The May 6, 2024 Severe Weather Outbreak, As It Happened...

Published: May 05, 2024 Duration: 09:33:33 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: reno weather
15 [Music] [Music] probable tornado warning east of lned Kansas looking at East of lnet Kansas whether it's a last second SC [Music] [Music] all right can you hear me can you hear me test test one two three uh just want to make sure uh everything's looking good and sounding good before we dive straight into uh what going on here which is a lot okay um thank you for tuning in this is a l a live severe weather uh emergency broadcast as we do have a high risk of uh tornadoes uh today across portions of Kansas and uh Oklahoma uh we're going to dive into the forecast here uh really briefly before we unfortunately have to go deep into analyzing each and every single one of these uh supercells as we already have some interesting activity out there for example we've got a thunderstorm warning for Woodward and Morland in uh Oklahoma we're watching that storm we're also really closely watching these storms over here in Kansas and north and east of lned uh we've got some rotating thunderstorms moving up towards Great Bend and elenwood uh we've got storms up here in Nebraska as well way up into South Dakota and then on top of that on top of all that we've got some strong strong storms over here in Tennessee we had a tornado warning in Tennessee right before we started the stream we're probably going to see several severe thunderstorm warnings over here throughout the day even down into South Carolina and Georgia look at this we've got some new uh severe thunderstorm warnings out here there are tens of millions of people today under the gun for significant severe weather couple million people are under the gun for maybe some of the most significant weather they've seen in a very long time um and we are kind of pinpointing most of our Focus today in the pink area this is that rare high-risk of severe weather today from uh just south of Witchita Falls uh down I'm sorry just south of Witchita Kansas down past the Oklahoma City metro there in Oklahoma that tornado that high risk is driven by a tornado risk a rare 30% hatched risk of tornadoes possible today in Panka City Enid Oklahoma City Norman and Stillwater and a lot of places in between uh this is a 30% probability of seeing a tornado within 25 miles of any given point there and the hatched indicator the dotted lines uh show us where some of those tornadoes could potentially be strong producing ef2 damage or greater this is once again what's driving the high risk today the last time we saw a threat this High um not even just in Oklahoma just anywhere in the US was last year um and it led to one of the biggest uh you know tornado outbreaks on record um you guys remember March 31st uh 2023 uh I think the last time we saw a high-risk in Oklahoma specifically was you know several years ago so we we are very much concerned about the Oklahoma City area today all the way up to Witchita uh because the the tornado risk does look high we've also got a really you know big risk for Hail and wind as well here's what those risk um areas mean okay a lot of people get it confused there's so many different qualifiers and classifications for these warnings and watches and outlooks that come out you know uh I I saw some people on Twitter asking you know you know we're under a high risk does that mean there's going to be a tornado emergency or does that mean that we're going to be under a PDS tornado watch um I think that you know a lot of people might seem to think that they're all linked together in some way and they're not um basically a a high risk of severe weather from the Storm Prediction Center means that there is high confidence that an outbreak of storms will contain tornadoes damaging winds and severe hail and we're going to have numerous severe storms that fit that criteria so basically whenever we are almost certain that there's going to be a tornado outbreak uh or widespread damaging winds in the event of a dero or something like that um today it's a tornado outbreak that we're most concerned about uh we are expecting that you will see very intense storms that your area may only experience once or twice in an once or twice in an entire lifetime so the the the high risk is reserved only for events that are you know extremely uh rare and and uh concerning in terms of their ability to produce significant severe weather that threatens life and property so everything is looking good and sounding good all right um I am going to also show you this list of uh stuff from the National Weather Service here uh while we uh show a little bit of the the radar of some of these uh storms up here in Kansas that are really getting their act together um uh so the National Weather Service in Oklahoma is kind of reminding everybody that it's important not to focus too much on the risk categories somebody earlier we just did a pre-stream for members only somebody was asking like hey since I'm in Witchita and Witchita is not in the the high risk does that mean that I'm okay well first of all Witchita you know there's a good chance that you guys get missed by you know the the stronger storms hey like let's hope for the best but just because you're a couple miles outside of the high risk does not mean that there's no risk at all for you okay um there's definitely we don't need to pay too close attention to the risk areas because everybody in that moderate and enhanced risk and of course the high risk uh is under the gun for very significant severe weather today every storm will be equally capable of producing dangerous tornadoes and destructive hail most people however today will not see storms at all we are only expecting a small number of storms we could have two to three or we could have 10 the biggest thing to remember is that if you see a storm near you today all right if you're in Kansas Oklahoma even up there in Nebraska um if you see a storm just assume that it's a bad one and and that it's going to be really uh dangerous okay um we have not experienced a day like this in quite some time uh we do expect the storms to become supercells quickly after they form and they're forming right now uh and they should remain super cells through the event we actually don't don't expect them to form into a Squall line or cluster like usual um the potential for tornadoes will increase after dark so don't let your guard down wind shear um is uh you know already going to be plenty this afternoon and it's only going to become more favorable after dark so some of the bigger tornadoes today some of the more dangerous tornadoes will occur in the darkness tonight once the sun goes down which is really unfortunate makes the situation even more dangerous um let's see here uh clouds are not going to prevent storms from forming today or lessen their severity so there was some hope that we we were going to see a little bit more um widespread cloud coverage uh you know this morning and early afternoon and we we definitely saw some clouds but there's a tiny bit more of a a break where we're seeing Sunshine than maybe some of the models I think yesterday were showing so you know even if we were to see nothing but clouds um you know there's enough ingredients here for storm so you know that's something that we don't really have to worry about a lot today but you know I think that we're actually going to see more instability maybe than what some of the models were showing yesterday the cap a layer of uh warm air above the surface will not prevent storms from forming today we've got plenty of options for uh you know convective uh initiation in fact we've already seen you know storms bust through that cap exactly where we thought they were going to um and you know just remember many locations in the risk area today won't see storms okay but if your location does see a storm uh it's going to be bad and it it could be one of the worst storms you've ever seen in your life so keep that in mind as you prepare for what you're going to do today at when that warning comes through uh meteorologist Andy Hill has some information for us so um let's all welcome Andy and hear from him go thanks Ryan how do y'all long day ahead today do want to uh reiterate one of the most important parts there is of course uh the one where it states that things are going to happen after dark so we cannot get complacent uh for the first few hours love the word from uh Evan Bentley a Storm Prediction Center forecaster let's not get complacent uh while we wait for things to happen that's very similar uh you know maybe there was a bit of complacency that happened almost a week ago and and then we had that ef4 tornado near marata we had the ef3 through sulfur that's uh still being surveyed so um we have to pay the utmost attention today and you can you can flux in and out as a viewer of course but just making sure that you're aware when things are close to the people you care most about or yourself uh that's the most important thing that we can offer you is information in those times so please uh stay tuned or pay attention whenever you need to and uh we'll be here for you today the second thing I want to say is near Granville Tennessee this is the cell I believe that previously had a tornado warning with it yes so this one is near Grandville and it does look like there was some rotation there briefly again I could see a new tornado warning coming for southern Jackson County in Tennessee if that keeps on its current track we'll watch this marginal tornado threat in Tennessee at the same time that's far away from our risk area and far away from our low pressure system that's uh causing our high- risk today thank you very much uh Andy um go ahead uh Riley hey Ryan so this is a scale that we've used a few different times now on this stream and it is the Waffle House scale and there are reports that Waffle Houses in Oklahoma City have closed ahead of this high risk and that's something that we didn't even see during like the most major hurricane landfalls is the closure of waffle houses but there has been closures of waffle houses that is actually nuts um I don't know if you guys are are familiar with the Waffle House situation but they have a honestly I think they employ more meteorologists than than some news stations and stuff like they they have a whole department uh where you know Waffle House you they do everything they can to stay open even in the most significant severe weather events so the fact that we're actually hearing about Waffle Houses closing in Oklahoma ahead of ahead of potential uh you know tornado warnings and stuff is something that I did honestly I did not expect that that's that's but that's a sign of you know maybe the severity of what's to come I also wanted to show you this I haven't mentioned this yet there is a a tornado watch already um for the main risk area um numerous look at this this is a a particularly dangerous situation a tornado watch okay uh PDS tornado watch until 11:00 p.m. central tonight um uh numerous strong tornadoes expected I that that is some of the most incredible wording you'll ever hear from a tornado watch the probabilities with this tornado watch are off the charts we haven't seen anything like it in a really long time actually couldn't tell you the last time we saw anything like this um the the The Confidence from the Storm Prediction Center is just unbelievable not not a couple tornadoes likely not even strong tornadoes likely numerous strong tornadoes expected um and this is including Dodge City Hutchinson and Witchita in Kansas and this includes uh Enid Oklahoma City chiet lton uh in Oklahoma and it does include Witchita Falls Texas so once again this is um about as high of an a tornado watch as you could possibly get as far as the uh the probabilities go for severe weather occurring inside of it so if you are anywhere in this tornado watch you need to be more weather aware than you've ever been in your life um and you need to once again let's say that you're over here on the Eastern side of this watch and and you've gotten to much later this evening before the storms get to you you need to go ahead and and have it down to like write it down or or practice go through the motions or whatever go over go ahead and figure out what you're going to do if that uh warning comes through for your area you you don't need to wait any time at all like figure out where your safe spot is you know put a battery backup in there for your phone um you know charge your your your stuff put on Clos toe uh shoes or put them in your safe spot um have something to cover your head helmets pillows blanket something like that just pack that room full of whatever you think you would need in the event that you need to take shelter for an extended period of time and then also in the event where you know it's unlikely that your house gets hit by a tornado but if it does in the event where you have to evacuate your home you might have to walk over splintered wood glass Nails screws um and you might have to walk outside in the rain for an extended period of time it's sounds miserable I know and it's something that a lot of us don't even want to think about but unfortunately you have to think about it today uh if you live anywhere in the tornado watch you see on your screen so just do everything you can to go ahead and prepare for that now the the odds are you won't have to utilize it okay but in in the event where a worst case scenario happens you're going to be so glad that you did all this stuff to prepare ahead of time it could literally save your life and it could make a a terrible um situation just a little bit better you know if you're a little bit more prepared for it so um once again that's going to be uh everywhere that you see on your screen there from Witchita all the way past Oklahoma City towards Witchita Falls about 3.5 million people uh under the gun for significant severe weather there from our tornado watch that goes all the way until 11:00 p.m. central there will be another tornado watch probably at some point that that even covers an area farther east um closer to Tulsa a little bit past Tulsa and some of those areas um that will go even later into the night so this won't be over by 11: I I think unfortunately and don't yeah don't forget your pets that's for sure all right I am now I am monitoring stream text I've got everything pulled up that I need oh yeah and of course we have um some of the the best stormchasers on Earth working with us today um we've got Caleb beum out there of course in Hall Force One by the way if you guys want a good uh firstperson view from a a stormchaser today there's obviously a lot of storm chasers that you can follow individually on YouTube Caleb beum is a good option there as well from Hall Force One he's got his YouTube live stream uh up right now um it's just Caleb beum on YouTube if you want to search him up and the same warning overlay and stuff that I use is going to be available on his uh feed our first T tornado warning of the stream just came through a new tornado warning has been issued in Stafford County in Kansas this is uh something that you know this is an area that we've been watching for a while um Andy brought our attention to this General vicinity uh when the stream first started but here we go we've got a tornado warning for lned in Radium and Seward in Kansas that's going to be a radar indicated warning uh really uh interesting thing with this one is the rotation right now is is pretty strong actually um but it's not as uh visible I I guess is you know maybe something like up here this is more broad rotation this one right here is a little bit more of a a tighter rotation near zuk so this could produce a tornado pretty quickly uh so hopefully everybody's getting in their safe spots in zook in Radium and Ray over there in um uh this part of Kansas where lnet is go ahead Andy yeah Ryan actually I want to talk about that warning too because I was uh a very I was very interested in the previous scan that was showing up there that is an anticyclonic um rotation there that's persisted for a frame so because we have one more frame of data and there's consistency between the two that's actually why that was worned for an anticyclonic meso that's very tight right in there in the storm and you can kind of see that in the hail too it looks like it's wrapping around uh clockwise instead of counterclockwise so a very first interesting warning for the stream generally these anticyclonic meeses will not be longer lasting unlike the storms we may see later today but I thought I thought that that was a a pretty interesting tidbit so I wanted to share it and make sure that we have the you know the utmost scientific accuracy and basis for you know whatever reasoning we're issuing warnings that grab your attention absolutely thank you meteorologist Andy Hill anticyclonic rotation here um still could be you know be producing a tornado between Hamburg and zook um but hopefully we're what we're hoping for is that this means that maybe this Won't Last a really long time maybe this won't be down uh for an extended period of time if it does make contact with the ground however the storm that the anticyclonic um rotation is associated with is a supercell in a pretty primed environment for tornadoes so when that anticyclonic rotation kind of lets up maybe that leads way into a more traditional tornado forming at the base of this storm which is definitely going to be possible maybe all the way down there towards radium and Seward um yeah so we've got storms all the way up here I see people already asking about South Dakota we of course are going to be talking about South Dakota and anywhere else that has tornadoes or severe weather today there is currently one severe uh thunderstorm warning right now in South Dakota um and it actually has a tornado possible tag on it because a lot of these storms today have been rotating all the way up here uh May and you know it's very possible that some of these will even produce tornadoes but uh wind and hail are also going to be a threat here over the next 4 40 minutes or so in White River and wood in South Dakota we've got a bunch of of severe thunderstorm warnings in Northern Kansas as well over here into Southern Nebraska um actually a pretty strong storm uh coming up towards blue hill and Bladen in Nebraska with inch in diameter hail in 60 mph winds um how about some golf ball-sized hail coming for you there in Kora and North Branch um 60 mph winds also Associated tornado has been issued you are going to get in on that same thing there whenever this storm gets closer to you so this is our line here of supercells that's already kind of you know looking pretty intense as it's uh just blown up over the past little bit we've got another tornado watch um graphic that I want to show you real quick this is a little bit further east uh for and also a little bit further north than our PDS tornado watch this is not a PDS but it's a higher-end regular tornado watch a couple strong tornadoes possible scattered hail up up to 2 in likely and 75 m per hour wind gusts likely in Poria Kansas Topeka you guys are in this Lincoln and Omaha Nebraska you guys are in this okay so um Riley go ahead hey Ryan just watching the Chaser Chaser feeds here and I have my eye on that severe sworn storm near Woodward Oklahoma um it does look like we're in the developing stages of seeing a wall cloud form there all right um do we have any any Chaser that we could put on the the screen that has that uh we don't have any Chasers that are there yet but I do know that Caleb's on his way Brad's on his way Luke's on his way and there's a good amount of people on their way to that storm and just looking at spotter dots if this thing produces a tornado there's going to be hundreds if not thousands of angles of it all right thank you Riley um unfortunately um and honestly not unfortunately we we really appreciate what the stormchasers do I think that stormchasers are important but this will probably because of where it is and and and How likely it is that there's going to be a bunch of big tornadoes today this is going to be one of the most chased storms ever like there's going to be uh bumper-to-bumper traffic out here around some of these uh you know tornadoes because literally people are trying to be there for them um as crazy as that sounds there's nothing that we can do about it um but if you're a normal person okay uh I would recommend staying off the roads completely because that can actually make it a more dangerous situation for you um if you're on the roads tornadoes coming You' think that the the roads would be empty but uh Unfortunately today um there's going to be thousands and thousands of people out there with their cell phones out the window trying to take pictures of tornadoes I would highly encourage you not be one of those people um it's not not a smart thing to do uh and also we're going to be able to show you right here on this channel exactly whatever it is that you would be able to see if you went out there and risk your life to do it yourself so shout outs to my normal people so back to radar here not we're not really seeing much from these storms in West Oklahoma yet as far as um what we can tell from velocity and reflectivity on uh a radar but some of the Storm Chasers are getting pretty close and uh we do see uh some you know some some signs of rotation uh with the storm as they get closer and closer we only have one tornado warning right now and that's going to be the storm up here near Larned Kansas um that anticyclonic rotation has already led up a little bit um but the storm overall continues to rotate and um we're going to continue to watch it as it moves up towards radium and sew a little bit more rotation but more broad up here towards Great Bend and Heiser um so this this is a storm that we might have to watch in the future uh to P you know potentially sorry uh become tornado warned um as that uh moves a little bit further to the East and as we enter a more favorable uh environment for tornadoes remember it is currently 453 Eastern uh 353 Central the you the event technically isn't really going to start until about 6:00 p.m. okay so we're we're very early here uh we we are just kind of we wanted to start the stream so that we could show you the storms from the moment they pop up all the way until they become big troublemakers but I want you guys to understand that what we're looking at right now is absolutely nothing compared to what we will be dealing with tonight between 6:00 p.m. and 10 p.m. I think especially um once again probably one of the more significant severe weather outbreaks and tornado uh situations that this area has uh ever experienced thing um another thing to consider here is if you are in that PDS tornado watch and you are on the side where maybe you have several hours now to prepare for what's to come what I would do if I lived in a mobile home for example is I would probably go ahead and make arrangements to get the heck out of that um if you are south of Witchita or or around Oklahoma City or even south and west of Oklahoma City or anywhere between Oklahoma City and Witchita today and you live in a mobile home you are in one of the more dangerous situations anybody could possibly be in on Earth um it's very unlikely still that your specific mobile home gets hit by a tornado today but the odds are higher today than they usually are ever and the kind of tornadoes that we are expecting today are almost certainly going to you know completely demolish and and you know roll around mobile homes okay so what I would do is if I lived in a mobile home anywhere along I35 or anywhere between Oklahoma City and Witchita today is I would either go spend the night in a motel you don't have to go you don't have to travel very far far um go to a friend's house that has a more sturdy built home or go to a a tornado shelter there are shelters that are open that you can go to um and you can kind of like hang out there maybe if somebody on my team can give me a link I know there's a link somewhere to um to like a database full of these shelters uh but I would go ahead and make a plan to just not be home today uh for that all the way through the evening tonight I know that's a lot I know that's a lot that that's you sounds incredibly ridiculous and obviously you don't have to do that we're going to do our best here to guide you through it as the storms get closer to you hopefully they miss you but if you've got the ability to if you've got the freedom to be able to do that today um I would get the heck out of Dodge go to a friend's house um and you know make sure I'm not in my mobile home when these storms went by because the thing about being in a mobile home is like not only do the walls fall like if you're in a house or something some of the walls might fall down the roof might come off blah blah blah if you're in a mobile home that thing gets twisted around and tumbled around and and wrapped around things and um it it's actually a lot worse to be in a mobile home than just about anywhere else that you could possibly be uh in a tornado so um I just hopefully there's a couple people that have the ability to to get somewhere else uh right now and and and maybe you guys can consider that a as the storms get closer to you if you've got a well-built home I think that you should you you you should stay you like you're fine once again tornadoes are small this area is Big the the this potentially affected area um and we're going to hope that that you know all the tornadoes go right by and you don't have to worry about anything but if you've got a well-built home um if you get into the most interior room today um hope you know we're going to be hopefully we're going to be just fine the the the best place that you could possibly go is underground hopefully in this part of the world a lot of people do have tornado shelters um hopefully you've got one of those if not then uh you know basement most interior room closet something like that Andy go ahead hey Ryan we can also look at some things that are a little bit less uh directly harmful should be on top of some mostly remote Fields here in central Nebraska and even North Central Nebraska using the North Plat radar there right this is right along that dry line that's the line you're seeing and if you play back the loop of that on reflectivity you can actually see the converging winds right up to that drive that dry line as it moves very slightly to the East this has had um several several um rotation areas of rotation with it that may or may not have produced tornadoes I think at least one tornado did occur right along the dry line with any very shallow um convection here so these storms are not very tall they'd be extremely photogenic if they were producing tornadoes but some of these circulations right next to the radar are basically two pixels wide which is you know maybe maybe like 50 feet across uh with how far up we're scanning only a few hundred feet above the surface so lots and lots of rotation right along this line none of it currently tornado warned although I do believe we had at least one tornado associated with some of this thunderstorms occurring here on the dry line um so something to watch and hopefully something much less impactful okay uh thank you very much guys that's meteorologist Andy Hill he's going to be chiming in a lot today uh bringing our attention to different areas I think we're going to be jumping around a bunch uh today and speaking of that let's go ahead and and start jumping around a little bit right now before we have to hyperfocus on Kansas and Oklahoma which is not going to be too long from now let's get an update on what's going on over here in South Carolina uh we've got a bunch of severe thunderstorm warnings over here in South Carolina Greenville South Carolina you're about to get hit by some inch in diameter hail and 60 mph winds uh same thing for you guys over there in Clemson it's about quarter sized hail um and also uh we've got some strong storms a little bit farther to the South near Sala um and Johnston or Saluda and Johnston and edfield these might make it over there towards um Columbia South Carolina and you know we don't expect much in the way of tornadoes today with these storms but even UH 60 m per hour winds uh that's nothing that you want to play around with uh you know that could blow stuff around that could cause damage so you know just make sure you've got your heads up and you are aware of the situation today because we're all kind of really focused on um you know Oklahoma and uh Kansas but I I don't want anybody to get blindsided here by a strong storm that happens that could definitely be impactful for your area as well uh same thing over here in Tennessee Cookville Tennessee you guys are about to get hit by a pretty strong storm here that has been rotating a little bit no signs of a torn adic circulation as of right now but Cookville Baxter you guys get ready also if you're in Tennessee right now the best uh way to kind of monitor these storms obviously other than just looking at radar is through our radar Oma uh Cyclone ports and there's a ton of them there's a ton of them in radar Omega there's one in Cookville actually I'm pulling it up right now uh there's one back here towards Murphy's Boro um if you want a good look at some of these uh supercells today uh a good way to do that is by going into the radar Omega app uh and open opening them up and these are high quality cameras they look really good and of course uh this is what it looks like over here in Eastern Kentucky right now this is the weather house this is where I'm broadcasting from from on top of the mountain over here in the Appalachian Mountains it's a it's a fine beautiful day um but look here you can actually see the under signs of some of the leaves um so it does look like we've got some Rising air um and some storms are on the way okay so we're probably going to see some storms of our own uh today as uh you know a little bit of isolated uh you know severe weather moves into the general vicinity of East Tennessee and East Kentucky later um but yeah the the Cyclone Port thing is very cool and radar Mega I encourage everybody to download that app if you haven't already because not only can you look at stuff in Tennessee and and that's going to be expanding over the us over the next uh several months but you can see live stormchasers okay here's Brad Arnold you see his face right here I'm going to click on him boom there he is I've got his live feed right in front of me here I can put that to the side and now I'm looking at storms okay oh is that not enough here's here's stormchaser Caleb beum all right boom got him up all right is that not enough here's another guy here's Don this is the owner I think yeah this is this is like Mr radar Omega himself out there uh chasing storms I've got them all three up um and you can do this on your phone iOS or Android they're a big supporter of the channel Link in the top of the description that's it that's all I have to say about that okay um so we've got that going on over there in in uh South Carolina in Tennessee um now let's talk about our more a significant area of thunderstorms from north to south right now we've got a severe thunderstorm warning for White River and wood in South Dakota that's going to last for the next 30 minutes uh a little bit more of a significant storm is getting ready to move through Red Cloud and blue hill uh over here in um uh Nebraska okay get ready for some 60 mph winds over there even stronger storm with inch and a half in diameter um uh hail moving towards Lebanon right now Kansas uh and uh once again some big hail moving over there towards Noma and covert Kansas as well so those storms are not looking very toric right now the ones up there in North Kansas and Southern Nebraska mostly hail and wind now the farther south we go the more toric things start to look we do have a very strong storm uh moving into Beaver uh Kansas right now that one's got some golf ball-sized hail and maybe up to 70 mph winds here um with associated with that storm some similar uh stuff is expected here between Great Bend and Ellenwood uh within the next little bit and 70 mph winds are extremely dangerous um can knock over Big Trees of course cause power outages and and even cause roof damage and stuff like that so be extra you know prepared if you've got one of these storms coming towards you bringing about 70 mph winds and then of course we have that um tornado warning for radium and sewards still in Kansas Ro rot ation doesn't look very impressive okay but it is a supercell it is rotating so we've got to take it seriously and we've got to get into our safe spots down here in Radium and Seward Kansas we've got some other storms that are forming south of that um between Greensburg and Pratt in Kansas we've got some uh big time storms forming they're not even severe warned yet okay but I'm sure that there is probably a little bit of hail and wind associated with these along Highway 54 same thing for the storm down there near cold water and then we make it into Oklahoma these storms are baby storms they're just now popping up they these will probably be some of the ones that produce some tornadoes in the very near future so get ready in Lake City El Mills and Medicine Lodge get ready in harder but these are not severe warned right now um we do have one severe thunderstorm warning in Oklahoma and that's for Woodward and Morland uh right now it's got a tornado possible tag we're talking about quarter siiz hail and 60 mph winds but the rotation on this is picking up all right so we do expect that this will probably be one of the storms today that eventually produces a tornado uh same thing for this this one right here looks pretty concerning way down here near Cheyenne not immediately concerning right but you know as time goes on and as these supercells um get stronger and as the low-level jet starts to increase later uh this is the exact kind of storm that we are concerned about potentially causing a a tornado as we go into the future so um that's what we've got that that's pretty much it right there from north to south um all uh across our line things are popping up right now this is what that looks like on satellite by the way things are really popping off and fast um as you can see and look at all that sunlight out ahead of it um things are really becoming unstable here in Oklahoma ahead of the the the massive explosion of convection that's happening on our dry line so we've got really cool dry air forcing itself underneath some very warm moist air here and you can see the you can see it happening right there on satellite in real time that uh explosion will just continue to become larger and more intense as the evening goes on uh looks like Brad Arnold and Caleb be both are getting pretty close to our storm so we should start to see some some more details on that here soon remember Oklahoma City you guys are under a PDS tornado watch uh the wording is used tornado watches in rare situations where long-lived and intense tornadoes are likely the voice that you just heard was Caleb beum did his name pop up I don't think it did hold on give me just a second notifications on do not disturb off gotcha okay um so yeah let's talk to Caleb here yes sir go ahead hey Ryan we're definitely already starting to see a uh visible lowering on this and I also just noticed on the latest radar scan that we have a very slight uptick in velocity um for a possible couplet that's starting to form up so I am going to get a little bit closer and try and give you guys the best view of this storm possible awesome hey Ryan this is Brad you get any copy um yes go ahead Brad hey Ryan we are uh we are on the highway just east of wood right now coming into the county uh with this with the severe thunderstorm we do have a lowering ball cloud with this and it does does look to be rotating so uh just keep an eye on that right now watch the secr fun we're still probably about uh 5 10 minutes away from it uh so we're going to give it a little bit of room just watching from a distance for right now uh but you should be able to see that on the stream here in just a second I'll zoom in just want to let you know we do have a de developing wall cloud on that storm that just went thunderstorm War Okay so we've got an incredible uh view of this storm from both uh Brad Arnold and Caleb beum now um as you can see we do have a lowering we do have a wall cloud and I'm pretty confident that this storm at some point will probably produce a tornado here so they're going to stick with this one for probably quite some time um as it is it's looking like our first really mature storm uh that's gotten its act together here so the storm that you're looking at right now this is a live view um uh our stormchasers are closer to uh what is that booze or Bose Junction they're on Highway 412 moving West towards Curtis and Morland um and what you're looking at is the base of the storm there south of Woodward um and yeah this is already looking like a pretty significant supercell here uh they have upgraded the um the hail parameters there to golf ball size hail possible tornado possible tag still on there so storm is getting much stronger uh and and very quickly yep for those of you who are just now tuning in we do have a very rare high risk of severe weather today I I do want to remind you guys I don't know um if we've got a lot of people watching yet or not but if if we do uh we're early okay um things really aren't happening yet um but hopefully there's a good chunk of you here that are here early and you can help us get in front of people later whenever you know we're really going to be need to be sharing some potentially life saving uh information here um and the way you can help us get in front of more people is by sharing the stream um put it on Facebook Twitter Instagram Tik Tok whatever it is um uh it doesn't really matter uh however you think would be the best way of of getting the word out you you do that um and uh you know just put us out there and say hey guys there's some severe weather going on today if you don't have like applic or adequate coverage that you're already watching or whatever you know or if you didn't even know that this was going on check out this guy um and you even if you don't know anybody in Oklahoma or Kansas this helps because you know there's so many degrees of separation between everybody if you share that and somebody your aunt in Iowa sees it and and they know three people down in Oklahoma they're going to share it with them you know so just anywhere you can share it that's going to help us a lot also if you do if you do know somebody in Kansas or Oklahoma today maybe even all the way up there into uh Western portions of Missouri Southern portions of Nebraska Um send a direct message to them a text message or something throw the link to this in there um or not just throw a link of this image uh with a high risk and be like hey listen like pay attention to the weather today uh they're saying that this is going to be like an all-timer you know this is going to be a big time deal so I I'm concerned about you and maybe you saying that you showing concern uh is what's going to make them pay attention today and and be act as a stimulus to uh make them take shelter in the event of a tornado warning um and let's say that you don't have social media um or you don't know anybody in the affected areas and you don't or you just don't want to share it out there that that's fine I totally get that um at the very least what you can do to help us a lot is hit the like button here on YouTube right now below the stream if you hit that like button what it's going to do is it's going to tell YouTube that what you guys are watching is is valuable right it's it's good content content and YouTube would be interested in promoting it to other people and hopefully I mean there's a lot of people on YouTube right now way more than are than are watching this stream hopefully um if enough people hit like and and interact with the the the video here uh YouTube's going to promote it in front of people who otherwise wouldn't know what's going on I I even though today's risk is very well advertised everybody in the weather industry is doing a great job kind of you know talking about the risks and stuff there is somebody right now watch watching fortnite replays and and like you know there's somebody on YouTube in the affected area that probably is unaware of the severity of what's going on here okay so uh if we can maybe get in there recommended or in there up next or something on YouTube we literally might catch them just in time to be like hey Hey listen before you go do whatever this is what's going on you need to take shelter or you need to you know plan on taking shelter and it sounds crazy but we know for a fact that this works because every time that there's a big tornado that hits a town we go to that town and we talk to the people there and the people who are watching us they tell us every every day it's like hey I I don't watch the weather I don't I didn't know anything about this and until I came across you on YouTube or my aunt's uncles's cousins brother-in-law shared it on Facebook and I clicked it over there you know what I mean so the way that we reach people and and kind of douse out to life-saving information is through you all all right um so go ahead Riley hey Ryan if you want to go ahead and pull up the one two Chaser uh panel right now the that storm starting to look really really interesting there's a lot of lower level scuds starting to get pulled up into it and there's kind of been an onoff brief raggedy funnel for the last few minutes okay so you can see um it looks like the same feed here it looks like we're watching two of the exact same things but what's Happening Here is Caleb and Brad are just on the same road they're really close but we've got two different angles here of a storm that is already starting to rotate and and really be low to the ground that's another concerning sign here is we've got convection happening I mean pretty much right at ground level so it's not going to take much spin at all to get these things to to produce tornadoes and there's going to be a lot of spin um so it's just a really unfortunate sign here towards the beginning of this outbreak a lot of times in the planes we have a lot of instability but maybe not a lot of spin or just enough spin sometimes we've got you know a lot of spin um maybe not a lot of in instability today we have unprecedented almost amounts of both of those things um so it's it's going to be quite wild whatever happens today is going to be wild and and we're hoping for the best uh but of course we have to prepare for the worst both physically if you're in the area and also mentally and you know if you're somebody that just likes to watch these streams and you you're following along things might get a little intense today you know just remember to take breaks and snap back into reality every once in a while because there's going to be some pretty intense moments I think later as these storms grow upscale and become big time tornado producers okay um yeah so find your tornado this is what we were talking about earlier big database of uh public uh tornado shelters here um find one that's closest to you and maybe get there or know that you can go there if you feel like you need to later uh if you're just now sooning in you might have missed my rant or or my uh my spiel on why you should maybe abandon your mobile home today and go to one of these or a friend's house or a motel or something um I but uh yeah those uh tornado shelters exist and there's a map of them there and hopefully we can get a link in the chat or we'll tweet it out or something oh yeah another thing uh speaking of Twitter uh Twitter Twitter is a big part of what we do here okay and it's going to be very important today um you know if you don't have Twitter that's fine but if you do or X whatever you want to call it if you do have that go follow me at Ryan Hall y'all sometimes there's stormchasers out there that have really valuable information and photos and videos and stuff that I can't share live on the air because we don't have permission and we want to make sure that we protect the copyright of all of our stormchasers but I'm going to share it on my Twitter so this is kind of going to be kind of like another information feed the the Twitter here all the tornado watches all of the PDS tornado warnings and stuff like that all that information is going to be rapid fire retweeted onto my Twitter account um and also if you see anything newsworthy if you see anything on Twitter that you think is interesting that that my team or myself might need to see feel free to tag Us in it you can just go into the replies and do Ryan Hall y'all look at this um and uh that that'll help us out a lot also if you have a novel report if you have a picture of a Hailstone or or or you know damage or something like that that you would like to send to us the best uh way to do that today is going to be through Twitter you can also send it in to pix at ranal hopefully somebody on the team is monitoring that but the best way is going to be through Twitter we've got a lot of people watching that um and yeah just tag me upload the picture and video if you can do so safely remember we don't want you out there chasing we don't want you out there in the middle of a hell sto storm trying to pick up a hail ball to take a picture of it and we certainly don't want you to be outside during a tornado take a picture or a video of it that's what we've got Brad Arnold for and Caleb um but yeah you can send photos and videos and all kinds of stuff over on Twitter and that's going to be very useful remember if you have a novel report something that you haven't already posted somewhere else or already sent into the national weather service tag me and also your local forecast office if you know their they at their their their symbol on or their call sign on Twitter all right um because they could obviously use that information um so yeah Twitter is a very valuable place for Rapid Fire um information sharing it's a it's a mess of a platform if you don't already have Twitter maybe I wouldn't recommend going and getting it right now because it's not in good shape as far as like there's a lot of bots and stuff on there but if you've already got it and you already are using it follow me and send reports and stuff over there but of course we do have the uh pix ranal available for you as well we got all kinds of dangly things hanging off these storms over here where um Caleb and uh Brad are not seeing a lot of Rapid motion with any of this though I mean it's rising scud um but I I don't see any big time twisting or anything going on just yet but uh it's getting there it's getting there and unfortunately it's it wasn't really supposed to get there for quite some time so we're early but yeah this is a fantastic view from both Caleb and Brad uh here's some of the hail that we've already seen from northern Kansas man there there's some big hail up here this is Brad you cop some egg some egg size hail yeah go ahead Brad I mean it's dangling yeah whenever you're ready Brad and by the way sorry I cut out um so I don't really see anything that would make me think that the tornado's eminent right now we do have Rising scud into it though um and the area is it does have broad rotation on it so we're going to sit here for a little bit longer it does have large hail up in the core so um but uh we're going to sit here a little bit longer uh and then may drop a little bit further south or continue East with this storm all right so that's an update from Brad there I I see the same thing I don't I don't think there's a tornado immediately imminent here but there's a lot of signs that are kind of leading me to believe that uh this is definitely something that could eventually produce a tornado especially since we're seeing those clouds be so low to the ground uh go ahead Andy hey Ryan been watching these uh Tennessee cells and none of them have really caught my eye uh except for this one near Smithville Tennessee uh that is to the south of Interstate 40 well to the east of Nashville so one of our leading storms there but uh to the South there has been a couple it that's persisted for two scans now and intensified on the latest one I wouldn't be surprised if they gave this a warning because it does look like that kind of small tornado signature on velocity at the moment with no uh corresponding debris at uh at this time so watching that one waiting to see if it'll be upgraded but Dalal County or Dalal in Tennessee not sure how you pronounce it over there um be ready for that in Smithville Tennessee thank you very much meteorologist Andy Hill these storms look pretty intense over here in uh Tennessee um not only do we have the uh tornado uh you know situation maybe with the the fact that they're rotating uh but also some strong winds uh maybe some hail as well uh but you can see that there is some broad rotation in both of these storms and it's actually like Andy was just talking about it's a little bit tighter here near shows Hill and Crossroads with the storm that's coming into Smithville so um y'all watch out over there in Smithville also um we do have a oh wow we have a great look at the base of that storm from the radar Omega camera here um and yeah you can see that there is definitely uh it's probably I can't really tell where the rain is um this is but this is either a shelf cloud or maybe some sort of uh wall cloud feature there that's trying to uh you know um come into view if you're ever looking at an image like this and you're and you're you're trying to figure out is this a a wall cloud um a lot of times with a supercell you'll see an area of intense rainfall um if the uh the the dangly bit is pointing towards the rainfall a lot of times that is a wall cloud however if it's pointing away from the rainfall um you know more than likely that's going to be a shelf cloud or or something that's happening rain air coming out from underneath the storm new tornado warning for Webster County Nebraska holy smokes we we got to keep our eye on this one all right we're keeping our eye on that and we're also going to go to Nebraska real quick huge major awesome call out from Andy there for bringing us to the uh the the Tennessee storm but uh this one looks even more uh convincing here on radar look at this uh tornado warning uh now in Tado neas also by the way we just got a tornado warning in Tennessee as well that's the one that Andy was just talking about but this storm up here in Nebraska going up towards Lawrence is looking pretty dag on gnarly look at this this is a very intense uh looking uh velocity couplet there uh currently near uh you know Highway 78 just to the west of Highway 78 working up towards St Stevens Roseman and Lawrence in Nebraska that's almost certainly uh producing a tornado or about to produce a tornado um as this storm you know works up towards the the highway 78 area to the south and east of Blue Hill Nebraska wow and you can see on reflectivity it also looks pretty impressive as well with the the big curled uh hook there on the side uh go ahead Andy yeah Ryan that tornado in Smithville Tennessee is on the ground the fact that that happened at the same time as the Nebraska storm I wish I had four eyes but I'm doing the best I can here so I can I can see everything at the same time this uh thankfully we got the warning on it in Smithville Tennessee but this is just outside of the of the Town let's see if we can see it anywhere on that radar Omega can because we do see a debris signature that's just now started they're in daab County thank you guys for the pronunciation all right thank you Andy so um we've got probably two tornadoes about to be ongoing or ongoing right now one of those is going to be over here in Tennessee and if you guys are following along right now you can open up the Smithville camera on radar Omega and you can look at this thing uh we've got a tornado down I don't know it's it's probably associated with this right here uh we're pretty far away from the storm so we can't see exactly what's going on on the on the ground but um you can see very clearly that there is a lot of motion there um so uh yeah we've got a tornado uh Happening Here in uh portions of Tennessee get ready in uh Midway and of course Smithville uh Smithville Midway philippy Center Hill Lake uh peeled chestnuts Farmers Mills um and I'm sorry that's fanter Mills Old Zion and Baker's Crossroads unbelievable uh right now in uh Tennessee I'm going to pull up the um map here uh Riley I don't know if you're still looking at this map but uh maybe we should share the link with Andy as well and and kind of give him an idea as to what we were talking about a minute ago uh Smithville Tennessee so yeah the the the tornado over here in Tennessee is currently um I believe somewhere closer to the uh Highway 83 Corridor um that would put it pretty close to the um the highway 56 Deli and vape shop all right if you guys know where that is um and we can see pretty clearly here that we've got a a rapidly rotating area of circulation on on our camera I'm I've yet to see if we've got a any sort of signs of circulating uh you know debris down there towards the surface but even something that looks like this can be causing uh damage on the ground even though you don't see that fully uh condensed cone that goes all the way to the ground that you would traditionally see uh in a tornado um so but that right there is currently uh over um once again the uh the highway 56 market and vape shop area um and it's going to if it continues going in the way that it's going and it drops a tornado here again here somewhere between philippy and Midway or Philippe and Midway uh that's going to go right over Eagle Creek okay if you know where Eagle Creek is right off uh Gan Dunn Road uh that's going to eventually go over there towards Glassworks and h& h&p Farms of Smithville North of the highway department there in the cab uh go ahead Andy yeah Ryan here's an explanation for what we're seeing there because there is that slightly lowered correlation coefficient that could be simply things that are getting trapped in the updraft of the storm because we are looking a couple thousand F off so the fact that uh this is got a tight velocity couplet on it and does have a little bit of a lower decorrelation coefficient value that tells me that this has rapidly Rising air which is one of the components we need for uh tornado Genesis here so hopefully it does not do anything beyond this but that's why we're seeing what we're seeing and why calling it out and also seeing the ground verification through that camera through radar Omega so again I think that this does has the have the chance to produce a tornado but uh that that is the reason why all of the radar products are showing what they are with this storm in Smithville Tennessee absolutely thank you Andy um and we saw the the funnel cloud we we saw something very convincing just moments ago um that very well could have been doing damage um uh when when we saw that now though I think based off of what I'm seeing on the camera specifically it looks a little bit less uh threatening um however on radar you know we continue to see that rotation new tornado warning has been issued um I would just continue to be in my safe spot and ready to uh a tornado in Philipe Midway peeled chestna and francher Mills in Tennessee I can't believe we're talking about Tennessee today um as much as we are but here we've got um Brad Arnold on the hook uh go ahead Brad right we're going to head up to way NOA um on Highway 281 uh the storm that we're on right now is it's starting to intensify it looks like it's almost got that flying eagle kind of supercell uh structure um and uh rotation is increasing with it so uh it may be about to do something uh pretty pretty soon so uh we should have a view on it when we go north for about a minute all right so that was a stormchaser Brad Arnold um giving us another look into what's going on there um and I do want to update you guys we we have a tornado warning right now in Tennessee and we're talking pretty extensively about that um but we also have tornado a tornado warning up here in uh Nebraska the rotation that's kind of inspired that tornado warning is a lot less impressive now okay so this was likely a tornado down here somewhere near Highway 78 uh however the last couple of scans look a little bit less convincing the reflectivity still looks like it could do it again so get ready and Lawrence and stay in your safe spot but hopefully that dies out right now our most concerning storm is in Tennessee uh they just upgraded that to a confirmed tornado our first one of the day here in Tennessee once again uh there's uh well over a thousand of y'all watching this camera with me in radar Omega they're doing a good job of pointing us at the areas of Interest I don't think I don't see anything down right now um so hopefully hopefully the tornado is done for the most part but we still have that rotating area moving over Smithville right now and we need you in your safe spot in Midway uh tornado is currently um you know somewhere between smithway and Midway if if there is a tornado still down with this uh and that's going to be near the brassel cemetery rustic Angels uh if you guys know what I'm talking about here this will eventually make it all the way over there to uh the lake all right and um by the time it gets there we'll reassess it uh but right now you know I I don't I really don't think we currently have a tornado down but we still need you in your safe spot all the way over there towards peeled Chestnut Tennessee so now we've got everybody from Oklahoma and Kansas watching all right hopefully anyways well now we need to get everybody on on the hook here uh in Tennessee as well it seems because these storms are pretty um pretty intense over here I I would say that the the storm up here near Cookville also has the opportunity to maybe at some point try to produce a tornado uh since it's super cellular it's you know it's got a little bit of rotation with it right now um so we'll have to watch it as well and there thankfully there is another camera in radar uh that can maybe give us a little bit of a better view of that so yeah incredible stuff here in uh Tennessee now outside of Tennessee uh we are continuing to watch um our situation continuously get more and more uh concerning in Oklahoma severe thunderstorm warning for way NOA Oklahoma right now with a tornado possible tag rotation looks more impressive now on radar same thing for that storm that now has a warning in mutual Oklahoma and you can see that Caleb and Brad both a new tornado warning has been issued that's coming into way NOA and now has a tornado warning on it so this new tornado warning is the very storm that our stormchasers are on right now and you see the little uh the the hanging bit of clouds there the slc's the wall cloud whatever you want to call it if you see that right there on the Caleb beum feed that's the part of the storm that we have to really watch here to see if it's going to drop a tornado uh because now you know the National Weather Service is seeing enough rotation here to Warrant uh a tornado warning uh that tornado warning in Oklahoma is going to uh include Belva Hamond way way NOA uh and dakoma and Alva and Aver so if you're in any of those places over there in Oklahoma uh in U Alfalfa Woods or Woodward County you've got to take shelter every tornado warning today that occurs in Kansas or Oklahoma you've it's not negotiable it's not it doesn't matter if it's radar indicated or if it's radar confirmed or observed or a tornado emergency or a PDS tornado warning every warning today you you've got to treat it as if it's the biggest warning you've ever had and so we need to take shelter okay yeah we did see the the funnel maybe even a full-on tornado through the radar aega camera um just moments ago in Tennessee uh that has since led up a little bit we'll we'll check back in on that in in just a moment but unfortunately our main risk area is starting to really pop off uh I guess um as these storms are really starting to look nasty on radar more rotation popping up with the storm near Strong City Oklahoma I would not be surprised at all to see a tornado warning uh for that one in in the near future maybe in about 30 minutes from now uh that includes places between Butler and lei Oklahoma uh additionally uh we've got storm just to the south of our currently warned uh tornado warning here near Sharon um this one is going to have the potential to maybe produce a tornado at some point as it goes up towards mutual and eventually Cleo Springs so uh y'all make sure you are um getting to your safe spots or getting close to them as the storms are already getting really mature over here the tornado warning in Nebraska is continuing there is a little tiny sliver of it left for Lawrence and there is also a little tiny sliver of you know some sort of rotation here but hopefully this will be allowed to expire uh within the next 5 minutes and we won't have to worry about that much more but this is a strong storm capable of producing tornadoes and 60 m per hour winds all the way up through Fairfield Edgar and Clay Center in Nebraska so yall need to continue to watch out up there we've got Caleb beum Brad Arnold Bryce Shelton Ryan scha and Freddy mckenny on the screen what a lineup Freddy mckenny out there in Alfalfa County Oklahoma and um pretty much everybody else in the major and Roger Mills County uh area so yeah we've got currently tornado warnings in Nebraska Oklahoma and Tennessee of all places I think we might add Kansas to that list at some point here um maybe not immediately I'm sure Andy will keep us updated on on the storms up here but there is a little bit of uh you know uh increased rotation with our storm near a Great Bend and Ellenwood moving up towards bushon this is a strong storm regardless of the tornadic potential there um but uh you know maybe hail up to inch and a half in diameter about to move into bushon Claflin and hollyrood is that right holy R Holly Rood uh but yeah you guys um in that General vicinity you're not under under a tornado warning uh but you all should definitely watch out storm continues to look more impressive here between um major County uh and uh Roger Mills County as you can see from Caleb beum and Brad Arnold there both on the same storm just from slightly different angles and I believe Ryan scha he's on a completely different storm right hold on let me check my yeah so Ryan sha let let me show you his uh view here Ryan scha is on a completely different storm he is on the one that's closer to morewood and strong City and uh he's also got a little bit of an interesting uh attribute here on his storm as it gets closer and closer to morewood this is another one that I think that we would you know probably maybe consider seeing a tornado warning for at some point but it probably would be best if we put Ryan schol in three right now uh go ahead Andy yeah Ryan I'll talk about the storm near Great Bend Kansas that you were just mentioning I've been watching it for a couple frames here um I see on the latest scans either a shower popping up in the inflow region or U much of that hook actually protruding out of it as it goes to the north and east here so would not be surprised if it does get a tornado warning currently this the rotation that you do see is all side loped but that does tell us that there is a legitimate mesocyclone going on over this area since it is relatively consistent so side Ling can still give us some information and there was even a funnel cloud report way back near lned and ponti rock so I think the storm does have potential and its environment looks uh favorable for it to become tornado War so there's your um watch out ahead of time for this storm before it is worn thank you very much meteorologist Andy Hill I got to make sure my reports are turned on okay so yeah we're watching this storm uh pretty closely here in Kansas uh right now we do know that the storm is rotating but the the bright colors that we're seeing here uh are not maybe not completely uh representative of reality um so we're we're just going to you know continue to wait for new radar scans and continue to watch the the storm as it evolves but this looks like a really healthy and dangerous supercell that has a very real capability of producing a a tornado here as it goes up towards the general bushon Hollywood and Lorraine areas all right um Alex Kos thanks for that everybody say thank you to Alex best weather channel available uh thanks for the amount of effort and long hours y'all put in to save people Alex thank you for that you did not have to do that but obviously we appreciate the generosity um yeah so yeah thank you we're going to be going today probably for 12 hours or something uh with absolutely zero commercial breaks and you know everybody gets to watch this for completely for free um so we wouldn't be able to do a lot of what we do without people like Alex so thank you Alex the um the storm that Caleb and Brad is on is also coming together quite nicely here and you know believe it or not y'all this is actually happening quite fast um this is you know uh we're still pretty well outside of our main risk area here let me actually overlay that for you so the the storms are basically just now getting into the moderate risk okay um and we're still probably a couple of hours away before they uh enter a lot of the the the highrisk area so so the fact that we're already seeing storms that look like this um is really um unfortunate because it it probably means that we're going to see a continuation of uh the the the increase in and the severity of these storms and How likely they are to produce tornadoes um for a significant period of time I'm very concerned about uh Cherokee okay Nash Pond Creek Wakita um eventually all the way over there towards Ponka City um and Southern portions of Kansas Anthony Winfield Arkansas City you guys are unfortunately going to be right there whenever these storms reach their maximum intensity looks like we got a picture um from Julia of the Smithville uh Tennessee tornado warning that storm there this is on uh Twitter and um yeah hopefully everybody on the team is watching the Twitter uh feed closely because I do see that there are countless uh images and and and reports coming in and hopefully I would like to show as many of those as possible but yeah thank you Julia for sending that in there's a video of it right so this is uh in Smithville Tennessee not too long ago wow currently um if you're just now tuning in uh we we have a couple tornado warnings um they're all either well one of them is in Tennessee for that storm that we just looked at there and the other one's going to be in Oklahoma for the storm that our stormchasers are on uh so let's go back to the Tennessee storms and and and see what's going on with those uh last I checked that the RO the rotation looked less impressive and that's still the case but it's still there we still have a couplet we still have a storm capable producing a tornado here in Tennessee and um my goodness maybe another area of rotation coming into Smithville right now look at that look at this so this is the original rotation that produced the tornado near Smithville Tennessee um it's moved towards peeled Chestnut still capable producing a tornado but now there's another area of rotation coming back into Smithville so um maybe uh if you're in Smithville wait a little while longer before you come out of your safe spot that warning that you're under doesn't expire for another 15 minutes so stay in your safe spot can't really see anything through through the tower camera now because it's raining so heavily but we saw that tornado I believe through the the camera not too long long ago Brad Arnold storm continues to get closer and closer to the ground here this is probably one of the next storms that we will see produce a tornado right now um up here near weoka or way NOA Oklahoma the lowlevel jet is just now starting to intensify just a little bit um and it's going to continue to get more and more intense as the night goes on uh John says uh Ryan you and your team are a blessing thanks for keeping us safe John thank you old geizer nice name nice name that I'm not calling you that John there's another person whose name is old geizer that also uh said thanks on the chat so uh thank you guys for the support uh if you're just now tuning in I and I I know that a lot of you all are um this is what we're talking about right now okay uh we're in the very beginning stages of what will likely become a huge tornado outbreak um a high risk of severe weather is currently in place for southern pors of Kansas and central Oklahoma this is extremely rare does not happen all the time um and we are expecting a tornado outbreak of numerous tornadoes a lot of those tornadoes will be strong uh potentially ef2 ef3 or higher damage reports coming out of those um after everything's all said and done okay so this is something that um you have to take extremely seriously uh the parameter space that's in place uh for these uh storms to take advantage of are up there with some of the biggest tornado days that you can think of off the top of your head right now okay doesn't mean we're going to have a repeat of those days but it does mean that the ingredients are there for a very unfortunate situation uh today as far as our tornado outbreak goes if you're in the red or the pink you are in a a very dangerous situation tonight and it's currently uh only 448 Central okay the probably the bulk of our C when you have a second uh tonight is going to happen um after 6 and and probably even as we go towards the the the nighttime hour so a lot of the tornadoes that occur tonight are going to happen in the dark so don't get too complacent you know right now we haven't seen uh a lot of tornado action I guess so far in Oklahoma but we're right in the beginning stages of this do not get complacent do not let your guard down um we're not even close to the peak of the event and that might occur in the dark where you can't see them coming so that makes this even more dangerous let's talk to Caleb uh go ahead Caleb whenever you're ready hey Ryan just an update from my location so right now I can definitely see some Fair rapid rotation on the base of this storm um it's really starting to come together here there's also just been a uptick in CG lightning or Cloud ground lightning in the in the last five or so minutes so um we're going to continue to monitor that I'm also very nervous for the town here of uh W won I think is how you say it um just there's apparently no Sirens going off so if this does drop on the west side of town here it would be a concerning situation if people have not receiv received that already yeah um so yeah you can see that things are coming together quite uh quickly here with our storm that Caleb's on Caleb is currently in way NOA um in Oklahoma and uh so is Brad Arnold and we're getting a really good view of the beginning stages of what will likely become a tornado um on the hook of this storm as it comes right up into way NOA um you are under a tornado warning right right now in waya um however it might take it all the way up until it gets to Hopton or Tacoma hopefully before we actually see a full-fledge tornado but it also might happen really soon so we're we're watching it closely and uh you should just be in your safe spot anyways just in case storms to the south and west of that are also rotating quite a bit so we'll probably see new tornado warnings coming out for some of these storms very soon soon hey Ryan it's Brad you copy yeah go ahead Brad Hey Ron this storm that we're on is kind of struggling real real a little bit with with a little of rotation right now um so uh I mean it looks really good on reflectivity but just the the appearance of it it looks ragged a little bit um it doesn't look overly organized uh what we're going to do is we're going to drop down south uh to these other storms the one that I'm most concerned about is the one in south of kamaro uh that would be the one that I'm most concerned with right now but we're going to go we're going to go check out the one as well and southeast of Woodward uh we're just going to kind of hop from each cell all the way all the way to the South um on there so just want to let you know sorry in the immediate future here um uh you know we we could have a tornado forming near way NOA uh and we also uh could have one forming uh a little bit farther to the South here hey Ryan this BR heads up your scream is muted okay I'm back now uh you can hear me now right sorry about that I've got the quick button I'm suffering a little bit of I'm under the weather a little bit I'm sniffling and coughing so I've been you know kind of and unmuting and I forgot to unmute during the last cough I'm sorry about that um but basically what I said is I just kind of reiterated what Brad said and I said that uh you know he's kind of in a situation where he's got three options right now three different big- time super celles he's abandoning this one which is probably the closest right now to producing a tornado uh in order to get in front of this sto storm which will probably be capable of producing a tornado by the time he gets down to it so um lots of uh lots of stuff going on right now uh in terms of uh the you know the the torn the toric potential with these storms hold on I just changed my uh I just changed something with my mouse here I did not want to change uh how do you get to that performance yeah there we go okay all right so three big super cells now capable of producing tornadoes in West Oklahoma they're continuing to grow and they will probably all three at some point produce a tornado uh right now um Caleb and and Brad are both pretty close to the one that's near waya um and they're going to give us another view here shortly um and then I also want to kind of upate you on the Tennessee situation CU I know we had a lot of people pour in from Tennessee uh during that tornado warning that we had not too long ago the rotation over here is still there however it's less impressive once again than it was earlier I don't think that we have a tornado currently on the ground but we could uh so just in case stay in your safe spot in cville Shady Grove Simpsons uh over towards Old Zion okay uh so uh yeah hopefully that continues to not produce any more tornadoes at some point uh near Smithville so we're watching the storms in uh Tennessee right now uh this is going to be a severe thunderstorm warning all the way out there towards Doyle and Pleasant Hill as well so y'all get ready for that um who just reached out it was Ryan scha yeah go ahead Ryan Ryan sh's on a different storm I'm currently on that storm south of Lady Oklahoma it's definitely got a lots more Rising motion with that scud and looks like this wall Cloud's trying to organize it might be tornado time for this storm here in the next 30 minutes or so all right so Ryan scha is actually on the storm that Brad is talking about moving to Okay so we've got a view now of this storm uh We've also got a view of the way NOA storm uh and I believe there's a couple people a couple of our stormchasers Nick Gorman is one of them uh Brett Adair who who is going to be able to give us a view of the storm that's now moving through mutual and coming up into Chester Oklahoma so we've got you literally completely covered here on every uh potential tornado supercell right now in Oklahoma and then we've got cameras pointing at all the storms in Tennessee as well through the radar Omega app BR ad in uh slot number four let's check his feed out real quick there it is so this is the third storm really interesting stuff we've got three supercells here essentially trying to produce tornadoes right now in Western Oklahoma Bret Adair uh I believe is showing us the one that's currently near Mutual moving towards Chester Oklahoma it looks like it's pretty close to trying to produce a tornado and then Ryan scha was just showing us the one closer to morwood and then of course uh Caleb beum is still on the way NOA uh storm or or he just left it I believe so things are really starting to pick up here with our tornado situation go ahead Riley hey Ryan so we did just get a new tornado warning that is the storm that Brett adir is on uh our NWS feed is updating but for some reason they never sent it through on the NWS Pi okay thank you Andy uh or Riley sorry um we did just get a new tornado warning I'm gonna run a reset but it is updating it is updating okay all right we did just get a new tornado warning uh so let's go check that out this is for the storm that Brett Adair is on um as you can see this uh purple polygon here is where everybody needs to be taking shelter once again I want to reiterate every tornado warning today needs to be taken extremely seriously all storms equally have the capability of producing big life-threatening tornadoes and destructive hail so take shelter right now if you're in mutual if you are in um Cheyenne Valley Fair View um how about you in danne b orian froo or Chester in Oklahoma if you're in any of those places I just called out or in this purple polygon here uh you are in an extremely dangerous situation take shelter now velocity does show more rotation um and you know on reflectivity it continues to look like a supercell here so this is probably going to try to produce a tornado here soon uh also I'm getting uh uh some feedback uh from you know people who are watching the chat here um some of you that are watching right now are a good two minutes behind Okay um you can just check the clock down there which is offc centered of course it is it's always offc centered hold on let me fix that uh check the clock down there and make sure that it's pretty close to your real time in real life and if it's not if you're a little bit off more than a minute or so uh refresh the YouTube page here um and you'll will get caught back up we don't want anybody and that can happen for a million different reasons if your stream buffers if your internet connection uh disconnects for a little while or if you accidentally hit pause for even a second you you will be uh behind and we want to make sure you're getting real time information here I would just if you're watching on a web browser I would just refresh every 10 minutes or so just in case anyways d g it the clock I went through every scene and fixed that clock before we started the Stream all right we should be good now um Mary the great says every so often I put it on double speed to make sure I don't fall behind that's a good idea too yeah and there's a a button that says live next to the sound icon you can click that and that'll also catch you back up if you've some for some reason fallen behind a new tornado warning has been issued um okay so we got that tornado warning um it came through it's going to be out there in Tennessee is that is that actually a real new one um I yeah okay uh so this is going to go for Sparta Hickory Hills um Springs and Doyle in in Tennessee I can't believe we've had so many tornado warnings already today in Tennessee um but here we go again uh Sparta Tennessee get to shelter there is a radar Omega camera here 200 of you guys are watching with me not seeing really much of anything through that camera right now but I'll keep checking in on it also the um rotation isn't as uh crazy I guess as it was uh not too long ago uh so hopefully this doesn't produce another tornado but take shelter just in case over here in uh Al in Tennessee White County Tennessee so all of these storms over here are slowly but surely looking really like concerning on uh radar uh the the rotation with our storm that just went past Mutual the most recent tornado warning uh is crazy um it's already starting to look like a lot more impressive same thing with the rotation with our Ley Oklahoma storm I would not be surprised whatsoever to see a tornado warning on that one here soon um and uh we've got our stormchasers on each of those storms so we'll let you know as soon as the tornado actually touches down this is just the beginning of what will be a significant severe weather and Tornado Outbreak um do not it's it's important to remember as we kind of watch the uh the storm's uh outbreak here or begin to break out I should say in Oklahoma it's important to remember that we are not going to focus too much on the risk categories okay uh we uh you know it doesn't really matter what category you're in the color or number every storm will be capable producing dangerous tornadoes and destructive hail um most people today if you're in Kansas and Oklahoma will not see a storm uh at all okay but uh we are expecting a small number of very intense storms uh so if you if you do see a storm today all right if you're in Kansas or Oklahoma or any of these places that we're watching and you see a storm coming for you uh go ahead and assume that that's going to be one of the worst storms you've ever seen in your life because it probably is okay um we have not experienced a day like this in quite some time we expect storms to become super cells very quickly like they already have uh and we expect that they're going to remain super cells for most of the event which means that I don't think we're going to see these quickly turn into a Squall line or anything um the potential for tornadoes are going to increase after dark so don't let your guard down uh this is one of those days where it might feel like things are off to a slow start because we've been streaming here for an hour and a half and we don't have you know mile wide tornadoes for you yet okay um don't get yourself in a situation where you let your guard down or become complacent or become too comfortable with the idea that that things aren't looking that bad because um once again things are going to get worse after dark we started early to try to get the messaging out here ahead of time um when year which is already very plentiful for tornadoes this afternoon is only going to become more favorable after dark this is very important uh clouds are not going to prevent storms from forming today or lessen their severity severity uh the cap is not going to prevent storms from forming today we've already seen that um so uh remember uh many locations are not going to see a storm but if you do it will be bad it's it is going to be a bad storm today yep I'm watching schs feed um I see it I see it we'll pull it up full there uh he is currently on the Storm uh near ladyy and Ray and it is one of our more impressive looking storms on on radar and in real life right now so as soon as he's got a tornado um you know he's going to holler and and we're going to know we're going to go look at it very quickly some of the places that we're watching the hardest right now for uh immediate uh you know tornado concerns is obviously all of our storms here in Oklahoma uh most specifically uh the one that we're looking at here through Ryan schs uh feed that that one looks like the most uh concerning in the near future um but we're also continuing to watch the storms up there in Kansas okay uh over there towards ellisworth Kansas uh we've got a couple storms that might try to uh produce a tornado here over the next hour or so um also way up into uh Nebraska that cluster of storms that we were watching south of Hastings earlier is you know in an environment that might be somewhat uh conducive for tornadoes as it comes into uh Sutton Geneva and Henderson Nebraska okay so uh get ready for that yeah there's lots of little pockets of rotation with these uh storms up here coming into Henderson also back here in Kansas as well but once again our main focus is on Oklahoma hey Ryan this this is Brad you copy he's still keying up the mic yeah go ahead Brad hey so we are looking uh Southwest right now to that storm that is uh working its way uh Northwest of Chester um there's obviously no population out here thankfully but this storm is rapidly intensifying we've got you can tell on the screen you got a really nice inflow tail on the right side a nice Bieber tail right there and then you got the main meso and wall cloud behind that um that little Hill right there so we're going to sit here for just a second and also it it does look like it's um High precipitation super cell so uh chance of it being rain wrapped later on is very good if there is a tornado with it but reflectivity looks really good just waiting on velocity to catch up to it so that's an update from Brad Arnold pointing us towards the base of the storm near Cedar Dale right now and moving towards frozo um that's got a tornado warning with it right now and uh as you can tell it looks pretty ominous as well Caleb beams on that same storm so we've got we got Chasers like all over these storms today uh so the moment something happens here uh I don't think there's a place that you would know any sooner than here uh you know where it's happening and and and what's going on the only thing that we don't have that would probably be pretty useful in in Oklahoma um in in places uh like this is a Dagon helicopter we we we've got to get ourselves one of them we'll put Brad Arnold in it and then I don't think there'll be a a tornado that goes unseen ever again reflectivity looks continues to look more and more ominous here on radar with our supercell that is developing a hook you can see uh the hook here hopefully this works hold on yeah that is what we call hook Echo the little dangly bit coming out of the uh storm there that's coming into close to Fair View here soon that's the one that Brad and Caleb are both on right now uh here's a closer up view of the tornado parameters today from the Storm Prediction Center probability of a tornado the pink there is going to be um 30% uh Ponka City Enid Oklahoma City Norman still water notice how none of our storms that are currently formed are even in that highrisk area yet um we expect those storms to continue to get stronger and more capable of producing tornadoes as they get closer to those cities and that's where we have a 30% probability of a tornado happening within 25 miles of any given point there uh with uh it's very likely that a lot of those tornadoes will be ef2 or greater in their damage that they produce um and they're probably going to be monsters they're probably going to be big giant tornadoes um unfortunately and but there's uh close to like I think 30 million people under a hatched risk in general that goes all the way up into Kansas the yellow's 10% the the Red's 15% so we don't want to let our guard down anywhere in the risk area tonight just another update on what these risk areas actually mean the five the high risk the reason why everybody the reason why it feels like there's a lot of hype around to today's risk is because of the the very rare high risk it means that we have high confidence that an outbreak of storms will contain tornadoes damaging winds and severe hail this is only issued when we're pretty confident that there's going to be a tornado out break or a widespread damaging wind event today it's a tornado outbreak numerous severe storms are expected uh very intense storms your area may only experience once or twice in a lifetime are possible so that's the that's the the qualifier parameters for what it takes to issue a high risk so it's not anything that's taken lightly it's only ever issued on days where it would be very surprising if big tornadoes didn't happen we're still about four hours away from Peak tornado environment right now but convection continues to explode across the dry line very rapid explosion of uh activity there uh Lisa says do people out there have storm cellers or basements a lot of people do uh but obviously not everybody um so if you don't have a storm Celler or a basement uh out there today and you need to get into a safe spot you want to go to a sturdy building and you want to get to the bottom floor in the most interior room of that building with as many walls between you and the outside world as possible no windows okay uh and you want to kind of uh protect your head I always say wear a helmet if you have a helmet that's great um a lot of kids have bicycle helmets uh football helmets you might have bicycle helmets whatever kind of helmet Maybe you need one for work I don't know like whatever you've got that that can protect your head bring that into your safe spot with you or if you don't have any of that stuff blankets pillows a mattress um protect your head because that's the number one way people get seriously hurt it's not necessarily by stuff blowing into them or them getting sucked up into the tornado or like things that you would think would be a big problem but it's just simply stuff falling on them um from from above so if you can protect your head you're going to be well ahead of the game here are some good graphics for that the worst option the worst possible place that you could be during a a tornado warning especially on a day like today is going to be in a mobile home a vehicle or uh underneath a highway overpass we see it every time there's a dag on tornado warning in a big uh populated area everybody goes and huddles under the highway overpasses you're just asking to get in a in a worst case scenario don't do that you're causing uh big time problems for a lot of people including yourself mobile homes we talked about this earlier uh hopefully you've you've done God out of the area if you live in a mobile home or you have a friend or family member close by that you can get to because you want to abandon a mobile home or an RV in the event of a tornado warning today you don't want to even you don't even want to try to survive it in there you'd be better off outside than inside of a a mobile home uh my best bet would be to uh you know try to get to a friend's house or a public tornado shelter or even spending the night in a motel or something bad options are going to be large open rooms like gymnasiums you don't want to be in a gymnasium in a school um I I don't know how many times I've heard of uh schools doing tornado drills and stuff and and they actually send people to the gymnasium that's a real thing don't do that um don't go to into big large open rooms uh or manufactured housing that's bad as well some good options is going to be an interior room uh or a basement um and the best options is going to be a below ground tornado shelter or a specifically designed uh FEMA uh safe room okay so hopefully a lot of people have those below ground tornado shelter options I know not everybody does but it's Oklahoma okay and and Kansas I mean that this is where a lot of people should have that kind of stuff here's another really good graphic uh when Sheltering from a tornado you don't want to be on top you don't want to be on the exterior rooms uh you preferably want to be right here this is your absolute best option right but this works if you don't have this this works if you don't have this this kind of works if you don't have any of this for whatever reason uh the lights are orange so we've got an update from Elijah uh go ahead Elijah hey Ryan so we actually have some damage coming in from uh decab County Tennessee uh sent in by a viewer uh Adam uh the video was sent in the channel you could open it if you want it's a little bit uh lower quality but it looks like in the video that a house has sustained moderate roof damage and it looks like there are a couple trees that have been either like uprooted or snapped or something um this is the Smithville Tennessee uh Tornado from what I can tell and from what Andy can tell okay thank you very much uh Elijah this is being sent in from Adam on Twitter X damag into Cab County um as you can see they it is kind of a lower quality video but you can clearly see that there's some damage there go ahead Riley hey um if you look at Brad new tornado watch wondering if he's on the right storm well guess what if you zoom way in I'm not sure if you can do that on the feed so you can see the Dow down there spinning and taking a look at the system okay let's go check that out uh Brad Arnold uh giving a a view of this amazing storm coming into Fair viiew now and yeah we do see I can't zoom in is Caleb Caleb's on that same storm he's got like a massive zoom camera Caleb if you're listening zoom in on the D for us Caleb can zoom in on the other County and like see facial features on the people over there like I I know he can I've seen that camera in action Caleb's working on it right now there there's Brad Arnold's beautiful face the tornado sniffer himself okay here here we go let's uh there you go you see the Dow in the background there the big rotating satellite dish looking thing on the back of a giant truck that is the Doppler on Wheels some of you might recognize that from the famous TV show stormchasers that featured Reed Timmer that was a big part of that show they're still in operation and they still do incredible work out there on severe weather days getting valuable data of tornadoes up close they're probably going to get all kinds of rible data tonight and today but yeah all of the vehicles that you see there these are stormchasers in on one random Road in the middle of Oklahoma every back road every Back Road looks like this and there's Brad Arnold there's Brad Arnold whoa and that was a big cloud ground strike really close to Brad Arnold did you see that yeah re timmer's in that General vicinity as well somewhere in there I don't know exactly where uh but we're looking at the storm here uh that is uh getting really close to froo and Cheyenne Valley that's where we are uh the rotation is continuing to look like it's trying to get it act together here but it's not quite there yet um a little bit of a um uptick in rotation with our storm to the South there near putam uh but so far no tornadoes uh extremely visible from from what we can see thankfully um but of course things are going to continue to get more eventful as the sun goes down go ahead Andy thanks Ryan yeah let's talk about why we haven't seen those tornadoes yet at the lowlevel profile our low-l winds do not change very much right above the surface and into that cloud base that you can see there on the stormchasers feeds at the Davis scanning and when that happens um hail growth is especially um emphasized here so we can see these super cells with a pretty deep um reflectivity signatures on radar and often times that does correspond we have as a result uh I we don't really see the tornado threat yet because hail and tornado threats do not really go together um there's a very small profile where they both work very strongly together but um uh it's very evident when things change over from big hail producers to less hail that things may become more toric so the reason for that is the lowest level is not changing very much means that hail that these small hail ice crystals embryos uh they're often called um when they rise up into the storm they aren't flung out everywhere by very strong Changing Winds in those lowest levels so they're allowed to grow we call that Resident times and uh that means that they can become very large so there's your difference once that uh once those winds change quite a bit in the lowest levels things can spin more readily uh and compact into tornadoes but you don't see the hail threat as much in those cases so once those switch over that's why we've been talking about waiting for a while before uh things pop off torically all right uh great stuff from meteorologist Andy Hill there we got an update from Brad uh let's listen to that too hey Ryan uh this is Brad just wanted to let you know uh we do have intense rotation now a loft with this storm I'm going to zoom in so that way you can see it uh but you'll be able to notice on the stream that it's going to be going that you'll see the front clouds going to the right and the back clouds going to the left uh so there there's Extreme rotation in this uh it's a very large area of rotation as well so um just keeping a very close eye on this this could put put a tornado down any minute all right that's an update from Brad talking about the rotation there um speaking of Brad and uh Caleb they they're in that same vicinity there so uh they have of course uh snagged a photo together here in front of the the storm um Brad Arnold WX on Twitter if you guys want to go follow Brad Big Time lightning uh with this storm as well like I'm seeing so many uh Cloud ground strikes here really close to where uh Caleb and and Brad are uh so the storm is certainly still intensifying uh quite rapidly Brett adair's on that same storm too I swear it looks like it's the same feed some uh we got three chasers on basically the same exact angle here uh if you're just now tuning in we're in the beginning stages of what will become a tornado outbreak we believe uh as these storms uh start interacting with the lower level jet increasing tonight um we have a high risk of uh severe weather in place which is rare uh the Storm Prediction Center doesn't do that unless they think we were going to have some big time storms and also and just in case you didn't hear about this earlier waffle houses are closing in in certain portions of Oklahoma due to the high tornado threat um and and and if you didn't know Waffle House is uh um you know it sounds silly uh but they're one of the more prepared companies in the world uh for severe weather their goal is to stay open even during hurricanes and stuff um they have a huge group of meteorologists and engineers and and and safety officials and stuff that that that that help them do that they have a a war room right now where there's a lot of people making these kind of decisions for Waffle House uh but anyways uh the fact that they have decided to close ahead of the storm system here uh should be indicative of you know how serious of a situation it is sometimes it takes a a pretty big hurricane to get them to do that you know so this is the the kind of uh storm system that we are experiencing today um a a fairly dangerous one uh as the supercells are just now getting their act together uh yeah we do have um storms in uh Tennessee as well I know that we had uh you know a tornado warning over there earlier and we probably had a lot of people pour in to the live stream from Tennessee the good news is is there's currently no tornado warnings currently in Tennessee however we do still have some severe thunderstorm warnings um uh Pleasant Hill and Midway and Spencer you guys are getting ready to get in on some 60 mph winds okay and you never want to um disregard any storm even if it's a severe thunderstorm with 60 m per hour winds or if it's a tornado possible you know severe thunderstorm or something like that you want to get indoors away from Windows because this is going to be a strong storm even for you guys all the way over there in Crossville and Crab Orchard in Tennessee another very strong storm probably producing some decent sized hail at least up to the size of quarters is getting ready to come down into Manchester Midway and Morrison okay uh so we've got some strong storms out here in Tennessee but thankfully the tornado threat is just not there right now um also we've got some strong storms in South Carolina uh get ready over there in Clinton and Whitmire and Union for some inch and diameter haill and some Gusty winds other than that most of our action right now is is occurring in the plains which is of course where we thought that it would occur strong storm moving through York uh moving into Hebron um Nebraska this is mostly just a damaging wind threat um however if you go further to the South uh we've got uh uh you know some larger Hill and some stronger winds getting ready to move into mcferson and Hutchinson in fact we're talking about maybe uh 2 in in diameter hail which is actually bigger than golf balls uh moving up into Hutchinson here within the next 48 minutes uh these storms are also rotating up here so these have the ability to produce tornadoes however they're not quite as close as the storms maybe that we have down there in Oklahoma which we're going to go look at next Oklahoma um actually uh Andy go ahead thanks Ryan got you right on time actually I do want to see if Hunter is in one of our feeds CU that storm that he's on is the northern one not tornado War it does have that uh hook Echo that you're probably about to talk about that's been wrapping up on the last couple scans does look like an upper level of cyclone exists in some capacity there as you go up and tilts uh so I'm very curious to know what Hunter has or will or or will say basically looks pretty good that was the storm that all of our Chasers were on previously uh and then I I'll go ahead and cover the other ones right now the the southern one I think could receive a tornado warning here near putam Burma Oakwood and Canton Oklahoma you'd be out ahead of that that's to the south of ceiling um there it does have a stronger mesocyclone or spinning part of the storm right in front of Ryan um it's fleeting in in and out on radar scans but I think that this one will maintain potential uh as we go on and get towards the sunset hour so we see a tornado warning with that one at any time I'm not surprised and I also just want to like point out the orientation of what we're seeing here this is these three supercells is kind of like what those earlier model runs were representing before it kind of turned them into that line of storms that you said was probably going to still be semi discreete supercells and look at this it certainly looks exactly like we're we have three dominant storms right now that may um exist for hours and hours if not until midnight or later uh Central us time here so I believe we'll be watching these storms for quite some time as they cycle uh and probably produce some tornadoes um if not within the next hour probably in two hours we'll start to see the uh Peak intensity absolutely thank you Andy once again we try to start the streams um you know at least a a few hours before the the main event starts just to make sure that we have time to get everybody here uh get everybody on the same page about what storms we're talking about we sometimes we track these storms from the moment they're just little blips on the radar right um and if you are somebody that gets hit from a storm and you've been watching it since it first popped up over a 100 miles away from you you're definitely going to be very prepared and very um understanding of everything that's going to be possible with that because you're going to see the stormchasers view of it on its entire path if it's produced damage in the path you're going to in the past you're going to know exactly what that Storm's capable of and uh we almost develop a some sort of a a relationship between uh the stream here and each individual storm um as time goes on and the more you understand the more you uh kind of get in tune with each storm especially if it's coming towards your area the more likely it is you're going to be able to uh you know uh understand where to go what you need to do uh whenever the uh the warning actually comes through for your neighborhood so we're here early um uh we we do expect these to put down some big tornadoes um but so far hail hail is our our biggest problem I think in in the past little bit um so you got to get ready for that too hail can cause some uh big time problems we had a 2-in Hailstone back there in Woodward uh we've had several large hailstones reported across Kansas and we're going to continue to see that up here in Nebraska as well in fact we got a 70 mph wind gust report from an emergency manager uh back here near dessi in Kansas so or Nebraska so those storms are going to continue to be quite intense as time goes on and uh yeah we're we're we're just really close to these storms trying to produce the tornado thankfully uh nothing yet let me pull up the three view so you can see very clearly exactly what we're looking at from our stormchasers um actually let's do the full multiv view because you can see stormchaser Hunter Hurley's feed down there as well the storms are definitely looking a lot more impressive overall than they were earlier um even though we don't see those as many uh lwh hanging uh features uh we see a much larger updraft uh base uh we see much more mature looking storms so this looks like a storm once again that is trying to produce a tornado here uh once again if if anybody is just now uh tuning in um I I do want to remind you that these storms were forecast to be exactly pretty much in the the the situation that they're in right now okay um I I I I just want to make sure we're constantly re reiterating that everything is going exactly to forecast so far like it everything is right on track um the storms were uh supposed to be somewhat unproductive or kind of unimpressive I guess up until the the the 5 6 7 uh p.m. time frame so we're getting there uh we're we're getting there um but um you know to anybody who who might think that uh things are less uh concerning because we haven't seen a tornado yet please don't do that we don't want you to you know uh get too carried away there uh but you know we are hoping for the best here the next places that need to be uh kind of watching out for maybe some of these storms trying to produce new tornadoes as they go uh farther to the East are places like Cleo Springs aine helina Ringwood in Oklahoma also Canon and Hitchcock you guys are uh in the path of an extremely dangerous looking supercell here um and then we're of course we're watching everybody out in front of these storms in Kansas as well mcferson Newton uh Selena or Selena Kansas um and then mostly a damaging wind threat is going to be the biggest problem over here in York and Hebron in Nebraska this sale just looks really classic hey Ryan this is Brad you have a copy yeah go ahead Brad Hey Ron we are watching we're still in the same storm I'm also watching that storm to the South I'm pulling up some data uh though and up in this area um based upon the photographs the shear is not incredible I think that's what the main thing is right now we're really waiting on that low-level jet to kick in and that's going to kick in within the next hour to an hour and a half uh maybe even maybe even quicker than that we're noticing down on uh the oklah Oklahoma City um uh sounding that the shear is much much better down there right now um so that's I I think we may drop South to that southern storm after this one passes just because there's better Shear over there with this one but this one is continuing to rapidly rotate but it's only it's it's only rotating a loft not low levels uh thank you very much Brad and and I you know I prepared myself for this moment before we started the stream I knew this would happen you know if we didn't see a big tornado in the first couple of hours you know people might start to say that you know oh this is this isn't something that we should worry about uh no uh you know let me show you something here on the on the weather models uh that we've been looking at for quite some time um so one of the things that you can look at that it's it's not the best thing uh but it's a decent composite parameter that shows you uh the ingredients that are in place for you know uh tornadoes and it's called the significant tornado parameter uh we can look at that on the um the the HR let me show you this okay I want y'all to look so here um is basically uh the last couple of hours right we we've got these storms that are popping up along the dry line right and we've decent um significant tornado parameter values out there mostly up in Kansas okay and that's where we've seen you know a few tornado warnings today um but notice how there's actually not a lot of sigor uh parameters uh interacting with the convection in Oklahoma all the way up to 600 p.m. all right so this is the this is the nater juice okay this is the tornado juice that's in place it looks pretty impressive right here right well that's why we've got a bunch of rotating storms wall clouds funnel clouds and all this stuff but let's let's go into the future a little bit literally an explosion of uh you know this parameter is is about to take place that breaks the scale it literally breaks the scale here uh between now and uh about 9 p.m uh that that is and that's when we're going to see our best chance I guess of these storms actually producing tornadoes so we never thought that these would be massive tornado producers at this moment it's between now and a couple hours from now during that explosion that we expect things to really ramp up go ahead Andy yes Ryan so let's talk about why that happens why does this area in Oklahoma Texas and Kansas see this uh low-level jet that causes the explosion of the significant tornado parameter one of the most important things for that sign significant tornado parameter is that 0 to 1 kilometer 0 to 3,000 ft above the surface uh that that Shear right in there so why does that happen the lowl jet is a response over these very flat planes uh to when the surface temperatures start to cool just a little bit after Sunset so once that Sun's down things start to cool off a little bit it is going to stay well mixed like I mentioned on our members only pre-stream but they will cool just a little bit so right above the surface now that we have a slightly more stable layer um there's not going to be as much friction with the surface all that wind is going to smoothly Glide over uh the the surface where the temperatures are much cooler there's a little bit more stable air right there and it just provides a smooth a smooth surface for the wind to accelerate along instead of being interacting with the ground constantly and getting chopped up uh by all of the friction that's down there so that's why we see that acceleration particularly about a kilometer above the surface and that is uh that's it that's really it it's a it's a fairly simple um parameter even though it's got complex physics behind it a new tornado warning issued meteorologist and you heal just kind of giving us a little bit of uh uh you know more information about you know the the ingredients that are going to be in place tonight for tornadoes um and and once again it's happening between right now and and a couple of hours from now we're we're seeing a rapid increase in a lot of those uh ingredients including the low-level jet uh winds increasing uh and that's why the the National Weather Service just issued a new tornado warning for our storm that our stormchasers are on here and it goes for the next hour all right so they're very confident uh that this storm is going to produce tornadoes or try to produce tornadoes for an extended period of time uh and it's likely going to be quite successful at it at some point especially once it starts interacting with those more significant uh tornado parameters but here we are Cleo Springs Ringwood helina goldry L Carrier Hillsdale and Nash in Oklahoma all of you guys are now under a tornado warning and you need to take shelter immediately so yeah I'm going to show you just for anybody who's just now uh tuning in uh one last time before we get completely back into the radar coverage here Ryan scholes got a really good shot that I want to show you um but um this is where we are now and and like without getting too complicated this is just n juice okay this is this is what it take this is the energy in the atmosphere or the ingredients in the atmosphere that are required to produce tornadoes right now it's available it's out there but it's isolated this is what it's going to look like later tonight you see that massive expansion of Pinks and whites there that's literally uh breaking the scale so um you know and this specific shot right here is at uh 10 p.m. and I do want to mention that you know you see a lot of elevated numbers down here far down into Texas we're not expecting tornadoes down there the convection storms have to interact with that significant tornado parameter in order for it to matter so right along that line where uh you know storms are going to be and they're going to be interacting with the you know the the greater wind shear and and the con convective available potential energy and stuff that's where we expect the tornadoes uh there's going to be a lot of ingredients in place for them way down south but that doesn't mean that we're going to have them there it's mostly along this area right here so a massive explosion of uh favorable ingredients for tornadoes is is occurring right now and storm should start taking advantage of them shortly that's why we have uh the high risk of severe weather tonight the storms are actually just now starting to move into that high risk area um right in time for them to kind of really you know get into a favorable favorable position to interact with that lower level jet stream so things are coming together quite perfectly honestly for a significant tornado situation here unfortunately h i see a lot of people talking about their locations in chat I just I say this every stream and I'm sure the mods are reiterating this as well I I just want to make it very clear that I unfortunately won't be able to talk about every single location tonight there's people asking about um Illinois there's people talking about Maryland uh you know I there's um aund of thousand uh people in here and and then it's just me and Andy on the other side uh we've got to focus all of our um resources on the places that are immediately uh in in a situation that might in you know impact life and property in a significant way um so we're going to be focusing on a lot of these places that are under tornado warnings tonight so it's a good thing if I don't talk about your town okay just keep that in mind if I'm not currently talking about your state or your town I'm not ignoring you it's not a bad thing it's actually a really really good thing so every place that I talk about tonight is probably going to be in a very dangerous situation Caleb beum is uh giving us a live view of our storm that's really coming together now I think that uh at at least on reflectivity that that storm looks really healthy um the uh uh the hook here is starting to come around a little bit more we'll see what happens with it as it goes farther into that tornado warning right now it doesn't look like it's producing a tornado but it certainly could in the future that other supercell to the South there um where we have Ryan sha on that storm uh it's a similar story that it's a very robust supercell but it's just not rotating enough yet uh to produce a tornado so we're just waiting for that moment of increased uh rotation to kind of kick in and real quick shout out to my wife who has been a member for 39 months now um says congrats on chasing your dream and doing the weather for 39 months so proud of you that's awesome and anytime that we get an update from her uh membership upgrade that tells us exactly how old the channel is so we've been doing this now for 39 months and I know a lot of you guys including my wife Stephanie there I have been here since the very beginning thank you so much for um allowing us to do this and and and putting trust in in us and stuff we take it very seriously wow the storm on uh Caleb's feed looks quite ominous uh moving into major County Oklahoma all right I've been standing uh I got to take a brief sit down break real quick oops I'll see you guys down there uh I do apologize uh you probably heard let me know when you're free for just second but honestly uh talking so much and and I think being uh here live has has cleared up my sinuses a lot so I appreciate youall for that too uh go ahead Brad hey just want to let you know real quick um we are going to be dropping South my gut I have a gut instinct that that storm that's uh Northwest with Tonga uh I think that may be the storm this one's really really struggling we're going to go south um on that storm headed towards Wanga better back to winds down there as well all right so that's an update from uh stormchaser Brad Arnold drink some water Ryan yeah I've been chugging it two two liquid IVs Down the Hatch we're good to go we probably will eventually get into Red Bull territory here but we're not quite there yet uh by the way it's been a while since I've shown this graphic we do have a PDS tornado watch in effect as well for um a lot of Oklahoma and a little bit of Southern Kansas until 11:00 p.m. central tonight this is the most intense um um tornado watch that that I think we've had um since we started this you know Channel um this is a particularly dangerous situation numerous strong tornadoes are expected widespread hail up to softball size is likely scatter gusts up to 75 mph population 3.4 million people in the path of this uh very dangerous storm so if you know anybody if you know anybody of those 3.5 million people or anybody to the east of that a little bit or to the north um you should please let them know that the weather's going to be bad today and that they might need to uh take shelter at some point and of course you can always uh share the stream as well Riley's got something uh go ahead Riley hey Ryan uh while we're just kind of showing stuff off talking about how this threat is not over uh I just sent the um 21z observed uh sounding from Norman and I am absolutely weaning out that does not look like an observe sounding but it is it looks like the kind of sounding that you would see posted on Twitter of people trying to be like oh my God look at how crazy the sounding is but no this is an observed sounding with an actual weather balloon and this is the environment of head of these storms okay uh thank you very much Riley this complicated conglomeration of squiggly lines here is um basically just explaining to us a little bit of the environment uh above your heads there if you're in the Oklahoma City area the red line here on the SK T plot shows us temperature as we go up with height the green line shows us the dup point or moisture in the air as we go up with height we've got a pretty um moist area down here near the surface so there's going to be plenty of moisture for storms to lift up into the atmosphere uh where they will become supercells and take advantage of this large um space between the parcel trace and the environmental temperature we call that Cape convective available potential energy 3500 Jews per kilogram uh currently which is just really high photograph is curved and also really long a long and curved photograph um uh is never a good thing we've got uh you know storm relative helicity values that are high enough here to certainly produce tornadoes and uh we've got plenty of ventilation for those anvils to kind of like Get way out in front of the the storms and keep the super cells very um uh discreet at least seemingly for a decent period of time uh and of course uh we've got um just a just a lot of things that are lining up almost perfectly to uh you know indicate that there's going to be some tornadoes here as these storms go farther east this is not necessarily the environment that these storms are currently interacting with once so we know that like is if as long as these storms survive and they keep going to the east once they get more into this area um it'll be almost impossible for them to not produce uh tornadoes um you know once they start interacting with that more impressive wind shear and thermodynamic profile look at this Photograph I somebody said that in chat and I had to I had to I had to say it I had to do it yeah that so that weather balloon specifically was launched from Norman Oklahoma south of Oklahoma City we do have Caleb beum Brad Arnold Ryan schaw Brett Adair and Hunter Hurley out there sharing their feeds with us on the ground there's a lot of other stormchasers who are sharing their feeds with us as well we don't they are not currently in an area where we uh you know necessarily can show their feeds because we have limited spots but um once again I I do think that as soon as there is a tornado anywhere especially if it's in Oklahoma uh we're going to be one of the first to know because we have an amazing storm surveillance system set up here with our network of stormchasers and you know our our radar Omega cameras and you know that it's it's it's hard to get them by us especially when we've got Andy as well uh and everybody else involved here so many people involved uh watching every uh aspect of the uh the storm as it uh you know gets its act together there it is you love to see it that that one comes from I don't know I think Ally did you make that or did you find that it would make sense if you make made it yeah Ally Ally edits um a lot of the videos and makes the thumbnails and everything so it makes sense I I like that that's that'll be our next uh educational live stream thumbnail right there when we talk about photographs hey Ryan when you have a second uh go ahead Caleb just a quick update for me um I'm dropping South to more of these Southern storms um not that the Northern Storm is unlikely to produce or anything um just because this is going to put me more into a play if we start to see super cells move towards the Oklahoma City metro later on this evening I want to be in a better position to that to keep people informed um as well as just the Chaser convergence that we experiencing to this Northern saw right now um it's pretty much bumper-to-bumper traffic so just trying to avoid some of that is currently key all right that's an update from Caleb in Hall force one out there are are very capable storm chasing truck with probably some of the best connectivity uh of any storm chasing vehicle uh thanks to ISP Tech ISP Tech um is a company that has been very generous to us and and it's honestly helping us help you guys so much by giving us a bonded internet connection over starlink AT&T Verizon uh out in the field and then all of those and also uh fiber uh connection here at the weather house so we have a lot of failover options if one uh feed goes down we should stay on the air uh while ISP Tech takes care of making sure the AT&T starlink or Verizon uh you know uh fills that Gap bonded internet is probably the future of all home internet services I think and of course mobile ones too because like if you can run around the plains of Oklahoma in the middle of like thunderstorms and in the middle of nowhere and keep at 1080P or 720p whatever kind of P feed that you're trying to run if you can keep it running as as smoothly as this it can do just about anything um carrian says any opinions on Wednesday um yes lots of opinions on Wednesday but I'm going to withhold them I think um I don't want to talk too much about Wednesday because it that's going to kind of deter our Focus uh I think too much from uh today uh but I will briefly mention it okay this is our high risk of severe weather today um we do have an enhanced risk tomorrow okay we will probably be live again tomorrow uh talking about a more Regional outbreak of severe weather and and possibly some tornadoes uh in Ohio and Indiana and then we will definitely be back on Wednesday uh with probably another very intense severe weather situation from Northeast Texas all the way up through the Ohio River Valley near Cincinnati so yeah that's what we're dealing with on Wednesday I think we might even be here on Thursday I don't know for sure yet but I mean this is just going to be a really powerful storm system that goes through the uh the you know a good chunk of the United States here yeah so big big time storms uh possible uh for a lot of people over the next couple of days this is a what we call a multi-day uh severe weather and potentially tornado outbreak we just got that new considerable severe thunderstorm warning on our storm coming into Canton Oklahoma now this one's going to Happ some 2 in in diameter hail on it 60 mph winds tornado possible velocities do show rotation picking up rotation aoft is picking up a lot In This Storm back here too north of Butler still not seeing much in the way of significant rotation near the surface on many of these storms uh by the way the the three cameras that you can see right now um Ryan sha is on that big one uh that's coming into Canton right now um and then uh Chris and Brad both are I think are driving towards that uh but we do have um Brett Adair who is on that more Northern Storm near Helena um and then also I think uh Freddy m Nick Gorman Ry Shelton they're also up there on that one um so like if if something happens with that more Northern Storm up there near Helena we'll be able to show you that as well um uh Thunderbird says bumper-to-bumper traffic most of Oklahoma City was told to go home at 6: p.m. a lot of early night closures uh yeah the bumper-to-bumper traffic would not come from the residence of uh Oklahoma City more than likely it's from the gaggle of stormchasers that has infiltrated your area a new tornado warning has been issued new tornado warning in Kansas uh decent area of rotation here north of miltonville Milton Vil sorry moving up towards Clyde and Clifton that's going to be for clay and Washington counties and Cloud County in Kansas I can't I can't do it I can't sit down I don't know what it is but if I sit down my cold gets worse it doesn't make any sense I have to stand up immediate relief the moment I stood up I I don't understand so yeah now we've got a tornado warning in Kansas we've also still got severe thunderstorm warnings coming out for portions of South Carolina too yeah yeah it probably is pressure changes from the altitude yeah you're probably right Brad we got a lot of medical doctors in the chat i' I've seen that I might have a a heart problem pneumonia I just got some sniffles y'all it's okay um if you are just now tuning in this is not a medical diagnostic uh stream for me uh we are covering severe weather here uh we are just in the very beginning stages of it um we are we've got a a team of very talented and and capable uh experienced stormchasers out there trying to find the tornado um for us um right now we don't have any tornadoes on the ground we do have a tornado warning for Alfalfa Garfield Grant and major counties in Oklahoma um however it is uh in my opinion not producing a tornado right now it's trying to uh but hasn't been able to yet this chat is worse than uh WebMD once these storms start to produce tornadoes like we believe they will the the tornadoes are expected to be quite intense we do have a very rare high risk of sever weather tonight um and we could ex we could see some uh storms that are capable of producing you know strong to intense tornadoes you know ef2 ef3 are higher damage long track tornadoes as well so unfortunately what we're seeing on radar right now is is kind of a worst case scenario uh for what could happen later we've got dominant super Cals we don't have a line of storms you know there was a little bit of a chance because some of the guidance was suggesting it there was a little bit of a chance that um these storms would have kind of turned into a big Squall line at some point because there is so much convective available potential energy out there um you know it would be very easy for these storms to turn into a Boeing line segment and and become a damaging wind threat but that would you know lower the uh the tornado threat a lot but that's not happened at all these storms are very discreet still um and we are several hours past their initiation Point um so now they've kind of altered the environment so much that they're probably going to stay discreet for quite some time um and as that low-level jet increases and and all that kind of stuff uh you know we're going to see these storms get much bigger um and also the lowle Jet's going to increase obviously um and that's going to help the wind shear and make them rotate more but is a little bit of a cap in place and and and that's going to continue to erode out in front of these storms so the the overall storms are going to be able to become bigger as well so um what we're seeing here on radar is just not a good sign for what's to come uh go ahead Andy hey Ryan trying to do my latest analysis on our Northern supercell that is currently tornado warant I think that it may be wrapping up at the moment so we may start to hear some Chaser break-ins I know Nick Gorman is right in front of that Bryce Shelton and Brett air are there so this is currently tornado warn I believe it'll continue to be that way as we've been discussed but the latus scan does look like there may be an attempt at a velocity couplet and we'll have to wait for the next one since this isn't yet reflected in the the mid levels we may see a ground up sort of formation here yeah we definitely need to get Brett uh and probably Bryce and Nick Brett Bryce and Nick in the in the top three um uh positions there I think because this storm does look like it's coming together quite uh nicely um and I you know we can see that quite well from uh Brett adair's point of view right now so hopefully we can get once again Brett Nick and Bryce all in the top three uh positions there as we cover this storm intensely as it's one of the more likely storms I think to uh start to try to produce a tornado here soon the storm to the South there that Ryan SCH is on is also capable of producing a tornado here but it looks to me like a lot of the favorable ingredients are are going to be more up there towards Helen right now at this moment we'll let them sort that out and then we'll come back to the the the feeds once that's done uh huge shout out to Arc arasha um says thanks for what you do always watching when I can you and your group do amazing work thank you for your generosity uh and also once again huge shout out to my wife the weather wife Stephanie there with the Super Chat she says Echo says uh uh my I love you and my miss you um oh and you oh my gosh you guys are already getting ready for bedtime my goodness it's we've been streaming now for um uh almost three hours so and this is went by pretty fast so that's crazy but good night y'all thanks for watching and uh good night Echo good night Auto try to give your voice some breaks tonight I'm trying but honestly the more I talk the more I stand stand up the more I move around a little bit the better I feel so that's why you also see me kind of swaying back and forth here a little bit sorry if that's distracting but it is it's helping I've got a cold or something rotation definitely picking up here on this big time and you can see that very clearly through stormchaser Brett ad dar's feed uh Bibble says guys please don't pre- rate Ryan sickness you're supposed to wait until after it's passed exactly no pre- rating so this storm looks like it's uh prod trying to produce a tornado right now uh we're looking at stormchaser Brett adair's um feed who is currently located just to the north of Ringwood Oklahoma just in case you guys need a location for him um I would put him near Ringwood uh Oklahoma and he's pointing us right towards the rotating part of the superale that's moving up towards G tree Brett Adair Bryce Shelton and Nick Gorman are all three on this storm yeah that thing is definitely rotating so I think that this storm's probably going to try to produce a tornado here very shortly so that means if you are in the path of this thing you've been under a tornado warning for a while okay the National Weather Service made a major awesome move by issuing that really long tornado warning um but just in case you didn't know about that or or maybe you thought it wasn't serious um now you definitely need to get to shelter if you haven't already because we can see the tornado forming literally through Brett adair's feed wow he's got an amazing view of that right past these trees look at that yep that is a forming tornado there uh likely trying its best um so this is going to come up towards goldry all right Brett Adair right now he's on Highway 58 looking at this thing as he goes north it's going to cross Highway 58 in front of him and go towards G tree and then eventually Hillsdale Oklahoma H as it continues to try to produce the tornado here that's about as close as it can get right there yeah he's going northbound on Highway 58 right now and I believe Nick Gorman if I'm not mistaken he's got a view of that same feature but from a much farther distance so you can see the funnel uh there through Nick's Feed but it looks much smaller uh Brett's literally right under it new information this tornado warning has been upgraded okay so we got a confirmed upgrade on that tornado warning there confirmed tornado uh warning now for Alfalfa Garfield Grant and uh major counties in Oklahoma we got a confirmed tornado um Riley go ahead hey Ryan so I did see that that confirmed warning just came through however um blue Ken is basically underneath this thing and there is no way in God's name it's on the ground right now but it's very CL Brad you copy um okay thank you very much uh Riley um you know we saw very clearly that there was a big funnel there um let me read the the text here I wonder how they uh confirm this weather spotters confirmed a tornado so listen this is probably going to produce a tornado very soon so if we're Downstream here um let's just go ahead and assume that it's down uh but as far as what we can see right now it doesn't look like it is but it could be very soon let's also talk to Brad uh go ahead Brad yeah Ryan we are just east of Canton Oklahoma um watching this cell it does have it does have a wall cloud on it right here uh just pretty much right in the City of Canton we are noticing uh that that the rotation is really picking up on it um so we'll see we'll see what happens but that lowle jet with that confirmed tornado up north that low jet is really starting to kick in now all right so we're starting to see um some more rotation associated with the storm down here near Canton that storm also looks a lot more impressive now on radar um get ready for a tornado warning probably at some point here for South or Carolton daro oen and Hitchcock in Oklahoma um as that storm looks more and more impressive with every scan same thing for the storm down there towards putam uh that is definitely a concerning sign that we're we're seeing right now all right so we've seen the funnel cloud we've seen the the big time rotation with our storm farther to the north here south of Lina moving towards G Tre we've got a confirmed tornado um you know stormchasers have confirmed a tornado um however we're not currently seeing it right now so maybe it was down for a minute and it's lifted but the storm is definitely capable of producing a tornado you can see here on radar it's got that classic hook uh there's your hook um and it also has uh some rotation associated with it and we can tell that uh by looking at the velocity couplet here where the Reds and the greens uh kind of meet up with each other that shows us that there's some rotation right in there but we've got aot a couple of team members uh literally right underneath where the tornado would be and they're not in a tornado right now so that's good news e I feel like we should see something through Brett's feed pretty soon if something's going to happen here uh also I'm watching very closely um our uh Brad and and Caleb's feed because something's about to go down with that storm as well and do we have anybody on the putam Storm it doesn't look like it where's Ryan scha Ryan sha okay he's probably the closest excuse me y'all um that storm down here near putam uh looks like it's rotating a lot higher up in the storm uh we'll see if that translates down to the surface and and hopefully Ryan sha will be able to give us a view of that go ahead Andy hey Ryan a couple of things we've seen our our first cycle I believe of that tornado worn storm and now that this a velocity couplet seems to have calmed down where our area of Interest was I I think our next cycle will happen very rapidly since the storm does look healthy and you can see right in that forward flank a an area of increased outbound winds that I think are actually uh could even be a part of the rear flank downdraft if it if it continues along the Arc of the storm essentially and wraps down into the hook so we'll have to watch the progression of that but also um I think something else worth noting because a lot of people's eyes are on weather radar now is um if you go back with the KV and X Radar which is what we're using to look at the tornado warn storms I think it's five frames back if you or four frames back if you zoom way out I think it's five you'll see a bunch of uh lines coming out of the radar all the way down into Southwest Oklahoma into Texas you have to zoom way out for that um yeah there you go so that is called the by Static coupling and it's uh when that happens two different Radars are sampling the same storm at a similar height the frequencies are interacting there so that is a completely natural um you know artifact that comes out of radar nothing to worry about at all I see a lot of people uh talking about that now and trying to use it to you know say whatever but that is actually we see that almost every single day anytime we have any rain anywhere in the states uh and multiple Radars are sampling it so nothing to worry about there it's just one of the best examples I could find of it recently and I feel like we should definitely talk about it since it was happened right at the same time as this uh tornado that got confirmed by a National Weather Service employee here awesome uh thank you meteorologist Andy Hill and yeah anytime especially a lot of you guys are are new I think to really uh analyzing the uh the radar in this way um which is awesome but anytime you see something that doesn't make a whole lot of sense and it happens a lot uh most of the time you're going to be able to attribute that to some sort of processing error with the the you know the radar or something like Andy just said and and there's some sort of uh uh you know interference going on we see it all the time really close up with the storms when when we zoom in and we try to look at the velocities and stuff uh we see it sometimes whenever a storm is uh kind of oriented uh with a radar and the radar is in front of a water tower or something and like there's there's a million different things that can happen that with a radar that kind of look weird um but most of the time it's just you know some sort of uh funky thing that's happening uh with either the software the the computer that interprets the the data that comes in to the radar uh or the actual Radars themselves so yeah the main thing that we're looking at when we're analyzing the radar uh are these big blobs of red and and and yellow uh and we're trying to look for those hooks on the bottom okay so if you see the uh the hook down there we we check the velocities and we see if there's any rotating winds right here with this storm like Andy said it's it's in the middle of its uh recycling phase we don't see a lot of rotating winds down there but if you go down to this storm the one that's coming up towards oen uh Oklahoma our Hook's going to be right in this area uh now if we switch over to Velocity uh we see a lot more of those changing uh winds and in directions so the green shows stuff going towards the radar the red stuff shows red shows stuff going away from the radar and whenever you get them really close to each other that can indicate some counterclockwise rotation um especially when it's oriented in in this way uh and that could mean that there's a tornado uh trying to happen there and we see a lot of that with these storms but um we're a little bit higher up off the ground when you we're looking this far away from the radar Center uh go ahead Andy yeah Ryan I think my highest concern is actually with the putam Oklahoma storm back to the South and West I'm looking at it from our um our test bed radars in Norman Oklahoma on the campus there or near the campus and I I do see some pretty decent counterclockwise rotation that's come together and I think that multiple different Radars confirm that exact uh same thing here so this is producing a lot of hail at the same time is this so we're in that intermittent Zone where hail and uh and tornadoes are are both very favorable from the storm so I think we're about to see a warning from that a new tornado warning has been issued Andy has drawn attention to this area right before the uh warning was issued uh but once again we can see the hook here um and then if we go on top of that with the velocity you can see there's a lot of um you know uh indications of some rotation here so those are the main things we're looking for on radar uh any else especially if it's a something really big like what we saw earlier is is likely not even relevant to what we're looking for so here's that new tornado warning uh Oakwood parallel knobs Scott Eagle City and Carolton uh or Carlton in um uh Oklahoma and Canton you guys are under a tornado warning and and this is probably um probably going to be the most intense one that we've seen so far to to me anyways this looks like a storm that's about to produce a big tornado we've been waiting for it um we knew we know that it's going to happen at some point and this looks like it's going to be it okay so uh I would really be battening down the hatches in parallel and Oak Wood right now uh in Oklahoma because we do expect that this is going to be a pretty intense storm for you um Ryan scha is going to be in the viewable region of that very soon we got to make sure that he's somewhere uh on our screen I see him now okay yeah just a really CL really classic look on radar there uh that's Caleb go ahead Caleb hey Ryan I'm definitely noticing this cell down towards putham which I think I might start heading towards however this cell that myself and Brad Arnold are currently on um is definitely starting to produce a pretty decent looking wall cloud and is also starting to come together as well here okay and the rotation is also very obviously um getting a little bit more intense on this storm as well the the storm that Caleb and Brad are on uh is the one that's up here towards sou and uh car Carlton or Carolton moving towards oen and Hitchcock we'll probably see a new t Tado warning for that at some point here uh Ryan sha by the way uh he's looking at that storm that we are uh concerned about way down there near putam and uh he's still a pretty good distance away from the actual base and we're looking through the forward flank a little bit here but um if if his distance is exactly what I think it is based off of what I can see on the the radar that's a really big um uh you know base to the storm there and a wall cloud uh viewable from several miles away so that storm is definitely coming together exactly like we thought it would based off of radar and uh we've got that tornado warning now for oak wood and Eagle City y'all got to take shelter yeah I hear the I hear it's raining here I got to check on our local area yeah we got some storms uh moving into our area and there is a pretty strong storm moving into Louisa Kentucky I just saw somebody chat about that uh go ahead Andy yeah Ryan one thing I'm looking at pattern recognition ahead of time this does not necessarily mean that this is going to happen but it's a a possibility here we have a shower to the southwest of our Northern tornado warning uh with all our chasers on it I think that that may may uh cause a bit of a nudger there as it in it intersects that hook of the storm so just something I'm looking at that shower has blown up in the last 10 15 minutes and um Mell so that uh could add a lot of Mass to the area of Interest here where the hook is and it could uh cause tornado Genesis as well out ahead of this new tornado warning for it so just one thing that may accentuate the process here as we wait for our next cycle on this storm that looks uh quite likely to happen thank you very much Andy um yeah and they just issued a new tornado warning for that probably anticipating the same thing going all the way out to Hillsdale Kremlin Pond Creek and Hunter now in Oklahoma um Dr Cameron Nixon uh kind of uh popularized the the term nudger here um as it is very uh common that uh storms like this that pop up and then kind of nudge into the uh rear flank downdraft or hook of the storm can actually uh at least for a period of time enhance the rotation and potentially a sign of tornado Genesis here so this is we've already got a strong storm uh with a lot of inflow we've got a storm that's tried to produce a couple of tornadoes already now we have that nudger that might be the last thing that it needs to kind of really get that process started um uh so once again get ready in goldry Hillsdale um Kremlin Pond Creek and Hunter uh for a um you know a potential uh tornado here as we are under a tornado warning it's currently um 625 Central okay so the low-level jet is really starting to increase now and we're starting to see the impacts of that from these storms and and how much they're rotating especially a little bit higher off the ground and that uh that's slowly but surely going to kind of resonate down to the surface as time goes on uh stormchaser Caleb beum is giving us a a really good view of the storm that's coming into Hitchcock and oen now let's go look at his feed this is on top of Hall Force One with our pen Tilton zoom camera I believe we're looking up to the West Caleb's currently on Highway 8 uh looking in the general direction of Southard um so you know this would be where the rotation would be occurring but right now not enough rotation to um issue a tornado with this particular storm in fact they just came out with a new considerable severe thunderstorm warning that goes all the way out to Ames um Drummond and Hennessy Oklahoma uh you can expect up to inch and a half uh diameter hail there uh as this comes toward you so yeah the storm the supercells are continuing to look more and more robust they're continuing to be uh quite um you know discreet uh and they're also kind of slanted uh in this way rather than being in a straight line along that uh uh you know uh dry line that we you know saw come through uh this is a really really interesting uh setup that we are um watching here as it everything is once again is still coming together to support the idea that these storms will remain super cellular for quite some time A lot of times in situations like this you expect that there is going to be some sort of Squall line or uh you know something uh very quickly after the supercells form but man today they are just maintaining their discreetness for quite some time this isn't incredible and unfortunately going to be the the thing that probably leads us to having a tornado outbreak here soon as the uh low-level jet continues to increase rfm wow says you have twice uh saved our family once from the Mayfield uh and then we moved to Nebraska and the Waverly tornado was a fourth of a mile from my shop and I locked everyone down because of you and we were safe well rfm I'm glad I looked over and saw your comment thank you for submitting that I'm glad that we could help and that's seriously unfortunate that you just happened to be involved in both of those I'm sorry that you had to go through that um who was that Brad let's talk to Brad go ahead Brad hey Ryan hey uh we are we are dropping South to w we got get the fill up on some gas uh real quick uh that cell that is tornado warn east east of put uh putam um that is the best structure I have seen so far from an actual wall cloud today uh that thing looks like it's going to be meaning business pretty soon that is a mean mean looking storm Ry okay so um Brad his comments there about the mean looking storm are referring to the storm that's currently tornado warned and moving in the general direction of Oakwood Oklahoma and I agree it is a mean looking storm we've got we've got somewhat of a view of it from Ryan Scholl's camera but I'm not quite sure exactly what we're looking at here I mean I see a lot of movement on the right side of the screen I believe that he is um he's he's like kind of on the edge of the forward flank so that's probably just some really like that's some wind and rain coming maybe some hail uh coming out of the forward flank towards his location but I don't think we have a clear view of the actual you know uh mesocyclone from this vantage point if I'm if I'm looking at this correctly and I think I am so hopefully he can move down the road a little bit and we'll we'll see a little bit more about that e so there's one of the supercells that we're looking at rotation continues to pick up here's another one this is the one that Caleb be's on and then another one up here near G tree moving towards Hillsdale in Kremlin Oklahoma this one is honestly it's closer to radar so we we know a lot more about it uh but this one's very close to producing a tornado as well and we've got more storms forming uh way back here towards Elk City as well uh if you're just now tuning in uh I just want to give everybody another reminder uh that we don't need to be complacent today uh storms uh that have formed around 2 p.m. uh have been quite uh you know big you know they're they're strong storms but as far as the tornado aspect goes they've been uneventful up until now now we're starting to see that rotation really start to to ramp up and we're going to continue to see that over the next few hours the storms are just now starting to move into the juicy air and the lowle Jet is just now starting to increase um so don't get complacent uh it's going to be um you know a very dangerous night here in in central Oklahoma and Southern Kansas um and um un fortunately most of these tornadoes are looking like they're probably going to occur at night which makes them even more dangerous obviously a big nasty tornado on an Oklahoma tornado outbreak day that's going to be dangerous no matter what time of day it occurs but in the in the dark at night it's um it's even more uh unfortunately uh you know concerning um Andy I've got um to go get myself something else to drink here um give me five minutes are you good all right yeah here's Andy hi guys I was just in the middle of making a tweet so nothing important for me and I I do have some Mexican food sitting outside so I got to got to have some sustenance for the the long run today because again we will be going all the way through midnight 1:00 a.m. uh Central us time for for those of you who um need the time there of course if you're watching us now just a quick shout out that the bottom left uh corner of the stream down there has the time make sure you're watching that to the minute you can refresh the stream and you'll have about a 20 second 25 second latency to our stream uh in order to H and we do that in order to have live captions for those who are um uh who are hard of hearing so that's uh that's what we're working with right now just want to make sure everyone's caught up to the broadcast whenever you hear this make sure you're always checking the time so that the latest info from us gets to you with uh utmost efficiency here um at the moment I don't have anything too new to talk about I'm watching the Squall line that's a little bit disorganized coming into uh the Omaha region probably in about 30 to 40 actually more like an hour from now due to its progression very slight to the east so that that you you'll get some thunderstorms in Omaha I know there's a tornado watch over there but we not really had a a tornado or anything that looked like it on radar yet with that Squall line but I have my eyes on it it's one of the nine radar sites I have open right now so the latest on are Oklahoma storms and also well one second before I do that I'll look at Kansas real quick for you guys in Salina and along I70 here R the Topeka radar which is the closest one to your guys locations I I do see that um we have a little bit of a an acceleration here here in the middle of this line near assaria asseria and gypsum Kansas uh this is where the line is starting to bow out a little bit so the um hardest winds the hardest punching winds here are beginning to accelerate here that's called the rear inflow jet you it cause a bow likee structure with this storm if it continues to push it Forward uh faster than any other part of the storm so that's coming right along I70 into Junction City you guys will probably see some damaging winds there um from this line I don't see anything uh imminently torn adct with it though okay so there you go the most concerning Kansas and Nebraska storms covered and for those who are still watching in Tennessee looks like most of the storms over there are pretty much done uh as we enter past sundown in the Eastern Time Zone uh what little instability there was for these uh storms over here um that needed to make up for the lack of Spin and the atmosphere is now starting to wne um so I don't see very much of of concern in Tennessee okay and Oklahoma so much to cover today latest on our storm I think that uh the beginning of our next cycle of the storm that is approaching Pond Creek and Kremlin in Oklahoma our Northern tornado worn storm is uh starting here I see a little bit of that appendage that hook uh showing up on the radar again that's going to have to punch out through some of the outflow that the storm has put out in front of it right now and once it catches up with that it does have the chance to produce a tornado again here and all of our Chasers pretty much all of them will let you know when that happens because we have a ton of them on that storm further south um the leading at the leading supercell that's going to impact areas near Lacy Hennessy uh and bison and wak wus H that one's tough uh along Highway 81 here in Oklahoma that is not currently tornado warnant the um rotation on that is rather broad despite its um a pretty menacing appearance here I think it's being pushed forward by the supercell to the south and west of it the forward flank is kind of getting pushed forward into that storm so it's taking on a little bit of an odd uh large hook shape there uh but no tornado warning on that and I don't see in particular a reason for that to be warned in the near term I I could understand if there is a preventative warning in place for it and then back further south and west we have several more storms that will likely remain super cellular for quite a bit of time or come together here even if far Southwest as out city um I think that these are cells that will get closer to the Oklahoma City metro area in um three or four or five hours from now anywhere in that time zone your stormiest hour will be well into the early nighttime uh so make sure you're aware of that time frame I'm sure a lot of uh Outlets have told you about that time frame so uh hopefully this is going to add to it let us be one more and let us be one also live coverage of it so that you can get the most update information with solid scientific background right Ryan d g it mute it again listen I am under the weather today you got to give me a little bit of a break okay I was getting so good I was on such a streak I I didn't have that problem for a long time but we're back unmuted now I didn't say anything important anyways we just talking about Tennessee now I'm just joking Tennessee is important all right but we've got some big storms out here but they're they're dying out they're dying off for the most part but we do have beer Sheba Springs in GR grty lagger under a severe thunderstorm warning um and you know I was I was also kind of complaining about how like of all the places in Tennessee like it had to be these two places that I couldn't pronounce but anyways the the severe weather is kind of dying off over here in Tennessee and uh stuff's really picking up now in Oklahoma we just got a new tornado warning a new tornado warning has been issued and this looks really mean as well uh look at this supercell that is a classic looking supercell on radar there um and now we've got the rotation to back it up we've got a decent couplet forming here and this is moving in the general direction of lacy KO bison and wus walus I'm not muted anymore thank you for the the help though I saw it like whenever the chat goes crazy like that like I literally do see it like out of my peripheral so I you know thanks for pointing it out but this now looks like another storm that's going to be capable of producing a tornado here very soon the storm down here moving into Oakwood now also looks like that but now because the forward flank of that storm is pushing into the hook of this storm uh I think that this one's actually more capable of producing an amonate tornado so I would be getting in my safe spot preferably underground in Parvin Lacy KO bar and wakas Oklahoma take shelter now Wacom Mas W Wacom Wacom miss wome miss one of those you know what I'm talking about you know what I'm talking about don't give me too much of a hard time I'm trying my best here y'all uh so if you're just now tuning in uh a little recap of the last three hours um we've been streaming for three hours now we wanted to start early so we can get everybody in here uh we've done a good job of that we got about a 100,000 of you gathered here for what will likely become quite a show uh later tonight unfortunately um uh hopefully y having so many people here already is going to help us reach even more people whenever things start getting life-threatening and seriously dangerous later um B so basically over the last three hours the worst case scenario has continued to kind of unfold uh storms are initiating in Far Southwestern Oklahoma now and they're going to continue to be highly discreet and uh they're going to have incredible Shear vectors capable of producing large damaging tornadoes and they're going to go right into the central part of Oklahoma within the next set several hours the Oklahoma City area is under the gun for an incredibly dangerous night of large damaging tornadoes and destructive hail okay one of the things that could have happened over the past three hours that would have been a little bit of a a relieving uh sign is you know we were hoping maybe just maybe by the grace of you know Mother Nature um we would see these storms kind of become more multicellular or linear in nature but they have maintained their discreetness for the most part so now that the sun's going down and the low-l Jets going to start ramping up they're going to continue to have the most favorable environment possible uh to produce large damaging tornadoes a new tornado warning has been issued we got a new tornado warning in Kansas let's go check it out soon as it pops up there it is abene Detroit Buckeye Kansas you're now under a tornado warning that's going to be a associated with this line of storms that's coming in um radar indicated rotation not very convincing in my opinion on radar however definitely something going on here some rotation that could be um you know uh a sign of tornado Genesis moving up towards abene and Moonlight take shelter now this storm right here has got to be producing a tornado soon if it's not yet Caleb beum is really close to it I just don't know if he's going to be able to see the part so this is Caleb's location we're looking through the rain here the tornado is going to be somewhere up in here uh so the specific storm that I'm talking about is the one that's just past oen now moving towards Hennessy and walus or wakas uh Oklahoma U the last velocity scan on that is quite concern erning right in here that's a sign of a tornado uh I believe um Caleb should probably start heading east or north or just some some way to get closer to that circulation and then also if we've got anybody else on that which we don't actually Caleb is the hero of the day he's going to be the one that gets us closest to that I think so watch Caleb beum stream there I think we have a tornado forming right now I think it's happening right now uh with this storm here near oen um and it's moving up towards Lacy stormchaser Caleb beum is in the right next to me right here um he's going to try to give us a view of that within the next couple of moments here new information this tornado warning has been upgraded we've got a confirmed tornado warning for Major Garfield Blaine and king fisher counties in Oklahoma I do believe that's going to be for this one uh the one that we're looking at here yeah there we go so uh now we have a confirmed tornado on the ground here uh with this storm uh that's coming into Hennessy uh and Parvin uh and unfortunately from the looks of things this one looks like it could be here for a while so keep an eye on Caleb beam's feed um uh I don't know I'm going to try to talk to him Caleb I don't know if you know this or not but the storm to your North uh is producing a big tornado right now um so just keep us updated holler if you see anything yeah Ryan I'm not 100% sure um how it went observed currently I can see the fully rotating Mesa directly above me um which is very clearly not on the ground um however I'm not saying that there's anything further north into this storm inside some rain right now it could be rain wrapped uh but there is a new rotating meso directly in front of me stream coming to the ground right now yeah there's um I would say it's probably about 10 miles to your north and east approximately the the area of rotation that's producing the tornado um you probably can't see it it's it's behind the the rear flank downdraft from your perspective um but uh it's it's definitely there I don't know if it's there right now but it's it's been there for the past couple of minutes so I just wanted to let you know um and uh just uh yeah once again if you see anything else just holler at me yeah 104 we will keep you guys updated okay um so uh we're currently contacting our our stormchaser really the only one that we have that's currently in a position to see this thing right now Nick Smo is getting close uh but uh I do want to dive a little bit into the the meso uh here on this just so we can uh give you a tiny bit better of an idea of to where this tornado is because we do have one down oen Oklahoma tornado currently is going to be um somewhere between oen and Hennessy and uh if I had to say exactly where it's going to be near the home cook Cemetery or the simaran Valley Cemetery so the tornado right now is somewhere near Highway 51 okay uh between oen and Lacy um it's moving fairly quickly but not race horse fast or anything like it's it's it's it's moving down the line so I'm going to try to give some decent uh distance-based estimations on where this thing's going to be in the next little bit uh if you know where once again the the Jack uh coat Avenue is it's Crossing that right now moving in the general direction of the 132 Bible Church uh up there towards Hope Cemetery okay um and then eventually uh somewhere between before it gets to bison before it gets to bison uh it'll cross the uh Oka okom Reservoir all right so Hope Cemetery if you know where that is that's about where the tornado is going to be within the next couple of minutes uh please uh prepare uh to take shelter um well or go ahead and take shelter if you're anywhere in in near Lacy bison Hennessy or W Wacom uh wac I'm sorry I know that I've said that right and now I've screwed it up again but go ahead and take shelter um and uh hopefully this thing doesn't last too long but uh as of right now it does look like it's it's here for at least a little while uh once again stormchaser Caleb beum is incredibly close to this thing a new tornado warning has been shoot uh we got a new tornado warning now for areas near Watonga Hitchcock and loyal y'all take shelter if you're in watanga Hitchcock and loyal that's going to be for the the supercell storm behind the one that we're watching so closely right now it's also coming together incredibly quickly here likely producing a tornado within the next couple of minutes between Eagle City and watanga take shelter uh Caleb beum continues to get closer and closer to the rotating part of our storm that seemingly is producing a tornado here uh to his north and east somewhere near Lacy uh but we don't uh I don't see anything from him right now uh Caleb yeah so we're just going to keep waiting on his latest scans to come in uh Ryan scha Ryan scha is on the storm that just got that new tornado warning back there towards watanga so we can see his feet as well Nick Smo or Smo um he is moving from the north to the south towards W Wacom Wacom and bison to try to give us a uh a view of the supercell that's coming up towards you guys so we do have a couple different angles of this thing um I don't know if if we okay Caleb beum he's back now um I'm trying to see what road is he on if he's going north okay I'm going to leave him alone I was going to try to tell him where to point his camera but we're just going to let him do his thing and just uh kind of come back into his feed periodically here because he is doing a really good job of catching up with the storm so once he gets in front of that rear flank downdraft we should have no problem at that all see in the uh the the base if you're just now tuning in we've got five tornado warnings um uh one confirmed in Blaine Garfield Kingfisher and major counties and that's going to be for the storm that's approaching Lacy right now take shelter and Lacy and Hennessy and bison and then um what else we got here Bret Adair has a view of the storm a little bit farther to the north the storm that's coming into Kremlin and Pond Creek right now is visible from Brett adair's feed and it also looks like it's starting to take a little bit more advantage of that uh lower level jet that is increasing as the sun is starting to set so that Storm's eventually going to go up to towards Ponka City so yall get ready in a a little over an hour hour and a half two hours something like that get ready over there uh Ryan scha is on the new tornado warning down here near Wonga we can see his feed as well um let me show you that that's Brad Arnold hold on where's Ryan there he is he's on a dirt road here in Blaine County is trying to get in front of that circular ation right now we can't really see much of anything from his feed but I'm sure we will here shortly uh Caleb beum is uh kind of in the rear flank downdraft of the uh confirmed tornado warning now so we'll see we'll see what happens here shortly with his uh the the most telling the most telling uh you know imagery that we have right now is from Brett dar cuz he's kind of staying still and we can see that the the storm is definitely uh getting much stronger up there as it approaches Pond Creek Kremlin and Hunter in Oklahoma so something to observe here uh with our storm that's coming up to the south and east of oen notice the hook okay Watch What Happens here as I push this forward it's going Northeast for the most part right and then watch those last couple of frames you see how the the rotating part of the storm moves almost directly east um um some of the stormchasers you'll hear them call that a a hard turn to the right or something um that could be uh you know a sign that once again this is a storm that we are going to have to deal with for a long time once again this is a big time developing tornado moving right towards Lacy KO um Hennessy and bison this was on the ground moments ago I haven't I don't know for sure if it still is at this moment but if it isn't it's about to be within the next couple of minutes um and this is going to be an extremely dangerous situation for the folks in Lacy and KO um I'll continue to try to give you an idea as to where the tornado might be um but it there's a pretty large area where it could be coming together now somewhere between the simmeron Valley Cemetery and the turkey Golf Course along Highway 51 there uh the Bison Cemetery needs to be getting ready uh the um let's see here uh the farmers electric store needs to be getting ready uh if you guys know where any of that stuff is uh that's around where the tornado is going to be heading in the next little bit wow what an in incredibly impressive looking supercell now this is definitely if it's not already doing it this is about to plant a monster of a tornado here um as it comes into Lacy and KO everybody in Lacy KO Hennessy and bison in Oklahoma needs to be getting underground if you haven't gotten there already this is an extremely dangerous situation uh your life is probably in danger here as a very big tornado is uh is coming together right now wow uh looks like uh stormchaser Caleb beum is still behind the storm he's he's he's approaching it from behind so we still can't see anything from his feed uh but uh if he can figure out a way to get in front of it here or at least closer uh we might be able to see something there because I mean this is just incredible how uh how well this is organized over the past little bit on radar Don Murray also is on this storm I also can't really see much from his point of view here but what I can see is um some really impressive lightning look at the lightning uptick within the forward flank of the storm here uh also seeing some concerning signs with our storm farther to the South and West uh Hitchcock you guys need to you know get to your safe spot if you haven't gotten there already yeah quite the quite the insane uh presentation here on radar from our supercell that is definitely um either about to or currently producing a big tornado it's been a while since I've had a a confirmation on that the thing is definitely wrapped in Rain uh Downstream if this continues to try to produce the tornado here this is eventually going to affect Douglas Covington and Marshall uh but the only people who are under a tornado warning right now associated with this storm directly uh is um Hennessy uh Lacy KO bison uh in these places okay I'm hoping what we see here over the next little bit is a a little bit of an inclusion and a recycle that could give us some more time uh before this uh you know puts down another big tornado um but the velocity continues to show multiple areas where a tornado could form at any moment and just a reminder uh to everybody that's watching you know we've got a really impressive supercell here a really impressive looking velocity signature on some of these storms but even this is not even close to the the potential um that we have with our current environment that these storms are entering so once again it's important to remember that things are probably going to get a lot worse as time goes on if you know anybody in the potential Impact Zone tonight uh please let them know uh that uh things are just now starting to ramp up Oklahoma City is going to be included in that okay um places like Norman Edmund Stillwater punka City homon maybe all the way over there towards Tulsa uh these storms are going to be at their strongest once they get to you and they're already pretty strong this is a an observed tornado warning so that means that we know that at least at some point here uh in the last little bit this was on the ground it could still be on the ground in fact it looks like it probably is somewhere near Lacy right now you can see the velocity couplet there uh and it's moving in the general direction of ko and bison some more uh landmarks here just in case not a lot there honestly there's not a lot this is kind of hanging out in the simmeron Valley area the Turkey Creek Golf Course uh KO is kind of the the area here between uh West Bison Road and what is that Drummond Road if you know where Mustang gas products is that's around where the tornado could be and eventually it'll move up towards Highway 81 somewhere between Farmers Electric and WM Rank and gravite so keep that in mind uh stormchaser Caleb beum continues to get closer and closer he's right here Caleb's right here the tornado should be somewhere right in front of him here and I don't see any ah wait do I see something I don't think I see anything but he's going to be very close to uh the rotating part of the storm here soon so we'll see what we see but uh you know at at one point this definitely was on the ground I can't I don't know for sure if it is just based off of radar right now but we're about to get a much better idea uh from the uh the stormchaser camera here hey Ryan you got a copy yeah go ahead Caleb uh I can definitely confirm that there was indeed a tornado on the ground here we have large amounts of damage um on the road right now it looks like part of a barn has been ripped apart um Power PS are down trees are lying down in the road oh wow yeah you can look here Caleb's driving through some uh damage right now um and that makes sense that's a right around where the uh the tornado would have passed um right where he is so definitely uh something going on in there but as you can see oh wow if you look past the damage um all you see is rain so if we do still have a tornado down here and we very likely could um it's not going to be very visible it's it's very much rain wrapped yeah you're not going to see anything in that mess speaking of a mess um you know this is a great view from Ryan scha of uh a mess that he's about to drive into but you can see a little bit more of the structure of the storm here this is kind of the full flank of the tornado warned storm that's coming into Hitchcock now and loyal but man that is a powerful looking storm there we should definitely probably have Ryan scha in one of the top three uh spots I know Freddy mcken is going to be having a good uh view here so maybe maybe we do uh we keep Caleb in one uh we put Ryan in two and keep Freddy in three for right now uh once again we are at the beginning stages of what will likely become a big tornado outbreak things are really starting to ramp up now um we've got a bunch of people in here already uh if you guys want to help us get life-saving information in front of people who may otherwise not be able to get it or not know where to get it uh please share our stream uh on social media and hit the like button so that the YouTube algorithm puts us in front of people who will probably need uh some of the information that we're going to be sharing completely free and with no commercial breaks for the entirety of the evening until the most of the life-threatening storms are over yeah the things are coming together here it's it's kind of slow so far but um I mean everything's going exactly uh to forecast uh the storms continue to look very ominous on on radar and every Scan they get more and more uh rotating and uh you know more intense which is unfortunate for the residents of areas between PKA City Stillwater Perry Edmund Oklahoma City Moore Norman Lindsay chiet uh all the way down there uh towards uh anad Darko like some of these sales towards the South and West are going to you know impact you all uh later this evening yeah this thing right here if it it I believe it's still producing a tornado we just saw some of the damage from that from uh Caleb beum feed I know a lot of you guys are probably watching in the radar Omega app um but the the tornado is just not visible at all um it's it's a huge rain wrapped mess uh stormchaser Freddy McKinny is going to be getting out of the the forward flank here in just a moment so we should we should see the base through his feet as well oh yeah um once again I do want to kind of remind people a lot of times whenever we start talking about damage uh people that don't get hit by the tornadoes that are nearby hop in their car and they go damage sightseeing there's a little bit of a tornado tourism going on there um and I I I've been asked several times in the past and and probably will be asked today to tell all you guys to please don't do that um you know pictures and videos of the damage will come in at some point and we will show them to you you don't have to go looking yourself you're just going to get in the way and you shouldn't that's just a terrible thing to do a new tornado warning new tornado warning now for Lamont Deer Creek and Blackwell Oklahoma this is our Northern most significant supercell in Oklahoma right now the one that has been trying to produce the tornado for a long period of time it still hasn't been able to it's still capable of doing that though as we get close to uh once again Blackwell Deer Creek and LaMont for the next 48 minutes you guys should be in your safe spot if you're up there in any of those places definitely the most concerning or impressive looking signature on radar right now is coming from the storm that's going between Hennessee and W uh walus hey Ryan when you have a second yeah go ahead um obviously I can't 100% confirm but what I'm pretty confident my camera uh was just pointing words let me try and get a back there is the left Edge or the rear edge of uh what might possibly be a tornado on the ground right now okay I believe we've I don't think I have Caleb's feed at this moment his feed's in three um it's not working right now okay all right we'll um we'll go look at that as soon as we can but Freddy McKenna is now uh able to um give us a little bit of a better view of the the the scope of the storm there from his feed and you can also continue to see the uptick and lightning which continues to be a a theme here um that kind of tells us that the the storms are getting stronger and that that's going to continue to happen for quite some time uh really quick I'm checking on the Kansas storm lots of people in Kansas are asking about their location there's nothing really intense going on right now in Kansas other than there is a pretty strong severe storm heading towards Junction City Wakefield and eventually over there towards Cottage Hill this is not tornadic uh honestly Kansas right now um is pretty everything's going pretty fine everything's a okay in Kansas right now um and then up here in Nebraska uh there's a pretty strong storm to the west of Omaha uh to the uh north of Lincoln but it's once again no not torn adct maybe some hail and some strong winds we once again mostly AOK in Nebraska right now now that could change um as time goes on but uh right now things are looking fine all right I'll let you know if that changes the vast majority of our storms in uh Tennessee Kentucky um South Carolina North Carolina those have all died off as well if you're hearing Thunder or receiving rainfall right now it's just a general Garden variety storm uh that's going on over here the severe weather has really uh calmed down in Kentucky Tennessee and those areas the only places where things are actually on the up uh as far as intensity goes uh is over here in Oklahoma all right uh we've got a group of supercells that are have been going for a while and now they're really starting to ramp up and they're producing tornadoes especially this one especially this one uh the one that's getting ready to Cross or get close to Highway 81 uh north of Hennessee out of all the storms that are currently present uh this one definitely the one that has the the the worst looking signature to it right now look at that major rotation once again there's your velocity couplet very evident that we have Ro a lot of rotation here uh and then even more evident uh you can't miss this one the hook we've got a big hook on this storm uh showing where warm moist air is sneaking into the storm uh and wrapping around a cool rear flank downdraft so you know it would be really surprising to me if there was not a uh a tornado in there but you're you're not going to be able to see it this is a rain wrap tornado for sure um so yeah that's what's going on with that that's our most uh pressing issue now we do have tornado warnings in other places we've got a tornado warning for Deer Creek Lamont and Blackwell as well the rotation with that honestly doesn't look that bad right now um so hopefully that Trend continues however uh we've got another tornado warning for loyal Oklahoma same thing thing with this um this rotation isn't quite what we're seeing with the Hennessy storm um Elijah's got something for us though so we're going to talk to him go ahead Elijah did you have something yes sorry Ryan you're good um so we do have some damage now coming out of lacy we have several trees uprooted a few power lines snapped and there is a house that has to damage okay thank you very much Elijah we're going to probably be hearing from him a lot as time goes on uh as his job is to kind of keep us up to date on what's happened with the storms um we're constantly talking about the future here and you know we want to make sure we also keep you updated on what just happened in some of the towns that we've been talking about so we are getting some reports now of uh damage um and the the storm continues to look like it's getting more and more intense as it gets closer to the area between Hennessy and uh walus Oklahoma so Caleb has a really uh impressive view now of the underside of this storm and so does uh Freddy McKenna there's Freddy's view here's Caleb Caleb's view uh so inside of that rain shield you see where it looks like it's almost glowing blue you guys see that inside of that is an incredible amount of hail and uh you know wind and rain and potentially a tornado as well just an incredible view there from both Caleb and um Freddy McKenna uh let's put Caleb and Freddy in one and two so I can do so I can show them side by side soon as that loads up we'll we'll go right to that here's uh some of the latest parameters um that we have in place right now according to the uh Storm Prediction Center's mesoanalysis page most of our convective available potential energy is going to be right in this Corridor uh which unfortunately is going to be uh directly available to our storms over the next couple of hours 4,500 Jews per kilogram of Cape kind of nosing its way uh up into the Oklahoma City area uh lower level uh Cape um you know uh low level instability really high as well right around that same area significant tornado parameters are very high um out in front of these storms as well you remember we were looking at this the other night before the sulfur uh Oklahoma tornadoes and it's not always the same it doesn't always mean the same thing uh but tonight it unfortunately is probably right on the money here with you know once these storms get into that more favorable environment um we're going to see the uh the likelihood that they produce tornadoes really really kind of pop off and here's our incredible view of our supercell from both Freddy and Caleb now uh in king fisher County this is the tornado warned storm uh that you know the the warning includes Hennessy but the the main part of the storm is going to go to the north of Hennessee um but the rotating part of the storm issued is going to go uh to the uh to the north of Hennessee over Highway 81 near bison within the next couple of minutes that's what we're kind of looking into right now through Freddy's feed and that newest warning uh includes um walus it includes Fairmont and Douglas take shelter if you're in any of those places and just what an incredibly mean storm wow you can tell that that one is not playing around unbelievable and once again it's remember this powerful storm that you're looking at here um inside of that blue glowing hail and rain shield um there is likely a tornado and and as powerful as the storm is it's not even in the most favorable is yet for uh you know powerful storm so it's going to get more and more uh intense as time goes on this storm is eventually going to be moving up towards Douglas and Covington and Garber maybe even all the way down there towards Perry Oklahoma so you guys got to be watching that very closely what a what a crazy look to that man the the with the blue there wow what a lightning strike let's ask Caleb if that's his prevalent in real life Caleb we're just blown away by the storm that you've got there uh and we've got to ask is the blue glow to the hail core as prevalent in real life as it seems to be on camera it looks like the thing is out of the movie Frozen or something so yeah once again this is the the big time uh super cell with a likely uh embedded circulation that is either trying to or uh is currently producing a tornado uh near bison Oklahoma yeah Ryan I'm not going to lie I'm actually to say that it's probably more prevalent in person than it is on camera um this is probably one of the most blue supercells I've ever seen so pretty crazy I'm sorry the I I thought of Frozen for some reason I mean it's blue you know I was waiting for chat's reaction to that uh once again want to remind everybody just in case we've forgotten um you know obviously we've got some big storms going on right now we've had a couple tornadoes already here's where we are right now okay this is our significant tornado parameter lots of it lots of nater juice out there right uh let's go into the future boom you we haven't seen anything yet this the 10 p.m. p.m. tonight um things are going to be off the charts it's going to be unbelievable um How likely it is that we see uh big time tornado so I just want everybody to remember we're still at the very beginning stages of this um don't get complacent wow Freddy's got an amazing view of that now we can see the whole thing looks like a an Independence Day giant Mothership alien spaceship kind of the thing's big he he's pointing it out the driver side window and the passenger side window and you can see the whole thing like you can see he you can see half of it through the driver side window and the other half through the passenger side that is a that is a large storm this is what's coming for you um if you are in uh Douglas Oklahoma uh or if you are in Covington Callahan uh Fairmont you are under a tornado warning but you're also under a uh severe thunderstorm warning we do expect uh that uh at least some golf ball siiz hail is going to be possible maybe even a little bit bigger than that closer to uh 2 in in diameter hail um as this comes into your neck of the woods the velocity signatures here on radar are just a little bit wonky um but it's still quite for sure uh showing us an area of extreme rotation it's just hard to work out the fine details when you've got uh some of the interference and uh side lobing going on like we do but man I'm telling you there's there's a huge rotating uh storm there it's likely causing some major problems uh but uh if there is a a big tornado you're not going to see it Nick Gorman has a view of this as well there's that blue supercell I'm going to ask Nick about it too Nick is the supercell as blue in in real life as it looks on the camera ignored I'm ignored that's that's just so cool all right let's go back to the two of you hey on it's Brad copy yeah go ahead Brad hey Ryan do you copy yeah Nick go ahead hey we are going to Target that southern cell uh that is Southwest manga um that's what that's that's the big sell that the models were hting on earlier today uh that really travels on I40 the El Reno Oklahoma City uh tornado right there possible tornado right there that's what models were really picking up on so there's no reason that that would not be able to purchase significant tornado in the future um so we're going to head down to Wanga and drop South to 40 to be able to get a good view of it yeah I had my Zilla muted for a second sorry about that but yes it is definitely is green and blue in person and it is real ating a lot you're good you're good I just I had to ask everybody um but yeah just keep us updated yeah Freddy McKenna is 100% a uh top-notch Chaser uh I got a little bit of a dnut hole here on radar uh We've we've been seeing some of these recently haven't we um this is an indication that we have a very strong updraft here uh clearing out the uh the center of the base of the storm uh it could it's also a sign that we've got some serious rotation there and and potentially even a tornado happening near bison so um that's what we're seeing this is a supercell with a lot of rotation uh it's not very often that you see that signature uh it's crazy to say that even because we've been seeing it a lot here recently um but yeah that is a a sign of a very significant storm if I've ever seen one uh we do have a new tornado watch way up North into Iowa De Moine Centerville Storm Lake Fort Dodge a couple tornadoes possible ping pong ball-sized hail and Scattered wind gusts up to 75 milph um Fort do speaking of Fort Dodge by the way tornado watch has been issued um just in case you guys didn't know if you haven't heard yet uh the ya'all squad our 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to helping uh people hit by severe weather just recently got a an 8,000 square ft facility in Fort Dodge Iowa to house some of our disaster relief supplies and trailers and and stuff like that so we can reach people faster um that get hit by tornadoes in in that general area uh and we plan on getting similar facilities in in in other places as well so I just wanted to say thank you guys for allowing us to do that 8,000 square feet 30 foot tall ceilings we're going to be able to fit a lot of chainsaws and tarps and and and life-saving and and life- sustaining uh disaster relief supplies in there and and be able to get them to people very quickly thank you so we're starting to see some more features here on McKenna's feed man he's I mean like he's always got like a really good shot uh part of what I I think we're seeing here is the inflow tail you see the dark uh kind of uh Cloud near the Horizon there moving into the storm I think that that's probably the inflow tail um and then also I see a little bit of what might be the the rear flank uh you know kind of shelf cloud kind of on the main left side of your your screen so everything that I'm seeing so far is really supportive of the idea that this thing is still rotating like a top um and uh there's likely uh either a developing or you know a soon to be tornado inside of all of that uh mess that you see over there but it's still very much rain wrapped and and we're not able to see it at all really e uh one of the reasons I mean these storms are are are exploding um right now but now I think there's two main focuses because of the way that they are exploding the the two sales here in the middle have kind of lost their uniqueness their individuality I guess you could say um and now we've got a leading supercell at the main front here and a tailin Charlie I think that those in in the near future are going to be the main problems um as far as you know what's going to produce a tornado and what's not in the near future a new tornado warning has been issued got a new tornado warning in Oklahoma for our TA and Charlie that we were just talking about would you look at that this is going to include kuster City and arapo I think uh Indianapolis Oklahoma dead tornado warning has been issued um and those places in Oklahoma Blaine and kuster counties take shelter now we've also got another new tornado warning this one's up here in Kansas to the north and west of Topeka decent area of rotation here just to the west of Manhattan Kansas we' got a radar indicated precautionary tornado warning for Manhattan Rocky Ford Living Water Ranch and flush y'all need to take shelter if you haven't already no sign of a tornado imminence here I don't think but definitely some concern with this area of rotation right here it's crazy how the Sun hasn't completely set yet um and but we're still seeing such flashing from all of our stormchasers a lot of times it it's deeper into the evening before we see such prolific lightning visible from the stormchaser feeds so these are Big Time electrical storms uh just a a couple of remind ERS here for anybody that's just now tuning in I know we've got a lot of people here what we're doing right now is wall to--all severe weather coverage um on a tornado outbreak most of the action right now is in Oklahoma uh we got one tornado warning in Kansas we're checking on it we've got storms in Nebraska and Iowa as well they're not really causing much in the way of problems right now uh we also have um storms over here in Tennessee there's one severe thunderstorm warning right now just south of Knoxville Tennessee there's one in South Carolina these are all capable of producing some small hail and some Gusty winds the storms in Oklahoma right now are literally capable of taking people's lives um uh so that's why we're kind of hyperfocused on this area we don't want to make anybody feel like they're left out or we don't care about them or whatever but it's important that we focus a lot of our resources on on the U extremely dangerous situation that is unfolding now in Oklahoma but I am going to try to jump around as much as I possibly can here to some of these other uh storms as well but uh unfortunately we've got the beginning stages of a tornado outbreak ongoing here in in Oklahoma and uh we're just kind of uh monitoring these storms very closely uh as uh you know they continue to look more and more impressive with each passing moment this is um also for anybody that hasn't seen it yet this is our map this is our SPC map the reason why everybody's so on high alert today for storms is because because we have a rare high risk of severe weather um it's not very often that we see this in fact uh it's so un common that uh the Storm Prediction Center actually in order for them to come out with this Outlook in order for them to actually issue a high risk of severe weather they have to believe that the worst storms will be uh storms that an area may only experience once or twice in a lifetime so that that's kind of what we're expecting tonight from some of the stronger storms that goes through the high risk area we've got high confidence that an outbreak of tornadoes damaging winds and hail is going to happen here we're going to have numerous severe thunderstorms the epicenter of uh activity is unfortunately going to be right around the Oklahoma City area uh maybe a little bit north of that um so you know we've got a high population Center under the gun for significant severe weather here over the next several hours the we're going to be here until the early morning hours tomorrow I think um Peak tornado time is probably going to be between right now honestly and the next 4 hours or so um 10: p.m. 11:00 p.m. that's going to be where uh things really are at their heightened point I think but we're going to deal with uh this all the way into the early morning hours once again also um also bear with me a little bit because I do have a little bit of some allergies some cold so I know that some of you guys can tell I don't feel bad or anything it's just kind of annoying hey Ryan it's Brad you got a copy yes sir go ahead hey I know you're watching it but uh that that storm Southwest of Thomas that's your tail in Charlie kind of scenario down there that could be a big time tornado heading into pretty populated area pretty soon it's ramping up really quick we're getting to Wanga and dropping South on I40 uh and we're going to try to get on the south side of it to be able to view it hopefully with a little bit of sunlight all right so there you heard it from Brad uh where watching the storm now coming north of Weatherford man we got to go back to Freddy's feed he just continues to provide um incredible shots of this uh big storm now coming into uh Marshall and Covington Oklahoma tornado warning for you guys uh or actually tornado warning for Douglas there might be a new tornado warning that's issued here soon for uh a Covington as this storm gets closer to y'all the the storm that Brad was just talking about that looks really concerning is this one um and it's the tail end Charlie right now which means that it's got you know kind of the best access to warm moist air and and that nater juice out of all of these storms so uh that one might be our our big tornado maker here over the next little bit we're watching it closely and you should be too if you live in the area especially a couple more points before we get into some absolute chaos here as these storms continue to blow up and and start rotating more and more um uh a lot of people won't see storms today uh we're only expecting you know a couple of these storms to be uh the the really really big intense ones um so if you do see a storm on the way uh and you live in the risk area tonight uh just assume it's going to be a really bad one the potential for tornadoes is going to increase after dark so don't let your guard down uh wind shear is going to become much more favorable after the sun goes down this is very important um the cap is also eroding uh so storms are going to be able to uh you know evolve more efficiently here over the next little bit as well uh so remember a lot of places in the risk area might not see a storm at all uh but if you do then you've got to uh assume that it's going to be one of the one of the worst ones you've seen SCH show runner thank you so much for the incredibly generous Super Chat it's your third one um thank you uh says thanks Ryan and all the chasers for what y'all do well thank you for for the support really do appreciate it also want to remind everybody that there is a PDS tornado watch until 11:00 p.m. central that's includes Oklahoma City chiet lton all the way up there towards Enid Bartlesville uh areas just east of Witchita numerous strong tornadoes expected now uh Kansas is not done with storms for tonight Kansas is just really uh looking out there's not a lot happening um in the southern part of Kansas that has the the really favorable ingredients for tornadoes right now so that's a good thing um I don't know if that's going to continue to be the case I don't know if we're eventually going to uh you know have an uptick in activity here to the south and east of Witchita it does look like that's probable as as of this moment we've got new sales that are popping up right here so I definitely wouldn't let my guard down in Kansas especially if I'm in Fredonia uh or Howard or all the way up there towards Humbolt and Yates Center um also we've currently got a tornado warning right now north and west of Topeka near Manhattan uh this is a precautionary radar indicated tornado warning we don't think a tornado is necessarily imminent here but it's possible so we want you're in your safe spot in flush uh Kansas tornadoes um are possible but not likely also way up here into Nebraska and Iowa currently no storm is showing signs of immediately producing a tornado in the near future so we're we're watching that if that changes we will tell you new tornado warning has been Ison County Kansas got a new tornado warning just now let's check that out look at here oh yeah that's a very that one that little Hook was hiding from me could barely see it there zoomed out there it is Acme Enterprise abalene Detroit take shelter this is the real deal this is not just a precautionary warning this is uh this looks like it could actually produce a tornado here soon um so take shelter in aene and Detroit Kansas that is a very serious situation developing there a new tornado warning has been issued additionally we've got a warning now in Iowa and South Dakota we just talked about some of these places um this one a little bit more in the precautionary realm little bit of rotation here likely capable producing a tornado um but just in case let's get to our safe spot in Canton um South Dakota in Larchwood um Iowa okay just get to your sh safe spot bring me with you we'll tell you when it's time to come out okay uh storm down here near Weatherford Oklahoma continues to look more and more intense we've got a tornado warning for kuster City take shelter uh our big time supercell with the massive rotating thing on it uh continues to get more massive and it continues to rotate more however that rotation is very broad um and it's not currently looking as I I guess immediately concerning as it was now it looks quite a bit more concerning just in in terms of a severe thunderstorm um but the tornado threat uh there needs to be a little bit more of a tighter rotation I think here uh before the tornado threat is as high as it was uh not too long ago but it's still there the supercell's still there it's still twisting um but it might be going through a little bit of a a merger here we'll see how it handles that whenever uh that completes we really got to watch the prefrontal CES that are trying to pop up here ahead of that boundary uh if these get very strong they're going to be capable of producing tornadoes as well a new tornado warning has been Garfield and Noble counties are now under tornado uh warnings uh we're up to seven tornado warnings at this moment I'll show you where that is just as soon as that uh polygon starts flashing here for us uh but yeah we've got seven warnings um vast majority of those are going to be in Oklahoma we got a couple in Kansas and Iowa as well so yeah there's your new tornado warning this concludes the I35 Corridor near Perry Oklahoma okay so this I mean this thing is rotating like crazy I mean I don't know what's going on in there nobody really does this is what it looks like though deep inside of that monster there could be a tornado right now nobody knows for sure you can't get I mean you can't see what's going on in there uh but uh on radar it looks like there might be enough rotation to support it so Covington Hayward Lucien gansel um all the way up there towards places like um uh you know uh Perry places just west of Perry Oklahoma take shelter now go ahead Andy or Elijah sorry hey Ryan so I just talked with Andy a moment ago and uh he was eating at the moment so he could not catch it but there was a tornado that most likely just passed uh about two miles south of Kansas State University up near Manhattan uh if you go back a few frames there was a CC drop there so that was an unworn tornado or no it was warned with a tour originally but it passed probably roughly two miles away from Kansas State University muted muted muted t g it I gotta I gotta do something about that okay I'm back you can hear me now I'm sorry about that um but uh basically what I was saying is um uh we've got uh you know a tornado that may have went near Manhattan there is a warning for that now um however the rotation has led up a little bit so we could have another tornado that tries to form with this as it goes up towards flush and eventually maybe even West merland Kansas unfortunately okay so yeah sorry about the whole mute thing I I I am having to toggle mute on and off more often than usual so I can go sniffle and cough trying to hide as many of them from you as possible because I know that's got to be annoying to listen to uh but yeah I'm I've got to get I I think I might have missed the button there whenever I came back I'm sorry it's YouTube okay we're doing the best we can over here uh somebody in the chat just said talk about Omaha please um yeah there's there's some storms moving towards Omaha right now they're just severe um they're not tornadic really you are under a tornado watch uh however I wouldn't be too concerned about that we will let you know if there's any change um but uh yeah uh the the roach over here near Canton I uh South Dakota and moving towards Larchwood Iowa is also picking up a little bit you can see here on radar we've got a little bit of a a punch out there on reflectivity that could be a sign of a quick spin up tornado trying to happen near Canton South Dakota y'all take shelter up there south and east of sou Falls that looks like a pretty strong storm right now a couple tornado warnings still ongoing in Kansas the one near Manhattan has a a history of producing a tornado the one back here near AB looks more convincing on radar um however it's still not um completely uh convincing I guess I should say all right so our big storm over here near Covington is likely about to produce another tornado if it isn't currently um I I really hope that everybody in Covington Callahan Hayward Lucien gansel and all of these places are uh in their safe spots because this is a nasty storm it's uh likely uh producing a tornado uh and you you can't really see it right um and also on top of that we're we're going to have a golf ball siiz hail and 60 to 70 m per hour winds in here okay this is a kind of storm where the the rotating mesocyclone is so big we could have a couple tornadoes going on at the same time so everybody in that warning polygon needs to be Tak taking the the warning seriously and getting into their safe spot if they haven't already gotten there hey Ryan this Brad you have a copy yeah go ahead Brad hey U if you don't mind switch over to the lock radar the FDR radar and take a look at that storm uh that is Southwest Wonga uh that is that's probably the best looking storm on radar right now which is far away from it and you're not going to get the best view from the uh from the northern from the northern radar uh that would be the one that would track into a big time populated area um so you'll want to look at that from the new information this tornado warning so we're looking at this supercell here that's the one that Brad's after um this is likely going to produce a big tornado here soon um also we've got a big tornado uh seemingly on the ground now uh with our Garfield County and Noble County tornado um so yeah we've got an observed tornado warning here uh get to shelter once again in Hayward Lucien Callahan this is an extremely dangerous situation okay uh go ahead Riley hey Ryan that um observed boarding near Covington came out because the news9 helicopter did confirm that the tornado is on the ground so that is most certainly a bad situation and we have to be in our safe spots all right thank you very much uh Riley uh take shelter once again um if you are in that area now we do have um a couple of stormchasers that are in that General vicinity here um let me uh try to see what we've got Hunter Hurley my goodness Hunter Hurley's in a in in a really close position Bryce Shelton as well hold on uh Bryce Shelton's G to be really close to that as well um and then uh Freddy mckenny Nick Gorman like we've got a lot lot of stormchasers on this but nobody's inside of it but but hunter is actually pretty close uh so uh if there's a big tornado in here we hopefully we're talking to Hunter and we're letting him know just how close he is uh to potentially being in a dangerous situation in there if that's his accurate location right now but yeah we've got a big tornado down uh out here uh between Marshall and Covington and it's wrapped in Rain you can't see anything uh with it uh our last frame that we got from Hunter Hurley who is honestly inside of like the the really dangerous part of the storm you can see what's going on in there like you there's Heavy Rain there could be a tornado literally just a football field in front of them and you'd never know because the visibility is so low um so that's the same kind of uh unfortunate situation that we're going to be in here uh for our residents that are going to be experiencing a tornado uh likely farther to the east between Covington and Lucien um so once again please take shelter in Hayward Lucien gansel and the I35 Corridor there uh south of the intersection with uh Highway 64 yeah so uh Hunter's location here and hopefully we can get Hunter in in one of the top three spots I know it's spotty but we've got to we've got to get like a uh you know a vis I'm sorry what am I saying we've got to get a a view of that Hunters somewhere up in here tornado is going to be somewhere right in here there's currently a confirmed tornado located near Covington the storm has produced tornadoes off and on for over an hour if you're in Hayward or Lucien take shelter now it looks like Freddy Freddy McKenna is also inside of the rear flank downdraft here and all of these headlights you see going by I believe these are all stormchasers we're not we're not in a very uh you know highly trafficked part of Oklahoma right now just just to kind of give you an idea of what's going on with the the traffic out there very dangerous situation to have you know packed roads around a a a heavily rain wrapped possibly strong tornado uh but that's the situation that we're in right now so this is uh just one of a couple of different storms that we're watching very closely right now we've got an observe tornado um up here now to the east of Covington uh moving in the general direction of Lucien and Perry hopefully everybody over there is in their safe spots uh supercell uh on the southwestern side of this complex is also coming together here in near kuster City moving towards Greenfield giri and those places in Oklahoma we're going to be talking about you guys a lot tonight unfortunately what do we got going on here on Hunter feed oops I don't know what we're looking at here but hunter was stopped um got headlights in front of them here I don't know exactly what's going on there but uh obviously we've got uh some intermittent connection issues because they are literally in a middle in the middle of a tornado understandably might lose Sal service in that situation but right here where Hunter Hurley's locator dot is popping up we've got an a report of a tornado um uh from an emergency manager uh relayed V NWS chat at the intersection of State Highway 74 in Flynn road which is exactly where Hunter is right now so he might have encountered some damage here a new tornado warning has been got a new tornado warning way up in Nebraska now this is for South Bend Melia and uh those places in Nebraska we've got uh Cass and sarpi County in Nebraska under a tornado warning take shelter uh immediately if you haven't already this is a pretty strong indication of rotation that's capable of producing a tornado here's uh an updated look at Hunter hurle feed once again he's right in the middle of this storm that's producing a big tornado down here in Oklahoma um I believe a new tornado warning I believe he's in an all right spot um I the odds of him hearing me are low but I'm going to I'm should I try to reach out to him have you been talking to him Riley yeah um I believe he's pulled up on the same sort of situation where Brandon Copic is um I don't know what's going on for sure but there are some reports that it may have been a chaser hit by the tornado um as far as I know everyone is okay there's no reports of injuries in the car luckily just end it up with the ditch okay uh if you hear anything else just let us know I you know I I don't want to call Hunter directly because it's probably pretty loud and if there is something really bad going on we we might hear like an unfiltered uh you know kind of version of that and we want to make sure that we we filter it a little bit um uh just in case there are some details that we we we might not want to share on the air but uh this is uh you know obviously a powerful storm here uh and there obviously I think was a tornado that crossed the road uh right here where Hunter Hurley is uh not too long ago so we do believe that that tornado is is probably still down uh somewhere here between um Lucien gansel and Perry Okay so Perry Oklahoma and everywhere west of there needs to be in their safe spots right now it's a very dangerous situation uh so once again things are just now starting to really ramp up as far as the uh the tornado outbreak goes we do expect uh things to continue to look more and more concerning as we go later into the night I I think uh probably between uh right now and maybe midnight uh we're going to see a lot of um you know the same we're going to see some of our our multicellular cluster here of embedded supercells continue to try to produce tornadoes and probably successfully produce big tornadoes as they cross the I35 Corridor around um probably about 3 hours from now some additional storms are going to pop up even farther to the Southwest that will kind of even be in a better um sort of spot to try to produce tornadoes um so I think that down here it it'll it'll probably be much later tonight that we have to worry about that but unfortunately the significant tornado parameters are still looking like they're going to be quite off the charts when those new storms uh start to form later tonight yeah and as far as what's going on on Hunter Hurley's feed this the there's some stormchasers that are in a ditch and they they they're just kind of stuck right now everybody's okay okay four minutes ago we got this update from the Storm Prediction Center for Northeastern Oklahoma and Southeastern Kansas the tornado threat will increase through this evening a local watch extension may be needed with a new watch eventually expected further Downstream so they're kind of got they're looking at these super cells that are forming here out in front of that main line and uh that's a pretty concerning situation because they're going to be in a a quite favorable environment for toric uh production and um yeah they remain discreet then that's exactly what we'll be dealing with unfortunately for uh so two of the places that we're watching the hardest I guess you could say right now as far as uh uh the potential for a a near-term tornado um we we believe that we might still have a tornado down somewhere over here west of Perry but if we don't it's very likely that a new one's going to form here soon um so we're watching this storm as it approaches Perry and Red Rock and Morrison Oklahoma uh we're also uh pretty concerned about the storms up here in Kansas specifically uh the one now up to well to the west of Witchita I'm sorry to the west of Topeka and also the one up there to the north and west uh of Topeka this one has a history of producing a tornado already uh and it could very well do so again as it goes up towards Wheaten and Onaga um and then you know this storm over here has a more classic super cellular look to it and a lot of rotation so Moonlight and chap uh Chapman uh Kansas get ready for that go ahead hey Ryan just an update from the SPC um the high risk was maintained and it's actually been extended a bit further off to the east so Tulsa Oklahoma that's a major population area and it is now included in that high risk of tornadoes okay thank you very much uh Riley um yeah we did get an update from the Storm Prediction Center we still have a high risk they've just shaved a little bit off of all of our risk areas in the west here because the as the storms move East tonight you know everybody behind them uh or you know you're you're going to lose your ability to have new storms uh but they also pushed it a little bit farther uh to the east so once again uh Tulsa now in the higher probabilities for tornadoes Bartlesville Oklahoma City Norman you guys are still in there uh so unfortunately U you know no signs that uh anything's going to you know Trend in the uh the downward direction as far as the intensity of this event goes so uh Storm prodiction Center continues to promote a high risk a rare high risk uh for the rest of tonight um Moonlight Upland and Milford you're now under a tornado warning okay we were just talking about that really impressive looking supercell here lots of rotation I would be surprised if it didn't produce a tornado as it goes towards Moonlight uh Kansas take shelter now back down into Oklahoma we go our storm approaching Perry is such a monster storm that it's hard to tell what the heck's going on a new tornado warning has been issued um thankfully it doesn't look as organized as it once did so hopefully we'll have some time before we have to worry about that again um let's go to the lton Oklahoma radar and observe our storm Our tailin Charlie that Brad Arnold is currently going after um this storm is rotating a lot it's got a supercellular structure so far not seeing anything imminently like oh my gosh this is this is about to do do it but you know that could change very quickly definitely be in your safe spots up here in Kan cansas up here towards Onaga and weaton and then of course in Moonlight and Upland those are honestly some of the more impressive looking storms uh with uh just in terms of how they're actually interacting with the low-l jet uh that newer tornado warning up here in um Iowa and or I'm sorry South Dakota and now Minnesota um it's going to go for the next 33 minutes we do have some rotation here near Rowena uh this is moving towards Valley Springs South Dakota eventually this will make it up there towards uh Jasper Minnesota so get ready up there this is a pretty strong storm capable producing a tornado all the way up there in Minnesota so we're watching storms now in Minnesota um Nebraska Kansas and Oklahoma during this widespread event uh go ahead Andy thanks Ryan I think to the north and west of our current Nebraska tornado warning near near Juan or when west of granta this is uh going just to the north east so it's going to approach some previously impacted areas close to Skyline and uh boy town here into Douglas County Western Douglas County in Nebraska so I think this may receive a warning as well given how close or how fast it's come together on this last scan all right thank you meteorologist Andy Hill uh drawing our attention to this little area of uh rotation here uh new tornado warning could be uh issued at some point here for unfortunately some some places that we were just recently talking about uh during our one of our more recent outbreaks elorn waterl Skyline uh maybe all up there towards Bennington uh this doesn't look like a repeat of of what we saw um the other day or anything like that but certainly a dangerous situation as a strong storm capable of maybe producing a tornado is is coming up towards you so y'all watch out uh continue to be impressed by our storm near Moonlight Kansas as well hopefully um up people up here near Milford Lake are aware of the approaching supercell and yeah one second this is the latest uh From The Storm Prediction Center as far as those uh tornado probabilities go just want to show you this again so we still have that high risk in place hey Ryan you mind checking out K Verona Kentucky I I don't know where that is but I will look briefly at the state of Kentucky and there's not there's not anything going on in Kentucky right now nothing of any sort of genuine concern some strong storms over there in East Tennessee couple lingering storms in uh South Carolina but nothing this is just regular Springtime stuff for y'all aew thank you so much for that still don't think we are at uh the peak of this event yet storm relative helicity values are just now starting to Peak over the 200 and 300 mark uh against some of our storms here in um Oklahoma City which is uh or I'm sorry Oklahoma which is a lot and certainly uh conducive of tornadoes however we are expecting those numbers to be a little bit higher uh the later we go into the evening um we are starting to see a little bit more of an overlap between our lower level instability and some of the vorticity that's out there uh that would draw my attention more towards this cluster of storms also up here in Kansas we're seeing a lot of that as well so uh something else to watch out for there as far as just general surface based Cape goes there's a still a lot of it down here in Southwestern Oklahoma uh I think a lot of that's actually going to kind of stick around and kind of fuel some of the storms that will form later tonight I think closer to 11:00 p.m. or midnight um we're going to see a rapid explosion of even more storms way down here in in South Central or Southwestern um Oklahoma and it's going to take advantage of that more unstable atmosphere but we've got three to 4,000 Jew per kilogram of Cape all out in front of these storms in uh Oklahoma right now significant tornado parameter is very high uh across a lot of Oklahoma right now as well all the way up into Kansas so that would explain why we had such a reaction uh from this super cell that kind of started interacting with that environment but now this is um it's hardly supercell uh it's you know it's kind of Taken on a a little bit of an outflow dominant looking presentation which is bad news for in terms of uh damaging winds and also the the threat for embedded tornadoes in there uh but uh we'll see what happens if it kind of balances itself back out here the tailin Charlie also continues to struggle a little bit but there is um some more rotation a little bit more inflow evident here on some of the latest scans here near Greenfield Oklahoma um Brett says explain explain relative holic or whatever in 10 seconds just the the amount of spin just the amount of spin that we have in in the atmosphere just a very quick rudimentary version what's crazy is we have a ton of spin right now I mean 300 is a lot on that scale we have a ton of spin it's it's increasing uh and we have a lot of instability um but I've yet to see a storm properly take advantage of the parameters that are in place which is a good sign but I don't know if we're going to continue to have that uh blessing here you know what I mean storm up here in Kansas this is one of the more impressive looking views on uh reflectivity I've seen all day it's a tiny little storm but this is a classic supercell with a very obvious hook see the hook Echo there the rotating part of the storm visible on radar uh we also can see uh the velocity couplet as well so this one is a candidate for a storm that's very capable of producing a tornado here soon if it isn't already get ready up there near Milford Lake also continuing to watch the storm north of wo and St Mary's now near OA and havensville uh this storm is capable of producing a tornado it's had a history of producing one near Manhattan it could do it again there um as it goes up towards uh OA new newal and Haven Ville and Corning that's all in Kansas uh Justin uh says hi Ryan um I know it's hard to predict but what about Joplin Missouri later tonight uh we're expecting to have a line of storms um yeah so Joplin you guys are under an enhanced risk of severe weather tonight the biggest threat is going to be hail and wind however you there's definitely a tornado uh somewhat of a tornado probability over towards Joplin later tonight as well but it's not going to be nearly as high as uh what we're going to see over the next couple of hours go ahead Andy hey Ryan little small uh qlcs circulation to the north and west of our South Dakota uh tri-state area a tornado warning there since they did warn something very similar to that they may warn this one as well I think it might be in the ending stages of what of it possibly could have produced it was very small before so we'll see if this continues to broaden out and if they W it or not um especially since they wned that further to the north and west as well I didn't even see that one wow there's so many qlcs circulations here oriented along that Northwestern Southeastern boundary there yeah absolutely and it looks like they did just now uh put out a a warning for that we saw the flashing polygon there uh this includes Brookings uh vulga and bru way up here in South Dakota uh decent area of rotation here we could have a tornado and a strong storm moving up towards the the I29 Corridor between meder and Brookings and uh a little bit towards North Grove Edition uh this also could impact places like Bushnell and Aurora South Dakota take shelter now additionally we still have a tornado warning for Jasper Minnesota you guys should be in your safe spots uh new tornado morning also down here south of Nebraska City this is not H popping up on our overlay I don't think maybe we need to get another Refresh on that I don't know um but we just got a new warning uh down here for Auburn Brock and Julian in Nebraska that's got some pretty serious looking rotation associated with it as well uh take shelter there in Auburn Brock and Julian Nebraska wow lots of warnings now um coming out uh across our Northern extent of our um coverage tonight okay we saw that morning come through so hopefully hopefully we're back on track now Upland Kansas take shelter you've got a hook Echo and a half coming over you velocity looks less impressive but uh certainly a rotating storm there all rotating storms need to be watched extremely carefully today uh go ahead Andy yeah R just an update on the area just I I mentioned about uh 7 minutes ago near Gretna and Skyline Nebraska looks like that circulation mostly fall apart Fallen apart rather I wanted to talk about it again just as an update since it's a slightly sensitive area given the recent damage there over a week ago so watching for more circulations along the line to the South that would come into um Northern parts of sarpi County and then into Douglas County in the Omaha Metro we'll keep an eye on that it's going to be a bunch of uh miniature qlcs spin-up tornadoes if they do occur and qlcs stands for quasi linear convective system for those wondering so that that is the situation entering the Omaha Metro at the moment okay thank you Andy I'm going to try to to sit for a couple minutes here we've been streaming for five hours now we've been going for 5 hours um and uh it's currently 9:25 local 8:25 Central and we've still got quite a few hours in front of us I believe quite a few uh continuing to watch these CES that are popping up out in front of our big kind of line honestly now of storms uh that extends from Perry Oklahoma down towards Weatherford Oklahoma uh we do have some prefrontals that are trying to get going here uh near west of Tulsa uh it is taking them a little while though um so you know it'll be interesting to see if they are able to mature quickly enough um to maybe take advantage of the uh ever growing low-l jet um before this kind of line gets to them uh by the way the tornadic circulation that prompted our tornado warning back here near Covington um has moved past the polygon and honestly that that warning is probably going to be allowed to expire here soon there might be a moment here not too long from now where we may have no tornado warnings in Oklahoma we've got uh the biggest um concentration of uh warnings now in uh Kansas Nebraska South Dakota and Minnesota of all places there's your circulation still visible there on radar moving up towards Brookings South Dakota not uh yeah there's still a little bit of something there moving up towards uh AEL airly as well and and pip Stone in uh Minnesota the rotation moving up towards Jasper is is quite less impressive now a little bit to the south of Omaha um still got a a decent area of rotation moving up towards Brock and Julian west of Auburn and we are still watching the OA storm as well but the rotation continues to look a little bit less impressive with that I am still just mostly impressed with our little supercell over here near Milford hopefully you guys are still in your safe spots um Andy go ahead yeah Ryan I'm watching a couple of interesting spots here there's a some supercells out in front of this complex in north central Oklahoma um one that that are not warned at the moment near Burbank and shidler and forer that one is difficult to say without sounding a little sus uh but that definitely has some rotation with it from the uh Topeka radar is what I'm looking at there but I think you can switch between both of them maybe even the tuls radar would show that one so right in between the the three Radars there is where that supercells popped up um and yeah yeah it's been steady state for a while but I think it's definitely gotten more rotation the mesocyclones Bren out a bit so we can see it better on radar in the most recent scans so that's what I've got my eye on now and watching to see if that turns harder uh to the right to get more uh helicity with it all right thank you very much meteorologist Andy Hill we're starting to see that our pop up our storms that are popping up out in front of the main line are starting to get a little bit more organized you can see some areas of rotation here on velocity so we're watching that very closely uh also our uh storm that's moved through Perry now um this our old tornado worn storm is probably producing some really strong winds uh moving into Morrison Red Rock Sooner Lake uh this will eventually move towards Paw e Blackburn and Fairfax um get ready that's going to be a a big time storm there as that bowls through for uh Sophia says one-inch hail in Bristol Virginia do you see anything bad heading our way no over there in Virginia that's probably as about as bad as it's going to get hold on I'm just uh soaking in some information here thank you guys so much for sending in so many pictures and tagging us and so much stuff over on Twitter it's honestly really helpful um the storm up here in Kansas that we've been kind of looking at so much uh on reflectivity because it has that little hook um is about to move through Milford right now still radar indicated um it'll be interesting to see if they issue another tornado warning for this if they do it'll probably include RI Kansas uh so you guys get ready for that uh go ahead Andy yeah Ryan I'm G to jump ahead of the curve here and say that Pilon Nebraska lav Vista and Ralston in uh the Omaha Metro should be getting in their safe spots right now no tornado no tornado warning there but a quick spin up uh is possible there especially on the last scan Has Come Together very quickly so I do expect that to get warned if it continues to look like that uh and hopefully we can get Advanced uh heads up before that heads right into um Omaha that that might be worth looking at um some of the mesos scale to look at that exact storm path since it's so densely populated and even a quick spin up tornado could cause some damage here so that will cross over I80 East of the i6 and AD Junction right through the ralon Lista area in Omaha all right thank you very much meteorologist Andy Hill once again no tornado warning uh with this area of concern that he just called out however a tornado could be uh forming here um somewhere around the Walnut Creek Recreation Area all right and if it goes this one would be moving pretty fast okay and if it goes in in the the general direction of uh you know what we've been seeing on radar so far it's very quickly going to go up past the AF academy uh past portal Road there near the Walmart that's right next to what is that the Tera Hills Golf Course so if this thing is going to produce a tornado that's around where it is uh where it's going to be in the next little bit beyond that we can see it go uh Plum all the way up there towards Karen Western Mockingbird Hills West in South Omaha Drive if you guys know where hansum Park is that's also uh going to kind of be in in in the path here uh if once again if this thing produces a a tornado uh this kind of signature has been uh warned a couple of times tonight um and it would be uh you know it would be likely that that happens again if that continues to show up so get ready if you are in the southern Omaha area not under a warning just y'all watch out if you're watching this right now you want to be extra weather aware and that's what we're trying to do for you okay so it's official at this moment 134 Z 834 Central we have no tornado warnings in in Oklahoma at the moment however we have a monster amount of severe thunderstorm warnings from Weatherford all the way up to the Kansas border a new tornado warning has been issued and here's our new tornado warning in Minnesota go ahead Andy thanks Ryan the latest on the shidler and forer Oklahoma storm definitely looks like it's going to get a warning and quickly squash that no warnings in Oklahoma thing so that'll be Northwestern oage or o yeah o Tado War has been issued yep and then uh the latest scan on our Omaha Metro storm just give the most upto-date info does look like that didn't come together a very quick or did not come together in a strong way I hope it stays that way and does not produce a spin up tornado but that was a very rapid organization so I wanted to make sure to say it ahead of time and if you did take shelter as a result of that out ahead of this then it's great because you got some really much needed practice of getting in your safe spots new PS sever thunderstorm warning has been ISS a a line out ahead of this where it could form so these things happen so fast I wanted to make sure just in case it did that we were ahead of the game absolutely thank you very much uh meteorologist Andy Hill uh always ahead of the game um once again uh bringing us down here to this newest tornado warning in Oklahoma that lasted a whole maybe minute and a half where we didn't have tornado warnings in Oklahoma um but yeah now we've got a tornado warning for forer Blackland um you guys in Oklahoma need to be taken sh shelter this looks pretty serious here uh also super sale just north of that near Cedar Veil is kind of picking up a little bit on uh with rotation so you guys need to be watching out as well um I'm going to go through all of these again they they did Issue a new uh destructive uh severe thunderstorm warning for Riley and leonardville Kansas um as a uh a replacement for the tornado warning so it doesn't look like they're going to issue a new tornado warning maybe for the storm that's going through Milford right now um however they are doing a destructive severe thunderstorm warning for leonardville and Riley that's potentially uh going to bring about some uh softball size hail 4 in uh in diameter maybe even larger uh for once again Riley Bala leonardville and Wallsburg I would just treat that as if it's a tornado warning and get to shelter uh soft fall siiz hail and 60 mph winds is not something that you want to play around with at all um get indoors get away from Windows and honestly getting your tornado shelter we've got a bunch of tornado warnings up here in um South Dakota and Minnesota as well these little areas of rotation are looking more and more intense so keep that in mind um in troski Hatfield Woodstock Minnesota take shelter um a Minnesota yall take shelter too Brookings Bruce and white in South Dakota you've got a strong storm capable of producing a tornado coming towards you lightning is becoming more and more prevalent in our stormchaser feeds here you can see Freddy's camera just going off um you can see Caleb's and Brad's as well it looks to me like Freddy McKinna is going towards that more Southern storm the one that Brad is on right now and Ryan scha um he's close to Oar Caleb beum is also on his way there as well so Caleb Brad and uh Freddy are pretty much on the same storm here so back to our newest tornado warning here near forer it continues to look more and more organized I would I'm interested to see if we're going to see a similar situation happen with this storm just to the west of Tulsa because it's going to be entering that same environment is it okari okay all right I see a 3-in hell report I don't know if we got a uh a 4in hell Report with that storm but man 4in hail that's big get ready of in Riley and leonardville Kansas for that my gosh um real quick before we you know dive even deeper into our radar analysis here I I do think it's important that we shout out Fisherman's Corner who just now gifted 50 Ryan hallo memberships that's a big deal that's the most they will allow you to gift so thank you fisherman and uh congratulations to all of the new members thank you very much oh he did it twice he's done a 100 holy smokes wow thank once again thank you very much that's that's huge um and once again uh congratulations to all the the members now we we we've done a really good job we're doing it before every live stream we're we're doing either a 30 minute to a on hour pre-stream where we go over some educational stuff and just kind of talk and do some Q&A so you you guys get access to that now Andy go ahead hey Ryan in uh Southeastern Kansas near Howard and Molen Moline I know this is an area that I saw a few of those um PDS warnings uh you know that 10 days ago when we had that event going through that looks like it's uh consolidating quite well in rotation there I would expect that if it continues to look like this for another frame uh another radar scan or just this scan that wit to would issue a tornado warning for Elk County in Kansas and that would probably go up to the north Northeast right through Howard in Kansas so let's make sure yall watch out here and are taking shelter ahead of time in Howard Kansas all right thank you Andy you can see the uh area of rotation right here near Howard so we're watching that very closely that would move in the general direction of Fiat s Cave Springs get ready y'all watch out a new tornado watch has been issued we did just get a new tornado watch in Missouri until 400 a.m. Joplin's included in that Sedalia Mobberly Kirksville Kansas City a few tornadoes possible pingpong siiz hail 75 mph winds until 4 new tornado watch has been issued man the the storms are getting wild in their appearance here I don't know what uh stormchaser Caleb beum is running up on but you can see the the massive supercell out in front of him here that's the king fisher storm and uh okay yeah he's just going past some some police officers on the side there but my goodness look at the the lightning activity just an incredibly electric storm here I can I can feel uh what that must feel like to be out there just from watching this feed you can just tell how electric the atmosphere is I'm going back up a new tornado warning has has been issued uh go ahead Riley hey Ryan if you look down towards the right headlight of Caleb's car you can see some mild siiz tail falling okay I did not even notice that uh so this is a live look from around okari Oklahoma uh looking towards Greenfield and watanga and Kingfisher that General vicinity there we've got a big storm and uh Caleb's right on the outskirts of it showing us the incredible lightning show and even some hail falling that far away from the uh the storm so interesting stuff for sure uh velocity on our storm over here and exiting Northern Oklahoma and moving into Southern Kansas continues to look really impressive Hans might be one of the places next in line here for a potential tornado warning um also I still see a lot of that um in the storm near Howard and Fiat as well in Kansas uh the other storms uh that did have tornado warnings associated associated with them in Kansas have been allowed to expire we still got that softball siiz hail producer though moving Riley um and leonardville in Kansas right now and Wallsburg y'all get ready for that then we got this group of tornado warnings up here in Minnesota that's continuing to look quite impressive on radar but not these don't look like big time violent tornadoes or anything they they look like spin-ups that could cause damage um so everybody in those polygons needs to take this seriously the storms are looking really impressive through the Chaser feeds there considerable severe thunderstorm warning now for K and Noble counties in Oklahoma Mary and Ryan thank you for becoming members once again I'm just reading some uh reading some information lots of information floating around out there uh shout out to Union fire in Kentucky uh currently the Oklahoma City area uh is not there's no storm seemingly coming right for the Oklahoma City area right now however uh I still believe that we're going to see new storms forming uh down here at some point it might not be even soon Hey Ron it's Bry copy the latest HR doesn't show those storms really starting to pop up until 1:00 a.m. actually um yeah uh Brad let's talk to Brad yeah go ahead Brad hey we are down on i0 right now about to be looking North uh into the there are really two embedded supercells one almost due east of Wanga and one to the South Wanga um both of those would be tailin Charlie type storms um so as of right now that's what I see as the most you know possibility of uh of maybe a significant tornado in the near future I would agree with Brad here we've got these two areas of rotation here with embedded supercells on the tail end of this blob now of storms that uh stretches between King Fisher and Perry Oklahoma uh the only like we need supercells in this environment really to kind of do what we uh expect them to do uh and the only things that we have that resemble supercells right now are are these two structures uh right here this one actually pretty intense looking uh this one's a little bit more embedded in that line but still there's air there's an inflow Notch there's a the ability for inflow to come into that storm okay uh outside of that our our only other uh super cellular structures that we have right now are are kind of over here uh so we're watching those closely as well um Andy's got something for us go ahead yeah Ryan just quick question for you did Brad say that he was the only looking at that from whatever radar was to the north um I I don't think so I I don't know okay that was just what you were looking at it from oh okay yeah okay so like the you can see the hook on the um Oklahoma City radar now so that's where I would look at it um you can it definitely has showed up in the last scan and I think that it does have a legitimate rotation attached to look at from radar okay thank you very much Andy uh Brad's got something hey Ryan it's Brad again uh sorry to interrupt but uh incredible lighning show up on the subd draft you can see it all the way up through the column yeah Brad's got an incredible view here wow so Brad is to the south of the the storm that we're now seeing that hook on uh near Greenfield Oklahoma and you can see the lightning um I I don't know if he has the ability to to tilt the camera up at all but man you can see the lightning all the way up the column there um and honestly a very visible uh supercell as well from even out in front of it there so um yeah that's Brad Arnold's point of view of the uh probably most concerning looking supercell that we have right now um in the near future will probably see a tornado warning associated with this soon um Greenfield cumate gear y you guys get ready what a lightning display Debbie Moore everybody say thank you to Debbie Moore once again a new tornado War has been issued contribution generosity there keep up the good work I know it's hard when you are sick so here's some comic relief what do mermaids wash their fins in tide I love that that was great that was good stuff thank you Debbie a new tornado warning has been issued all right we just got a new tornado warning in Mills and patami counties in Iowa it's another one of these little spin-ups this one looks a little impressive to be honest it looks you know definitely warranting uh of the uh the warning is warranted up here um Silver City macadonia Carson Oakland in Iowa you guys should take shelter immediately and then we also got a new warning just recently here in Minesota a new tornado warning has been issued Minnesota might be sort of in the lead today as far as tornado warnings go so far uh anyways uh ederton Lake Wilson and Woodstock you guys need to take shelter these are for precautionary uh little areas of rotation that could lead to spin up tornadoes that caused damage okay um we're not looking at violent like long track tornadoes up here but we're definitely looking at stuff that you should take shelter for all right and this is happening now in Southwestern Minnesota uh go ahead Andy uh yeah Ryan I think the latest scan on this storm that is west of Tulsa um the supercell that you pointed out that might prompt a tornado warning it's looked like that a couple of times but it's been in a little bit of a disorganized side lob area where we're not really sampling the main with the storm with the main lobe of the radar so I think now we kind of are and I wouldn't be surprised with a tornado warning that is in eastern Pony County a South Eastern Pony County and into um Eastern and Southeastern parts of oage County here for homy and Cleveland and Peru in Oklahoma so I I think that might be the next warning we see all right thank you meteorologist Andy Hill um yeah this looks like it's coming together quite quickly here near Jennings this is west of Tulsa here's Tulsa uh this is the supercell in question here um so we're going to watch that continue to try to develop as it moves off to the north uh the other sale that we were watching there just prompted a new tornado warning as well for parts of Kansas um sedan Grafton Moline Elk Falls Longton Oak Valley all you guys are under a tornado warning now take shelter immediately and my goodness the lightning is just it's honestly a little distracting here but I want to make sure we keep our um stormchaser feeds up because uh especially down here towards the south on these two embedded super cells new tornado warning has been issued we're probably going to see a tornado here at some point I think we just got a new tornado warning for Canadian and Kingfisher and Blaine counties I think that's going to be for the more Southern storm down here yep there it is so there's your new polygon and that this is likely going to be our next storm that probably produces a tornado here so uh Brad's going to give us a view of the base of that and Caleb here soon I think that uh who else oh my goodness of course Freddy mckenny is also on that storm he's he's been in all the right places so many times today so yeah Freddy mckin is there Caleb and Brad we're going to see this thing really start to uh come together I think over the next couple of scans and uh tell us the the full story of what's going on here so take shelter if you are all even over there towards okari Oklahoma you are under that tornado warning we are up to eight tornado warnings which I think might be the highest of today but remember a lot of that is coming from these circulations up here in Minnesota where there's a couple of overlapping warnings but still uh lots of activity right now that's for sure we want you in your safe spot in Oakland and Carson Iowa just in case anybody missed that and then also in sedan and Longton Kansas a new PDS severe thunderstorm warning has been issued new PDS severe thunderstorm warning for potawatami counties and what was that sedan in Kansas so now our softball hail size hail producing storm uh they've downgraded that now to just baseball size but still uh baseball size hail Is Possible over the next little bit in olsberg Randolph and maybe even over there towards uh Frost Storia so get ready for that that's something that you should probably take shelter for get away from Windows get indoors baseball siiz hell flying around at 60 MPH that's dangerous a new tornado warning has been issued uh go ahead Andy yeah Ryan that latest tornado warning is for the storm we were talking about for ponti and uh um oage counties now there's one that's there's a storm to the north of that in Southeastern Kansas and Northwestern sh TAA County headed towards Molen or Moline Kansas it's within a tornado warning but for the storm to the south of it and it's much more intense looking um I am not sure if this is like an embedded supercell or what but it's come together on the last couple of scans here so I definitely think it um if they're not if they're going to include it in this warning then we won't get a new warning for this area but if they issue the new tornado has issued uh for this storm then this is going to you know whatever you're going to get another tornado warning in Elk County this is the one we're talking about for Elk County Kansas and Northwestern chataka County I think this one might produce a tornado it looks really intense uh and it will be wrapped in rain as it heads up to Moline Moline uh Kansas here it's on a direct course to that so hopefully this doesn't last until the town but if it does this is your your heads up that there's another storm within a current tornado warning heading towards you all right thank you very much Andy um he's talking about this area of rotation if it'll load right here looks much more intense from what I can tell than what is currently warned um so just get ready for maybe a new warning there get ready to take shelter um also we got a a warning for the storm west of tlsa that we were talking about earlier this is going to be for homy Barnes doll Avant Oklahoma take shelter now we also got a new warning um in Minnesota of course um that this one's going to include Tyler Minnesota um decent area of rotation still evident on radar here bringing our total tornado warnings currently to 10 and we've got 20 severe thunderstorm warnings so it's extremely active out there right now um as we head towards the the peak of this event I still don't think we're at the top but things are definitely ramping up uh right now as uh the everything starts to come into place for our significant severe weather outbreak Brad Arnold's right on the base of this thing down here near Greenfield Oklahoma this is our biggest and baddest uh supercell in the favorable tornado environment I think in Oklahoma right now um so if a big tornado is about to happen it's going to happen with this storm I think in the in the near future Marilyn thank you so much for that you guys are being super supportive I'm trying to watch everything and and and and read everything in the chat but obviously I missed some of it but Mary Lyn thank you so much for that uh National Weather Service in Norman uh tweeted out that the tornado potential is increasing in um Greenfield giri and okari and also survive a storm shout out to surviv a storm storm shelters for gifting 20 memberships Survivor storm stormm shelters is the brand of storm shelters that we use here at the weather house I highly recommend looking up their website if you are interested in getting a storm shelter for yourself so yeah the a new tornado warning the stor down here in the the tail in Charlie if you will um uh that we are kind of locked in on continues to look you know more and more impressive with each scan it looks like this it has wide open inflow it it's you know the low-l jet is really starting to ramp up everything is coming into it's coming in line here so like this the storm's got everything going for it so unfortunately this might be one that we have to watch for some quite some time here that newest tornado warning is going to be for a small area of rotation north of call city um up here in Oklahoma y'all get ready for that um east of Newkirk up there towards Hardy Oklahoma my goodness thanks to everybody who's doing the gifted memberships and congratulations to all of the new members um thanks for your support and also thanks for helping us get the word out um there's a lot of you here I think we're about to have to use that that group voice to to to really get the the word out here because this storm right here if it's not this storm then it'll be a storm that pops up right behind it a littleit bit later or or some somewhere around here there's going to be a storm or two that is really going to you know put us in a position where we have to alert people as to what's going on um in a pretty serious way and and I think we have a good platform to be able to do that now because we have so many people here Justin Justin Peter Nail with the 20 gifted my gosh that's huge everybody say thank you to Justin as well Elijah has something for us go ahead hey Ryan so from the National Weather Center in Norman Oklahoma we could actually see some of the lightning that was from that king fisher storm but uh I wanted to mention that we've currently got nine tornado reports uh currently one of those is in Kansas and most of those are coming from Oklahoma however we also do have a tornado that was confirmed in uh South Dakota and surprisingly up in Nebraska we had a tornado early this morning and it got raided four hours later so okay all right thank you Elijah um for the update there uh we've got uh you know a lot of information probably starting to pour in from some of these more recent storms um but so far no no devastating news which is good which is good we obviously uh we're a big fan of that here uh but you know if things start to you know if some news comes in about damage or anything like that uh we're going to hear that from Elijah so let me take you on a tour here of everything that we're watching and as we you know continue to see the our tornado situation develop here um all the lightning and and spooky scenery that you see at the bottom of your screen from our stormchasers is coming from this storm uh way down here near cat in okari Oklahoma okay um we are calling this the tail end Charlie because it's at the tail end of our line of storms um and it has the uh the greatest access to tornado ingredients because it's all by itself down here uh it is rotating um and it's got a tornado warning on it that's all we know right now our stormchasers are trying to get closer to inspect it to see if there's anything else that we need to tell you take shelter though if you're in okari or Altona Oklahoma this big line of storms here is uh producing maybe up to uh 60 mph winds and quarter sized hail that's that's moving into Still Water here soon we got a tornado warning west of Tulsa for homon and Barnes doll this storm continues to look more and more concerning uh rotation is definitely there oage get to your safe spot homon Barnes doll that one is probably one of the the more concerning looking super sales that we have right now as well Big Time wind getting ready to come through uh shidler and po Huska Fairfax as we do have a considerable severe thunderstorm warning uh for that area that goes all the way out to Bartlesville we also have a tornado warning way up here for sedan and Moline and Longton in Kansas uh rotation down here a little bit of rotation up here coming up towards Moline as well I'd actually be more concerned with that one uh but both of these areas and everybody in between needs to be in their safe SP because you are also under a tornado warning severe thunderstorm warning for Toronto and Quincy in Kansas everything kind of breaks up around Topeka and Kansas City right now we're not seeing any sort of severe weather in that general area at the moment that may change later tonight baseball size hail Is Possible within the next 24 minutes in olsburg for austoria and Blaine Kansas we still have a tornado warning just to the east of Omaha here this includes Oakland and Carson in Iowa rotation has calmed down a lot with that three ongoing tornado warnings also up here in Minnesota the rotation has calmed down with these quite a bit as well uh we're going to see the uh two of these tornado warnings likely expire within the next 5 minutes couple severe thunderstorm warnings out east uh in fact there's one in North Carolina right now inch hail 60 mph winds possible in mockville and harmony North Carolina nothing too out of the ordinary over there so yeah that's what that's what we're doing that's what's going on right now okay we're we're watching the storms as they continue to try to engage with this really favorable environment for tornadoes I mean it just keeps getting more and more favorable um as you can see here we've got a 12 on the significant tornado uh parameter uh you know output here down here in southern south central Oklahoma we've got uh what else we got here yeah I mean like the things are just there uh things are definitely in place uh for a you know uh tornadoes but thankfully so far a storm really hasn't been able to fully take advantage of the very favor favorable ingredients that are in place I don't think that we're going to keep that luck but you know as of right now that's what's happening so we'll take it yeah the lightning with these storms uh is it just continues to be more and more impressive uh by the way for anybody that's watching that is interested um you know all of these stormchaser feeds that you're seeing or at least most of them uh like Brad Arnold and Caleb uh and all these guys you can you can look at those cameras in your own radar Omega app if I'm not showing it big enough for you you can full screen it you can put it up on your own app on iOS or Android whatever you want to do um highly recommend the radar Omega app it's the it's the it's the app that I use to guide millions of people across the us through some of the worst storms that happened in the US uh and it cost nine bucks you can't really beat that so always try to shout them out as much as possible tellin Charlie storm continues to look more and more impressive I mean that last scan there if that's not a hook Echo I don't know what is that is a really impressive looking storm right there and Caleb beum is right in front of it you can see his marker here on the radar Omega app right now Joe Thomas thank you billu thank you love all the work that you do Ryan might need to grab a Red Bull soon I I don't think so I think I'm good I would like to have a an immediate cure to my allergies or whatever I've got going on here my little Funk but for the most part I'm ready to rock and roll for the rest of this uh outbreak we've been going now for close to 6 hours we will continue to go for quite some time hey Ry this is bra got a copy yes sir go ahead br yeah Ryan so we're having to go all the way back up to Wanga um there are no routes unless you go all the way down on i4d ACR across the Canadian river uh the only other routes were uh dirt and gravel road or mainly dirt roads we tried to test one night start we started to sink so we're going to have to stay on the highway going up to Wanga headed east um and once the storm looks like it's producing a tornado we will come at it more than likely come at it from the north from king fisher um and then soon enough G three down the road as well uh but we got to go into to get East all right that's a stormchaser Brad Arnold who is currently over here he's not able to find a good route directly towards the storm so he's gonna have to go like this on his approach to that storm uh go ahead Riley hey Ryan I just spoke with Luke and if you take a look at gr2 you can see that he is quite literally in the info Notch of the storm and he said that there's a very rapidly rotating wall cloud with this and it looks like it's starting to get attacked together here and it may produce with in the next few minutes okay Riley uh thank you so much Luke Hatton also out there storm chasing today another uh Ryan Hall y'all uh Team Member here edits a lot of our stuff as well also storm chasing wears many hats okay Luke uh now telling us that uh the storm is getting attack together we can see that um obviously through the reports that are coming in from our stormchasers and also just from the radar you can see very clearly now that this is uh organizing quite a bit a new tornado warning has been issued hey Ryan when you have a second go ahead Caleb uh I know Riley just mentioned um kind of from Luke's perspective and I actually just passed Luke um I'm moving north towards the storm right now and as the lightning kind of flashes you can actually see that uh very welldeveloped wall cloud here on the right side of my screen um which looks like might be producing a small funnel right now okay so this is a live look from Caleb beam's point of view who once again is really close to that um rotating part of the storm near the hook Echo there um if you pay close attention uh when the lightning strikes you can kind of see uh some of the lowering um and the uh the the concerning area that we are are talking about there yeah on the right um definitely saw a little bit of a a lowering there for sure uh go ahead Andy hey Ryan I've been waiting until something um with a visible debris signature on radar happens with the storm that's West uh Northwest of Tulsa now um no debris signature on that yet uh definitely not a verifiable one anything you've seen if you've been following along in chat has been in the clear air region of that so that's non meteorological um but I do see a a um a a couplet here on velocity so if there is a debris signature soon then we might as well you know um have a uh confirmation of why that would be ahead of time as it heads into hopefully more rural parts of oage County East of homy here so hopefully that's not going to impact very few or very um many people here uh but it does look like this is uh at its it's at its point that it would be most likely to produce a tornado here not a confirmed warning still radar indicated warning and has been for a while I've just been eyeing it new tornado warning has been issued the newest on it if it does produce a tornado all right thank you very much uh meteorologist Andy Hill this supercell continues to look um really impressive uh on radar and you can see that very visible hook and now the uh rotation uh that's also very visible here so everybody uh between homy and barn stall uh up here in O County needs to be taken shelter we just got a new warning for OS County as well uh for this little area of um rotation south and east of forer um moving up towards uh Elgen uh and Binger Landing so y'all can take shelter up there um this storm down here though the one directly to the north and west of of Tulsa um has a you know a look to it on radar that means that or it could mean that you know it's a storm that's capable of producing a pretty big tornado so hopefully it doesn't and this line kind of knocks it out of balance here soon but if it does it's going to happen somewhere between homy and barn doll so y'all go ahead and get in your safe spots uh back down to our rotating storm down here south and west of Kingfisher north of Oklahoma stormchasers continue to give us an impressive view of that uh Caleb beam's got a really good view of it um this is kind of with our uh uh night vision camera on top of the the the not night vision but the you know you can see a little bit better here from the the top camera that's a huge lowering there um Caleb's current uh location is um along Highway uh will the 192nd Street North okay and he's looking North uh towards the um uh Highway 3 area between Wanga and King Fisher and I think what we're seeing there is a developing tornado go ahead Andy okay now Ryan I'm glad I was talking about this uh omon storm because now it looks um quite significant um again no debris yet but I'm looking about 3,100 ft above the surface here which is just about a kilometer so it takes a little bit of time for that uh if there is any debris from an ongoing tornado to reach that height but I just about bet with a signature like that that we are going to see something going on here uh and so if a confirmed warning comes through for Barnes doll and aant in Oklahoma here um that that would be the reason why and we'll have to do a mesos scale on that so watch that one really closely with each new scan Ryan all right thank you so much and uh production keep an eye on Nick Smo he's going to be pretty close to that storm soon uh up here to the north and west of uh Tulsa this is uh an incredibly uh you know concerning look to this storm here near homon uh we've got a big time hook and now the velocity signatures are just off the off the wall here um we've got a tornado warning Associated has been upgraded so it's official this storm is putting down a tornado it's on the ground right now near homon hey Ryan that tornado is goingon to be on the ground my luck here and it sounds like we also getting ready to get that tornado uh on the ground as well um down there where Caleb be is currently uh with the Canadian County uh storm so all of the lightning flashes all of that stuff that you see um on the bottom of your screen that's down there towards CET and in Canadian County Oklahoma uh however we've got a pretty serious situation unfolding up here between homy and Morgan's Corner uh to the north and west of Tulsa as well as I think a strong tornado is coming together right now go ahead Andy so sorry Ryan but there's a there's a big debris ball uh east of Minden Iowa I'm not I'm being serious here Minden Iowa a qlcs tornado unfortunately just touchdown I think east of the Town far enough to hopefully where previously affected areas were not affected but thankfully that warning was out for the that area small qlcs tornado that just did some damage there um hopefully nobody got impacted but Shelby Iowa is very very close to that and then again Harland down the line from that so hopefully it doesn't last that long but that is confirmed doing damage will be upgraded and then uh after you uh relay that then take a look at the debris ball on our oage County storm okay um so yeah it does look like we had a tornado at least close to Minden Iowa not too long ago get ready in Shelby and tenant and Harland wow unbelievable uh this is the a very you know familiar Corridor to us um get ready for that as this storm is going to continue to move off to the north and east um uh hopefully menen was spared was was missed there for the most part but now we we've got to be concerned concerned about the Shelby and magile areas and tenants in Iowa uh let's go back down to our storm to the north and west of Tulsa near homon uh we also have a strong storm here this is producing a debris ball as well this is a tornado currently doing uh significant damage just east of homy um I think that um right now it's already crossed over Highway 20 um it's already crossed over the lake there the the shuk lake the skuk lake lake sorry um some of the next places in line here I think for potentially receiving some impacts from this storm uh is going to be places like uh the Drummond Ranch okay if you know where that is uh the lone spring School historic This Tornado now that's going to be a PS tornado [Music] warning a PDS tornado warning is issued whenever we have a new information this tornado warning confirmed warning right there is coming through for specifically for the storm in Iowa that we were just talking about up there near menen Iowa but right now we have a PDS tornado warning for areas between homy and Morgan's uh Corner in Oklahoma we have a large damaging tornado on the ground right now okay and it is um once again just to the east of homy uh somewhere near the Drummond Ranch all right uh near the Drummond Ranch if you know where uh cotton Jin road is all right the road that connects uh homy over there towards the Bull Creek Peninsula Recreation Area and the Brandon School Historic Site that's about where the tornado is now it's going to continue to move up towards the general Birch Lake Area okay um Barnes doll you guys are in the path of this thing gylland and Nichols as well we have a particularly dangerous situation uh where we have a a big tornado on the ground right now north and west of Tulsa moving towards Birch Lake in Barnes doall uh over here please take shelter immediately you got to get into the most interior room of a well-built structure yeah you got to um get into hopefully underground in a basement or in a a storm cellar or something like that if you can't do that then get into that interior closet or bathroom um put as many walls between you and the outside world as possible cover your head and make sure you bring me with you a Charged tablet a Charged phone have some way of getting a hold of people after this thing goes by unfortunately you're also going to want to think about potentially bring in some shoes because you might have to walk over some debris if you have to evacuate your home in the event that you're you you take on some damage all right so uh once again uh PDS tornado warning right now for oage County Oklahoma specifically for the areas between homy and gylland uh tornado currently at this very moment is uh crossing over Highway to 130 uh just to the east of big ELP cemetery and the sunset School Historic Site um it's pretty rural the exact area that it's in right now uh but lone uh spring Historic Site you're you're next in line and when this gets closer to Birch Lake um there's all kinds of potential uh you know residential areas and of course the the city of Barnes doall uh that's going to be in the direct path of this thing so Barnes doll take shelter now all right so that's our PDS tornado warning there in uh Barnes doll uh Oklahoma that's just to the north and west of Tulsa let's go back over here to uh where where all of our stormchasers are currently um no confirmation on a tornado here just yet however I mean you can see the lowering just keeps getting lower we've got an ominous storm coming together here a tornado is imminent I think for okari Oklahoma hopefully you guys are in your safe spots already uh tornado warning continues for Longton Moline and sedan in uh Kansas and then we've got that observed tornado warning for Harland Iowa we saw a tornado go through or or near uh unfortunately Minden Iowa not too long ago now that's moving very quickly between tenants and Harland hopefully you guys are in your safe spot and that that's pretty much what we've got going on right now our main focus because that menden storm uh for the most part has led up a little bit um our our main Focus has to be this extremely destructive and life-threatening uh tornado that continues to uh Barrel through portions of uh Oklahoma between homy and Barnes doall right now look at that debris ball on radar wow the good news is um maybe maybe just maybe this line of storms here is is going to uh at some point crash into this cell and that might uh you know kill it however it's got some time before that happens uh and I don't think it's going to happen before it gets to Barnes doall uh once again uh debris is uh visible on uh radar here and also our velocity couplet it continues to be extremely uh concerning the Blue Area here represents where we probably are seeing uh some debris being lofted up into the air uh as a result of the tornado uh but the the most uh the easiest way to to kind of differentiate uh exactly what's going on with this storm just based off of the the radar is uh you know by looking at that hook Echo and the debris ball that's associated with it Nick Smo is in Pony County Oklahoma he's close but he's not quite uh there uh where the tornado is uh so we don't currently have a a stormchaser right on this storm just yet but yeah there's your uh debris ball or tornado debris signature once again here between homy and Barnes doll uh that's definitely a sign that we've got some uh strong tornado here if you're new here and you don't know exactly what we're looking at um what you are seeing here is a debris signature um the radar can tell us how intense you know the precipitation is and specific storm it can tell us the wind speed and direction inside of a storm uh it can also tell us the size of the things that are in the storm so uh you know if you got a bunch of Hydromet meteors up there like raindrops they're all about the same size so it paints them all about the same color but if you start throwing shingles or tree Lambs or tree leaves or something inside of a an area of raindrops those are different sizes right so it drops the correlation coefficient and paints us a blue dot like this and if that lines up with a velocity couplet which it does uh that's a very Telltale sign that we've got a tornado here likely a strong one uh that's moving up once again in the general direction of Barnes doll uh incredible stuff there um from the Tulsa radar uh last update here was 1022 so we've got about a five minute old uh scan I'm waiting to see uh that that latest scan to see what what else we can uh kind of uh analyze from it here but hopefully we get an occlusion and then while the storm is recycling it gets hit by that line uh yeah go ahead Brad hey I know we're focusing on that stor that's north of Tulsa right now um and we've also got a tornado on this one but I did want to bring your attention to the storm that has it's going to be a late night um we got supercells that are popping up south of el city as well so uh that's in a completely untapped environment and as far as new PDS sever thunderstorm warning has been in strength that would take it right up the City metro all right so that's uh uh Brad Arnold kind of telling us about you know what he's seeing back here there are more storms that are popping up farther back in the Southwestern Oklahoma we've been talking about how this was possible tons of instability down here these are going to blow up fast um and you know unfortunately they're also going to be in a very very primed environment for tornadoes so especially as they first pop up and they have their discreet nature to them they're going to be capable producing tornadoes all the way up until they go into once again the Oklahoma City area right now the strongest storms are uh kind of occurring north of Oklahoma City um but if these storms down here continue to grow and there's no reason why they wouldn't um they're going to you know kind of become a big time situation uh for Oklahoma City so yeah there's a blip every storm starts out as a blip never underestimated blip go ahead Andy hey Brian I think we got a easily identifi me an identifiable mesocyclone handoff on our PDS tornado warning here the new circulation uh is H is happening to the south and east of the ongoing tornado as it uh ACC cludes back into the storm I don't know if it's properly uding yet but I already see the new handoff occurring here and that would mean that uh the new the new tornado if it were to occur with this uh this area here would go in between or not even in between Barnes doall and the and event I think it would have a better chance at actually reaching the town of Barnes doall so um hopefully that this uh handoff does not complete but this is a common occurrence here where the original tornado udes and is steered back to the north and west or to the north with the low-level Windfield um which are winds out of the south and east so it makes sense that it's going north and this new one is where the the storm is organizing here so we have an advanced look ahead of time and you can see that especially on the Tulsa terminal radar um so if there is another tornado with this that forms as that previous one goes off to the north uh this is the reason why we're seeing it and in progress right now all right thank you meteorologist Andy Hill this is the original area of circulation uding Into the Storm this is our new area of circulation starting to get its act together here to the south and west of Barnes doall uh once again uh incredibly impressive looking supercell here um hopefully this process this handoff uh takes you know a little while longer um and and hopefully you know we get some sort of interaction between this line and and this supercell that kind of you know disrupts the uh tornado Genesis here but if that does not happen then a very unfortunate situation is unfolding here for the citizens of Barnes doll uh Oklahoma Jill gylland Nichols Walco uh even over there towards Avant and everywhere in between you guys need to be uh getting in your safe spot if you have not gotten there already so that's definitely the probably the most intense storm that we've seen today uh we we we had that PDS a tornado warning it's still got a PDS tornado warning on it the uding tornado is still down more than likely um and it's about to cross 2240 there uh and that's going to be happening here very soon but that that one's probably going to go away very soon and then we've got a new tornado trying to form once again just to the south and west of Barnes doall this is going to happen right over the lake right over Birch Lake um and then you know we'll see what happens from there uh but if it comes into town it'll approach from the south okay it'll come across where First Baptist Church is down there to the south of town if it comes up it's going to come that way it's going to parallel Bird Creek uh right up into the the Barnes doall area or the area between Barnes doall uh and of course Avant uh there's a couple of places here that stick out to me uh Barnes doll meat proc processors okay um also the uh Lake Wax Lake wax hom okay if you know where those places are then you know roundabout where this tornado is is probably trying to uh go towards here soon all right uh but the whole city of Barnes doall needs to be uh getting to shelter right now Eric Reigns I see that thank you so much uh latest uh information from the debris signature that we were getting from this uh looks like preliminarily um 2D 2D slice shows that debris uh was potentially slung up to 24,000 ft in the air uh with with this storm here so that doesn't happen with a weak tornado usually still got a tornado down right here I I think so this is a PDS tornado warning y'all um it's getting ready to come over the lake right now uh it's really close to the lake actually um if you know anybody near Birch Creek that goes into Birch Lake um this is around where the tornado is at this moment go ahead Andy yeah ran I'm going to do my best to analyze this situation as it happens the most recent scan shifts that tornado a lot more to the East and keeps it uh maintained into the inflow actually so this handoff is not occurring but what's happening is the the um the line of storms here just to the west of it is close enough now to start to influence it I think it's pushing it slightly East which is um giving it a track more close more closer to Barnes doall so I'm I'm very concerned about that that shift to the east as it actually holds on this original circulation looks like it's holding on so um I don't know what's going to happen next but I really hope that that stops before it gets to Barnes doall because with that slight East shift it's on a direct path to the town we really need everybody underground or in the interior mostro of their house on the first floor with their shoes and a helmet absolutely um Andy thank you for that guys if this comes into Barnes doall it's going to be coming from Birch Lake uh over Highway uh 2409 2471 uh it'll come up on on the south side of town once again if you know uh where the First Baptist Church of Barnes doall uh is down here in Oklahoma and you know where Bird Creek is um that's right down there is where it'll come up into town um hopefully hopefully um this this thing's going to you know lift or you know get absolved by this line of storms or maybe it gets pushed even farther east past Barnes doall but if that doesn't happen once again it's going to it's going to come right into town here uh near the First Baptist Church um some other places that need to be you know really watching out here are areas um past Highway 11 near the Ethel Reese Memorial Cemetery the Barnes doall Cemetery all the way up there towards javine Cemetery the East Choo Creek um mellan Midstream Partners David's Performance Horses if you guys know where that is up there way up there on uh Highway 123 uh these are all places that could be uh next in line uh for this big time tornado and I I we just got re of PS tornado warning that last scan there on reflectivity is just not what you want to see uh kind of a you know a reorganization of our debris ball our hook Echo this looks like a really healthy tornado now coming right into Barnes doll current location of the tornado is right over Birch Lake um you know if you're from barnesdale you know what I'm talking about Birch Lake here we got a big tornado coming over the lake right now it's coming towards you in town it's going to come from the side where First Baptist Church is on the south side of town on Highway 2409 8th Street you know what I'm talking about here really doesn't matter uh what side of town it's coming in on this is a small town all right so everybody uh needs to be in their um uh safe spots uh we've got the Barnes doall Elementary School here there's a uh Dollar General a nursing home the meat processor plant here uh this town is unfortunately in the direct path of what seems to be a uh violent or or at least an intense tornado um this is a particularly dangerous situation take cover now you are in a life-threatening situation flying debris maybe deadly to those caught without shelter mobile homes will be destroyed considerable damage to homes businesses and vehicles as likely and complete destruction as possible locations in the path include Dewey Essa Talent Bartlesville Barnes doall take shelter now yeah so this goes all the way up to Bartlesville now Bartlesville Oklahoma needs to be getting ready just in case this thing has done a really good job of surviving the impending line of storms which should at some point get rid of this thing but it's not happening anytime soon unfortunately I think this is going to go right through Barnes doall maybe it might even make it up there to Bartlesville the tornado is now currently at this very moment doing damage in Barnes doll uh once again the tornado is is is right now doing a potentially significant damage in Barnes doll all we can do at this moment is hope that we got the word out there and and people are are sheltered in Barnes doll um and of course we're going to be listening to all of the different channels and and and we're going to let you guys know what happened in Barnes doll but yeah I do believe there's a large tornado causing significant damage right now in Barnes doall the next places that this is going to uh impact uh it's going to go so it's going to exit Barnes doll up there on the side of town where the Dollar General is okay uh then it's going to go past Bird Creek all right yeah the debris signature is I mean it just everything about this is just not it's not good guys it's not good so um there's still there's people out in front of this thing okay so it's going to go past Bird Creek it's going to parallel East Cho toe Creek as it goes up towards ja javine Cemetery uh it's going to kind of parallel uh Highway 123 here between uh Highway 11 and 123 tornado is going to be somewhere in there as it goes up towards Marcus Point Davis Performance Horses okay eventually this could make it up there towards werck and then of course we we do have to consider the very real possibility uh that this will make it all the way up there towards Bartlesville uh if it does I mean you know it's too far away right now to tell you exactly you know what street it's going to cross cross and all that kind of stuff as it comes in but if it does come up towards Bartlesville it'll come in uh likely near somewhere between the uh the landfill if you guys know where the landfill is down there uh on the southwestern side of town and the um uh the uh the casino so imagine in your mind if you're from Bartlesville you know where the casino is on the west side of town you know where the landfill is on the sou west side of UPG that's where the tornado would come in and now we've got ourselves a a tornado emergency tornado emergency includes Bartlesville uh tornado emergency is the highest level uh tornado warning that can be issued from the National Weather Service it's only issued whenever we have a potentially catastrophic tornado on the ground right now so a uh likely uh once again catastrophic tornado uh is working through uh Barnes doll and going up towards werck uh Mata uh torpedo fight okesa uh hog shooter Dewey Bartlesville copen all of you guys in Oklahoma need to be getting underground we've got a little bit of time here once the storm is out of Barnes doall um we've got a little bit of time here where this is going to be over some rural areas so I want to make sure I go over the what it means to take shelter in a tornado emergency this is not uh the kind of storm that you're going to accidentally survive you have to try okay so um if you are in the path of this thing and you've been under tornado warnings before and you think you're going to be fine for this one on the front porch or or in the living room or something you need to just understand that that's not the case here this is likely a big tornado doing significant damage that will if you get hit by it to completely destroy a home all right so you've got to get underground or at least into the most interior room with as many walls between you and the outside world as possible um if you can bring a helmet with you into your safe spot uh if the kids have bicycle helmets uh if you've got a football helmet from high school or something like whatever you've got take it with you if you don't have any of that stuff bring pillows and blankets maybe a mattress uh put it above your head uh to protect your head as this is likely going to do significant damage to whatever it hits also put on a pair of shoes if you have to evacuate your home um in the event of a tornado hitting your home you might have to walk over splintered wood uh you might have to walk over Nails glass who knows what you know you but you're going to want to have shoes on uh bring me with you a charge phone charge tablet have some way of getting a hold of people after this thing goes by um and then you know also it's going to be raining there's after this tornado hits it and and I'm hoping that this thing goes away before it reaches the uh the end of the tornado emergency uh box there but if it doesn't you know and this goes through woer Rock torpedo Bartlesville these places um you know if if if we got neighborhoods and houses here that are are taking on significant damage from tornadoes we're going to have a lot of people that need help and and and are trying to get out of that situation right as another uh severe thunderstorm moves in on top of them they right after the tornado hits there's going to be probably a 30 to 45 maybe an hour long window where you're experiencing uh you know quarter siiz hail and 70 mph winds and torrential rain um so you know it's going to be a pretty you know unfortunate situation where we have damage to structures and then a severe thunderstorm that lasts uh for a while after that right on top of those areas so keep that in mind uh hopefully this thing goes away and and we don't have to worry about it but if if this does hit your house um you got to be prepared for potentially evacuating in a torrential downpour whatever that means for you bring a rain jacket you know make sure you got your pets in the right spot like do whatever it is you've got to do uh to to protect your family and your life and your property um as you do have a little bit of a heads up here um thanks to you know the amazing technology that we have the National Weather Service and the early warning and all that stuff you've got time to to to to prepare go ahead and and take shelter as fast as you can here uh as the storm continues to race up towards Bartlesville Oklahoma quite the um the look once again on radar you can clearly see what's going on here our Saving Grace might be uh this line of storms that's that's racing in we're going to hope that that hits the supercell and throws everything out of balance and and kind of uh disrupts the process that is you know ongoing to create this tornado however it might take you know a little while for that to happen so there is still a possibility uh that this makes it up there towards uh once again uh Bartlesville uh before that happens werck more uh immediately I think is is under the gun here for uh you know the potential damage Associated from this tornado yeah so there is a currently a tornado IM emergency for o sage and Washington counties in Oklahoma uh currently the the tornado just moved past uh Barn stall Oklahoma I think we don't know for sure we don't have any sort of uh you know updates on exactly what happened in Barnes doall but I do think the town you know probably took on some damage there we can see the debris signature here on radar continuing to move up now towards wool Rock uh so right now the tornado I believe is somewhere between Marcus Point and the W Rock Museum it's going to parallel that Highway uh 123 Corridor uh right past the whim wigger spring Reservoir and the wool Rock Ranch Road uh and then it's going to continue to go up uh in that general direction uh right towards uh to torpedo okay and then once it gets to torpedo uh that's when if it's still down that's when we're we're going to be right on the uh the the cusp of this thing making it into the greater Bartlesville area uh right now it's too early to for me to tell you exactly what part of town it would hit or if it's going to hit town at all there's a lot of things that are going to happen here over the next little bit that will change the course of the the direction that the storm has taken and everything uh but uh yeah if it comes in it'll probably be over there towards the casino on the west side of town uh go ahead uh Andy hi Ryan behind this with uh Remnant vity from the strong tornado here there may be a spin up right with that line as it approaches Barnes doall and I I would want everybody to not come out of their shelters unfortunately in Barnes doll um just in case there is a spin up behind it I don't know exactly if it's going to uh plant a spin up tornado here it would only be brief but it's an especially vulnerable area here with a possible velocity couplet there so just in case uh please be careful I I don't know what else to say in the in this town all right thank you Andy um so yeah we've got another area of uh uh you know concern now moving back into Barnes doall as uh you know now the the really strong storm that I was just talking about the severe storm with maybe up to 70 mph winds and embedded tornadoes is moving into the the damaged uh Zone that we just saw um you know from from this tornado tornado still on the ground by the way okay um Barnes doall I I really hope that we've got people listening right now in Barnes doall I hope that you're okay um I hope that you know I don't know what just happened in barn doall we we we're going to learn that over the next little bit but unfortunately if you're listening to me right now and you know you've got debris or I don't know what's going on but you are you've got to stay in your safe spots you've got to push it out for a little while longer because another big storm is getting ready to move into town right now now if you're up here to the north of Barnes doall near Bartlesville uh this is going to continue to be a problem unfortunately the rotation this is just so intense here uh it's going to take a while for it to go away even though we are seeing the supercell kind of be overtaken by the the line of storms that's coming in uh it's not just going to completely eradicate all of that um uh spin that you see there it's going to take a little while though now what we've got to hope for is that at least um we see a major shift uh in the path that the storm has taken before it gets to Bartlesville all right um go ahead uh Riley hey Ryan um is as chat is talking uh Brandon does have very very significant damage on his feed um unfortunately we can't show that but I have reached out to Brandon and uh if they need help we're going to do what we can to get Chasers there in order to help um Brandon's just on the edge of that path and it looks really really really bad okay thank you um thank you Riley so um unfortunately guys I think we're going to you know based off what we saw on radar um if if the town of Barnes doall did take a direct hit I think we're going to hear some really unfortunate stuff over the next couple of hours as as information starts to filter in um but yeah uh it looks like we've got some pretty significant damage now uh from the Barnes doll area I am going to uh you know any kind of imagery that we see from that uh I am going to um you know share that you know on Twitter as well but of course if you've got the radar Omega app uh you can pull up uh Brandon's feed right here in Barnes doall you you can see what's going on right there through him we want to you know we we want to protect the the copyright of the the the stormchasers and stuff so and we don't have the direct uh his permission uh to to to show that so it's all right trust me you don't have to see it it's bad all right it's going to uh be a big time uh deal over here in Barnes doall and now unfortunately we've got that big severe uh storm moving in that's going to make the search and rescue uh situation a nightmare uh so I know that we've probably got a bunch of Emergency Management people and fire departments police officers and stuff watching this right now I'm telling yall right now what you're getting ready to get into in Barnes doall is um a really unfortunate situation where uh once again I think we've got significant damage and now we've got at least 30 minutes of severe winds hail and rain moving into town right now now looking into the future our supercell is still producing a tornado here to the west of oela oela now moving in the general direction of torpedo and Mata still hoping that uh something happens here and we lose some of the the tornadic uh you know feature as this moves into Bartlesville you can see that that line of storms has overtaken the rotation but I still think we have a tornado down right now with that I don't know how much longer it's going to last unfortunately it could last long enough to go into Bartlesville so we have to we have to just kind of make sure everybody knows in Bartlesville what's going on there's a chance there's a chance that this thing is not going to you know go through Bartlesville but there's also a chance that it is so hopefully everybody in the town of Bartlesville is underground some of the uh damage imagery that we're starting to see um in you know coming through on on social media is pretty bad and and that's going to be uh possible in Bartlesville now as well as the storm comes towards you uh go ahead Elijah yeah ask if I hey Ryan uh police in Bartlesville according to the scanner are reporting that the tornado is 1.5 miles wide okay thank you Elijah unfortunately um you know now we've got the Bartlesville Police office is still able to see this thing and uh it's reportedly uh a mile and a half wide so once again there's a chance that this thing uh gets overtaken by this line and it's not a problem by the time it gets into Bartlesville but we've just got to go ahead and assume right now that it is going to be a problem and uh hopefully everybody in the path here was um was in their safe spots uh because my goodness if if if today if we couldn't have been any more trans parent today about the possibility of what was uh you know what could happen I you know I just I just really hope people were in in their safe spots now uh we we're continuing to watch Bartlesville our last scan came in at 10:47 so we're about 5 minutes out here we've got um uh you know a new update coming in soon and I I'm really interested to see what that's going to look like here all right yeah so here our latest scan uh now shows the storm really close to Bartlesville so let me tell you the mesle scale hopefully hopefully we've got a we've got 120,000 people in here hopefully some of you are from Bartlesville we're going to try to guide you through this if you know anybody in this area please share this link with them the tornado right now I believe is somewhere to the west of Hughes Ranch in Jesse Creek Cemetery it's still a big tornado it's still doing damage it's still capable of doing uh complete destruction once again two any surface that it comes into contact with uh it'll cross Highway 123 here at some point and uh potentially uh come into Bartlesville on the west side of town maybe over there towards the Housing Authority scale the dungeon top-notch baseball um Phillips 66 Research Center ununited super markets uh this is where the storm's going to be coming into Bartlesville guys and this is a much bigger Town unfortunately uh this could you know come right up there past the CNC auto repair we've got a Westside Pub over here Murphy's Original Steakhouse is in the path of this thing action Communications a little bit Bait and Tackle we've got lots of little Shops and and and O'Reilly's Auto Parts on the west side of town Family Dollar um all of these places are in the direct path of a a potentially damaging tornado there's still a very slight chance that this thing lifts right before it gets into Bartlesville thanks to the line that's overtaken it but I mean my gosh the you can't you can't rely on that with that kind of velocity signature we've just got to assume that Bartlesville is going to take a direct hit from a major tornado here within the next few moments we've got debris uh being lofted up into the air above 30,000 ft now so yeah and there's your debris signature and um you can already see too something really interesting on radar here you can see the debris field that takes the shape of the super cell So currently in Copan or or copen uh Oklahoma pretty soon in cany and Coffeeville Kansas it will start raining pieces of Barnes doll um several miles away of as there's currently uh you know debris in the air uh up here that uh will start falling from the sky soon um when we went to Rolling Fork Mississippi after the big Rolling Fork tornado we had a similar uh you know situation to this on our approach into the city we saw sheet metal 50 60 70 Mi away uh you know just lying in cornfields and stuff uh from Rolling Fort um so once to make keep that in mind uh we've got uh you know a lot of stuff going on here but uh the debris field as a as a sign that this is not a regular tornado this is a big one this is a this is going to be an upper echelon uh you know rated tornado and Bartlesville it's coming into town now I mean we the timing is so weird here like the the line is eventually going to get rid of that toric circulation it's going to is it going to happen the the moment it enters Bartlesville is it going to happen after Bartlesville I don't know I I all I know is that it looks to me like the the tornado's entering town now and once again all we can do is just hope that everybody in the town of Bartlesville Oklahoma is deep underground embracing for impact if you are anywhere near Bartlesville you got to take shelter um Dewey Dewey uh Oklahoma you guys are you know also in the path of this thing so you got to take shelter now uh tornado once again somewhere uh coming into Bartlesville now on the west side of town we I think that this thing's probably pretty close to the casino if it's still down and we talked about the casino forever ago um but uh somewhere between the uh United Supermarkets and the oage casino also the Bartlesville municipal airport is uh you know technically in the path of this thing so once again we've got a a potentially mile wide tornado working into the town of Bartlesville right now we're holding on to hope that at some point here this thing's going to die out uh thanks to the line that's coming through but if it doesn't um right now significant damage is likely happening in Bartlesville Oklahoma down the line down the line we've got um you know Dewey Dewey and uh potentially the uh Washington County s PCA the in line to receive the impacts from this so at some point here um once again we are going to lose our our tornado I'm just hoping that that has already happened uh but we do still have that PDS tornado warning for Washington and O counties in Oklahoma there's a good chance that that Line's going to eat it soon so let's just keep hoping for that if you're just now tuning in we just watched a really unfortunate uh uh you know series of events where a large uh damaging tornado I just moved through the town of Barnes doall Oklahoma now um it's likely moving through Bartlesville and Dewey and we've been hollering hooting and holl about all these places in Bartlesville and Dewey for the past 30 minutes hope I mean all we can do is hope that somebody is listening and and you know and everybody's taking shelter out here I mean there's literally nothing else that we can do at the moment we're waiting to hear some more um news about Barnes doll as well but of course um the first thing you do after you know a town is uh significantly damaged by a tornado is not um you know immediately go to Twitter and and talk about it you know we're we're trying to listen in on Emergency Management Communications and stuff to figure out what happened here um there's a actually a picture there's a view of the the tornado right now on my Twitter um I don't know if I do I have can I share that or is that not sharable I don't know if if I can't just go to Twitter if you want to see that there's also some other information I'm about to share over there um kind of talking about uh some of the damage that we're hearing about uh some of the stuff that we're hearing from the local police departments here is that uh it does look like they're going to try to shut down uh Highway 75 near Bartlesville um and then also a person uh we we are hearing that a person is trapped under a under a house in Barnes doall so we'll hear more about that as we compile that information um but right now um we still believe that we have a tornado going through Bartlesville right now so we've just got to hope that those people are okay and then once again we've got Dewey next in line Dewey Oklahoma take shelter immediately if you haven't already hopefully you you've been in your safe spot for a while at this point uh once again the Fallout the tornado debris Fallout is huge here this is a a good indicator of how strong This Tornado likely was all of this stuff that you see here is tornado debris Fallout um just tons of debris getting chucked up into the cloud S I mean that is not good and now that the the the tornado debris signature is moving past Bartlesville it's actually becoming a deeper blue which is unfortunately probably pretty um indicative of the fact that it picked up new debris over Bartlesville so we can pretty safely say now that Bartlesville Oklahoma was likely just hit you know by a similarly strong tornado so once again um if you're just now tuning in we're experiencing a really unfortunate situation where a town or multiple towns were just hit by a destructive tornado and we're just waiting to here uh maybe some of the uh uh the information uh that that's happening with uh as assoc in association with that sorry yeah so we do have another seemingly uh Vortex hole here which is hey Ryan this Brad you copy uh unfortunately a common thing now with storms apparently uh but yeah so if you're just now tuning in we we we've had a big tornado go through Barnes doall and Bartlesville Oklahoma uh we do have some indication that it might be trying to let up a little bit but it's still down it's probably about to do damage in Dewey and it's going to continue to go up towards Copan but it's going to be in a pretty rural area for a little bit after it goes by Dewey so I want to take a moment to talk to our stormchasers and assess the situation over here to the West as we compile more information about the Bartlesville storm okay so uh let's hear from Brad go ahead Brad hey I know obviously you know the the tension is up in the uh the martville storm um if it once it starts to dissipate we're really going to need to watch this storm down here U that is uh southeast of new um it is a I mean this is a scary environment that it's headed into uh we've been waiting on storm to pop out here all all day just so happen it starts at 10:00 um it's already developing a meso on it um it should track all the way into that typical historic path uh we're going to we're going to intercept it it's going to take us about 20 minutes to get there uh but we really really really need to watch that if that fville storm starts to weaken a little bit all right uh so that's uh Brad Arnold so everything that we've been talking about here recently has been up here in Northeastern Oklahoma the Barnes stall and Bartlesville storm has been occurring in Northeastern Oklahoma we are unfortunately watching new storms form in Southwestern Oklahoma that look pretty intense that are going to be moving towards the Oklahoma City region everybody in Oklahoma City needs to be hyper weather aware tonight this does not look good uh we've got super cells forming entering a very favorable environment for tornadoes coming right towards uh Oklahoma City so Brad Arnold and the rest of our stormchasers probably will be giving us a view of that as they move on to the east speaking of uh favorable environments I mean there there's a lot of yeah there's a lot of favor ility in the environment down here look at this we've got tons of convective available potential energy uh significant tornado parameter is is kind of off the charts and and this isn't modeled right this is real this is like this is what's actually happening right now the atmosphere the the environment that these storms are entering are uh much it's much more uh conducive for tornadoes than even the environment that we just saw the PDS tornado and tornado emergency happen in okay also um we still got a lot of low-level instability out here I mean it's just looking like a potentially worst case scenario is developing now uh for this part of Oklahoma velocity on our storm up here near Bartlesville is finally starting to look a little bit less intense we knew obviously we knew that uh that would happen the line was going to overtake it I was hoping it happened before Bartlesville but I do think that at least part of the town of Bartlesville was damaged so I I do think that that tornado is gone for the most part uh you still need to be in your safe spot if you're in Copan or copen or Cotton Valley Oklahoma but the the the damaging supercell the tornado emergency that that's all done wow what a what a very quick um uptick in um oh just just activity here that this has been nuts the past hour or so um uh I I do I think that things are honestly going to get even more intense here over the next little bit as our super celles form down here in Southwest Oklahoma um man seriously like these these storms are are entering an environment that is way more favorable for tornadoes than what we just saw up there so I don't I don't know what's going to happen with these but it's not looking good I've got to I've got to go get myself yet another liquid IV uh so give me just a moment I'll be right back here's a reminder by the way I don't I hope we're still updating it I don't know if it's been updated uh but obviously uh with significant damage in barn stall Oklahoma we probably will be doing something with the y'all Squad as far as you know helping people through our nonprofit organization if you want to donate to that that would be great you don't have to uh but go to the yall squad. org and uh of course we've got we've already got people there we've already got you know stormchasers in the area we'll be there as soon as tomorrow or or a couple days from now immediately helping people out so give me just a moment I I will be uh right back and and anybody on the team that wants the mic you can have it but just I'll be right back all right well I guess no one else is taking it so I'll go ahead and take it um just more updates from the town of barn um it it has been confirmed that the damage there is very very significant and I've already talked to a few individuals and a couple of our chases are headed that way to hopefully help out with that um the local police are repor reporting that they're very very overwhelmed and they actually only have a couple of police in that town as well as a couple of volunteer firefighters so they're really really short of help right now but it sounds like help was on the way there's a good amount of people who have made the good decision to call the Chase and be like hey let's go help out here but that being said this event is not over and as Ryan was saying um these storms down in southern Oklahoma are an even better of an environment these storms up near Barnes so we can't focus everything on what's happened and we have to be paying attention to what's to come because what's to come could very well be worse than um what we've already seen um Elijah I know you've been monitoring the feeds a bit do you have anything to bring up uh damage wise anything new yes I have a little bit of information there's a lot of structures that have been destroyed or damaged uh we don't have any specifics because it is really dark still and we're still trying to get information about that and police are still trying to get there for search and rescue uh there are multiple people that are reportedly trapped as well in uh barnesdale so I will have more information on that a little later oh oh I actually I actually unmuted myself this time uh thank you Riley and um Elijah obviously we've got a lot going on um I yeah we've got a lot going on right now so things are uh you know a little messy as far as you know you know what we know and and where that information is coming from I I do think that uh both Barn stall and uh Bartlesville are probably pretty chaotic places to be right now so it might be a while before we have a true understanding of exactly what went down out there um but yeah we've got more storms forming so we have to continue to look into the future and and and then kind of touch base with what's just happened uh in the past as as we go forward here the tornado warning up here in Copan and way and Cotton Valley in Oklahoma continues but the big nasty tornado that uh sparked the tornado emergency and the PDS tornado warning and all that stuff H it's gone now okay thankfully as we predicted uh the line of storms uh kind of swept through and and kind of knocked that out of uh balance all right unfortunately now our focus is probably going to go back towards these storms a little bit farther to the West okay uh we've got some storms popping up over here near New Cordell Hobart um down towards Tipton Oklahoma these storms are going to be capable of producing tornadoes too and they are all coming up towards the um uh what the Oklahoma City area yep there's Barnes Barnes doll and Bartlesville both of those places are in this you know in the same general vicinity here unfortunately another thing that we have to really keep an eye on here is what I mean what we just saw happen was um you know a supercell that kind of popped up it was discreet and it was out in front of the uh the main line there and you know it very quickly turned into a tornado producer we' we've got more supercells also popping up out in front of the line so we have to watch these as well um as they are going to go up into a pretty favorable environment once again for tornadoes here soon so if you're just now tuning in um we just witnessed um a very damaging storm go through barnesdale and Bartlesville Oklahoma and now we're waiting on you know news and and information about that uh we've got a severe thunderstorm capable of producing uh 70 mph winds uh on the way to Tulsa right now Tulsa Oklahoma you guys are um about to get in on some really strong winds tornado uh threat at the moment doesn't look very high for Tulsa but that could change Oklahoma City you're fine for probably a little while uh all the storms are going off to your North but those storms that we're watching off to your South and West are growing and they are moving right towards you there is a chance uh there is a chance that these storms back here go linear a you know maybe a little faster um than some of these other storms did that would be good news uh but right now they're still discreet enough to cause Big Time problems yeah if anybody um sees any sort of um you know reports or or imagery out of the Barnes doll area um uh make sure to tag me in that on Twitter or Bartlesville either one uh we would like to see that uh damag just so we can kind of paint a picture as to how significant it is obviously and and also um something that we would like to do is kind of show something on the air here that gives people an idea of how bad the damage is uh so far we haven't had anything like that we haven't had anything we have H permission to uh to show so it does seem like Barnes doall is uh pretty bad though as far as the damage goes uh and while literally and maybe 10 minutes now we've already generated uh close to $110,000 on the yall squad. org thank you uh once again we do have our field director Caleb beum out there um he's you know he's going to be on top of this and uh we're you know if people need help in Barnes doall and Bartlesville uh we are going to do everything we can to help them um real quick before we get back into the uh the coverage here because I I do think we're going to have to cover these storms very intensely um I think that uh it's important to to to point out that uh as far as the y'all Squad goes we haven't done a video yet on our response to the uh the Omaha or the yeah the the Omaha Lincoln and sulfur tornadoes the the ones from you know 10 14 days ago however long ago it was um but we have been working really hard and we've already um distributed uh around $100,000 in uh financial assistance and and free food and and and supplies uh to people who were impacted by those tornado so you'll see that the video about that soon uh and unfortunately it looks like we're probably going to do another mission uh in in video for the the Oklahoma storms tonight so if you're just now tuning in we've got severe storms moving across Guth Langston and Perkins inch in diameter hail 60 mph winds um another thing that we got to really think about here with the training thunderstorms is the flooding significant flash flooding uh is going to be very possible here north of Oklahoma City over the next little bit yeah the this the tornado that went through Barnes doall and uh Bartlesville everything that I'm hearing about it just continues to to make it seem like it's worse so it's not good not good uh Taylor uh thank you for that Lily Rose thank you so the storms over here that are popping up now east of uh Tulsa uh they do look like they're curving a little bit on radar but as far as velocity goes we're not seeing much in the way of uh watching your stream I wanted to let you know you were talking about the flooding uh we were trying to get through King Fisher and we couldn't even get East on King Fisher the uh the town roads were so flooded every single road that we tried to take was was flooded so we had to end up going south on that so there's definitely flooding that's going on in that area all right thank you Brad um this is something that we have to watch got a little bit of uh something something going on here um we if that's INF flow that's coming into the storm there uh that might be something that we have to watch for a potential tornado however velocity doesn't look incredibly uh convincing right now but we're definitely watching that on the north of Edmund that could just be some you know additional storm that's kind of popped out in front of the uh the main convection there but we're watching that closely i' I've saw that um we're also obviously continuing to watch our storms farther back to the West Storms are growing quickly uh back here between Altus Frederick Hobart and a Darko and uh remember this is these are moving into a very favorable tornadic environment wow is that real the area of rotation is a little bit displaced from the hook so I'm not I'm not sure exactly what it is I'm looking at here but man um strong storm or some rotation uh you know maybe it's time to watch out if we're down here in Meridian Lake View and these places in uh Oklahoma north of Oklahoma City that looks like a pretty strong storm and remember the flash flooding is also going to be a big problem here there are currently no tornado warnings anywhere except for one tornado warning in Iowa this is to the west of Caroll near Brea and the the that's going to be allowed to expire here in the next couple of minutes so it looks like we do have you know at least some embedded super cellular structures here in our flash flooding training uh situation that's going on um 63 angel thank you for the very generous Super Chat says I live in St George Utah where there's no tornadoes but I have friends and family where tornadoes happen well thank you for that and I'm glad you're watching and spreading the word um Elijah go ahead hey Ryan so we have a lot of damage in Barnesville and Bartlesville that is coming in there are several structures that have been entirely destroyed uh I can say at this time there are two reported fatalities in barnesdale uh right now uh we also do have reports of several people trapped and according to the police scanners a moment ago the command post was just established in at the barnesdale police department for search and rescue operations which are ongoing currently so I will have more information if I get any all right uh thank you Elijah uh bringing us the unfortunate news that uh things are as bad as it looked like they might have been uh you know from the radar scans there two fatalities uh you know reported already um and you know so you know com structors completely uh destroyed and and you know this sounds like once again a very unfortunate situation where we're going to continue to hear um uh stories like that as the night goes on um that was a powerful tornado and it was obvious through radar um so yeah we're not done tonight um we might be in a little bit of a lull period but um I mean we've got to be on our toes here watching these storms that are popping up to the south and west of Oklahoma City um but yeah unfortunately you know we we do have to start thinking about what we're going to do in Barnes doll and Bartlesville Oklahoma uh since we know now for sure that we've got lots of uh damage and and and people in trouble out there uh cath Katarina pdj thank you for that says uh everyone donate if you can even if it's 99 Cents or $1 that'll add up that's right we we've got 120,000 uh people watching right now we've already raised $115,000 for the Y squad. org if everybody um get a dollar right now over on the we would get you know right back up there to the $130 $140,000 Mark which is we've learned it makes a huge dent and and can help a lot of people um with what we're doing um once again uh We've you know we we've got it down now we know how to do it we know what to do we know who to contact um so uh yeah so if you are feeling generous of course you don't have to go to the Y Squad org it's it's a tax deductible official 501c3 donation um but of course it's not required of you or anything we just what we've done over the years here like I've been doing this now for 40 months um and we we've been live for a lot of really bad tornadoes we we were live for Mayfield we were live for you know even bad uh hurricanes too hurricane Ian um you know we've been live for a lot of bad stuff and we've always got this large group of people that are watching when bad stuff happens and uh you know that energy that Focus that attention um it it just it's just there to kind of funnel into this uh uh you know charity idea so it's like okay we just had 120,000 people go through this event with us that you you know all these people understand the severity of what just happened in this town now if we can you know all come together and Pitch together just a little bit we might be able to make uh a situation just slightly less bad for some of the people out there uh that are right now homeless and in a really bad situation because of a storm that hit him they didn't ask for that they didn't deserve that um but you know a bunch of random people on the internet a lot of you are probably neighbors you probably live close but some of you I know live Plum across the world and and in in different states and in different countries uh but we could all come together to try to you know help as many people as possible I think it's a really cool thing a new tornado warning has been we've been able to do some cool stuff with it in the past so yeah once again that's over at the y'all squad. org official nonprofit organization tax deductible donation all right now we've got more tornado warnings coming out up here in Iowa Rockwell City calendar Chan Lake City all you guys are now under a uh tornado warning take shelter now so uh both of the tornado warnings that we have right now are up there in Iowa and wow look at this um explosion of convective activity over the past little bit from our storms in uh Oklahoma in Kansas and now you can see those newer storms just now getting together down here unbelievable stuff uh also if you're just now tuning in it's important to know that this event is not over this event is not over um we've got new storms uh trying to rotate now to the south and west of Oklahoma City and they're going to try to make it into town and produce new tornadoes here soon and I'm sorry I'm coughing I I feel like it's getting worse as the evening goes on but I'm going to try to remember to mute the mic and and turn away whenever I do that I'm sorry and um yeah we've got a lot uh we've got a lot going on here I've got more information that I'm going over on Twitter and I'm also just continuing to analyze the environment out in front of the U you know new storms that we're seeing uh build up here I do want to show you guys this one more time I've already shown you a couple of times but remember this is the um this is the the maxed out significant tornado parameter here that kind of overlays the Oklahoma City metro these are our new storms that are forming so these are going to move into that extremely favorable environment for tornadoes over the next little bit and they will be very capable of producing big tornadoes the only thing that would uh stop that from happening at this point I think is if these storms very quickly merge together into a a linear line uh but so far we've got some pretty you know discreet looking supercells so um All Eyes now are on the storms moving into Oklahoma City for just waiting on uh some of that you know hey Ryan this is Brad information uh that's a stormchaser Brad Arnold reaching out to us let's hear from him yeah go ahead Brad something I've never seen before uh this is actually blowing my mind right now go to the SBC meso analysis page and go go check on the violent tornado parameter it is maxed out it cannot go any higher for Oklahoma City um it's a large area where these supercells that are formed um are are tracking um this is a very very scary scary setup uh for for this area yeah so uh once again that's Brad uh taking us back to the uh Storm Prediction Center's mesoanalysis um and yeah there there there's a huge area here right over the Oklahoma City metro pretty much where the the the favorability for tornadic uh production could not be any higher once again the only thing that is going to stop that from happening um is if these storms for whatever reason stop stop growing or um if they become more linear and outflow dominant so far they're growing just fine uh and this the leading storm is you know starting to show more of a uh you know a sign of developing a mesocyclone a rotating base so we're just going to have to watch and see what happens here uh there is a video of a distant uh camera uh from a TV station at KT in Tulsa um and the the camera caught several Power flashes uh from the Bartlesville area as the tornado was going by we've got more information now from uh Elijah go ahead you're muted I think hey Ryan sorry I have the scanner in my ear so it's hard to hear but I did uh just see reports from the scanner as well as uh some of the Chasers that are coming upon the damage right now there was a trailer park in a mobile home like Park area that was hit directly so there is Major destruction okay uh thank you Elijah uh Riley did you have something too or did the lights just do something weird there the lights did something we okay all right um so yeah if you're just now tuning in um we do have a lot uh going on here um we're we're monitoring the situation where we're we're hearing about some of the damage from a destructive tornado that just went through Bartlesville and Barnes doll um Oklahoma oh man um oh man is uh do we have oh my gosh we got to get Brandon CL up we got to get Brandon CL up he's he's in Barnes doall Oklahoma I think he's been there for a while um and uh he's he's got a visual on um some of the uh the damage there he and uh put him in one put him in the number one position uh anyways if you just now tuned in we got uh significant damage um coming in from the barn stall area um this is a live look right now from uh on the ground in Barnes stall Oklahoma I don't know exactly what we're looking at there but you can definitely tell um you know that there's significant damage going on there and we're still experiencing a strong thunderstorm uh just as we you know talked about uh before the tornado even hit um so search and rescue uh and those efforts are are are going to be much harder to you know kind of uh deal with here as you know the storm continues to cause even more problems with that and then we might have a flash flooding problem develop on top of the general severe weather so uh we're monitoring that this situation there's some significant damage here we're trying to figure out what's going on there we've also got other storms that we're trying to keep an eye on to to make sure that uh we get ahead of any sort of uh storm that might try to do this again and on a night like tonight that's very possible uh that that happens uh so um you know we've got some storms over here to the east of um uh Tulsa now that are trying to curl up a little bit um however they're not quite there yet um they're they're still in their infancy state but these could cause some problems up here towards prior Creek Adair and Langley in Oklahoma additionally um we've got some really uh you know concerning looking storms happening now uh to the south and west of Oklahoma City and we're going to continue to uh you know monitor those to the north of Oklahoma City we've got a lot of storms going by some of these are rotating um and we've got to watch them closely uh but the most part the biggest problem up here I think is going to be flooding uh from Guthrie to Langston to Perkins and Cushing a significant flash flooding is underway uh clay cartall I know I've missed a bunch of these and I'm sorry obviously we've been focused on some other stuff and Manhattan thank you guys for the extreme generosity um if it wasn't for you guys I couldn't do what we do here uh once again we're on our um 7th hour consecutive here of providing free commercial free uh wall to--all severe weather coverage for you know anybody that's interested in it and we plan on continuing to go uh for quite some time as we uh monitor the storms coming into Oklahoma City and also as we uh you know continue to try to learn more about what just happened in barn stall Oklahoma uh and Bartlesville with the significant damage up there so far thanks to you guys we've raised almost $40,000 already just tonight in in the past hour probably um maybe even less than that I don't know when we started talking about it but just when the in the past hour together we have raised $40,000 and once again yall squad. org if you want to help you don't got to but every dollar counts uh we're already I'm sure working on getting into contact with emergency managers and and officials in the area to figure out what they need so that's what we're doing um let's go ahead and put Caleb in three just so I can pull up the three view here and it looks like we've got uh some some stuff and then I'm going to go through all of the severe thunderstorm warnings and uh tornado warnings that we have right now from north to south how about that way up here in Fort Dodge we've got ourselves a severe thunderstorm warning 70 mph winds on their way right now to Fort Dodge there's also a tornado warning just to the south of that I don't know why that's not on our overlay but we'll we'll fix that or we'll get that fixed to the next tornado warning should be on there uh oh looks like Andy's got something for us go ahead Andy yeah Ryan actually surprised that this is not warned right now tornado warned north and west of Kansas City look at it from the terminal radar that's well on the North side uh very much to the north of the Metro you can see a significant uh circulation here near walren just cross the state line it's actually been going for quite some time I've only been watching it from uh the wsr and that's kind of why I didn't see it as well because the orientation of the radar beam to the the rotation of the storm where it's most intense is not um is not efficient we're not picking up the the actual velocities here very well so this I I bet the National Weather Service might be doing the same thing they don't realize how strong this circulation is right here for the past few scans it definitely would have warranted a tornado warning as it crossed the state line especially but it looks like it's uh still going quite a bit here so if that does get warned um that would be the reason why we look at it uh from the terminal radar as well to get even more data okay thank you very much Andy um big time uh storm here potentially uh tornado situation developing maybe north and west of Kansas City so these storms all have the tornado possible tag on them with their severe thunderstorm warnings for that reason um so you got to you know take shelter um if you are in the path of these things and understand that a tornado warning could come out at any moment uh and that goes for all up and down this line too um we've got a tornado possible a severe thunderstorm working into Aubrey Fort Scott um even all the way down here a little bit farther to the South these storms are approaching the Joplin area I know we had some people concerned about Joplin earlier uh now it looks like maybe just an hour or so from now you guys will be experiencing some severe weather associated with this line of storms that's coming in the supercells out in front of the line here are not as concerning looking I guess as some of the uh earlier ones that we were dealing with of course the the big tornado that went through uh Barnes doll and I don't see anything that looks like that just yet with these storms but they're continuing to grow uh and they are prefrontal supercells so we have to watch those extremely closely um as that line approaches back to the south and west of Oklahoma City we've got this huge supercell here that's coming together as moves towards the city so far it's just incredibly um I it's just not looking very toric at the moment uh velocity does not show a whole lot of rotation um but we're still in the very beginning stages of the storm so hopefully that this continues and we don't see a tornado from it but unfortunately it's entering an extremely favorable environment for tornadoes as it gets closer and closer to Oklahoma City uh okay so we're going to go we're going to try to go back through these again um once again 70 m per hour winds getting ready to move into the Fort Dodge area get ready for that some small hail too um and speaking of Fort Dodge and the ya'all squad which were up to $43,000 now thanks to you guys um we we just recently got a um an 8,000 sare foot facility up here in Fort Dodge to house some of our supplies um and we're probably going to try to get something similar to that down here uh in the south central plains as well um so you know just a quick shout out just to let you guys know what's happening with that um we'll we'll end up having a radar Omega camera on that location as well so in the future if we got storms coming towards Fort Dodge like this we'll be able to see them through the radar Omega app I'm G to have to stand up again please bear with me as I fight through seasonal allergies or a cold whatever it is I'm going through here so um uh a little bit south of that we do have a strong storm also moving into the de MO area this also has one of those tornado possible tags associated with it not as much rotation currently with this one but certainly some strong winds maybe up to 70 mph moving into the greater De Moine Area get ready north and west of Kansas City that's where Andy was just talking about we had a decent area of rotation that went pretty much between kapoo and Plat City there um currently that's not as impressive but it's still there and we could see a tornado warning associated with this cluster of storms near Kansas City at some point but right now we've got that tornado possible tag and to me if you're watching this stream you want to be ahead of the game anyway so if I'm in Kansas City I'm taking shelter um and getting indoors away from Windows and all that stuff uh as this uh severe storm comes through same thing for you guys in Harrisonville Fort Scott Pittsburgh Columbus all these places in Kansas pretty strong storm capable of producing quarter siiz Hil moving up towards Venita and Grove Oklahoma as well and then we've just got quite the flash flooding situation unfolding here north of Oklahoma City um and in a severe thunderstorm is about to move through Tulsa Oklahoma I think uh and actually that flooding situation is probably going to you know kind of occur over Tulsa as well we'll see what happens there but an extended period of heavy rain and and and strong thunderstorms is expected over Tulsa here soon the storm approaching Oklahoma City still is not rotating very intensely yet so we're going to hope that that continues to be the case but it is starting to rotate a little bit more higher up um so that'll probably try to work its way down more towards the surface um as time goes on what the heck is Brad Arnold doing you guys seeing this oh is he helping a snake across the road is that is that Brad yeah that's a snake or was that like that was Marcus his driver right how nice hey Ryan when you have a second go ahead go ahead yeah I just wanted to give you an update from uh my location right now so moving west and south towards that storm that's uh approaching the Oklahoma City metro um and I just wanted to note still how like humid and how much moisture is in the atmosphere right now um just standing outside of the truck you can really feel it we still have dues of about 71 um so obviously this atmosphere is still very well primed to be able to produce tornadoes absolutely um so you know the atmosphere you don't have to tell me about the atmosphere we've been I mean we've been hooting and hollering uh about the atmosphere out here uh for a while I'm actually surprised uh that the storms that we're looking at here moving into Oklahoma City aren't already more mature uh than what they are um I'm thankful about that but I mean just look this thing is now in the it's smack dab in the middle of once again some of the the highest parameter spaces that we've seen uh for tornadoes so you know we've got a lot going on here um we've got plenty of surface based Cape storm relative helicity over 300 significant tornado parameter value over 12 so you know the environment's there for the taking these storms right now so far are not taking it thankfully um that could change very quickly though as we see there is a little bit of you know some circulation trying to happen here near gracemont um as the storm gets closer and closer to Oklahoma City and we are now over $50,000 raised for the Y Squad thank you so much um it sounds like maybe um the Barnes doll nursing home might have gotten hit I remember we talked extensively about that being one of the locations um in the path of the storm so hopefully you know once again you know people heard their warning um yeah still seeing a lot of new images coming out of the Barnes doall area as well I'm not seeing or hearing nearly as much out of Bartlesville um most of all the really significant stuff that I've heard about is um from Barnes doll so I I don't know what's going on there hopefully you know okay uh Elijah's got something for us go ahead hey Ryan so the nursing home did take a direct hit um I I heard that roughly about half an hour ago but as of half an hour ago there was no uh injuries reported at that nursing home however a lot of the police on the scanners have been talking about injuries like several injuries they're requesting ambulances all over the place so there are chances that people were injured at the nursing home besides those two uh fatalities I have not heard of any other fatalities but uh Brandon Copic about two minutes ago uh posted on Twitter that the whole east side of barnesdale is gone and that appears to be probably where the tornado uh had the most effect probably the central path of the tornado uh hit the eastern part of barnesdale e sorry I was muted I'm unmuted now sorry about that uh yeah I'm I'm re sorry retweeting uh some of the imagery uh that I'm seeing coming out of uh the Barnes doll area and Bartlesville um and this is all going on Twitter I don't we want to protect the copyright of the original uh content creators here so I'm not going to share it without permission on on the stream um but you know just to give you guys an idea of what happened up there um on Twitter if you want to go to to X or Twitter you can follow over there and you can see everything that I'm sharing there's it looks pretty bad and we did just now get a new a considerable severe thunderstorm warning that includes the Oklahoma City metro it includes minko Tuttle Yukon little bit of eleno um and uh that's going to be for 70 mph winds and uh potentially up to a quarter sized hail uh also continuing to watch these little embedded supercells in our train of storms north and east of uh Oklahoma City that's causing all the flash flooding this one looks pretty intense as well um it looks like there's a little bit of a hook coming out here and um a velocity new tornado warning has been issued uh so this might get a new tornado warning here at some point maybe uh for Kendrick and stra we did just get a new tornado warning in Missouri north of Kansas City that's the exact you know spot or or storm essentially that uh Andy was talking about not too long ago now we've got ourselves a tornado warning here for platsburg and laop in Missouri take shelter immediately a new tornado warning has been issued wow once again just just now seeing some some of the crazy imagery coming out of Barnes doll new tornado warning to uh down here uh exactly for that storm that we were just talking about north of Oklahoma City we've got a tornado warning now for stoud and Chandler in Oklahoma take shelter now that's Lincoln County I I 44 is in the path here this looks pretty convincing I would say that this might be actually trying to produce a tornado here very soon uh go ahead Andy and um get I'm I'm gonna be away from the mic for probably a whole one minute so just go ahead okay thanks Ryan yeah I'll talk about this warning for a second here for Chandler and Davenport here in Oklahoma um I had my eyes on that for a while there are plenty of people following along asking why um you know I never talked about this or the National Weather Service never warned this back near cashion uh and Meridian and Passover I35 it was because the there was a very large outflow boundary to the South of uh the storm that um to the north of it where all the where all the storm was and where the tornado would form temperatures were cooler about 15 degrees fenhe however uh to the South um you know that that all that warm air is not able to get into the storm now now that it's warned National Oil Service Norman has held off on warning that until it is reached ahead of that um cold outflow that it's put down and it has some clean inflow and in fact might have a small debris signature as well uh with it so it's possible that this is a small tornado doing some damage here to the north and west of Chandler Oklahoma and uh that was the reason why we didn't talk about it in depth or I didn't break in to tell Ryan you know what what that was essentially because it did look concerning a couple times but now now we think that it is uh caught up to the warmer air just enough part of the storm has accelerated forward and now has access to some of that warmer air and we see the tornado warning as a result in addition um there are uh there are a few posts about the profile that was just taken an hour ago from the Norman Oklahoma area that is very supportive for tornadoes even at the hour of 10 p.m. central us time so these storms that are entering the Metro from the West in the next 30 minutes or so will need to be watched very heavily people will need to probably be told about this it's a good idea to go ahead and let them know ahead of time that again their stormiest hours coming up we talked about this four hours ago I said three four or five hours we would have a few storms for the Oklahoma City metro area and now we now we have these uh semi embedded supercells here and a few more storms also that may cross to the South so we'll be watching those very intently here um as we continue our coverage the debris signature with our new tornado warning in um what county is this can't tell um where Carney and Chandler Oklahoma are that has now lightened up I think that was a brief tornado and the velocity on that is kind of falling apart here so hopefully uh this does not continue to do damage but please stay in your safe spots in Chandler and Davenport in Oklahoma all the way out to Stroud along I i44 that g it okay I'm unmuted now um just thank you meteorologist Andy Hill um and let's talk about these storms now from south to North all right uh we're going to hit everything um Frederick down here near Frederick Oklahoma uh we are having um a a new situ situation uh where a new storm is forming here this one is likely going to become severe thunderstorm warned at some point especially as it approaches lton Oklahoma um we also have a storm down here near Apache uh the strongest storm out of all of the storms that are forming here uh to the south and west of Oklahoma City is the one that's about to come into Oklahoma City now um it's a tornado possible severe thunderstorm warning capable of producing a uh quarter size hail situation and also a 70 mile per hour wind gust or two um and then you know we really are watching this storm to potentially try to wrap up and produce a tornado here at some point because it's in such a favorable environment for tornadoes um one of the more favorable environments that you'll ever see honestly um so we will um continue to watch that and everybody in the Oklahoma City metro needs to be paying very close attention to that as we go forward the tornado warning here uh for Davenport stad Kendrick and Chandler Oklahoma is continuing to you know be in in effect and it'll be that way for 40 minutes um the signature doesn't look as convincing as it did not too long ago but it's still there and we need to be in our safe spots in Chandler and strad in Lincoln County in Oklahoma up here to the north of Kansas City we've got ourselves uh another tornado warning for platsburg this actually looks pretty intense like there's definitely a strong storm spin up tornado is it's already happened with this storm and it could happen again here between Trimble and platsburg so take shelter now and then of course we've got that one tornado warning up here in uh Iowa that'll be allowed to expire in five minutes Fort Dodge though get ready for some really strong winds as the storm's coming through within the next little bit I don't know what it's going to take to get me to remember to unmute um hey Ryan what does it look like in north central Illinois over the next 24 hours that's a that's actually a good question um as soon as we get a moment here um I I'll try to do that uh I'll try to go over that here briefly um and uh you know anybody that's on the team here feel free to interrupt me uh if we need to go back to uh what we're talking about down here but just as we wait for you know new data to come in from our storms down here that are approaching Oklahoma City uh I want I I do want to let everybody know that you know this is a multi-day severe weather outbreak we're going to be here tomorrow because it does look like there's going to be another chance of tornadoes tomorrow much less of a favorable kind of environment than what we have today but still uh tornadoes possible uh in the Ohio Valley 10% hatched risk of tornadoes that's the criteria Illinois I'm sorry uh Indiana and Ohio you guys are in on that and then the 5% goes all the way out over the rest of Indiana a little bit of Illinois all of Kentucky almost so we'll be here tomorrow for that and then Wednesday looks like another really big widespread severe weather day from Northeast Texas all the way up through Cincinnati this Wednesday looks like it could be once again a really serious severe weather situation so that'll probably be another major severe weather [Music] day uh and then it's possible that we'll we will even be here on Thursday talking about the east coast and then the good news is is I think we might have a break I think we might take a whole week where we don't have any significant severe weather and and but of course it's May so it'll come back uh let me show you the simulated radar Illinois looks like there's going to be some storms as early as 7 a.m. tomorrow anything severe though would pop up on the Eastern side of the state closer to 300 or 4 p.m. uh this is definitely mostly an in Indiana and Ohio threat as far as the severe weather goes tomorrow and then Wednesday the threat is a little bit more widespread but it's really too early right now to to say anything definitive about that we will assess that tomorrow I believe a little bit more in depth e the eagle sores huge shout out to you for the 20 gifted so far the most significant damage of all the storms tonight has come from the northeastern side of Oklahoma between Bartlesville and barnesdale um we we've got you know still significant damage reports coming out of there so far it's you know everything else like we've got hail and wind you know we've had some reports here and there but everything else is is pretty tame compared to what it could be be um you know given the environment that we have um so hopefully that continues to be the case in these storms that are forming back here south and west of Oklahoma City don't do what they could do but we've got to be you know extra hyper weather aware here as they get closer and closer to the city oh my gosh here is uh I believe that this is um uh an amateur photo from Eric Bates of the tornado um as it came into Barnes doll and you can see the horizontal vortices uh around it there that is a quite the image quite the scary image there of of what that tornado looked like as it came into town 18,000 people now with power in Oklahoma go ahead Andy hey Ryan I'm watching um this area that is is to the west of Joplin Missouri um along the line here in southeast Kansas not passed over into Missouri yet but a couple scans ago from the Springfield radar this had a strong couplet on it and I mean strong couplet uh thankfully it looks like it's l up since then and we are looking uh about 4500 ft above the surface for a spin-up tornado that's pretty high so I'm not 100% sure on the legitimacy of that couplet however I do think this circulation is strong is not currently tornado warned um and I could see a warning with this uh as it passes probably this area of Interest would probably pass to the north of Joplin a good clip so closer to wakeo Carl Junction and Asbury in Missouri there right on the state line north of Joplin uh this looks like a concerning area uh not currently tornado horn so y'all watch out all right thank you very much meteorologist Andy Hill um drawing our attention over here towards Joplin we do have this is that velocity signature that we're talking about here it's quite strong uh looks quite strong again near neutral Quaker Oatmeal a Crest line um that might warrant a tornado warning here uh if the national service deems it necessary but y'all watch out all the way up there towards Waco and Ashbury uh the tornado warning and Chandler Davenport and stad Oklahoma continues but it's not um it's not looking as tornadoyoshi1251 Oklahoma City get ready a new tornado warning big storm coming in here soon within the next 15 minutes or so Cherokee Kansas Jasper County Missouri now under a tornado warning that's the storm that uh Andy was just talking about so get ready in neutral Ash what is it Asbury and Waco y'all are under a tornado warning that's uh Cherokee County Kansas Jasper County Missouri uh Jethro says it Department maybe a button like push to talk but to mute for coughs that's what I that's what I've got here but the problem is I'm forgetting to togg toggle the mute back off i' I've left myself muted too long on accident multiple times now trying to cover up coughs sorry about that uh the town of Joplin by the way a lot of people are are talking about Joplin in uh the uh the chat town of Joplin's not under a tornado warning this is to the north and west of Joplin however Joplin there is a strong storm coming um and you know it wouldn't surprise me if maybe at some point Joplin was under a tornado warning tonight uh but uh we'll you know we'll let you know what what's going on right now you guys are fine just get ready for that warning um as it uh May potentially come through here soon severe thunderstorm warning or tornado warning either one you're want going to want to get indoors and take it seriously this is going to be a strong storm e um Allison I just read your Tweet on uh X and I just want to say I'm really glad you're okay if you're still watching whoa cool video alert hold up Kevin are you a pilot or are you just on a plane or something what's going on here this is awesome uh this is a a video from 30 36,000 ft above the the surface here of the storms near Oklahoma City um once again from about 30 6,000 ft up look at that near constant lightning inside of the uh the big Anvil there wow I would love to be on that plane right now that that's my favorite thing in the world is watching something like that whether I if you're on the beach and you're like looking way out in the horizon or on a plane and looking out at night something like that it's one of the most breathtaking views that you can have Kevin thank you for sharing that with us unfortunately underneath that storm um you know we've got some severe weather going on and some rotation uh so like this is the you know uh the very storm that might cause some big time problems for Oklahoma City here within the next little bit and yeah I don't I don't believe this is sped up or anything this is just just the electricity the friction that the draft is causing just causing all kinds of uh lightning strikes uh we just got a considerable severe thunderstorm warning in Lincoln County Oklahoma now a new tornado warning has been issued uh Creek County Oklahoma with a new tornado warning in Oak fusi County Oklahoma that's going to be over here um to the east of stad now we've got uh Bristo under a tornado warning and that is associated with you know the the storm that caused the the tornado warning over here near Chandler still looks like a strong Storm still looks like a big embedded supercell so smart move from the National Weather Service to issue a new tornado warning here just in case that plants another tornado or or or a tornado here soon storm up here by Joplin continues to you know show some signs of rotation on radar not quite as intense as what we were looking at earlier but Waco asper you guys should stay in your safe spot Joplin you're not under any sort of warning right now actually never mind you're under a a severe thunderstorm warning 60 m per hour winds are possible it's going to start here within the next couple of minutes it'll last 15 minutes or so 20 minutes at most um and I think you're going to be all right over there in Joplin okay just get ready for the strong wins e uh Sam says uh thank you for the coverage in Bartlesville it was vital in keeping me somewhat calm as it barely missed uh my mom's house well once again we've got an incredibly uh extremely favorable environment for tornadoes over here in the Oklahoma City region and we have a supercell moving in thankfully so far that supercell looks weird and it's not doing what you would expect a supercell to do right before it produces a tornado however this is a very rapidly evolving situation so that could change we just got a new uh considerable severe thunder th storm warning for Norman Moore chall and Hara in Oklahoma um that's going to be for 70 m per hour winds 1 in in diameter hail and a tornado possibly um as the storm gets closer to you there in the Oklahoma City metro all of our stormchasers that you see actually two of the stormchasers that you see at the bottom of your screen are in the Oklahoma City area right now Brad Arnold's out there Caleb's out there couple others are out there so if there's going to be a tornado we should see it yeah the op the Oklahoma City supercell looks backwards I mean if you really look at it it kind of does uh but we do got some strong winds developing here between Tuttle and Bridge Creek that's where some of those 70 mph winds are going to be working through here soon get ready for that in more and Newcastle as well Brad thanks for becoming a high risker it literally if you if you look at this supercell if you were to flip the image upside down it would look like a more traditional supercell quite the interesting thing going on there that's for sure the Sals down to the east of Frederick uh in Southwestern Oklahoma are looking a little bit more traditional in their presence um so like these are already starting to rotate a little bit more uh and you can see here even on velocity we're starting to see that rotation near Loveland Oklahoma and that's going to be right on the uh you know the the hook of the a very classic looking supercell this will eventually move towards Walter's Temple and Duncan okay thankfully we didn't see that sort of uh immediate sort of organization with this storm that's coming into Oklahoma City however it's still possible that it organizes into something that's capable of producing a tornado here but right now the main thing we're worried about in Oklahoma city is the uh you know the damaging winds and and and big hail that's possible here we got a new mesoscale discussion From The Storm Prediction Center discret supercells remain possible ahead of the main qlcs the the Quasi linear convective system uh they're highlighting an area between uh Grove Joplin uh Pittsburg in Nevada um in Missouri and uh Oklahoma so yeah I I see those discrete sales here that are kind of in you know trying to come in front of that line it looks like the vast majority of those sales are about to get overtaken by the line but I do see that there's more that are forming here I would have probably drawn that Circle a little bit farther to the east uh to include maybe Springfield and the areas between Carthage and Springfield but still the message Remains the Same super cells possible here over the next little bit once again Joplin Missouri you guys are getting in on a pretty big storm right now the the strongest winds are just now starting to move in um hopefully it doesn't last too long uh but uh so far so good as far as the uh severity of that storm it doesn't look like anything tornadic is immediate and jaw a new PDS severe thunderstorm warning has been issued new PDS severe thunderstorm warning for Canadian Cleveland and Grady counties in Oklahoma that's a PDS severe thunderstorm warning uh go ahead Andy yeah Ryan two things I I wouldn't say nothing torna is ongoing in Joplin because there is a little bit of a of a um you know one of our hooks coming out of the our qlcs here so a little spin up tornado is possible here I don't think it'll be particularly strong um on the south side of Joplin and going up through the east side but um I would say I wouldn't say it's um nonzero here in Joplin unfortunately on that latest velocity scan so little bit of an area of concern there um I'm not sure I'm not I don't think it's direct but a new tornado War tornado coming through is for a different part of Missouri I believe where is it at I I don't see where oh it's to the north right it's a continuation of our previous one yeah um and then I was going to talk about our Oklahoma City storm for everybody watching um we just got that destructive severe coming through because you can look at um the rear inflow jet actually that's driving this this is more of like a a small tornado MCS so um you can see the rear inflow jet driving the main part of it forward and that's why they issued this warning for destructive winds so we have strong winds coming through the south side of Oklahoma City metro Moore and Norman and with these very strong winds when we get a destructive warning for it um the north side is where we can see some spin up tornadoes U so we'll be watching very closely from um areas Mustang and due east along i240 Valley Brook area for any spin-up tornadoes I don't think these would be super cellular tornadoes they would be more of um of spin-ups on the Northern side here as this rear inflow jet pushes this storm to the east through the Metro thank you very much meteorologist Andy Hill um yeah we got that destructive severe now that includes Moore and Norman uh a lot of you guys are watching and you have the radar Omega app we do have a camera here in Norman um so and obviously we've got all of our stormchasers out there as well so we're going to watch that come into the area 80 m per hour winds are possible as this storm comes through also uh we got a couple new tornado there you got a copy uh one of them is to the north of Carl Junction and it's for Lamar and Nashville in Missouri uh and yeah like literally the moment I said you know don't worry about anything at torn torn and Joplin the next scan we've got you know this uh potential signature that showed at least something trying to spin up near Joplin so um that's probably moved past town now for the most part but Web City and Carthage you guys need to watch out for potential strong storm there uh and then we've also got a um you know a tornado warning now for Wellington and Lexington in Missouri um Andy go ahead yeah right go right back down to that Joplin uh couplet there I'm very glad I talked about that because the newest scan um if you could get that on gr2 probably um it's a very concerning and I expect a tornado warning for Carthage Missouri definitely definitely get in your safe spots um in Carthage Missouri especially West near Brooklyn Heights in Jasper County um and Cary Town out ahead of this this is where the spin up tornado looks like it'll go if it does produce a very concerning signature right now not currently tornado warned un fortunately Ryan just had to jinx it when he said nothing looked like nothing was happening but I do expect a tornado warning here for areas north and east of Joplin and probably right around Carthage and KY Town Missouri um interior most room of your house or basement if you've got one absolutely thank you uh Andy um so once again lesson learned here trying too hard to soothe the potential upset you know people of Joplin who obviously I I sense a lot of tension in the chat in moments like this where we have uh you know big storms moving through towns like this a new tornado warning has been you never should say that there's nothing tornadic expected with a a severe thunderstorm warning with a tornado possible tag on it this is exactly what could happen here we've got a couple it develop developing now um right over Joplin now moving to the east of Joplin I do want to say that the town of Joplin now is not included in that new tornado warning that was just issued it's past Joplin now um but uh Web City Pleasant Valley Brooklyn Heights Carthage Maxville Cary Town Maple Grove Golden City all of these places in Missouri are now under a tornado warning has been issued as a you know as a result of the that spin-up that has occurred uh near golin so Carthage take shelter now and then there's another Dagon tornado warning up here in Missouri uh you got a little bit of rotation here moving up towards kraton kraton and Urich Missouri take shelter uh then of course grein Valley Willington Henrietta and Richmond Missouri also you guys are under a tornado warning right now we got quite a few warnings in Missouri at this moment uh Brad tried to chime in let's get back with him go ahead Brad hey Ry I was going to let you know that we are almost in Norman right now we're going to head north into more to intercept this I'm picking up 80 to 85 m per hour winds with this considerable BDS uh thunderstorm warning um so very This Tornado potential is very low with this one it's out low dominant uh but this could definitely cause some major damage with this coming through e that g it I'm so sorry I I was muted again I don't I'm sorry um anyways you know Brad's going to go put himself in front of the 80 m per hour wins here and more basically what I was saying uh was if you're in more or Norman uh you need to treat this as if it's a tornado warning and get to your safe spot because 80 m per hour winds can do tornado like damage okay go ahead Andy hey R my camera is not working right now I'm sorry there is a debris signature on Joplin uh storm headed towards Carthage and again it looks more intense on this newest scan um and I also wanted to talk about the Oklahoma City destructive winds that are incoming I can see it from the tested radar a majority of those winds are actually oriented basically due east both towards um the Oklahoma City radar and also the test bed radar again I'm starting to see indications that we could have a spin-up tornado forming on the Northern edge of uh this uh this um these strong winds that are moving through so watch out Valley Brook um the current no tornado warnings with this but a PDS severe is just as important particularly dangerous situation a severe and the orientation of this rear inflow jet is going to bring these damaging winds for a long period of time into the areas of Mo uh and um just surrounding more essentially uh and that means that any straight line wind damage could be accentuated here by the long residence time of these damaging winds that are being pushed forward they're pushing the storm forward this is a reation this tornado warning has been upgrade okay so brace for impact for significant winds maybe in excess of um 80 miles per hour maybe even higher than that in more and Norman here on the southern side of the Oklahoma City metro get to your tornado shelter um if you're down here in Moore or Norman you've got to get to your tornado shelter and treat this as if it's a tornado because it's going to feel like one for a lot of you um that experience some of those 80 to 90 m per hour wind gusts that are kind of inevitable now with the storm that's getting ready to come through there also uh This Tornado uh warning for Carthage Cary Town Jasper and Golden City in Missouri is now an observed uh it's a confirmed uh tornado okay we got a tornado on the ground um heading right towards Carthage right now that tornado I believe um is somewhere uh near the king Jack Park okay if you know where the the king Jack Park is you know roundabout uh where you know we think the uh the the tornado is right now um additionally let me just look at a couple other things here uh yeah so um if you know where that is you know around where the tornado is it's also going to be moving up in the general direction of Brooklyn Heights all right um and also uh if you know where the Pleasant Valley Elementary School is or the um Ruby Trail uh mile poost 14 if you know where that is uh just off State Highway 171 there uh that's about where the tornado is on the west side of Carthage there um anybody from the Carthage Municipal Park all the way over to Brooklyn Heights could be experiencing a tornado right now Downstream this is going to go over uh i49 more than likely uh near Kendrick Town up there near the americ cold Logics uh Logistics Carthage Area and then also it's going to go over Northwood Street up there towards Civil War Ranch in four states Leak Detection if you guys know about that up there pass the band on i49 north of Carthage uh get ready for that also we expect this to make it up there between Firefly Euro boxers in Cary town near the Genesis Auto Salvage sales there just near Cary town so get ready for that Downstream we're thinking about maybe Jasper and Golden City getting in on the action here from a tornado that has formed near joffin and is now going up towards uh you know once again Carthage Cary Town Jasper and Golden City you got to take shelter now Ryan sorry to interrupt you uh we got power flashes coming through the city of um the city of more right now north of us right now we can see they l a lot of power flash going on all right so it looks like some significant damage um is happening right now in Oklahoma City hey Ryan do you have a copy between Mustang Mo and Newcastle right now Brad Arnold is is saying that he's seeing power flashes Let's uh pull his feet up full and we'll talk to Ryan scha as well uh go ahead Ryan and then Andy when he's done I'll let you know I'm currently sitting on the west side of moreish um Power is flickering gust up the wordss of 60 to 70 mph right now it's getting a little bit Wild on the west side Norman it's probably going to keep getting worse here in the next couple minutes uh okay I don't know if we've got um I don't know if we've got Ryan scha available to us but uh we're talking to Ryan scha who's getting hit by the uh the winds now Brad Arnold's getting ready to take a direct hit by some of those wins as well go ahead Andy yeah Ryan uh progression exactly how I talked about about the storm before it entered the the metro area here on the North side there is maybe a light uh or a very small debris ball here west of Valleybrook may be gone on the next scan but um these little spin-ups can also just carry little gust bursts of strong winds with them even if uh it's not directly tornado damage there can still be some strong straight line winds here going through Valley Brook and then um just some analysis on the straight line wind threat that's happen 95 100 m winds about 800 ft above the surface via the ktlx radar so if we were to do um if we were to do our a simple rule of thumb where we 10 mph per tht uh that uh the winds have to travel downward through the atmosphere where we're sampling them from we can extrapolate that the worst of the wind damage is likely uh reaching 90 mil per hour here in the western MO area right now in uh that's approaching I35 quickly and we also again in place for quite some time meaning that wind damage would be accentuated here just due to how long these strong winds will be in place so I think that the straight line wind threat here may be um quite concerning there's our tornado warning of course for the um spin-ups on the Northern side so um the the now casting that we that we did 10 minutes ago 15 minutes ago even is is going right uh accordingly so I'm glad we were able to get that good information out absolutely um absolutely killing meteorologist Andy Hill um tornado warning now for Oklahoma City this is um the rotation or or the you know the part of the storm tornado capable producing a tornado is going to move right through Valley Brook Midwest City nikoma Park Spencer chall all the way up there towards Hera and Luther as well so we need everybody up there to take shelter we also need you to be in your safe spot as well in um more if you haven't already gotten there the winds the the strongest winds are still right on your doorstep we've got uh stormchaser Brad Arnold now uh moving into the stronger winds uh on I35 um as he's going north right now right into to more uh on Interstate 35 so we'll see what happens here as the the bulk of the strongest winds are to his North right now uh let's see here who else do we have out here um yeah Ryan schaw we' got him up okay all right that should work so we're going to watch this very closely here a new tornado warning as we go check back in on Missouri as well okay because we've got a lot of stuff going on over here in Missouri uh we still got uh a confirmed uh tornado warning uh for uh Cary town and Jasper and they've actually just uh you know kind of expanded that out uh to Lockwood and Greenfield Missouri as well you guys got to take shelter out here as uh we did have a tornado uh form near Joplin and move very close to Carthage I don't know if that tornado is still with us I don't I don't know if it's still there but it definitely could be we've got a lot of rotation here um and that could be sticking around with us all the way up there towards once again Lamar Lockwood those areas in Missouri you guys have got to take shelter immediately uh back to our Oklahoma City storm man the the velocities here are just oh man this is dude this is not good this is a prime example of exactly what the heck not to do if you're in Oklahoma City right now don't park under an overpass on an on an interstate like who like who said who started that I want to fight him I want to meet him and I want to fight him like I don't know where that started that that's like the dumbest thing you could possibly ever do anyways uh Brad is just now getting into an area where I think some of the really strong winds are going to be visible here to us uh within the next little bit so uh we're looking North now towards Moore Oklahoma and you can see that the winds are really starting to pick up already in in his location there on I new tornado warning has been issued and remember whenever the the winds start going there in MO in uh places around more near Clothier Franklin Newcastle all the way up there to Valleybrook they're not going to stop very quickly we're going to have a a sustained period of strong winds uh in the southern Oklahoma City metro area we also have a tornado warning that is continuing now for Oklahoma City Midwest City Cho CH Hera and Spencer you guys all need to be in your safe spots whether you're Moore Franklin Midwest City chocka Hera that that whole area on the Southeastern side of Oklahoma City and the southern side needs to be uh sheltered got a considerable severe thunderstorm warning now in portions of Missouri let's go check back in on our Missour Missouri storm real quick it's the the tornado warn storm is still looking very impressive and concerning hopefully everybody in Cary town and Golden City is still in their safe spots as well as you guys in Lockwood and Greenfield uh same thing for you guys in warrenburg uh Missouri and now Rayville in Richmond Missouri we've got a pretty interesting area of rotation that's come together here near oric um and another one down here near Camden uh that's going to be moving towards Richmond uh Missouri once again take shelter in Richmond Missouri and Rayville Missouri wow we have a lot of warnings right now in Missouri all Molly thank you for that so if you're just now tuning in we're watching a destructive severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado move into the Oklahoma City metro area stronger winds are now moving into more towards Woods newala those areas thankfully we're not seeing uh too much in in the the the form of a toric activity with our super cells that are forming here in a very favorable toric environment thankfully so far we have seen of course one significant tornado at least uh today maybe even more than that but uh we're still starting to hear some more you know damage uh you know information coming in from uh barnesdale uh Oklahoma and Bartlesville we're going to relay that to you as soon as we get a moment here and now we've got a just a this whole line of uh storms here in Missouri is spinning up tornadoes left and right we got a tornado warning in Greenfield Golden City Missouri warrenburg Richmond Missouri y'all need to be taking shelter um it looks like we're getting close to $660,000 raised over at the Y squad. org once again I I can't say thank you enough we're going to put that to good use uh as we go help uh you know people in probably barnesdale uh Oklahoma I I hopefully we don't have to hit any other towns down here uh barnesdale and uh Bartlesville you know they've already been hit hopefully nothing else happens but of course it still could you know end up being a a bigger deal here as we continue to watch these storms Race Across Oklahoma and now into Missouri as the night goes on uh Kevin says Ryan you need a light that comes on when you're mute to alert you dude that's such a good idea that that could be another use of the lights because that I'm doing that I'm going to set that up as soon as I end the Stream yeah a new tornado warning has think of that sooner all right we got a new tornado warning in Cedar and Vernon counties in Missouri uh that's going to be for Lamar monteal and Jericho Springs uh It's associated with this area of rotation right here so get ready and take shelter if you haven't already yeah in front of me I have well over a 100 buttons uh programmable uh through the stream deck platform and it would take me about five minutes to make a button that muted my microphone and then change the color of the lights and then I click it again and it unmutes the the microphone and and turns the lights back normal I think that I'm going to set that up before the next stream huge shout out to to whoever uh had that idea that's uh that's probably gonna help me a lot in the future uh go ahead Elijah was that Elijah maybe not oh go ahead Andy sorry Ryan I might have I might have pressed orange I'm I'm tired it's hard to aim my mouse out this late um I think that the the um tornado warning near Pittsville Missouri is going to be confirmed I think we have a debris signature here from the spin-up tornado it's been one of the more persistent ones um for a while now so I think that we'll see an upgrade to this warning and it'll go out to fville Missouri and Concordia Missouri along I70 um eventually here so y'all watch out out ahead of this thing um as we get uh a probably an extended warning here that goes in through Northeast Johnson County and Southeastern Lafayette County or however you say it in Missouri um uh for Concordia and surrounding areas okay thank you very much meteorologist Andy Hill we've got some uh big time rotation showing up here near Columbus Missouri uh Robins Hoffman uh all the way up to like he said uh Concordia Concordia y'all watch out okay we we probably are going to have a new tornado warning here shortly uh associated with that um man literally every storm uh that is uh popping up here in Missouri this whole line in Missouri needs to be watched closely if you're in choth uh Trenton um warrenburg Marshall Sedalia Springfield um Boulevard Republic anywhere Downstream from this uh vertical line of storms that's going across Missouri right now you got to watch out for some strong winds and you know obviously these uh storms have a very real capacity uh of and the ability to produce uh tornadoes so get ready for that hey Ryan when you got a second uh that was Caleb let's talk to Caleb go ahead Caleb hey I'm just coming up behind this storm that's kind of gone through the Oklahoma City metro over the last little bit and I've already come across several areas with pretty substantial tree damage um and then obviously some power outages as well so um as it kind of pushes more into Oklahoma City and across the Metro um that may be something that you start to experience if you're in the area okay thank you very very much um stormchaser Caleb beum out there in Hall Force One in Oklahoma storm chasing for us this evening Caleb beum is also uh our our operations uh director for the ya Squad so he's going to be instrumental in our efforts to try to you know get the the Y Squad funds out there and and in use properly so we we very much appreciate Caleb and everything that he does hopefully you guys went and subscribe to his YouTube channel um he's streaming right now as well Bryce Shelton has a decent view I think of the storm coming into moving through Oklahoma City now you can see some of the stronger wind gusts there very very interesting stuff tonight to say the least for e sorry I'm trying to catch up on uh the chat and uh different stuff that you guys are sending over on Twitter and X I do appreciate all of the collaboration uh tonight you guys are have been awesome on Twitter um and and helping us you know get the word out and also helping us get the word in you guys have tagged Us in some stuff tonight that has been help helpful and and send in reports that have been helpful hey Ryan this is Brad you copy yeah go ahead Brad hey so we're in Oklahoma City right now or south of Oklahoma City uh closer to Mo actually but um the AI program that I use that storm dnet program is really picking up on that cell south of lton looking at it looks kind of wony um just curious as to what both you and Andy think about that storm um you know that's heading into a really good environment but for whatever reason these storms haven't taken on that classic supercell shape to produce tornadoes in that in that intense environment so just interested to see y'all's opinion on that um Andy I don't know if you if you heard that but Brad uh wants to know if you think that he should drive all the way down towards Lon Oklahoma for this storm or if you think that for whatever reason uh this this storm might not take advantage of the environment as you know some of the other ones haven't uh as well um I'm interested in hearing what you have to say about that as well okay um so just a quick look at that and there is it's not a cap but a a stout surface inversion so the surface has cooled off a a considerable amount compared to the air just above the surface down there and that's kind of why we're not seeing this storm do anything from the federic radar in fact it looks like it's a little disorganized even I would say but the most significant factor here I would say is just the fact that um this is probably an elevated storm um due to the surface inversion here so a lot of stable way are right at the surface that this couldn't quite drill through uh to get any um inflow from right at the ground um and I think that it it could have if it it initiated maybe an hour earlier and was a much stronger storm you know with a a ton of moistures you know like one of those huge supercells we've seen on some of our other storms earlier today espe especially the ones that prompted these flash fud warnings um so I think that it just started a little too late and thus the uh air at the surface was just a little too stable and I don't know if it will really get out of that um out ahead of it it kind of is just going to be in a steady state environment if it moved to the north it would be in a little bit of a better environment a little bit less of that surface inversion but it would take a very long time for it to move into an area closer to like southsouth Eastern Oklahoma that has less of that inversion ongoing with stronger surface winds all right thank you Andy a new tornado warning and hopefully Brad hopefully you're listening and you heard that um uh so yeah I I it sounds to me like um that's going to be up to you Brad whether or not you go after that one um I I do want to once again take us back to Missouri real quick we'll go back to that storm we we'll keep talking about that um uh but uh right now we got a new uh tornado warning in Missouri for Concordia we were talking about this earlier um pretty strong rotation here near uh Hoffman and Robbins get to shelter in Mount Olive nnville oleville um Concordia and Alma in Missouri uh this is a dangerous storm and it might be trying to produce a tornado they'll probably warn this to near uh Chila moving towards Leon man this crazy there's so many different little kinks along our line here in Missouri a new tornado warning has been issued another new tornado warning in Missouri all right yeah and that's going to be for Lockwood and Greenfield and associated with this area of rotation it's pretty precautionary there I've got to stand up again the the moment I sit down it it the congestion gets worse I don't know I've been standing up now for just about nine hours so I'd like to take me a little seat for a second but it ain't going to happen I don't think a new tornado warning has been issued it's all right we're good it's better for me anyways uh let's see here another tornado warning uh was just issued this one's in Oklahoma um and uh this is going to include rosville and Meer uh associated with this area of rotation here so um take shelter if you're in rosville or Meer Oklahoma yeah i' I've talked about Missouri a lot during today's broadcast probably more than uh you know some some other places so so far tonight um we have had uh at least at least uh two fatalities associated with the storms we've had one really big damaging tornado as far as I know um and and that's the that went between homy uh barnesdale or Barnes doall and Bartlesville um hopefully we can keep it at that uh obviously there's probably several tornadoes that have touched down here and there uh but nothing has been quite as destructive as what we saw near uh Bartlesville earlier so that's good news However unfortunately that one tornado alone is probably going to be enough to you know cause some extremely detrimental long-term effects in this part of the world here so that's kind of what we were afraid of when we saw the you know the forecast and everything 70 mph winds 1 inch in diameter hail and a possible tornado moving into the Springfield Missouri area massive destruction uh in in barn stall from what I can tell once again uh thanks to you guys going over to the yalls squad. org we have raised almost $660,000 now for those you know for people who have been impacted by severe weather we will have a presence in Barnes doll and Bartlesville uh we will either be going there and writing people's checks sometimes people need help after you know maybe insurance doesn't cover this or or maybe it takes Insurance 3 months to get this or maybe FEMA doesn't arrive very quickly a new tornado warning we fill that Gap so we can go write checks for people or we can you know help people find a place to stay in a hotel or or maybe sometimes we can uh you know get a big supply drop and and take it to a a distribution center and there's a lot we can do with uh with what we've got but you know the more we have the better so once again just a reminder you can go to the Y squad. org and make a tax deductible donation to our 501c3 nonprofit organization over there all right um new tornado warning for begs Winchester Oak Mogi and Morris Oklahoma It's associated with this area of rotation which is it's there uh but uh you know I don't know if it's imminent but we'll you know we're going to take shelter anyways because we this is our closest thing to a a real life supercell that we have right now I think yeah and just a reminder um it seems like some of you once again are behind new tornado warning has been make sure you refresh your feed and make sure the time down here is in line with reality for you because you might be a little bit behind go ahead Andy yeah Ryan I was just coming through to relay what that new warning is at East of chill Hoy Missouri up to Knob nster uh so that that was the um that was the area I was going to talk about now tornado War so there you go thinking at the same time as the National Weather Service all right thank you Andy uh Knob Noster Cornelia bertville um all you guys are under a tornado warning uh Bristol Ridge take shelter um as this looks like it's also man there's just so many kinks in this line this is another one where a spin up tornado is going to be possible here and it could do damage between Cornelia and bertville here soon so take shelter this uh area of rotation uh near oleville and Concordia Missouri also continues uh to you know look pretty concerning here so make sure you're taking shelter there in in that part of Missouri we currently have nine tornado warnings and the vast majority of them are in Missouri right now get ready in Springfield this is all coming towards you e a new tornado warning has been issued Barry and McDonald counties in Missouri are under tornado warnings now and uh excuse me for uh being a little quiet I'm going through and you know just kind of retweeting more media if uh from some of the barn doall uh stuff so once again more damage uh indicators and and and photos and videos and stuff are are over there on Twitter if you are interested in seeing the extent of what happened over there new warning for cville Washburn Exeter and Butterfield in Missouri interesting um yeah there's there's some rotation here so pry McDow and Butterfield You all take shelter okay that's going to go for the next 30 minutes all right so we've got a new day one Outlook From The Storm Prediction Center Brad a new tornado warning has been issued copy yeah your um the mic was really low there uh but I got you okay good uh so first off uh tell Andy thank you uh for saving me some time with that I didn't want to go and actually look for myself so I appreciate him explaining that and it saved me some time having to drive south so um but uh Marcus and I are both extremely extremely tired we've had long days it's after midnight uh these sales are really forming into a messy messy convective system over uh you know east of us so we are we're we're probably going to end the stream for us um but obviously you know the severe weather threat continues East um as far as tomorrow I think we're probably going to be chasing in the Kentucky area uh Kentucky maybe south southern Illinois we're going to stay in OKC tonight and then head east uh but we're going to goe end our stream and uh hopefully you feel better uh tomorrow man get better see you thank you Brad and I'm really sorry for everybody that's had to listen to me sniffle all night I'm I I that's that's probably been terrible but uh hopefully I do feel better tomorrow and thank you Brad and yeah speaking of Kentucky tomorrow the the new day one Outlook is out we we no longer have a high risk of severe weather we're now looking at the uh day uh one risk uh for tomorrow big enhanced uh zone for from uh Indiana Ohio into Kentucky that's actually a lot bigger than it was I don't have an updated graphic yet on the tornado probabilities but as soon as I get that I will show you but I think it's gotten bigger the T 10 hatch tornado probabilities um so yeah we're definitely going to be live tomorrow uh with you over there stormchasers are going to be coming over to Kentucky uh Brad if you're listening in you know if you've got time you should swing by the weather house at some point uh CA Caleb everybody everybody all stormchasers come swing by the weather house if you want to say hi um obviously it's going to be pretty busy they're going to be north of me and then got to get ready for Wednesday as well as there's going to be more severe weather but uh yeah that's what we're talking about there um tomorrow more severe weather the severe weather threat does not end tonight anytime soon um so we're going to stay live here for a little while longer and even when we end our live stream the severe weather threat is going to continue uh severe weather doesn't stop whenever we aren't live unfortunately yeah swing by the the the weather house I've got some bottled water and and hamburger patties it'll be a good time we currently have eight tornado warnings um however the vast majority of them are precautionary some of them are pretty concerning we've got a decent little couplet here moving up towards Exeter Missouri um we've got uh some rotation moving up towards Lowry City Missouri uh still pretty concerned about Concordia but no confirmed tornadoes as of right now uh Christopher free says new fundraiser for the Y Squad yes we are we just today alone we have raised uh about $60,000 over on the thank you Peter uh somebody said please don't end the stream with eight tornado warnings we're not ending the stream right now however um that will happen at some point this evening and hey Ryan you got a copy you know there there probably will be tornado warnings still on going whenever we end the stream um but we've got to go refresh and and and get ready for tomorrow and then the next day we've got you know major severe weather to cover uh for the next couple of days and um honestly there a severe weather threat for the rest of the night is going to be probably much less than what we saw for the majority of the day today but that doesn't mean that you know that nothing's going to happen you know you want to make sure you have a way of getting warnings all night go ahead Caleb hey Ryan I just wanted to give you a quick update um I think at this point I don't see much ability for me to be able to catch up to these storms um so I'm going to switch my focus from obviously trying to track down these storms to starting to make some plans on what the Y squad's going to do and how we're going to show up um so I'm going to reach out to Chandra here shortly but uh I'm going to head out for the night um but it was an awesome night hope you start feeling better for tomorrow all right so Caleb beum is uh calling it a Chase for tonight as well um let's take a look at the HR because why not simulated radar this is what the radar could look like about 3:00 a.m. uh about two hours from now we're GNA continue to see this uh Squall line of storms from Missouri down into Oklahoma uh producing probably several tornado warnings and maybe even some isolated tornadoes even at 3:00 a.m. things won't calm down with that at all really until maybe around 900 a.m. uh then we're going to see some general thunderstorms move through Indiana and Kentucky new storms start to fire up though uh between Illinois Indiana and Kentucky uh around 4: or 5:00 p.m. these were are the ones that are going to be capable of producing new tornadoes in severe weather from 5:00 P PM probably through dang honestly through 3:00 a.m. once again it'll be another long night tomorrow and then uh another severe weather situation is is on the table for Wednesday which you know we'll talk more about that tomorrow so yeah looks like a decent uh environment in place for significant severe weather tomorrow so we'll we'll we'll be here for you tomorrow probably around 4:00 or 5: P p.m. uh go ahead Elijah hey Ryan I do not have the webcam on right now because it is dark here uh however we did write out the storm from the National Weather Center in Norman the one that just went through the Oklahoma City metro and from Norman looking North into more we could see several Power flashes from all the uh strong winds and uh yeah the storm that went through that area uh OU campus also had intermediate power flashes that were occurring as well as power flickering on several buildings all over campus and across Norman uh we know the airport and the Norman Airport had the switch to generator power and several other buildings across the area had to switch to generator power or had a complete power outage so all right thank you very much Elijah um for that update and glad you all fared well um so yeah once again the storms are continuing to roll through Oklahoma lots of radar indicated tornado warnings throughout portions of Missouri um we're going to continue to call those out for the next several minutes um but at some point here we are going to end the stream okay uh I want to make sure we're ready for tomorrow but uh if you have this is also a good time where we're starting to uh essentially go down I guess in in the uh the overall intensity of the the outbreak uh I do have some time to to look at chat if you have any questions or anything uh please feel free to to ask those questions now nights like tonight I don't usually um have time to look at the chat very much okay yeah so here's by the way here's the new SPC tornado outlook for tomorrow a much larger 10% hatched region this includes Louisville now Cincinnati Columbus Indianapolis wow what is that that's um what do we got here uh our numbers haven't updated yet but I'll tell you that's quite a bit of people under the gun for uh severe weather tomorrow maybe significant tornadoes um I see a lot of the questions that are being asked a new tornado warning issued you know what's it going to be like what's the weather going to be like tomorrow I'm telling you everything that I know right now hopefully you know where your location is on a map um just find it and you know kind of infer from this you know what your risk might entail tomorrow and once again if you're in Ohio Indiana or Kentucky here you're under a 10% hatch risk of tornadoes which means that there's a pretty decent chance that we get some tornadoes tomorrow Browns 5% greens 2% uh the better way to look at this is just from the categorical Outlook so thunderstorms will be possible in the green strong thunderstorms in the yellow and the orange tomorrow so everybody that just asked what is my what is insert City going to be like tomorrow I just answered every single one of your questions thanks to the Storm Prediction Center Outlook there couple new tornado warning way has issu observed tornado warning for fair play humansville and boulevar oh let's read that what's that radar confirmed tornado okay all right so fair play boulevar humansville uh take shelter um if you haven't already we've got a tornado warning here a lot of times storms like this the you know the the the rotating part will will be fleeting and they it doesn't last very long but sometimes they do so take shelter little bit more of a concerning look here on the reflectivity for our tornado warning in Alma and mount Leonard and Malta Bend Missouri You all take shelter uh right now as well as that you can clearly see the the little protrusion there tornado is going to be somewhere around Alma right now if it's down the categorical risk does technically I believe it technically includes tonight or should um I I do think that there's definitely a you know a little bit of an elevated risk of severe weather here in in Missouri but uh I think the the main focus of the this outlook here what they're kind of trying to highlight is the potential for new severe weather that Rec convex tomorrow e uh it's currently 6z or 530 Z and the uh the day one uh Outlook doesn't officially switch over until 12 Z so that's why we've got a little bit of a gap here but still you know severe weather is going to be possible for through the rest of the night really in in Missouri uh over towards St Louis we've got a lot of uh you know tornado warnings out there but you guys have got to remember that the vast majority of these tornado warnings there not actual tornadoes there's just a really good chance that you know this storm might produce a tornado so they have to warn it um so it's important that we heed all of those warnings but it's not like we have an ongoing you know major outbreak right now even though it might seem that way if you look at the if you just look at the polygons best thing that you can do if you live in Missouri tonight is um especially you know it's it's a Monday night so we got to work tomorrow we got school tomorrow whatever it is um the best thing that you can do is go to sleep all right don't don't upset ESS over the weather um don't let it take over your life and and cause you anxiety all throughout the night um you know go to sleep but have some way of getting warnings a lot of you got a phone cell phone turn on those emergency alerts make sure your phone's hooked up to charge um if you have a no weather radio that's your first line of defense uh make sure you got batteries in that and that's going to wake you up in the event of a tornado warning or a severe thunderstorm warning or something like that and last but not least you know if you got a friend that's that works the night shift or something like that and you know that they're going to be monitoring the weather all night set up a deal within that they're going to call you uh if your area uh gets under a tornado warning or a severe thunderstorm warning the good news is is that for the rest of tonight the the tornado threat's going to go down slowly but surely it's going to go down we're not going to see another big uptick in activity I think as far as significant tornadoes go until tomorrow now we're going to see more tornadoes tonight there's going to be more tornado warnings some strong thunderstorms damaging winds it's all going to be possible but the overall threat is on the downhill the decline right now okay so I just want to make sure that you know that even though we're going to see a bunch more tornado warnings like this one I think there's one that's getting ready to come through right now I think maybe not but still I'm looking through the chat just see if I missed anything how is your reflectivity so dark like the red on the thunderstorms I tried switching my color tables around but I can't get it as dark as yours I don't know I've got a a specific color table in here you can find it in our Discord server we do have a Discord server it's called Viper um so yeah I I I don't know I'm just using a specific color table called Viper HD I think yeah we'll take uh we'll take Caleb out of number one there and just put any of the uh rail fans in there also some of the color table information is going into the chat right now as well Katherine uh thank you for that very generous uh Super Chat says um thanks for all you guys do I think tomorrow at the beginning of the Stream will have um hopefully a comprehensive overview a new tornado warning has been issued you know what we've learned about the situation in um uh you know Barn stall and uh we'll be able to give you a little bit more of an idea as to what we have uh seen with that new tornado warning for areas just north of a Springfield wild card or Willard sorry eanes gr a new tornado warning has been issued okay all right sounds good so it sounds like Caleb is not going to be chasing tomorrow and um he'll be in uh Kentucky or sorry in uh in the Barnes doll area tomorrow doing a big supply drop so uh go ahead Andy hey Ryan I think with that newest tornado warning for areas uh going to well to the north of Springfield Missouri that there may be a um a there may be a debris signature identifiable small one uh right next to the radar here west of Willard a new tornado warning has is a um debris signature because we do have lower differential itivity values there which is very important for uh diagnosing these debris signatures close to radar so hopefully a weak spin up with this uh storm but I was watching it for a second and that newest skan as it was warned I think um has that signature there so and in addition to that while I'm looking here there's also a um debris signature just to the North like right in between these two warnings the confirmed one and the new one that was just issued so this is technically not in a a warning here but it might go into this morning west of Morrisville Missouri and uh generally uh up to the east of Boulevard in P County Missouri okay um thank you very much uh Andy I mean basically we've got the whole Dagon uh line here under a tornado warning now I mean they might as well uh with the the way that we've got so many little spaces in between here um go ahead Riley hey Ryan um for some reason there's something weird going on with the screen capturing in the Chaser PC so if you could black out the feeds for a second so we don't leak any information that'd be appreciated all right uh give me just a second um soon as I figure out how to do that real quick I got it okay good to go all right so um yeah yeah so like there there's a bunch of uh you know little rotating spots on this line um so literally everyone in front of this thing needs to be ready for potentially a tornado if not a tornado then maybe some damaging winds um as you know as it moves to the east but slowly but surely the tornado threat is going to continue to go down uh throughout the night Warsaw uh Missouri yall get ready Biv um fair play humansville you guys are also in the path of a a fairly dangerous looking storm and uh yeah there's there's little spots in between the tornado warnings that even are rotating as much if not more than the places that are inside the tornado warnings which is uh pretty I I mean it's not funny but I think that they should just issue a giant warning at this point so yeah we're watching all of these storms very closely in Missouri if anything like special or like oh my goodness this is crazy if anything like that happens uh we will take you to that right now though these are all you know they're rotating they might be producing a tornado we've got that one confirmed warning in a Cedar uh Dade Hickory and PK counties in Missouri otherwise these are mostly just a precautionary uh kind of warnings that uh are just just in case Ryan you're really really quiet uh is the mic volume there's something going on with the mic volume hold on audio test test audio oh yeah it is quiet go ahead Andy hey Ryan I do expect uh this warning to be upgraded north of Springfield to a confirm tornado warning like I mentioned uh previously um so about um uh about four minutes ago there was a debris signature observable on radar uh and then we could see shortly after going up in tilts of the radar scanning a little bit higher since we're so close to it that that was in fact a a legitimate debris signature it is still there four minutes later um to the north of Willard now so again it's still heading towards a state highway or County Highway 133 here um to the north out of Springfield um in between relatively um 50% of the way between Springfield and Brighton Missouri then up tornado has issued all right thank you uh Andy and I think that confirmation just came through from the National Weather Service there we've got a confirmed now a tornado warning for Hackney heii alup Fruitland and Fairgrove uh take shelter if you haven't already we'll probably see another one of those maybe for Pleasant Hope as well as that looks like U pretty short warning there but hey like it's possible that this doesn't last very long so uh we'll we'll see what happens with that Hackney and heii please take shelter now this is in just north of Springfield e Captain Jerry thank you for that we've been going now for 9 hours and 14 minutes it's currently 1:40 a.m. local time and we have uh likely a tornado down here at uh 12:40 Central here in h near Hackney um Missouri so hopefully everybody's getting in their safe spots anywhere between Hackney and heii in Missouri you are in the path of a dangerous storm okay we have nine tornado warnings 11 severe thunderstorm warnings um uh Chandra and Ally in the production room if you can if you're listening to me right now you're good to go I don't think we're going to need any stormchasers for the rest of the night and um I reckon Caleb's done streaming so I don't want to hold you guys up too much um so yeah Kenzie I I honestly don't know alsup and Fruitland are also places that need to be uh taken shelter ahead of this uh potential tornado here between Hackney and Ebenezer right now in Missouri uh we currently have one tornado warning in Oklahoma right now um and it's you know it's it's you know there's some rotation there but this is mainly looking like a damaging wind uh situation in my opinion for bointon Wayne Wright and Summit lots of damaging wind storms uh moving in towards simol Henrietta and those places out here south and east of Oklahoma City now the storms are past Oklahoma City and you you guys are fine now it's it's over for Oklahoma City e a new tornado warning has been issued you're muted you're muted it new tornado warning for uh Pleasant Hope in Buffalo in Missouri and I I've got to really work on a new tornado warning has been issued I've got to really work on getting my light installed here so I know when I'm muted I'm sorry about that as well this is normally I don't mute myself so often so it's not a problem right so yeah new tornado warning for areas uh near bton way wri Summit Mogi and Taft in Oklahoma get ready to take shelter and that tornado warning for Pleasant Hope in Buffalo is continued uh observed so we've got a confirmed tornado here moving up towards Pleasant Hope the part of Kentucky that I'm in is uh eastern time I'm in the main Eastern tip of Kentucky here's something really interesting daily dose of Internet one probably one of the better YouTube channels uh tweeted about us 121,000 people watching a YouTube live stream about tornadoes I've never seen numbers like this on a weather stream shout out to daily dose I don't know if you're still watching but yeah we've um it's crazy it's crazy that I think nowadays 100,000 concurrent viewers is is becoming average uh 120,000 obviously is is a lot and you know we we were reaching a lot of people there um but uh thanks to you guys and your continu Tado has been issued new tornado warning in Iowa we're going to see these two Oola Indiana Ola tornado warning don't freak out about it too much just take shelter uh stay in there for about 40 minutes and you'll be good um everybody saying try some hot tea for the congestion Ryan I we're we we are trying that we are definitely trying that um and that's when I was muted that's what I was uh that's what I was talking about um how's it going um just come in probably around noon um just so we can get the some thumbnails um I think that it'll be a little bit slower and Caleb's not going to be chasing so we we'll just need thumbnails tomorrow all right we'll see you tomorrow uh but yeah I was talking about how we um hopefully tomorrow we won't have as many sniffles uh we've got the hot tea uh antibiotics antihistamines pseudo epinephrine uh electrolytes vitamins the the whole nine yards we're throwing it all at it to to make sure that you guys uh don't have to listen to the sniffles tomorrow hopefully and beef of course beef um uh this week is Hurricane preparedness week and Kinsey is telling me that uh we're posting info every morning on the y'all Squad Facebook and Twitter pages if you guys are interested in that lots of good information coming from there for Hurricane prep week uh Becky says I'm in the closet no basement north of Springfield Missouri tornado sirens going off uh Becky I'm I'm glad that you're here with us uh I'm sorry that you're going through this the good news is likely the um rotation that has inspired the uh tornado warning there it's still there uh but it's small it's compact I we still don't know for sure if it's at this moment producing a tornado uh it I don't know exactly where you are but if you're directly north of Springfield you're likely almost done with this storm uh it's moving up more towards Pleasant Hope and good night in Buffalo right now so just stay with us for 20 more minutes um and then that tornado warning that you're in will be allowed to expire you're you're going to be fine here's a new tornado watch that goes until 8 a.m. 8: a.m. a couple tornadoes possible St Louis Jefferson City Popper Bluff y'all are included so get ready once again tornado threats going down for the most part for the rest of the night um we're we're going to end the stream here soon I just don't know when I'm really just waiting on this to to wind down a little bit more just in case it's the only one that I'm overly like concerned about right now I mean some a lot of these have concerning looking signatures on them but they're they're going to continue to do that every uh tornado warning obviously should be taken equally as seriously as as as the last one or the next one or whatever but the good news is is our our major tornado outbreak is is what was supposed to be that that's over now uh rotation looks a little bit better here in uh this storm coming into FL in Mogi in Oklahoma get ready over there you're already under a tornado warning go ahead uh Riley hey Ryan so um for whatever reason the uh Chaser PC is refusing to work but we have some damage that was on Brandon kemet's feed so I'm just gonna kind of describe what's going on with that as well as some other notes that I've heard for people trying to go to the town um it sounds like that they're having to evacuate the town because there's so many major gas leaks that the entire town is like considered a high risk as far as fires go so they're working on getting everyone out of the town no one's allowed in and it seems like we do have a few widespread uh fires going on in that area that are associated with those gas leaks uh the gas has been turned off for the town but obviously there's still residual gas and all those lines just because they're pressurized so there is widespread fires going around the town right now it does sound like the damage is even more substantial than what we originally thought it was and it was most likely at least an ef3 plus from a few people who are Engineers on scene so it it's definitely was the worst case scenario I've seen a lot of people saying hey this was a bus but in the eyes of the people in that town it's clearly not going to be a bust because we did have something um significant go through that area um the town was barnesdale sorry I didn't say that earlier for the people asking in chat but um it does seem like it is a worst case scenario um there's been more reports of fatalities of course uh with early numbers they like to go up and down and all around because we're not exactly sure but I'm sure in the morning we're going to start to get more clear numbers on what exactly happened there and how significant it was but but for now everyone is being evacuated from the town and that's including First Responders because it's not a safe place to be for the remainder of the night wow all right thank you uh Riley um sounds like uh Bartlesville and barnesdale um both were hit pretty hard uh from the storm and I'm continuing to see tons of imagery on Twitter I'm going to keep retweeting everything that I can tonight will compile a full overview for you tomorrow I'm gonna have to end this stream though I gotta get some rest and I'm just going to sniffle more and more if I don't so um I wish I could keep going I mean these storms are just going to keep going I could go 247 like this this could never stop like if we wanted to make sure that we were here for every tornado warning but I'm just we're not going to be able to do that we want to make sure that we're ready for you tomorrow when some of the bigger storms get going farther east so remember all through Missouri tonight we're going to see tornado warnings it's not going to stop it's not going to stop all right have a way of getting warnings know what you're going to do with the when the warning comes to you you're under a tornado watch all the way out until 9:00 a.m. all the way over there towards St Louis um Tomorrow there's going to be a lull in activity probably over Illinois um and then things are going to spark back up over uh portions of East Illinois Indiana Kentucky and Ohio we do expect severe weather um over there and we'll be right back here with you tomorrow around 400 p.m. 3 p.m. maybe for a members only pre-stream if you're interested for that uh thank you so much for tuning in I once again I'm sorry I I felt bad but I think we did a a good job today all the whole team um you know uh coming together to to show you know to to get the the message across and I know that I don't think it was a as bad as it could have been but it was a pretty bad and and I think we did a good job of getting ahead of uh you know some of the the bigger storms and getting the word out there thanks to you guys 2.3 million people tuned in to today's live stream so that's that's a big deal thank you for allowing us to get the information out and let's do it again tomorrow make sure you're subscribed to this channel turn notifications on so you don't miss that notification when we go live tomorrow uh m ions of people once again under the risk for tornadoes tomorrow and then after Wednesday also looks like it's going to be a big day so we will uh see you over the next couple of days okay uh thank you for watching and uh we'll see you in the next one goodbye and in the end we lie awake watching Ryan Mis pronounce our state and in the end we turn around and Ryan mispronounced our town [Music] oh [Music]

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