Stay At Home Mom Tackles Everything | Shop With Us: Publix | Happy Hour | Juicing ‪@MyPlusOne‬

[Music] morning guys heading on the road it's my party Kellen running over there yeah we're gonna get some errands done I'm gonna go to BJ's and Sam's Hobby Lobby and Ross and Marshall and the library so yeah I got a full list hopefully he'll knock out sometime in between all that but um Come Along on this adventure you know I'm trying not to like do too much but I have a tendency to push things and then do like this and oh my God let me wait till Dan's first day off and then we're gonna just pack up and do a million things and then the next day we're like drink but I'm trying to have my list of places I want to go get them out of the way so when Dan wakes up I will be reaching home and we'll be able to have some family time and put Kellen to sleep and all that jazz so hitting the road come along with me gonna do some pickups and um returns and maybe some shopping so it's been a while since I've checked in got home uh cleaned off all the items that we picked up I got home around like 3 30. I went straight into cooking put everything where I needed to be I'm actually cooking some lamb I made some green vegetables some grilled vegetables on our Grill here you know we trying to start off the year looking kind of healthy but I actually am going to kill it by making some carrot juice if you know Jamaican carrot juice it's not the healthiest because condensed milk and stout and all these things so it's not nearly the most healthy but it is something that hits home and I kind of wanted that I got some lamb in the oven cooking up I did some mushrooms and shallots and garlic on the base of the Lamb I did it for an hour and a half at 350. we have another 18 minutes so in the meantime I'm gonna make the carrot juice I have the Breville Juice Fountain Elite one of the tips that I can kind of just tell you put a plastic bag in this bin when the trash comes out then you just kind of scoop it up and don't take long to clean this up this see this filter you clean this out as soon as you finish juicing makes your life a lot easier you don't have to soak it or anything like that it is stained because I was doing carrots and beets and stuff like that I've had this for at least 10 years I've seen some people that will have something that like separates it so they can kind of eat the um fiber and all that good for you but I'm not eating the fiber I can tell you right now there is a newer version that has like a froth skimmer and when I used to juice for full meals I used to juice and that frothiness that foaminess that the veggies can kind of give off especially those green veggies used to make me want to gag just uh just the thought of it so I'm gonna start juicing I'll show you the carrot juice when it's done so this is the carrot juice Santa this is the best kind of juice he's ever had in his life he doesn't like carrot juice like there's a couple of things that Dan doesn't like and carrot juice is on the list but my father well let me tell you what my father used to do right he'd be like you're gonna make like either carrot juice or he'd get like Mommy but he would always that same night make beet juice so if we wanted the carrot juice or if we wanted the mommy with the ice cream and sometimes he put a little bit of rum in there I would have to drink the beet juice beet juice to all the people that are like oh my God beet juice is so healthy for you I love it good for you I hate beet juice definitely understand the benefits to it but ain't nobody trying to hear that so what did I put in it we have some white room some Stout carrots don't forget the carrots cotton and smell nutmeg some people put cinnamon in it I don't do all that make it as sweet as you want don't make it too sweet the following day what's up everybody we're starting out for New Year with a new experience we're actually at this Mexican spot all by Champions kids what's funny is it's actually taking over probably the first place that were 18 Champions here we were looking for fish and chips and this place I came out unfortunately instead of being next door to them it looks like the fish and chips either move or went to other business and this spot is here now diesel phone is online so we're gonna check it out I'll take you guys inside in a little bit after we decide what we want to eat I haven't eaten I actually went on a interview for a PRN position that's just as needed it's even lower than part-time it's kind of like you just do a minimum amount of hours [Music] so I stayed up way too late more importantly than letting you know how it is will show your power fittings here I hope it's good kind of rambling or come hungry right is it yeah you know all day everybody been looking at Lisa in this they may close their washer but I don't know I don't know what you're asking me right now guys look look at it yeah so Dan was rambling but yo it's 20 23. what are your goals this 2023 what are you trying to like take to the next level yeah he said it himself [Music] thank you [Music] all right so we are freshly into our drinks Caroline is eating the chips but he's pretty simple about that stuff if I'm being honest oh okay they're not terrible you know especially as something that they bring to your table I'm getting like Restaurant Depot vibes from this but it doesn't mean anything about the food it just doesn't mean that they make fresh chips as Lisa is saying they came out warm but they're not giving you like Vibes like they're made in here fresh or something like that but it's nice that they bring it out the drinks so far the coconut mojito obviously you have the light coconut very very nice the passion fruit or what is it pork chops yeah we might be butchering that Margarita is a bit sweet all the sweet of it is at the bottom where your straw is sitting and then all the all the alcohol seems to be sitting on the top so it's not mixing very well the flavors in it are good but you just aren't getting the flavors to mix very well Margaritas might be still pretty good they're pretty decent sized like if you're used to going to Chili's and getting those margaritas yeah it's a little bit smaller than that pretty big so that's actually pretty good I mean man that's his own drink over here sipping that premium Zephyrhills water which living in Central Florida no I can say it's almost local so I didn't even bother wasting your time I just wanted to show you what we got right now basically street corn I'm gonna have Lisa tried the first bite of this now in Jamaica obviously we get rosecon we used to get that uh Street side uh fade spin she went in per second bite before doing the review that's either something very good or the first bite was blind let's go to my first point it's a decent amount oh it looks like the four pieces you know I was expecting like two of them two maybe three marks it's kind of soft as if maybe I'm gonna boil it okay you see I said the same that's what I said yeah but maybe it's also the type icon I'm not sure it could be salted a little bit more I guess so the food is here [Music] this is considered like a wet burrito I have to say the most mundane thing on the plate is what I'm impressed with so far I haven't had any of this yet but the fries are nice and starchy if you like those kind of fries and more importantly Lisa tastes it so the ketchup is not Heinz like American sweet sugar ketchup it tastes like Jamaican ketchup why why you gotta do all that I'm telling you don't it taste like yard ketchup I mean not exactly but not exactly but like a homemade ketchup all right Lisa is going to cut into this thing let's get some that burrito action there okay so this is the same rice that's there this is what makes Mexican food very smart and just find different ways to package several different things you have the rice you have the beans yeah but like a shredded chicken down here it looks like that's the chicken it has some pickled red onions my mind finally discovered fries kelan is very particular about his fries and this is what I have sitting in front of me first bite for what the side of any of these are these two sauces you got the right thing ready wow is it that good that you had to keep eating really good food let me go in guys there is a spot down in Broward that we will labor right um close to called Blue taco um it's not as close to the quality of that like it's it's nice I'm gonna try the rice in a second here I did it like four five ten wow that's supposed to be wet there's an innuendo in there guys so you guys commented below that's really good it's fresh fresh ingredients you can also got another one yo the Food is making us drop everything it is 15 for the three there's a little pricing excellent but give me more in the tacos the rice is very soft and like Lisa saying it's not bad on its own you don't really need it is in the burrito yeah you don't really need it let's jump into the burrito though first thing there's a potato when it kind of threw me off never had a potato in a burrito weirdly everything has a very homemade quality to it so far it's not a Doritos you can pick up like if you like but if you really want to show someone hit that sub I'll ring that Bell as well what I always wonder with these burritos is it's always like a three colors like these three colors is obviously they're trying to do the Mexican flag on the top are the three separate sauces yeah they are this is birthday something Monday this is like tomato base this is like a tamale base and then the white is like a sour cream so they are actual flavors but it makes it weird because it's like you use every bite is different every bite's gonna be different this isn't gonna be a good bite guys okay there's a lot going on in there this is gonna sound like a weird backhanded compliment the potato is very nice but it seems kind of unnecessary in the burrito I like it I guess it's because I'm not used to it being in there I'd almost want the burrito and then the potato on the side if I could very good it's very very good not perfect but solid chicken is a good one you want to hear what I have to say it's solid it's okay to me it's okay maybe I need to get a little come here cut me a piece like how you add a piece with all the that might be what's wrong everything So Lisa so far since you claim that you can't feed him better than me properly that's it see what do you think no second biting really good weird better than before right I think I literally just got in the middle of it like I tasted the potato separately it was the onion that took it I would say what is dangerous about this I'm kind of holding it back is that you need all elements of it or it's going to be like holy success you've had the middle part that just was just like okay the chicken is good but it's no it's just good it's not great but together all together that's why it's good this Margarita is making me sweat over here if you see me wiping my face it's the margarita um I don't know if it's like a roasted tomato or a pepper that adds flavor to it yeah you have to really give it a chance if you want authentic Mexican head over to the ranch up here I will put the link to our Ranch series foodie Friday Ranch series is the cutest most obnoxious thing ever after those eat and like prawn shapes and eat all into the food I love them so much I'll come back for this for nine dollars I'll definitely come back but it's so good so good I'm gonna eat drink this right now and Dan's gonna have to do the rest of the returns and clean up at the house like the house is clean but you're gonna have to do everything for the rest of the night because this is so good and I'm gonna finish it definitely tastes it's not overly sweet you know you do the taste the flavors of alcohol for sure but it's a really nice combination I absolutely love it but that's Lisa still sitting in front of the restaurant that we just came from and we're actually strangely passing I want to give them a little shout out even though I haven't done it they have the theme in there it is an escape room so anybody that comes to visit us if we can get some babysitting we can come to escape room or at least you guys can come visit us and go there I'll definitely check out the rates for that we are walking towards Publix and I'll tell you why so full disclosure we don't need anything in public what is actually happening is Lisa is having her second Margarita and besides feeling like I need to walk off the food a little bit just kind of give a little time to pass and for Lisa it's more just giving her some solo time you know I mean like Lisa has not been taking any shifts of late it's been her working behind the scenes full time with the blog and the other thing is like going to work she's working full-time as a mom she's always with Kellan and that is Toxin you know I mean like I can say like yeah it's work are going or something Lisa is always always with either the two of us or at least with Kellan so let's give her some time to chill by herself whether she wants to call a friend or she just want to get a little bit of respite we'll all hold our Corners I have War again I think right now I might be experiencing a little burnout but I think it's also the way I did my schedule I used to being spoiled having like a couple of days off like at least three in a row or something so like I feel like I just came from work and when you work nights you have that one day to kind of adjust I think that happens on day shift too you know when you work 12 hours let me not say when you work nights when you work 12 hours that first day is to just adjust back to everything then the second day is your first like full day off it just kind of feels like I had one day off and I'm headed back to work this is what it is though we'll we'll get through it I have positive vibes I hope this year I know a lot of people start off the new year like that it just feels different than it has in the past because I'm gonna make it different so let's waste some time in Publix probably enough for Lisa to miss us and come come looking for us if I see anything interesting I'll let you guys know usually I go window shopping with you guys over by the Bakers I'll take you over there in a little bit but till then I'll see you when we'll see something we're talking about seeing as this is this just looks very odd foreign apologies you've heard this Spiel before but free range is literally how all chickens are in the United States by law so that is really just marketing but what you want is pasture is that means they're let outside and they do what chickens normally do that whole cage-free mean there's a whole bunch of things that goes into what is considered cage-free so yeah we only eat the um pasta results and you can tell the difference you see the yolk difference and there's a flavor difference actually I'm a close friend of mine his cousin listened to me make that Spiel and then she was like you know I can't deal with it Daniel look I know you have been buying these expensive eggs because once I taste them I can't go back to the other one so I guess that's a win for the supermarket I don't know I know it's a win for what you put in your body you know I mean anyway like I said we don't really need anything here um I do want to buy some avocados but Lisa has no ruin my whole avocado experience because she was pointing the salt so the ones that we get that's at Florida they never really get soft like what we used to we're used to being able to hear when the seed separates or you can kind of squeeze it but like when we get them from like Panama and all those other places they're closer to what we know in Jamaica and the flavor profile is a little different so I don't know I don't know if that's all Florida avocados please educate me if you know better than me but that is what we have found I guess I'll give you my whole spiel about this because I found it here I don't want to ever find myself where I can't find this one if I find something like that being gay keep it the CMOS has Jamaican cherry and it is the highest vitamin C in the world so as you can see it has these four fruit in there I'm gonna show you the vitamin C intake on this if you drink a serving of this you're getting 1120 of your vitamin C intake so if I feel like a coal is coming you get some zinc you get that and you kind of boost the immune system it doesn't mean you won't get sick but it will give the body what it needs to fight and you can see it's not very cheap we try to bite when it goes on sale on catch a liquor sale thing on on it we'll grab up a couple of them in comparison this is pretty good too it doesn't have the same Cherry in it but we'll grab that when we can but you can see the immune boost like for example this this of zinc which is great but this has a hundred and fifty percent your body is only going to take on so much of those vitamins at a time anyway but look at the price difference with that and that now the sugars is something to consider like if you're watching your sugars this is super high in sugar there's a time when the price is on the same plate juice it wasn't like it almost was giving away and it's gone back up in price you know like I said we're just kind of wasting time right now giving Lisa a look at time away from the boys and the boys only go up time away from Lisa and all of that so head home in a little bit and just chill out just have a nice end to a day off before work tomorrow um hopefully don't end up in a death scroll the scrolling on my phone at 4am because I don't want to go to sleep which happens and I know it's part of the burnout you know I mean it's kind of weird because I went for an interview with uh for another nursing position like I said it's going to be like to she I told you she was gonna get bored I'm coming forward she can't enjoy her little time by herself and I was like should I try everyone I was like I don't feel confident so yeah I will be driving home because I've been drinking so we just made it over here to the favorite section yeah we're walking through the store maybe get killed on a free cookie if you're ever in Publix here in Florida I taught you that yeah you can get a free cookie but no let's get into the desserts first I'm going to show you the package stuff and then the fresh stuff as usual these look very good I have yet to see the mango key lime come back I'm starting to wonder if they've taken it away if you can get your hands on a mango key line that is the best fight me I'm telling you I've been to Key West every in public Vlog you visit it don't matter it has to be said he's going to convince you it has to be said listen everybody will tell you about key lime pie and you don't know key life I unless you go to Key West fight me I've been to Key West more than once I've had key lime pie in here what the name was it was like something Avalon yes yes it was this restaurant on South Beach they have one that's like a factory place and it's good too but the Avalon one was the best in Key West Miami Beach oh it's spring break oh it wasn't it wasn't it was in Miami you see what you see the blossom where Lisa I tell you Lisa I'll tell you said the best one is in Miami I'm just telling you Publix anywhere here a month of key lime pie from Publix actually they look very fresh for those scones I don't understand what the scone is somebody please comment and explain us like a bread but it's like really she's tried to explain this to me you're good anyway back to over here decent decent yeah this little Publix pricing changes depending on the Publix that you're at you know there's some public schools that are going to be better about buying meat from and so far we learned that from South Florida and it's the same up here this particular one here in ChampionsGate kind of sucks on the prices so much it's not the variety the variety is good it kind of sucks it kind of sucks when it comes to pricing so this is the one Lisa wanted to point out here it's a brownie crunch one yeah the baked goods are looking excellent here as usual cinnamon buns but they're gonna start fried on Publix Bakery section they make everything or mostly everything here fresh and it is awesome Lisa is the only person I've ever met that comes from Florida that will tell you she don't like Publix cake and it's weird let's look at Lisa for a second and just say that she's a weirdo yo you know I just had like public sandwich chicken tender sandwich since you let me tell you another thing that's weird about Lisa too she's gonna say the kids cookies no my parents wasn't on that it was free that's parents were not we're not giving me that yeah so another weird thing is she thinks she doesn't like public okay but then she gets a cake and then she's like well it's not that bad every time you talk about me with a cheesecake every time that's what she does oh this is what Lisa was showing you guys here so you can't get like dough to make a pizza we make the pizza rolls out of this they have turkey pepperoni they have it rolled out already if you don't want to have to roll it roll it yeah roll it yeah now usually they'll have a section in their bread section that's like the bread of the month um this one they just have like what's new you know you know people will say this right especially European food for like pineapple on a pizza it's blasphemy this is blasphemer okay I I at least I know why they make it I understand you know it's for people that is like so like gluten-free or you're trying to go it is a healthy alternative but yeah don't tell me that pineapple don't belong on a pizza and the three clothes they're making hot um pizza and cauliflower and then this is the deli section it's a little too popping right now I'm gonna leave it alone yeah so this is actually started since the pandemic almost test The Boar's Head is usually just in the deli and it's a slice but I'm wondering if it's like the ends or something yeah so this is great that it's pre-packaged if you know it's something that you're buying bulk or like it comes there but you can't get it sliced to your your preference of thinness obviously it's already prefer over there you can kind of tell them and they have different samples of showing you how thick you want it cut and you get to taste it yeah we learned that even though you're gonna tell them every time that it lasts longer if you cut them thicker so we started starting to get those a little bit of the cheese the cheese is quite hard cheese yeah they do have the cheeses here and then visit the Telly if they're out but it's just kind of like a half a pound kind of yeah so that's basically everywhere that we normally Window Shop in public school go over to meet hit maybe some of the um oh yeah I don't know [Music] if you're trying to move into that area come to the Publix in Florida and you walk down the ethnic food section no they actually started um like splitting it up in the new new republics are the publics that have been redone into like different food groups by a nation um so it would be called the international aisle and if we can find what you need to find and it kind of tells you about the the general area like what type of people are in the area you can kind of scout that and tell the demographic because they cater to food wise foreign the prices are obviously going to be Publix prices they're not gonna be amazing yes but you can find and get where you need to forget now clearly any real Jamaican is going to find your keys or a Bravo or something like that and go there and get it but like I said if you want to know where you're at go to the Publix going to the international section see what is there and you can kind of tip like when you go to Dr Phillips there's like a German section here yeah there's like a whole variety and you kind of know like I said that a general idea the demographic that's there in the area where you head down to Haines City our Davenport not not ChampionsGate Champions Gate is Davenport but it's very like oh I'm not from Davenport it's very that you know what or like all Jamaicans like to make everybody from Kingston like think that we Kingston people act like we're like oh I'm from Kingston I'm not from Germany is supposed to have a heavily British population yeah so like this surprised me for Champions League to be honest there might still be case to the British with the Jamaican but the reflection is you know is looks good yeah and then they have the British Indian Jamaicans will kind of pick from the lucozade and right you know because enough of us would know that that's not Jamaican we grew up with a lot of that kind of stuff yeah that will definitely tell you where you're at um and then you check the meat section as far as pricing like I said this one this particular Publix iPhone cannot be the greatest with pricing in the butcher section the kosher section yeah so they start putting ethnic now it says International so ethics ethnic is it's not acceptable anymore it's not that oh I've never seen that what up it's like a Doritos but like I wonder what somebody's right what would make it different though I don't know that's kind of what's kind of scary this is from London it says kosher products of Israel wow that's crazy it really is like from Israel that's yeah that's mud I don't know I might have to go look at Doritos noisy if there's something very much right now he's gone and handle some business but yeah that's um our local publisher one of our local public this is not the closest Publix to us but it is definitely pretty close so champions again if you're there check out this Publix anyway let's keep on filming like a weirdo and uh let's get on home too see you on the other side [Music] inspiration no

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