Super Mayor Tiffany Henyard - ALLIES TURN! - Drama in Dolton - Thornton Township Board Meeting

hi you guys welcome back so today we're going to be looking at the thoron Township board meeting that happened on August 20th now in my last video we talked about the one that occurred on August 15th which was a special board meeting where the trustees were trying to get a couple of different ordinances passed and unfortunately they were not able to do that because of some of the verbiage inside the ordinance there was not real Clarity there so they had to table it and they had to go back talk to some Department heads or whatever but now they're back and they're going to be going over those ordinances again in this board meeting so naturally we're going to start the meeting off with the security or police I'm not sure um giving the audience a warning to stay civilized and be respectful of okay because we all know Tiffany is just the most upstanding citizen and she has nothing to offer but respect for [Music] people must remain civilized fair enough disres not Toler so just remember when you are in the presence of a dignified young lady such as Tiffany henyard please remain just as civilized as she does and give her the same amount of respect that she gives you all right you guys let's go ahead and get on with this meeting all right good evening everybody thank you for coming out this evening there's a lot to discuss um as relates to Thor Township um first and foremost I just want to set some rules um those that have not been here at the last town hall meeting it was really hostile it was a lot of issues going on so today we would not be allowing any of that to uh happen so if anything gets out of order I will cancel the meeting and everybody will be removed from the meeting so all your uh Outburst if you can keep that to yourself you will have time to address this body um you have to sign in to speak you would get three minutes to speak to this board but I just want to make sure we clear on the rules nobody can say hey you didn't give us rules we have an ordinance that says you cannot disrupt a meeting we are here to handle business and not allow the business to handle us also back up little bit that's the reason why we have it in our actual Bo which is located upstairs every time we have a town hall meeting we have a meeting upstairs and the Overflow is downstairs in level unfortunately the Board of Trustees they want to come upstairs because obviously people have plans to disrupt the meeting we're not here for that we're not here for the show we're not here for clickbait so you guys that's one of her go-to phrases right now you know she's not here to be clickbait and then another one like she just mention you know they're here to handle the business not let the business handle them you know she loves all those little go-to phrases if you guys are familiar with more of her go-to phrases go ahead and post them down in the comments for me I don't have enough time to say all of them we know there's a lot but what I was saying is that what she's trying to explain is that they usually have the meeting up there in the little room which actually kind of violates the open meetings act because there's not enough room for all the residents to come and fit in that room so what they do is they have the meeting from upstairs playing on the TV downstairs but then the residents are not able to get their comments heard up stairs so that's what she originally wanted to do but the trustees you know they had kind of a standoff and Tiffany had to go ahead and bring her little behind downstairs that's just a quick explanation of what she was talking about of course it's everybody else's fault and people were going to disrupt the meeting that's why she wanted to hide upstairs instead of having it downstairs all right you guys let's go ahead and move on with this meeting next on agenda is adoption of the 2024 2025 budget in appropriation ordinance 24-9 th Township is there a motion yes [Music] I all right there no such thing as superseding if is no motion on the table so if you just want to make a motion to table something just make a motion to okay all right she got be clear what she want to do so you want to table both budgets is there a reason why you guys are pay one the budget we're you aop of the budget so what the trustees are wanting to do is table it and then go ahead go over the budget and send Tiffany hen a revised budget because Tiffany and her team just came up with this budget Lord knows what's in it okay but I think the trustees had a look at it and they were like and no we need to go over it a little bit and then we'll get back to you on that but Tiffany of course is not with that okay so for the record guys so you understand what's going on we put together a budget we put the budget on the table um since April that's when everybody came to the town hall meeting and everybody was in tour with one another and the Board of Trustees chose not to basically vote for a budget so your Township is running without a actual budget um they had plenty time to actually go over a budget present a budget and make sure that we had something to look at whether it's something they want to take out a men a jazz fix and they have not done so so I'm asking the Board of Trustees to not keep the can down the road any longer and to make sure that you actually do your job and actually produce a budget for the township so we can move forward with our day-to-day operation um there's a lot of things going on here that haven't happened before and that's kind of to the heart of why we're passing it we as trusty Carlow said we're going to uh put some finishing touches on our budget uh that we're going to propose um takes a little time unfortunately this budget's a little bloated so we're trying to get our cuts to where they need to be we feel they need to be um so that'll be coming soon so while I do agree that it's taking a long time for them to get this budget together there was a lot of controversy surrounding the budget when it first came out and when Tiffany was trying to get it passed for one she canceled the budget meeting meting at the last minute in hopes that a lot of people wouldn't be able to show up good evening everybody thank you guys for coming out this evening um I am supervisor Tiffany a hen the people supervisor I want to thank you for coming out to hear from the department heads uh the finance department as relates to the budget but unfortunately we will have to ccel postpone our meeting until Friday at 1 p.m. cuz when she scheduled it it was on a day where most people would be at work it was during the day so that was a little shyy and so just like trusty Chris Gonzalez says the budget looks a little bloated so they have to go over it and they have to trim it down and they have to make sure that it's within reason one thing Tiffany doesn't seem to understand when it comes to spending money is reason but it's not her money like I say so I don't think she really cares all right let's move on all right truste um as I say we had Apple time to actually come up with actual budget so all this Grand standing I'm just sick of it I just want them to actually produce something and actually put it before us so we can actually talk as a board and up in as a board but just say thing just because we appti is still Chang since April is not cool we start KCK out road when are we going to discuss what's the date y'all table to when how y'all don't know when yall want to table why we at a meeting and we still don't know nothing what do we got guys what do we have what day do y'all want to table this agenda to with this um budget what's the date cuz we not going to do that we did that since April you haven't gave us anything so what's the date do y have a date of when yall want to bring this back up no all [Applause] right have to go through this and not have our actual budget so that means that that's how y'all run your house but we don't run our way oh good old Tiffany couldn't resist a good old insult especially towards the residents like how do you expect to gain favor talking like this to people I don't understand I just don't get it but you know to her point where she's saying that she doesn't run her household like that but they might run theirs without a budget well let's go ahead and Rewind The Clock a little bit let's go back to the beginning of Tiffany's mayoral tenure in Dalton where she was running things without of budget okay yes she was you guys know I'm always going to bring the receipts so let's go ahead and take a look at this clip of her just running around willy-nilly using the money up before there was even a budget in place you guys want to not pay people after they've done the work is it a reason for why you removing the items uh truste beler uh when you first asked for fireworks you asked for $5,000 but you went over the $5,000 spend an additional $3,000 to total bills right now for special events that you spent is $30,000 in three months the spending for these events has become ridiculous so I'm asking to remove those items until we can do something about your spending so she said it's coming out of the special event budget is that correct yes that's based on 2022 we're in budget now so it will come out of that budget in the budget that we don't have yet correct that's what I'm asking okay so as we can see Tiffany hener spends money regardless of having a budget or not so that little insult she just threw out there doesn't hold water because nine out of 10 times the things that come out of her mouth can just easily be refuted with a couple of clips from older videos of her saying something contradictory to what she's saying now all right you guys let's go ahead and get on with this board meeting got to have a budget in to know what you going to spend how you going to spend and right now we're just out here all right call trusty Gonzalez trusty car yes trusty Jones supervisor hen definitely not motion passed to item a next on the agenda is approval of bill um is there a motion to approve the general fund I guess how second it's been motion second to approve the general fund bills any discussion I like toes for $1,000 so you guys what we see trusty Carmen carile doing here is removing certain bills now this is a common thing that we would see trusty Jason house do over there in Dalton and the reason for them doing this is because they probably didn't get the correct information on these bills they didn't get the information in time or they didn't get the information in time for them to make an informed decision if they should actually agree to pay these bills or not it is very important for them as trustees to know what they are agreeing to pay because it's been alleged that Tiffany likes to hire her own people her cronies her own contractors whoever and then she can skim a little bit off the top if you know what I'm saying a little bit off the top that's been a ledge that has been an allegation not an allation okay but it's been a Ledge that that's been going on and so the trustees are a bit apprehensive about just going out and paying whatever it's brought to them by Tiffany henyard all right that being said let's go ahead and move on with this board meeting for $1,200,000 all right is there a second second all right there motion and second um any discussion first I would like to say I just you guys I wrong for not paying the staff I think last board meeting you guys said that you agreed to P the St uh Jerry Jones motioned it you guys agreed so for you to take it out of the list again how do we pay the staff some of those invoices that you just called and named are actual employees here at Thor Township question so if you guys are wondering why the audience is laughing when she's trying to get the mic to work the technical issues surrounding the mics at these meeting is just like a running joke because Tiffany's always works crystal clear but whenever anyone else needs to talk like the trustees and the residents all of a sudden they magically have technical issues with everyone else's mic Tiffany is literally the only ones who is always clear always loud I mean as if she's is not loud enough they're going to guarantee that her mic works and I just think that's just horrible you know and it's done on purpose and honestly you guys it's not really funny because it's a literal silencing of the people's voices okay I mean it's it's really sad when you think about it because it continuously happens all right you guys let's get back to this meeting for the record you guys come in and meet with the clerk as related to invoices so if you really had questions that was your time to ask any question question and get your answers and your responses so my advice to everybody would be to put the employees back in there that actually work here if you want to call it is still here on the list because you guys have not agreed P so are you guys willing to add the [Music] STA again that's another employee so why are we not paying employee TX so you guys I had to pause on this look at her face she looks a little worried I think because she feels the power slowly slipping from her fingers and you know what it's only going to get worse in this board meeting so they go ahead and approve this motion with the amended bills and so next the trustees want to pass an ordinance that will basically get rid of a lot of the programs and I wouldn't say programs I'm going to say a lot of the events that Tiffany henyard does where she gives away a lot of extravagant gifts and prizes so let's go ahead and watch and see how that goes all right next ordinances is there a motion to approve amended ordinance 24-5 to regulate event expenditures and budget approvals for Township Cook County Illinois is there a motion yes is there a second second is there a motion in second any discussion nobody got discussion okay so this is an ordinance that the Board of Trustees put together obviously they don't never want to tell y'all what they're doing this is the one where they wanted to um remove certain things uh that we do here at TH Township one thing is uh big Bingo I'm going read you the items cuz when I became your supervisor it's basically all the things that I have about to throw in Township that they want to conclude so this is what I mean when I tell you that the board are targeting things that the supervisor does here at Thor Township um yet before I got here was nothing going on uh the numbers was 20% people knew about Thor Township when I came now over 80% of our Township knows that we exist and now is uh benefiting from all the services here for attemption whether that be light gas water um rent mortgage every single thing here we help you we even help you bu your loved one so you guys I don't know what her thing is with telling people people that she will help them bury their loved ones it's kind of more of it to me what do you guys think that's something that's always every time she says it I'm like um why are you bragging and advertising about that why is that something you just keep bringing up casually it's just weird it's just something I thought I'd mention see if anyone else you know felt that way when they hear that it's kind of kind of creepy all right you guys let's get back to it so I just wanted you to know all the things that we do if can keep it down so I can finish please thank you this is the things that they put in this ordinance that they were like uh halted and we s something out regardless um just to show you how Petty they are cuz truste kmen uh put this in here uh they put big bingo bingo any holiday bingo if it's Bingo it's Bingo uh tax and that helps the residents um with their phones their iPad and put zoom on there put uh emails on there it's actually a really really great class that we do here for our seniors Township talks that's something we didn't have here through Township matter of fact that is tomorrow if you really want to educate yourself and learn what going Township represents all the things that we do have for you residents and all of our surpluses something that the fake news does not tell you but people got a want the information and what I've learned is when you got something that's an educational tool people don't show up in a mass like this people come for the mask but they won't come to get educated on things they should know or would like to that's going on in their own backyard so you guys I am going to fast forward through this part she's just going to be listing all the events that go on throughout the year and honestly some of these shouldn't even be events they should just be days marked on the calendar like for acknowledgement like hey maybe you can take this day off work or you can get an extra day out of school the problem is she's turning everything into a full-on event free food free rides free games free prizes and that's where the money starts adding up and that's the problem and that's what the trustees are trying to get to the bottom of but I digress let's go ahead and listen to Tiffany name off all the events that she feels she needs every year every month H almost every week it seems let's watch movie night Halloween sgiv event Christmas event Val event New Year's Event King Juni Day celebration that's really Valentine Day depart something we we got make sure you get every day um please come work out with those that we have President's Day event so these are all the great events that we do here through our Township they added in orance form and that's the reason why we're trying to educate people to come to speak up for the things that you really enjoyed here at Thor so we've heard Tiffany's side she wants all the events all the time using All the Monies okay now let's listen to trustee Christopher Gonzalez kind of explain why they needed to create this ordinance obviously this ordinance has in no way looking to eliminate um these things however thank the purpose of the pro ordinance I'll just read it the purpose of this ordinance is to regulate the budgeting and expenditure processes for events organized by Thor Township ensuring proper oversight approval and adherence to set Financial limits so as we hear that's what they're trying to pass this ordinance for to set limits on spending but you know Tiffany she's not trying to hear all that to approve 24006 to establish a retail credit card an 30 policy for th Township County Illinois is that all right is motion second any discussion yes all right goad this one I mean I can read the sentence again but I mean just overall we're just uh we need to put some safeguards in place to um regulate what's spent on the credit card now it was discussed last time that there may need some back and forth we're open to that we it's imperative that we get this passed if you want to come forward with some amendments or to make some changes we can do that but it's imperative we get this pass tonight all right so for the record you guys know that I'm totally against how you guys structur this I said this that's a prior meeting that's why I did not pass um you guys did call a vote and it died because you guys are just writing things and didn't ask anybody their opinion as it relates to laws us as a board supposed to discuss it come up with a plan and execute it you guys have not included the body in its entirety nor did you include the staff they are the ones that do the spending they are the ones that do the operation as relat to the day today I am not for how you guys Drew this or this up and I'm not for having a credit card you guys wrote my name so not add my name in something that I do not agree with so for those that don't know and ain't read this they added my name to get a card I do not want a credit card I do not deal with money I don't deal with anything so please do not add my name and something that I did not even agree to trustees so you should amend that so please remove supervisor from this ordinance I think you guys should replace this as we told you before with a manager I told y'all that because the managers are the ones that buy for their department so I don't work here every day as relates to to in no one's department so I wouldn't know if they needed some food for a senior all they would do is go buy what they need for their Department once again that's the purpose of a budget if you have a budget you telling them what they can spend within their department so you guys what this ordinance basically is is it will take away the credit cards from the different departments and then that way it can be narrowed down to the supervisor who is the leader and she likes to remind people that she is the head okay when I give a order we supposed to follow them because I am the leader but as a leader she doesn't want the responsibility of a credit card that seems a little weird to me the person who always says she ran to lead and I am your leader you listen to me doesn't want the responsibility of a credit card in the place that she is the supervisor of you guys let's look let's think about that for a little bit she is a supervisor so she should know what's going on in the township that she supervises right one would think but no she is adamant about getting her name off of this ordinance but do not please remove me from this I'm not for that oh y want to make am motion to approve ordinance 24-6 as okay well our motion to amend that take supervisor off like I just said that's what I'm talking about y' way I'm adding in and this lost cuz I don't want a credit card so I'm making I'm making a motion that we amend this ordinance as relates to a supervisor having anything to do with credit card uh is there a second for my motion um I have something to say based on okay hold on let me amend this first no it's uh it's discussion for the first motion well we can I'm trumping the motion first so I can Trump the motion have a second okay it's a motion and a second to uh Trump their motion so you got it's myself and Darlene so now what you got to say now now discussion so you guys she's obviously going into panic mode she's throwing robbers rules of orders like she says ra out the window um at least that's what it looks like to me she's saying she's just going to Trump the motion that they made to pass this ordinance and she's just going to do her own motion and then she said that trusty darling gry Everett seconded and I'm just going to say this when it comes to trusty darling grey Everett voting from the looks of it and from what we can just pick up from the camera she doesn't really seem to be present at the meetings okay she's there but she's really not there she's not speaking up when it comes time to vote they always have to sit there and wait and kind of confirm if she's saying yes or no so this gives Tiffany the opportunity to just bulldoze and say oh she said yes and then there Tiffany has a second to her motion or she has an automatic guest vote all right car trusty Gonzalez trusty car yes trusty Jones trusty gr did she say supervisor all right um call trusty car trusty Gonzalez yes trusty Jones trusty grey [Music] Everett this is a motion to to amend um the previous motion to approve the budget with the following bills that truste car removed from the list yeah so those were just some examples of some of the earlier votes they were taking in the meeting voting on like the general fund assistance but as you see when it came to trusty darling great Everett voting it was like she was nowhere to be found okay there's no answer there was nothing so yeah I just wanted to point that out so let's get back to this whole credit card debacle and let's hear trustey Carmen carow explain why it shouldn't be an issue for Tiffany to have a credit card let's watch supervisor um now go ahead okay so they did uh request that there be an additional car because the original ordinance did only have a finance director Robert hunt listed um and according to my knowledge uh I know the previous administration uh for 29 years only had one credit card and they were able to successfully handle a Township business with one credit card and I know that um there are a lot of things going on a lot of Spin and a lot of questions um that sometimes don't get answered um but one thing I will say is uh I know the supervisor is bonded so anything she's she does is protected under that Bond so I think that it is her responsibility to make sure she knows what's going on with the money is her responsibility to have a credit card again so one thing that really stuck out that Carmen mentioned is that Tiffany is bonded okay and so I did a little research a little Google research and this is what I found about why a person would need to be bonded someone might need to be bonded because experience has shown that when that certain person is entrusted with the money or property of another there might be an instance when individuals will cause a loss through fraud or dishonesty okay so therefore bonding is required to ensure that there is a Union against such loss so basically they don't trust her okay because of all the shenanigan she's pulled over in Dalton I'm assuming I don't know if this job title comes with being bonded or is that something that's specific per individual but that's what I found on Google basically that's what it means is that this person needs to be bonded because they can't be trust with other people's money and I think that describes Tiffany in a nutshell in my opinion so let's continue to hear Tiffany plead her case on why she doesn't want a credit card why she doesn't want this responsibility as a supervisor all right so so that we Crystal the pwn did have a credit C One credit card for 29 years and y'all had a lot of theft going on here in Township so let's be first and clear about that number two if y'all pay attention how anybody operation runs every Department here has a car because they are responsible for transparency if you give one car to one person you don't know who got it who spent on it what thece at you don't want one car right now we can go and look up hey Carmen was in Walmart today and she bought a TV we not doing one credit card there's no accountability for One credit card and that's not how operations work so everybody loses sight of the why for credit cards the convenience for the credit card for a department it has nothing to do with the finance director having it it has nothing to do with nobody else meaning besides the department heads to have it to basically account for their spending for their department so all this talk about uh we just going to make this a lot no we not so we going to remove super supervisor uh you can replace that with a manager I don't care who you pick really for the manager it could have been uh Tony right here it could be anybody I told you this at the last meeting and I'm verbally telling y'all again don't add me in nothing because I got nothing to do with the DAT as relates to their departments they are responsible for their departments they know what they need for their departments so it's a motion second on the floor to remove um supervisor from this ordinance uh replacing with a manager motion [Applause] fail so as we can see despite all her arguments saying you don't want One credit card you need to be able to see what everybody's spending girl they can't see what people are spending now so what they're trying to do is narrow it down to you because we know Tiffany allegedly is probably the one behind all of the spending of a lot of the credit cards okay cuz we see what she did over there in Dalton as the mayor she went on Amazon and spent over $40,000 in one day allegedly okay so her motion to amend the ordinance failed and so now they're going to move on all right let y know how this going to work I'm not taking no credit card I don't care what y'all vote for in here that's that's thck that's scking in itself y'all can write whatever laog you want I'm telling you what it is for a fact and then y'all know that he removed me from his ordinance once again Rel toed motions second on the floor to all right y want to that they say all they want I don't listen to them I do not listen to them I do not I do not I do not fact let yall know right now I don't care what y'all I don't care what you write I'm telling you I'm not taking no cars hold on guys give me a minute stop this my life stop yeah you guys stop this is her life and she can run this Township down into the ground like she did Dalton if she wants to you guys I have never seen anyone so shook in their lives to take responsibility for a credit card this has got to be the most transparent example le as to why Tiffany henard moves the way she does because Tiffany will say she started this and say she has that and she wants to take credit for everything to make herself look good because like I said she's always in campaign mode and even though the charity has her name all over it and it's called Tiffany hen your cares Foundation her name was not on the paperwork but it was actually Keith Freeman's name who used to be Dalton's Village administrator it was his name on the paperwork and not hers so she does this because she can use what they call in the legal field plausible deniability and what that is is the ability to deny knowledge of or responsibility for actions taken by others often in a formal or informal chain of command and it can occur when there is a lack of evidence or information that can confirm someone's participation and Tiffany gave us a great example of what it is when she went on Roland Martin and denied the charity so uh you have a charity that um Tiffany hen cares your foundation I don't have a foundation if someone uses my name to push their charity or if you say this is Tiffany t-shirt people going to buy so you just say you don't have a you say you say you don't have a found I don't I do not and that's why I tell everybody go do your research I'm not on anything so this is why she's very adamant about not having her name on anything but she likes to plaster it everywhere on billboards posters calendars you name it but oh God forbid they try to put it on a credit card no she doesn't want that all right you guys let's continue because it's time for them to vote on the ordinance but Tiffany is kind of pulling like a filibuster and she's going to try to get some of the trustees to amend the ordinance or not pass it let's watch Jerry and Chris please take me off of this are you guys going to take me off this or y just stuck in I don't want me voting blindly or giving them a vote you don't got a why so why would you have me in the ordinance trust me why would you put me in [Applause] this oh no it's [Music] discussion discuss why would you vote on something someone saying they do not want make that make sense to me huh I would like to know I would like to know that trust me I don't that's fair to me I don't think you guys are being understanding for this I just don't I don't and I think we should do better so why why do you have my name on this Chris why is my name on this why [Applause] leadership me this how I know that you guys don't know how to run a business and don't know nothing about leaders I'm not going to noore for nobody so make it make sense this is a joke all right call the row and just for the record for the 18 time I don't want anything to do with a credit card I already told people that so thank you right go ahead trusty car trusty Jones trusty Gonzalez trusty gray Everett supervisor Henry definitely not motion pass so so as we could see she was very adamant very desperate about trying to get them to change their minds and take her off this credit card again like I said you guys I've never seen someone so eager to be in leadership positions and brag about it all the time but then at the same time doesn't want to take on the responsibilities of what it takes to be a real leader and I think we can all agree by now that she C certainly doesn't act or talk like a leader okay but you guys this video has gone on long enough but let me know down in the comments what you feel about the trustees making Tiffany henyard have a credit card okay let me know what your thoughts are on that once again if you enjoyed the video please remember to leave it a like and if you're new here subscribe subscribe and I always try to encourage residents if it's something that you want us to add or change let us know cuz we are open always to your opinion and your suggestions this my life stop so now what you got to say now now discussion when I give a order we supposed to follow them because I am the leader they I don't listen to them I do not list to

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Category: Entertainment

The village of dalton is more than $3.5 million in the hole mayor tiffany henyard is accused of misusing money and today she's nowhere to be found mayor tiffany henyard has faced serious accusations of misappropriating 100 million in funds from the residents of dalton these allegations have sparked... Read more

Tiffany Henyard Finally Turns Herself In to FBI After Raid EXPOSES This Shocking Crime part 2 thumbnail
Tiffany Henyard Finally Turns Herself In to FBI After Raid EXPOSES This Shocking Crime part 2

Category: People & Blogs

These are not just run-ofthe-mill corruption charges they paint a picture of a public official who allegedly engaged in a pattern of behavior that included not just financial mismanagement but out trite theft henyard is accused of siphoning off taxpayer money to support a lifestyle that was far beyond... Read more

Tiffany Henyard Finally Turns Herself In to FBI After Raid EXPOSES This Shocking Crime part 4 thumbnail
Tiffany Henyard Finally Turns Herself In to FBI After Raid EXPOSES This Shocking Crime part 4

Category: People & Blogs

$5.6 million surplus to a $3.6 million deficit the speed and scale of this financial collapse are almost unprecedented especially for a town the size of dalton henyard didn't just indulge in shopping spree she lived a life of high luxury often traveling in first class and hiring personal hair and makeup... Read more

Tiffany Henyard Turns Herself In To FBI After Raid EXPOSES Alot Of  Money thumbnail
Tiffany Henyard Turns Herself In To FBI After Raid EXPOSES Alot Of Money

Category: Entertainment

An illinois mayor is getting national attention for the way that she's spending taxpayer dollars wgn investigates has learned south suburban politician tiffany henyard has lost another key ally until recently henyard enjoyed near unanimous support on the thoron township board but now trustee carmen... Read more