The Rings of Power 2x1 REACTION!! "Elven Kings Under the Sky"

Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 00:31:52 Category: Entertainment

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hey guys crewel blind wave I'm Eric I'm Calvin I'm Aaron and we're back with the rings of power the Lord of the Rings the rings of power season two yep uh previously you love titles with two ofs I do I do I really do there's two ofs there yeah last season uh what happened last season because there was like there was you know not a lot of rings we turned the on button to Mordor mhm okay okay y yeah moror one button it was the sword does is this the season we've learned about the rings of power cuz last season was like more setup right like there wasn't there was that one place that has uh what's that town in the water that's like going to die or something like there's like a bad Vision what are you doing you don't know all the names no I'm really bad at this you guys tell me Callin being so descriptive you don't need names when you have feelings okay okay the bad Mountain place the the the the the city in the water that's going be going to destroyed the hobbits are just wandering with the big noosed wizard yeah the stranger we don't know who he is yeah but he said the same thing that someone else said didn't you say you like he might be this guy or this guy now you know right I mean it has done everything but say this is Gandalf yeah but wasn't like when in doubt follow your what do you need yeah right like what else do you need to confirm like a big hat and pip why would I need a saxophone unless it's his [Music] pipe guys we are going to be having three episodes I think out so there's a lot Prime put out a lot it will be up as soon as we can so subscribe and they will be up today tomorrow however soon we can get them all up oh my God that's a valuable reason to subscribe and then we'll be keeping up with this uh weekly CU then it's only one a week and it's a lot easier to do and they'll be up every every what's today Thursday Thursday usually we ask you to subscribe that benefits us but this benefits you it always benefits them now not always we also have full length available for these because we have to edit these down for copyright reasons but you can find our our full reaction you just sync it up with your own footage from Amazon Prime and just watch along with us so you can find uh that down in the description below but this being the first episode you can find it whether you're a patreon member or Beyond member or any of that or not you don't have to be you can just check the whole full full length of this first episode y uh but we offer it for the whole uh series and everything else we do all over on Beyond and patreon mhm all right well let's go find out what's going on with our friends Adar gadriel Elon Muriel aor elendil rivon said need a hel bimor gilgalad Theo The Stranger Elanor Brandy foot who what's that a crown is that at work yeah but today a new age begins under me your new master Master Sauron for for what was it men will never look upon you with anything but horror and disgust a corrupted and you don't make any attempt to clean your face and Slaughter really quick m M you kill someone with that mhm yeah right he just stabs him with his crap turn it upside down he is he's holding it like this Crown of Thorns yep ah right in the neck shoulder area crown for King told him not going to make it that point me oh my hey this is what I said to do holy crap this is Cesar like why don't all the orches attack him but might as well like yeah I mean he's still yeah is he just a human he's a May he's like a fallen angel the same as like he's like an evil G same as like the strange stranger right yeah and star they just [ __ ] ganged up on it D violent that is super [ __ ] violent wait wait what all right we created a new timeline we're not going to the L of the Rings yeah I'm confused oh you need to redo The Hobbit hell yeah and that smeagle game Let's redo that now yeah and it's just a puddle of him that one that one I didn't get hit in there he said stop but that was the one guy he was like in the back he's like hang okay F to the front at the very end yeah [Applause] oh wow holy crap that was a really [ __ ] cool effect that was so cool wait is this the literally didn't glad go to like a real cold like Castle place she did what year is it it's the dawn so one is this is this before what we saw last season or after I don't know um well I'm just we have to be before okay like that guy looks different than the one guy feel like hair and his long and blonde I mean is he gone in in the flashback in the in the recap thing Adar said like he killed s m is what he claimed yeah all right he's gone yeah go over there and you got to kick it kick yeah you got to kick it a bit like Raider hey dude he stabbed him with his own Crown I mean when you make a crown like that beating him with his own slipper yeah yeah the first thing I saw was like you stab that little lizard climbs out and then he stayed dead you can say that a lot about Sauron and then he didn't this looks like the stuff the orc had coming out of his mouth yeah the ior of evu this is some horror movie kind of stuff you know where it's like the blood like pet cemetery [ __ ] yeah something like that or I don't know C be bear oh it's a pool of his blood isn't it oh he just gonna like SYM it like pull it in it's like swirly it's like a symbi is he going to possess a capara no it's a rat I know Cy Bears don't have long like you don't know what Lord of the Rings Capa world's like yeah it might be a capy b so just like it just like eating flesh to like Akuna mat grow oh my god dude look at that like reaching and [ __ ] you can see it's head it's like it's a bunch of worms it's like it's a hunter right is that what they are yes they're just warm [ __ ] [ __ ] Eric don't look down I want to play Halo with you forever I think it looks like the the opening scene of Princess ban with the boar talk about that one it doesn't two I don't know what you're talking about you're just trying to pull something I'm going to call your blood it's a shitty ass pull dude this is nuts this is what he's he's he is right now all Sauron is is that little mass of crawling yeah W that's all of his malice and hate holy crap oh boys I need a horse eventually hor is going to step on him and it's going to just eat it that was close man that's going to eat her this is so cool this is out oh God run horse but you're going to bring it with you okay they hit the eject button he did she was just pulling that by the Rings oh my God that's [ __ ] this might be the most flesh it's found at one point finally get like a full form oh yeah she's like the mummy you know what I mean yeah CRA up does he look like her or does he look like something new looks like him y he's him oh no he was suffered I can see it in your eyes there's another life waiting for you you just have to turn toward [Music] it he's going to get that bag I mean that was the symbol he had right with gladio that she believed he was a king you don't want to hear something outside grab hold of something help me give me your bag mhm W what were all those push-ups for if you can't lift a bloody Lord you eat it it's got like its mouth opens like this turned away pych the Rings show them to me we dare not use them High King he's no doubt corrupted he never touched them work with kmor for weeks those ring are more than our last hope they may be the last hope for all Middle Earth it is a risk we must chance to take give them to me this point of view is like being painted into a corner yeah like now we definitely don't have a choice like what if he doesn't you just chucked him into the ocean someone to find him but no oh he he jumped he chucked himself into the ocean that's so high jump you guys are not going to find him if you take a long way yeah you're right a dude if you realize who's in front of you you'd be so pissed let my people go dude he's like Moses in the Promised Land [Applause] has taken form yet I want to freeze Fram was all that it's growling War so much stuff growls here I don't think it's an or you could be a toddler or War can't be bar what Happ a c bar Mama C bar better angry that he ate the baby C you tell old wre everything you know about saon can you befriend the dog and get him to eat the other dude jeez want to do this now whoa what' you do is that like a spell he owns it now Perfection Perfection exists only in b thank you master Kiran Kiran man good looking guy there it is looks like Conor Roy became president yeah long ago there was a battle one whose weapons were the very bones of the continent still now at the spot where our Bay meets the sea there remains on the seabed a scarse so deep its end none but manway himself knows if one were to cast these Rings into its depths [Music] they well I got a helicopter oh dude hell yeah it's a lighthouse Oh I thought it was coming with them like no where are the rings H go throw them in a big hole Middle Earth maranis trench Saron is looking for the One Ring in Lord of the Rings the book he talks about how like ah probably just flow down the river into this River and then into the ocean whenever find it but it oh we're going to bamboozle someone throw some rocks on them what poppy confounded all same wise gamg you believe something welcome to the lands of Run come on what are you waiting for this is only the beginning where's the stick hey look at the stars mhm oh damn a man you got to tie some rocks to there or something why didn't you drop it outside how you drop it in the boat don't open it power over flesh mhm slight reflection in his eyes is so good I have something you don't the trust of the elves release me and I'll go to them and seek him out so you can Marshall Your Allegiance to destroy him you vow allegiance to Adar Lord father of the uks I vow with your head at my feet I allow to serve the Lord of Mor to the end of my days Days specific warning uh wording mhm I serve [Music] myself what was that collar off well no more wri he's laughing yeah he purposely had his horse go slow just waiting Perfection does not exist only in valinor hiking it is here kmor has brought it to Middle Earth wearing one huh mhm he's the Lord of the Ring [Music] no chose [Music] them so cool to actually have more rings to do this with I know that Spotlight a and the helicopter's back no it's on a helicopter is different jeez man he's just etching the the corruption away yes dang be careful that's how you get Elden ring all right well I guess the Rings are good yeah right I'm a simple person I'm like I'm good I believe it [Music] wait no are we making more wa it worked out so well why wouldn't we make more yeah but the elves all have them we don't need anymore we're good nah start the forge I know there are more but why are we making more bring in the Anvil from the ceiling calor stop it is the only way to load this in this room forgive me my Lord but a messenger has just arrived this messenger is from the Southlands he says he wants to negotiate we Bron well my Lord do we Grant him entry you got the letter from the King right he taught me some cool stuff this place is cool looking yeah that was a badass shot right there it really was how it went behind the trees yeah [ __ ] amazing all right well we have uh three rings for 11 Kings no I'm kidding they don't even get that they don't get that sorry I uh I quite enjoyed the beginning uh cuz there was a part of me that was like well okay maybe Sauron looks like this now and this you cuz Adora looks different maybe the guy different get for Sauron too yeah well I thought that he looked different and then I was like wait when are we cuz like the last thing we saw especially in the recap was him like looking over Mordor so I'm like wait are we there and then especially whenever he blew up I'm like this place is different yeah not the Mordor that I thought it was going to be so yeah this super cold yeah dude some of the visual effects are like top tier like that uh really cool that like sand like big sand particle simulation thing look like it's pretty Flawless it's it's what they did for the intro of last season they did the uh oh yeah the yeah yeah I was wondering how much of it was like if it was all CG or it was a practical CG mix I imagine you know for the the for him doing the sand stuff whatever cuz some of it like like I was like you could do this or you could reverse some of it maybe to make it kind of move away in weird ways or something but I wasn't sure if it was just all CG sure or if it had a mixture of both you know yeah I mean it was cool I didn't like it no cool and then there was just a couple uh especially the like big establishing shots and stuff that's just very impressive looking like you know sometimes you hear about the budgets of shows like this like what where'd that go but this shows it yeah and then just the whole Sauron like the blood dripping down and then the symbia crawling out kind of looking thing yeah and it ate that yeah you know and the centipede and anyway so it just I never seen anything like that in this world you know you you read about it you don't see it yeah that was neat yeah it was very cool um I've been curious for like the ring aspect because like I I've seen the one ring and what it does and how it works and you go invisible and you see the the the The Wraith King dudes that like you know but like I think one of the first questions like the tempting and all that I'm like what all the other rings do yeah exactly yeah like I don't like my dad would be like he's Lord of the Rings though there this one yeah where's that where the other you know and you want to be like well I mean they're technically there I mean this that type of thing but here like they they've got them and they put them on but I'm like what will that do uhuh and I'm like like right now it's it grows your tree back and your tree's good it does grow your tree back things it does they about it controlling flesh or whatever stuff the orc guy seems worried about the idea of you know whatever this this idea is he kind of is aware of it him being like the first of the Orcs the Uruk like he wants to protect his children more than just be evil and serve the Lord of Mordor right so he wasn't into the whole many Orcs will die but we're going to have a new order afterwards yeah like nobody was was into that I didn't like him getting stabbed with his crown that was very cool but but yeah I I look forward to seeing how the Rings work or what they do like trying to remember it was gladio still wearing one in whenever like she gave gim hair yeah yep like I don't remember them really focusing on that kind of stuff a lot in the movies yeah I mean it it's not in the theatrical I don't believe but in the extended edition it's revealed that she has one El has one and Gandalf has one why does Elon have one why is G Gand an elf someone gives it and like the dwarves are all dead right who has those Rings uh the dragons they were all melted in dragon fire that's what what can destroy these Rings is real or at least that one ring is you know yeah magically hot fire magically hot fire can a dragon destroy the one one ring or like one I think that it's theorized that it they could but they any a dragon would be so seduced by its power that it would be very bad I mean that's why you don't SM yeah yeah if we don't take the Eagles we don't go anywhere close to a dragon Yeah man so it seems like the stranger well I'll just call him the stranger yeah we don't know who he is uh is going on like a vision quest for a stick got feel the animality like the dream is like it was really interesting because like it's like he knows he knows the thing that he's going for like yeah I need this thing but I have no idea what it looks like except he remembers a bunch of them on what they look like does that make sense he has like no memory but he actually does have memories so he's like it's like stuck in his subconscious and you can't pull it out right yeah and then I'm just sad you didn't you didn't even nod to Calvin that he made a more comment Annihilation reference did yeah you know where I about need to find his animality yeah like pretty cool I'm I laughing about like man he's made a Annihilation not even the first one oh BL was such a good idea just for that moment and that's not us referencing that he's referencing us no but no I don't know it's uh I I don't know where they're go what's Ru Ruan run run run is it like the beginnings of Rohan well let's look at a map it's got similar naming it's got similar rocks it all was just kind of in New Zealand maybe but like they said about welcome to the Rune yeah and I was like I think of Ruin colloquially Callan the uh hermit's hat the hermit's Hat yeah I think that's what the the harfoot called it okay in the book maybe it is I don't know I don't know where the Shire goes and the the Haro foots if they become the hobbits haven't found the Shire yet I also really want to see a baby legless so like I don't know how long it takes for elves to grow but like from elron from here to when he's in Lord of the Rings is a lot of years and he doesn't look that much older yeah I guess so I'm waiting for baby Legas so like the Shire is like up in here uhhuh right and this is the greaty Havens and over here's heaven heaven yeah and then this way is like Rohan you know Gondor down here and then M door down here run is up here oh okay eventually like during the time of the movies like no one goes over here it's all it's sh it sucks you know it's real bad so we are where it sucks so Ru I should think of ruin it gets ruined now to the to the north there is the um the swamp lands I was going to say where's the swampy lands raise our sharp rocks yeah that BR walks through to get there right with salmon yeah they're like uh so it's just shitty yeah all right yeah but like we're seeing why it's shitty we we'll find out why it becomes there's nothing there yeah H where I'll try to find a better visual I need to watch The Hobbit so I like where where' SMS where was his place cuz I I don't know much about him at all sure I just know that he like took some I me stuff I I there's things in those movies that I'm like I don't think you should have done this but I also have a fun time watching them too so that' be fun to build that I think he's I especially like that first movie he's in the he's like north of of of uh uh yeah he's on the he's in the Lonely Mountain um Lonely Mountain it's to the east right is it that it's like uh arabor the Lonely Mountain here on the other side of so north of Norwood yes yep it's yeah it's near R it's up north northwest far over the Missy mountains but in the Central North it's yeah it's it's Central North is I'll try it like I said I'll try to get like a big map we do have we a map somewhere we have like a visual guide thing I think in the library that has like a big map that unfolds we should get that I'll do that between recordings we didn't have any dwarves this time it all all elf focused and over with uh s sa mhm better get a whole episode of dwarves whole episode of dwarves we did also have a little bit of Hobbit stuff poppy joined in where she had been back at home or not home I guess they don't have a home right they like to travel walking songs though they said like how's home and I was like where's where's home home is where the heart is home is where the har foot harf footed are yes but no I did like seeing like the Sauron backstory like uh I don't know the backer story but I know you hear about Mor goth and the 13 that swore to him stuff like that I know from that point now on but not before that like why he's there and why they look at him and the mor goth thing was and stuff so I I struggle with the idea of like should they be listening to Elon or should they be listening to gladel who's like the tree's better you know the issue is so now the elves are here and do the elves help fight the evil or would it be better if they just left they're both right yeah is the issue yeah I feel like the only way to stop this was to stop it before it got to this point like let him die in the water or something but not maybe think of how history changed because San's boat like rocked a second he you know what that's pretty cool N I want to wear this red one yeah he didn't like ask he was like I'm taking one of course I'm the only one here has a beard yeah right so his or the high King elf dudes one of him one of those must go to Elon I mean I have to right here you go and the other goes to gandal yeah okay which I believe the blue one goes to Gandalf so the one that uh Gil galled has and then the red one I think that um I I'm curious on the corruption of them and whatnot because like wasn't Gandalf say like I I can't touch that like the big ring right so I'm like does this corrupt that bad too I mean that's whaton ison's like hey like we learned how to do this like with saon around like that's a big no no like what if he did something what if you put in like a code or you know like step for wives thing and then like they're all looking the Rings like and he's like [ __ ] yeah like you you guys are slobbering over him already it's day one yeah sure he walks away so that's why I worri about uh Gandalf CU I'm like wait he has one but he didn't want the one so like he knows he'd be corrupted by this one but maybe this one's weaker or are they coated for like the species that's supposed to wear them right like there's these are for dwars they won't tempt elves or humans there's such a yeah I mean the three rings at the time of Lord the Rings are being hidden that's why they do not appear in the theatrical cut cuz it's not that important into the story it's like hey you know these things and they're awesome like do not use them they're not awesome yeah but here they just think oh these things are awesome let's maybe make more and give to more people uh Sauron tamed that doggy mhm he did and then it ate that dude who's like I didn't like him anyway yeah wal drg I forgot about wal drg I gota be honest but he was the guy right that like y he turned on Mordor turned on Mordor he wasn't loyal to the people and he was like just trying to save his own skin right yep so good then he's a being like just are you loyal yeah are you loyal right now he doesn't have his own skin mm got eat by a doggy all right okay well that just episode one uh we have three today we have two more okay all right well go we got to jump into that so make sure that you subscribe uh we'll have the next two episodes up as soon as we can uh we just need to get them edited upload all that kind of stuff so subscribe you'll get notifications hit the Bell so that you don't miss them um also make sure you subscribe because we'll be following along with this each week as rings of power comes out and uh you can see more as well with full length as mentioned over at blindwave tocom mhm

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