Category: Entertainment
Welcome to middle earth a land of elves dwarves and men and a place where 20 magical rings change the fate of the world forever but why were these rings made and what was their purpose let's find out first of all the reason behind there are 20 rings in jrr tolkin middle earth is because sauron had a... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hoy se han estrenado los primeros tres episodios de la segunda temporada de los anillos de poder y como imagino que la mayoría de espectadores no verán estos tres episodios de golpe sino que tardarán varios días en consumirlos los tres pues he pensado que en lugar de hacer un único análisis de los tres... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Ya he visto el segundo episodio de la segunda temporada de los anillos de poder así que en este vídeo analizaré por completo todo cuanto ocurre relacionado con los libros quiero aprovechar que tan solo llevamos dos episodios de análisis para hacer hincapié en esto en que todos mis análisis tanto si... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Am 29 august also diesen donnerstag geht es mit amazon serie die ringe der macht staffel 2 weiter ebenso wie zu staffel 1 werden wir auch dieses mal zu jeder folge eine analyse veröffentlichen wenn ihr also nichts verpassen wollt dann solltet ihr jetzt unbedingt abonnieren die ausstrahlung der ersten... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The king of the southlands turned himself in lord father says he wants to negotiate let my people go or yours will die my people defeated the men of these lands we defeated the elves who came to their aid we even defeated their allies the men from beyond the sea there is no one left for us to fear there... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Yeah so a rat's just hanging around the puddle well the puddle grabs the rat eats the rat and then you're like okay so then he starts eating bugs i'm like holy sh how did i not expect that nobody expected it Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hi king harold elon carries three rings a means of halting the fading and saving our people we will discuss the rings once you have answered the question elron just informed me your companion this hal brand was not who he claimed yet you chose to withhold this from him and calmor is it true yes who... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hallo und herzlich willkommen heute mit einer neuen kritik denn heute geht's um herr der ringe ringe der macht staffel 2 da konnte ich jetzt schon alle folgen sehen staffel 1 fand ich in ordnung solide hat mich aber auch nicht so richtig reingezogen aber ganz so schlimm wie viele fans das empfanden... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Giriş bu sauron'un işi herkese merhaba rings of power 2 sezonuyla karşımızda amazon prime'da 29 ağustos perşembe günü 3 bölüm birden yayınlandı ancak ben bu videoya konu olarak sadece ilk bölümü aldım yarın veya hafta sonu diğer iki bölümle ilgili de inceleme videosu yayınlayacağım sahneleri en başından... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Intro rings of power season 2 is finally here and the first three episodes totaling over 3 hours dropped this morning on prime video on top of that we also got the full reviews from various media outlets who have all gotten an early access to the footage it's a bit confusing though because it seems... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Rings of power season 2 where the marketing campaign had orcs going around in real life attacking civilians in the street even had that guy from breaking bad doing it personally though i like the marketed campaign as that is exactly what it's like to watch the show or live in london there's not to say... Read more
Category: Entertainment
In episodes 1 to 3 saon rises as darkness looms over middle earth warning spoilers ahead for the first three episodes join gadriel eland and the stranger as they navigate new challenges saron now hal brand re's havoc and unleashes chaos we meet new characters and face old foes in this action-packed... Read more