Kamala vs. Trump: Who Came Out On Top? #Debate2024 #KamalaHarris #DonaldTrump

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 00:28:00 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: what ethnicity is kamala harris
[Music] [Music] [Music] this is Andre show it's now time for breaking news before we dive into the 2024 debate that happened last night today marks the anniversary of 911 a day forever etched in all of our hearts on this day we honor The Bravery of the First Responders firefighters and law enforcement officers who made the ultimate sacrifice and we remember the 2,750 innocent lives that were tragically lost the weight of that day still lingers with us a reminder of the unity strength and resilience that emerged From the Ashes as we remember we continue to honor the heroes and carry the memory of those we lost ensuring that their legacies will never fade Today We Stand United in remembrance and reflection now joining us to discuss the 2024 debate is the blog Guru him ladies and Gentlemen please welcome [Music] Polo so great you with that million dollar smile please have a seat yes how are you I am doing fantastic how are you I'm doing so good that I'm here with you oh I love that likewise it great to have you back did you watch the debate last night oh my god did I so could you please share with us what were your thoughts about the debate um I felt like the debate was like a huge like tatt tail thing going on like they were just basically like you did this you did this you did this like we didn't really hear a lot about the policies and concern plans plans or nothing you know they got into it a little bit but I felt like for the first debate I kind of expected a little bit more yes um so I feel like you know it definitely was just a situation where they just were just tip fortat they wanted to see who can get the best out of each other who has the best argument you know they already had it set in stone that that was you know the the mics were muted which really didn't work right not at all cuz you could hear them talking over right in the room so do you think that commas push to help the middle class with things like housing and child tax credits will sway people who are still on the fence or was former president Trump's take on the economy more convincing um no I actually believe um Kamala held her ground for sure um she spoke on some prominent things that I feel like as a country you know we need um to be honest when they asked Trump what's his plans he said he didn't have any plans he said he had no plans he said he'll do it when he gets in office and to me that spoke volumes I think that would speak volumes to a lot of people at this point so Trump kept calling kamla a Marxist and talked a lot about immigration do you think that's still hitting home with voters or did Kamala do enough to shut those claims down I believe KLA did enough to shut them down um she she she for sure knows exactly what she's doing what she's talking about um one thing about it I feel like once they can get out of the battle part um when it comes to Kamala she's going to always have her foot you know forward and St on and knowing exactly what it is that she wants for the country and and I feel that from her when she speaks You Know the Way She carries herself um all of that you know so you didn't get that feeling from the other nominee you know unfortunately I feel like for trump it is more of a I just want to win because you know it's it's it's me I did it before and I want my second round oh I truly believe that's that's what he wants um but you know I respect him as well as a person exactly so conla brought up January 6th wow and Trump's connection to right-wing projects like project 2025 was that smart or do you think focusing on the past could actually hurt honestly now that is where I disagree with KLA I believe focusing on the past is going to hurt her in the end because she's kind of using a lot of the time we got 55 days into the election so we don't have a lot of time she said she wants to debate again but we don't have a date for that yet so every moment for her is important to win the American people over yes so I feel like discussing and talking about what happened in the past so much and not what you're going to do for the future and focusing on what we need from you is really going to hurt her and I don't feel like that's helping her win the people over for sure so she needs to be more focused on what she's going to do how she's going to turn this country around uh I think both candidates do need to absolutely right absolutely so um former president Trump kind of dodged the question about whether he'd sign a federal abortion ban how much do you think that's going to matter to voters and did KLA used that moment to make a strong case for herself as she should um women's rights are huge in this country you know they want to control the woman's body they want these men want to be able to tell women what to do with their body and we all know Trump's opinion on the abortion laws and what he really wants he dodged it because he knew that if he really spoke his truth and what he feel feels on that it wouldn't have looked good for him for the first debate that's why he dodged it so of course KLA and her team were playing their card right when they brought that up because of course she's a woman you know women really rule the world and so say it again women really women rule the world did you say that I'm just being honest I'm just hon listen the woman power I'm all about girl power wom power the woman the power for sure it's it's it's because of women while we're here so yes it's a man's world but it wouldn't mean nothing if it wasn't for a woman or a girl y'all remember those lyrics okay so when KLA said you got fired by 81 million Americans wo that really made us think uh I definitely think that was an eyeopener for the people at home and she used his own words yes because of course The Apprentice his phrase was you're fired yeah and she got she said you got fired by 81 million is wow um you know I think that that was hilarious to me because it's the truth like so many even a lot of his supporters has turned on him and has came to the other side um because they see that he's not for the American people though for what we need we need somebody much more stronger to be in the house you know making sure that we're good good so most definitely yes Trump got fired by 81 million people and I thought that that was hilarious when I tell you my jaw dropped I was in the room with about 200 plus people watching the debate last night and everybody was just like no it was him continuously saying I'm talking remember that yes what well I think each one of them were taking each other's quotes and making it their own which was very interesting Polo it's always a pleasure to have you on the show we know you're going to come back and see us again right I'll be back we love it we love it thank you so much so up next on today's show we're diving into a story that is truly heartbreaking as parents our greatest hope is to see our children live to to live a full beautiful life right but sometimes life takes a devastating turn today we'll be discussing the unimaginable the loss of a beloved Son Robbie and the remarkable Journey his parents have been on since that tragic day we're going to hear how they faced the person responsible for his death and Against All Odds found the strength to forgive y'all please join me in welcoming Robbie's parents Jean and Dory gon [Music] thank you all so much for joining me we so appreciate you coming to talk about your story and the journey that you've been on losing a child is absolutely unimaginable I'm a mother a mother of three and I can just say it's totally unimaginable could you walk us through what happened to Robbie and how you first learned the devastating news of his death okay well um at age 18 Robbie wanted to leave home I knew that Robie was um facing or just feeling give us one second I think they need to tweak your mic or something like that um while we're making sure that your mic is on we just wanted to talk about um you all coming down I know that it was a challenge you want you need you need some water I'm sorry no I said tell her talk a little oh her husband say she needs to talk louder talk louder I don't know do we need to turn it up or we got someone coming to check on on the mic come on out yes thank you so much Tia for assisting us with this um you all are visiting us from where let's see if your mic is working Largo Florida Largo between clear water and St Petersburg you know that's a beautiful area by the ocean up there so I hope you all had a nice Journey over here to see us today are we ready to continue I think so can you hear me yes yes they hear you as you were saying this day that you got the news okay on the day that we got the news yes we got the news on September the 17th um a a dear friend of his Kate had called us and just simply told me that Bobby was dead um she told you over the phone over the phone right she she was in um I guess they were in wiscons not Wisconsin but um Milwaukee then I'm not sure where she was they did a lot of traveling nine years ago nine years ago I had just just um finished up with a business luncheon and was on my way back to the office and I would I went through Starbucks to get some coffee on my way back and I was just praying for Robbie like I did a lot for both my kids and I I was praying for Robbie so you could feel something in no I I didn't feel it all that I just prayed for them on a regular basis so I was just praying for Robbie that God would you Lord be thank you that you're with him help them to feel your presence just my prayer I often prayed for Robbie and then I got a phone call and it was Robbie's picture and I looked up at the phone and I thought oh it's Robbie said hey Robbie I was just praying for you and it was Kate and she couldn't talk for a bit and then she just said Robbie's dead oh my God we're gonna we're going to take a short break please give me one second y'all we're going to take a short break we will be right back and we are speaking about forgiveness [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] 21 yes we come back we love it [Music] [Music] take [Music] you know what you got the best in both of us I know yours is easy [Music] yes hello and welcome back to the candre show I am sitting here with the grein and before we went to break we were discussing the phone call that no parent would ever want to receive they received a phone call it was their son's phone but the voice was not their son's when she picked up the phone it was someone calling to tell her that their son had been taken away from them right at the at the time Kate did not know how he died she just knew that he had died he was he was dead and so I I was able to get back to my office and I'm yelling and screaming and yes yelling I'm yelling out for Robbie Robbie Robbie please come back as as if he could just come right back and um I'm yelling out for God to help yes like any parent would do of course and I get back to my office and nobody's there I'm stomping my feet stomping my desk screaming so loud that my neighbors in the next office came over thinking I was being attacked oh wow but she sat with me she took my hand and and I called Jean of course right away on my way and um you know he he said you couldn't get me I couldn't get you because first two times right couldn't get them so but I finally did but my neighbor came and she held my hand and she just stayed with me the office ad joining our office that's so good yes yes I mean God met every need every emotional need right and um Jean came we embraced he immediately wanted me to know and wanted to help me to realize Robbie's with the Lord Robbie is okay Dory Robbie is okay he's with the Lord he he he had told us several times several times that he had put his faith alone in Jesus Savior even though he wasn't Walking With Jesus he he would often have people he met on the streets call us so we could share the gospel the fact that God loves us all Jesus died to pay for our sins yes wants to offer each of us the gift of eternal life all we can do to receive it is to believe in him and people on the streets need to know that yes and that's what Robbie was doing he was sleeping on the streets he was jumping trains running from state to state he spent as he spent as adult life doing that living a street life really and he was addicted to alcohol and uh we had hoped he had just put himself into a rehab place for a month we were hoping that when he got out everything would go good but he had relapsed he was depressed he even has told many people he wanted to die oh and so what happened was ly ly somebody who just met 26 days before she offered to she said I can do that and she strangled him to death she did it because yeah she strangled him to death and we when she got the news we didn't know that we found out a few hours later oh my goodness on the internet we found out he had been strangled well we are in prison ministry yes and we knew that people in prison can still have a great life they can come around and we've been in prisonment 20 years but we waited until she got her sentence she got a 60e sentence and then I wrote her a letter and let her know that she was forgiven and that we that we forgive her and that God would too if if she hadn't already received his forgiveness he was offering it and so it wasn't and Dory tried to write her but couldn't and it wasn't until she wrote me back a very nice letter and Dory wrote her and the letters began to pass back and forth and the communication kep going so my question that's the love grew between us the love wow to love someone who actually took the life of your child is definitely a God thing it is so you've been able to forgive Lindsay who was responsible for Robbie's death but what was the turning point for you in breaching that decision okay well we both we we both if you're not I think you're the same yeah we both knew that we were going to forgive her wow we forgave her within three days we we did we even knew what we did was we simply I simply went through the motions emot my emotions weren't there but I went through the motion of what does God tell me to do I needed him so desperately to help me yes it was so tragic for me that what do you want me to do God how do I handle this well I knew already I needed to forgive her yes you know and so I just went through the motions of doing that we wrote names on a piece of paper all the names that we could think of that we thought could be at all responsible for any of Robbie's the direction he went we put our own name on there in case we blamed ourselves you were accountable for action and we also put God's name on there not at all because he needs to be forgiven he didn't do anything wrong right right but we could have started blaming him for not stopping it that he didn't stop it so we just said God we're just going to put your name on here too you're not on the hook we for we we forgive all these people but we're not going to blame you God we're going to thank you we're not going to hold bitterness toward that's powerful that you were able to forgive in three days well it wasn't all the emotion for me wasn't all there right but you were going through the motions but the act of yes doing that and it made a difference in just Lord I surrender to you in this situation yes and I know it sounds simple but it made it made a difference for me and helped me to Harbor bitterness is like drinking poison hoping the other person will die yes and if we don't forgive not one thing good takes place by by not forgiving I believe that is you know SRA this YouTube not YouTube but Netflix did a half hour show on our story and what is so Millions hundred over 100 million people have seen it and many people have written this hate mail from around the world really saying the saying some pretty nasty stuff the milder is well we can understand forgiving but to have a relationship with her is unforgivable but my response is who sets the standard God offers all of us forgiveness yes and then he doesn't say he doesn't say now get out of my face I don't want anything to do with you he says come unto me you who labor and I'll give you rest he offers us a great relationship with him after forgiving us and what people don't realize is we don't deserve forgiveness none of us do he offers it as a free gift yes in Acts 13 38-39 it says be it known un you therefore men and Brethren that through this man speaking of Jesus is given unto you uh the Forgiveness of sins and by him all who believe are Justified from all things from which you could not be be justified by the law of Moses so it's a gift and we see for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life and so to even say that we are Christians that we believe and then you can't forgive it goes against everything that we believe correct well you probably know Ephesians 4:32 it tells us uh that be kind to one another tenderhearted forgiving one another even as God and for Christ sake have forgiven you so who sets the standard he's to set the standard correct he tells us to forgive we only had to forgive her one sin it was a big one it was a big one sin how many but you know what it says there's no sin great or small and how many sins has God forgiven us forgiving someone doesn't mean that you're saying it's okay it's not okay what she did it's never going to be okay what she did and she's paying the price and when God hung on the cross Jesus he paid the price paid the price he paid the price for that murder he he paid for that murder the beautiful thing is it changed her life she has set a standard in that prison she influences the other inmates and the staff when we went to meet her we got to spend eight hours with her face to face Dory and she sang together a song called it Is Well with My Soul oh I love that song and and I was able I was able to videotape it and put it on YouTube where she and Dory they didn't practice it they just sang together Acappella It is Well of my soul and that can be seen by your viewers by going to my channel on YouTube and what is your channel it's my name Jean gon it's Jane gon on YouTube and just look for it so y'all tell me this after we let our viewers know to please check y'all out on YouTube what do you think holds most of us back from forgiving especially when the pain runs so deep so deep because they want to hold bitterness they don't want to let the person off the hook but it's not about the person it's about us I think I think that's something that you have control you're forgiving you have something though that you can hang on to and and like if you forgive it's like you're going to let go of your loved one yes you know and and it's like it's like they may think you're betraying I I would be betraying my loved one if I forgive the person that hurt them mhm right if they hurt a loved one or whatever you know or if you hurt yourself you're going to you're you're going to you're going to be saying it's okay right but that isn't what it is it's just getting them off your hook yes and on to the all- knowing God's hook who knows how to take care of that Injustice yes it's so true he say vengeance is mine I will pay and then it gets you off that horrible bitter path that you're on I had a pastor that once said when I was in church he was like y'all know what y'all got all these people that you have issues with and you just put them down in your own personal dungeon and every now and then you'll go down there and you'll stump on them and you'll do whatever but you know what you're not hurting them you're hurting yourself it's showing up in high blood pressure it's showing up in diabetes it's showing up in anxiety it's showing up in so much so it's hard to forgive but forgiving frees you it does free us it fre and when when when Lindsay started um excelling in her life and started being able to walk in her fre her her her freedom of forgiveness M I had to go through different levels of oh she's getting too free see yes oh we don't let her yes but I knew immediately no no no God says I come to give you an Abundant Life yes he wants us to walk with our heads up and her to and her too in fact forgiving her has helped me to realize that that I mean that's only one horrible sin on my shoulders and I'm I'm I'm not making light of that but all that God held on his shoulders for us is nothing compared to what we've go through when I tell help me to worship him more and I tell you it's been such a pleasure to hear about the love you all have for the Lord and for Lindsay it's time for us to go God bless you to our viewers God bless you until next time thank you so much to we love you thank you than you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

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