Debate takeaways, jail time for DT? Terror attack in UK? Seismic volatility

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 00:36:49 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: what time is the debate
hello everyone Maryanne here Revealing Light tarot astrology and spirituality how are you wherever you are in the world when you're watching a huge shout out to you I want to uh start off this morning by thanking um we I checked my post uh box and I found some lovely cards and messages supportive messages and a and a a gift of a Tarot deck a a CD um a book um some postcards it's been really lovely um thank you very much and uh I just want to uh say thank you to Linda I've received your gift also to Katherine uh I've received your gift and these are all just marked uh with thank you uh and they are just just in the spirit of uh of uh generosity and and gift giving and I do appreciate it and to everyone in the past particularly over Christmas New Year who took the time to put a little note together uh thank you thank you I certainly don't expect it I don't uh I I don't it's just I'm humbled by it thank you so much also to Donna I've received your gift and to Kathleen I've received your gifts uh thank you so much um okay all right let's get on uh with today uh you're waiting for my reaction on the debate well what can I say but they're eating the dogs they're eating the cats they're eating the pets hilarious you should see the memes that are that are floating around social media today I want to say with the debate that uh I did predict that Harris would win um I actually uh some of you might think well that's not a hard prediction to make uh not necessarily Donald Trump has um has been fairly uh cunning in his time during his debates over the years and nothing can be taken for granted however I went one step further and this is something I don't usually do I put Harris wins the debate um through you know unequivocably I put it in the headline of the video no question mark no doubt no ifs buts or maybe uh I put it out there and of course when you do that before something has happened you take a a risk but I was so sure that she would outperform and she did so we're going to read today how is um the former president convicted felon Donald Trump feeling also want to address something very very quickly uh in the description of my channel I talk about that this is a proem democracy Channel okay so it's not it's not uh about whether I'm left right or in the center or whatever I'm very much an independent voter however I have been and I say this again um absolutely Gob smacked by what has happened in the US in uh first of all uh electing uh someone like Donald Trump to the presidency and then now supporting him so this is more about what I see as uh someone who should never never be let anywhere in their power uh now you can call that bias you can call it whatever you like but this is he's been very clear about his um anti-democracy um policies taking away rights and so I see this more as uh a bit of self-righteousness here um a little bit of um you know fighting the good fight uh and so you take it how how you see it I've got a pretty good accuracy rate on this channel despite what you might think of me uh and I've got a lovely bunch of viewers um a very generous uh loyal and supportive viewers and so uh be what it is it is what it is if you don't like the channel you you don't have to stay and watch it um all right so uh let's uh let's get going uh I want to focus on the debate uh I also want to see if he if Donald Trump will ever be sentenced to jail for the crime he has committed uh either has committed will committed uh will commit uh let's just see his sentence was sentencing was held over from September the 18th to November the 26th we're just going to see not even focusing on November the 26 we're just going to blank it out there will he ever be sentenced to jail um in his lifetime all right uh I do I have had a question will there be a terrorist attack in London uh I think the question was phased September October we'll just say before the end of the year um the reason I picked this up is because you know I I think someone's asking and uh the UK has just cut down on its arms exports to Israel we saw what happened in Germany just before the election you had a terror attack and so I just want to say that there are some nefarious nefarious forces that um May uh looking like it is you know giving people uh you know the idea to blame a certain group but do we know who's actually Behind These sorts of attacks and what their motivation is so this is why I've picked this question up let's take a look uh we already know that there's a lot of nefariousness um at play in politics and against politicians and we see that with uh the former president of the United States actually admitting on TV uh television during the debate that he has uh spoken to Putin uh since his left office uh and we know that I think it was PBS uh carried a story about Trump uh telling Netanyahu not to accept a CI deal now this is all against the Logan act as I understand it maybe that's the question is he ever going to be charged for it we'll we'll we'll look at if we've got time we'll look at that as well um I talked about earthquakes in the last reading um I'm still I'm still getting a fairly strong feeling that there's going to be those incre increased earthquakes my question concerned Australia I said would there be another major earthquake in Australia uh and I got the fair Fairly unequivocal uh answer that there W that there would be I think I said major there was another earthquake coincidentally in in a mining District in Western Australia another one so there's been earthquakes in a mining District in uh New South Wales and now in wa interesting um but we'll we'll ask why there's this increase in size seismic activity across the world and will it continue to increase um I if I've got time again uh I want to take another look at the Senate because every time I read I get the uh Democratic Party will take the Senate I don't know like I'm going against the um the expert opinion where they're saying it's going to be very difficult for the Democratic party to hold the Senate yet my cards are always the same it's a yes yes yes okay let's get started today uh also thank you to in the interests of democracy across the world uh thank you to the viewer uh who sent me uh kamla Harris vice president president she's currently Vice pres president now the presidential candidate um for the upcoming election thank you to those that sent the cup and let's have a drink out of it out of my tea English breakfast tea all right I'm using the Lux tarot the tarot Grand Lux by Kyo maretti and also the new deck that I was gifted the Guardians of the night sorry the Guardians of the night Tarot okay where are we going to start we'll start with the debate that's that's the most Uh current all right the debate I want to see how don't I'm very tempted to use the Kipper well maybe we'll get that out later all right how is the former president convicted felon found liable of rape and of massive business fraud facing fines facing sentence sentencing um how's he going to uh how's he feeling now after really getting his backside handed to him by Carmela Harris Let's see all right how's Donald Trump feeling be post debate how's Donald Trump feeling post debate how's Donald Trump feeling post debate how's he's got a big blown up picture of his crowds and he's pointing to them might do that okay we got the lovers the lovers card that's Gemini that as you know the Trump is a Gemini the lovers relationships his base and then we get the four of cups so disappointment but there's one cup remaining okay so he's knocked a bit and in fact I got the impression that he has a secret respect for the competency of carela Harris vice president Cara Harris but he's disappointed he's lost three cups but there's there's one remaining that's why I said I took a risk uh with my prediction which thankfully was right by putting it in the headline uh no doubts uh she was going to win um yeah he's uh he's disappointed but you can't ever underestimate him all right so we get the King of Swords at the foundation of the reading prosecution charges okay let's see his mind is on what the upcoming most likely the DC case um the queen of cups is in the past queen of cups is self-care can also be a woman can also be something being let out of the bag oh he may be thinking about the Logan act he may be thinking well hang on a minute I've I admitted I was talking to Putin okay we get the nine of coins so again fundraising he's got his eye on the uh on on money on what he can do to fundraise it's always at the back of his mind but this he's worried here about some a particular court case now we have the seven of Cups and of course you already hear him say I won I won and there's a poll saying 2% that thought I won the debate well that was a think on a social media platform you know one of those polls you do and it was a right-wing Maga that did it with the rightwing magga followers anyway it's spinning the web okay so it's also his confusion it's also his confusion which was on display uh if he can fall for a me for a post from a right-wing Maga that says they're eating the pets in Springfield Ohio and then regurgitate literally regurgitate that on the national stage uh you know what else would he fo fall fall for he displayed real weakness there and he was fact checked thank you ABC CNN Donna bash Jake Tapper you should still be ashamed of yourself ABC you did the right thing you fact checked in real time you moderated the debate okay the eight of uh coins so this is the skill here I think he is tipping his hat privately to Harris um and then we get the emperor card control okay President right right here and now uh despite what pollsters you know certain pollsters might you know the spin they might put on it a vice president Harris is still she's still she's still ahead in the polls I talked about being not being complacent because it is close according to the polls so hopes and fears he knows he's got to come up with something else and that's that cup in this that he's looking at in the sky there's still something else he can do so we have the 10 of um 10 of coins this is money this is legacies this is inheritance this is big business big funders why are they here and then we get an inevitability the Judgment card that's karmic money inev and inevitability inevitability around money we got the temperance card moderation okay so he's worried now I think Harris VP Harris and wals have been have taken something did I read a billion dollars in in campaign donations that's what he's more worried about he's more worried about the money and you could see him embracing a little bit of f fa uh fake moderation uh but we just get abuse we just get an abuse of power and then we get new starts so it's very very clear the cards want me to go to the new era that is coming up now uh I know you can say oh this one said this and this one predicted that and how you know how do I know well you don't know except my political predictions have been corre Cor in 2020 uh in the UK election uh in the EU elections um I yeah I just keep going with that um the Australian at last Australian elections you really have to judge who's accurate and who's not but this this spread is uh he's worried he's worried about the money he's worried about his performance he's worried about a particular uh political uh criminal case uh he's worried that she actually might have a chance of becoming president so in a way he's taken a step back he's I'm not going to say he's in awe of her but he's now knowing who he's fighting and he's now respecting that now underneath the pack we get weariness the nine of Wands and we get the Knight of Wands trying to you know motivate uh himself he's not he's just not looking or sounding motivated we got the Six of Swords moving moving on and then we got the Three of Swords heartbreak and in a way okay he's worried that the donors are going to abandon him he's worried he will be betrayed he's worried that his power is failing but most of all is's worried that with that will come less money uh less support from the business world uh um and he he in himself knows she's got a real shot at becoming the first female president Madam president of the United States even he is acknowledging that but yeah he feels let down he feels let down he'd be looking for people to blame who prepared him oh yes that would have been Tulsi gabard once a Democratic Party member and candidate in 2020 she prepared him probably won't be doing that again all right that's how she's feeling uh let's go to uh how he's feeling let's um personally intuitively I don't think there's going to be another debate he won't debate her again okay he'll probably throw down the gaunet and say come on Fox News and debate me come on Fox and that'll be I'll agree to that but I won't agree to anything else but the bottom line is it's never coming to debate her again all right let's go um will he ever be sentenced will the former president convicted felon convicted by jury of his peers it's not the judge or the Democratic Party that convicted him it's a jur it's a jury in a court of law Will trump ever be convicted of a crime and well he's already been convicted of a crime will he ever be sentenced to jail in his lifetime Will trump ever be sentenced to jail in his lifetime Will trump ever be sentenced to jail in his lifetime so we get the hant we get the Supreme Court interesting and then we get something coming to fruition in time see all these cases go up before The Supreme Court and we get the tower card so that tells me that tells me that uh things are going to be coming undone it's not pleasant uh in the past we've got death the end of something so likely he may well pass away just kind of put it like that before he gets to prison we get the deals made here we go the deals made that's in the sky and we get the Knight of Cups his loyal base he the Maggers Etc we got the three of swords in the Here and Now heartbreak betrayal interesting someone asked me when will the hold ever ever loosen from his supporters and the people that he's put in certain places the deals that have been done uh it will happen when he starts to lose his political power is he starting to lose his political power yes can he survive another presidential uh run loss no we get the emperor card control the presidency like he sees this you know his future so tied up to winning in uh TW November 2024 so we get the high anxiety the nine of Swords he he he's certainly anxious about going to jail the outcome card is the fool card new starts that's that's a yes but it's clarified by the devil so interesting two major arcor outcome cards the fool card is a yes the devil card is his ability to keep EV needing Justice and there we go the lovers okay so Spirit wants me to take it this far it it is possible it is possible that he will but it's also possible that he evades he evades Justice in some way uh and then we get the queen of Cups that's that woman and the uh the six of coins loans debts and we get the nine of coins payoffs money he's got a lot of Judges I'm just going to be fairly forthright he's got a lot of judges in his pocket they're W here's someone weighing up their options uh it's manipulation it's perhaps moving running doing a runner I think he still feels he's got strength he still feels he's got the ability to evade jail and you know we've seen how that plays out I'm going to say there's a distinct possibility that he passes away before he ever gets to jail um and that the pages turned on this era uh and perhaps by then it won't matter okay um yeah he appeals it all the way again he's likely be going to be sentence to J it's an appeal that goes all the way to the Supreme Court that takes time uh and he it may be irr you know it may his mortality might beat that clock all right so um don't worry don't worry uh you don't need to worry about that the Universe Karma it all it all gets taken care of the ledge is always even H in one way or another okay so where are we going now will there be a terror attack all right let's uh let's see will there be a terror attack uh in London I don't know yeah I'm just I'm just going to ask the question a viewer has asked it will there be a terror attack in London before the end of the year will there be a terror attack in London before the end of the year certainly there's a lot there was a lot of violence in the race riots which incidentally happened just after just after uh Sak stama became president all of a sudden violence erupted right uh rightwing extremists not even living in UK were driving uh through social media driving the incend retoric okay will there be a terrorist attack in London before the end of the year will there be a terrorist attack in London before the end of the year terorist you know it's like like I'm seeing tunneling underneath something perhaps with an explosive will there be a terrorist attack before in London before the end of the year terrorist London okay so we get the ace of cups overflowing uh emotion the seed of emotion and we get the king of coins business um okay king of coins Virgo Earth Energy and the Knight of Cups okay so I mean these are all yes cards but it's almost like it's tied to this you know why do we fight so hard against someone who who has already said they want to be a dictator admires dictators responsible for taking away rights the rights of others uh this energy is global and I'm seeing that there's a connection between what's happening in the US and what is what is happening in the UK the past the Page of Cups young person can be surprises and then we get the Ace of uh coins someone's paid to do this could be a young person someone's paid I'm afraid they are yes CS but I haven't got to the outcome yet it's like there's an inevitable in the immediate future so I talked about before the end of the year uh the I think the viewer mentioned September or October there's an inevitability about some sort of violent happening again in the UK the page of Swords treason traitor again it's it points to younger young people and we get disappointment three cups lost one cup remaining the race rights were brought under control what else are they trying to do to destabilize and uh we get the queen of coins in the hopes and fears again the economy stability disruption and then we got the Six of Swords it's an IM it's it's to place it's to place uh blame uh on uh immigrants it's something to do with all that whole subject again and we get the eight of uh swords which is fear and we get the two of Cups okay so it is as I thought I'm just going to say yes yes it's it's it could be some kind of attack uh it could be look like it's being done by immigrants but there's something very nefarious here there's certainly money Changing Hands uh and All Is Not What It Seems we get the Knight of Swords the truth will emerge it's like there's an Al they're allied with some somebody else I'm just going to just draw it because this is an important there's the money changing hands it's already being planned right now I'm hoping the authorities get onto this now because it is in the planning stage the Knight of Wands moving forward and then uh you know somebody being again money Changing Hands the hiering card may be may be suggesting that if there were and I'm fallible I could be right I could be wrong but if there was um some kind of bomb that went off it could be around a government building a major go I get like a you know almost like a church image but the high court even um um some kind of institution let's just clarify that and I certainly don't want to alarm uh people I want you know the authorities could well be on top of this and thwart this attack and yes I saw the orb that's a good indication that the authorities may already be on top of what is being planned so uh can you what else can you tell me um will will the attack be stopped will the attack be stopped or mitigated I think there was a an attack in recent history I think it was on on the on around or uh within the vicinity of the parliament and through prompt action it uh the worst was avoided but we get overseas uh overseas influence and something to do with the past and then loss again this anti-immigrant uh Asylum seeking uh sentiment uh and I'm passing no judgment on that but violence is never the answer we get the 10 of swords and yeah okay so it's the same energy that has been around the race riots it's same energy that's been around the disenchantment in the UK in recent years it's around the economy um you know moving into recession it's around people really struggling there's all of these issues but in this instance somebody is taking advantage of that and literally manipulating it so uh I hope the authorities can mitigate this I think anyone in major cities at this time of global unrest needs to be very cautious avoid public gatherings in the next little while wait until the dust settles in the US election because there's a connection between what's going on in the UK and the US okay that answers that question and please stay safe everybody just be be cautious um if you don't need to go into town uh to do something and you can do it in your own local community uh or you can do it online then do that you know maybe skip the festival in September October in the UK you know just uh stay safe use your common sense uh this is fairly volatile at this time in both the UK and the us all right uh the earthquake activity I want to just look at that and then we'll finish this reading okay I've actually been traveling I've had my sister visiting and I've been traveling and I've been visiting relatives and I think I might have slightly overdone things but guess what I had a lovely time all right so I've just I think I've picked up a little bit of a cold which is not unusual for me all right the seismic activity all right let's go right through we've had I think hurricane Francine in uh Louisiana that's already hit landfall strong gusts of winds I think it was downgraded uh but the earthquakes multiple earthquakes in Australia big earthquakes in the UK so I'm using the guardian of the night tarot all right I just want to focus on one thing seismic activity cuz that's what we're seeing the uptick in big uh big earthquake in Russia another earthquake in what it was Portugal I think Portugal all right let's have a look will the seismic activity increase will we be seeing more earthquakes in the next the next just let's look at the next month to two months in the short term will there be more major will there be more major earthquakes in the next two months will there be uh major earthquakes wherever they are in the world will there be more major earthquakes uh could be around in the sea as well and of course then we get the danger of tsunami so somewhere in the ocean where ships are um you know I I don't know there's always this connection to Mining and Drilling and all right so will there be uh more major earthqu earthquakes around the world in the next two months will there more major earthquakes across the world in the next two months major earthquakes next two months all right the three of Pentacles that can mean uh skill coming together to work something out then we get the Two of Pentacles um yeah so I I mentioned the ocean um again money mining what are we doing what are we doing in expecting the Earth just to take this the tower card I'm sorry I'm sorry but there is going to be major earthquakes across the globe and you'll say where where where well there's an ocean aspect to this as well um the tower card predicts uh it's it's a shake up it's like the Earth shaking up um you know PL tectonic plates fault lines wherever there's major major fault lines uh there's movement there's movement a lot of movement there's a re the tower card yeah there's just this things being moved and structures falling in other words well that's the literal move uh uh the literal meaning of the tower card um but it remakes something the seven of cups in the past choices what have we chosen the lovers card the lovers card relationships interesting are these are scorpions here and of course scorpions have a a sting in their tail and that looks like a um what are they called is it a mantis in the ocean very much I mean this is an earth scene but I just get the the draw to water here Page of Cups we're looking at a surprise something happening that we're not foreseeing at this time we get the hermit card introspection review The Quiet Stillness of something and then we get the Ace of Swords the truth the truth emerging Clarity emerging so I don't see where uh we're starting to put together and join the dots that the the kind of activity that we are uh carrying out in our oceans in our Earth whether it's fracking or mining for the resources that we need we're assuming that has no impact we get the sun card and we get Global uh the currents changing global warming in the hopes and fears it's all so joy and happiness but in the fear it can be what will rob us of that it's always at the back of our minds the page of Swords here it's one of the outcome cards clarified by the four of Pentacles something that will affect uh and then the eight of Wands yeah something also Mars moving into cancer as well it's like what is Mars and cancer combining you know there's like an eruption um something happening very very quickly something that will affect uh have a monetary impact and then we at the six of Wands victory victory and the magician okay so in a way nothing is without consequences what we do here on this Earth has a consequence uh and the four of cups we get again I'm just getting the draw to water so seven of swords um and the Knight of Pentacles so it could be in the ocean but it's something that has a monetary impact on something it it affects uh it affects I don't know mining operations perhaps drilling but the answer is yes it's almost inevitable that we're likely to see another major earthquake or earthquakes in the next couple of months so I'll I've narrowed it down that was the question in the next two months perhaps uh we get an indication of what is to come within the next two months but this seems pretty imminent all right uh and I get a big draw to the ocean all right we'll leave that there thank you very much for tuning in bye for now

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