Category: Entertainment
Hello everyone maryanne here revealing light tarot astrology and spirituality wherever you are in the world when you're watching a huge shout out to you i want to thank all my loyal and uh kind supporters i think there's about oh over a thousand comments uh on my last video and um they were absolutely... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hello everyone maryanne here revealing light tarot astrology and spirituality how are you all wherever you are in the world when you're watching yes i saw the quick quick orb i've been shuffling cards preparing decks before i start cuts down on the uh amount of shuffling i have to do if i know the deck's... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Happy tuesday how's everyone doing i wanted to jump on today before we have bad storms this afternoon it is florida people are like are you having weird storms like no we have a rainy season where we have storms but please send out uh prayers for louisiana and and all in the path of francine that's... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] thought the god of wisdom guides my path through the dessert of my soul the ss of time shift and swirl as i search for truth and meing marked by the eye the horse i see the secrets of ancient egypt the pyramids hold the key to unlocking my inner power i am a mystic and shaman of the unknown... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[applause] psychic with a t the psychic with a t that's me that's me the one with the t the one with the t that's me that's me when the planets are line spirit speaks on time that's me that's me when the planets align spirit speaks on time that's me that's me when the trolls be gone candle work be strong... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[musique] bonjour à toutes et à tous bienvenue dans cette nouvelle vidéo alors aujourd'hui je voulais parler de l'affaire de cécile valallin euh alors avant de commencer de vous faire un résumé sur cette affaire donc mais je remercie comme d'habitude les personnes qui suivent la chaîne qui regardent... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hi i'm lamar townsen i'm a psychic a terar reader and an astrologer i'm here to do a reading on kam comma kamala what's around kamla harris we're getting closer to the election time november i just want to see what's around kamala what is the energy around comma spirit give us some clarity and insight... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hi i'm lamar townsen the psychic a tarot reader and an astrologer i want to see what's the energy around trump we're getting closer to the election what's around trump what's the energy around trump spirit give us some clarity and insight all right um the first card i get is the tower so definitely... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Let's take a look at some of the [music] politics i've had a question from skyflower and it's only from an hour ago and it comes in on the ask ellie a question video comment section you should see a picture of that video thumbnail sitting right there and you can find that video in the description box... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] thought the god of wisdom guides my path through the dessert of my soul the ss of time shift and swirl as i search for truth and meing marked by the eye the horse i see the secrets of ancient egypt the pyramids hold the key to unlocking my inner power i am a mystic and shaman of the unknown... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Début de la vidéo [musique] bonjour à toutes et à tous et bienvenue dans cette nouvelle vidéo alors c'est vrai que ça faisait pas mal de temps ça faisait une bonne quinzaine de jours que j'avais pas sorti de nouvelles vidéos euh et donc ben aujourd'hui j'ai décidé d'en faire une euh dont le thème m'a... Read more
Category: Entertainment
This is we renegade wites blog hit is up when you want some real [ __ ] work done of course go to the we renegade website and the direct link and also it's in the description area of course is wayward renegade witches and of course lessons have already ended but however you already know that... Read more