a sequel maybe a little Night Fury pamphlet oh there goes your axe those fails I'm really beginning to question your teaching [Laughter] methods so how would one sneak up on a Night Fury no one's ever met one and LIF tell the tale now get in there he's so curious he doesn't even feel fear anymore yeah he's just asking the questions he needs answers to oh no this one looks so Derpy I love it has anyone ever seen one happing up up oh no ow oh no oh on the way oh damn is this some kind of a joke to you our parents' war is about to become ours figure out which side you're on yikes yeah you got to be a team player too maybe bringing a gift helps I like his strategy his mentality you know yeah maybe some Foodies you can reason with it you know so stealthy I just set it down it's just a gift yeah I come in peace he's adorable huh toothless I could have sworn you had okay okay they retractable I I don't have anymore hungry Dragon oh no come on you got to find some more fish is he trying to share it with him [Music] H he's like it's really good he's like you got to enjoy it a he ain't that bad oh no no come back we were just bonding it's like I want to be alone now just dangling like that he's so adorable I can't he looks so cute he yes where is he going going to start drawing too ow got [Music] whacked oh no mess it up yeah not the painting there you go learning to get along J you want to smoosh that face poop the Sno do it you got to Boop the snoot you got to Bo cute wow what a moment the way I would perish oh can I have a dragon please I'm off to bed you should be too tomorrow we get to the big boys slowly but surely making our way up to the Monstrous Nightmare Monstrous Nightmare I bet he's going to start feeling bad for all other dragons too once you start learning more about them right perhaps there's more to the story yeah maybe it doesn't have to be like this yeah you know it doesn't have to be a war I wouldn't be able to just sit and listen to them talk about killing dragons especially when you just made a friend you [Music] know ah he making a [Music] wing nice wow our little inventor I hope I hope you're hungry okay you got some goodies got a whole feast in there now he's got to get to that tail nice and safe no no no no no no okay finding my own business oh no good luck installing that so close oh no he's almost done with the fish uh-oh oh no I hope it works and I hope he I hope so takes to it you know it works and up we go oh my goodness looks like it's working oh almost oh no come on oh there you go wow wow it's almost like it stabilizes them that's crazy yes I did it you did it oh no oh you going to open it up oh no he needs to make sure the flap doesn't close got to find a way for toothless to be able to control when he wants to close it or or open it the hiest simple back is extra tricky one head breathes gas the other head lights it oh that is so cool oh no a come on come on needed some more umph on that throw just a little bit no way why don't you make me tell you again yes that's right now think about what you've done not the E wow oh that was so cool he's figuring figuring them out so are we done yes I've got some things I need to uh yep think you got some explaining to do people are going to start asking question who would have thought huh he was actually good at this specific thing I love it I love seeing their dump struck faces too he's like nope wow nice yeah needs a perfect smart idea a little harness just in case [Music] oh where where are you toothless [Music] [Music] oh my god oh wow yeah he's learning how to tame them instead of fighting them that's amazing of course How to Train Your Dragon right that spot napnap time [Music] no no no no no no but that's so much better than killing them it's like the size of my oh ow better you ever were ooh she's not going to want to hear that wa that must be so cool that's hilarious ah I wonder how his dad is going to take it I don't think well what happened they got defeated damn only one ship came back hope you had a little more success than me well if by success you mean that your parenting troubles are over with then yes he can barely walk through the village without being swarmed by his new V hiccup who would have thought it e he has this way with the beasts he's like what M it's crazy he left for a little while and now Everything Has Changed okay there bud we're going to take this nice and slow here we go okay come on guys three no four it's like learning to drive again manual at that yeah make sure you get the right the right gears wa some heart steering go time a nice [Music] dive come on buddy come on buddy oh man man the score is beautiful so beautiful yes it worked that must feel so cool I want to do this so badly oh no ouch my fault he's like Focus oh this is amazing the wind my no no oh yeah now is just going to have to off the harness guys it need to work together now yep all right okay you you got to kind of angle yourself time to improvise oh no to toothless oh no almost there come on come on come on come [Laughter] on oh [Music] wow oh oh no like I'm not sharing my food don't fight there you go he's like the dragon Whisperer yeah they seem to like him a lot a everything we know about you guys is wrong a got to make a a book of your own got to update that whole book imagine I came looking for you you did you've been keeping secrets I uh I I have he's cleaning up the desk let's talk about that Dragon oh [Laughter] God upset just wait till you spill a nad's guts for the first time and mount your first grun head on a spear no yeah we're not talking about the same thing here it was rough I almost gave up on you and all the while you are holding out on me all Thor Mighty we finally have something to talk about oh oh man so hard when you don't have anything in common huh but even there their views are completely different I I brought you something take keep you safe thanks ah your mother would have wanted you to have it it's half of her breastplate I should really get to bed about good okay good talk yeah I'll see you back at the house great uh thanks for stopping by and for the uh ow tall people problems oh I really hope that they can menend their relationship yeah this time for sure yeah I love how intense she is so later oh not so fast I'm kind of late for late for what exactly oh she's on to him yeah she's going to figure it out she definitely knows what that he's up to something oh you've done it you've done it hiup you get to kill the That's my boy you won't be able to after all he's learned don't think so yeah man no one just gets as good as you do especially you start talking uh uh are you training with someone well kind of I'm through with the lies I I've been making outfits so you got me it's time everyone new F you here we go ow ow yeah she's focused on finding the truth oh no oh of course toothless is going to think he's in danger yeah you just scared him I scared him yeah as look at his face tothless he has his mean face on snatched her right up just let me show you please as got that upper body strength nice I know right she did that so easily toothless is all suspicious he's like he's like I don't agree with this nothing to be afraid of you better hold on oh no oh giving them the ride of their lives what are you doing we need her to he's doing the best he can to give her the worst ride of her life yes I'm sorry just get me off of this thing he's like did I make my point now we can be peaceful you said sorry there you go see how nice it can be [Music] oh the music is so beautiful I am loving the score throughout the entirety of this film [Music] wow man I want to do this I know right this spoy makes you want a dragon so bad yes wow nice shot W I love that a Imagine The View here it is home o doing doing quite well hiccup I'm really scared of how things are going to go wrong don't say that you know you're going to have to kill kill a dragon don't remind me what's going on what's Happening he send something yeah so pretty big dragons what are they carrying wa that's uh quite oh my God that's a lot what's going on it's a lot of dragons they're all heading to the same place I'm am so curious to see where they're going whoa is that a volcano oh you think this is the nest that they were trying to get to waa wow but my dad wouldn't give to find this yeah that's what I'm scared of oh it's satisfying to know that all of our food has been dumped down a hole they're not eating any of it so what are they doing with it we can't see what's at the bottom that's his offering what is that oh oh that is a big dragon whoa all right Bud we got to get out of here now oh it eats dragons too let's find your dad no no no not yet they'll kill toothless no you want to keep it a secret to protect your pet dragon are you serious I mean they'll destroy and kill so many dragons I'll figure something out okay that's for kidnapping me that's for everything else hey just her way of flirting she just punches you real hard in the arm what are you looking at they make an awesome team yeah I love them as a Duo but how would you change the minds of all these people man he's going to have to do his best no one's more surprised or more proud than I am he must be feeling terrible knowing that point becomes a viking he doesn't want to do it yeah just make sure they don't find toothless I will just promise me it won't go wrong no perhaps with all this audience he has a chance to show everybody at the same time that they're not what they thought they are you know right like if you could just show everyone that there's a way to like reason with the dragons how I gone for the hammer yeah he grabbed the smallest weapon he could find oh oh this is the one that sets itself on fire yep ooh how fast it is all right what is he doing time to tame this one something's super badass I'm not one of them his dad's not going to like that no we don't have to kill them yeah I try to make them see stop the fight no a no dude it was working ah he messed up big time making all that noise he's going to get his own son killed oh toothless he's trying they got to figure that one out he's toothless has got to be able to yeah fly on his own he's still trying even though he can't fly ah oh he comes yep it's going to Def oh he's going to defend his friend Night Fury the first time they've all seen one ah come on toothless come on hiccup right toothless go get out of here no no no oh my God no oh my goodness toess stop no no I was listening oh no yeah oh my God we had a deal I know we did but that that was before I a it's all so messed up he messed that up his father trick a skill just don't hurt Toothless the dragon that's what you're worried about not the people you almost killed you almost got them killed if they don't bring enough food back they'll be eating themselves yeah there's something else on their Island Dad it's it's a dragon like their Island so you've been to the nest no know how did you find it but no I I didn't toothless did only a dragon can find the island he's going to try to use toothless for it no for once in your life would you please just listen to me yeah he does not listen to his son at all you're not a faking you're not my son wow ouch that was so uncalled for man he just let all of his own personal like prejudices take over he's not even hearing anything he's not paying attention to anything either they're all heading [Music] out a that the thing that's living in that Island that's a massive Dragon I don't know how the hell they're gonna try to take that thing down even the other dragons are scared of it yeah cuz that that other Dragon was huge ah he must feel so lead us home powerless to do anything worst father of the year award I swear why couldn't I have killed that Dragon when I found him in the woods the rest of us would have done it so why didn't you cuz he's not like the rest I wouldn't kill him because he looked as frightened as I was I looked at him and I saw myself no no what are you going to do about it yeah you got to go and save it something crazy okay that's more like yeah that's more like it I like ASD me too he's feisty but also gives good advice you were wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon yeah it's me no it's not you're crazy I like that he's got his own gang he going to make them all R dragons I hope so yeah stay low and ready your weapons I think they're here we're here silence all sudden that is Eerie ah second try huh yeah with no interference it's going to be fine there's going to get to know a dragon oh he likes it hell yeah all right I cannot wait to see that crew all hell is going to break loose and my undies good thing I brought exas he is so [Music] determined oh oh no wait until he sees the size of that thing yeah really a ball of flame like that's going to do anything well at least they get to see how deep they're going to go oh what a great visual though it is way too many yeah hopefully now they'll they'll realize they don't really want to fight them we've done it oh boy they're in for a surprise they're celebrating way too soon oh noo that's just the Roar and we still haven't seen the full scale of how big it is oh that's just the snout yep what is that a massive dragon can it even fly so big they got a free toothless I could buy them a few minutes by get that thing sumon to hunt then I can double that time a nice yeah no I guess they both uh like to do things a little crazy the crazy way just a little oh no oh no oh no oh they're here y there they [Music] are he was like what the heck heavily armored skull and tail made for bashing and crushing steer clear both small eyes large nostrils relies on hearing and smell okay got it a get mad my specialy it's everyone knows I'm more irritating see I told you I'll be back as soon as I can I love how it also kind of matches their personalities like they're a perfect match so true ofle yeah there you go it's going to be make him real mad go help the others okay hold on hold on oh it's working oh no it's bothering them too yeah uhoh oh no stay put guys we got it we got it Leisa gron is okay I think oh no and he's still chained oh man get the dragon wow he's that strong he's got the Viking strength he's like come on let's go hop on we're going fighting you don't have to go up there we're Vikings it's an occupational hazard hey a I'm proud to call you my son good as you should be that's sweet finally gets to be who he is no can't believe that worked [Music] oh getting sucked in no no no no no come on oh toothless he's got some good aim he really never [Music] misses that thing has wings okay let's see if we can use them that's what I was wondering yeah yes the earlier massive can it even fly yeah toothless looks like he has some serious Firepower there oh like vagar I was going to say this is going to me flashbacks and not the not the good kind not the good kind it's more like trauma flashbacks the dragon attacked the other Dragon dude without none of them wanting the oh oh my God is it going to stall or what cuz of the weight I wonder that's a good question I guess none yeah staying up [Applause] there yeah I love that he's so fast you can barely see him and blends right into the clouds too oh that is that's a sick wow wow they're killing it man oh no mean face toothless mean face toothless is the best stay with me buddy we're good just a little bit longer just a little bit hold on come [Music] on oh oh wow ah yeah one and head first no no oh no to CL ow whoa oh what a visual got to learn how to fly without that thing where is he I'm so sorry no he had him he's alive you brought him back alive must be exhaust yeah toothless you're a hero thank you for saving my my son well you know most of them oh yeah he is out he's like come on man time to wake up oh oh wow that's why I said most of him oh man lost the foot yeah he's so similar to toothless like that parall both the like to this's left Fin and his left foot stay here come on guys get ready hold outside here we [Laughter] go wow they get to live amongst them much better [Applause] better there you go and he's still regarded as a hero all we needed was a little one of this this you just gestured all of me that's for scaring me what what was it always going to be this way do o I could get used to it yeah oh oh nice you got a little custom Wing this is Burke it snows 9 months of the year and hails the other three the only outsides are the pets now it's a plus they get to have dragons we have dragons y hey man that was such a cute story oh I love this I want myself a toothless yeah I want a toothless man that was such a heartfelt cute fun adventure I was like yeah I know right my cheeks hurt from smiling the entire time man toothless is ah so adorable and like their bond just seeing how you know they they both grew to like each other and understand each other and how much closer they were than you know they first initially thought I thought the whole message of the movie I thought it was very beautiful yeah especially you know with the whole book that all the Vikings had you know with all this information about how menacing and mean those Dragons Were and it's like kill on site and I love that you know it was about really showing kindness to the dragons right and like they were actually all just really large and scaly kittens if you think about it you know they just want some lovies and just some Foodies and I thought that you know seeing them all come together in this way it was just so heartwarming and I really love that you know when we first get introduced to their town you know it's like dark and it's like raining and you see it's like really moody and like in the end it's actually like a sunny day and you see all of the colors of the town like with the dragons and all the Vikings oh it was it was such a cute ending man I love that so much and I like the you know the storyline here where you know hicup he's a bit of an you know an odd guy he's not the normal Viking let's say he's not really good at fighting or hunting these dragons down but in the end he's the one that figures out that there's more to them than what they initially thought and I thought that was a really cool you know way of kind of exploring who he is and what he stands for and I also appreciated how toothless kind of mirrored his character in a way and you know towards the end that's a bit more evident how they're both different and you know they obviously they both like I mentioned you know now hicup is missing a foot that's very similar to how toothless is missing part of his uh tail but I kind of like that you know they are both kind of going into this journey together I'm very excited to see how their relationship is going to progress now you know after this origin story or how they meet I think it was it was done so well you really feel for the characters and you feel for him right you know being the one that's always left out or the one that's being picked on because he's different and and now you know seeing how he gets to be the be the hero of the of the town and you know he's got his own dragon now his friends also got dragons makes me wonder how much the you know his hometown his village is going to change because obviously now they have dragons and now it's going to be normalized everybody's going to have a dragon so what what is the next threat going to be right exactly because this has been you know all that the Vikings knew like that the dragons were like their mortal enemy me and they've been looking for this island and now that all of this is out in the open I'm super interested to see where they're going to go from here with all the information that they can find out now you know and how many other dragon types that there are out there and also I really really enjoyed how this movie really leaned into you know trying to not fit into the status quo and trying to question why we do the things that we do right and that it's sometimes it's okay to not exactly follow everything that you're told just because that's what everyone else does you know I really like that at first we have our main character who thinks that it's a weakness that he wasn't able to kill the dragon when it was really just him seeing that the dragon was just as frightened as he was and like just taking that little moment was actually such a huge Act of bravery and I really really like that the rest of the Town folk actually were willing to see like how great that their collaboration could be especially like as she was like representative of most of the Vikings right she's the warrior you know she she's ready and she's very very good at it and I'm also very very interested to see like if they don't fight dragons what do they do right cuz like this is what they always train for so like what is the next step after this very excited to jump into the next one and kind of see what those answers will be but yeah there's a lot of elements in this that I enjoyed from the character arcs to the incredible score that this movie had I mean it's so gripping and emotional and it just goes in tandem with the incredible visuals especially towards that third act there was imagery in this that I was like wo this is so colorful and original you know that one sequence where Toothless and the the big dragon they were covered and basically surrounded by this mist and every time the toothless was shooting one of his blasts you could see the silhouette of the Dragon I thought that was so cool yeah it was actually so impressive how they got to play you know like do the shadow work you know we just see the silhouette of how large this dragon is and I also can we talk about the large dragon's design he looked so menacing the three eyes and Dragon actually I love their design they were all so unique you know some of them look more Derpy than the other one you know and it's it's the same with the with the Viking characters like you see some that the father you know he has like his Majestic beard and exactly what you would think of when you think of Viking and you get all these variations and I love the effort that they put into every single character when it comes to the animation like throughout the entire movie first of all I was smiling throughout the whole thing because I was just so impressed because there were so many moments where I was like oh like this was shot so well I was so immersed in in the story that I sometimes I would just forget that this was animated and like the facial expressions and you know the little ticks here and there so much effort and such fantastic work this was such an amazing time I agree guys thank you so much for you know introducing us to these movies I mean I'm excited for the next ones I had a great time with this I hope that you guys did as well and as always we'll catch you guys in the next one take care see you

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AVENGERS: ENDGAME ( Part 2 ) * Marvel MOVIE REACTION * First Time Watching!

Category: Entertainment

Intro to the avengers endgame movie reaction [music] this would be totally awesome yeah in these circumstances not as much you tell us where it is then we'll be on our way oh no get him out of here jeez we have them all [music] that robe is kind of crazy though i do like that it was like harry potter... Read more

The Front Room (2024) HAD A LOT GOING FOR IT… - Movie Review thumbnail
The Front Room (2024) HAD A LOT GOING FOR IT… - Movie Review

Category: Film & Animation

[music] what's going on everybody welcome back to the channel and in today's video we're going to be talking about the front room based on a short story by susan hill this film is written and directed by max and sam edgars and stars people like brandy norwood andrew burnap katherine hunter and more... Read more

WHY IS SHE HERE?! | The Office -  7x3 Andy's Play | Group Reaction thumbnail
WHY IS SHE HERE?! | The Office - 7x3 Andy's Play | Group Reaction

Category: Entertainment

Hello everybody we are the men of the norm men men this is the office season 7 episode 3 andy's play creative very creative my name is sud i'm pat i am the actor known as spidey hm i'm i don't play around fun fact since it's all the boys today we're going to buy a child they let us adopt we're getting... Read more

First time watching Beetlejuice (1988) Movie Theater Reaction thumbnail
First time watching Beetlejuice (1988) Movie Theater Reaction

Category: Entertainment

Hello everybody we are trying something new here today uh excuse my tired look i've been editing it for a while all night so it's a movie theater reaction to the original beetlejuice uh it's something brand new that we're really excited about so please watch it it's short give your feedback comments... Read more

The Rings of Power 2x1 REACTION!! "Elven Kings Under the Sky" thumbnail
The Rings of Power 2x1 REACTION!! "Elven Kings Under the Sky"

Category: Entertainment

Hey guys crewel blind wave i'm eric i'm calvin i'm aaron and we're back with the rings of power the lord of the rings the rings of power season two yep uh previously you love titles with two ofs i do i do i really do there's two ofs there yeah last season uh what happened last season because there was... Read more

The Mummy (1999) FIRST TIME WATCHING! | MOVIE REACTION! (1491) thumbnail

Category: Entertainment

Start of live stream what is up what's good how's everyone doing e intro welcome everyone to my live reaction slw watchalong of the mummy this movie came out in 1999 and as always there are links in description and watching this on tuby uh if you enjoyed this movie give a like if you're new subscribe... Read more

Viking Bums Attack Sherwood Forest - Robin Hood Prince of Thieves #alanrickman #kevincostner thumbnail
Viking Bums Attack Sherwood Forest - Robin Hood Prince of Thieves #alanrickman #kevincostner

Category: Film & Animation

They don't see duncan though because he's too stealthy but actually he just can't see them following him because he's got no eyes he actually leads them right to robin hood i found you robin and yeah this looks bad and yeah it is in fact bad but they've prepared for this to the they have a system where... Read more