Maria Georgas Opens Up About The Real Reason She Turned Down the Bachelorette & Current Dating Life

Intro [Music] I'm Felix aine and welcome to UNL me where I sit down with Fascinating People I have nothing in common with and we're live Maria [ __ ] yeah how are you so happy you're here I'm so happy I'm here so happy we made this work me too you're one of the few guests ever to one sit on that side prayer request cuz we can't have you on on the bad side that would Ru your yeah it would ruin me um because surf LOD videos didn't already ruin me anyways but yeah no I was just you know I feel more myself on this side I'm so happy to have you here I'm so happy to have Sally here Sally um you're also the only guest in the history that has a full plate of sushi in front of them for the people that are watching cuz so here's how we met is we were on a St James Brand trip which I had I had to like Bring Out The Bottles for us because so good we had to we had to you know obviously go back to our roots of how we when we first met this it all started here and that's your favorite one apparently it is my favorite one green tea literally I swear to God it's [ __ ] weird so then we have our St James we have our Sushi now this this takes it even a step higher two of our favorite things two of our favorite things cuz we have a plate full of salmon salmon avocado rolls wait what was that face you don't like salmon oh no no I'm like OB that I'm obsessed with like this is like this is actually my dream I've actually never put in like this so good and you know what's so funny I hate when people say that they love sushi and they don't eat the raw fish it's like I like a Califor old I'm like who the hell are you shall we no a little little cheers this one okay yeah Cheers Cheers niri yeah of course little s niri moment a little oh it's okay don't worry watch this get it in there okay so Ginger moment [ __ ] yeah wash it down with some s Jam mhm I feel like we're I feel like we're back to Our Roots I want to clear something up please because I was so sad well no I was happy but that video Serena shout out to Serena but it only looked like I was eating carrots but let me tell you and let me tell the audience here if you guys saw the sushi boat that was in front of us that I devoured and the Tower of chicken fingers that I was also devouring one Tower of chicken fingers whatever how many there were like three towers of chicken fingers can you at least attest to this that I was eating everything no like I need people to understand whenever I go out to eat dinner people are like you're such a fat ass I've never seen someone eat like you you are the only person I swear to God male or female in my mother's life that I was like holy [ __ ] I have never seen someone eat like this I know and we were just going at it we were [ __ ] up we didn't like like it was literally like chicken tender Tower more chicken tender Tower Sushi then a whole thing of sushi came then another chicken tender Tower came and then of course we had our metah that came which it's almost like wow after chicken tenders and Sushi if you're like you need the carrots anyways so I told you we took a video which I think we're going to clip into this where I said we're going to have so much sushi on the podcast and here we are okay when you come on my podcast we going to have a a platter of sushi salmon bowl of Ginger I'm droing I'm droing I'm droing are you hungry here we are but I'm so happy here I couldn't be I'm so happy I'm here I'm happy I met you guys like what a couple you guys are that's so sweet I'm sorry I'm talking with my mouth we no please do um we love you uh we love s we we've we've spoken about both of you guys a lot um but let's get What the world doesnt know about Maria into it what's something the world doesn't know about you from what's already out there okay this is this is tricky and I and I'm I'm pondering on that I'm like thinking what doesn't people know I feel like I'm going to be honest I've been an open book and I don't really know what people don't know about me maybe that I'm more sensitive than people think people think I'm this like strong like say it how it how it is and whatever but maybe I'm a lot more sensitive than people think is that a good good one I don't know teddy bear no not teddy bear no no no or more like you something could set you off quickly well you would emotional be a synonym I mean yeah maybe am I emotional no I would say I was more I would say sensitive I'm going to say sensitive because I'll tell you why so I told Sal this the other day I feel like I'm like a pull and I'll tell you why give me a second I see this let me get into it so pull have a bad rep right M you know like everyone knows that like you go after a pit they're going to bite your head off but the owners that have a pull love their dog they're like no you guys have it all wrong they're so sweet they're loving we love my pull you know but you cross it don't [ __ ] with it you're going to have problems and I think that's kind of how I am so yeah if you want cuz I was called a pit on the show um and at first I was kind of like huh excuse me but then I was like no you know what I do really resonate with being a pull in the best way for people that own pimples who's who's a recent who's a recent person who you've bit their head off um o o that you're allowed that you're allowed to speak on um well listen so being in New York I kind of got like so before coming to New York I said I was going to start dating more and like opening myself what are you laughing at well no cuz it sounds like and I didn't or I did well no I did I did but like men you mean nothing to me until you're everything to me so I've had to put a couple guys in their place since I've been here um I don't tolerate much and I wouldn't say rip their heads off I don't think I got that intense but I've Had My Moments where I put guys in their place and a lot of girls would be like oh I would have never done that but I was like if I felt like doing it in the moment I'm going to do it and I don't let people disrespect me so maybe not ripping their heads off that's maybe intense but um I don't know I just do what I do I guess when you were telling yourself like I'm going to I'm going to date yeah what were you looking for in a in a gentleman um well you know what I I don't really know I I I never really had a type I never really had like a sense Zone like list where I always went off of I was always like it was a feeling like when I know I know I always believed in that um and then I started like whenever I would meet a guy and I really liked him I was very um faithful to like a fault where like even before we were together i' would be so loyal to this man in the talking stage and it bit me in the ass every freaking time so coming to New York I promised myself I would open myself to like dating and like talking to other people and it's okay to talk to more than one at a time I thought that was crazy believe it or not I didn't I've never talked to more than one guy at a time hon until New York when did you move when did you come to New York a month ago I'm dead what's the and I started having like 10 of them around the corner I'm like I can't keep up the roster's at 10 no no no the roster right now um I I um I so I I've had an epiphany um over the past month and um I realized I want to go back to my old ways where it's like I don't talk to anyone until I know you're my person and like I'm like we'll give one person my time of day I can't do the whole like dating around thing I don't sleep around I'll tell you that much um when I talk to a bunch of them it's like yeah okay we'll go out like I'm very open to like hanging out with a bunch of them and like doing that but I got I got overwhelmed and wait what are we talking about I don't even know but roster or lack thereof lack thereof now but yeah at the time there was like about like five of them six of them where like I was like really like I don't know how to date no but I could I could tell honestly even like from from I could tell you're like a loyal you're a loyal I'm sure partner friend like I can I can tell right you can pick up on that type of energy good I think you should if you're asking for my unsolicited yes I am I am keep being that this is not therapy no well it kind of is um I think keep doing the thing where it's like you're I'm seeing you and you're until you're my person you're my person cuz you know what like you deserve you deserve the best I know you know that thank you I appreciate you saying that though but no but it's it's true right and I think like if a guy's not going to give you that then next but imagine like like the Maria talks about love bombing thing is with me it's okay don't take this the wrong way but like as a man don't take this the wrong way but I like to I don't like to believe but I do believe sometimes a lot of men are full of [ __ ] I mean there are a lot of men full of [ __ ] right and so I'm not the girl to like be full like to act that way with I call you out um and again like I said earlier I don't tolerate a lot um and even when and from my experience like I've had guys be all in and like very they call it love bombing and that scares me a lot of girls eat that [ __ ] up I that scares me that's like a big red flag I but I but again then maybe I am my own red flag because the way I act with guys when I meet them I'm very like flirty lovey-dovey like I don't know how to draw what's WR with that it's there's nothing wrong with that but then these guys think that like I'm in love with them and then they're like all in with me and then I'm like oh my God no this is just my personality and now this guy thinks I'm like all in with him and then this guy thinks like I'm all in it it got complicated being the way that I am so that's why I like to stick with the one person that I give all my attention to cuz I don't know the way I am when I meet people I'm just very open uh I don't know I'm not like afraid to talk about things that maybe some girls are I'm just maybe I don't even know how I am the way that I am but I just act how has your I guess like personal dating life changed post bachelor Bachelor and How has Marias dating life changed everything in in the public eye um does it make it harder or easier it's made it well it's difficult in the city because I I didn't realize how well I know the the show is so popular I know that but going out myself and girls coming up to me and like you know embracing me and I take my time to like embrace them back cuz it's like insane to me um but if I have a guy with me they're like oh are you dating him who's this guy what I'm like no no no he's just and I had a guy get mad at me over that being like why don't you like claim me and I'm like because I'm not claiming nothing until again like I said you're nothing to your everything and so it gets difficult in that way where it's like I'm scared to be out with someone even if it's just casual even if it's just friends and then people will think it's more than it is and I don't want that to be the case cuz they it's all over the Internet the next day and I don't like that do you like being in the public eye um I don't I think I'm still living a very like private life I think think obviously yeah the show has brought a lot more attention um to say do I want like a relationship to be publicized and like everyone knowing about it not really I would ideally like a guy no social media no nothing cuz I like to keep things private if I can um so like I do and I don't if that makes sense when you when you but when you were younger like did you dream of being famous um when I was Marias dream of being famous younger maybe a little bit I was like cuz I I did the pacifier right and I got a taste of like what it was like to be on set and I was like this is so cool like BL blah blah um and then As I Grew Older I kind of got that out of my system and then going on The Bachelor I knew what could come from it but I was never like I can't wait to be an influencer I can't wait to like I don't know I was just like I want to be on the show and then it would be nice to I don't I don't know I don't know I it kind of got weird after it because I didn't realize the impact I had on people and it just it's so beautiful meeting people out and I literally go out of my way to like sit and hang out with these people where I'm like acting so casual with them where I don't and they're like you're famous I'm like no I'm not but it's it's weird to think about it like that I think from so full transparency I haven't seen your season I good thank God but but it's but it's also kind of fun for me cuz like I get to go watch it and then after I after I've sat down with the person but cuz I've had a couple of of Bachelor people on and from what my understanding is that you especially on the show just became such a beloved character and and people wanted to paint you as the villain and they want like they but it was like no no like how could you paint her as a Villain Like We love her and I think that even even like the sentiment that I could see from the internet and uh even talking to a couple people before this like you choosing not to to then go on The Bachelorette put you in such a position of like Leverage and Power in my opinion because like I love everything business related so like business-wise it almost feels like you your stock went up in a way that maybe could be unexpected from people that would ever turn down the show do you think about it like that do you think about like where you've positioned yourself in terms of like future opportunities because I think you know there's a lot of demand for you I I mean even on the one time we went out at Surf and I saw people come up like they love like they they love you they want to see more of you so it puts you in a good spot right no like what I'm so grateful for is that like I could have never imagined the amount of support to this day that I get that girls come up to me and they talk about their relationships and how I've helped them and like just being a voice for outspoken women and like that part of it I'm like so beyond insanely like grateful for that um but turning down The Bachelorette was nothing of a business like there was nothing from a business standpoint honestly speaking and I said this multiple times and I'm like I'm like I just want to go home to be to go back to reality I was stuck in a world where it was you know it was a little bit like going onto the show I thought you know everyone's just going to go there be themselves and like we're going to try to win over a guy's heart like nothing crazy and my experience that what I kind of went through was a lot on my mental and so when I was done um I genuinely wholeheartedly just want to go back to my family and friends and get back to reality that was it and I did and I took that break you know and then when I was asked you know I was asked for bachelorette and um the opportunity was insane like insane to me where I was like like wow like that I couldn't believe that I would even be offered that what's your first so when you first find out yeah are you like what part of you was in what part of you was out um the part of me with seeing the amount of support I got from me being on the show just from being myself like if I was playing a character and they supported me they're like we want that I'd be like oh I can't keep up with that but because they loved me for just being who I was and I had so much outspoken like support I was like I want to do it for them where I was saying no was me being uncomfortable doing it all over again and being like again I just wanted that break I wanted to go home a little bit can't lie what do you think would have happened if you had gone through and been The Bachelorette um I think I would have cuz I I trust Would Maria have been the Bachelorette the process I truly do I think it's a process that works I think that well hopefully I would have been engaged hopefully I would have found my person but again I'm not I'm not a liar I'm not full of [ __ ] so if I didn't like anyone and it wasn't really sticking I would have made that known so I don't know if I was the right person I think um who knows what would have happened I I really I can't give you that answer because I don't know but um I like where I am now I I respect and and I'm very happy with my decision with not doing it and I think everything happens for a reason and I'll leave it at that have you always well first do you do you I feel like you're a confident individual um I I feel like I yeah I feel like I could be a confident person and I say it could be because it depends on my like environment I um I feel confident most days but at the end of the day like um you know it's hit Miss but I people tell me I'm confident so I want to believe that I am but like I like to say I am sometimes sometimes it's okay I mean I think we all have our days right and I think what's I think what's cool about you and in the the little time that we've all uh spent is like yeah you exude that level of like excitement and confidence and like down for anything but I think it's also it shows a lot of people like your decision to turn down something of that caliber right like most people be like what the [ __ ] like I would never like how could I ever but like you prioritized yourself you prioritized what made you feel good in that moment and I think um at the end of the day it's like how do you want to feel with yourself and it seems like you have no regrets no not not one at all and I think that's exactly well put because for me it's like I want to do something that makes me happy and I want to do things that are like enjoyable to me and I want to make sure it's not only enjoyable for myself but my friends around me and like that's why I I say yes to a lot and I want to enjoy life and I want to do things that are different and you know all that but like I need to know that inside I'm like excited about it what makes you happy right now just like honestly being with my friends meeting new people like um having new experiences I I don't know I'm very I've been I've been close to my family but we've gotten even closer after all this cuz I feel like like um those are the people that I needed the most when I got back and just making like making new experiences with my with my friends makes me happy workwise where does where does one go from here so like what what happens even I'm Marias thoughts after turning down the Bachelorette curious like what do you even think of after you turn it down is there a concern that like I might not get more opportunities or you're like [ __ ] it I know I'm going to get other things in the future it's not even like like to me I was from day one stepping on to that's like the bachelor I was like whatever comes from this I don't care because I'm okay to go back to where I came from right and I still stand by that so regardless of opportunities I don't like to me this is like crazy that I'm I'm I'm being offered things that like I never expected I would ever be offered or interviewing for things that I never I was like where is this all coming from so just that I'm like I'm in awe of so I'm like uh what the hell's going on I don't even know how this is like all happening happening so for me it's like if it happens it happens if it doesn't it doesn't so what's meant for me will come for me and so regardless I was never worried I was never worried about cuz I my you know I know you know some people obviously want to become influencers they want to you know gain something out of this for me I was just like I'm going to run with it and whatever I'm it's brought my way if I like it I'll do it if I don't I'm going to say no and I think I've made that very clear with how I've led up until this point um but yeah so I was never really I'm like open to whatever but as long as it fits who I am but if it means just me going back to who I was I'm okay with that too CU I enjoyed where I was before this have you always enjoyed and I think it you know regardless of confidence or not like it sounds like you you're good with yourself and you know I think that that's very obvious when people aren't um have you always been like this or were you like as as a kid were you were there the same levels of of feeling okay with Maria well I mean I I have gone through a lot of [ __ ] in my life I have gone through things with family myself where it kind of woke me up to like really appreciate life and not to get deep or dark into any of that but like I've seen some things I've gone through some things that a lot of people haven't um it brought me to the lowest lowest points my on lowest points of My Life um to the point where I'm like I'm just going to take every every day as it comes and uh every opportunity that comes I'm going just be grateful I just I'm trying to really just embrace the time that I have on Earth because I know how valuable that is because I've seen it being taken away from people who have been close to me just like that and um again like I I haven't always been comfortable in who I am but I think I've gone through those dark times at a young age where now I am fully comfortable I'm like if I look bad if I even though I asked you to sit on this side I'm because I didn't want to show other side but to the most part I'm like at a point where I'm like listen I am who I am take it or leave it I'm going to be on apologetic it's worked people like me people hate me that's life and I've been okay with knowing that and that's that are there what is that of course whatever you don't want to share don't share but are there any moments that of perhaps some of those tougher times Marias lifechanging moment specifically that you want to get into that you feel like pinpointed as like a a life-altering moment that shaped you then to who you are today oh there's a few I mean like I myself have gone to a really bad accident and I spoke on this a little bit but um that day completely changed my life what kind of accident uh car accident okay yeah and um it was at an old like I it was around 2018 and it was something that like again like that moment should have been it should have it the way it it's so scary to talk about I don't like talking about these things cuz you you know me I'm very like bubbly there I don't like to get into dark places but it really did bring me into a dark place I was very very depressed after that um I didn't see myself the same I didn't want to go out didn't want to see anybody I just wanted to like escape and then it kind of just like was like no like this was like this is another chance at life like I could have died but here I am like why am I sitting here being depressed and sad like let's just get back to reality and and be appreciative that you're still here on Earth you know I have a family member who struggles with drug drug abuse and seeing that as well was something where I was like I see someone ruin their life because of an addiction and um like I tried everything to help I've tried you know all that and it's just like nothing is um nothing I can do can really change that person it's like a mindset you know like if you want to help yourself you'll help yourself you want to get out of something you can get out of it you just got to fight you know um did that for myself and it's it's hard to see others around me not do that for themselves um but it just again just made me really just appreciate every day I have on Earth and not take things for granted um I didn't expect anything of I didn't expect how things were going to go I didn't expect um the support I've had I've had and still have and I didn't expect any of it but having it is just like a bonus in my life what specifically has helped you get out of those hard times um my friends uh you know my family um talking through things with them and you know it was a slow process in the beginning but I I just really wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone I do like to do that and that why I went on the show too people see me as very confident I am but damn can you imagine going on a [ __ ] dating show cameras everywhere making out with this guy and there's like you see 10 guys around you looking at you anyways besides that but oh there's got to be part there's I don't [ __ ] know but I'm just saying like there's a lot of things that I like to do that pushes me you know um but I just I just realized it was a lot of waste of time right being down and I know that it's okay to like be in that place but um I know me I know I'm strong and I know I'm capable so it was just it was a work in progress but I made it through do you feel like it's a moment like that time in 2018 that makes you then understand that you have the limited time like then like before I did you have that perspective at all or it completely changes that when you when you I guess perhaps feel so close to death or something very exactly that I've had things that have happened in my life since childhood um but it was always from like other people around me it was never very like this is my this happened to me this is my experience so although I'm very empathetic and I'm I like when people around me are going through something I feel like I'm almost going through that same thing because I care so much but it really really hits different when you go through something yourself and it all just clicks um but I I I think I've I've always had that kind of like I don't know I've always been sensible to the fact that like you know life is very valuable and like I want to make things count but again it didn't really really click for myself to move to make me want to like push myself forward until it happened to myself and so like yeah it's it's it's crazy and like I don't wish this on anyone to like have to go through something shitty to experience this stuff but like or to like have like your own Awakening but um it definitely definitely does something to you what would you tell your your 10-year-old self now with the perspective that you've had um just to pull through and everything's going to be okay cuz you got this you're you're a funny confident girl no matter what you're going to like work through it like you like at the end of the day there's never been something that I didn't um see the positive in I didn't push myself to see the positive in or like make I don't want to say make light up but like I was able to always get out of hard times in a in a funny like Happy Lucky way dancing and laughing dancing laughing eating sushi filling your stuff I you know you know I eat my feelings there it is I think we I think we figured it out I eat my feelings I enjoy eating and that's it just eat your little heart out and you're going to be just fine is there a part going back to more of like the The Bachelor stuff and all that is there a part after you leave that entire ire kind of ecosystem yeah Was Maria disappointed that you there's a disappointment factor that you haven't yet found your partner is that is that disappointing or are you mostly like relieved it wasn't one of the people on the show well I you know go before going on the show and a big reason why I went on the show was because I liked the idea that I was able to like one day show my kids like look this is Mommy and Daddy how they met you know like that was the idea in my head I was like this going to be perfect I love movies now here's my movie you know um maybe that was a little disappointing because it would have been a beautiful love story you know um showcased on National Television but that was that would have been a cool little you know um but I I wasn't disappointed because again like I stayed true to who I was and if I knew that we just weren't each other's person I wasn't going to fake it um so I'm proud of that just disappointed being like there's a lot of um I feel like maybe the girls and I could have had a lot more fun together I feel like there could have been a lot more funny moments there could have been a lot more like stuff like that that maybe I'm disappointed about but I can't force anything so if he was in my person he wasn't my person I can't really be disappointed about that but I'm happy he found someone now it's my turn [ __ ] but we'll see in due time what are you what are you looking for cuz you know Serena and I's favorite pastime is matchmaking oh I know I know yeah but like what do we cuz there's also I think what I've noticed is people sometimes think they know what they want What Maria wants in a man they kind of want something else do you think do you think you know exactly what you want or no which is also totally fine I think I know um the idea of what I want but the Feeling Again like it's just I want someone that just makes me feel safe I want someone that makes me feel like excited to want to see them again I don't get that often I want to feel like I found someone that matches my energy I also used to think that I wanted someone maybe like a little bit more lowkey but now I realize that no the low-key ones I have to like pick up the the slack and I'm always the one entertaining and I'm like no no no I want to be the one to sit back and let him a little bit you know get his I I swear on caller Daddy I literally said this I'm like I want someone to like I want to be the confident one I want to be the no no no I want us to match each other's energy like you and Serena what's that's very sweet what is uh but but also I think even like with me and Serena it's like she I think you can't have like a hundred and 100 you know what I mean like I think also I understand the moments where she shines and I'm like I'm supporting then there's the moments where like I'm more of me but I think like if you put two firecrackers together two higher energy like yeah but you're right it's like it's like a yin and yang and and push and pull there but I also just but I think like I used to think I wanted The Quiet One you know I wanted the the the very chill one no can I tell you what I think you need tell me tell me what you think I need you need just like you need a man that's what I want yes man let me tell a n exclamation let me tell you I The problem with men who think theyre men think uh the problem is is that there's a lot of uh males who think they're men Amen to that and and I think that yeah I don't even think it really becomes to like loud quiet this that I think it's just like if they're good with who they are M then they'll you you'll feel it you know what I mean and I think they can't like if they're in if they're intimidated if they're put you on a ped forget it just forget it off the bat and that's like that's why I asked in the beginning it's like sometimes you go on these shows and public whatever and so they get all SC it's like yo you're like you're a h I've had many comments about that when girls come up to me it's it's like oh you love that I'm like love that of course I [ __ ] love when girls are going to go their way to come talk to me I'm going to be like byebye date that I was just talking to for a couple hours hey girls let's hang out like I of course I'm going to love and appreciate that I don't like when guys now they see because I have been on the show and they make comments about it I don't want to like when you know what I want a guy to do not have social media don't watch any TV okay watch TV but don't watch any reality TV don't know me and I like it I will love you forever have you been on a date with a guy like that post uh yes I have and and and it was great it was great because it wasn't any bachelor talk it wasn't any how you know like it was just we got to know each other on like on a surface level in the beginning and and then we really got to know each other and there was never any questions about any of that and like you know actually and it's so funny because the difference of guys who have been around the scene when girls have come up to me they make comments but the one that has no idea about reality TV they he sees me the way I react um around women that come up to me support me he's so happy and excited he's like wo like this is amazing like good for you um so to be honest yeah I've had I've had a better experience of people who don't know me from the show than people who do you know I just think that like there's just been comments about like again like you said very like it's more like an insecure if you're good with yourself you're good with yourself in general like you're you're good right and it shouldn't matter and like I'm the type of woman like when I'm with one man I make it known that you are my man I make you feel safe I make it like known that I am yours no one else even stands a chance and so when guys still get insecure and thinking like oh cuz you're getting this attention like you're going to like you know I don't like those comments cuz I know who I am and I would never let you feel that way um but you need again it's comes within you know so if you're already not confident I can't help you with that but I can help you know and claim you and let everyone else know but unless you feel it for yourself there's nothing I can do but I've had yeah there was a guy I was seeing that um I felt was a little insecure and and it's so weird because he was in this world what subtle things when I'm curious like what subtle things have guys done that show the insecurity um making comments about how I act around other people um saying flirty um saying you know like you know I had a guy literally say to S like I know she's pretty and I know she can get who she wants which is so funny I don't even think about myself like that I really don't and then he's like you know and that worries me it's like what the [ __ ] what are you the problem I always have this theory if someone wants to cheat on someone they're going to cheat on why are you even worrying about it like I like I have I mean I have friends of mine too like they're like I'm like dude go to sleep like if she's going to cheat on you she's going to figure out a way to cheat on you like I don't know why you're like losing sleep like doing this that the third like you clearly either don't trust your relationship which you should figure out you don't trust you don't trust something there's a problem Is this what youre worried about but like I don't know the people that like worry about if you're flirting or if you're doing something thing I that that for me is a major red but it also shows me like is this what you're worried about because this is the things that you do you know there's that too and I think that like that's where that mostly stems from it's because he's probably knows how much attention he could get and like what he can do behind my back he thinks well if I can do it she's definitely doing it too but the thing is with me is like again I've always been a straight shooter I've always been too honest for my own good and like if I like you you'll know if I don't like you you'll know and if I'm all in that's all you need to know and believe me you I have no interest in anyone else because when I let me tell you something when I like a guy I see nothing else and I see nothing else [ __ ] Brad Pit can walk up and I can be with my man and be like looking at my man and he like bread pits right there I'm like bread pit who like I am that girl energy but I don't get to that point often and that's why I've been alone alone maybe not well now I've been trying to date but I'm saying before the month I like to you know keep to myself until I find that one person that kind of like sparks my interest and it's rare it is rare and that's what makes me so sad because I'm like why is it so [ __ ] rare oh my God my friend do you know Greer she know oh by the way you're 23 24 [ __ ] I can kill you you know I'm going to be 30 I I saw on August 27th I'm going to kick your ass when she told me you were 2 24 sorry I literally was like no no no M I why am I always old room how you think I was I don't know I thought you were maybe like 28 29 come on man 24 I can kill you kill me I will okay I was very sad about that I was like I'm older than everyone every time I go out in New York I'm oldest but um she was talking Greer she knows you and your girlfriend and uh um you know she was telling me she used to go on so many dates she used to call it the meal plan I'm dead and she L what's included in the meal plan um just like literally planning a day a week like like every single day and just to get food out of it oh damn and I said it's a it but to me the way I love her so much though she's such a queen she literally was the one to be like Maria you got to get yourself out there get hinge get hinge I'm like I got hinged for less than 24 hours imag and I deleted it no no yeah I think you know what I can't do you need like a this is why I love matchmaking I swear to God we're going to we're going to I think I need to start like a like an actual book with like my profiles and like you only vet the we only vet like the the people that we we love and because I think you have anyone in mind right now as we speak dude there was someone there was something but I don't know I need to think a little bit more okay think think think I think I cuz also like I don't I'm not here to waste anybody's time if I don't think you got exactly like your You need a good person time is precious so like if I don't think We're not gonna we're not going to waste anybody's time here right but but someone who who leads a like a low profile life yeah like I just think you need you just need a good you just need a good human being and I think like quite frankly what I've learned this [ __ ] is not that comp people like to over complicate it and this it's quite simple actually it is be like do a couple do a couple things and you you'll be fine people and what I've realized is like people are always looking for I want the hot person I want someone that looks good on paper how about just having fun with someone how about just laughing with someone being comfortable being at home watching a movie together why don't we like really just focus on that I don't give a [ __ ] I you know a lot of my friends even say they're like you like the ugly ones good I will always love the ugly ones I don't want anyone to like my man um um and I like a little bit of a chunker like sometimes I say that all the time but it's because I don't judge if you make me laugh I like a little dad B why not you're in there who cares the way I see it is like you make me laugh we can watch movies you like horror you like horror oh my God Count Me In we can be scared together we can cuddle we can just be at home together like I don't need extravagant extravagant dates I don't need to go out I don't need to be posting selfies stupidities I just want someone to be alone with and feel comfortable and happy that's what I want but if someone wants to like constantly be on the gram and hey babe take a photo of me I will I will put his phone up s's ass I'm sorry I'm dead I'm sorry but I'm saying like I just I'm really and you're right it's not that complicated and I don't want to over complicate things I don't have a list I don't have an idea I just want it's a feeling you get when you meet the right person and that's it I just haven't had it yet that was a lot I'm sorry do that make sense this is literally you were therapy for me by the way this is good this is a good it's like a nice little Wednesday afternoon therapy session yeah um what's next like how do we I mean even like I guess my last question on on you know relationship things like is there a fear you're about to be 30 like is there a fear which should it shouldn't be right like I don't I don't mean to but I remember Serena talking me about it too like when she was turned like it was a whole identity crisis too and it's like but at Is 30 a genuine fear the same time in the grand scheme it's still so like it's still so young like it's there's people especially now are getting married later having kids later like it's a whole thing but is that a a genuine fear and it's okay if it is or isn't yeah no I I have yet to even talk about my birthday because I'm so like I just don't even like the idea of it but you know what I I think I don't and it's not even about turning 30 I think it's just like the idea of like what people think about what 30 is where I'm like am I in the right like point in my life where like I'm like okay like I don't know I I just feel like I there's so many un finish things that I still want to do where I'm like does it change after 30 but I honestly the 30 year olds that I've hung out with they are so happy to be 30 and theyve like it's the best time of their life and it's it's not scary and I'm not scared um I think my life will just get started by 30 I think I have a lot more to look forward to um but yeah I mean like obviously in terms of like wanting a family and wanting kids one day like yeah time's a tick in you know what I mean like hello men hello this is the time now or never no I'm just joking but um like yeah no I know I still have time for a lot of things in my life and I just think that like 30 is like the wakeup call where it's like okay start being real serious like no more entertaining little boys no more entertaining things that don't matter to you it's time now you're a woman I've always been a woman but I'm a even more of a woman cuz 30 is hot um so sexy and it's like that's going to be like where I'm really going to get my [ __ ] I feel like I got my [ __ ] together but it's like 30 is like the celebration of everything that I've I've overcome everything that I've become everything that I am and everything that I have looking forward to in the future I have a little Serena and I have a little early birthday present for you what so you might be familiar she oh my God I I was literally going to ask for this she makes the best card games in the world and we heard that you that you're looking for you're looking to date now so a little let's [ __ ] date for you I love this so much I literally about this no no bring this on dates bring this on dates I promise you also then when you have like a real guy that like deserves you we can graduate to let's [ __ ] [ __ ] you can just hit us up shut the [ __ ] up she has that there's let's [ __ ] [ __ ] there's let's [ __ ] play there's let's [ __ ] play that's a self-pleasure one let's [ __ ] date with sorry could do you have one of those I'm just joking we we'll send you Honesty Hour all them we we have let's [ __ ] date let's [ __ ] [ __ ] I think you can put it together and then when you're with your friends we'll send you we'll send you all them let's [ __ ] go can I just say this um by the way I love thank you very much and I will definitely use this so I I spoke about this but I have this thing where I do with men where I call it honesty hour and I like to have them bring over a bottle of wine I have a bottle of wine and uh we drink and we ask each other anything this is going to be the thing I bring out it's the I'm not even just saying this I'm not even just saying this because Ser is my girlfriend like it's in incredible and it's like it breaks the immediate ice did you guys play on your first date we actually happen after we no we didn't play our first date well actually when she came on the show we played we played like one or two cards it's like it's good you could play even that game technically with friends like it's it gets people talking good and I love that but also you you should see the DMS it's like yo we just broke the bed we just had our third child we just [ __ ] for like 9 hours straight like that that game does things so oh it ends up in a happy night it has a happy ending this card gives you a happy ending boys you hear that let's [ __ ] date a little bottle of wine little let's [ __ ] date it happy like honesty hour with let's [ __ ] date you better when you use it you better FaceTime us absolutely and you I'll FaceTime you the next morning the next morning yeah we don't we don't need the live stream from the [ __ ] no no but yeah no this is definitely something that would be perfect for me and I love that it looks like it's like a cigarette yeah it's it's that is so funny I love this so much it's iconic um we need to get you out of here else s might rip me a new [ __ ] um but we love s and thank you so much for coming on thank you so much for taking on you're you're the best like you we had so much fun at Surf Lodge it's like you're one of those people it's it's you're a [ __ ] homie like whatever people want to say girls girl like all of the things are all the things and you're uh you're a friend now um so I'm happy to uh to have you and we we all got to hang out we got to get drinks you got to come back and live in this city I we didn't even go into that we don't have time but thank you so much for coming on and uh you're the best you're the best and thank you guys for having me and like honestly when I say something about you I don't okay I am very friendly to people but the people that I actually like love and respect like you are one of them Serena is one of them and I appreciate you guys you guys are a great couple you guys are going to [ __ ] last and I bet her be invited to the wedding oh obviously you're at the wedding okay thank you is s plus one yes or plus two you get a plus two thank you oh my God I got plus plus if you need plus one too we we anyways I love this amazing thank you you're the best

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