Published: Sep 03, 2024 Duration: 00:23:03 Category: Gaming

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necessarily destroy Pango but have something against them in the lane but I've been seeing so back on it moska sitting your level three and he is hitting for 158 that is disgusting and then he's going to walk over here and now the boore is in but the blood grenade the shrap moska might have overstepped a little bit Q still low ticking down has five Health but they'll bring over the Pango and get first Blood that's the that's the annoying sniper I know like that's the 23 yeah L say x goes the other direction and there's a blood grenade and a full boore scatter blast but looks like 23 is going to be a okay okay although the torret it lands on the edge now they've got the cookie follow up 23 trying to LSA but that's going to miss and now the blood grenade is slow down but oh the little Shredder to get that kill 23 ends up dead Laurel's here Avalanche toss Ali's gone such an easy Lan to bully you know for for kunka and snap and in trouble that is shrapnel really hurting and mea is going to die to 23 Savage so he'll get some instant Revenge my problem well let's see maybe it's 23's problem could be T lands again they've got the tidebringer LSA that hits on to the Elder tight oh gosh mapo can just stapen him down oh boy trp will be enough they get the kill moska they'll look over collapse that's going to be too dead there down to full no health and just wand straight up to full and Ron a okay Avalanche though on the Naga siren torrent and Oly in trouble as the tidebringer from collapse gets that kill supports right and I can get the Naga like I I see a lot of item Builds on Naga told that thought Savage Ghost Ship coming through X lands with the Ghost Ship and they've got the little Shredder Mira gets the kill Rolling Thunder thought about for a second they even ping out that they've got Vision somewhere and they find it all doing a good job of recognizing because of arcane's Norm this is you're r m Lan uh-oh rolling thunder coming through Lauren well this would be Lauren off doing his best Joel impression as he just spins a little bit and 23 Savage gets the kill on air ancient Stacks as well like he's having a blast but Elena is the difference here 34 CS XO ship scatter blast and a tidebringer now they go to the blood grenade cookie to try and level him to the Avalanche and well that's going to be enough movement to catch up get cookies I think about what is my item build cuz like you play the sniper because of shrapnel right and shno is really cool don't play X uh-oh or off in some trouble sleep is there they've got the Ghost Ship scatter blast it all combines together and I've been I've been trying to talk about this for a while now I don't know what to buy on sniper I don't know what the build is you're going to go on Mira they're trying apel's used assassinate flies out but they don't quite get the damage to get the kill on miror just yet however Ali ready and we'll finish him off yeah they want to take fights yeah that's true blink Avalanche toss and Ln off he'll Escape that they go to the song there is an amplified damage here on the collapse and the song well not hitting on a moska who might be looking ready to fight the pop the blade me they go to the Primal Roar but still alive collapse may be able to fight back unfortunately it's not looking good for Aurora anyway with Jabs and Ali dying AO but the chase is on for the tiny they've got themselves the assassinate they will get this kill on AO with that assassinate so it ends up being a two for two trade with the win Runner have kind of a similar game on 23 Savage where his game started slow but eventually he kind of got there despite them losing that game we'll see if they can do that again Prim aora Rolling Thunder assassinate out Anam moska they'll blink in avalanche as well as the top they go to the m kisses this could be a problem for the side of Aurora they end up losing Jabs but the Laguna blade gets the kill in a collapse the right clicks on AO not going to be enough the Earth spitter is going to fly through with the wave for for from radon they find the scatter blast out lands on a q they'll get themselves a second they'll look for Ali who will throw the net onto mosko WL does find 23 they've got the toss the LSA that lands but the cookie comes through from meor they've got the little Shredder 23 saage is going to die here triple kill for the snap fire miror blow up every single one of these sces maybe not Pango if he jumps him 23 dire's oh no I mean this is unfair he's got an INF his Rune you're not expecting this Avalanche toss into the ghost ship in the wake of have a save besides the song right like you can't save targets besides every 2 minutes or whatever when your coold Downs are gone but how you save them is mid lane Thunder yeah they want to go for this looking for the sleep but that's going to be stopped Avalanche into the toss they get the kill to Ali Prim aora is going to be used but do they have the damage it's not looking like it at least initially Earth splitter comes through and lands onto three of these Heroes it'll push them back sniper with a concussive grenade the morer kisses are out but nobody else is coming in from the side of team spirit yeah these SC Jabs he's trying to go for this Rush he's already like he was unlucky with the bashes and now he's going to be unlucky Laurel is everywhere Jabs the TP no all right he tried oh and he went on a mission but he does return home but Laurel has eyes on the prize Avalanche toss 23 Savage oh God no no no never do you want the tiny coose to you yeah that fish is too big now with no bkb I don't know how 23 Savage is going to get the damage out the LSA this might work all right they go to the roar they're trying to get the kill Ron but he's going to pop that man wave for him out of there and now they look overo they'll get the count of the tiny he's going to be dead for the first time but he has his ages Title Wave pulling in Lauren off they've got the Pango in a bad way but heill Shield crash Avalanche lands one kisses with the toss L's got a kill they look over Q he's on the low ground that's a sleep that lands from moska and they will wave for him kill off this sniper two Heroes dead without buyback and Aurora looking for answers well L looking for Beast oh boy yeah that's a dead Jabs that's going to be three gone no buyback X on Ali Naga is going to be fed and killed if he's not too careful but gets up the step's not going to matter war with another toss dunk title wave out of the base both team WIP here for team spirit as they finish off game number one probably leave son King when morph gets levels to go I I would say nine out of 10 lanes level five Monkey King's coming through towards bottom and collaps he's holding on to the burrow strike lands it but it's not like likely that he survives here is there's the balance strike from L you just make these rotations they don't connect and then you're kind of stuck okay he's going on sniper Barrow connects easy kill and now Jabs you can't really help no Arena can't really chase the S king for now Q is here he's got I big pumping it collapse yeah he stuck around for way too long Mir will not be able to help him Jabs and another one and stacks as well like this start is the game is going it's all on LL and his rotations like this hero is basically made to rotate at this point he's what he's going to do yeah I've got the tornado EF out of Mana is lenov starstorm Lands dual breaths there they get the kill in luren off and that's exactly what they needed was just unfortunate and now they're going to have lenoff come back into the midd lane he's going to look as Jabs is dead up top to redon for mea the shrapnel are placed the Sharpshooter is going to be thrown in death is under I love how he tried like some other uh hoodwin would try to jump off the cliff not for much longer down goes the Koval they'll come through towards bottom but radon is actually the one who might be in a little bit of trouble here balance strike to start it off they go to the arena and redon hit with the assassinate they will get that kill on of the Morana 23 Savage also showing up with some at least if maybe they catch Q in this position but that's just an illusion that sees Q oh tornado EMP Sharpshooter with the bushwack they've got the Mana out of his hands to go to the arena they get the kill oh yes they do lov's going to be dead collaps and L taking a lot of damage under the trapnel and the morph turning into the sand King Burl strike on AO there's the ice path as well as the Dual breath V stops 22 Savage from getting the kill on L the assassinate is going to come through to get the kill on Jabs but the lose collapse another assassinate Mir is dead too is gone on both sides Sun strike not going to land on a Ali yeah absolutely full on into Dior on the other side Mars is also buying Crimson by the way which does make a lot of sense botl wuk Sharpshooter to get out of the circle on the Run trying to get away from these Heroes just buying some more time but eventually will die Primal spring is there Ali gets the kill the morling like they're super content with farming look at ol please this is ah that that could have been so good from him it still is like he broke the smoke with his face but he still broke it and 100% the mid laners like on one side you have The Monkey King on the other you have an invoker rotations didn't really work bro strike Arrow Sun strike and that is a very dead sniper we're done getting that kill at least yeah yeah yeah he's scanning for inv Walker the scan with my icons always is misleading it looks like the the icon is under the scan but it doesn't have enough going that way and they're going to more fit of the sand King they go to the Burl strike Burl strike out of the circle though the Arena's going to follow it up it's the circles game and they've made the VIN diagram and they'll get the kill in a collapse they get that at least assassinate on Amira Sharpshooter ice path that all lands Holly goes into the overgrow so they have the lock down to maybe stop the Chase from Spirit or maybe turn around and go redon killed off by 23 Savage you turned into the s King once again had the bur strike to get the control onto this Morana moska being chased down two more shots needed to get this kill thinking about an assassinate under the tier three Tower they don't quite care boundless strike the assassinate lands they get the kill there onto the jakiro and four heroes are dead like you want to damage that's damage right there and the thing too is he wanted to go for the bkb thought about it but the fact that he's getting this Aegis means he can forgo it and there's the blink into the arena they've got the spear me is dead collap we off getting that kill with the boundless strike and collapse so of course it's team spirit like they can make anything work it's just that it will be a bit more difficult get the kill there on to mea again Tower Hasen there's no hwi they can just set up 23 Savage they have the arena if anyone goes in even collapse th strike from the morph turning in sand King bur strike turning it around now ice path is there on the ground they're trying to get the kill 23 Savage and they'll take him out behind the tier three they will activate that solar flare they've gone to the arena they have the control they'll have the D to get the kill in a collapse and now they got to look over it Jabs wukong's command's going to be committed 23 Savage on the back lines they've GED up this wave as well as the tier three so they're not going to lose the tower but they end up getting the kill on the Mars warn off Mischief tornado Landing they've got the shrapnel down for a second they start to walk away and without this sand King the Chase from spirit's going to be limited he's now going for that you SC it right like and yeah I think it's flying out right yeah and they're going to find Laurel assassinate tornado EMP well done but the balance strike lands the ne grass is down sewing him up getting the kill is the side of Aurora what can they get done I know I I'm just looking against Mara that is a squirrel caught and to nobody's surprise squirrel e a gladiator Arena does not survive radi are scanning Russ Crow doing some major damage push up nice back oh just missed all kind of Off the Mark and now that's going to leave Loro and the rest of the team kind of exposed here 22 Savage pop bkb he is going to go in on this try to get the kill L they get the kill to the invoker they're going to look off for the rest but poka running away from lauro who doesn't have a lot of Mana remaining but the assassinate flies through they get the killing up aosa that's going to be two Heroes down to the side of team spirit with the buyback being used by both of them they go after 23 Savage they'll get the kill on of the morling he's in Far he's in well ahead of his team and now Ron going to try and turn this around with the bkb they've got the shooter they have the stun Burl strike on a q they'll get themselves another and it looked oh so good for Aurora until 23 Savage went in just too far yeah I think you know what's happened there so looking to be ready for RO which is over bottom and maybe they go for that but Spirit they're going to smoke and Ali again dude just in these perfect positions burough strike lands when they react on the side of Aurora they're nowhere nearby so looks as though they're going to let him die the L Ali he's dead for 45 seconds there is a gem that is picked up by that Courier yeah ends up being Marl dire's middle Tower is under attack and now maybe they have an opportunity but again they've got this OBS they have the Sentry and it's going to spot some information they go for the arena it's going to be a spear coming through but this is collapse going in with the bkb they're going to look over it jab just going to be all alone ice path back fire they get the kill onto the Mars end up losing with the right click damage coming fromon with the solar play the bkb is going to run out on the morira the leap away maybe going back towards this morling who turns into the sing Burl strike onto The High Ground oh oh the Burl strike that's going to stop the TP and now he's going to have to run trying to get out of this one as the boundless strike lands from The Monkey King the bkb is going to be popped by L they've got themselves the ice P they'll get the kill on The Monkey King lov's going to die the Assassin he lands on air and they'll end up trading there but it is a two and a three taken out on a for the Hoodwink of spirit yeah that was that was rubber band patch right bro I was still playing in the rubber band patch I I don't think you covered anything with me maybe not sure there's been multiple comeback patches as they're going to tornado burrow strike Jabs caught here Arenas but just dead that is not a good place to be caught out like that yeah that was a lot of damage coming from uh Sharpshooter as well like Mira went for that plus 125 Shar Sharpshooter Max damage so he can blow targets up as well they're going to go yeah they've got that kill they'll take out mea dead for 75 seconds actually doesn't have buyback foron level 25 through the arrows out Bal strike gets on the other side that's thanks to the sh that LOF has they're still sticking to collapse but the blink away from Ali yeah he was afraid of uh detection oh now strike misses now they've got the n Fire to go and throw their own burrow strike but bur strike from collaps with the bkb he'll try to get the Epic Center off the aiana feather will activate the Epic Center will do nothing as 23 Savage gets the kill onto collapse and he is dead for 90 seconds doesn't have buyback at the moment he doesn't have the side of Aurora arrows being thrown out by redon as the shoot added on to the arrow is interesting we'll see if it ends up affecting the fights at all but they go and they have got War off dead to right nobody can save him he is dead for 97 seconds does not have buyback oh boy well unfortunate for Aurora because they had a really solid chance right there to close things out it will take a little bit longer and team spirit they have collapsed now back again scanning collapses back tell a friend and collaps oh he's going to Blink pop the bkb they've got the arena down they get the count of Ron he's also dead for 100 seconds the sun strike's going to come through and get the kill out of Jabs they go in find the bur strike coming out from theing moring taking a lot of damage Inside the mcro Fire oh no collapse with the EMP Center they'll get that kill in a 23 Savage they'll take him out for 97 seconds and they'll look over at Q who's going to die he just bought out an mkb so he is dead for 70 seconds it looks so good for Aurora taking out Ronna start but they melted on the side of Aurora his right clicker range zeros it's in Walker as well like this guy isn't your classic spell casting in Walker that you remember from before Noka he's dead yeah but also Ro respawning in five short Ro timer is still around Jabs he sees him X is there got Hero's close but I don't know if they're close enough there or not they'll get the kill noar 23 Savage pops the bkb and now without they've got buyback again but without him it's going to be tough now time to defend this4 yeah that fight S3 at the moment actually uh they were actually coming to him they were right behind they wanted to connect with the invoker but he greed out a little bit with that c they knew exactly where he was and Mir on the run but look at how fast the Simeon stride is balance strike just off the mark collapse on The High Ground everybody on the side of Aurora are actually on the right side of the lane Smoke Gets broken Mars unaware of the fact that collapse is right by them thinking about the epicenter they go to the wukong's command collapse going to be behind them but he'll blink forward looking for something the assassinate on Amir nobody's in the wukongs thinking about the EMP Center there's the blink to the Bur strike they're going to buy back on the evoker they're go for the sun strike they're trying to get the kill the 23 Savage look over this Monkey King who eats the cheese he's got the bkb they've got the arena down for set forward from laurl they got the agis out of the hands of the morling they're trying to get a second kill on the 23 Savage with the Burl strike popping the Lincoln on this morling bkb is going to run out in a moment bkb po by this Mars goes back into the arena taking a lot of damage though only down to about a fourth of his health remaining they go to the Duba that lands on a off the way for forward they get the kill on air now bur strike coming through on the 23 they go to the over it's going to be it foral it's got the control can they get the kill though 23 loow Sun strike kills him off he's going to be dead for 99 seconds though buyback they've got the GL near down they look over at this invoker they'll take out laurl Ali's dead down go Jabs lenov falling four Heroes Dead full team wi here for the side of team spirit buyback immediately used by luren off as it again with the AIS look so good for Aurora but wasn't like the way they won't fight so far is they jump a core they hex him and they eliminate him immediately you can't do that when you're pushing High Ground you did get get mea that's who who bought back and is dead for a 120 seconds morphling is actually short buyback 93 gold uh there's a bounty run the L so the the chaos gets more chaotic yeah they're not going to wait for that they smoke up immediately they understand we have a full minute without woodwin like he brings a lot of control a lot of damage as well hika oh still moska in trouble he's got buyback so this kill isn't terrible for the side of team spirit yeah and they used the bkb on 23 for that so morling used the bkb I believe Jabs used his as well yeah without know that they want to go 35 they're even tring to go for this bur strike defining blast o over before he dies now they're going to look over Ron they got the to wuk on command but the leap out balance strike coming through oh no L it off he's going to die he's di for 2 minutes the arrow o Off the Mark and the tornado's going to be off to his left he'll turn into this sand King Burl strike trying to get some distance away blinks away from the side of team spirit start to shift into that Agy but collapse on his heels wave for needs to get out but doesn't have a TP for three more seconds available maybe glyph gets shown maybe they stop they don't care right like he for yeah they haven't used it yet they're going to Blink in they're going to look over they've got themselves the arrow they're going to find the damage with the sharp shooter get the kill and Q he doesn't have buyback now they look over the S kick collaps going to be trying to survive the damage coming in had the AV on his feather once again activate but he's not going to get far enough away collaps is going to buy back into this one the throw's going to be exposed they go after Jeff they get the kill he's going to buy back on the Mars they look at this morph fling they'll take out 23 Savage and team spirit will take the 2 over Aurora finishing this one out with a team wipe and GG is called te and team spirit the late game shows its face

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