I played SPACE MARINE 2 and it's incredible

Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 00:20:59 Category: Gaming

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Space Marine 2 yo I'm here playing it and I'm playing by myself because and listen to this this is actually so stupid my friends have lives of their own it's actually just annoying I was going to play with me and Tango today but they both have things to do or something kind of unforgivable and I think I'm not going to be friends with them anymore but I'll have him join with another time here if the game is good of course thank you so much to panion and MI5 Communications for look not for me and get me game Keys it's not sponsored I'm not getting paid so I can say whatever I want but I did get the key early here so I really appreciate that and don't tell him this but I actually appreciate you even more for leaving all those likes and comments there and for checking out the minky man merch over on myy store if you think about it everyday is actually sponsored by myself go check out all the designs over there if you haven't already but now enough chit chat this time to get into this so strap yourselves and grab yourself a little snack and water and without further Ado let's [Music] begin I'm sure there's going to be so much more fun in um Co-op as well but uh I just want to quickly check it out I do like doing first impression videos alone here just to kind of check the games out we'll cap at 120 we'll take off motion blur we'll try to keep the settings very high to see how well it runs on that I know they're like hes and stuff and as a verman tide one and two and dark tide and joyer that [ __ ] can [ __ ] you up but as long as the game play is nice and I can turn the graphics down a little bit and it's fine then you know what I don't care put on subtitles there oh wait there's story yeah I don't even know what kind of game this is to be honest with you I only saw some trailers of the things and I was like y we're going to check that out there cuz Tang dude's a big fan of Warhammer stuff me I don't care about me anyways let us begin start game easy normal veteran angel of death I guess we'll go veteran I don't know maybe I'll see I'll actually try to gauge how hard it is and if it's all right maybe when we do co-op we'll do the hardest but I have a feeling we're going to get slept around a little bit is an age of constant War a new Dark Age in which Enlightenment is replaced by Superstition rhetoric and blind prayer to live in such times as to be one amongst Untold billions existing in the cruelest and bloodiest regime imaginable the most powerful and dreaded of the Imperium Defenders are the Space Marines bi engineer superhuman Warriors the Humanity's last bash and against the terror there Time For Peace no respite no balls I don't know much about Warhammer as a whole I just know kind of some of the factions and stuff from playing the other games and from my friend Tang dud there but uh it is actually so sick and I do know about the Space Marines of course it's one of the first things I learned we're on Kaku is the full story just playable in Co-op or is it like a a thing where you can earn levels in your class and [ __ ] you know like verman tit them maybe the PVP is fun too I saw that PVP in this I'm just here for the satisfying combat and funniness of it early stage Invasion all right so we got these little tyranids pissing me of Death Watch kill team Primus approaching Kaku prepare for atmospheric entry [ __ ] yeah I like the style actually look at this it reminds me of the animations that I've seen that like fan animations is that like with L one single solo guy that does like insane waram animations feel like I remember my friend show me that at some point looks like that and I love it is it going to be more like Remnant than it's going to be like verti in them I would not mind and mix like that all like yes e what get [Music] off I'm going to say it right now Space Marines are so much cooler than those guys in Fallout I said that [ __ ] look at these guys bioengineered Giants oh we [ __ ] we're [ __ ] wa was in game look better than the cinematics damn this actually looks very oh my God okay now time for my sensitivity and stuff aim hold please camera sense down this looks sick confirm contact bam locate the crashed Death Watch craft can I up fov a little bit maybe camera Shake uh we'll keep it on wait not on weapons that sounds good lots of customization of all the interface stuff as well it's sick but you no fov slider that's all right it's just he's a big guy in front yeah do this to show my mission okay wait that way I want look at these things though like look at this [ __ ] oh my God I want to join in what are your orders kick their asses oh this looks nice that's the thing though I like I feel like I would love getting into warmer I don't want to paint figures and all that cuz I don't want to spend money on the whole thing but the World building and law is like right up my [ __ ] Alle especially the architecture is always so sick kill them oh yes that's what I'm talking about oh that feels nice oh that like it's just spamming or whatever I feel like a [ __ ] badass I don't give a [ __ ] I'm covering blood already Amo generates after small delay recently lost Health can be restored by deal hey bloodborne or Doom hold L to finish a combo with a heavy the longer the combo the more powerful the heavy use Heavies against large groups sounds good hey PES Bo and then hold that [ __ ] I think like after two oh yeah I like that one two wait stop stopping me oh we can Parry blue things oh [Music] oh yeah after three is the big stomp that's good [ __ ] oh music kind of Sling too jump at me nope okay that's sick as [ __ ] three bam yeah suck in my space m nut sack W attention that guy's cool looking space to dodge red moves NP got you haha yeah I'm just I don't know Dodge can use to the pares here got got it got it is that that's enough should be let's speed his ass now [ __ ] [ __ ] and N no oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that actually feels sick and we got executes of course we do oh my God and I think they also regen Shields finishes restore armor now this obviously is very linear right here but I feel like there might be like bigger areas too and are there going to be Secrets I love me Secrets One my favorite Parts about Vermin TI 2 especially was finding the toms and grimas without looking up where they are also here it is just look at it it's just so pretty we can go left over there or we can go this way no we can't what am I looking at and why have I not had a single frame drop Yet brother brother I will repay them oh [ __ ] he's dead I'm sorry I didn't see Bol oh bolt pistol hold the middle Mouse button to aim okay we got to talk what are you talking about holding Mouse middle button that means I got to switch around how I hold my entire Mouse um how to do this best maybe I yeah yeah I need to just change so I do Millie differently Millie E I do that normally finisher we put that on middle Mouse button yep so now okay now we just do this normally and then we e here to do this and we middle Mouse button to execute that's good for me get the [ __ ] out of here touch that I'm a strong guy hey guys hold the line for as long as I can that [ __ ] hits hard that's good though it's a bolt thing hold me Le for a knock back and mark them for a gun strike instantly kill small guys and Deals big damage to big guys so when you see that you just press shoot and it does a thing try it out here Bon feel sick man that alone is better than [ __ ] Fallout combat I'm just saying I don't even have anything against Fallout I just every time I think of that game all I think about is how [ __ ] the combat is and how sick the games could be if they just cared maybe we do Parry on control I don't know man let's go though that's so sick bop beep bop hey stop shooting me I'm dying here because of you [ __ ] I'm not about to die on tutorial but just trying out [ __ ] man I'm I need to get used to my controls cuz they're all [ __ ] up now but I'm sorry I'm not aiming with the middle Mouse button I'm just not doing that uh uh but he [ __ ] in my ass like that get out all my friends are just dead this this sucks sounds like we're at War take it retrieve the virus bomb I also don't want that to this here punch the hell out of this [Music] okay attention o not again stop killing my friends let's go nope that's right B nope nope oh yeah bom that's it B you can Bas you I don't care I'm killing the [ __ ] out of you oh there you are parri [ __ ] P [ __ ] saw his dick off that's how we killed him in the submarines us I'm the [ __ ] kill leader get this [ __ ] away from me that was clean FR head nope oh that was so smooth did you see that I pressed it later so it did like a thing oh my God I caught his tail instead of sawing him in midair so you can press anything at any time which makes the game a little bit easier but it makes it feel so [ __ ] good what the you have served your Emperor well brother that's a bolt gun right there I know that want to see one give me that [ __ ] bolt rifle leave me alone guys oh yeah kill them like that that's nice oh this is the good stuff right there kill these guys especially there we go shoot that yes yes we are massacring these idiots no get [ __ ] oh my God yes you guys suck ass all we really find right now is amamos but I'm hoping we get more stuff later we got to launch the virus into the stratosphere kill them all you [ __ ] out of my face oh oh no b no n shoot him with a [ __ ] B execute get that out of there you don't need it that guy died St he wants to dep me up I think get rid of all these shooty guys first they're stupid I'm excited for like a real boss fight though load the virus bomb into the orbital launcher I'm doing it is the plan never to like Escape after a [ __ ] Space Marine Mission it feels like we're just doing this like nothing else matters do this [ __ ] if you die you die just get the job done with more home cuz I feel like as a whole Space Marines are like all elite soldier fellas right bio engineered [ __ ] super humans are there ones in the law that are like beyond that like Legends of the squads I don't know [ __ ] I'd love to know more because I know a lot of Warhammer fellas are probably way into it and if you want to share it share with me man I'm actually I'm interested leave some comments and leave some likes on those comments then I'll I'll go check them out we got three grenades as well do this open up so I can Slaughter more fellas okay you have the SP you see it just a little little throw like that bang that's nice throw it again here again yeah reload the shoo guys just piss me off just stop shooting me holy [ __ ] like everything is fine until they shoot me and like take half my health before I even see where they are thank God they like fart dude yeah I can already tell this game is going to be so sick in Co-op I'm very excited so every time we get to like a checkpoint place we get full health it seems before we get stim packs at least I know that's a thing here it is activate it let's see what this does is it going to explode it in the sky or what wo wo Awakening system what's our plan though are we just going to like CL the next place like this universe is ginormous what is our priority what we looking at here oh they're all rushing in there's nothing a grenade can't do I can actually hit them as well oh [ __ ] they exist they're not just in the background um I'm one guy take this guys I killed like 10 take another one take another one here we go a lot of death um those grenades over here La should I be running do I shoot them do I got to take care of this myself like what is this oh they're climbing up the [ __ ] do I do bro that's so many hello throw it over there throw it over here what's this going to do I kill like three run I'm running I'm going home more grenades here good they land more here no do that do that get away from me freaks oh big guy coming wait I this is why I set this one up that didn't hit him all right nope BK e ah that guy just got [ __ ] rolled I need more grenades I have one more hold on nope take that [ __ ] there throw this over there oh God they're here yes Shuckle upon them kicked him three B uh e two with a dash this is the best reload quick ow ow ow ow I just need to reload [ __ ] FRS all right we need some more grenades so I can kill more those guys over there I shoot them a little bit I guess yes wait that does a lot what the H oh wait do we like if they if the bom ones what this is gaming oh that's cool okay do this boang boang do a little bomb beam uh uh uh uh and spank oh yeah they're dying though they're dying hey hey get off me oh that really hurt we've done enough for now shoot those guys down so they don't come up for a little while and then run I wish you could pick up barrels like that and throw him oh [ __ ] like they're kind of just there that did kind of work though it's fine I'd reach this get some ammo real quick okay [ __ ] hell that was so sick [Music] beautiful it is done it is done what about the 400 guys behind me though all there I'm the one man army it's actually crazy how [ __ ] up these guys are though and a kill Squad is like three guys like what it's like robocup but he's the whole military okay okay I can do that cooler though let's be honest yeah you missed a shot he sucks oh he got hit oh my God no no no no get me in there again so wait we see the face we do how are they tra are they born like bioengineered from birth or as they get like they get older or whatever I know they're like huge but it's just like what what kind of mindset do you have to get a man into for him to be this loyal to what they're fighting for I guess maybe in this universe there's not much else to do I don't know if you have much choice in the situation this like final stand right there it's sick execute him touch him Slaughter him do this do that n n ow oh shoot that guy twice Dodge the stff Bonk bing bing execute please beautiful one two there that ping more on us man these guys are so coordinated oh [ __ ] who's this guy you get away from me big freakish guy least it nice not to send him in alone good Dodge I like onto him a little bit there I don't know if this does a lot of damage but we definitely doing it Dodge oh par I mean oh he looks so cool Dodge and then ow parried bomb bomb bomb parried Oh [ __ ] that behind me do have a grenades I don't have any grenades ddge okay bomb beam now we taking him down with us at least oh that feels good what a the [Music] sign the boys they finally sent another guy we should have done that a little earlier fellas we could spare a couple guys that was a [ __ ] amazing tutorial sequence though we survive Beast guy I guess we are super hello SK the emperor look at me I look like a goddamn Oddworld character the wound was fatal I know you survived only through the Rubicon surgery we remember made you damn doesn't even matter though this point if the brain is the same primaris now primaris why Lord calgar issued the command himself is he here gone summoned by the Primark H I must get back to the watch Fortress you have been reassigned my place is with the death he does have his own the Inquisition can find no stain on you Titus accused of heresy you have served Pen watch for almost a century and not once have you faltered but you will never know Redemption until you have faced the Judgment of your brothers prove yourself to us and no true Absolution that's [ __ ] up but it's very cool all right what is your life my honor is my life I'm glad I get into this this was the one question I had like what what do they exist for why like how are they this loyal is my fate what is your fear my fear is to fail what is your reward my life my salvation is my reward what is your craft my craft is death what is your pledge my pledge is eternal service you got to [ __ ] respect it man I wouldn't be I would be dead on day one but these fellas are three times the man I am physically too the Rubicon surgery has remade you as a primaris marine you are now stronger faster and more resilient yes you will take your place as an ultramarine once more your brothers will know that you served in the death watch but your dishonorable status as a black shield has been redacted from the archives okay should it be discovered but there would be questions offer you a second chance do not t it all right yeah we're not that throwable what's the word for that being replaceable that's another word Expendable is the word that's the one what the [ __ ] did I say throwable hey brothers who are these little baby angel guys though look at him oh damn that's a lot of detail well it's a whole story that I'm already invested in and you know what from the feel of it already I think me and the boys are going to play through this entire game so um if you guys want to see more of this just make sure you to leave a like on this video helps out a lot maybe I'll even do more alone who knows leave a funny comment as well I love reading them or you know law or anything check out my Twitter second Channel stream merch links are in the description of course subscribe if you're here and as always my name is myth and thanks for watching like just this [Music]

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