welcome back can team spirit deliver or will Aurora get their first win of the day we're heading over to beup and lizard pretty then he's going to walk over here and now the boore is in but the blood grenade the straps moska might have overstepped a little bit Q still low ticking down has five Health but they'll bring over the Pango and get first Blood now say x goes the other direction blood grenade and a full boore scatter blast like 23 is going to be a okay although the tour in it lands on the edge now they've got the cookie follow up 23 trying to LSA but that's going to miss and now the blood grenade is SL down but the little Shredder to get that kill 23 ends up dead Laurels here Avalanche TOS alie's gone and it's two kills for the side of team spirit trouble that is shrapnel really hurting Mira is going to die to 23 Savage so he'll get some Revenge my problem let's see maybe it's 23 is problem could be T lands again they've got a tidebringer LSA that hits on to the tit oh gosh aach could just stap him down oh boy trap will be enough they get the kill moska they look over collapse that's going to be too dead there onean straight up to full and Ron AOK on the Naga siren tent and oi in trouble tidebringer from collapse gets that kill and another one there for the side of Team okay I see a lot of Fem n hold that to Savage Ghost Ship coming through X lands with ghost ship and they've got the little Shredder Mir gets the kill Thunder thought about for a second they ping out that they've got Vision somewhere and they find it rolling thunder coming through waren well this will be Lauren off doing his best Joel impression G ship scatter blast and it's tidebringer now they go to the blood grenade cookie to try and level to the Avalanche and going to be enough movement to catch up get that Avalanche get that kill on a q play the sniper because of trapal right then trepel is really cool X uh-oh hor off in some trouble sleep is there they've got the Ghost Ship scatter blast it all combines together get that kill and tier one to follow I've been I've been trying to talk about this for a while now I don't know what to buy on snipe I don't know what the build is going to go on mea they're trying grapnels used assassinate flies out but they don't quite get the damage to get the kill on a miror just yet however Ali ready and finish him off it's not looking like they want to take yeah that's true link Avalanche toss and War off he escape that they go to the song an amplifi damage here on the collapse and the song well not hitting on a moska who might be looking ready to fight the top the blade ma they good to the Primal AAR but still alive collaps maybe able to fight back unfortunately it's not looking good for Aurora anyway with jav and Ali dying AO but the chase is on for the tiny they've got the Z assassinate they will get this kill on AO with that assassinate so it ends up being a two for two trade this game started slow but eventually he got there despite them losing that game we'll see if they can do that again rora Rolling Thunder assassinated out on boska they'll blink in Aban to they go to the Border kisses this could be a problem side of aora they end up losing Jabs for the Laguna blade gets the kill a collapse the right clicks on AO not going to be enough the Earth SP is going to fly with the wait for C from Ron they find the scatter blast out lands on a q they'll get themselves a second they'll look for Ali who throw the net onto moska WL does find 23 they've got the TOs the LSA that lands but the cookie comes through from they've got little trer 237 is going to die here triple kill for the sappire mea making moves tower under attack how you save them is thunder yeah they want to go for this for the sweep but that's going to be stopped Avalanche into the toss they get the kill to Ali R is going to be used do they have the damage it's not looking like it at least initially first spitter comes through and lands on the three of these Heroes it'll push them back sniper with a concussive grenade the mmer kisses are out and nobody else is coming in from the side of team spirit he was unlucky with the Bashas and now he's going to be unlucky with as well la is everywhere jab for TP no all right he tried OH Close run into more maybe can catch him full Agy but he's already shifting oh does he have the damage the Adaptive strike the scatter blast Jabs will try a TP out the morar kisses he went on a mission but he does return home but Laurel has eyes on the prize Avalanche toss 23 Savage bur oh gosh 23 Savage doesn't exactly have a passage to really get a comeback to start unless they somehow turtle and Salvage this [Music] game oh he was used for no song X pull back into the torrent Ali trying to lock up some Heroes but they do not have the rest of the team they will neet laurl but what else is there that fish is too big now with no bkb I don't know how 23 Savage is going to get the damage out the LSA this might work all right they go to the RO they're trying to get the count ROM but he's going to pop that man to W for him out of there and now they look overo they get the count of the tiny he's going to be dead for the first time but he has the ages tital wave pulling a laen off they've got the Pango in a bad way but he'll Shield crash Avalanche lands M his kisses with the toss L's got a kill the look over Q he's on the low ground that's a sleep that lands from moska and they will wave for him kill off this sniper two Heroes did without buyback Aurora looking for answers are looking for be oh boy yeah that's a dead Jabs that's going to be three gone no buyback X on Ali naga's going to be bled and killed he's not too careful but gets up the steps not going to matter war with another toss dunk title wave out of the base both team wi here for team spirit as they finish off game number one over Aurora T sa for Aurora Aurora is going to have another uphill battle let's see what they can do this time around with beop and lizard level five Monkey King's coming through towards bottom and collapsing holding onto the burrow strike lands it but it's not like likely that he survives here as there's the balance strike from luren off to get the kill in collapse and it is also First [Music] Blood 99% is not dying and Jabs trolling him as well I mean I'd love to I'd love to see that actually I'd love to see that just TP mid I feed mid get it MK report mid I I love this anyways not going to talk about that game instead DOTA LEL yeah yeah yeah I okay you know what is doing some damage I didn't think that he was actually going to hit LL after that you just make these rotations they don't connect and then you're kind of stuck he he's going a sniper Arrow connects easy kill and now Jabs you can't really help no Arena he going on collaps collaps I think he should be dead is he going to die lenov he's got that Mastery up but can't really chase the S king for now Q is here he's got P big pumping it collapse yeah he stuck around for way too long I think this hero is basically made to rck this point and this he's going to do yeah got the tornado EMP out of Mana is lenov starstorm Lands dual bre there they get the kill on a luren off and that's exactly what they needed it was just a rotation into a kill fortunate and now they're going to have lenoff come back into the mid lane he's going to look as Jabs his dead up top to Ron for mea the shrapnel are placed the Sharpshooter is going to be thrown in death come through towards bottom but Ron is actually the one who might be in a little bit of trouble here ballad strike started off they go to the arena and redon H with the assassinate they will get that kill out of the morira 23 Savage also showing up wondering if maybe they catch Q in this position but that's just an illusion that sees Q oh tornado EMP Sharpshooter with the bushwack they've got man out of his hands to go to the arena to get the kill oh yes they do War off's going to be dead collaps Ando taking a lot of damage under the trapn and the mor turning into the sand King th strike Ono there's the ice path as well as the Dual BR that stops 227 from getting the kill the assassinate is going to come through they get the kill into Jabs but the lose collaps another assassinate Mir is dead two Hero's gone on both sides Sun strike not going to land on Ali but it will be a two for two on the other side Mars is also buying Crimson by which does make a lot of sense wuk Rock Sharpshooter to get out of the circle on the Run trying to get away from these Heroes just buying some more time but eventually will die Primal spring is there Ali gets the kill super content with farming on the side of look at Holy P this is ah that that could have been so good from him it still is like he broke the smoke with his face but he still broke it and on one side you have The Monkey King on the other you have an invoker whose rotation didn't really work Arrow Sun strike and that is a very dead sniper D it looks like the the icon is under the scan doesn't have enough BL that way and they're going to morph in of the sand King they go to the Burl strike Burl strike out of the circle though the Arena's going to follow it up it's the circles game and they've made the V diagram and they'll get the kill to collapse they get that at least assassinate on Amir Sharpshooter ice path that all lands H goes into the overgrow so they have the lock down to maybe stop the Chase from Spirit or maybe turn around and goon killed off by 23 Savage you turned into the s King once again and had the bur Str to get the control onto this Morana moska being chased down two more shots needed to get this kill thinking about an assassinate under the tier three Tower they don't quite care Bal strike the assassinate lands they get the kill there on of the jakiro and four heroes are dead on the side of team spirit and the thing too is he wanted to go for the bkb and he thought about it but the fact that he's getting this AIS means he can forgo it and there's the blink of the Arena they've got the spear Mir is dead off getting that kill with the boundless strike and Collapse by this tier two Tower pretty forward they don't have the arena anymore but they could just blink spear in 23 Savage with a dois could get a kill of course it's team spirit like they can make anything work it's just that it will be a bit more difficult get the kill there on to mea again you going collapse burrow strike from the morph turning into the sand King burrow strike turning it around now ice path is there on the ground they're trying to get the kill to 23 Savage and they'll take him out behind the tier three they will activate that solar flare they've gone to the arena they have the control they'll have the damage to get the kill in a collapse and now they got to look over it Jabs wuk command's going to be committed 23 Savage on the back lines they've GED off this wave as well as the tier three so they're not going to lose the tower but they end up getting the kill on of the Mars or off Mischief tornado Landing they've got the shrapnel down for a second they start to walk away and without this sand King the Chase from spirit's going to be limited got it right like and yeah I think it's flying out right yeah they're going to find Laurel assassinate tornado EMP well done but the balance strike lands the natur grasses down swing him up getting the kill is the side of Aurora they just C you constantly downless strike wuk command burrow strike and can they still fight into this though they are without laurl they're not going to fight this is a side lost they still have the outer tier twos I don't know I I'm just thinking Arena ARA that is a squirrel caught and to nobody's surprise squirrel e a gladiator Arena does not survive also Crow doing some major damage we just missed all kind of Off the Mark and now that's going to leave luro and the rest of the team kind of exposed here 23 Savage pop bkb he is going to go in on this try to get the kill to L they'll get the kill to the invoker they going go for the rest moska running away from Loro who doesn't have a lot of Mana remaining but the assassinate fly to they get the kill of moska that's going to be two Heroes dead on the side of team spirit with the buyback being used by both of the they going after 23 Savage he'll get the kill on of the morling he's in too far he's in well ahead of his team and now Ron going to try and turn this around with the bkb they've got the Sharpshooter they have the stun Burl strike on a q they'll get themselves another and it looked oh so good for Aurora until 23 Savage went in just too far and maybe they go for that but Spirit they're going to smoke and Ali again dude just in these perfect positions burrow strike lands when they react on the side of Aurora they're nowhere nearby so it looks as though they're going to let him die the L Ali he's dead for 45 seconds is a gem that is picked up by that Courier now maybe they have an opportunity but again they've got this Ops they have the Sentry and it's going to spot some information so go for the arena it's going to be a spear coming through but this is collapse going in with the bkb they're going to look over at J it's going to be all alone ice path macro they get the kill onto the mar end up losing with the right hook Dage coming from joh with the Sol player the dkb is going to run out on the morira the leap away maybe going back towards this Mor fling who turns into the s King F strike onto The High Ground oh oh the F strike that's going to stop the TP and now he's going to have to run trying to get out of this one as the boundless strike lands from The Monkey King the bkb is going to be popped by the ice they get the kill of The Monkey King LA's going to die the Assassin he lands on air and they'll end up trading there but it is a two and a three taken out on Aurora for the Hoodwink of spirit it's going to go down pretty quickly so they need to make a move they know that they're in the pit but look at how fast this Roes they throw a tornado out there's nothing nothing there for the side of Aurora BK they try to leave War goes in with the bkb they're going to go to the B strike but now he's going to pop his own bkb they try to get these Heroes they throw the GLE near and everybody on the side of spirit pulls that ejection cord and gets out bro I was still playing in the rubber P PCH think you covered anything with me I mean maybe not sure there's been multiple comeback patches is they're going to tornado burrow strike Jabs caught here Arenas but just dead Mira went for that plus 125 Shar Sharpshooter Max damage so he can blow targets up as well yeah they've got that kill they'll take out mea dead for 75 seconds actually doesn't have buyback Ronna level 25 threw the arrows out boundless strike gets on the other side that's thanks to the short that wor off has they're still sticking around though enemies they might be able to do it especially to collapse but the blink away from Ali he was afraid of uh detection Alice strike misses now they've got the n Fire they go and throw their own burrow strike but bur strike from collapse with the bkb he'll try to get the EP Center off the ABI feather will activate and the Epic Center will do nothing as 23 Savage gets the kill onto collapse and he is dead for 90 [Applause] seconds handed on to the arrow is interesting we'll see if it ends up affecting the fights at all but they go and they have got War off DE to right nobody can save him he is dead for 97 seconds does not have buyback collapses back tell a friend oh he's going to Blink top the bkb they've got the arena down get the K Ron he's also dead for 100 seconds the sun strike is going to come through and get the k a jab so go and find the bur strike coming out for theing Mor taking a lot of damage inside the macro fire oh no collapse with the epicenter they get that kill on a 23 Savage he'll take him out for 97 seconds and they look over a q who's going to die he just bought out on an mkb so he is dead for 70 seconds it's in Walker as well like this guy isn't your classic outcasting in wer that two remember from before poka he's dead yeah but you just use Wukong they're pressuring your um mid lane but they don't have creep so maybe this is actually pretty good for you oh L is still around Jabs sees him is there gu Heroes close but I don't know if they're close enough they're not they'll get the kill in AO 23 Savage pops the bkb and now without they've got buyback again but without him it's going to be tough Smoke Gets broken unaware of the fact that collapse is right by them thinking about the epicenter the good of the Wukong man collapse going to be behind them but it'll blink forward looking for something the assassinate on Amir nobody's in the wukongs thinking about the EP Center there's the Flink to the Bur they're going to buy back on the evoker they go for the subri they're trying to get the kill the 22 saage this Monkey King who eats the cheese he's got the bkb they've got the arena down force that forward from LL they got the ages out of the hands of the morling they're trying to get a second kill on the 23 Savage with the Burl strike popping the Lincoln on this morling bkb is going to run out in a moment bkb pop by the Mars goes back into the arena taking a lot of damage though only down to about a fourth of his health remaining they go to the Duba that lands on a off the way for they get the kill on am now bur strike coming through on the 23 they go to the over it's going to be it for M it's got the control can they get the kill though 23 loow Sun strike kills him off he's going to be there for 99 seconds don't buy back they've got the cler down they look over at this invoker they'll take out L Ali's dead down Jabs Lao falling for Heroes Dead full team wipe here for the side of team spirit buback immediately used by luren off as it again with the Aegis look so good for Aurora but spirit always find a way even though the arena protected them a little bit like it wasn't good enough and this wasn't like the way they want fight so far is they jump a core they hex him and they eliminate him immediately you can't do that when you're pushing High ground and you did get mirror who who bought back and is there for I 120 seconds morling is actually short buyback 93 go uh there's a bounty Rune that lenov could pick up actually he brings a lot of control a lot of damage as well moska oh still moska in trouble he's got buyback so this kill isn't terrible yeah without two they know that they want to go 35 they're even trying to go for this her strike defening blast oh overo use before he dies now they're going to look over Ron they got the to Wukong command for the leap out downless strike coming through oh no orov he's going to die he's de for two minutes the arrow oh Off the Mark and the tornado's going to be off to his left he'll turn into this sand King Burl strike trying to get some distance away blinks away from the side of team spirit they'll start to shift into that Agy but collapse on his heels waveform needs to get out but doesn't have a TP for three more seconds maybe glyph gets shown maybe they stop they don't care right like course yeah they haven't used it yet they're going to Blink in they're going to look over they've got the arrow they're going to find the damage of the sharp shooter get the kill the Q he doesn't have buyback now the look over the San collapse going to be trying to survive the damage coming in having the AV on his feather once again activate but he's not going to get far enough away collaps going to buy back into this one the throw's going to be exposed they go after J to get the kill he's going to buy back on the Mars they look at this Mor fling they'll take out 23 Savage and team spirit will take the 2 over Aurora finishing this one out with a team wipe and GG is called team spirit the late game shows its face once again for him do you know what they end before minute 60 but

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