Tues. 9/10/24 And The Winner Is........Debate Deep Dive

Published: Sep 09, 2024 Duration: 01:01:57 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: when is debate
happy Tuesday how's everyone doing I wanted to jump on today before we have bad storms this afternoon it is Florida people are like are you having weird storms like no we have a rainy season where we have storms but please send out uh prayers for Louisiana and and all in the path of Francine that's what they're naming her right all right I'm so happy to see you here and uh we're going to do a deep dive on the debate because we got such weird answers like Trump's stomach being upset and uh Crown bug in the kamla Harris camp and um right now as we speak they're having and I don't know who picked the timing for this day of debate and the timing of this honorary uh gold medal ceremony in the house that Mega Mike was just leading uh for the 13 gold star families for leaving Afghanistan Afghanistan excuse me so this was just you know they've got it do the Democrats have to little bit uh they've got to work harder and speaking of working harder our card of the day every single day the way of positive change Facebook and Instagram and threads if you see me there please hit the like button please hit the like button here um I'm I know there are new people here and I'm so happy that you're here my table's cooking doesn't matter okay um the card of the day is the eight of Pentacles and this is about you know doing something today that helps you three months six months um down the line right just notice that this guy separates himself from the city behind and puts his head down and drills through so this is like something that really needs your attention that you just got to organize and make it make it happen right and you'll be really happy with yourself by the end of the day if you get this you know knock a few things out or one thing in particular that might need your attention three quick announcements I have like about five more places for the advanced tarot class where I'll be teaching the 12 house astrological spread where I can see into the department of uh each Department of life um and then we're going to learn uh tarot card Pairs and you can email me at the way of positive change at gmail the wayof positive change at gmail I also have reading slots available because I read every single day and September is always um locally September's like when locals leave right so um I don't have that many local reading scheduled so you can uh go to the way of positive change.com um I am doing a big local event it's an annual event that I do each year and I'm very honored to be a part of it it's out on Pine Island uh at Sweeney SOS doing readings out there this Saturday for zenay 10 to 3 if you're local please email me at the way of positive change or text me you can see my um just email me text me because I have to schedule you ahead of time if you're coming from any uh length of travel all right and then one last thing the membership classes are growing um there are probably about seven or eight classes already posted on our psychic development and listen everybody in class is just blown away at they're just amazed at the progress and their abilities really popping right and it's also uh Virgo birthdays and uh Linda G's birthday today so you passed by Linda G's channel so happy birthday all right listen I want to do a deep dive thanks for thanks for allowing me to do the um announcement real quick speaker magam mic all right and then we're also going to do a quick read on Beyonce being snubbed at the cmts so or CMAs excuse me a wordss all right but this is going to be on Harrison Trump we're going to ask a couple of different questions how are each one of them feeling today because we got so much going on with each one uh with their health and and what was going on with people around them and TRS being haunted um and then I also got a hit that she is going to KL Harris is going to say something like she reminded me of like Ben my Alis when when he what are you even talking about like I think she's just going to go you know how she does this with her head she what are you even talking about um I rang the bell with enthusiasm foggy um so I feel like she's just going to say what are you talking about or say something like I can't even follow your line a thought or speech or you you don't you don't finish what you what you start or something so it's going to be um she's going to say something about his follow through or lack of follow through or where where is your thought process something like that big hit on that that it would be like Bend myself what are you talking all right so first we're going to ask uh will anyone call because someone wrote on the Community page and thank you so much for taking the time to submit questions because that means a lot to me right and your comments mean a lot to me I read every single one of them especially when we're doing prayers right will anyone call Trump out on his lies because I absolutely refuse to watch CNN uh for a couple of reasons but after the debate was like no it's not happening all right the last debate will anyone call Trump out on his lies and incidentally Focus anyone call Trump out on his lives at the debate this evening all right incidentally the card of the day the eight of Pentacles was the outcome card and the if you go to the my video Bank of the video lives I've already done you'll see in the blue shirt I did one on the debate and the eight of Pentacles came out so it's a lot of hard work for I mean Harris has been she separated herself like the guy does in the picture um there's a lot of work uh and prep that goes along with it so I do feel that there will be some sort of interjection okay that there there will be some Lady Justice moments here I also keep feeling that there's going to be a problem with either ianka the daughter or someone else there is like something I don't even know if it'll be announced until later so let's just because there's something going on with one of the kids oh he's going to try he is going to try I wonder how late he's going to be um this could be about border patrol it could be about police the subject matter he thinks he can get away with it someone will say something okay we were asking specifically if anyone would say something and they will okay so I'm going I'm I'm going to it has to be in the allotted time but I'm going to go with yes okay because this is speech page of Wands right all right let's see thank thank you for coming long new subscribers oh I am wearing pink cuz it is girls day go girls I mean I love men but you know I'm just trying to do the girl thing today all right now let's look at vice president kamla Harris how is she feeling today she knows she has to calm herself her inner lion and then the orange lion that will be standing next to her she knows that she needs to use patience and perseverance while addressing the lion within her and the lion lion in him all right how is Vice President kamla Harris feeling today and then we're also going to ask about you know debate performance and then about uh who will be seen as the winner so ask them separately I just want to get a really good idea I mean she's waiting she's she's feeling a little bit of trepidation she's wishing this wasn't happening any even imagine I mean she's never [Music] seen the arut Tang before in person I wonder if he'll drag his knuckles she knows she has to defend herself I think she's feeling a little odd about the ceremony that's going on currently she's already feeling like she's coming in uh uh in defense of herself defending herself about the Afghanistan thing I can't I say that word today um and then she feels the question the the not the question the the the challenge is to defend herself and is everything a Barb so could you be too defensive all right let's keep going she will have her lawyer hat on she'll have her attorney hat on her da hat on boy if you didn't see the video that I did last about fonnie Willis go back and watch it cuz she is going to she is going to come out M swinging um okay she'll try to follow the rules some will see her maybe being kind she the challenge maybe maybe she needs to stand up for herself even more okay she gets the star she's hoping she's the star she is remember this is about how she's feeling so everyone telling her you've got this you have all knowledge the balls in your court you can do it you're the bright shining star lights camera action she knows she's going to be on display she will try to bring light or shed light or cash shade on U Trump's legal issues that he's just won't be able to do something because he's got so much coming up here in September in October she is Lady Justice and we asked specifically if someone would call him out on his lives and we got the Ace of Swords as the first card she's feeling like that she can do this she knows this is her opportunity she realizes this is her opportunity it's going to be it I know they don't have any uh audience for this but there will be another female there that's this is important this queen of Cups just keeps coming and I really believe because Hillary's Hillary um Clinton is the Scorpio I think that they have been you know on the hot phone the red phone and I think she gave her some big pointers I I think she was a big help right she'll feel like she missed a couple of she she feels oh we asking about how she's feeling she she's feeling um she wishes she really didn't have to do this she wishes it was easy she know she's in a D Spot she's got to stay present though but this is this is okay um so her challenge is to defend herself but not to an extent that it's over so she that's what she's trying to balance right now it's all about the balance okay now let's see probably the pink phone with Hillary joeo says all right now let's see that's clear from K let's see how Trump is feeling remember we saw intestinal issues in that video with the blue shirt on that I did intestinal issues and that Dr Ronnie Johnson Jackson will have to come up with something for him how is ex president 45 Donald Trump feeling right now he better watch what he's eating before he goes in there because could have some bathroom problems all right okay how is Donald Trump feeling today how's it feeling is he getting bone spurs got some corns on the little toes I don't know we don't us anyone it well now look this comes out first and this was her challenge card so it's there's some fear thoughts there's some Fier stuff the wheel is on its side he is not feeling well or chipper like we saw in that last reading it's not feeling chipper he has a larger health problem coming on unfortunately for him we don't wish ill will on anyone and um he's a feared he's a feared got the Kavanaugh card okay he's talked to some oligarchs he's T got some extra money he's asking the py if you can put something out on the media to stop this can you interfere can you run an interference can you do anything uh to help me out here boy those ghosts have haunted him at night time they're like they're calling him out the middle of the night like you have to face what you've done here buddy there it is so you know I know Matt Gates was helping him I know Kelsey gabri was helping him it's over the top and he's doing too much of something whether it's sniffy stuff or other things there's a there's a problem something is too much eating too much staying awake too much remember this is just how he's feeling and when we ask about how someone's doing and they come up with the 10 of Wands it means whoever you're asking about is doing something that's making the problem worse like going on tilt not paying attention boy he's just going to try to shoot from the hip here and okay he doesn't want to do this so isn't it weird well not weird not really KLA Harris feels like she has the opportunity uh to follow the yellowbrook road I mean she had the gate guard of the Ace of Pentacles like she's given the the key to the city and he is I don't want to be seen you know I I don't want to do this I the petulant child I don't want to do this someone run interference for me he's going to have atitude he's got atitude here and he's already made his problems worse I don't have the four of Pentacles here like I got in the other one but he's done too much of something and I don't even see Dr Ronnie Jackson Johnson's card here because so he may have given him something for entertainment purposes only but Trump may you know how sometimes people just think more is better all the time that's how you run into the 10 of Wands energy all right now let's see [Music] Democrats have got to get on the uh Latina Latino Spanish radio because they they're losing people in Florida they've just got to do a better job with that okay I mean we're we're going to be okay but you know it's they've got to do better okay okay now how will vice president Kamala Harris's debate performance go tonight not how is she feeling how is her performance going to be how will she do the debate is at 9 Eastern which is six Pacific 8 central seven Mountain okay how will vice president K Harris's debate performance goal tonight this evening how will it go how will her performance go tonight okay uh wow I didn't expect to see this card this will be Make It or Break It this could actually come down to Make It or Break It if it isn't called off the death card me means something comes to an end and uh how you've been seen before or how you've done things before and a new beginning her challenge is she's got to be the star she's got to be optimistic there could be a problem when getting this off the ground she's good at attacking you know when the Knight of Swords comes up you want this Knight on your side you do not want to oppose this person okay oh she's got to change her approach change the tactics See's something different her viewpoint and something that either Hillary or someone else in her crew wants her to to focus on do not do not blend here all right uh this is all right the seven of um the seven of Wands means you got to eat your weedies uh both shoes do not match means you got to get there early each your weedies ground say your prayers get your notes together she's prepared this person gets to the top of the mountain they just could have had a little bit better even more pre time and you know even when you know you're really good at something there can be some self-doubt right all right people see her is she's she's got it together we're in that Eclipse energy it's such strange energy we'll talk about that on Friday but holy man all right she's going remember how this card came out there's either going to be a missed opportunity um she doesn't get to hit on something there's two cups left she wish she would have said something or did something all right we've got more uh got a couple more questions to go and and this is you know like how she feels that her performance is going to be okay um I like this I'm okay with this I don't like this and I don't like that there's some missed opportunity something all right but she's all right she's all right and that could be the loss and bereavement of the families that are meeting uh for the gold medal the 13 Fallen members of the US troops killed in Afghanistan the removal and that might be a big issue I'm telling you who did the timing for that ceremony and because that's one of their false talking points like who did that okay so it's just you know that wasn't good timing someone wasn't watch this watching the scheduling or didn't override magam mik the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the gold metal families Congressional Medal gold all right oh boy so so that plays a part or an issue even in her psyche you know but the seven of Wands is good all right now let's see how Will trump how will Donald Trump's debate performance go this evening how old Donald Trump's debate how Trump's debate performance go this evening cuz he performs that's what he is he a Carnival Barker celebrate your birthday every single day even if you're not a Virgo even if your natal birthday is like I'm a Scorpio but I celebrate my birthday like it's my birthday every single day because we got up this morning you know all right he's sniffing he's MC sniffy isn't that what uh Sebastian calls him from orange and black um he is this is not a good time for him and um this just isn't a good time for him he doesn't feel good he's really literally you know this isn't just a suggestion that something doesn't go right this is the guides and Angels honoring that someone actually does not feel good right he wishes he could just fly out of town maybe he can't fly in maybe the Epstein Trump plane gets wheel Spurs maybe maybe um he hits the wall he's getting another judgment or he's not going to be able to take his stock out or something he's just like up against the wall of of uh rules he's not doing great all right there's a problem with somebody in the family keep coming up with that but this is about how his debate performance will go he may have a problem even getting there you know where is he does anybody know Lisa do [Laughter] um an announcement he gets called out on lies if he makes it um oh he's going to be he's going to say something crude another something about women it's not good rules regulations breaking the rules regulations these are the two biggest rule makers besides the Justice card this could be the end of the line for him isn't it interesting that this comes out that what didn't this come out first for her right this is crazy this is crazy this is the Scorpio card it is they could move the debate but it's the this is the end of the line this isn't a good card for him for his outcome because um this means he can't continue going on the way he's been going on this means the road that Trump's been traveling the plane that he's on the situ something comes to an end the not the plane itself but I'm just say the the the when this comes up there is an unavoidable uh obstacle right and and and you can't he could change his Viewpoint about something he could make a complete pivot all right and then there's that nine of Wands again all right now the only other thing that there could be something wrong in the family so we'll we'll see I oh okay Mimi thank you for letting me know because I I okay Constance I'll ask about that the safety of the event all right but I want to finish all right all right thank you guys okay they may just put an end to it and move it you know I this something doesn't something's not the same okay all right I want to ask now now I want to ask because I wanted to do three on each person and then we'll ask about the safety of the event all right now Will kamla Harris be seen as the winner of tonight's debate will you and I our light worker family will you and I see kamla Harris as the winner of this debate this evening hi Cindy ke [Music] Johnson will you and I see vice president KL Harris is the winner of this debate will vice president KLA Harris be seen as the winner of this debate tonight this evening will she be seen as the winner a thank you I'm wearing pink cuz it's all about the girls today all about the girls oh boy we're in the eclipse energy something's not quite right around the center of this delay remember we got this above her change of plans change of venue something interrupts distracts interference drama there's her card that came out as the outcome we on the other side of it now she we hope we feel most people feel that she'll be able to pull this off girls issues females issues femil message on point strength okay this is good this just keeps coming up this has to be Hillary Clinton helping helping her has to be what other Scorpio why do this the only other one that could be in the family issue could be with Trump in the a problem um this is craziness has anyone done her chart do she have a Scorpio anything uh but this is another female somebody outside this is so confusing anyway I like the majority of these cards with the nine of Pentacles I'll even go with this Ace of Pentacles strength uh six Sun Queen so but something clearly is a foot there's an issue here okay all right now what about ex president Donald Trump will he be seen as the winner Hey Jeffrey hit that like button you guys help a girl out wearing pink okay will Ex president 45 Donald Trump be seen as the winner of this evening's debate Donald Trump be seen as the winner of the debate Hillary is a Scorpio I know she actually has a um yeah the cusp doesn't count but I'm just hoping to find anyway never mind but thank you thank you thank you um and then there's the sun he feels free he get he gets out or he's trying to get out gets pass he wants to be free of this Ivan Ivanka is a Scorpio um and I mean I am sure that Trump is fully aware that Hillary is helping come on two of he has the he has the uh accomplishments bolted in this wall here he is going to say something karmic something comes back around to get him this is the karma card he feels like he is the Boss B USS boss now he gets the seven work work work he gets our card of the day I'm a feared you look for me oh my God he will not he will not be seen there's a problem there's a problem with somebody else that that is is there a female moderator who's the female moderator tonight is there a female moderator uh because I think one of is David mure right one of them is mure and then uh this is a female Scorpio though thank you foggy uh is there a female moderator I don't know who oh lindsy Davis who's that can anyone look up if she's a Scorpio is she a ABC news anchor person so the only other thing that could be does she have light colored hair she's a Libra nope she's black okay Kim thank you it's not her I mean she could have the characteristics of the queen of Cups okay but he he he does not have as good of cards as as kamla has but clearly there's problems okay all right thank you um oh I wanted to ask you guys if you're a member and you're coming to our member classes I need to be a I need your email uh so I can send you the zoom links so please go to the way of positive change at Gmail and email me so I have it so he doesn't this is competitiveness and there is no winner here there is no winner in the five of Wands because the magician took his wand and left right so there's he will not be seen as the winner okay all right so right bth I'm scared yep I know Hillary's a Scorpio okay I mean when we ask how KLA will be seen it's good there's there's there is an issue with whatever this queen of there's an issue with the queen of Cups okay now how will the event go tonight does it go off as planned does the debate does the presidential debate go off as plant does it go as plant an announcement will be made there could be a problem with his plane where is he I thought he was um is he at Bedminster where's and the debate will be in Pennsylvania I thought he already arrived didn't he already arrive what announcement could be made good gravy I'll ask about the safety wow a lot of major Arcana timing judgment a big decision it's on its side decision to call it or have it or something has to be welded together Harmon harmonious we need harmony everybody's mad somebody doesn't do good there's a problem all right who is she who is this who is this queen of Cups who is this and why does she keep coming up here who is the queen of Cups excuse me who is the queen of Cups and why does she keep coming up does she cause a problem totally GED has dark hair does the queen of Cups cause a problem queen of Cups cause a problem is she helpful what what what is she doing is she helpful or harmful all right the helpful people are on their side a karmic situation KLA Harris's husband's first wife has blonde hair I don't know her I don't know her name this creates a problem unless it's a haunting partnered with someone karmic event someone's not okay someone's not okay makes control money control problem okay let's see if the event going to be safe all right will be will the event be safe will the event be safe that would be super wonderful Ian McGrath it would be great if there could be a commercial on with uh Taylor Swift and with friendship bracelets and Kamala cookie peace all right there is a problem it's ungrounded something is ungrounded and they may have to move something yeah there's a popup right there thank you g Carol oh thank you CC w67 thank you this is someone who is manipulative the the the magician Pops in pops out uh the magician can uh create a false uh imaginary problem there's a decision to make something even there's a decision for balance emotions something about the place itself okay they'll have to do something to make it more safe someone pops up from the past they have to keep their eyes open and watch see what they need to see a problem surfaces from the past uh and I don't know anything about that building okay all right let's do one quick one to see how we're going to feel how are you and I going to feel when this debate time comes and goes tonight at midnight how are you at midnight Eastern how are you and I going to feel how are you and I going to feel when this is all said and done tonight at midnight how are you and I going to be feeling delayed uh that something or someone was sacrificed or or that something we have to wait for something something stuck we're going to feel like she gave in or something manipulation again maybe they'll move them or move it because to keep them safe because if you look closely at this six of Cups there's a sentry there's a guard that takes the kids down to play here this is a walled off area that has to be secure how are you and I feel by midnight tonight all right we'll be all right there's an issue with this lady again um and that someone controlled something four Pentacles saving something money money money money money announcement something anyway I asked how we were going to feel and I've got the sun card here I've got the Sun the three most important cards in this read well four because I got the hangman hangman star magician Sun so I I feel like we're going to be all right I feel like we're going to be all right okay there's an issue with a fair-haired woman okay and it's problematic is the is the all right do I have time I have time I'm G to go over I'm sorry is the Russia is going to try to make a problem too is wonder what's going on with Doug M Hoff's ex-wife the mother of a okay is the queen of Cups a good person is the queen of Cups a good person the what is the true moral character of the queen of cups that keeps popping up here it could be MTG I mean it could be aging Cur I don't feel like that's big enough I mean that would be bombshell news but I just don't feel like it's big enough okay so sometimes this person doesn't there's a shadow across her that some people don't trust her who this is same three she I need help you guys this is driving to me crazy oh my gosh she's helpful in her family but she is seen as untrustworthy in certain matters she helps here but she's got you know we have to go with these too these are these are big and you you throw in them the magician so it's somebody that's pretty good at manipulating when they want to oh my oh my God okay all right change the subject real quick I want to know how Beyonce is feeling that she was snubbed at the CMA Awards how is Beyonce feeling the debate is tonight at 900 p.m. Eastern all right this is about Beyonce it's it's in Pennsylvania somewhere good question constant I know Vanka is blonde in a Scorpio Hillary's blonde in a Scorpio uh oh my gosh well we're all going to know by tomorrow at least we know there's going to be an issue with this queen of Cups okay H she was uh Beyonce feels bullied I guess she found out yesterday she doesn't really know what and then she's like well I don't really want to be part of your crowd anyway you know I have my beehive she's all right and listen she's fine she is fine she just cares about her kids and her um her family and JC and they see her as Mother Nature beehive and she's getting The People's Choice she's nominated for the People's Choice Award she's nominated for um video music award and something else something else People's Choice MTV Awards so um and and her Texas Holden was number one at the Billboard charts so oh thank you Pamela thank you so much hit that like button you guys and leave a comment tell me who you think the queen of cups is it's usually a lighter haired female um skin color doesn't really matter uh could be um a a water sign Pisces a Scorpio I'm immediately thinking Scorpio um Pisces Scorpio uh or cancer she's usually very intuitive she's a great chef uh and usually people like her so let me know who you think it is I can't wait to read your comments all right I don't know what sign chainy is I'll have to look but you guys let me know all right oo we'll be figuring this out just buckle up that safety belt I I feel like it's okay Harris is okay all right join me uh every single morning the way of pu to change Facebook Instagram threads hit the like button it really helps us out more than you ever know okay bye see you later thanks for coming

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