Revival meeting at Epone - 25/02/2014

wow what a Grace father mer thank you pres thank you for your presence thank you for this day thank you for your work we want to praise you to give you thanks to be grateful for your great Deeds what a Grace to be a member of your kingdom take all the glory Yu in the name of yosua amen amen mer thank you for the brothers and sisters who live in this area who who has indicted this the Lord is good there's a song that I have received I've received another song two days ago we're going to learn it together amen amen are you interested with this yes [Music] don't take in account my voice [Music] [Music] [Music] all good I'm inviting all my sisters to come up front and sing with me this song Hallelujah [Music] when I received this song I rushed on my piano as usual very soon my second album will come out [Music] the name of the [Music] [Music] Lord all s [Music] [Music] the the new [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow Hallelujah [Music] the Hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] theoo the L [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah can walk on this song [Music] a brother came to see me earlier to tell me about this version of the Bible they found the words in our website and they printed out these Bibles what Bey how [Music] beautiful here are people who are at work and there are even more and more [Music] [Applause] [Music] people how encouraging the Bible of Yeshua hamashia will be printed out soon in Germany 3,000 samples where is [Music] Eric can you show us some footage of of the works and contractions going on in Madagascar for the hospital on Thursday 29th there's a mission over [Music] there and we're going to follow all these construction very carefully closely there's a brother who gave a donation of € 22,000 for the building of the hospital in [Applause] [Music] Cameroon and March 14th over 45 missionaries are going to Cameroon [Music] [Applause] yesterday I had my brother William over the phone and the brother was telling me that a sister donated an area a land in yund 500 M Square we will go and visit this land in order for us to build things the Lord is at work with Charity with a charity called yadon we are building this hospital and I believe that it's going to be all around Cameron [Music] we're preparing a container that we're going to send to con brazaville how many dialysis machine will we have 20 dial machine 20 for Cong brazaville are there people from brazaville here in this place Hallelujah [Applause] what's going on [Music] [Applause] the [Music] don't [Music] I amen hallelujah [Applause] [Music] don't this [Applause] [Music] [Music] the Lord started to tou people from the government in Cameroon brothers and sister Revival is about everyone all good the daughter of our president welcome me she said you came to my place to trouble me she used to TI lots of money here and there and she understood that tiing is under the Lord so right now there's a crisis there's a crisis going on hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I gave her a Bible the big sister saw it another daughter of the president and she said I want the same Bible and her to had an example of this Bible the wife of a great General had a dream where she had a strike she was streen on on her neck and the Lord asked her to call his servants things are happening behind the stage you cannot even picture them who is shocked if you're not shocked it's not normal there's a sister who came from England can you come forward please she came all over from England to get tized [Music] [Music] mess message we for [Music] dist [Music] [Music] sanary Tower for to support him I it was very contract for me then we support him but it was no good yeah and then the pastor now sharing teaching here in his church he had to teach also there in England so it was quite difficult he was coming and then I discovered that he paid the pastor 10,000 uh pound for him to support his work so yeah say it was very confusing at the end I discovered that the person that was Antichrist was not him but it was them because they the one supporting the work of somebody is not really good for God yeah so yeah yeah and then I asked the pastor but when I I'm following TV D they're doing so many um work for God all over Africa everywhere but what what are you doing with all the money you're getting what are you doing for the for the cono yeah and then yeah and then he told me it's not for you to judge so yeah you you don't speak um in tone so you don't you are not even allowed judge so you don't allow to judge so since that day myself I didn't have really the courage to carry on so I'm so so happy that I came I've been baptized I got my Bible now I can start the work yeah so the next one coming for the cono I'll be the face online so thank you so much thank you [Music] [Applause] you can say all the evil words that you want regarding the children of the Lord but the spirit of the Lord testifies to our spirit that we are the children of Elohim no matter what you say you can do anything and nothing to astray people but those who are of the Lord will always follow the truth [Music] [Music] [Music] Revival is going on in Angola are you sure yes things are going on everywhere we found an Hector over there face to the airport a new airport how much will we pay this land €1,000 how much we have already sent 5,000 thanks to the Lord have you got the footage [Music] children in schools are touched last January They Se the word the Revival before they start the classes they pray together in [Music] [Applause] schools sometimes they they meet to pray and the fire just [Music] catches this is the time for Angola let's pray for the TV channel you've already seen the footage there's also journalist from the radio National radio she said I am with you she's waiting for the mission to take place at the beginning they you now that you came what shall we do bre we said we come on a mission the message has been given you have the Holy Spirit do whatever the Lord is will asking to do they started to open churches in their hous there's a brother who went to see brother over this place they say we're looking for a house to pray there were six at the own of the house said can I can I I also can I invite some people and he said okay and they found themselves being 60 in that house there's a young man who was touch and he said I've never [Music] seen they were so touched I see the Lord I see they see unfortunately his parents died he has four brothers thanks to the Lord this young man uh he was and he gave his by the people who wanted to couldn't reach him and I called his friend and he said Brother people came to assault me and they took my phone I know them I'm telling the I know when people assaulted me I used to and because of yosua I give away my phone I let them take my phone from me what the Lord is doing is just marvelous we can only bless him thank you Lord for Angola [Music] hallelujah hallelujah glory be to the Lord danan [Music] right how are you what we have [Music] exp people when we to pray felt we see that the Lord answers his promises I wanted to add something we the Bible Y in IND they started to Bible in India over there in India they started to translate the Bible in India [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] do you understand where we are going here and there because we are noticing realizing the hand of the father everywhere for the first time in DC I I was able to see a small group of people who are really mobilized motivated and they truly encouraged me touched me and I wanted to encourage them as well glory to the Lord [Applause] camon five missionaries will leave from DC to go to Cameroon very soon going on inar this is our hospital that we are building in Madagascar for those who didn't know wa do we have other footage do we have other footages of Madagascar this is my country beautiful country is that anyone from here this is our very beautiful country beautiful people if you have never been there is that you haven't seen anything yet hallelujah hallelujah love the welcoming the love of people is very special fore [Music] [Music] things are going on well and very quickly we are going to Madagascar on thday so we things will work on well glory to the Lord we're going there over 15 people do you know the song 22 missionaries are going to Madagascar on Thursday we may clap for the [Music] [Applause] Lord 11 people are leaving here France Paris and other 11 people from ran aliens what's going on what's up in Haiti beautiful things are taking place despite of the current situation of the country we believe that yosu is at work see how we over there going to start very soon to construct the hospital in hati we have received 3,000 to start the construction of the hospital we have received donation and other donations [Music] we started to build this the reval this year let's pray in the month of September this time in September in September for the first time amen amen amen amen amen GL YouTube channel in cre in will you be part of the mission yes who would like to come on a mission hati start praying and subscribe the only condition that you have to go on a mission is to be born from above to be in love with the Lord and to live Holiness sanctification amen amen do we also have the footage can you send the footes as well okay I feel that you're tired who would like to receive a sandwich I see people who are shy and lifting up their hands like this would you like to give the sandwiches away people are hungry can you bring the sand please they have already made 500 sandwiches what shall we do for now now only children and women can have some sandwiches as per usual what shall we do shall we wait or eat right now there are some people who will faint so raise up your hands if you want to eat right now raise up your hands those who want us to wait to wait those who are hungry did you think of bringing something to eat let's speak let's talk about this we are truly blessed we have Bibles for free we want prayer for free laying of hands for free deliverances for free visits for free and meetings for free miracles for free eternal life for free sandwiches for free who deserves the glory [Applause] yosua don't what a good cult to be in Christ Hallelujah [Music] this is a song that I received when I was in Cameroon we're going to go up there we will sing up there [Music] if you want to sing this song you need to subscribe for heaven [Music] do do do do do do do [Music] [Music] [Music] nowana w [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] foree oh oh [Music] oh and [Music] now oh [Music] I found [Music] [Music] we oh [Music] la [Music] magix Hallelujah [Music] the P down yes on [Music] on [Music] on come on [Music] about [Music] on [Music] on come on the yes come [Music] on come [Music] on [Music] yes wo oh oh let letest [Music] [Music] [Music] come on about come [Music] on come [Music] on come [Music] on come on hey come on [Music] on come [Music] on morning [Music] [Music] oh [Music] on [Music] on hallelujah hallelujah good morning [Music] [Applause] da da [Music] [Music] your are my life your are my life [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah shall we stop here they are [Music] tired we're here for him feel [Music] [Music] [Music] yes it up now it up yes [Music] oo [Music] Comm Comm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] w o [Music] yes [Music] yes yes [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] am J there's my brother J who came back from the West Indies he gave me great news that truly encouraged me there's a new fire being Len up over there in the west IND [Applause] days where is Jeremy they're going on a mission to the West Indies they will give you the date we're encouraging all the all the brothers and sisters from the West Indies to come together for this Mission hi everyone as you already said we came together with some brothers to go a week in guadaloop we're going to have a week we're going to spend one week in martinque and one week in Martinique in April there's a Unity coming together Gathering that is been created I'm receiving messages and phone calls asking us when we I mission everything is simple so we let the Lord guide [Music] us March 16 to 23 March 16 to 23 23rd glory be to the Lord you footages from Mar how was it we're also waiting for the Revival over there people are thirsty I don't know what's going on in spirit but people are thirsty and we truly believe that this revival we took place every time my brother say that his mommy m is over there in this place and I say Lord this lady is her mom his mom so why is it taking so long for the Revival to take place as the bible say that the ending is even much important at the beginning when are you going back to [Music] Marque same dates oh from April 16 to 23 we have two missionaries going over there when are we coming back from from Angola April 8 April from 16 to 23 23rd Lord in the name of yosua mashia will you be there too I will do everything to be there my [Music] opinion I don't want to promise things and not keep my word in May we're going to go to Ivory Coast we will spend two weeks in the West Indies [Music] [Applause] we love the Lord and we also love the West Indies these are people who are blessed by the Lord I like say that over there we're getting ready we've understood that it's only the people who are in cities that need to ready we too we need to ready it's up to us to get ready to we shouldn't say that it's moving over there we decided to stand we have meetings women meetings we're preparing something great hallelu we are preparing something great the fire has to couch cannot let people be quiet without doing [Music] anything well the rest man told me you shouldn't look at my head my face he said I have a good hurt and this truly moved me so you shouldn't dwell on their appearance I believe that their truly Hearts were available and the Lord wants to touch these people we will go and pray and something will happen fire has to catch and the fire will catch in the name of yosua it will catch there's something upon Him hallu hallelujah it's word I can see white all been poured on you woo the white [Music] oil [Applause] wow the white oil white oil is been poured on the West [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Indies [Music] [Applause] [Music] W I saw the Lord standing in the heavens of West Indies in the sky in West Indies he has a cup full of oil hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah he has heard the West Indies West Indian prayer [Music] Miracles will go before you there's a restoration I am restoring I'm restoring my church says the [Music] [Applause] Lord w [Music] wow you have prayed that the Lord visit the islands the Caribbean this prayer came before The Throne it was lifted up before the throne he will surprise you he will surprise us he will astonish you he will astonish you I see your families being converted I see baptism taking place in your families healings deliverances [Music] [Applause] [Music] Lord I see your husbands asking for baptism your children asking you for baptism [Music] [Applause] [Music] the glory the glory of the Lord is being [Music] ped wonderful Holy Spirit a new Time new time yes a new time the fresh new oil fresh fresh [Music] oil he's giving you Jeremiah 18 the second vase B hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] EST wonderful Lord EST [Music] my can you give the Lord a hand [Applause] [Music] [Applause] up it's good Jeremiah Jeremy the Lord has given his approval wonderful Holy [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Spirit for [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] we are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] up EX e spe [Music] glory to the Lord last night the lord gave me a dream in which he was telling me about I was talking to a woman in that dream I was telling her about the abilities that the Lord gives gives to human beings [Music] it's very rare to see the Lord giving me a teaching in advance before the time when we have such meetings and I was telling this woman I can only tell you about the Lord and I understood earlier that it was about the church so we are going to talk about the abilities that the Lord gives to his children we believe that the master is at hand and we can see the signs L we are reading the book of Luke chapter 19 the parable of the 10 minutes from the verse 11 now as they heard these things he spoke spoke another Parable because he was near Jerusalem and because he thought that the kingdom of Elohim would appear immediately therefore he said a certain noble man went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return so he called 10 of his servants delivered to them 10 minutes and said to them do business till I come hallelujah hallelujah do business till I come but his citizens hated him and sent a delegation after him saying we will not have this man to Reign Over us and so it was that when he returned having received the kingdom he then commanded these servants to him he had given the money to be called to him that he might know how much every man had gained by trading then the first came saying master your minor has given 10 minus and he said to him well done good servant because you were faithful in a very little now having authorities over the 10 cities [Music] and the second came saying master your Mina has earned five minutes likewise he said to him you also be over five cities then another came saying Master here is your minor which I have kept put away in a handkerchief for I feared you because you are an AER man you collect what you did not deposit and reap what you did not sell and he said to him out of your mouth I will judge you you Wicked servant you knew that I was an ostero man collecting what I did not deposit and reaping what I did not so why then did you not put your money into the bank that at my coming I might have collected with interest and he said to those who stood by take the Minner from him and give it to him who has the 10 minutes but they say to him Master he was he has the 10 minutes hallelujah hallelujah we're going to read Matthew chapter 25 verse 14 for the Kingdom of Heaven is like a man traveling to a far country who called his own servant and delivered his good to them and to one he gave five talents to another two and to another one to each according to his own ability and immediately he went on a journey [Music] who Among Us believes that he's of the Lord he belongs to the Lord that are you sure okay all right what are the goods the Lord's Goods that has been committed to you as I'm as I am talking think of it try to think of all the goods of the Lord that were committed to you because he left he has left since since 2,000 years ago and he has entrusted us his own Goods what are the goods that you have received from the Lord and we know you know that we will give accounts to the Lord and you also know that our lifetime here on Earth is all depends also how we manage the goods of the the Lord do you remember the tree that couldn't bear fruits and it had to be cut down cut off the first passage that we read Luke 19 we are told about talents and here we told about talents these two parables are similar they're like and here we are told of the goods of the Lord these Goods these good leads is to trade for the Lord not for this world but for the [Music] Lord in Matthew 25 you are told about the grace that we have [Music] received and we are told that to everyone according to his own ability last last night when the Lord told me about this Parable in my dream while I woke up the Lord led me to go and look for the root of these words here I realize that when you told about the ability is the power the mighty literally everyone according to his own strength this is why you shouldn't imitate others regarding their Ministry otherwise you're going to die because you haven't receive the same strength as the other person hallelujah hallelujah [Music] who has received the 10 talents also received the power to bear fruit in trading if you want to do the same as the other person you will not get through and you're going to become bitter you're going to be jealous and you're going to start fighting the other person do you know that many people do not bear fruit regarding What the Lord Has entrusted them first of all is because of sin but apart from the sin they do not bear fruit because they spend they spend their time focusing on what other people do therefore they are Barren totally barren how many years have you wasted how many years how many months to whom to each and everyone according to their own strength their own ability wow so he gives you talents and he also gives you the power for you to manage th that Talent [Music] because of a marriage that have failed you can wrongly use the strength that you have received the power that you have received and if you lose if you lose this power this strength straight away the fruits that you have received will not be able to be beared because you'll not be able to Bear fruits your lifetime here on Earth can to be shortened there are people there are people who pray like this they they talk about the psalm 78 I will not die this is good a woman a woman used to say this prayer and repeated it a lot she died she wasn't even 45 years old whereas she was repeating this word I will not die I will live and I asked myself why did she die so soon it's easy the talent that the Lord has given her what she didn't bear fruits she didn't fructify them she wasted time do you know how she married a swindler a false Pastor who's totally in [Music] distraction and astrayed her in distractions as well the Lord has left 2,000 years [Music] ago he left the church for 2,000 years in order for the church to fructify his business do you realize that when he was 12 the Lord left for three days when he was 12 he was alone in a very great city which was Jerusalem why that because he had to manage his father's business we spend so much time in useless things things that will stay here on Earth we put our energy into that those things our time all our efforts to things that we say here on Earth what about the talent that the Lord has entrusted us what do we do with them many people will tell you I do not know what the Lord is calling me to do who doesn't know what the Lord has entrusted them regarding talent don't be ashamed we don't want to condem you here hallelujah hallelujah come on I didn't know every Christian has a talent they have received the talent we have received the talent and I would like to tell us no no devil will be able to kill you as long as you can to keep the talent of the Lord you already know about this the Lord has given you talents and then he has given you the power for these talents to be worked on all right [Music] as long as you will work in the father's will by ministering of the calling that he has put upon your life you will fulfill your time properly here on Earth and when you were going to end it the father will take you up with him he is Seated on his throne and he's looking at us how we work for him for some people their talent is to write just to write a brother told me earlier that he saw me in a dream I picked up a pen and I started writing down something and he said I don't know if you're going to write even more books I don't know but what he doesn't know is that currently I'm writing three books at the same time and there are five or seven that have been corrected right now look up many years that you have wasted because because you had a bad wedding because you used to work with Wicked people and you wasted many years if you add them up if you add up all things that you could have done for the Lord you will realize that you have wasted so much time even the worst thing is that we are not Eternal we only a breath and it's over for us and we use our breath for useless things it's good we can build something hous buildings all these things will break down one day they will collapse an earthquake and everything is over wow the talent that the Lord has entrusted us we need to invest them very carefully how that the best investment is the human being never forget this man because the plan of the hour maker is you and I for Elohim has loved the world he loved us human being that he gave his begotten son so now try to picture the talents that you have received that was supposed to be invested in human beings but you you because you're hurt because you're disappointed you start saying that I no longer want to see human beings I want to stay alone with my maker no the love of the Lord is not selfish there are many type of talents natural talents to know how to sing to make tongs for example you can also build a house for the widows you can help people to build the houses those who are poor for them to have a shelter a roof you're a doctor you can go on vacation in go and you you can be doctor and go to countries where there are poor people people who cannot heal themselves you go and treat them for free you are a nurse many people have understood this you can organize yourself to go and see the poor people the needy people few time ago not long ago was in kinasa I went to our Hospital in kinasa and the Lord brought me to a widow this widow's child was hospitalized and the child was five when I got there I saw that the F that child had a fever and I asked the nurses who was there to check the fever the temperature of that child and they realized that that child had a strong fever high fever do you know why you know what four days later that child died that child five that child had malaria four times and even the P come to her brain got up on her brain and because the mom was poor she couldn't bring her to the hospital earlier that child was fatherless and she died and she was five have you got children great children are you a nurse are you a doctor you're an architect you're an lawyer you're a Christian these are natural talents that you have received you know how to sue you can make sanitary towels what do you know what can you do what do you know what to do what are your natural talents what are you doing with that you're going to tell me that I work in order to earn money and feed myself that's good you have talents you studied in order to develop this natural Talent this is good just for us to earn money and answer our own needs what about others because as a Christian we're also called to turn to others when I hear when I see Christians who have talents who cannot come together and work together who cannot conate their talent and work together for others I say to myself you have serious issues so everything is centered centered about your own needs all around your own needs you're going to work for 50 years 4 years for your employer that's good you're going to retire that's good what what have you done for others you know sometimes unbel atheist have many things to teachers doctors With No Boundaries this is a charity that have been created by unbelievers and Christians they came together and created this charity for doctors to conjugate their own [Music] talents in order to heal people to treat people who are poor and needy because they lack needs what do Christians nurses and doctors do they're linked attached to your building the church building they tight because they think that we should continue tiing they believe that this is what is called to be a Christian from Monday to Friday they're at work Sunday Saturday and Sunday they're in the church building and this has been lasting for years they think that they're Christians to feed their Pastor they think that they're Christians to pay for the pastor but going to a mission to go see the poor people to go see the homeless people to go see the needy people who are outside they say they are told not to go there because because the pastor hasn't approved your mission so you shouldn't go she was only five and she died this lady this lady who's giving us 20 dialysis machines with other medical equipment that we will go get from stasbor a city here in in France she's not a Christian she's French she's a French native and we we can give the Lord hand club for [Applause] France and I know many Christians many pastors machine who will sell these dialysis machines what are we doing of the talents that we have received from the Lord a brother a footballer brother he has the sportive talents that the Lord has given him he say that with this talent that the Lord has given me I earn money I want to support the Lord's work he went to his bank he took [Music] €90,000 he gave them to another brother who's a football agent a brother who's a preacher of the Gospel the brother took the €90,000 he wanted to print out bibl samples because there are some people who have no Bibles so we had with that money we should have printed over 10,000 samples of the Bible that brother who's a that brother he took the 90,000 he took out of them 50,000 he was here in our midst he used to preach in our midst and he put put that money in his own pocket and he gave 40,000 to his right hand in order for that person to bring that money to me and the right man go to my office and gave me the 40,000 that was Cash Money straight away I made a TV Channel program and I told the brothers and sisters that we just received €40,000 the footballer brother was watching the live he told me after the TV show I gave €90,000 and not 40,000 so I called the ancient brother and asking about the 50,000 he said No I gave that 50,00 those 50,000 to my wife and I say that what money wasn't for your wife he said give me your bank account details and I'm going to transfer that money and I gave him the ministry bank account details and I've been waiting for those 50,000 for four years now whereas hospitals need to be built go to poor country you're going to see the misery and the suffering of people people who die because they like only one medication for headache yes oh we are so fed we are good we have everything that we need a young Manar in Madagascar robbed something he was 23 the owner of the thing that he rubbed followed him they called him and they throw they threw him over a high hill and while and while he was falling down he broke his spine and find himself disabled because his father was lacking the means he was a poor he didn't bring him to the hospital he BR he brought him home and he was B Breen that young man was dying when we arrived in Madagascar in a mission in a very poor area we started to preach and evangelize outside the father came and asked us to go pray for his son when we arrived there we saw that young man bed reading with a thing that he couldn't urinate he had a big wound in the back horrible wounds and straight away we called an ambulance and he was brought to the hospital we donated some money how much two over €2,000 he was he underwent a surgery and he started to feel better we brought him the drugs medic everything and the family kept the medication instead of treating that child they sold the medication and that young man couldn't be treated on anymore and he died he was only 23 is Samuel here ask him about a woman in Ivory Coast was suffering from very severe pains for many years she had issues problems at the level of her spine she was about to be operated on and that was really risky for her and they needed 6,000 she's a widow she has no means her family is poor she came with her daughter in a program in a coast and we needed to find that money that amount we came together thanks to the Lord the Dr n who works for us in Ivory Coast he's a surgeon we negotiated with him and we were able to send over €4,000 she underwent the surgery and today she feels better she has noral pain there are so many things that we can do a young man who was less than 12 he had a problem at the level of her his legs left or right [Music] he had a rooted wound and he had to undergo surgery very quickly how much did we need how much was needed for him to be operated on do you have the footage have you got the footage ,200 more Che thanks to the Lord once again we came together and he he was able to be operated on and he recovered his leg what are the natural talents that you've got that you're not putting at the advantage of the Lord or others because you're disappointed because you commit sin because you practice sin and you say to yourself people are so wicked that they no longer want to see them we were told that the church is being in a building to sing to fight against demons to fight and fight to look for Sorcerers to prophesy to Proclaim to look for the anointing and that's it whereas the church is supposed to work all around the world now the building Church's building should be shut down or on YouTube they say this is the ministry on YouTube on YouTube this is the ministry can you see the footage it's downloading wow Lord who has had time to fructify the talents that the Lord has entrusted them don't be ashamed raise up your hand thank you for your sincerity you're accountant do you know that there are Christian charties that are not able to hire an accountant you are accountant you're an accountant what are you doing you're a lawyer you know that there are people who have no means in order to hire a lawyer they are victims and they cannot be defended you are a lawyer you're Christian you're yes and as a carpenter as a camp you know that there are no people who cannot have a bed and they they sleep on the floor how many beds have you built for others this is a natural Talent we have been told that our talent for ourself for us to be fil I first I hallelujah hallelujah how are you I already walk I walk walk I I couldn't work I haven't been working for three weeks October 28 i f [Music] our sister was walking in her garage and felt she had a broken pelvis and she believes that she already walks she's just Seated on that chair because it's comfortable that's it hallelujah hallelujah wow who has hidden their natural talents raise up your hands people are having hard times to raise their hands those who haven't raised your hands you're lying to the Lord and the Liars have of the Father the devil Give the Lord a hand clap Hallelujah [Music] we minimize a lot our natural talents ask me why why because we think that it comes from us because we have studied we attended school and we said it comes from us a question how can youtify our talents first of all that's a good question let's talk about the natural Talent first you're a well organized person for example there are Christian Charities who are looking for people who are well organized you can give them a hand we are expecting an angel to come down from heaven he come and tell us yes I'm coming up from Heaven the father has said that the talent that you received after studying whether you studying or not you're going to put them in the the kingdom because the angel hasn't came yet we're looking for Spiritual talents let's talk about Earthly things hallelujah hallelujah I haven't received anything Lord you haven't given me anything there's a hand that is raised here I believe that lot of repentance will take place he has he used to dance really well for the Lord in the world but now he doesn't know what to do with that Talent of dancing here in the Kingdom I wanted he wants to know what he can do with that Talent which was dancing for him this is particularly special obviously we dance for the Lord that's [Music] good I believe that when the anointing comes upon us we start dancing for the Lord we're not talking about taii here there's some denst that we shouldn't do because they are evil this is particular let's talk about other talents than dance we can dance for the lord it's biblical DAV danced for the Lord we also danced earlier for the Lord that's okay apart from that talent I believe that you have other talents you write books yes you need to keep on writing you can give training to people who like to write and don't know how to write he will encourage people to write look up someday you're going to die someday we're going to die I will die what is the book what book will you leave for in order for your children and your grandchildren to know about your experi experience you're going to die with your own experience none of your Offspring will benefit of it we say I writing whereas we have laptops today we have all type of materials tools that you can easily write you can only write we can talk about your testimony how do you want to write about things that the Lord has done in your life for his own Glory if you spend your time in murmur complaining about others or he doesn't love me they don't visit me they don't call me I I I and the time just flies and you're getting older and someday you're going to realize that you have haven't done [Music] anything yes when you want to go shower do you ask the Lord's approval no why because it's natural when you're going to eat do you ask the Lord's will before eating no you don't because this is natural amen amen okay the Lord said even when your enemy is hungry what shall you do you should feed him all right you are you make bread this is a natural Talent the Lord is the one who created them when you make your bread you can also plant some breads for the poor this is your offering amen amen hallelujah as a baker you can bake some breads for you to do that do you need the Lord's will if you love the Lord and you do things for him if you're sincere in what you're doing if the Lord sees that you're in activism he going to stop you don't worry about that do you get it you are suing you make clothes always plan for the poor always plant some clothes for the poor always this is your offering if you know how to sue here in our churches we're going to talk always about money and money hallelujah hallelujah shall I speak on if you don't have the clear willing of the Lord pray and ask the Lord his will and if it's not his will may he stop him and he will do so there are some people because they haven't heard our voice they don't do anything [Music] oh sometimes they have talents but they're afraid like this man in the Bible to whom the Lord gave Talent he was afraid afraid to fail he was afraid to fail who is afraid to fail who is afraid of what people say lift up your hands the word says that being afraid of men people will bring you to be tricked on if you fear people as ra us from the Lord's plan for us the fear of being B judged by others I understand why in these dreams that Lord tell me about the talents somebody told me I have so much money in my bank account hospital being built and do you think that that's your own money hold on I'm not a we are not ail I'm not asking you to give me that money no I have lots of money I answer in one hospital that has been built in less than three years over 12,000 people have been treated do you realize this do we have the footage of this young [Music] man those who are sensitive don't look at these images don't worry this will not kill you sometimes we need to be shocked we're in Ivory Coast the surgeon Dr that you see is a child of the Lord hold on he is a child of the Lord he is a surgeon for many years he set up a hospital clinic in Ivory Co to heal people treat people look at the leg of this [Music] child he stayed in such a state for months because he was lacking means this child couldn't undergo a [Music] surgery in a country where most people call themselves Believers where there are great buildings Church buildings in which the name of the Lord is sung all day long look at this child this is the the bone of the leg that we can see fore [Music] do we have another footage after the surgery and cases like this there are so many cases like this one so many look at the the bone was necr let's show some footages after the chargery Hallelujah Hallelujah the dowi who's a child of the Lord would put the service for others the talent that Lord has given him he's retired and he operates in our Hospital in kinasa Congo kinasa to treat people and those images took place those images took place in Ivory because that's why a hospital is needed in Ivory Coast who believes that this is a good vision do you have the footage of the cist a very big c that is a level of a head a human head you need to be shocked because we only want to see nice things beautiful things the when we speak they say you shouldn't exaggerate you know no this is witchcraft it is Magic all right see how people [Music] suffer you know how to to clean to clean buildings places you have been working in these areas for many years now when did you ask yourself when did you tell yourself because you know how to clean well that you will take you will ask people to donate in order to book your ticket flight and go to a place and train people about on how cleaning this is a mission as well every Talent every gift need to be transmitted you shouldn't die with this Grace hallelujah hallelujah look what the Bible says in second Timothy 2 Timothy 2 from the first verse to ENT trust them to who things that we have received so we keep them for us now we need to commit to people who are faithful and in their turn they will also entrust it to others to be a mother to be able to upbring children in the Lord this is a great it is a natural Talent as a mother now what are you doing with this Talent why don't you transmit this knowledge to young men and young women hallelujah hallelujah be ready this is the dowi in our Hospital in kinasa pause pause pause pae on those images look at this C this C is as big as a human head this person had that cyst for many years the person was dying because of this [Music] Cy because that person was missing 10 thou $10 just to eat that person that person didn't even have $10 in to eat not not let's not talk about the seeds but thanks to the Lord to whom have communicated this this Vision to build hospital here and there for people to be treated on thanks to the Lord this person was treated for free brothers and sisters yes we can clap for the Lord for he is faithful [Applause] tell your neighbor this is the Rival do you realize this you cannot truly realize this because it's not about us somebody like that who will come to a Revival meeting we're going to pray for the person and we're going to say by faith all good the Lord will do have faith and the Lord says after that kind of prayer the Lord says my children among you didn't I give the intelligence to some in order for you to be doctors is is it not there a doctor among you who have natural talents to be doctors Physicians after that prayer why don't you operate on this person we [Music] don't we have the intelligence but because of the greed everything is corrupted we understand things wrongly our judgment is going to be terrible yes it will the Lord will say my son you was an assistant work yes social worker what did you do you have worked for yourself you ate well you had a beautiful life here on Earth why didn't you commit oh Lord why did you commit your natural gift that I gave you to my in my church you know Lord in my in the church they used to tell me to serve you to minister for you to prophesy to speak in tongues to cast out demons or to be a prophet to be a pastor to be an apostle or have a YouTube channel this is what Christian being a Christian is all about to be a qu member or to be beside the man of God or to be responsible of the because I wanted to lead all the dades when another daddy will organize a meeting I was so angry because I was the daddy of all the daddies and a sister will say I was the mommy of all the mommies none of the meetings should be organized without my approval I was a bishop me it was all about the youth I I was carrying the Bible I was the Bible carrier and the pastor should see me every Sunday I should clean his shoes and I my Ministry was to sit up front everyone has to see me and people when they will sing I had to take the mic to make my show and the Lord said all right okay you have understood that he who is faithful in the little things will be faithful in greater things natural Talent spiritual Talent yes prayer praying for others from your house you can pray for others the gift of vision and dreams I've received a stream but I did not want to talk about it because I don't want to have problem okay all right you saw danger but you didn't want to tell people to warn people because you didn't want to have problems no I don't want to speak out I see but I don't speak out the more you see the more dumb you become you shouldn't say anything you say that I saw but don't say that I'm the one who received this you're on a train the lord gave you the knowledge of the word your head is full of biblical verses this is a Grace it is a gift there are some people who cannot remember even three verses but you you can tell about all the verses from Genesis to Revelation you can tell all the verses by heart and you get on a train you hear the Lord telling you speak no there are so many people here who's like this even a little bit raise up your hands raise your hands properly this is it you have received a song you always receive new songs all the time in your kitchen you can sing you sing if your neighbors hear you but when there's a such a pray a meeting prayer meeting you say the program is already programmed so in advance it's Al it's already organized so I will not stand the Lord ask you to stand and Go sing and you say no Lord if it is you may the brother point to me unbeliever who's like this just a little bit raise up your hands you receive songs you say I receive songs but I don't have a nice voice so I will not you're reproaching the Lord that he is not able to give your beautiful voice while he has given you songs and you don't know that because of your thanks to the way you see things if you sing if you sing you're going to encourage those who do not have a nice voice Give the Lord a hand Club [Applause] yes can I speak I'm retired and I she has a seing machine [Music] bring the sewing machine we're going to fix it Lord a hand clap for our sister glory be to the Lord yes there's an awareness there's a Revival fore [Music] had a dream in which he sing the Lord telling that our brother is an instrument if you receive dreams and vision you should share them natural gifts intelligence that you have the grace that you have you need to put it as a service for others we're going to become dollar if you don't put our gifts to the others this is it Hallelujah who doesn't want to become an a doar this is good who else wants to repent because they have hidden their talents who no she works in finances and she will be able to give advises for the brothers and sisters who have company and will not go bankrupt [Music] [Applause] she knows how to sue well and she will make reusable sanitary towels okay [Music] she gives training for those who would like to learn how to S you can go see our sister f at the end there are so many things that we can do because Christians hi their talent things cannot move forward and we become idolators yes indeed because among you there are people who have the gift of healing but most of the time they expect pastors to pray for them well there are brothers and sisters who have that gift healing Miracle deliverances we abing this is why we're hiding because there are some people who do not want others to exercise their talents and others they themselves do not want to exercise their talent for instance you're sick before calling a pastor first of all you shouldn't call a pastor for that you need to pray for yourself first and then you go see a doctor you pray and you go see a doctor your child is sick before looking for a prophet an apostle or other brothers and sisters you first pray yourself the Bible says here are the Miracles that will go with the pastors those who have believed here that somebody who raised their hand for [Music] [Music] [Music] it's like all the members of a body the right hand they're not using their right hand for the gift of talent the body cannot work properly if you're not using our hands this is why there are so many idolators because Idol is somebody who had who lack knowledge who doesn't know their identity who doesn't know the father's identity and the person believes that without others he cannot move forward that person want absolutely to do what other people are doing doing I see it here in our myid with brothers and sisters we give them the mic to give a t t on the next day they become prophets they're flying they boast why are you not simple let's be simple we come to such Gatherings you see a brother in front of you because the brother doesn't sing he's not preaching we don't greet him this is idolatry we black love we need to considerate everybody this is what it's all about to exercise our talent here there somebody else we learn a lot during those missions we put our talent the service of other somebody else don't wait for pastors to tell you what to do somebody else I work with children she works with children she she doesn't know what to do there are some countries like haes Latin America in Asia pray and the Lord will give you direct in Ben too you can go there and see what you can set up why not create a charity to work with children in those countries there are so many things that can be done there's an awareness and we say w Lord [Music] [Music] she asks forgiveness because she is a second Timothy 2 May the Elder women teach young women how to love their husbands [Music] [Music] you can give trainings to those who like to learn how to sue okay [Music] [Music] [Music] do you realize that all these natural talents uh been exercised by the unbelievers look all around us they out to help others they do it naturally being a human being is all about natural talents when we convert we become a Christian it's like we are no longer human because we are focused on the church churches Sundays soal the day of the Lord prophecies and Visions Miracles and we forget how to be a human being because we have forgotten how to be human we start fighting against one another from morning to the evening fight and fight pagan people are at work they work us we are fighting against one another were after another this is it we were in a mission I met a French woman she was an old woman on a plane she she was a native French woman and she had two black children with her and she had a cloth a top It Was Written Aviation they take the risk they break the food people who have no food and these people are not Christians what do we do with our Humanity this is why you see us going here and there to see what could be done and when people say when we are asked how do what do we do to set up all these things we say this is the gospel I want to tell you something do you know why many European people are welcoming see they're so welcoming and open to ARS it's because Europe was influenced by the gospel for many years Freedom equality and fraternity this is written in the Bible freedom is in the Bible Brotherhood is also in the Bible and equality this is also in the Bible Freedom yes it's in the Bible Galatians 5 says it's for Freedom that the Lord has set you free Brotherhood frity yes we are brothers and sisters this is written in the word equality galatian 3:18 there's no Jew no Greek no man no woman these are biblical values why this the that you welcome strangers so easily that you don't accept people to spend the night outside in the street to give them a roof the fact that town halls come together in order to help the homeless people some people are pagans atheist why do they do this many people are not even aware they are influenced by the gospel because John Calvin preached the go El the king the king of crank was baptized hallelujah hallelujah the foundation of Europe is the gospel never forget this even if many things have changed there are still some [Music] Foundation do you know that in the Bible it's written that you need to take care of the strangers see how here in Europe they welcome The Strangers they welcome the foreigners how they put their talents to welcome the foreigners you will never see a European Doctor Who will refuse we will never see a European doctor to refuse to treat somebody who's in pain who's about to die but people in Africa physicians in Africa who call themselves Christians they cannot even touch you because you have no money to pay for the treatment let's give the Lord a hand clap for Europe hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah no we haven't clapped enough for him let's give the Lord a great hand clap for [Applause] Europe this child that you've seen the image is the footage he's anaran from every Coast he stayed like this with this womb with his TI outside for many years the prophet apost Bops in every Co there Christians do say in Coast how many came together to treat this child but you will never see a child in such a state here in France with such a wound if a parent keep this child in their house with this W the child will be taken from his parents and place in a forest parents let's give the Lord a hand time for this vision of things Hallelujah brothers and sisters a question for you where are the true Christians because it is said in Romans 2 Nations pagans who have no gospel who do not have the law of the Lord but who naturally do things of the law will be judged under the law so it means that you have human beings who haven't heard of The Gospel but they naturally re things of the law you shall love your neighbor like yourself they do it you shall feed the weow the orphan and they do it what are Christians doing no we're going to donate and build the gra this church oh Lord I going to preach like Torah you open our YouTube channel channel and you start speaking like me you have the same you have the same hairstyle as I do if you die in such a state you're going to go straight to hell because we do not preach of ourselves we have always preached the Lord to you we have always told you to go to the Lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah should I carry on we waste talent because we are selfish when we organize Mission they say we travel a lot what do you want to do are you the one paying for the ticket flight is it your body you're jealous of my body there's a problem here to each and everyone according to his power according to his power strength jealousy make you turn in circle you stay in the same place you turn around you don't know what to do and you speak people are walking and you your still talking shall I carry on shall I speak on shall I speak on don't worry you're going to eat later but I need to end this first you are a guru okay if you're not a guru do better than I do you're talking and talking always talking mag he's a magician if you have the Holy Spirit you should do better than the magician isn't it right or wrong to everyone according to his own strength we give water to people who are thirsty and they say no they start giving out water there's a problem you're in a country love is also giving out water bottles to those who are thirsty there are some people who should shut their mouth I remember my brother Tresor someday he came to my off his he asked me what are you doing oh I told him you preach the world that's good but what do you do what else do you do you need to organize yourself Breen the Lord touched him and he went by to Congo Braille he preaches the word and beside that he has a hen house he has house and he also feed the poor with the money that he earns from those chicken hands eggs that he has Hallelujah in the Kingdom of the Lord there's no jobless unemployment there are some people who are waiting for me to die in order to take my position no there's no position to be [Applause] taken we will talk to you they're here and they're waiting for me to to die you and I face to [Music] face with a walking stick I will have my walking stick and keep on preaching Hallelujah hallu my brother you going to get older with me Hallelujah he should leave you and I we're going to be taken up because of the Rapture of the church instead of you waiting for to take my position do whatever the Lord is asking you to do I doors are here they are normal when you're not there but when you come they change the position they start behaving like being spiritual tell your neighbor this is a fake brother they're Liars they Idols they are TS don't you think that we see you they are normal and when we enter as soon as we enter the place they start behaving in a certain way tell your neighbor hypocrite we have seen you we know you somebody came to tell me you're going to die and I will take your position what place are you talking about the time of Elijah and Ela is passed Hallelujah today it's about Jacob what place position are you talking about I don't have great children yet why do you want me to leave the said the children the Bible says the children of your children is a blessing brother you and I here we are here until 100 years we're here so you're off a bad St you call me the older yes I am the older with a walking stick you too brother yes with my walking stick no stroke sister with a walking stick no stroke in the name of [Applause] yua Cal he was 80 and he still had the anointing we have in us somebody who's even greater than calb and we're going to keep all our teeth you will see 80 years old and still here walking singing for the Lord praising the Lord how do you expect old people how do you expect old people to turn themselves to the Lord if all the old people died before no we need to see brothers and sisters who are old in sanctification those people who have received a lord of Glory give him a clap clap for him Hallelujah I would like to encourage somebody here [Applause] today yes Paul said it's not to say that we are able ourselves we are able to think of something to conceive something our ability comes from Elohim he made us able he made us able he made us able able isn't it the right word I Chang it this morning he made it sufficient death to be minister ministers tell your neighbor ministers servants he who serves somebody I serve a master I deny he made us be able to be deacons tell your neighbor I am a deacon I am a deacon you cannot kill a Deon in any way a deacon doesn't die before their time Hallelujah now tell your neighbor your neighbor tell your neighbor he didn't hear properly tell him I am a deacon and I will not die before my time I will serve the Lord with their talent in the name of yahua [Applause] Hallelujah there is something here there is something in this place there is somebody in this place I'm telling [Applause] you there is something he made you sufficient oh yes he did he made you sufficient woman yes but sufficient African yes there is African and African West Indian yes there is West Indian and West Indian white Native there's white and white there's Arab and Arab Indian and India there is IND and India tell your neighbor I have been made to I have been made sufficient to be to be server of [Music] Adonai hallelujah hallelujah W wo wo wo wo wo wo w w h [Applause] [Music] hold on your abilities do not come from your biological father your abilities come from above I want to remind somebody if you failed yesterday today as the Lord made you understand things you're going to success to end up your mission properly you're going to succeed to through the mission for the mission for which you have been created [Music] huju things are going on here the Lord is bringing back some people the Lord is restoring some Souls here the Lord is restoring some callings here he is also restoring Vision in this place he is also restoring authorities in this place there are some powers that is restoring [Music] you will come out of this place with a new vision with a new [Music] mindset you will not Minister for sin you will no longer be an idol you're going to be a minister of the maker of heaven and Earth and if he tells you arise and go to West Indus you're going to [Music] go you do not need a pastoral warrant the Lord has entrusted you Heaven has entrusted you empowered you Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah [Music] Hallelujah the enemy thought that he would kill you before the time we do not destroy the child of God of the Lord no we don't this is why the Lord separated you from Wicked people it hurt you that's true he separated you he set you apart it's for you to God him miss his mission there's something boiling inside you it is boiling it's a new vision a new mindset people will not understand you but still it's the Lord who has spoken to you this is a new time for you a new time for you a new time yes you failed but all these failings became an experience for you yes [Music] [Music] what shall we do what shall we do to fulfill the works of Elohim the Lord said the work of Elohim is to believe into whom he who he has sent there's only one work all talents all work that has to be fructified needs to have yashia as the foundation the basis yosua the King of Kings the nazerian that's why I'm inviting you to turn yourself even more to him he is the work he is the work all work needs to end with him it starts with him and ends with him yes don't enter somebody else's work do what the father has asked you to do do not lust others bless the Lord for the work that has been done by others encourage this work pray for this work all works that upli the Lord needs to be encouraged even even though these people who Minister and do not pray with you they're not with you if the Lord is uplifted you need to encourage this work the kingdom is not divided Hallelujah no jealousy in our midst the Opposites when I see my brother hug my brother rodrig who write more books I'm so joyful because it uplifts the Lord do the work you're going to set up a IAL dictionary I saw this it's going to be terrible another historical book talking about Christianity the Lord will tell you about this do the work do the work by doing the work seek that the Lord might be glorified this is what you have to do yes yes come this this is a new time for you for your family in the name of yosua the Lord will reveal himself to you more and more in Belgium in order for you to do the work in Belgium and in Africa be ready how are you [Music] come wonderful Holy Spirit wow Jesus [Music] oh Lord to see your face know I see children the Lord has already given you children in spirit many children orphans that you're going to feed wonderful Holy [Music] Spirit to see your face wow magnific s wonderful Holy Spirit this couple the Lord will surprise them woman the Lord says that he's setting your family free I'm visiting your family the Lord has heard and seen your prayers your tears wonderful Holy Spirit do your [Music] your this is my oh [Music] Lord Oh Lord to see your [Music] face there's an anointing upon his legs there's an anointing upon his legs in the name of yahua mashiach wow wow see your face to know your [Music] gra this is it how wonderful his legs are being restored fixed his legs are being fixed are you baptized in waters do you believe that the Lord lives yes who died who died on the cross for you Jesus even more there's an anointing upon Him Do you believe it do you believe it stand [Music] up like this [Music] Hallelujah it has been 6 months he couldn't work properly for 6 months he hasn't been working properly for 6 months let's lift up our hands let's bless him HJ let's bless him hallelujah oh [Music] Lord May death live this body in the name of yosua in the name of yosua [Music] this [Music] could you bring olive oil what's going on with her what's going on he started [Music] shouting who has this Spirit to attack this young man who [Music] an anointing oil of jealousy he received an arrow evil Arrow dots there's some buies that you shouldn't come out come out of there give the Lord a hand carry her carry him there's somebody that you shouldn't [Music] touch there demons who are asking me the permission to come out that trapped tell your neighbors that trapped tell them the big brother is here see how the demon is afraid see this look the demon is afraid the demon is afraid afraid because the glory of the Lord is in this place come out in the name of yahua come [Music] out the demon say that it married her the Lord is cancelling the wedding it's over wow this is the power of Resurrection a magnific how wonderful wow [Music] and most of the time there's a demons here that choke somebody's in this place you underg go Nights night attacks Andel like stroke shle it is a spirit the spirit of death you cannot continue your work anymore in this person's life come out in the name of yahua mashia and never come back come out of this body come out of this body come out of this body I said come out of this body come out come out come out come out who came with this young man come up front please oh Lord yeah there's another person who's possessed in this place the person is persecuted by these demons the today the Lord is end ending these sufferings all these persecutions this mystical great meeting that was organized against you and your family all these decisions that were taken in those mytical meeting are being over is this your brother yes where do you live in a city is it the first time that he attends such meeting he's the one who invited me here it's my first time here are you baptized yes I'm planning on be baptized later on today [Music] wow the lord loves you he has seen the battles in your family all these tears for many years he wants to answer all your question he loves you more than you think he say he's telling me to tell you that he wants to give a meaning to your life today your family will be delivered see there's something coming if the Lord hand for him this is the power of the Resurrection the family is been free today demon of death have been cast out come out in the name of [Music] yahua through their deliverances the whole family is being freed [Music] wow oh you're not only being delivered but you're also receiving the gifts of the Spirit In The Name Of yahua they're speaking in tongue [Music] ah this is the power of the Holy Spirit [Music] [Music] magnif wonderful wonderful [Music] [Music] he is here who speaks the last word in your life who speaks the last word in France yosua speaks the last word [Music] yes Yeshua holds M grab in his [Music] hands Yeshua holds Europe in his [Music] [Applause] [Music] hands Hallelujah [Music] who speaks the last word in your family [Music] Yeshua who speak the last word in your ministry y who speaks the last word for your [Music] daughters my children in his [Music] hands he prepares a way where there's no wayua speaks the last words [Music] yes holds your wife in his hands [Music] woo amen amen [Applause] we may be seated he's at work he is at work all these wounds for all those years all these wounds have been healed yes they are this young man and his sister from today they will go and evangelize [Music] everywhere where you used to feel pain pain has left move who's concerned by this a pain that has left come please yes hold her life in his hand help her help [Music] her hold on things are going on [Music] [Music] she couldn't put on such shoes high shoes and for today she put on her heels high shoes to see what the Lord will do and now she no longer feels the pain [Music] [Music] who can heal like yua Yeshua speaks the last words my sister was able to wear high heels [Music] where you are if you receive a healing come up front [Music] come for the [Music] king since this morning she had a pain in her neck and now nothing no pain anymore he heals [Music] [Music] she used to have a back pain for a month and now she can move noral [Music] pain [Music] hey hold on do you realize that we don't even touch people he himself does it things are going on see there's somebody here who used to have pain at the level left knee come up front [Music] [Music] while she was coming she had pain at the knees and now she is healed come hello for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she was suffering at the level of her knee and when she heard the word that she has been healed she no she no longer suffers from her knee [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah I'm totally astonished yesu speaks the last [Music] words I am overwhelmed yeah speaks the last [Music] words I'm [Music] amazed Yeshua holds FR in his [Music] hands CL yesu yes [Music] yesu hallelujah hallelujah wow wow wow wow [Music] wow we may be seated many things are happening somebody here never wanted of the Lord but right now that his heart is beating his heart is burning the person wants to minister for the Lord right now the person is seed in here the Lord has called you you're here he has called you he has seized you you are bounded by the [Music] Lord look somebody on the right hand you suffer a lot your right hand move in the name of yosua the Lord is good he is faithful the right hand is it you come up [Music] front Lord come in our [Music] midst come you our maker come save USU I'm filled my right hand my shoulder has been since June that I suffer at night I Cry while I was in the car coming here even with the belt I had to do it like this and now I can move my hands there's no more pain I had a at the beginning I couldn't raise up my hands my arm but right now I have no problem with lifting up my arm this is little what I I'm about to say today the Lord is the one who brought me here he brought me here why since you have spoke about the talent I was here it was here moving I was touched I was there what's going on since 1997 I followed a training two year training we started at church healing Mira Miracles I'm emotional I had so many testimonies the TR the wise people of the church say they say you need to pray a lot because you have received a lot I said nothing never nothing can do Satan is whatever he is [Music] were testimonies on all these [Music] things because of my household I lost everything and to encourage me I spoke about it everywhere the Lord doesn't sleep I have faith I know that he is always here I I pray that to make me see the thing that will restart again and today I had I took that decision I had that motivation I had everything glory be to the Lord am may the Lord keep you safe [Applause] amen both they in the operating room do you remember they're in the operating [Music] [Music] room the love of the father is filling his heart the love of the father ah the love of the father young this young man has been hurt a lot amen amen hallelujah how are you amen amen who like to get baptized today run up front come may we give the Lord a hand club for [Music] them what a day of Grace come on [Music] [Music] those who would like to get baptized come up [Music] front wonderful Lord how are you who invited you here my friend he's over there glory to the [Music] Lord are you shocked by all this wonderful Lord this is good [Music] come their heart that are beating today is your day young man come give for him Hallelujah you too how are you it's for her both of us wow it's beautiful hallu this is beautiful wow how are you who invited you in this [Music] place it's the first time I come here are you not shocked I'm a little bit shy things will go well glory to the Lord here there's somebody here in this place who doesn't dare that person needs to get baptized the Lord has seen you today is your day yes the lord loves you he loves you so much this is why he's telling you come my child come my child Heaven is greatly open for you wow wonderful Lord wow [Music] how are you the lord loves you so much you have a helping heart you like helping others you don't like Injustice the maker loves you so much he's telling you to tell you that he loves you [Music] be strengthened be encouraged be [Music] strengthened all all is possible to whosoever believes [Music] [Music] [Music] the Lord will not only Touch Your Heart Right as he is doing right now but he will also touch your families that's what he's telling me to tell you this is wonderful [Music] wonderful the father knows [Music] you I saw the father writing in a book it's all your the story of your book your life he's taking everything in charge he will deal with everything you can help children little childrens's little ones wow be strengthened you may go get baptized [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where is she can you come forward [Music] please they going back to Ivory Coast for good [Music] can you sing which one would you like huh like [Music] this song that we sung in [Music] 2012 brothers and sisters who know how to sing by faith we're going to sing with her with this [Music] song them brothers who have the grace to sing well if the anointing is not upon me you will just close your ears because I don't sing well we're going to serve the brothers and sisters [Music] my sister first the [Music] sisters Shor [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] three song [Music] [Music] and for [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] we sh oh oh oh [Music] [Music] am [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and oh to R to R to R to to let [Music] sh let [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] to to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] to [Music] [Music] yes [Music] your today for [Music] [Music] [Music] your [Music] [Music] [Applause] to inocent to inoc [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jeremy says from the 16 to the 23rd we going to be in the West Indies thanks to the [Applause] [Music] Lord I can see our brother Jeremy [Music] happy after 3 [Music] years April 16 to 2 [Music] three and in sent we're going to see with the Lo how to go to Haiti as well [Music] wow the team from this area may you come up front please wait this year we're going to go to French Guyana in May it's okay for us to go to FR gyana in May glory to the Lord this is perfect we are blessed by the Lord amen may the Lord be blessed thank you for the Brethren who welcomed us here in this place he will go and catch take two three sandwiches he has to catch his train brothers and sisters if you see a stand stand still despite that we are called so many names for these years battle fight against another four years Antichrist magicians all type of Nam if we stand still it's thanks to the Lord and also because of you brothers and sisters obviously I also have my family my wife my children nephew sister-in-laws all these people but it is also because you also encourage us so much many people have understood the difference between thankfulness greatness and idolatry brothers and sisters who invited me in this place there are people who have been encouraging me for many years now we don't call each other they are children of the lord we don't see each other all the time but they love the Lord I wanted to thank the Lord bless the Lord for your life this is the kingdom it's when we acknowledge and recognize one another as we have spoken earlier the talent and I would like to bless the Lord for your lives because I know that when we organize such programs we spend a lot of money spiritually speaking and also material we also receive lots of attacks but see how many people the Lord has attracted in this place some people came from Belgium others from England from Switzerland Italy all type of places because the Lord help you to understand his thoughts I encourage you to get forwards as you already know brothers and sisters we do not want to talk about ourselves we always want the Lord he and him alone to be lifted up he is our message everything that happened today even if we didn't touch you know that the Lord has already touched you and him alone deserves the [Music] [Applause] glory theand see all these sandwiches that have been given out it's lots of money that has been spent brothers and sisters came together in the kitchen in order to prepare those sandwiches those brothers and sisters didn't even take part on this meeting because they wanted to feed us this is why in life we should be grateful to the Lord and also towards human beings this is biblical somebody who is well taught who is grateful will will never insult others or to split on the hand of he who has nourished him no you have been here for many years you see all things that are happening we refuse the glory we refuse to take people's money we refuse you to dwell on Earth we refuse to touch other people's wives by the battles we always introduce you the Kingdom of Heaven your prayers and encourages encouragement also encourages us some people are called to go in a mission here and there others are called to stay here and pray May each and everyone you do their own work some people come from away such as the Apostle who left who left his children the mom is sick he took the train and come encourage us such as the prophet atas with his whole family people who take the road the Lord is using them powerfully they are work they in the shadow and working Sly this is the kingdom hallelujah [Music] hallelujah keep moving on and do as the Lord has established you I'm convinced that that the Lord will surprise you this is my prayer for you and I'm encouraged when I see I see books that have been written to stand for the truth keep doing this we have stopped organizing Revival meeting in every because we need to go to other places you have received a lot [Music] as you have already noticed we're in for other countries because we need to cry out to the whole world that the Lord is at hand have you ever heard anyone talking about men in this place who did we speak about y how much expenses for the sandwiches we have spent ,500 just to prepare the [Applause] sandwiches how much we pay to this, 500 for us to wear in this place added to ,500 it's about 5,000 870 for the musical instruments and everything without talking about other expenses all this because they love the Lord [Music] fre this is one of the reason why we are called names freely we have received and freely we shall Give the Lord knows yes he does he knows he said he knows he said he knows he said he [Music] knows he knows that's all I'm hearing he [Music] knows the way is prepared for the country he say he knows [Music] a visitation is coming upon your families I see parents sending themselves to the Lord the Lord will visit your [Music] father will visit them in a such way that you're going to be I've heard your [Music] prayers is signed from the throne for your parents the Lord said I'm saving them I'm saving them I'm saving them I'm saving them I see walking in the nation with bags backpacks announcing the gospel outside and I see a great crowd of young people who are turning themselves to the Lord the name of yahua mashia and I see young people being taught in the streets the Lord will surprise you the Lord says in the 78 a great door has been opened he confirmed one more time that the Royal anointing it has been pour that in the work that he has entrusted you and I see household couples who are about to that the will restore the Lord will surprise you after this Gathering I see many people that the Lord is taking and make them visit Heaven you can go and Testify the glory of the Lord help them there's an anointing there is something wowow help him wow wow wow wow family is going to be visited the whole [Music] family the Lord has seen your tears this is your deliverances and the Total Restoration for you hi has heard your CRI say the Lord I've heard your cries for wow wow wow wow wow your family is been free w wow wow wow wow wow wo wow the Lord is giving you a rod for young people I will surprise you my son says the Lord wowow there's a quat upon him look there's something upon her it's wonderful wonderful wonderful the gift of healing is upon her gift of miracle and healing is upon her wonderful wonderful wonderful the hous and I see people running I can see Miracles taking place healing hallelujah oh Hallelujah wow wow Lord wow wow Lord wow wowow wowow help her bring her bring her up front bring her bring her is that our restoration our restoration for our restoration for good it is your ministry of prophet the Lord is restoring this calling he is restoring this calling the evence that the Lord has is the child that is coming the name of Y Miracle will take place Miracle the miracle is taking place hallelujah hallelujah miracle miracle miracle the miracle miracle the miracle miracle the miracle Mir the miracle Mir the miracle the miracle the miracle help him show there is something here there is something [Music] here a prophetic Ministry that has officially born in the name of yahua mashia wow wow wow wow wow [Music] wow the Lord is giving you I see you walking on the camon The Cameroon with the flag of the country camon and the Lord will surprise you camon the Nations wow today the Lord just show me that there are many decree that have been right written today for the children of the Lord in this place there were many ministri that were blocked in this place look at this gift that were St see this you see this the watch men and women oh you see this you see this SEL Watchman s Watchman [Music] oh I have established upon France upon Europe oh oh [Music] let's welcome the king let's welcome the king let's welcome the king we pray for France [Music] father you have placed Watchmen in in this nation missionaries your life no longer belongs to you anymore you're here you cry you suffer you are waiting for the Lord to visit you for your life I have brought you in this place to speak to you to heal you to set you free to confirm my calling in your [Music] life the your your life is no longer your life says the Lord it belongs to him it belongs to him it belongs to him it belongs to him your prayers regarding your father came up your prayer for your father your families went up they went up God and your children your prayers have been heard you asked for faith I'm restoring your faith I'm restoring your prayer life I'm restoring your faith I'm restoring your faith I'm restoring your [Music] faith you're at school this is why you cry but very soon you're going to come out of this Wilderness with our faith and experience [Music] strong faith and experience oh oh oh oh oh oh [Music] Lord Oh Lord the Lord is going before you he will go before you in I Rec this is is his will it is his will because he wants to visit your family this is his will hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh the Lord is calling you come [Music] you too wearing glasses come are you baptized no the Lord is calling you [Music] h [Music] to follow him hallu Hallelujah the lord loves you Hallelujah the lord loves you he loves you so much the presence of the Lord upon her GL the glory of the Lord wow it's been taken care of [Music] wow who like to get baptized it's wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful all together [Music] yes yes [Music] ah yes yes yesu yes yes yes [Music] is [Music] true yes [Music] [Music] yesu yes [Music] o yes [Music] is true [Music]

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