The Long Hot Summer | Full Movie | Don Johnson | Jason Robards | Judith Ivey

[Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] did you ever see a PO man dance it's worse than living H you more than dying did you ever see a poem man dance they tend to give it all they got it's the only thing they have one more roll of the DI feel me just one more hand I'm free wild and single and I'm going down the river that's all I under St did you ever see a PO man dance did you ever see a PO man dance [Music] oh no look at that it looks mean you should stop that poor soul is suffering in this steam bath why it's our Christian Duty that's what it is well then I'm in League with the devil because I'm not about to stop for some filthy hitchhiker youa the get your foot off the braak don't worry it's all right like a live the town yes Ma'am why walk when I can right say y'all live in uh Frenchman's Bend almost nowhere place in the entire swelton state of Mississippi honey you can't but sneezed Bo they're saying you got pneumonia sometimes I feel like I'm wearing a straight jacket as for social amusements there are none unless you consider Church of social Amusement now I do believe in Jesus I truly do but do you think he meant for life to be so dull sounds fine to me quiet living myself I only know one reason for living quiet that's if you're too old to live any other way and you look young and healthy uh-huh so you're saying you take your fun where you can find it don't jump to any conclusions Mister we're giving you a ride that's all we're giving you where you headed I go as far as you go you sound as free as a bird my how I admire that doesn't he sound as free as a bird null Miss n's wondering what kind of bird aren't you miss null you must be a mind reader no's a school teacher she wears out brain cells woring about her spotless I repeat spotless reputation why she didn't want to pick you up I said why not it's such a nasty hot day and there's two of us in one of him and she said I think he looks mean and [Music] dirty I'd say the lady's a real judge of character atica itic this is it mister have something for you thank you missula looks like verner's a man to see around here you can find him over at our house most anytime y all belong to Barner we two ladies most particularly belong to Barner hi howy H boys how's a man make a living around here he don't honest or dishonest well let me hear what's open well sir a man that's hard hard working and clean living can plant cotton over in the bottom lands raise corn up along the edge of the hills if one isn't too particular he can make whiskey in a homemade Ste and sell off what he don't drink well let's say I'm a farmer all right so let's say so if youed to follow that road straight out there you'd come to a tenant f arm you could work if you're so a minder belongs to a man with the name of Vana what [Applause] doesn't what's a name son quick been quick fck so that's here D just about bought out the department stores and then I moved on to the specialty shop now sit down honey and close your eyes I'm model my purchases papor coming home tomorrow things are so different here than it's just you and me you know something I hate this house when you're not in it well I'm in it now that I'm gorgeous you're gorgeous I bet you say that to all the boy would you take off your shirt please oh stop oh I'm not wearing those oh [Laughter] [Music] yeah what in the world is going on up there well we don't exactly go in for stately quiet around here you know that party's been going on ever since Papa went to the hospital well speaking of your father when is that oh gust personage coming home tomorrow forecast is storm and thunder he'll roll into the house and rattle all the windows you I can just hear him aren't you engaged yet well we are still on the green side Authority so that's time to contribute our bloodline LS to the Future how's Alan you mean is he still in the 20th century no my brother is lost in the 19th wri in that torturous document but you think he was writing a Bella for heaven sakes and there's no sex in it at all St ating other man what other man ask and you shall receive don't Babble the Bible to me Agnes the Lord doesn't shine on blasphemers don't swivel around but there's someone coming someone young probably a sewing machine salesman even if it is we can at least talk to him go ahead y'all look like two butterflies that just lit on the grass well hello again miss null if it's work you're looking for see the forming at the Gin if it's food go to the back door what I want is the man of the house Joie there's a a a person out here to see you tell him wait in the h could have said gentleman with the same amount of [Music] [Applause] [Music] wind you bar [Music] I one one you turn that thing down would you girl what can I do for you I heard you got a farm for him where you been farming West Texas youa put that thing down before I come up there and kick it in well um how many family you got you're looking at it oh man usually put six or seven hands in the field one's all you get out of me Jody you got the thred our business in oh heav sakes it's our passenger hello again miss YULA I'm glad to see you again you know him nol and I obliged him with the ride at being such a nasty day well you twoo soft-hearted honey you two girls are lucky he wasn't some sort of Raven Maniac go on get out of here we got business to talk how much rent you aiming to pay how much you renting for half your crop all you're shopping at my store no cash food and tobacco at your prices make my dollar worth about 50 Cent take it or leave it Mr I'll take it quick Ben quick Jody I got something up here for [Music] you Adrian rug where the wind getting here lady summertime living is easy drop it Adrian my father comes home tomorrow and he sets quite a store by this rug you tracked it you clean it lot of fuss about a rug lady if it's a rug that's bothering you what else would it be day well well you correct me if I'm wrong but I get the feeling I rile you me being mean and dirty and all Mr Quick you're being personal with me so I'll be personal with you I've spent my whole life around men who push and shove and shout and think they can make anything happen by acting that way so I'm not anxious to have another one around the place there no slam the door in a man's face before he even knocks on it please have the rug at the house by tomorrow morning thank you [Music] you ruined it folks think that much of a rug shouldn't put it where other folks can tromp on it don't get smart with me boy this will cost you I'm taking 30 bushes of corn out of that crop you haven't even planted yet now maybe that'll teach you you're a hard man to deal with yeah you just keep it in mind I had to certain that cursed rug to dry cleaner all old man has to do is see that first thing he be blighting up my blood with it well you rearrange some things out here looks good thank you Jodie now if you were Papa and everything look good you wouldn't say anything and if everything looked bad I wouldn't hear the end of it I know he's coming home I know he's going to ask questions I ain't going to get rattle I'm just going to take my time and think my answers through and everything I've been in charge 3 months I I I think that's been a big change to me don't you think oh yeah Jody everything looks real good you've done real well I'm halfway between feeling glad and sick I want to see him and I don't inside's all mixed up like a dog's breakfast as God's ad man it's odd most people are supposed to love their father we're mostly just afraid of our well you got more calls than me you're supposed to be engaged Allan Stewart by now and I don't see no ring on your finger the old man will snar little sister hello boys and girls I'm back hi boys good to see [Music] you that's you V you got any doubts come CL oh honey wonder what they cut out of at that hospital at mempis wasn't it pocket book I can tell you that all I've been looking at is anemic NIS yeah here you've been cutting Stitch anything left of you worth having you just wait and see I got to go up the house I'll be back later I'm glad you home your h a [Music] beef add think yes sir you work hard Miss Min you hear me yes sir [Music] [Laughter] see I've never hugged a man in a red road before oh you're dressed to beat all hell girl in honor of you uh that's what the kind of homecoming I hoping for oh yeah that's what I like a real woman bones with some covering on hello Papa hello Papa well there is a fullsome greeting there is a Hallelujah Chorus not exactly a son pining for his daddy but simple and direct two seconds two seconds you're running over me like a get through the opening ceremonies without recreating the Battle of Vicksburg I'll get to you in a while sis I no you will Jody's been an absolute living doll since you've been gone Papa well that's what I call a glowing recommendation except I just had to look around town I saw one dead asleep clerk in the General Store a sign on a gas pump to set out of order and no one at The Sawmill and it's high high noon rise late today did you Jody well things may have slacked off a bit today cuz I was home seeing to your arrival well we did all right you can have a look at the books well I intend to mhm I intend to crawl over them books like a fly over fly paper now they gutted me over there in Memphis they took out every part they thought they could spare but they didn't pair down my spirit none don't you think you can get up on me Jody I'm a better man than you are still so you've been telling me since I was a boy Papa yeah yeah I'm fine and I thank you for your kind inquiries as to my health well Papa I do hope you're feeling better didn't I call you every day at the hospital yeah that was right kind of you except I never did see your face the whole time I was flopped in the hospital bed your sister came made a fool of herself passing out but at least she passed out there where folks could see she was a beautiful daughter well fact is I couldn't leave my wife that situation has been prevalent since your wedding night you're pregnant yet Papa Lord next what's on your mind Miss well what do you want to know Papa have you seen any any man have any men seen you have you been to any picnics parties or bazaars any Raffles any barbecues any dances have you mingled have you mixed or have you kept to your room reading poetry or creen your papers from the summer school I hope this doesn't come as a great shock to your nervous system Papa but when you're not here I do exactly what I want to do well I'm back now you get a ring on your finger girl and get me some grandchildren soon time time no time is p faster for you than for me maybe so you don't give me my respect in front of my wife well I like women too but but you don't ever give it no rest I took time out to build up this place to make my Mark I never seen such canbial Bliss and you enjoy son oh well at your private life I'm interested in our business ventures I didn't lay flat on my back in that hospital I acquired some standing Pine which will cut at a future date and some horses when a tenant couldn't make his note now that's what I did what did you do well may has uh slacked off but June and so far July making up for it to be expected I sold off all our heavy farm equipment we're fresh out of inventory including that tractor won't go up the hill including that well well done Jordy well done um there was a fell from Boston uh just bursting with intelligence who uh bought a lot of land and put 40,000 ft of fence around to start a goat Ranch only he ran out of goats and went bust and uh returned to that great distance state of Massachusetts so we own another 2,000 acres of good grassland bet it was a college educated band too was there well Jody Jody you ain't just been sitting on your spine all together have you no sir how'd you rent off that farm on shares oh profitable I had a little trouble with the man I penalized them 30 bushels of coin good good we're already ahead of the gate now what is the name of this poor unfortunate uh quick Ben quick Ben quick from out west quick don't you keep a breast of anything but youa Flames follow around a quick like fleas follow a dog Hellfire he's a barn burner he settled his account with a torch and you had to go stir him up only thing burning around here is your temper you want to hear something I sweat when I'm around you I those mon you in the hospital I was dry now I'm sweating again will you kindly tell me what it is you want out of me Papa I can't stop to analyze you or listen to your personal problem well someday you're going to have to stop someday I'm going to make you stop not right now you started something with benqu and I got to finish it before this house of mine Goes Up In Smoke [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello hello right back at you I'm Varner I already met three varners I'm the Varner thought I'd come by and uh see what your plans are this house ain't fit for pigs well we can discuss that I aim for us to get along get along with anybody I heard somewhere that you had a little trouble trouble that brings around the fire department if you're scared of me Mr Barner why don't you just come right out and say so now why would I be scared of you son cuz I got me a reputation for being a dangerous man that a fact well you are a young dangerous man but I'm an old one allow me to introduce myself I am justice of the peace I'm a farmer I own most all the land that you can see and what I don't own I option I own the gas station the General Store The Sawmill the gin and it is bad luck to do your Trading anywhere else that's who I am you can talk too yeah I can and I'd like to add one more Salient point to this most edifying conversation if anything at all happens to catch fire during your stay here I am tossing you in my jail housee and I never heard the words habius Corpus you'd R smart man would give me a job yeah you're waking for me already well let's say a job more conducive to my mental abilities I passed through that town of yours some of the people you got working for you got cobwebs on them you could use me Mr Varner and you'd be writing yourself a fire insurance policy in the bargain well I'll think on it yes or no Mr Varner nothing in between now look here boy nobody's ever been able to browbeat me with any degree of success maybe that's CA nobody ever tries well I do happen to have in my possession 30 Texas ponies due to a foreclosure now if you were to dispose of them for me at a reasonable profit you'd be in business sounds easy I thought I'd have to kill someone for you we won't start out with red-handed murder and easy his relative son relative I'll give you a [Music] world have you ever seen so much energy and on Plain grass too no sweet feet here why there ain't a lazy one in the herd [Music] uh son you don't want to be doing that you're Li to fall in there and spook us well until you know a horse real good you wouldn't want to do that in your own Barn buy me one dad buy me one they look pretty wild to me son these little old ponies well now they're high I'll grant you that but they ain't been worked in weeks hell even I get high if I haven't been worked in weeks no sir all you got to do is work with them and they gentle right down I wouldn't have itate to put my own sister on one well that is if I had a sister you know will the only thing worse than a horse trade is a downright Thief now when did you get into this business this is no ordinary commercial venture out there this is a spectacle I'm not selling here each and every one of these sound I'm talking 100% sound why there isn't a bad one in a bunch all you got to do is work with them and they'll work for you put that wagon up now so you can bend them to your ways maybe you're trying to cheat US quick maybe you ain't those horses out there make me think of a horse MC cousin brought me from Texas I give you $75 for that spotted out there you mean that Appo over there he's worth 100 not chest up with the blaze got a little home to will you know something about horses how abouty 50 bucks for this little Buck I'll give you 75 all right all right now one at a time folks let's start with that app over there who give me $100 for him let's start the $100 we got $100 right here who give me1 and a qu4 I'll give 15 150 right back here all right give you 175 going once going twice going three times solely app the gentleman in had pay me over here how you doing py bye Mr Wilson you know Army it doesn't seem fair you buy your boy a horse you can't even pay bills does it Wilson I'll buy my son whatever our damn well please you'll get your money yeah well I better get it look at you snapping and scratching remind me of like a fanny rooster they all hot and sweaty yes I am W in a public place I might feel compelled to take advantage of you listen youa one you just give me a real hot kiss on the mouth huh right here in public don't be [Music] ridiculous am I going to see you tonight honey [Music] maybe maybe not all right I'm all square with everybody have you three gentlemen right here I believe it's uh 200 from you 150 from you that's right 755 75 200 200 thank you all kindly thank you all kindly now remember what I said if they give you any trouble just hit them over the head a couple of times with the TU for get their attention after they get used to you you won't have any problems a couple of years or so hello Miss null are you sure I can't sell you something you don't need my money you got everybody else's yeah but it's the hold out that challenges me Mr Quick the last time I parted with my money to a pitchman I was 12 years old and nobody's taken you since and nobody's going to well now life is very long and full of salesmanship Miss n you might buy something yet okay get on that off that truck you hurt yourself I'm [Music] okay you were right impressive I don't know when I've ever seen anybody do such a good job of selling you're even selling himself get out of [Music] here going listen to me back there at Taylor I told them that you and me could do a lot of business together it's like the old days quick and Sun you had to run the only reason you found me is cuz I didn't change my name like the others did i' just assum forget you [Music] forever I'm Unforgettable got business to attend to business why you don't fool me boy let's go get [Music] him hey Ben where's my cash afternoon Miss Little John you know better than a crook you're know better than a con man if you can sell my crooked merchandise never the name calling where's my cut I got something for you excuse this Min come on with me boy get that gate Bo what Dang Mo gate open [Music] come [Music] back come on let's go here got it I got it here come [Music] [Applause] on catch him [Music] now the man who built this place back in 1830 had the wit to die before the Civil War when Grand overran the country on his way to Vicksburg those people uh the bours uh they buried all that gold and silver now after the excitement and confusion of the moment they dug up the silver but they never could remember where they buried the gold might have saved him they remembered of course then uh I I could never bought the place back in ' 63 what's all this got to do with me well I've been watching you Ben you got brass and style and push not too dissimilar from the way I operate been here only a few days already you grown an inch that's because you listen to me now you keep on listening to me and maybe one day in a burst of generosity I'll give you this place thanks a lot place is falling apart ah with your native shrewdness I know you'll find a way of getting some good out of it Mr Varner you've been making me a lot of promises one of these days I'm going to collect on them I'm well aware of that come eat at the Big House son no honey could you please come try to do this for me thanks you going to a funeral I thought I looked elegant elegant girl rip that dress off your back elegant is for old ladies you're young you need a little flash youa you got enough flash for all the Frenchman's band now don't try to turn my head when I'm making feminine suggestions this dress is just too concealing well I'll tell you a burning secret I'm not hiding much well whatever there is it look better with more of it showing no thanks YULA I just wouldn't feel like myself somebody new is [Music] coming so is somebody oh oh no don't you think Allan's a tad slow now that new boy is a flash you ever see anything like him one minute we're picking him up on highway 47 and the next minute he's going to be drinking wine out of your mama's French crystal glasses well he certainly got his foot in the door in the door honey I'd say he pulled himself a chair right up to the table thank you Saina damn it boy come back here oh there goes another one across the creek Bridge man are getting healthy exercise out there give me a glass man they'll sleep better tomorrow night provided they get back home home by then well well who's drinking more wine you're po of my wine aren't you Alan here give me that glass how long you been drinking it about a year and a half I'd say there about I've enjoyed your hospitality for a long time tell me Alan do you go to any other houses I asked myself uh do we get the major part of your attention or are you uh brightening up other parlers in the town Papa that is Alan's private business why Allan knows a friendly inquiry when he hears one don't you Alan when I hear one well then am I to understand that you stay pretty close to home with your mama when you're not here I can't stand this I think you forget that my mother's a widow Mr Vana she relies very strongly on me and my sister hell no Widow your old man disappeared he's not Daddy just wandered [Laughter] off the result is the same she's alone no she isn't she got you she sure has you Alan I try my best not around here you don't well Jordy you seem to be getting a lot of enjoyment out of my conversation ation I believe I'll direct a little of it at you Pap I didn't say anything Mr Quick here is my new manager in the general store right alongside you same salary same benefit that don't seem to strike you funny no sir it doesn't well you can sleep late tomorrow if you think you can afford to outside everybody let's enjoy the evening air [Music] it's terrible the way they carry on sometimes they even follow me around in town don't go anywhere then stay put stay home oh honey they only 16 or 17 they're homeless you call that harmless you quit that now pass among you with a shotgun go for any boy gets too close you understand Bans shees [Music] Tom shortly Kenny book right and Stu and your brother kooper I know it's you that's out there now stop it now stop you boys run off now your HS of mine mad house around here young boys just young healthy animal are they hollering on anybody else's doorstep are they hiding in anybody else's Garden no just this house we're the ones who were singled out oh we're the ones who got youa it's not her fault it's yours they come here because they know you'll laugh matter how crude or how vulgar well I was young myself once I used to hide in the bushes there and Hoot and Holler I bet you did I bet you yelled the loudest and stayed the longest your mama listen come on Ben let's go in they have their business and we got [Music] our boys certainly made their desires known I wonder what they would do if youa did get up and go with them imagine that be quite a r i don't know why I made such a fuss about it cuz it offended you you're not the kind to be holled at from the bushes you're a lovely quiet self-contained woman on guess I'm just anxious the summer is not turning out the way I was expecting at all guess I'm just confused about you and me Al I know what when I finish my manuscript we'll go to New Orleans for a weekend that ought alleviate your anxiety how would you like that oh I would like that we could go down and sit by a lake punch train let nature take its course nature is taking its course with you and you'll see everything you want will be coming your [Music] way Dad Blackjack all right what do you say we deal off the top this time this the way you acquired your fortune sure the way you're acquiring mine ah good evening Isaac M Miss Minnie say where where you at well now I'm at home did me say you come now or she lock up oh don't lock me out huh well Isaac you go on back and you tell Miss many that I'll be there when I'm there it's sad s growing man with the mind of a child was he K to miss little John no no he was left here about 23 years ago mother must have been unmarried or knowing he was afflicted this little John took him in she's a kind woman my wife was kind like that guess women are have to make up for [Laughter] us you married nope got a woman someplace I live single you uh like women though I mean you've uh known a few haven't you my fair share deal heat brings out the mosquitoes attracted to the light your friend left early I was kissed good night Mr Quick kissed and left me I stayed till Sun up my all too Reckless aren't you no I'm skittish Mr Quick just plain skittish got an answer for that let's go jump in your convertible and plow up the countryside I think there's been enough commotion around here tonight you want what let's go find this needle and Hy stack those are both lovely and colorful suggestions but they are not exactly in keeping with my character and I don't think I should be out of character on such a night oh come on lady get out of character get way out sudden changes are not in my character Mr Quick hell you never know until you [Music] try you mean Mr Allan Stewart wouldn't like it if you went running off with me I don't want to discuss him with you well why not I respect him I admire him as manners I admire his profession admire that big old house he lives in up there but if you're saving it up for him honey you got your account in the wrong Bank you can leave anytime now don't ask me [Music] twice e [Music] what time to alen [Music] leave it has to get up early he's under a lot of pressure with his work come on go for a drive with me STS are so big and shiny tonight looks like you might just reach right on up and grab one [Music] baby with a Dixie Mel yeah no look at there thousands of Acres millions of seed putot down the ground every year they come up they bear where's my crop Papa my birthday's come and go my life comes and goes and yet this is the only conversation we ever seem to have no I'm quite a lively intelligent woman well what gets said between you and Alan anything anything of importance he thinks I'm a lovely quiet quiet self-contained [Laughter] woman oh well if your blood is so delicate and frail that it calls for Allen do it amen so be it I'll give you a big wedding but it's going to happen now now no more [ __ ] foot and Missy you stir him up but if you get no for an answer it's going to be the other one which other one that big strong red blooded animal I brought around the table tonight my God you can't mean that can't I I'm going to get some strapping men in this family I'm going to feed iron into this family's veins you talk like you're selling me like one of those horses don't you care what I feel what I am I ain't selling you missy I'm saving you oh is that what you tell yourself now you're going to get me grandsons no or granddaughters now you can get them by way of Allen get them by way of the other one but you're going to do it you going to work to day honey I go to work every day don't I well I don't know the way you're looking at me I thought maybe you had something else in mind I know for a fact you didn't sleep well last night do you well you tossed and turned all night don't you remember it was so hot I finally got up and went out to the pond I must have fallen asleep there till almost Sunrise so I know you couldn't have slept well Pap is home you know I don't sleep well when he's around M let me take care of you then you'll sleep well had one of those dreams last night one of those Shadow dreams about Pap in me I hate when I have dreams like that honey know sometimes when I'm by myself I I try to remember a time when Papa and I didn't fight I can't I can't remember a time when I didn't feel like this you'll be all right now he's throwing me in the ring with this quick like I was some sort of pitball he ain't going to be happy to one of us draws blood YULA your Pap's been steamed up like a 40 ball tom cat but he'll calm down he's original CT man he's got three shells on the table and a peas in his pocket [Applause] it's the early bird Jodie Jodie Jodie I need to talk to you yes Miss holl what can I do for you a Jody we have a hard year and I know you heard about my illness Miss holl and I'm glad to see you all recovering scared my health going to run us into the pool house my poor Army works so hard and then one $150 he paid for that horse yesterday which we ain't seen since then well we ain't got the horse and we ain't got the money it's like it was all burned up now how could you take that money now Miss Howard you know I let your account run six months overtime I often give Peete free candy you've been treated very kindly at this store and I deeply wounded to think that you could believe that I would cheat you on a wild horse now the trouble is we got an outsider here and he don't know anything he don't care anything about you and your worries all he cares about is himself and getting ahead now Mrs Howard I had nothing to do with that horse auction so if it's meanness and double dealing that you're upset about then you talk to the man that did it that man right there lot of harsh things been said about me Miss howlet now if I was to address each and every one of them it would take up too much of your valuable time so I'm going to say this to you you took your complaints to the wrong Department you see we Under New Management here I believe you said you have a $150 problem am I right it's [Applause] solved have a good day ah Goodwill nothing in the world lik looks think you got yourself nice little cozy Nest here don't you careful you don't fall out of it you are not going to take over from me hey quick bring me a plug of the [Applause] bagger girl it's blood you want in this new game you was Papa be careful cuz you just might get it excuse me I'm going over the Sawmill I don't seem to be needed around here ni he boys competition is the life of trade I think you find this new boy quick to catch on it's the same old shop same old stand got a new broom in it 7 $5 C who the hell store do you think this is anyway tobac is still 75 cents well it ain't yours yet [Music] yes sir can I help you you the man that gave my wife back $150 yes sir I'm no charity case Mister well I didn't think about it that way your wife was dissatisfied with the merchandise so I simply refunded her money will Vana never funded a penny to anybody and I don't want one now you think I need a hand out make you feel Superior make you feel more white well you sure got me there I sure am white and I sure can't do a thing about it I'm going to work off that money I don't know of any extra jobs around here it appears to be a long slow summer but not for you Mr Quick you come blazing across the sky like a comet you do look your feeling insulted is your problem like I said I considered it a refund that's where it ends well put it on my account how it armad howlet I know what you're thinking all right I'm 6 months behind well I'll pay back every miserable Penny of it now after the money for the horse army look it's time I'll talk to you about the money you owe me don't shut the door on me listen to you I don't want to see you right now Wilson you don't want to see me look you owe me money no you owe me that's good that's good what [Music] catch almost had got anything worth burning not even high summer and things are heating up in all directions all right High Fly good you know I remember watching you play baseball and he's a little kid with sexy little uniforms of course I was a star you're sexy yeah get away come here come just a little bit sex get away come here come here give me just get come on come on you want some stop it he doesn't understand Wilson wison doesn't know what's going on stop it understand that's right get out of here boy get out of here get out of here sh fly oh you're crazy you're getting crazy shut up talking about Isaac like that honey didn't hurt me honey it's all right honey that boy is so jealous he want you you know he's in love with you you know that give me kiss come give me kiss why I like summer school by VK book right I don't I just can't live without you anymore you understand you keep swatting BAC and you're going to have to learn how I don't know what happens you see I I get around you and I just lose control now's not time to talk about control Wilson kiss me father late to be uh keeping store yeah just moving some fans down front so the folks can see them when they first walk in the door especially the ladies since they do the household buying you seem to know a lot about women I know what makes them spend the money you come in to buy something Miss n you just shopping around I was just passing it's a hot night I've been drinking some beer you want some no thank you you got a sweet tooth not only is this store got fans and penny nails but it's got rock candy jaw break licorice whips I do a big business in licorice whips or I can tell you Never Say Die diesel tractor or if that's too big I could tell you Roa tiller or if you prefer gardening by hand I got a sturdy pair of pruning shears here right or how about a sun Bonnet pretty color don't you think I just can't sell you nothing can I can I have a DC powder please I've got a headache yes ma'am coming right [Music] up just knock that back in your throat I don't get headaches cuz I don't have problems or scruples not those either well I have both you got thin skin is what you got the world belongs to the meat eaters if you got to take it raw honey take it raw I couldn't live that way well now miss n let's examine how you do live you drive around the country in that car yours like it had wings you sit on The Veranda with Agnes Stewart all day drinking lemonade and you watch the whole world go by paired up you're young these are golden years and you're being asked to play a waiting game well why wait School out night's falling there ain't nobody around to see if you make a mistake leave your books alone no arner I'm going to kiss you damn you men if they do and if they don't [Music] all right I'm human you proved it yes ma'am you are human BN burner so you heard about me I got Flames behind my head I don't like the cut of a man's clothes or the way he looks at me why I just breathe fire where I've been there's smoke and Cinder and the ground is black where I've been nothing stands isn't that right [Music] anything you break you got to pay for how long you've been sitting there long enough you hired me to tend your store I'm tending it it doesn't need any supervision I see you been add a few words of my girl a few she don't come to you none now does she yeah well there's no love lost well I don't have to slow you down none I'm putting you force a candidate what office you got me running for well I've opened a lot of doors for you and uh you passed through them you got to ask yourself why I done that all right why I am a man with a purpose we all got some mission in life got to hear yours what do you think you'd like me to do if you was able to make me do it get married and have [Music] son I'll be there's every possibility of that but before you are you're going to get married up in a church with my daughter no now that's the one you didn't figure on is it that's the one move into the house live with us sleep under clean sheets study that girl want to put down roots you want to help yourself to a piece of the cake you can do it you listen to old will V you picked yourself a dark horse father what do you know about me well you're young healthy do I need to know anything else not if you're willing to take a chance i' take a chance listen don't mistake that girl she's delicate you'll be good to her in her own way she's fine like her mother before her she has quality and she's the closest you and I will ever come to it looks like I'm in a position to do you a big favor what's in it for me I'm not forgetting uh you're a man who wants figures and details land and monies on the day of the wedding and more to come what land what monies how much more you meet with my lawyers you see for yourself I'll take that old Frenchman's place for a start I ain't quibbling with you I'll make you my Heir now put that down and right you do that you tell me I got the wrong man you and me got a deal van quick who said marriages are made in heaven hell wouldn't have this one [Music] good morning just so we don't crowd each other I shave at night and shower in the morning bringing him here into the house big house got room for one more he's hard help he don't belong here oh much more than that Jody he's a man of property now what are you talking about Frenchman's place I gave it to him Frenchman's place was mine Frenchman's place was mine to give as I saw fit how much more you going to give him Papa much as he requires you going to be a brother to your boy so look out he'll be awake when you're sleeping he's going to be where you ain't so look alive Jody you two his racehorses starting out even we'll see who's faster or smarter not exactly even considering I'm your blood son honey didn't you hear me calling you my mind was elsewhere we mov it on over in my direction straight from Memphis to my body to entice your body no doubt about it YULA you do have a gift yes it to be unwrapped Jody got to see what's inside the packet it's too hot honey it's going to be too hot all summer long I wasn't aware My Touch was so repulsive to you this may come as a surprise to you Ula but there was more to life than your biological needs there was a time my biological needs gave you a great deal of pleasure you know what I think I think you're afraid there's a better man in this house and I sure don't mean you're daddy [Music] you look pretty with your glasses on [Music] you look pretty with them off you look so young Miss no all curled up to any bed just like a little girl I bet you was just as cute as a bug's ear when you was a little girl bet your hair hung in a in a tangle down your back [Applause] [Music] ought to be a church bizar coming [Music] up you wear a white dress and put a ribbon in your [Music] hair and I'll Walt you around under the moon [Music] no no no oh oh [Music] I'll be right with you I thought I told you to go to hell it's over crowded down there I'm still here and Frenchman's been you're looking to get cut in on some action well it ain't going to happen I'm in the H boy now you can fix me up with something without too much terrible trouble before I go carrying around to a pitch forg you never gave anything to me or mama or the boys so I'm returning the favor I could make life sizzling hot for you boy you're Angling for the main chance here why blow it it won't take much to keep me happy why don't you just turn your carcass around and March out of here before somebody gets hurt that a fact that's a fact well I just might outdo myself make you wish you were never born whatever I gave you wouldn't be enough anyway you'd want more more like father like son that wouldn't go down with Will Almighty Varner now would it if you're a rotten son you'll make a rotten son-in-law [Music] you just give me a little more time Wilson hospital bills caught me off guard but army army I'm not running some kind of Charity Ward here now I'm as sorry as anybody else that your wife took ill when she did but you two months son two months behind in your mortgage well how about if I PID you off a little bit at a time just for a while till I can get back on my feet I need money just like you do you know I have to ask myself how come you so mean Wilson mean mean you'd skin a maggot and then I asked myself why does a man like you a smart man keep hanging around this town and why are you always lending out money to black folks well after my experience with you I might not lend to the black man anymore what do you think of that the hell you won't now you got a burn on Wilson think maybe if you can get rich enough you can get her back you shut your mouth because it doesn't matter what I think and it doesn't matter what I do you understand I'm the only one who lent you money when nobody give you nothing no Bank in this County no other bank anywhere else going to give you a dime it was me army me now Look you got 10 days come up $1,200 or you consider yourself and your whole family a bunch of homeless you understand that's right [Music] homeless just odds and ends Mr Quick things we can live without but never do well in the future Mr Stewart feel free to call in your order I know you got a schedule to keep I'll do that but a here you find the vas are fascinating and rewarding Association not all of them no perhaps I might quote the old sage it's just as easy to fall in love with a rich woman as it is a poor one I guess you could quote that your reputation precedes you Mr Quick I don't imagine too many women find that appealing I care very dearly for no van you got a funny way of showing it Mr Stewart I intend to take no to New Orleans when I finish my book I think that'll give us the opportunity to sort out our feelings for each other sort out your feelings either you love a woman or you don't you're much too clever Mr quick but I wouldn't be so sure of myself if I was [Applause] you Mr Quick Mr Wilson M Hood yes sir please to meet you I understand uh you been looking for me yeah I got some business to discuss with you Mr Mahood M I hear there's a named armastad howlet it's causing you all kind of trouble come in let's talk about it I guess I better do that [Music] [Music] give me some of that no give it no no no give it to me give me a little kiss I can't there's too much happening oh what you come here to talk I came here to fool around with Wilson There are things standing between us I know everything used to be so easy CH me honey I don't know Ben quick show up Ben quick what the hell is Ben quick got to do with you H he's a fascinating man Wilson one takes notice of a man like that you don't you understand me no no you don't no you don't I'm going to do a lot more to hurt you think about any man especially being quick Wilson I'm just trying to say that Ben we're gone everything shut shut shut up uh-uh no more Ben quick okay don't say his name again Ben quick Ben quick B quit B quick damn you you know what you do you tease me and you taunt me and you drive me crazy and you think I'm going to keep coming back to you don't you H H you always do you I'm sick of this oh God Wilson stop it stop it [Music] Wilson stop [Music] it what are you doing come get up boy say get up boy [Music] let's go evil [Music] what you do to my wife stop it stop it Jody stop it get it stop it stop it stop it this way protect him he's your lover isn't he it was it was W he went crazy J he just went crazy he wild she's been asleeping with me he attacked me he went wild honey he's just crazy oh baby I'll kill him J Jody kill him [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dad yeah my horse is in there please help me get him out please hurry back son get back honey get that ho back oh boy oh boy come on come on come on come on no sir it's too late it's too late the FL is too hot we can't get your horse PE we can't get it [Music] [Music] sh sh is [Music] look oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] Happ done an J B wake up I got something I want to show you what time is it it's 4:30 happen out that bed oh hell [Music] you telling me Ben quick did this did you see him do it no but Isaac did damn it told this Whole Town's got it in for Ben quick and I can't say I blame him but we're talking murder here boy and all you're giving me is a word of the Town dimwit come here boy come here come on don't you tell me do you see Ben quick dig this hole well boy did you did you see Ben quick stick with some the hood in this muck and try and cover him up boy you better tell me what the hell went on here go on [Music] yes good boy good boy is he may be dim withed but he ain't blind now you tell me what you intend to do about this Hampton [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] 17 [Music] L have trouble sleeping B nope just chose to stay awake you know why I will hear you I'd say you heard some nasty [Laughter] gossip hey what's going on here boys we're here to arrest B qu for the murder of Wilson Mahood I had that one figured right L Mahood is dead and your boy killed him po how do you know Ben did it Isaac s Isaac Isaac's always seeing things we're just here to do our duty will freedom is right now while you're talking rights keep in mind this is my house my property I got no choice here I know that [Music] [Applause] [Music] you seem Mighty relieved to have Ben out of your way I think you would be too you want a killer living under your roof maybe I still got one me a killer well Papa I love life I feel life in me well for the first time in years my insides are shaking with L get in that house get in there shake it I feel good you that's good honey that's real far to what do we owe our thanks for this Sudden Change in Fortune cuz Ben quick got what he deserve Papa put his money on the wrong horse and I came out the winner you're hurting me good taking what's mine's ever going to stand my way no no no no last time I saw anything like that was during the war thought never to see it again it's going to take some time what are you talking about he's murdered it's plain to see how why don't you wait for the autopsy Jody before you start jumping to conclusions he was murdered Lou look at his chest I don't know any such thing hon there's one thing my years in this business have taught me is to expect hell you can pontificate all you want man was murdered whoever didn't know him that's right why is that face is slash bad what's left of it I read somewhere that if the face is disfigured the killer knew the victim well that don't mean a whole lot everybody knows everybody in this town all right let's get him out of here mosquito swatting the wrong insect hell it drew blood so did Den quick I don't see you doing nothing about him man's in jail what more do you want satisfaction when you sit here and allow a stranger to come in and start running alive for us wber someone who's been kicked out of every other County around him that much is true we let him in with open arms and what we got to show for it Alma dead loses his bond I got a new one Wilson mood's dead one of our very own and we let it happen look he's in jail but you know he's going to get off I don't think he won't be laughing about it he's over there laughing already well we can't do much about that now can we we got a town that's been sleeping all through the summer it's time we woke them up they got a lot of guns at the jail yeah but we got more anybody that's worth of salt around here's got a gun where you going you said something about getting a gun didn't you yeah yeah come on we got a job to do Miss no Miss no Army Miss no we got trouble what it's Ben they're going to take him you better come quick I'll be right [Music] down I got this here rope to pick of the horse I bought remember seems to me it's no more than right we use it on the man that I bought that crazy Bron [Applause] from all right let's [Applause] [Music] go get get [Music] like we ain't going to get much rest [Music] today know what [Music] don't care now ain't no way I'm going to open fire on we are moving to the next h on the bar just turn him over to [Music] you're not going to turn that thing on us and you know it come on CH it's my job you still want your job then let us prove about five of you guys a going to make you're here to protect us not scum like B quick that's right they're going they've had it off out back damn they had it for cron what the hell we stand in here [Applause] [Music] Flor what are we going to do when we get there down to bomo why are you so anxious to save B quick arm City he burned you out a barn burner don't go around talking people into building a new one he did that it was his idea he took no credit for [Music] [Music] it question is if he's a barn burner he killed Wilson Mahood why are you helping him watch [Music] [Music] it God my God F man oh my God he's got cuffs on get some keys or something it'll be all right there is that you coming down the road hey give us a hand it's just like you know Varner head on hry there's a guy on the other side okay let's get him up hey they're coming we better get out of here get on that phone keep trying to you get somebody and get an ambulance down here going to make it you hello hello anybody there we got an accident here Sunshine Bridge come in we got an accident over here we need some help [Music] hey follow hell happen here car there that's it come on boys let's get where the hell is this man T where T he get away hon what's going on check the car is anybody else in the car is he dead quick just Qui in there and love H where is he get inside and stay there I'll be back as fast as I can and then what I haven't had time to think about that yet maybe you should Ben I've been thinking all my life so this is a new experience for me don't go and spoil it for Me by being rational all of a sudden gone now I got things to do [Music] I'm tired of being jerked where the hell is Ben quick you had anything to do with turning him loose boy you in worse trouble than he is I heard tell crises bring out the best in people you're an exception to the rule wil we want some an [Music] a [Music] [Laughter] [Music] going on the holiday no oh what the hell is going on nothing Papa you're an awfully big rush little sister you join in the chase are you the rabbit there after no where the hell you going I'm leaving you're running away aren't you with been Ben quit she's running away with Ben quit that's who those boys are chasing tonight ain't it let go me Jody you got him out didn't you no you got him here you hurt me Joe where you got him here that's your sister's business Ben quick is your business Papa you think you're running after your true love hell he paid for him the same way he paid for the clothes on your back JY why do you think he stuck around all that time Papa paid him to stick around is that true no honey is that true Ben quick is a paid for stud bought by Will bner to service his only daughter all for the sake of his immortality there's only one place that Ben quick and hide out there's only one place he can call his own my place J [Laughter] is [Music] youa I only did what I thought was best for you no you did what you thought was best for you I want to be left alone no been a long silence between us this is a night for father and daughter to talk no ask yourself what are children for why does a man want them to give yourself a second chance to write all the mistakes that you made yourself there truth in that but you and jod are living proof of how your mama and me felt about each other now I'll tell you something remarkable that woman loved me she did she did know and if you can love a man and he can love you back you got nothing to be afraid of but they say Ben Quick's a dangerous man then hallelujah for it are you and I both know Ben Quick's no bond got see me through this he didn't kill Wilson Mahood I know that so you did pay for being quick well Papa this time you finally got your money's worth I can't help you if you won't talk to me I love you I love you too I love you love you too what the hell we stand around here for we got a killer out there let's move it come on don't you think this has gone far enough no what he talking about you're going about this the wrong way let's go back to town and get to the bottom of it let's go get you do what you want let's go get we're going to find Ben quick come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] boys I hate I hate Wilson I hate you I hate I did a bad thing what what Isaac what I did a bad thing [Music] Ben Ben quick ain't nowhere to run this time B you going to burn me out jod you ever stick around see how hot the Fire gets or you just keep on running and never look back you and me are a lot alike J yeah how's that been I let my daddy put me on the run my whole life cuz I never gave a about anything strong enough to fight for it and you you stood by and suked cuz you couldn't get your daddy's respect pretending the whole time that it's his fault well it ain't boy it's yours mine you shut the hell up you want your wife back take her you want your daddy's respect fight for it that's what I'm doing [Music] this place is going down [Music] [Music] b i God no more no more [Music] [Music] yeah looks like that's a fire start head for fren let's go the fr a [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll kill you I'll kill you [Music] papa Listen to You Hell it ain't me you're [Music] fighting who is [Music] who is it who is it ourselves man ourselves we're killing ourselves but we can't stand who the hell we are [Applause] [Music] Cody come on let's get the hell out of [Music] here come on H come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you got a prayer boy you better say it now stop I said stop [Music] hey go way what makes you so sure you got the right B does nobody else make sense Jody is that what you think that's what we all think I'm the one set that fire no they don't listen to me no what you listen to me papa amazing what we got inside ourselves ain't [Music] it we think we know each other while here I am I came here to burn out Ben quick but it was you I was trying to burn out Papa you and me hanging that don't change the fact that Ben quick burn Army out and he killed wi Hood stop stop stop she got Isaac saw Wilson Hur me and he wanted to hurt him back but he doesn't know what killing is he just kept striking at him no know you don't expect us to believe that Ben saw I'm doing and was trying to protect Isaac now tell me you got something against that take that rope off take that rope off do it bring him up bring it up we got it now let's finish him up you heard take it off don't do it it don't do [Music] [Music] it y'all going home no get you heard the man listen to Will here J got a choice don't make it [Music] stupid over come on boys let's let's go looks like maybe I found me a son never knew you lost one p [Music] [Music] this time I don't think you could have run fast enough I had no intentions of [Music] running come on come on honey you coming home with us God I'm sick of this sight must have seen it 50 100 [Music] times I was 10 years old last time I saw my daddy till this summer I remember lying in a ditch praying to God that I could just disappear house was burning men was shouting I remember gunshots and smell of kerosene and my daddy running before I knew it I was running too I never stopped till I came [Music] here you're a good woman no hard-headed but a good woman since you saved my life I guess I can return the favor get the hell out of yours well you were right there's a fortune and gold in there I don't want it deal's off I ain't for sale no more see you around I'll dog you wherever you go I'll break you now you won you'll miss me run run like hell buy a bus ticket and disappear change your name dye your hair get lost and maybe you'll be safe from there oh [Music] oh oh oh [Music]

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