Category: Entertainment
Rings of power season 2 where the marketing campaign had orcs going around in real life attacking civilians in the street even had that guy from breaking bad doing it personally though i like the marketed campaign as that is exactly what it's like to watch the show or live in london there's not to say... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hi king harold elon carries three rings a means of halting the fading and saving our people we will discuss the rings once you have answered the question elron just informed me your companion this hal brand was not who he claimed yet you chose to withhold this from him and calmor is it true yes who... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Im jahre des herren 2017 kam amazon mit news um die ecke die so manchen tolkin fans die hobbitörchen zucken ließen eine herr der ringe serie im game of thrones style mindestens fünf staffeln for adult audiences wie es heißt soll jeff besos persönlich einen narren an der idee gefressen haben und hat... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Intro what is up all my amazing friends we have another video and so that means we have another episode of the rings of power season 2 to watch today i'm moving on to episode 2 i freaking loved episode one i thought it was amazing and so now i'm very excited to move on to where the stars are strange... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The king of the southlands turned himself in lord father says he wants to negotiate let my people go or yours will die my people defeated the men of these lands we defeated the elves who came to their aid we even defeated their allies the men from beyond the sea there is no one left for us to fear there... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[müzik] sagın evinden herkese merhabalar yeni video yeni konu e girizgah yapmadan önce hatırlatmak istiyorum kanala üye olmayı videoları sey etmeyi videolar için alarm kurmayı kanaldan haberi olmayan arkadaşları kanalla tanıştırıp üye yapmaya çalışmayı lütfen unutmayalım bu sagle evinden sizlere bir... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
I was in your place once in the eldest of the elder days for chosen to be blessed of morgoth's hand with the promise of power a new birth i was led up to a dark and named peak chained and after what seemed endless thirst and hunger i saw it his servant's face sauron's face and it was beautiful he offered... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Am 29 august also diesen donnerstag geht es mit amazon serie die ringe der macht staffel 2 weiter ebenso wie zu staffel 1 werden wir auch dieses mal zu jeder folge eine analyse veröffentlichen wenn ihr also nichts verpassen wollt dann solltet ihr jetzt unbedingt abonnieren die ausstrahlung der ersten... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
When you tell them that s lives because of you Read more
Category: Entertainment
Welcome to middle earth a land of elves dwarves and men and a place where 20 magical rings change the fate of the world forever but why were these rings made and what was their purpose let's find out first of all the reason behind there are 20 rings in jrr tolkin middle earth is because sauron had a... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hey guys crewel blind wave i'm eric i'm calvin i'm aaron and we're back with the rings of power the lord of the rings the rings of power season two yep uh previously you love titles with two ofs i do i do i really do there's two ofs there yeah last season uh what happened last season because there was... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The second week of rings of power, the fourth episode, the episode where gandalf maybe takes a bath. but surely that's not the most interesting thing that happens, is it? no it is. we'll go through it though just in case we missed anything. just in case you guys missed anything. we get 20 minutes of... Read more