DAY IN MY LIFE *with a stye* (GIVEAWAY, s'mores pancakes recipe, job interview, trying crumpets)

Published: Sep 07, 2024 Duration: 00:28:01 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: s'mores day
good morning guys it's Thursday August 22nd and I missed you I know it doesn't seem like a lot of time has passed by since I last posted but it's because I had so many videos to edit but I wasn't filming for around 3 weeks so it has been a little long since I last took my camera and blog and film myself and talk to the camera and it feels so weird to do it right now cuz after 3 weeks I've just feel kind of I don't know weird talking to my camera but I decided to Vlog today you know fall season is almost here and I freaking love it so so much today all the drinks and food of The Fall season are out at the Starbucks so it just feels like it's already pumpkin season it's already like full season plus the weather outside has been like very chilly so we love that so so much and growing up I just didn't have this I just didn't have the seasons it always makes me kind of excited again in Colombia we do not have seasons every month of the year is kind of the same we don't have winter we don't have a snow we don't have fall season we don't have spring and summer no it's just like everything kind of the same kind of a stable it always makes me super excited when I'm here and I see everything changing I want to see the leaves actually falling down I am beyond excited for that I also wrote on my phone a couple of things that I wanted to tell you and update you guys on cuz again I have not been here for like 3 weeks weeks so let's see what I wrote when it comes to reading right now I am reading this book that Caitlyn allowed me to borrow from her Library this one is by Christina Lauren I love this author if you have not heard about this author I do recommend my favorite by them because they're actually two different authors is Christina and Lauren in the past I just thought that it was Christina Lauren and it was one person so that's why I'm clarifying this to you so that you don't make the same mistake my favorite book by her or like by them once again is this one love other words which I do want to reread this year because I read it last year and it's one of my favorite books and I want to be able to highlight the things that I read because last year I read it with my friend's book instead of mine and this is mine now so I can highlight everything that I want to this one right here I just started yesterday literally yesterday cuz I had to dnf one book that I took from the library and I will show you that cuz it's downstairs here are the books that I got from the library that I'm going to return today this one is mystery thriller rock paper Caesars one of you actually suggested for me to read it and I absolutely loved it like I did really like it I'm not a huge fan of mystery it has to be like a really really good plot twist for me to like it and this one has it I give it four stars out of five I really really enjoy it next one this one is how to end a love story and I'm actually going to return this without reading it completely I dnf the book If you don't know dnf is did not finish I just I just couldn't do it the writing style was kind of boring to me and I was just not feeling it so yeah those are the two I'm returning for now it has been really good so far and I'm only on page 30 30 30 but it's good the thing is that this one is the second one and I read the first one the S the soulmate equation last year and I absolutely loved it and this one is about the friend of the main character so it has been good and I love it and I love how they write okay next thing on my list I went to a hip-hop class and I will insert a little bit a footage even if I feel embarrassed but you know what I'm trying and I'm trying new things I'm in my 20s trying new things and I love that and embrace the awkward dancing cuz I have never been in a dancing class or like I did when I was in Colombia but not since I've been here in the US and I never practice I never do anything so yeah I'm proud of myself for like even thinking about it and getting out of my comfort zone and going out there you know I'm not really sure if I'm going to continue to go we will see another thing that has been keeping me extremely busy and the main reason why I have not been blogging is because I started a new CSE of digital marketing which I absolutely love you guys know that I love all social media marketing all of that so I've been studying a lot I've been taking my time with it and I hopefully will get a certification from Google I'm studying online so I'm kind of a student right now and I feel proud to say that I don't know it feels good to be learning and all of that so I've been like spending my days just on my computer studying and then editing the videos that I have and reading so it has been very slow and very just chill and I like that because I feel like before doing it and before having like the sty that I show you which I will update you later on before that I was just like very burnt out from everything I was just stressing too much and feeling like I had so much in my plate and just feeling overwhelmed by everything so I just felt like this 3 week break from filming for YouTube kind of helped me a lot to get more things in my brain and to be able to put my goals together in a piece of paper and I just feel so much better right now let's go make some breakfast I'm actually super excited to show you breakfast cuz I made this recipe for Tik Tok 2 days ago and when I was filming it I was like I wish I could take my camera but I'm still on this break so no because I wanted to show you but now that you're here we can make it together actually really really good I made them for my dad and I let's just go I don't know why I'm talking so much I miss you I miss you a lot first change that I made is that I put the lights this way because if you have been here for a while you will know that they were like this like backwards you know like on my face and I didn't like that so now it looks like this and I feel like it looks so much better because the light is not on my face like literally making my face look like super light on this side and then super dark on this side which I didn't enjoy at all and every single time that I was editing my videos I was like mm- I need to change that but I never did um or or I will just not not turn them on and then it will look like no it will look like um what I was going to say it will look like super dark and then I'll have to like highlight everything on my addition but anyways we're going to be making s'mores pancakes today here are the ingredients that we're going to use usually I can get it for like two serving so I do them for two people but ground crackers we got kodiac this ones are the chocolate chips but I still add some more chocolate chips and then marshmallows if you can buy the little ones it's better I just have a lot of this ones that are like bigger so I just cut them in little pieces and put them together we're going to do that right now and I will insert the footage right now of me making them [Music] we don't have any milk so just going to use water you can still use water if you don't have [Music] milk definitely buy the small ones because this is kind of a Hustle but needs to get done [Music] you guys I was going to have a snack while that was cooking um this pretzels this bag of pretzels we bought them I kitchen out like a week ago and it's already gone and I'm the only one eating them they're so good I do recommend I tried the cinnamon sugar a couple of weeks ago I absolutely loved it this one the honey monster you guys know that I'm obsessed with honey monard and this flavor was so so good and I have like this weird food combinations I ate this like this is a snack recommendation what I've been eating this so good and I ate it actually with uh granola butter yesterday and it was pretty good and cream cheese both really good remember when I told you guys that I was going to actually find a hostel to be able to volunteer in Hawaii one of the main task that I was going to do was flip in pancakes in the morning for like older people that that we staying at the hostel I'm still thinking about it but like not thinking about it I'm still like doing the thing I'm trying to make contact with the person in there but it has been almost impossible because at the time I couldn't go because I had a lot of medical appointments coming out that I had to go to because I waited for those for like a year and I couldn't just not go you know but now that I'm actually ready I don't know why he's not like replying anymore because I have his WhatsApp and he's not replying so I'm like maybe he doesn't need a lot of people anymore I don't know hopefully he will reply back some of you asked me where I found the hostel to volunteer for were Packers they have like pretty much everywhere in the war like in the entire world if I could get out of the US I'll go like to Europe or stuff like that Australia but I just cannot get out of this country that's a thing anyways here are the pan Gates tell me they don't look like incredible I'm telling you they taste incredible they look incredible they're incredible like genius Sports pancakes genius they also smell so so good they're [Music] amazing I literally love making pancakes like I just I love the the Vive of making pancakes just feels so good it feels like a Sunday Morning Slow morning everything I don't know it just feels so so good I love making pancakes pancakes like just making pancakes is one of the best experiences ever that's the little marshmallow and it's so good o okay perfect we got whipped cream oh my gosh tell me that doesn't look amazing excuse me like tell me that doesn't look amazing oh my gosh I'm so excited anyways I'm going to make some eggs to complement our breakfast my dad's and [Music] I also update on the coffee I am doing this caramel golden caramel so good highly recommend going to have coffee and I'm going to work on my computer for a little bit and I will catch with you later this coffee is so [Music] good now I put on my sweater cuz as usual my freaking house is so cold and since it's also cold outside I cannot even say that I'm going to spend some time Outdoors so that I can warm up because it's cold outside as well but I'm not complaining I am not complaining anyway anyways another reason I was not here and I felt like I had to take a little break was because I got a sty in my eye and if you saw my other videos you will see it like multiple times but I got a little sty in here and it's so weird because this is the first time that it has ever happened in my entire life I was able to go to the doctor I went to an oftalmologista me she told me a couple of things first that might be because I spend way too much time on my phone and on my computer or reading just like using my eyes a lot and that I have to start taking breaks whenever I'm editing or reading to like actually look at something else and try to like not focus and not like have all the energy in my eyes if you know what I mean not overusing my eyes per se but taking breaks that also made me like super self-conscious because I'm not used to wearing glasses I have been wearing contacts ever since I was like 14 years old and yes I do have glasses I've always have glasses but I always just wear them at night and it was part of my routine to wake up go to the bathroom put on my contacts and then get along with my day until the night time and that has been going on again ever since I was like 14 so around 12 years of my life every single day wearing contacts from that to like not wearing contacts any day because I got prescrib this it's a antibiotic for my eye just in case pops up it pops out I don't know it explodes and we don't want an infection I had to put two drops every single day for one week and today's the last day of the second week wearing it or like using it and I only need to use one drop I think has been helpful to like reduce the inflammation that I had in the past but I also have not been able to wear contacts or put my makeup so it's just like it's a little hard for me I want to say to record and to film with my glasses on and stuff and no makeup and yeah but anyways I'm here to introduce to you actually the sponsor of this video Bob and Brad and thank you so so much for sponsoring this video because this is incredible like I have no idea how this like match the timeline but it did when I went to the my off technologist the first thing that she recommended was warm compressions that was the one thing that she told me that I needed to use on a daily basis and even when my sty goes away like it's something that I need to be super consistent with because your eyes as any other muscle do need some break and do need some massage and like heat and like rest you know and not only when you're sleeping but also throughout the day so she told me at least three times a day to put some compression on my eyes so that they have some heat they relax more and they feel better guess what I got an eye massager okay this one is called the I oases to and I've been using it I have been using it every single day ever since my opthalmologist told me to start using it I'm going to show you a little bit of how it is and the functions the features everything cuz I've been loving it so so much to a degree that I actually got two one for my mom because she's also dealing with a lot of dry eye and one for me we got two in this house how you use it this is what it looks like it has the little Popp and Brad in here and it has some features in here some Bottoms in here so right here you turn it on Bob and Brad eye massager is on air pressure plus heat plus music and as you could hear here it has three main features pressure air pressure heat and music honestly how I've been using it is my favorite way to use it actually is at night when I'm sleeping when I'm about to fall asleep it feels like a meditation because I put it on it has like the little music and it also has the heat in my eyes and it just feels so so good whenever I put it on this is literally how I sleep right now it also has a timer I have realized so it's like around 10 minutes minutes and then after that it just says like thank you for using it and then it just turn off like automatically I don't have to do anything so I can literally go to bed like this and just put it on and just wait for it to like do everything that they need to do in my eyes I don't have to turn it off myself it just turns off Itself by itself and it's really really nice to do that because then when it's done and let's say I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom I just like take it off and put it like somewhere so I can do it all over again the next day so I do highly recommend for you to get one of this if you work in your computer all the time or your phone all the time or even if you don't work on them but you're actually spending a lot of time seeing the screens do recommend for that but also for headaches if you're dealing with a lot of headaches throughout the day it might be because of that you're like a straining your eyes way too much during the day and not giving it breaks so I do recommend as well for dry eyes because it actually just relieves ocular and muscle tension that is in your eyes plus if you have dark circles it can reduce the eye circles or eye bags in your eyes anyways Bob and Brad was kind enough to partner up with me so that we can together do a little giveaway for one of you to win one eye massager all this information plus a promo code will be linked in the description box if you don't win the giveaway you you can also just click in there and you will get redirected to the page so that you can buy your IM massager with my promo code again and thank you so much po and Brad for sponsoring this video and thank you so much guys for participating in the giveaway and I hope the best for every one of you good luck on the giveaway and that is all okay I will get ready right now cuz I oh I didn't tell you this but I actually do have a job interview I'm going to actually wear my eye massager for a little bit and put on my little antibiotic and let's let's just keep going with our day okay this is the look of today we got my mom's shoes high heels so that I don't look 51 even if I'm 51 and again cannot wear makeup so I just curl my eyelashes and put on some lipstick and I put on some perfume and now I'm ready you know what for a bookstore I look very very on top of it I don't know on brand with my glasses I look kind of a smart kind of [Music] [Music] I came back I just realized that my fridge is open anyways I came back home and my dad had lunch ready for me so I just had lunch but I am creeping something sweet before starting like a little sweet a little stack um to power me through the two mon models that I need to do for my dig digital marketing certification that word is hard so I decided that I'm going to actually have a crumpet I got one of this Trader Joe's a few weeks ago I want to say this is what it looks like it has like little thingies I don't know there's a phobia that someone can get so trigger warning for that I should have said that before but also I found this package of Nutella and I remember someone told me to actually put Nutella on top of it last time that I tried I absolutely loved it but I just tried it with butter So today we're going to try it with Nutella and see how I like it okay I'm going to record for Tik Tok this one I'm procrastinating a starting right now but you guys uh I am watching One Tree heel it's like a TV show it's like very old but I've been liking it a lot so far far it's keeping me entertaining entertained while I do my puzzle or do anything else also yesterday I watched this movie is called uptom girl for the first time and I know it's like oh my gosh is this your first time watching it because it's like very old and also like very popular it's with Dakota Fanning which is an amazing actress but yeah I don't know I've never seen it or maybe I have but I forgot about it and I love it and usually my dad hates every movie that is not action related but he absolutely loved it as well he thought that it was really good to have like um message behind the movie and stuff and we laugh a lot and we loved it so if you have not seen it go watch it this is actually good [Music] yes yes Queen we got this okay that one that I just showed you that one was a little quiz but the big quiz the one with 10 questions for this model I just got a 90 so I think that's good still need to do another model today but I want to take a little break it's a lot of information it's a lot of information who would have thought that analytic like Google analytics had so many definitions and stuff cuz it's a lot I'm taking a break from starting and I'm going to watch one three heel plus I'm going to have a snack cuz I got hungry study snack but like at the same time watch a snack so that I can watch one through heel okay I forgot to tell you that tonight we're actually I hate how the lighting looks like that so I'm going to just going to put this like here um I forgot to tell you that tonight we're going to go to a Chick-fil-A at like 5: because there's going to be like a bingo something like that and we want to go just to interact with other people and see other people and like have fun maybe they will get prizes we will get prizes maybe we will win African meal I don't know we have crunchy curls in this um see the lighting is way much better when it's a little dark and we also have an apple with some peanut butter and we're going to watch a lot things you like about each other I know look I'll go first most patient person I have you don't go PO on me I also forgot to share with you that one of you sent me this and I find it so precious so beautiful and I just needed to show you cuz how talented is she to be freaking painting this like that's amazing anyways I'll see you guys later [Music] okay hi guys guys we lost the Bingo but that's okay cuz you win some you lose some or is the other way around I think it's the other way around you lost some no you lose some you win some I have like three pair of glasses and this ones are like this and the ones that I was using actually they do give me a headache so I have a headache right now but that's okay again you lose some you win some chicka of course I'm going to put it on the air fryer because I shower I came back I showered and now it's cold but I just got a grilled chicken sandwich I got a rewards okay that's the main reason why so I'm just going to put it on the air fryer right now and it's what time is it it's 7:34 I actually was able to finish the model so I'm very happy about that should I take I think I'm going to take the lettuce off and the Tomato off so that they don't whatever I'm just going to put it in here I didn't actually update you on the interview I don't know if I got it yet cuz they had like about 20 people that they wanted to interview and it's going to be on Wednesday that they're going to give me like next week they're going to give me like a response to today's interview but the thing is that it's not a lot of money you know like she was the interviewer the person in there she was trying to make me look more into like the I don't know I guess the benefits of working there like oh you get 40% off you want to buy a book you get some commission if you want to or if you sell some magazines and stuff like that but it's like a dollar per person something like that so it's just like I don't really know if this is okay cuz it isn't a lot of money actually it is I don't know if I don't know where you are from but it's like $9 an hour and that's not really a lot I don't think I've ever had like that amount of money not even when I came here or maybe I did no when I came here for the first time you guys I work at a fast food place it's called sax BS if you're from here you will know but I used to get paid $725 which isn't a lot at all but you know what it was my first job I was like 16 years old right now it just feels like nothing plus it's like a little far away from me so I had to drive around 30 minutes and you guys know how much I don't like to drive okay I actually went to Koger afterwards we got bananas and this bananas were $11.80 that's insane and this is how I like my bananas like extremely ripe they're reduced price because usually American people they do not like bananas like this they like green bananas which I don't know why because these are the most delicious and sweet and yummy ever but that's okay more for me um so yeah I'm going to try and look for a TV show or a movie and probably read a little bit I want to say but I have not read anything like I'm still on page 30 [Music] so good [Music] [Music] he

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