Rings of Power Review - You wrote THIS?! S2 E2

rings of Power episode 2 where we find out siron has been getting his endway exactly what you needed the Lost King who could ride you to victory yes Saron is a five-star jockey but at least gadriel is polite about it you gave him everything he wanted and then thanked him for it and she's not the only one Sauron he can he can get around and now he has done the same to gal what but there was one Revelation that even shocks me and to every elf in Lind that did you just say he had every elf in Lyon dirty dirty people like a person sing to it properly it will reflect your song back to you did you say that in season I can't remember a line that's stupid you could get the greatest singer in the World to Sing to me I couldn't mirror it back I could probably make them wish they didn't have eard drums but I couldn't reflect it back there he is just peering inside alron we get a flashback about how joran has been disowned by Juran because Juran pissed off Juran by not siding with Juran I wish I was making this off you that's B D you profed the crown you wear that Crown also has spikes on nobody cares about health and safety in this place over with the dwarves now daa and jurine have been disowned and they're poor wait too dear it's a mushroom love how expensive can it be have you not seen Clarkson's farm that crap grew so fast it was dangerous oh [ __ ] we're not poppers no actually it's worse you're the one said we'll be wise to tighten our purse strings oh your else I mean the most unrealistic part of this is that he's the one who wants to buy extra food or were you not including yourself when you said that I mean look at that size Matters right he's a growing boy everybody's like you're married to Prince and now you're an outcast oh it's fine as long as I can keep your heart the story is old as time but only cuz she thinks it's shortterm and he can become a prince again otherwise a divorce immediately and I wouldn't trade his heart for a mind full of fire opals but if you had the fire opul you could eat as many hearts as you wanted have you tried to talk to your father see she knows he can become Prince again that's the only reason she's there but as we're walking along diesa notices a rumbling disarm me wait is that my stomach brace yourself ask get breakfast I got bra yourself and lunch but what I do like is he cares about her so he goes to protect her but in doing so A rock falls where he was standing and would have killed him if he didn't go and protect his wife it's a nice little detail I'm not even sure was done intentionally of course the rest of the place gets AB absolutely destroyed that's why you walk across a bridge rather than admiring The View gets worse when all the tunnels to the surface start closing up and the light gets turned off light which they use to grow food which presumably they could put under electric lights but that would be one hell of a bill no no no no because of there's one thing a dwarf hates it's the dark gadri now dreaming that she's meeting Kell rmbo he's like I've had an unexpected visitor in his full granny dress which she oh he's returned already and everywhere gets dark Vines start to grow from across the floor it's very difficult to get intimidated by plants I mean at least making them look scary are they not the seeds you planted yes Calin Bor is here to try and blame someone else other than himself this is the guy who never asked why shouldn't I talk to hellbrand and so when this happens pardon hellbrand really has returned hasn't he is yes Kell bmol gets wrapped up everywhere turns red and he starts to speak in this strange language and I know I know you may think this is bad oh he's speaking in a creepy language Amazon tells you what it means three rings for the Elven Kings under the sky you'd probably guess the rest seven for the dwarf Lords in their Halls of [Music] stone nine for the Mortal men doomed to die gladel could literally see into the future but it's too thick to do anything despite the fact that she's been told the entire plan isn't it weird when you put a girl boss as the main character they always end up humiliating her they just make really bad decisions constantly and so as it pulls him into the vines and they um pen her go through him it's like w some good stuff tell me about the dwarves again oh is this I wish this didn't have a red filter over it I mean this would make a great thumbnail bro but she sees him turn into a tree it's like yeah it's only calab brimo who cares really that's the face of your first date with Sauron going really well or really badly then it turns out though she's actually in a meeting at the time I mean can't even concentrate on that I don't know why anyone listens to her let gives her a ring of power she's now literally having waking dreams otherwise known as hallucinations hallucinations that can predict the future of course just as she comes back in the room she hears one line it would be wiser to attack Adar from the East that's all she knows about the meeting and so it's no surprise when she's asked for um military advice for some reason look at gadriel Clear military strategist but because that's all she's heard when he asked for her advice commander of the northern Army Galadriel we should send ships up the anduin literally just a cont Aran invade moreor from the West nothing going on upstairs lot going on downstairs but not upstairs I mean it really is no surprise that's the best she could come up with when she doesn't have enough blood for both ends of her body her brain is starved of oxygen we may be able to crush two spiders with one boot oh piss off wouldn't you do that anyway I mean you could literally get two spiders it's still the same pissing but it doesn't even make sense it does not take the eye of an eagle to see your thoughts have flown far a field oh I can see you're distracted gadriel what distracts you gadriel gadriel pay attention lives are at stake there are many ways you could have phrased this I'm not sure that take the eye of an eagle to see your thoughts have flown far a field yes especially if You' got two spiders but only one boot why' you have one boot anyway you've got two feet episode two episode two has broken me that was too much stupidity in a short space of time Sauron May well have traveled to Mordor hey she managed to roll three Rs and three words that's quite impressive but she says we don't even know saon is Immortal he may have be there but I think he's left he doesn't just see himself of Lord of a baren waste he wants to rule the world and for that he needs not armies but rings do you think he needs your ring I hope so what is like he needs cellb rimbor no we can't get to cellb rimbor Aron is protected by rivers and walls well that's literally his excuse Two Rivers Dwarven Stone 10t thick yes there's a deep wall around it yes but what about the number of people station there that that's more important isn't it really calor and the secrets of his craft are safe well as long as that hellbrand is sour on single messenger gets through to him cuz you were too stupid to tell him at the time that he'll be safe but once more she starts to feel up her own ring hang on that's not moror I'm telling you it's somewhere else tells him since I've put this ring on I seem like to be able to perceive the Unseen World I think it's giving me glimpses of the future and he doesn't go you're a lunatic gadriel I think you're subject to schizophrenia perceived glimpses of the Unseen World I think I can see the future as dreams unbidden coming forth to crowd my waking mind in other words she is now literally a delusional bent the Rings have kindled your ability to see that which has not yet come to pass are you saying you can see the future gadriel it's so much easier to say but it turns out he's having hallucinations as well mountains crumbling fire over towers of white and then suddenly he knows everything about saaron he's like it's said that once he gains your trust he can manipulate you change even what your eyes and ears see he can literally shape your reality and he's like oh yeah that's what he did in season 1 isn't it that's cool it's how you're suddenly an expert on him it's it's weird he didn't even believe he existed last time but because he has gained your trust once you can never meet him again or he'll be able to shape your reality and none of them go hang on is that what these hallucinations are maybe he's sending them to me but after telling her that you can never meet him again because he will be able to utterly dominate you in everything you see we find out that being unable to abstract has serious downsides he knows my mind and I know his which is why I must face him oh of course main character syndrome because she can't imagine another person existing yes obviously he's stronger than me and can dominate me and that's why I must face him it's oh because I am weak to him that's why I must fight him I crave the boots she's Read 50 Shades she can't wait to be dominated by him again why I alone can slay him didn't know that's what the kids we're calling it nowadays he does slay in a certain way he does he does slay her words betray her own mind though and her thoughts when she goes how brand was not s Wrong yes gilad even spots the problem understands what the problem is and doesn't just like shuffer in a dungeon somewhere because she's clearly incompetent he even lets her reach a compromise where goes you can't face her alone what if I'm not alone what if I've got somebody who's actually a competent human being to come along with me back with calab rmbo and for some reason he sent this random character out it's like why you saw the effect that hellbrand had on gadriel and the person that you send to him is oh oh yeah she's not going to fall under his charms is she this is going to be like a thirst triangle she passed along message that Cal bmbo he's not letting you in and he's not talking to you are you asking me to leave I don't know why he's not telling you to leave you can't come in therefore piss off but he's like no I'm just going to stand here for the rest of Eternity and then as he turns around she notices he's injured oh he's scarred and damaged my motherly instinct is kicked in and despite the fact that I've been commanded by my superiors I can't help it I feel sorry for him now cell bmore for once in his life has a good idea he's like is he gone no well I mean well he can refuse all he cares to I don't care I'm never talking to him because gadriel told me not to and I'm a good boy I just obey whatever I'm told never ask questions like why no I just do it anyway I believe he's injured who cares you're fired we're going to get a Blok in it wasn't so easily manipulated oh a caring Instinct you're supposed to project that onto other people not Saron s let him be he'll leave soon enough B oh no I'm sorry Satan has a boo boo but I really don't care then we got a really weird line though that they definitely haven't thought through Messengers from Lindon should arrive with news any day completely adod wasn't in the scripts and you can understand why how would he know oh we're going to have Messengers in a couple how do you know how do you know you're going to have Messengers unless a messenger told you that you were going to have Messengers and why would anyone send you a messenger telling you to expect a messenger in a few days with a new message that the original messenger could have given you it really was a bad line to put in and it was only done for one reason to remind you who this dead guy is it's literally it is on streaming we're releasing two episodes at the same time but maybe they haven't watched the first one or they just forgot it and wiped it from a memory as a self-defense mechanism but as they drag One messenger away you find out there's another messenger it's like hang on you only sent one guy why is there two of them including the important message crushed on the floor I wonder who did [Music] this oh it's Saron yeah that was a nice Cut to answer my question want it how did he know that they were going to send messenges how did he know what the route was how did he know that Kell brimo hadn't already been told he was saon to know that he even needed to intercept Messengers who did he get to intercept The Messengers I mean earlier in the same episode they said this Sauron is alone without army or Ally apparently not because somebody intercepted you pissing messenges for him rings of power the home of contradiction also cutting to him is literally just to answer the that question for you by the way because immediately what happens is yeah we just cut somewhere else I want did that oh right next scene back now with the strain vampires we've brought moths and we're off to see the wizard the wonderful Wizard of Oz they do a ritual in order to bring back feminem although why when she achieved absolutely nothing I have no idea I'm back person that nobody cared about at all no but she's an original character and that makes her more important than anything talking came up with but she tells him that Saron is growing in power he's taken a new shape and that she did nothing about the stranger at all he's like he will soon harness his powers so we won't be able to touch him the blood I wasted to bring you before me spent on more useful servants yeah but the thing is he already knew all of this before he even summoned them and he still wasted it it's really ass seeming like a himm problem cuz the thing is she never told him about the stranger he told her was Whispers of an old man in rags traveling East he already knew femm told him nothing and he's like I wasted blood summoning you din there I don't know why I did it like nor did I but it's not as if you didn't know what you were getting but the strain turns up and goes look I can get you that wizard easily all you have to do is cure the curse upon our flesh what makes you think a mortal like yourself don't stop banging on about how Mortals can't do anything when you opened this entire series with Sauron getting killed by a load of Orcs if there's one thing rings are powers done successfully it is making the most powerful people in the universe seem like weak morons could defeat an East Star when my most powerful e could not what you were just saying she was a waste of blood 2 seconds ago and now you're like oh if she can't do it no one can I mean look at it doesn't it just cry powerful Warrior is that obviously I can cture him because otherwise I'm just going to kill his halflings is that well you know it's to the point it's just when we see this plan enacted it's not done very well maybe you need to tell him that before you start shooting at them back to the half and they're just calling out names for him repeatedly seems to go on forever don't worry we're skipping that bit no one can give you a name it is yours already oh I see he's been in the desert son and completely lost his mind your parents literally give you a name I mean this isn't difficult next we're going to have to teach him about the birds and the bees it is who you are and when you hear it spoken you feel your heart glow that must mean that galadriel's true name is miserable bint but she's like if we C across this desert without any food or water we'll get there in half the time I mean we'll die but it'll be faster the issue is is while going the other way they hear horses realize people are after them and so go to hide the halfs well I mean they just vanish he doesn't know where they've gone but they've just hung up some cloth against a mountain and are just standing there with each other if they stay there this show might actually improve eventually though the guys leave and we see where they HIIT each other honestly I don't know how that merges into the Rock but here we are who are they how do you expect him to know he doesn't even know who he is I don't know the most obvious answer in all of history well if they're watching our Trail we're going to have to go a different route the desert it is I guess we just die is basically his answer nobody goes off Trail nobody walks alone nobody walks alone unless you're trying to help out the town and damage your leg in which case they'll just leave you behind to die back in the minds all their plants are dying without light but the isues are bigger than just the plants even the rock itself is now become dangerous to mine and so they bring forth daa to sing into the mine to try and find a safe path and well well I mean uh goes about as well as you'd expect maybe if you're singing and the entire mine starts to collapse stop see the woman's even going shut up shut up what are you doing but daa daa don't care no she she knows best I should have known better than to play that clip as well really shouldn't have even the mine couldn't handle it on one of their few remaining passages to the sunlight she closes she's about as useful as Juran with Alon at this point daa her voice is officially a Lethal Weapon Jan just loses it I mean for centuries you found a safe passages but now clearly clearly that's failed we've been separated from the voice we must find a new way take carefully don't Master yes now if we can't sing for our supper we're going to have to trust this guy they are so in trouble King Juran though brings back diesa to talk about his son and honestly I I don't know why this is even hit does anybody care he's just like I spoke to my son in haste but I'm not going to tell him that he has to come and apologize to me cuz I'm not going to apologize to him because I'm stubborn why should it be me who apologizes no that's that's the that's the scene it was he who caused offense he stubborn as a rootbound parsnip that's your king shut up but diesa never want to take accountability for her own actions well I mean she has a theory about why she can't sing properly anymore no wonder we can't hear the mountain it's king is deaf to the sorrow of his own son maybe you're just incompetent love have you ever thought of that this could be a you problem you are the one singing like a banshee but she's that if you want to show True strength you should make up with with my son so I'm rich again and don't have to live off mushrooms isn't it strange how whenever she phrases the correct thing to do it always just happens to benefit her it's strange how morality and her bank balance lines up isn't it same as any Hollywood actor so we find joran digging and of course he's not used to this he's got calluses on his hands and all the other people who actually work for a living are taking the piss out of him I used to have calluses on my hands too when I was five lay a finger on me again I'll bite it off at the knuckle yes he talks a big game unfortunately he's a no body he's about to learn a lesson and never pick a fight that you can't back up maybe don't turn your back on somebody that you've just threatened to bite their finger off you were lucky he didn't have a hammer the face of somebody who knows he's got to go back home to dieser that's backed up when he goes back home and the first thing that happens is an argument with his wife over food I'm not making this up sometimes the jokes write themselves we've have food in Earth for 500 years you think this is about food yes I I'm not sure why I think you'd be so angry about that but I have a feeling everything is about food but she's like I can't hear the mountains anymore and it's like yes and that means that you can't get lights so you can't get food it is about food you're just extrapolating one layer of move to try and hide it poorly Alon though after realizing the world's been destroyed because the greatest elves have now decided to submit to s's influence in the Rings rather than trying to do anything about it it's just B I'm going to build a ship yep there we go it's not the worst plan okay none of you care about Middle Earth I'm leaving even you have to craft this ship myself but gladel comes and he's like well we haven't heard any anything back from Kell rmbo which you'd expect when we've just told him don't listen to Satan so we're going there ourselves to see if there's anything wrong and possibly get our end away I am asking you to join us why'd you want me to join you let's face it you've never listened to me before and so she decides to convince him similar way that she convinced Haron get your coat ler he refuses to send me without you I'm wi that you know the reason yes but are you going to say it because no one wants little demons running around the Earth but look at him is so cute he's a Sith baddy you know the reason I'm asking if you know it because for the last 10 episodes you've acted [ __ ] the high King believes that if I were to face the enemy alone I may be vulnerable to deception that's one word for it deception although I'm not sure she'd be standing by siron screaming deceive me harder it's the wrong D so he's like well you know you don't listen to the king ever why why have you suddenly started and like well you know he is correct cuz he is right Sauron used me no you were using him you specifically dragged a way to do actions that you wanted it was your own plan that backfired he had nothing to do with it and under his hand I was played like a harp to a Melody not of my choosing oh oh no I saw him climb out of a pool and I just had to do whatever he said for ravaged throbbing she's an elf disgrace it was entirely if your choosing I like Al rods I I didn't before but I do know he's like no it's your own fault you silly cow Sauron looked inside you there was something inside every I'm not sure it was his eyeballs plucked the very song So note by note why are you keeping up the metaphor let's look at her face she's like are you insane do you think I could be held accountable for my own actions how dare you it was clearly a man's fault what I decided to do Sauron looked inside you plucked the very song of your soul note by note this is what happens when someone picks up a bad metaphor and you carry it on without even thinking about it well you know it's like when a frog licks a shoe yes but when a frog licks a shoe while playing frog across a mountain sometimes a truck runs it over like I have no idea what's being said anymore making himself out to be exactly what you needed the Lost King who could ride you to victory he made himself out to be exactly what you needed someone who could ride you that's what you needed gadriel wasn't it you chased him for thousands of years he only had one OPP there was really only one chance that he could get rid of you to give you what you need could ride you to victory you gave him everything he wanted and then thanked him for it thank you that that was really nice cheers and now he has done the same to gilad what I didn't know this this is new information I didn't know we'd been riding gilgalad as well that's what he needed you know what those high class elves are like they're all at it and to every elf in Lind did you just say he had every elf in Lyon and now he has done the same to Gad and to every elf in Lyon Jesus he's put himself about a bit honey I knew siron was making people thirsty I didn't know he'd been with the entire city dirty dirty people those are suppose if you live forever it could sneak up on you they're the only people whose body counts go to Infinity that City ended up looking like a used dish Rag and that is why we need you help us navigate this Labyrinth please give us the ability to say no because no one in Lindon has been able to so far we desperately need you you're the only one who's sane who can resist him so he's like no you don't understand the Labyrinth is him he controls it he may well want you to go there to talk to Kell brimo to lore you under his command is that no but I need it I need to defeat him look I've even put this Crown in my hair so I look nice for him I cannot let him in get I cannot yes he so thoroughly destroyed it last time there's just no opportunity for more she's like I remember a time when I led him into a war he didn't want to be in and he told me he was evil and I told him it didn't matter what he' done that's what this scene was at this point they're relying on you not remembering season 1 I cannot let him in get he never left galri what an absolute Chad F finally someone will talk to gadriel as she deserves before it's was like oh I don't trust you I don't trust you and now when they've actually found out that she has done evil they going yeah yeah no you are the problem you've always been the problem in choosing to wear those Rings you have all chosen to become his collaborators yes you decided to side with evil well done folks well done I will have no part in it what a boss you promised me once what I feared proved true you would not rest until it was put right he followed through on up he jumped off a cliff he did it to save you and then you brought the king and his arm me to crush him because you wanted Sauron to play with your ring and I mean come on there comes a point where he's going well I mean if you just want to side with him I'm not going to stop you you can destroy your own life he's just making you face the consequences of your own decisions if our friendship ever meant anything to you please leave how long until they destroy this amazing character I mean this is Amazon there's absolutely no way he's going to stay like this how long before he's like gadriel I need your advice so then for some reason he starts speaking to curan who is under the influence of one of the Rings like gadriel and yet thinks he can trust his advice even though it's insane I cannot trust these Rings what is beauty when it is born in part of evil no less beautiful what's that got to do with anything oh look this really evil thing looks nice so no less beautiful not to me what a boss this is just Alon going around slapping sense into all the idiots push him in the river would you cast romil's verses into the flame because the poet was a drunker what's that got to do with anything firstly yes the creation of something does influence the creation if you're an actor and an [ __ ] that is going to affect the work that you do and people should judge the work that you do by the people involved in it this is common sense there's a reason why Mark Hill ruining his reputation affects how people see the characters that he plays but also this is the one ring where it's literally influencing the creation his evil is literally inside the thing and the thing affects you and you turns you evil this isn't just oh well he gets a bit pissed every now and again no this is world-ending evil influence and he's like well it's fine that guy's an idiot the oldest and wisest elf and yet still only a smart as the writers with their morality call him an idiot goone on a day rumil was a drunkard instead he's just thought oh I didn't know he drunk oh they couldn't even think of the response to their own position and so because Kuran was them they couldn't think of the opposite side of the argument for Alon to actually provide back at him CU they can only see the world through their perspective judge the work so you just end up with Alon looking like an idiot oh he drank it's like yeah he told you we drank what's your point leave judgment concerning those who wrought it to the judge who sees all things no the people involved in a creation influence the creation it's their point of view it's their perspective it's their morality and values that go into it you also got them let's take actors for example going around on tours doing interviews and things pushing forward their worldview on other people because of the work what an absolute re what an especially stupid position to put forward in this world where somebody being evil and creating thing literally makes the product evil it's not even a metaphor in this universe it's physical that is impossible it is called humility no it isn't just consume evil that's called humility atti if these Rings aren't influencing to be evil which they shouldn't be doing this guy at just Stone sicking a Mordor he'll be right at home and it is difficult for most but it is the truest form of sight says the blind man what a complete fool push him in the river go on oh go on don't let me down Alon wish I could know your peace no Alon that's just because ignorance is bliss that guy's the oldest elf it must have some kind of mental degenerative disorder it you can just Embrace evil like I am but look at the power they exert over every form of life I don't even know if he's meant to be evil I'm pretty sure he's not meant to be evil so why is he acting and talking like he's evil you are wise to fear this power you especially if it makes somebody talk like you I don't know how anyone can listen to this speech and not immediately lock him up but do not let that fear blind you to the ways it can be used for good this is literally the Gandalf one ring argument there's a reason why he turned it down because otherwise he' turn into this which is kind of ironic when Gandalf has the same ring that this guy has on but maybe serum was just innately evil who knows at least in rings of power do not abandon them but rather open your eyes and guide them into a prison cell yes maybe if someone has aligned themselves with literally Satan don't abandon no abandon them get out get out now over with the harot now and they found water and because the water is important they've set some kind of alert system on it where as you turn it and get the water it actually rings the bell to alert everyone around you this obviously ends really well at no point does she think hm maybe I shouldn't be alerting people around me that I'm stealing their water so she just lets it ring she's staring oh I wonder why it's making noise I don't know if it's to alert people alive I thought we lost we lost you but at that moment The Stranger looks over and he's like hm oh look there's a random stick here and he doesn't find that strange why is there a magical staff just lying around on on the floor somewhere or is it literally just a stick they said oh I Can Do Magic as long as I find a twig it's a good job he found it though because instantaneously the people that are hunting them turns up and he's like well you know we would have all died if we hadn't found this magical stick next to us at this exact second we were just having a drink of water we were just stealing your water what great opening diplomacy skills I don't think that's a good side remember when they said we will get that wizard to surrender to us because otherwise we will kill his half friends so then they find him the first thing they do is throw a spear at his half fo friends these are not smart people how why would he surrender when you've already killed his friends either way the half foots decide to hide and The Wizard kicks off as he starts summoning a tornado it whips up around him and blows off the enemies the issue is he can't stop it so as he standing there holding his staff not just not going why can't I switch off my own magic the foots then start getting sucked away his magic staff literally disintegrates while he's holding it I'm like what or was it just a twig I still don't know and so as he's lost control it's eventually inevitable that the half foots get blown away into random place oh no my twig nor no I'm sorry I'm an idiot nor I'm coming hey look there was a lot of wind we can't see it we did didn't need to know all right hold on I hate it when people say that in these things you know there's a guy on the edge of a mountain and he's just gripping onto the mountain faceing the gag hold on what did you think I was doing I wasn't planning on letting go so they get sucked away off into the ether like well the stranger really is kind of an idiot isn't he really Sor can back with Kell brimborn he's like visitor is he still there and of course what does his assistant say the night is cold shall I bring him a Shaw no why are we feeling sorry for the random guy that turned up at the gate which we've been told not to speak to and to every elf in Linda dirty dirty people please think with your brain rather than further down a love just for once I can't it's engorged so we still standing there at no point is anyone got hang on he's been here for weeks how is he still standing in the same place with no food it is a bit strange but as the storm comes and the rain Pours Down for some reason cab bmbo decides no I'm going to go down to and talk to him despite that being the literal only instruction I've ever had and so he comes down with an umbrella it's it's a really awfully designed umbrella isn't it really I mean firstly just make it spherical so that the guy holding it is covered and then you could hold it yourself or he could just hold it behind you somehow Saron has wet hair despite being under a roof and and Kell rmbo is um he's very shiny isn't he because he's soaking wet under his own umbrella whatever the reason for your presence here I was going to invent a new umbrella for you mate because yours I don't know whether it's got holes in or whether you can't walk properly underneath it yours is crap look at you you are are dripping wet just like your assistant if you do not leave willingly you shall be removed by force okay do it then I don't know why you had to come down and tell him that and he says I just can't talk to you she said you'd say that who did and why have you not told me this before gadel yeah why not yeah sure gadriel said it absolutely spoken with her well haven't you but this is where saon finds out that they don't know he's Sauron it it's so stupid there is no reason he wouldn't have assumed they knew he was Sauron then you know nothing of what's happened why didn't she tell you I was Sauron before she left so he's like i' never told you nothing of the Rings what the Rings you know of the Rings what of the Rings he's like yes they worked they're magnificent he like but you can talk to Collateral in the High King surely they've sent no no nobody's tolds you a little bit put down are you the true creators toil till their Knuckles bleed nobody seems to respect your magnificence and then they come along take whatever profits them most yes it's that argument the workers decide the real credit because they're the ones that make the profit you no come on you work for Amazon calm down I forget all about us yes us you know the demon Lords I applaud your patience and so he goes to leave and of course Cal bmbo Falls straight for it because despite none of this conversation having impacted him in the least or shouldn't have done of course we get where are you going I mean you told me to leave and I'm leaving is that no I just want the information you can stay now literally it's so basic I said this before I didn't think they had the intelligence to write a manipulative person and and they don't it would require a grasp of abstract Concepts to be able to put yourself into different people's positions and they don't have it they just know he needs to let him in and so they have a pointless conversation and he lets him in there's no cause to say where I'm not wanted yeah you're not wanted piss off wait there is no reason for this and so he invites him in the only reason being oh you know they just don't talk to you do they that is it that is the only reason to obey the one instruction that he's ever had and so he tells him that the Rings worked wonders the elves have been saved on gbo he's getting all weepy oh this is going to be a great romance I could feel it in my bones are you weeping no no despite the fact that they weren't even my rings because we just made them as your recipe didn't we there was there was that but hellbrand needs him to trust him because when he trusts him well now I can manipulate you and so he starts down that path rimbo are you my friend yes of course well now we've got you now we can make you see anything and so he says I come to you to make rings for men that's what I need Mak men you saved the elves elves are not men I mean that would explain the dresses wouldn't it really men are covetous the risks of of corruption are far greater Yeah so basically the men can't be trusted probably why Saron wants to influence them because they're far more easily impacted and wouldn't be able to handle the power and that means that saon needs a new plan he says the dwarves have a problem all of their own they will asede to your demands you could make rings for them solve their problems and they will give you as much Mythril as you want my name is not Al and gadriel discovered the truth she cast me out yeah kellmore doesn't think of this and what's about to happen next isn't linked to this moment C bore never thinks about the two things and how they they don't actually make sense cuz Saron is about to tell him I am no man there are forces in this world beyond evil that should be a bit of a red flag shouldn't it you want to tell somebody that you're a God come to help them and you start with there are forces beyond evil yes that implies even beyond evil there is something worse most people would be like well you know there are the gods of the world which cell bmbo would know about but you decided to frame it around evil and sometimes they send Aid yes sometimes the forces that are worse than evil send Aid think I'll pass thanks I don't really need that kind of Aid so but Saron says the world is on the brink soon every realm will fall we can stop it with the Rings you and ha have work to do to make the Rings to save the world and he's like yeah but hang on think about what he told you he is a force beyond evil you cannot expect me to believe that you are a messenger from The Valor but he did say he was an evil messenger from The Valor and that when gadriel found out he was an evil messenger she wanted nothing more to do with him and you're like well I I just heard I'm not going to think about it any if someone goes I am from the forces of evil come to guys you don't go oo I'm not sure we are what you'll say you are why would he Li to you about how evil he is so then he opens the windows and puts on a show he vanishes and kicks off the forge into high gear as calab brimble gazes Into the Fire another great sign that this is evil Saron kicks in with the ASMR to basically big up C brimo inarch of artist save all men earth oh yes you're so amazing Cal you are the artist that could save everybody this is just words of affirmation ASMR to turn him evil a storm is coming yes a storm is coming there is a storm inside gadriel and so as he gazes into the Hellfire outwalk Sauron when our work is complete they won't just know you as the cenor they will know you as yeah this is basically just Jesus symbology which is fine is this is essentially Satan pretending to be good and so taking on the symbology of something that was good by something evil is exactly what Saron would have done my problem is more that he's told Kell brimo that he's evil an evil God and Kell rmbo is just like oh I'm going to be a title of a movie and that's enough to win him over he said he is beyond evil he's walked out of Hellfire he wants to make rings that have the power over all the Realms and when Galadriel found out how evil he was she disowned him calabri was like oh I'm going to follow you evil God Kell Primo isn't supposed to know he's following evil I don't care how impressive you are just pretend to go along with him if anything don't actually go along with it you need not bow to me yes why are we bowing to Satan in the first place cmbo please stop it he's told you he's beyond evil but I have beheld your natural form I've seen your true face now I'm going to have to die rise oh right hand Lieutenant of Filth our work begins now you wouldn't believe how many people were going to make suffer K brimo together what am I to call call you s your partner oh really I told you this Bromance is on the cards we're Partners cmbo we're going to be called life Partners a sharer of gifts he's going to share his gifts right here so certainly is he's already shared it with gadriel you know what they say with three comes balance what is this show anatar can't say anatar after he's already admitted that he's evil Adar we're supposed to convince them that he wasn't oh God we W supposed to let's just take the name of things and change all of the actions happened that'll make S this is Wheel of Time all over again has nothing to do with the original story we've just taken place names on Anar back with gadriel gilad has summoned her and to give her new orders and to be honest I quite like them say you will be going to meet Kell rimbor with five of our bravest elves thank you for reconsidering yes reconsidering your place in all of this galadrial is not how you ought to thank it's the only sane in the entire show I am very grateful you have decided to join my company I'm sorry your company gatal you think you could sign up with Sauron and Lead this Empire elon's task is not to join your company but to lead it Bas elron just can't stop winning can he he's just like knocking him out the park although if this is just all a master plan so that he can bang Saron as well I am out there is too many people getting with Saron for me to keep track of anymore can't believe you took my position because I have the ring of power power is all I'm interested in I am modernity remember when this started oh it's going to kick off right from the beginning and it's going to be macki of alian plans we're going to see saon with his puppet strings and everybody and you're like um did you see your own show before you described it like this the longer this goes on the more it's confirming that they were just telling the audience what they thought they wanted to hear but not accurately describing the show at all or worse they think it is accurately describing the show and they think they've made something far greater than they have which actually would make sense there is no Mack of alian planning it's just I tell you something and you go oh I'll do what you want now there is no depth or intellect there is no twists and turns there is no characters that really make sense the only standout person out of all of it that so far hasn't been a gullible Pratt is Alon and so putting him into a leadership position great let's see how long that lasts as I have the horrifying expectation that the only reason they put him in charge of gadriel is so that she can humiliate him and then take charge back again oh well now that'll teach you not to trust me and so with this show I am just waiting for the other show to drop cuz in a show like that that's all you've got just social interaction everyone's talking about their feelings all the time well everyone's waiting for a plot but those are just my thoughts what are yours let me know down in the comments below like the video if you like the video subscribe more videos like this in the future and I will see you in the next one bye-bye

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