The Tornadoes In Minnesota & Wisconsin, As It Occurred Live - 8/29/24

alrighty welcome back everybody to our latest live stream hope everybody's having a good afternoon thus far uh we are going live right off the bat with a tornado warning in Minnesota and we do have a couple areas of circulation but the first of which just got warned it's back up near the purz area near uh Onamia in vinand that is our brand new tornado warning that is for milx and as well as Morrison counties in Minnesota if you are in this pink polygon make sure that you are seeking shelter immediately away from Windows lowest floor possible and in an interior room of your Homer building as this will be moving to the east Northeast over the next several minutes we are in a little bit of a radar hole so this kind of you know qlcs circulation is going to be kind of hard to see but this area of rotation near the piers area is where we're looking so that's currently what we're looking at on this new tornado warning the storm is moving Northeast at about 55 milph it is a very fast moving storm latest scan still showing some rotation East a little falls again that is moving East Northeast towards 27 in Onamia I do want to bring your attention also further down to the South we actually have an outflow boundary that the storms are catching up to and we are probably going to start to see more of a tornado threat over the next hour especially just west of Minneapolis I'm going to show you what it looks like on um the actual radar and the velocities here in a second the velocity scans just coming in we actually have a couple Pockets rotation just to the west of Minneapolis right now I'm waiting for the uh velocity just came through this is what radar looks like so we got this outflow boundary that's going really across the entire line of thunderstorms what's concerning right now is that the line of storms is actually all the you know the basically the big storms that we're talking about they're all catching up to this outlow boundary and anything that can kind of latch onto that boundary could produce a tornado and that's what we're looking at right now near the Leicester prairie area I think Brandon Copic is literally right on this so we'll see what it looks like here in a second um this is going to be going towards the mayor area and eventually that's on track for Minneapolis so we are watching this closely any storms that can kind of latch to this outflow boundary we'll have a shot at producing a tornado wouldn't rule out some sort of you know photogenic maybe tornado on the Leading Edge to of this outflow boundary uh where this particular storm is catching up to further down to the South not looking at much right now mostly just non- severe storms across the board back into Iowa and then back into Nebraska is kind of the same way right now we have an outflow boundary that's lead the basically the Leading Edge of all this thunderstorm activity that'll be producing some Gusty winds but overall the main core of the storms is obviously going to be behind that I don't anticipate as much of a tornado threat here in Nebraska or Western Iowa I do think our greatest potential will be here across parts of Minnesota all right let's first go over to Brandon Copic who is on the radar Omega app and also on YouTube we're going to jump to him first and this is what it looks like right now in that storm that currently does have looks like at least a little bit of rotation near the new Germany area of Minnesota and so again you'll notice just a really impressive storm here we're going to see if there's any sort of lowering which I think if we have what it's probably going to be there just to the left of the rain so that's where we're currently looking on this storm temped to even just pull over and let everybody freaking go by at this rate and take a second enjoy the view one moment [Music] please okay yeah so this is the storm right now that we're talking about back over near New Germany and mayor which is currently not tornado War I'm not seeing a definitive couplet but there is at least a little bit of C beautiful go back to radar just show you real quick so this is the velocities over the last few minutes you'll kind of see there was a bit more of a couplet a few minutes ago just south of leester prairie has broadened a little bit but we could see the cycle again we also have another one that's trying to develop back down near the Norwood Young America area going in the direction of Waconia in Minnesota so that's what we're watching right now on this particular part of the line of thunderstorms and again these are the ones that'll produce the potential for qlcs tornadoes which are Quasi linear convective tadoes basically what we're going to be looking for in this instance is tornadoes that are embedded in a line of thunderstorms so that's what we're watching for now as this continues to move to the east now the main concern across the board will be damaging winds between 60 to 75 milph um with this line of thunderstorms and we are watching this closely because it is going to be going towards the Minnesota State Fair which is still ongoing and we do have live cams there so we'll be keeping a close eye there this line of thunderstorms will definitely be impacting that area here within the next really hour and a half it's a pretty fast moving line of thunderstorms give me one second all right just fixing the audio all right let's go back to let me go over to here I'm going to quickly show you today's severe weather outlook as well so this is what we're looking at for today uh the risk for severe weather was upgraded to an enhanced risk for severe weather so that does include areas in Central and Eastern Minnesota which that is where this line of thunderstorms currently is this is why we have an enhanced risk it is going to be for the damaging wind threat the enhanced risk does go into Western Wisconsin as well and then also back over into parts of Southeastern um Minnesota is where we have the main concern for damaging winds today all of Minneapolis included in this enhanced risk that is an elevated chance for damaging winds this was upgraded at the Outlook about 4 hours ago so that's why we have that slight risk goes back into Iowa and it also goes into parts of Northern Central uh Minnesota and back into Western Wisconsin and then the marginal threat goes back into Kansas and even parts of Illinois where the main concern will be damaging winds the tornado risk is a bit more elevated today we do have a large 5% tornado risk we didn't go live earlier cuz I didn't really think this tornado risk would get going out here and it definitely has not but I do think over the next hour we're going to start to see this tornado threat more elevated across areas in the Minneapolis area and also back into parts of Central Minnesota so we are watching this obviously very closely and we'll probably be live at least for the next couple hours kind of covering this for you as these storms do continue to track towards the Minneapolis area uh let's go back to Brandon Copic as he is on that storm that was at least rotating a little bit near mayor again he's on YouTube in the radar Omega app which is the top Link in the description below on IOS and Android if you want to check out radar Omega good problem Le appreciate you tuning in come a 3mon member new ice cream also for the 499 I was under a severe thunderstorm warning last night weren't very many warnings yesterday honestly today we have currently 17 severe thunderstorm warnings so we're actually a little bit higher than we're definitely higher than yesterday warning I'm going to real quickly back to radar uh we do have a new severe thunderstorm warning back up just to the east of St Joseph this is a little bit more of rural areas of Minnesota this is near the milax lake near Isle 169 paage Onamia moral all included in this for damaging winds up to 60 miles per hour and there is a tornado possible label um across this entire new severe thunderstorm warning we are probably going to get a new warning here shortly for those near Minneapolis um definitely a little bit concerning here back over near W conia still right on the outflow boundary we do have a little bit of an RFD surge coming out towards the cologne area which this could start to rotate and try to produce a tornado threat was trying to rotate a few minutes ago might be trying again and Brandon Copic and Cory Gerkin are all kind of in proximity of this but they are in low signal we'll go back to them once they're they're back Conor cof also he is live here on on the radar Mega app and also on YouTube he's going to be back on the Northern side of the storms near Clear Water right along I94 so he's back up in here so he's chasing down to the southeast uh Brandon cop at Cory girkin on this particular storm that's just to the west of Minneapolis that has definitely become a little bit more concerning over the last few minutes when it comes to its current look on radar it's it's definitely looking a little bit more concerning hopefully these storms don't catch up to the outflow but it looks like these part this particular area really this part near um seven and then also near 212 they are both kind of latching onto that boundary and when we have that happen we do typically see a tornado threat really increase so that's really what we're going to be keeping a close eye on for the next several minutes on a new tornado warning has been issued Herm what the sigma we have a tornado warning in Pennsylvania what is going on here this like a drunk NATO back over near King Pennsylvania if you are in this tornado warning uh seek shelter away from Windows lowest floor possible and in an interior room of your Homer building this this is like almost like a drunk NATO sort of thing okay well if you if you're South funa in King Pennsylvania seek shelter do have a tornado warning in Pennsylvania this was not my bingo card for today I I think there there's not even a tornado RIS outline here today I know there's at least a marginal we do have actually a slight now I don't know when the slight C issued but we do have a slight risk across this area Storm's not even moving no tornado or Scout Lin over here but if you are near Sproul or Interstate 99 in Pennsylvania seek shelter I'm going to see if we actually have any live cams here because I think we might that rotation though actually does look somewhat it looked a little bit more impressive a few minutes ago doesn't look as impressive now all right I 88 south of eluna I'm going to go back to um Minnesota while while I look CU Minnesota storms were a little bit more concerning than that one this one's still trying to come together near colog and Waconia Brandon Copic we're going to go to him Brandon Copic has a pretty good view right now of that storm that is currently to his South near Norwood Young America that's the one that we're looking at on radar the one that was trying to rotate that is a really good view it looks like he may have a lower ring back there I think you guys are going to see it in a second but it does appear as if we do have a lowering right there you can kind of see it a little bit of a lowering man these winds are ripping right [Music] now of course tornado IGN another one or the one that looks like we have a bit of a lowering they have not issued a tornado warning or anything like that on this storm that we're looking at they just did Issue a new severe thunderstorm warning though uh for those in Minneapolis Plymouth uh back near Bloomington Shak copi and as well as back near Egan are all included in this severe thunderstorm warning I believe this does include the state fair yeah so the state fair is also included in this severe thunderstorm warning we still have root at least some rotation it looks like at least an RFD search but a little bit of circulation near cologne which is something that we're watching for very closely as this continues to move East Northeast U so again if you are anywhere in the track of this definitely be vigilant there is no tornado possible label on this but um at this point I still would not R out potentially an isolated spin up or even a tornado out of that qlcs tornadoes again usually pretty brief but uh this one has been trying to come together here for several minutes now we're going to go back to Brandon Copic they just put onapolis that's the Leading Edge of the St thorm the Minneapolis metropolitan area maybe a little bit of something there for this storm that we are right it wouldn't be what's leading out there maybe a little bit more embedded in the [Music] storm yeah I don't know how to attack this as a reminder our trado Waring currently we have one in Pennsylvania again kind of crazy it's moving south at 3 mph according to my software Bedford in Blair counties in Pennsylvania and then our other tornado warning is in milax in morison counties in Minnesota which that rotation as of now not seen anything definitive on that one that looks like it's on the ground I'm I'm really most concerned right now about the Minneapolis one even though it's not tornado War it's something that we're watching for closely I would not be shocked if we got a tornado out of it let's check in with Cory girkin as well that's not updated give me one second go to Cory Gerkin he's also on radar Mega and on YouTube they are both basically in the same spot so we'll be checking with him periodically and then we'll go over to Connor crof as well that's Conor cof's POV he's back over a little bit further to the north I think that's just scut there in the middle almost kind of looked like a funnel that's his view look at that look at that rain shaft right there there's actually if you look at radar bottom right of your screen Conor's right there this is the line of Storms and we have some storms blowing up in front of it that's what we're looking at right there sharp divide on that rain shaft fogging up in here we're going to go back to live radar I'm going to check in on this storm that's approaching Waconia see what the velocities look like this is definitely trying I it's it's trying to latch onto this boundary tornado warning is still radar indicated in northern Minnesota or sorry Central Minnesota and we are keeping a very close eye on this storm right now near cologne going towards Victoria again this is on track for Minneapolis it's going right in that direction there has been a little hook on this it is just a severe thunderstorm War cell main concern again still being damaging winds but we are keeping a close eye on its structure on both radar and also uh visually because I mean you know qlcs tornadoes can be quick they can kind of come out of nowhere so that's what we're watching for right now velocities did not update so we're going have to wait for the next scan check base velocities there's still a little bit of circulation mostly just an RFD searge right now but there's at least a little bit of spin by the looks of it and it's getting pretty close to the Radar Site it's actually getting awfully close to the radar site now how's it going temporal welcome back let me check on that Northern tornado warning they did condense it so still got a little couplet Northwest of Hillman in Minnesota on that tornado warning going towards vinand and Onamia so if you are in that area continue to stay in your safe place uh overall again main concern right now will be qlcs tornadoes we do have some embedded circulation there looks like a little bit of something maybe near mil area but that storm literally just popped up so I don't think it's really imminent but a little bit of spin which again we can still see some rotation doesn't necessarily mean we're going to have a tornado in this sort of environment wait for the next scam on this one velocities are definitely coming together a little bit easily for the 499 um no Pi if you're looking at like no pixels if you mean like this right here that just means nothing's being detected like the velocity the radar is not detecting anything like at all like it doesn't just me like the wind is measured by looking at like stuff that's actually like in the atmosphere so if it sees rain or something that's what this is kind of like measuring basically like the movement of rain or hail or whatever it might be uh these pixels that are Clos to the Radar Site are often some sort sort of clutter or buildings or something along those lines thank gorilla also for the Super Chat I mean just make sure that you are staying Vigilant I mean the best thing to do usually is just go to a sturdy structure so that that'd be the best thing to do if you are in a car still got a little bit of circulation here near wone lest velocity scan still doesn't show a whole lot of wind going away or going yeah away from the radar back to storm relative velocities again yeah still not a whole lot of circulation like it's it's more of an RFD surge right now which means there's going to be more of a wind threat going towards victori and Eden Prairie still not really seeing this wrap around yet and it does still appear outflow dominant but it's definitely close everything down here in like Southern Minnesota for example there's really nothing here right now other than just the outlow boundary like there are some storms back here back over in like Southern Minnesota but that should be mostly Gusty winds and lightning the storms back over here west of Minneapolis are definitely the ones that are more concerning because it's right along that outflow and that means that the tornado threat could spin up a little bit let me go back to Pennsylvania real quick let's check out the tornado warning your king and that rotation is definitely dying out pretty quickly so uh this warning will probably just end up being canceled but if you are in that warning just continue to stay in your safe place back to Minnesota uh ice cream if you're talking about like the tilts you can do tilt one tilt two like this I don't know if that's what you mean but with the drop down menu here or now it's not really a drop down menu it kind of goes up but that would be how you change it we're going to go back to con again pretty decent view there of the line of thunder storms we're also going to go back over to Brandon Copic he's again on that storm that is currently just to the west of this is going to disrupt traffic like nobody's gge structure right now the Bailey for the 499 severe thunderstorm warning does in fact include the state fair area I repeat does in fact include the state fair area is in fact thunderstorm warning at this time I don't see it popping up I don't know where that river is baile the color tables uh color tables you can change color Tables by like getting a color table you can like look one up on the Internet or um I do have my color table in our Discord server which the link to that in the description by the way this is today's NATO cast Outlook this is the latest Outlook from NATO cast uh showing the greatest tornado probabilities essentially just around in north of Minneapolis which I do agree with that's where I think the greatest potential will be um the 2% does go back down into Iowa that's going to be kind of contingent on there being storms kind of near or just out in front of the outflow boundary so that'll be something to watch for and then Western Wisconsin will be watching for a low tornado risk as we get closer uh to about probably six o' or so still not seeing really anything definitively that's like you know really imminent for a tornado threat but we are still looking at at least some broad circulation off to the west of Minneapolis definitely more of a damaging wind concern as of right now uh we are going to go and check out and see though if we have any sort of live shots of this me go back over to Cory real quick while I try to look for some cameras Cory girkin right side of your screen that's the Leading Edge of the storm very dark and ominous there's a car on the shoulder you're going to come up on I'm going to flip around and check on I couldn't see but I just want to make sure they're good hey cursed in for the 499 can we watch people leave the state fair again we will don't worry I got the state fair cameras ready to go we got a few of them we'll we'll definitely see people running out of the state fair don't worry if if you came here just for that it's going to happen I mean there's no way we don't see storms in that area just there's almost no way so that's what we did literally a couple days ago where's Brandon Copic he's currently just off to the northwest of shopi he's near Victoria just outside of Minneapolis again we're looking at some circulation west of the Radar Site here near Victoria not not enough to really make this tornado warn by any means there was a little bit more earlier hasn't really reorganized yet but I would be watching for at least a short-term tornado risk being in this area going towards Minneapolis a new tornado warning has been issued all right we have a new tornado warning this one's going to be back over near mallia uh that rotation is coming together wow look at this I wasn't looking down here back down near Medallia south of new JY or new M sorry back south of new uh near Courtland there is a new tornado warning this rotation coming together quite a bit near Lyon if you are in this tornado warning make sure that you are seeking shelter immediately away from Windows lowest floor possible and in an interior room of your home building and this will be current this is currently moving to the Northeast at about 20 mph nicholet will be in the track of this oana or OSHA and as well as Traverse will be long-term tracks of this uh particular supercell and this is kind of embedded with the other storms here we are watching this move to the Northeast do want to quickly bring your attention back to Cory they are back Cory girkin and as well as Brandon Copic are right on the Leading Edge here of this storm near Minneapolis and this is the wind and see it starting to pick up here this is Cory Gerkin P right here hey Vex for the Super Chat shako Thank You by way that tornado warning that was just issued is for Blue Earth Brown and watowan counties in Minnesota something happened you guys know I don't I don't know if something happened I was about to say I'm kind of surprised they pulled over right here I'm guessing something happened to this car wind's definitely picking up just outside of Minneapolis Brandon saw them on the side of the road and stopped to help gotcha wind's definitely picking up I mean there's obviously a car here but that's the Leading Edge of that outflow boundary they're back on the road just pulled over probably just trying to find directions or something still got circulation here going towards Lyndon near Highway 15 moving Northeast we're going to keep a close eye on this storm this is just North of St James uh there is a live camera here or there is a camera I don't know if it's live I'm going to see if there's any view of this and this is a view out of this tornado warning it is uh very very hard to see anything just moment ago back over in this area literally about a minute ago this photo was taken it's a photo photo camera so it doesn't it's not live but that was a view of that area near MP 86 still got circulation there though it's not tight and confined I don't think there's a tornado right now but definitely could see one as that continues to move Northeast we are starting to see a few little down bursts as well these brighter colors that you're seeing you're like for example and then back East to Henderson we are starting to see more downburst wind potential coming out of this activity so as this continues to move in the direction of Minneapolis we are going to be dealing with a damaging wind threat for sure um we're also going to keep a close eye on radar again we still got some rotation it's relatively broad but we still have rotation west of Minneapolis so as this continues to move East and East Northeast definitely going to be watching for the potential for a spin-up tornado the tornado warning back over in central Minnesota that one was cancelled we still a tornado warning for Bedford and Blair counties in Pennsylvania that rotation the last time we looked was pretty mid like there wasn't really much left so um but we'll keep a close eye on it if anything does happen wind's still pretty strong here this is back over with Cory kkin who is currently just north of Victoria Minnesota they are approaching Minneapolis it's definitely very dark sky [Music] do have a new mesoscale discussion From The Storm Prediction Center damaging wind threat will approach the Twin Cities some increase in lowlevel rotation is possible near the warm front so we are watching against the tornado potential here right around in just north of Minneapolis all right so if you are in Minneapolis stay vigilant we'll keep you posted if anything does happen here right now there is an increasing potential for an isolated tornado again will it be a long track you know strong tornado probably not but we could see something brief spin up so that's what we're currently monitoring the potential for as this line of thunderstorms pushes into the Minneapolis area so continue to stay vigilant if you are in Minneapolis or any surrounding areas rotation on that tornado warning back near Lindon has begun to broen out a little bit on the latest scan but we'll still watch it closely as that moves to the Northeast just to the southeast of new we do have reports of multiple trees down in power outages in new from the first round of storms that was about an hour ago and we also have delayed reports of multiple trees blocking roads throughout new so couple different reports there and we do have a little bit of a couplet trying to come together it looks like near Maple plane little bit of couplet a little bit of a couplet the latest scan shows it a little bit broader and then any rotation out of this part of the storm which I don't think there's much but if there's any rotation it would be over the radar site now so I don't have really a clear view of that a little bit of a couplet right now approaching Medina little bit of couplet action going right towards Minneapolis I'm going to see if we have any sort of live shot here which we got there's tons of live cameras across Minneapolis we're just going to see if we have any shots of this storm as it rolls into Minneapolis wind starting to pick up this is one of the live shots back over on Minnesota 101 wind's picking up a little bit you can see the camera shaking this is right near the Leading Edge of the storm activity it's looking westbound so just Southwest of Minneapolis very dark that's for sure this isn't like a filter this is just it's it's pretty dark outside right now it's near Eden Prairie for reference those familiar with the Minneapolis area Twin Cities I'm not seeing anything else right now thank you Josh for the 499 how long till it arrives in St Paul uh St Paul will probably be within the next hour isn't St Paul like just outside of Minneapolis yeah you're you're going to probably be within the next 30 minutes this line of storms that we're looking at right now is moving East at about really about 50 to 55 miles per hour it's pretty fast so you'll we'll be hit within the next hour we do have a severe thunderstorm warning also for St Louis uh we got some storms blown up down here these are not concerning really for tornado risk but we do have damaging winds and hail uh wouldn't R out a brief spin up but nothing really imminent with a tornado threat there all right let's uh we'll stay here until our next scan should have a new scan in a moment I'm still trying to see if we have any other live shots in Minnesota or in Minneapolis that have any view of anything backer Minnesota let me check backer real quick oh man this is like really far north we may have had like some sort of brief spin up back up here near Baxter again we got a lot the unfortunately we are in a bit of a radar hole up here in like Central Minnesota but we may have just had a brief spin up or tornado up there there isn't any tornado possible lat LA on that activity let me go back to Minneapolis again should have a new radar scan in a moment just going to see what it looks like on radar see if we have any sort of couplets trying to develop again we could still see a brief spin up really anywhere embedded in this line have a new update in just a moment he you uh B Smith also for the Super Chat yeah I just had somebody else tell me that too there might have been a tornado up here here where the tornado warning was cancelled we've had some circulation that too that might actually be what we're talking about that is a tight couplet it's a brief one near 25 doesn't really look like anything's really there maybe some farmland or something but near Shephard so we may have just had a brief tornado there nothing clear nothing like clear though we don't have any like any debris signature but we're pretty far away from the Radar Site all right let's check out radar here we're going to have some pixelated scans over the next couple scans as we are right next to the radar site but that initial couplet is kind of broadening a little bit near Loretto uh the one that we've been watching for the last few minutes it was trying to come together near Maple plane we may have even had a funnel or something like that but over the last couple scans just a little bit broader so let's hope that Trend continues uh we still have at least some level of circulation right over the Radar Site we don't really know what that exactly entails cuz the Radar Site literally is planted right where that rotation is but I would say that we still have a potential here for maybe some sort of spin up as this continues to move towards Minneapolis this is a live shot here right outside of Minneapolis and your Mitchell Road looking Northbound um you can kind of see the Leading Edge here of that shelf cloud so we kind of got the shelf cloud right here apparently I'm typing on the screen I didn't know I could do that but the shelf cloud right there at the top uh you can kind of see the Leading Edge of that me this right here but not not perfect VI you but the shelf clads right there thank you Ronald for the generous $20 Super Chat $20 towards a better haircut guys my hair is fine I don't know why we have the haircut slander here on the channel thank you Alicia for the or becoming a member than you Jeff also for the Super Chat that is a crazy Super Chat I will have to get a haircut though probably in like a month might be stuck with this haircut for a while you guys do have any photos or videos by the way you can add me on Twitter Max velocity WX I'm going to keep a close eye on that camera as that storm as the storm does approach we'll get a gauge of how strong the winds are as well as they are currently this storm is currently warn for 60 M hour damaging winds by the way tornado warning in Pennsylvania was cancelled uh we are just down to the one that's back down to the southwest of Minneapolis by quite a bit it's south of new not really much on radar right now when it comes to circulation just broad right now sounds like Brandon Copic and uh Cory Gerkin both kind of stuck in traffic right now lot of traffic in Minneapolis not really not really too surprising just letting you guys know cities are a bit harder to navigate a lot and lot and lot of traffic I'm looking at if you thought there was traffic in Minneapolis now we can confirm this is on I 494 very backed up right now there's definitely traffic another scan here in a second this uh velocity scan is from 5 minutes ago I'm going to keep it a buck that's a long time that I hope the Radar Site didn't go out but I we haven't had an update in like five minutes might have to use the terminal Radar Site this one's also back behind a little bit velocities are updating uh oh spaghettio all right we got a better shot here of the storm rolling into Minneapolis right now or just outside of Minneapolis here Mitchell Road Northbound oh look look at this back to Brandon Copic again on the YouTube on YouTube and also on the radar Omega app it'll be bit clear here in a second wind is very strong though where he is right now thank you for the update about construction on uh 494 whatever that is here comes the landn oh wow that tree is ripping over there I think we might we may have just missed it oh there it is a little windy there on the left hey musical for becoming a VIP velocity member appreciate that welcome back on the flip side of things this is live just outside of Minneapolis on Mitchell Road you can see the wind's definitely picking up here now right where the outflow boundary is and there is definitely traffic no doubt about that this is on us 212 for reference lots of people are leaving the state fair they might be watching the max velocity stream do you check tags on Facebook uh not really no I usually I'm not able to during streams oh the radar sight's back just took a little bit to update actually got Connor right now he's approaching Minneapolis too so everybody's kind of in the same area now Connor started much further north than uh Brandon did and Cory did Cory and Brandon were kind of further down here to the south in southwest of Minneapolis but he is approaching this line now back over in the Minneapolis area we're going to go back to this camera and I'm going to take a quick Gander and see if we have any other view of anything else than you Hawkeye for the $5 Super Chat yeah the last couple day I mean this is the second wind bag to go through during the State Fair this year which is kind of crazy wind the wind has been big threat here the last few days it's the second round of thunderstorms that we've had right here in uh Minneapolis we go back to live radar see what the velocities look like velocity is haven't updated they're still currently 8 minutes behind there are a lot of cameras in the Minneapolis area just trying to see if we can get one of the structure the structure apparently is incredible oh Connor's actually has pretty good view of the structure let's go to Connor crof that's a decent view of the structure kind of there on the right side of your screen I might have to go back a second so you can see it better let's go back a few seconds you'll see it a little bit better right here a little bit of a shelf cloud he's a little bit more on the Northern side apparently just to the southwest of Minneapolis it is like a big like almost like a roll it it looks kind of crazy even up here it's still pretty impressive so that's what that looks like as of few moments ago velocities are still not updating what is going on with this Radar Site looks like the at least right now from what we're seeing on the terminal Radar Site which isn't always a great perspective from this far but it's not really showing any sort of imminent circulation right now near Minneapolis um the only possibility of there being rotation would be back up near I94 by the looks of it even then though it's still hard to gauge that because we don't have any really radar update that's with the regional Radar Site tornado warning still does continue West to Crystal Lake for five more minutes this will probably just end up being allowed to expire it might even cancel it rotation been come pretty broad on that tornado warning just to the west of Mako again what the concern is right now is that this wind bag is going to be going right into Minneapolis and the state fair is going on so we have a couple of dilemmas here the state fair is happening and then you got you know hundreds of thousands of people out there at the state fair and yeah it's definitely not the not an ideal situation this is a view here of Minneapolis right now this is just outside this is back near the uh state fair just outside of Minneapolis that is a view of the city see a storm rolling in right now yes we will watch we will watch the state fair cameras if if we if there's nothing like really concerning other than wind we'll definitely watch them thank you Kirsten for becoming a member and welcome to the velocities appreciate anybody that's become a member or Super Chat it helps out the channel a lot thank you guys do appreciate it do the state fairs have trampolines I don't know I don't know if this state fair has them not sure we're going to go back to live radar velocities may or may not be updating all right velocities have updated by the looks of it and I think we have a couplet near Maple Grove but the reflectivity has not matched up with this yet yeah we have rotation right now near I94 Conor just passed by this just southeast of Rogers and that is currently on the path for Rapids so I wouldn't be surprised if we got a tornado warning on that um definitely possible they just canceled the tornado warning by the way uh down to the southwest of min but that is definitely rotating we definitely have a couple near I94 near Copper Marsh and I'm surprised that's not that they'll probably end up getting tornado warn I mean that's right there right near I94 definitely be vigilant if you're in the Rapids area or just north of Minneapolis near Brooklyn Park this is the latest scan might be Broening out again but we just had possibly a brief spin up or something like that in your I94 there are some cameras there I'm just trying to see if we have any view of anything like that looked like maybe a lowering than you like for the 499 Super Chat appreciate that well this is the storm look at this thing I don't know if the live shots going to load but that that's a live that's a view of the Storm Large rain shaft but I don't think that camera's working yeah we just had a little couplet up there might even have another one near Rogers this is kind of where the warm this is right near the warm frontal boundary so better shot for a tornado would exist back up here near Elk River uh Nico the current threats right now in the Minneapolis area are damaging winds up to 60 other than that there isn't much it's just mostly wind we could see a brief tornado or something like that that's kind of what we're watching for right now so and we're really watching north of Minneapolis for that greatest potential a new tornado warning has been issued not on this storm though there we do have a new tornado warning back up in a or Aken and as well as Crow wi Minnesota if you are in this warning seek shelter immediately away from Windows lowest floor possible and an interior room of your Homer building uh this is on that Northern side where we do have some circulation it's again a radar hole so we don't have a great view on radar but if you are in the aen OR Glenn or Malmo areas just to the north of milax Lake make sure that you are getting to your safe place immediately away from Windows lowest floor possible and in an interior room of your home or building this is a radar indicated tornado warning so we don't have anything confirmed and on the ground right now but we do have at least some rotation up there and we still do have some broad circulation that's definitely broader though than before back over near Rapids this is a live shot back on I94 right where that rotation passed over a few minutes ago you can see it's still pretty windy here definitely low visibility that light blue tinge too I'm not sure why it's so light blue might just be a camera Focus issue maybe a white in balance or something like that Connor has a great view he sure does let's go to Connor it's Connor's view the Leading Edge here near Minneapolis impressive structure right now Brandon is currently coming up a tree by the way Big W for Brandon this is Brandon Copic with some of the damage behind this back over just west of Minneapolis he is currently helping to get this tree out of the road to hopefully get traffic lesser in this area there's already a lot of traffic b w for Brandon in the chat about to cut that tree up and get it out of the road still have some circulation back over West to Rapids just a little bit we also it looked like had a little bit near St Louis Park so a couple areas that I'm watching for and then back over on the live camera again back on I94 it's still pretty windy here they're actually moving the camera now um sir where are we looking oh zooming in on the car all right I don't know what they're doing but all right we're going to keep a close eye also on the state fair because the state fair is about to be hit by the storm so what it looks like currently just to the northeast of uh Minneapolis just back over near the state fair pretty moderate traffic right now this is again the storm right here this is obviously Minneapolis the storm is going to be rolling into Minneapolis over the next few minutes where is the state fair it's right over here somewhere Falcon Heights where's Falcon Heights on the map there it is all right yep people are starting to leave this is what it looks like right now the state fair just for reference people are leaving and people are still going in this is the way to leave and this is the way to go in people are still going into the fair I don't understand why people can't check their weather apps I don't know it is very strange going back to Connor he still has an unbelievable view here of the storm we're so cooked chat that's again just off to the north of Minneapolis he is near Brook Brooklyn Park for reference you guys are out the window I'm hanging you guys out the window all right we do have a new severe thunderstorm warning for uh Oak grve shago City back over near Stillwater Woodberry Cottage Grove Stillwater that's right near the Wisconsin and Minnesota border and then back over Mini Apolis also included for damaging winds up to 60 MPH all right so pretty modest threat overall but definitely still something to keep in mind we do have some lightning as well so obviously if you're Outdoors go inside um for for whatever reason again people at the state fair at least some of them don't seem to have a weather app I don't know why or at least have some way to know that this is happening this happened literally 3 days ago or two days ago whenever it was we have right now people that are still going in and out of the state fair I don't know why people are going in I get if it's going out but I don't know why people are going into the fair I don't think this will be as bad as what we just had a few days ago but it's still definitely going to produce some Gusty winds and might even produce some localized flooding and this line is fast enough though for the flooding threat to stay pretty low so thank you Vex for the Super Chat there's so many people there's over 100,000 people apparently there today so hey B Smith for the Super Chat there St Louis St Louis right now just outflow driven storms nothing really too concerning might get some localized flooding though in the St Louis area I'm not really seeing anything right now near Omaha that looks concerning mostly just Gusty winds could see a brief spin up though somewhere down there all right stms are about to roll right into Minneapolis going to go back to Brand Copic real quick Brandon Copic still helping out there getting the tree out of the road making some very good progress people are driving already faster around them huge W for Brandon and by the way the tornado warning that we currently have is back over Southeast to Crosby Southwest McGregor over in parts of Central Minnesota moving East Northeast again this is just a broad area of circulation we could see qlcs tornadoes embedded with this as it continues to move north Northeast all right so that's the concern that we're currently looking at in that area but right now in the Minneapolis area don't see anything imminent for a tornado nothing imminent we are still watching for a damaging win threat though this is a live shot just to the northeast of Minneapolis again Minneapolis being right there in the Middle with all the tall buildings traffic is actually building more now and this is just outside of the State Fair which the state fair is going to probably get pretty Chao here pretty soon thany Rich for the $20 Super Chat appreciate the generosity and also thank you for becoming a minimum velocity member and welcome to the velocities appreciate the generosity thank you it's rush hour too it is Rush Hour it is right at rush hour where is State Fair on the map it is just off to the northeast of Minneapolis like within like five miles it's like right near Falcon Heights it is if I zoom in where is Falcon oh it's actually not even that far it's right here it's literally just east Minneapolis so that's where the state fair is and the camera that we're looking at is pretty much in the same spot see if we have any other updates here H shout out by the way to Caleb for tuning in with his uh his cat Big W got everything rolling on the screen I still don't see anything definitive we've had rotation on this Northern Storm for a while this thing's actually been rotating for a while like this we've been talking about this park pocket rotation for a while back over north of Minneapolis it looks like it's brening out again but bad circulation I don't think there's a tornado on the ground there though maybe back near inoka let's go back a little bit hasn't been any tornado warning on this which kind of surprised me because it's it has been rotating for a while and it is moving North we actually could get a new potential tornado threat out of this right here another couple just south of Oak Grove so there's actually a couple of different Pockets this is the first one looks like we have a new one developing north of ramsy and then anything inside of Minneapolis right now looks like predominantly wind we're going to stay zoomed out till the next scan thank you Ronald for becoming a member and welcome to the velocities can't see a half mile in Mapleton yeah the rain's going to be pretty blinding it's coming quick too this is again not a slow moving line of storms it's moving East said about 40 to 45 mph so it's pretty fast it's going to almost hit you instantly you'll feel like it's going to be very fast moving look how dark it is getting over uh Min Minneapolis right now right over the twin city is getting very ominous and dark right now right over Minneapolis thank you crazy for becoming a member welcome to the velocities thank you Bailey for the 999 Super Chat talk about Grand Rapids you're probably going to be dealing with mostly just an isolated wind threat Bailey up in that area still latest velocity scan still got a little couplet right there west of Ham Lake there has been at least a resemblance of a c drop not warn though it's going to be going toward Cedar and East bethl honestly if you're anywhere in the severe thunderstorm War at the bare minimum I would be in your safe place just in case you know it's not it's not you know something that is too hard to do anyway wouldn't be a bad time to do it I mean most of this should just be damaging winds but that could again send debris flying we could see flying trampolines it is tossing trampolines on tall trees Thursday after all uh we could see the potential for a brief tornado that doesn't get warned it's something that does happen with lines of thunderstorms like what we're seeing now back to Minneapolis here real quick this is again the live shot storms rolling in pretty quickly something yes we do deliver Nationwide or internationally I should say we had a little couplet even developed right over Minneapolis too maybe a little bit of circulation there too we actually had a little we have a little couplet that just tried to develop over south of Minneapolis it looks like just a little bit of something still not tight but there was a little bit of circulation developing just south of Minneapolis all right we are currently T-minus like five or six minutes from the state fair getting wind the wind actually is hitting the wind is actually going to be hitting that State Fair in a moment the storm's rolling in now you can see the wind picking up right on the outflow boundary storm is inside of Minneapolis rain is going to pick up visibility is going to go down quickly um in the Minneapolis area within the next few minutes this is a live shot at the state fair right now all these people here are leaving which is a good idea and then there these are the people that are probably going to be trying to go in for whatever reason but this is one of the like entrances or exits to the State Fair in Minneapolis or just outside of Minneapolis in Falcon Heights I don't know what that bird looking thing is right there but interesting but we'll have a pro we're probably going to start to see the wind really pick up here at the State Fair in a moment cannot tell what that bird thing is looks like it's like a horse why is it so pixelated cannot tell what that is I don't know if anybody else can tell what that is that thing cross going across the road it looks like a bird can't tell all right I'm getting more and more convinced that we have an unworn tornado near Cedar it's not really that impressive of a velocity signature but the CC radar still matches up with there being possibly a tornado right now near East bethl are there any cameras up here I'll be honest like it it really I mean you know a few minutes ago it didn't look super definitive but it's becoming more definitive it's right near East bethl and the only cameras or like live shots up there they're all kind of looking at roads they're not looking at anything now right there to me looks like a tornado there's no warning on it right now this is the terminal Radar Site still kind of shows not really a couplet couplet but it does show still some rotation definitely definitely interesting I'm I'm kind of surprised there's no warning on that cuz it honestly looks like it should be warned with the couet that it has and also the CC drop it's going to be going right towards bethl and North Branch so that be in your safe place here in those areas just in case does not hurt to do so by way just going to Conor real quick he's inside of the storm back over in Minneapolis right now uh he is literally in Downtown Minneapolis pretty much I'm guessing in traffic definitely heavy rain wind has been picking up here wind is not yet picked up at the state fair but I think it's about to I'm just kind of waiting for that to happen thank you Steven for becoming a moderate velocity member and welcome to the velocities also huge shout out to crazy with the $20 Super Chat appreciate the generosity glad can help appreciate you tuning in thank you Gabriel also for the Super Chat thank you lace for the Super Chat it's a low chance in that area all right can't see this can't see the twin can't see the skyscrapers anymore I be honest this still this just as of the latest scan I this still looks like a tornado to me still has a couplet just to the west of East bethl couplet isn't like impressive but it it just matches up perfectly with a CC drop too check the terminal Radar Site the terminal Radar Site kind of has that couplet too there's no tornado warning or anything on that oh these are the people leaving the state fair right now just kind of showing you guys real quick everybody's kind of walking out right now I don't think the wind is really picked up here yet there go new tornado warning has been issued I think it's this one you have a new torado warning for the shago county Ina and in Santi counties in Minnesota I think it's this storm I'm pretty sure it's this storm right here near East bethl there you go yeah all right so we do have a new tornado warning now Cambridge and west of North Branch if you are in this pink polygon seek shelter immediately away from Windows lowest floor possible and in an interior room of your home or building um yeah that I I I honestly I feel like this been on the ground though for a while we've had a CC drop on this for literally like I still think that's a tornado approaching bethl see what the velocities and everything matches up but I mean this has been on the ground if this is on the ground it's been on the ground for like 15 minutes it just wasn't super clear and obvious cuz the velocities weren't like tight tight but like the CC there's been a CC drop literally for who knows how long it's it's been a while it started near Andover at 425 so if there is a tornado it's been on the ground for about eight or nine minutes near bethl just waiting for velocities and radar to match up with that again we likely have at least some sort of lowering if not a tornado back over near bethl Minnesota moving Northeast what we're looking at here is the correlation coefficient it does give us an idea if there's some sort of debris being lofted up into the atmosphere perhaps a tornado um in this case very possible that we have one right now in progress moving Northeast uh near bethl and this is the latest CC scan so it still appears as if that would be a tornado uh we'll see what the velocities match up with here as well it is currently moving Northeast and also I think we may have a new tornado trying to develop near bethl I think the first tornado may have just included I think we have a new tornado developing now near bethl this is on the western side we've been talking about the two couplets for 10 or 15 minutes now we at least talked about it a couple times there's been two couplets uh that have been on the storm and I think now the Western couplet is coming together we could get potentially even a stronger tornado out of that as that moves towards Cambridge and North Branch so if you are in the pink polyon definitely make sure that you're in your safe place this is not a storm that's really letting up right now we do have a damage report out of Albertville Minnesota of a light pull down in Albertville so just a report of damage there storms are currently rolling right throughout the state fair this is a live shot people are now running at the State Fair again not nearly as crazy as last time it last time it was definitely a worse storm than this one this one's producing 60 mph winds approximately the other one was producing 70 mph winds um and that one was also producing hail this is definitely not nearly as dramatic as last time but there are still people at the state fair that are completely caught off guard apparently had no clue the storm was coming today I don't know what to tell you but there is an enhanced risk of weather so I can get a good gauge of who actually uses a weather radar or even has like a a person they watch for weather and who doesn't just by going to an event like that like just kind of feels like it feel like everybody that went to that event today just did not care about the weather whatsoever it's the latest stand near bethl so rotation definitely still trying to come together right now by way this is a live shot looking at Minneapolis which you can't see the towers anymore but um wind is picking up a little bit here Fair refunds not likely I don't know what to tell you you wouldn't have paid for it in the first place if you just watched my video this morning like I feel like this has been talked about like even the other day it's been talked about several times thank you Tyler for the $5 Super Chat than you also joea for the 499 the National Weather Service in my opinion has more resources than I have I mean I can tell you guys on radar what I'm looking at but I mean if I I mean I'm not going to just call them a new tornado warning has been issued we have another tornado warning in penil that's the second one today what is happening in Pennsylvania north of Lock Haven near the camel area I don't see like anything on velocities but it does have a hook so if you're in this warning you're Jersey Mills Pennsylvania and you so happen to be watching the stream make sure that you're seeking shelter I we've had two tornado warnings in Pennsylvania now today is very interesting we have another radar scan on this Minnesota tornado warning in a moment waiting for that new scan this is a live shot here out of again Minneapolis wind is still going there it is raining can confirm that there is rain in Minneapolis you're welcome I know it might be hard to tell but it is raining there's also traffic there are cars on the road I know it's the details that matter lots of wind in Louisiana Louisiana's had a couple days I think in a row now of just outflow boundary storms here's the latest scan strong velocities again going away from the radar going towards the radar still not super strong this is still trying to come together near bethl near 65 we could get a stronger tornado this time around if this does actually develop not saying the first tornado wasn't strong but could get a stronger one looks like we have a little couplet also on the northeast side of Minneapolis near Lio lakes and Hugo as moving towards Still Water storms are continuing to move through Minneapolis damaging winds up to 60 miles per hour currently the main concern tornado threat does still remain on the low side but definitely not zero this is a live shot again at the state fair right now people have their umbrellas out handy dandy ready to go and guess what again if they didn't if they watched today's video they they would have known we're not going to the state fair today I don't know when the last day of the State Fair is but feel like you could have gone on a different day how's it going silly welcome back we're heading North out of Minneapolis right now yeah if you're on the roads I mean this is Conor's view right now of being on the road right now in Minneapolis one there's a lot of traffic to the it's rain right now we're just in the storm so and three it's rush hour it's really the worst time to be on the road right now if you're in Minneapolis Rin welcome to the Bears cage man thanks for becoming a member safe Fair ends Monday you got plenty of time to go unless there's like cheaper tickets today still got an inflow Notch still got a hook on this storm as well see what the velocity show on the scan see if this is organizing or not we were at the State Fair earlier today well earlier today is not bad if you're going like if if anybody was planning on going like you know two hours ago and like got there I mean they would have literally left just after getting there but people are seeking shelter at the state fair or were seeking shelter might still be seeking shelter there's a lot of people at the State Fair SO waiting for velocities to update still got a couple on the terminal Radar Site up there we've been looking at a little bit of broad circulation to east of Minneapolis velocities are still a few minutes behind here waiting for the update F the reminder if you are new to the channel make sure to subscribe down below it is free to do we do live streams like this all the time for the Midwest for basically the entire United States make sure to like the stream as well does help get get this out to more people that are in the track of these storms all right velocities should update here in a second I think the latest scan's coming through well I be live on Friday are you talking about tomorrow um probably not it's a very small area but I'll keep a close eye on it this warning was just updated it is still radar indicated by the way so nothing confirmed as of right now I do think there was a tornado before but I don't think we have one right now rotation though again right over the southeast side there of Santi moving Northeast towards Harris so again if you're in this warning continue to stay in your safe place this thing could definitely drop a tornado again just has to reorganize still has a pretty good inflow Notch it's going to be in going in the direction of Harris and just west of the North Branch area thank you Justin for the 10 gifted members appreciate the generosity put smarts in the chat for Justin or W's in the chat for Justin if you got a gift to membership make sure to thank Justin in the chat appreciate your gener generosity as always than you Joe Han Joe ha for the 999 Super Chat this year talking about this year 7-30 July 30th I remember I don't remember July 30th to be honest I appreciate the generosity again joha hail in Bloomington might be a little bit of hail but it should be pretty much just cheese curd size tail I wouldn't expect anything larger than that thank you Hunter also for becoming a member and welcome to the velocities that little couplet that was trying to develop is kind of going away again near Hugo a little bit of a downburst wind area near Richfield right now as well that's moving East going towards Mota and West St Paul and outflow Boundary pretty much indicating that this should all be mostly wind going towards Cottage Grove and Egan at least for right now uh tornado threat a little bit higher further north especially just north of Minneapolis where the warm frontal boundary kind of creates a little bit more wind shear so in this environment here we are definitely watching for a little bit more of a tornado threat back over in eastern Minnesota and back into Western Wisconsin see what the latest radar scan shows here hey you Justin for also becoming a two-month VIP P velocity member tornado warning in Northern Pennsylvania yeah there's a tornado warning in Pennsylvania but I mean I'm shocked that we even had tornado warnings in Pennsylvania to begin with today but I'm not really seeing any rotation it just it had a hook on it so I think that's why they warned it but there's even a little bit of rotation back over near renovo but it's just all weak I mean if we got a tornado in Pennsylvania for whatever reason today it would probably be a brief spin up it would it would probably be also a weak tornado it's not very aable environment there for tornadoes today despite their being rotation wait for the next scan here if you guys do see any photos or videos you can at me on Twitter at Max velocity WX or if you have any photos that you've taken you can also at me on Twitter Max velocity WX people are still actively leaving the state fair right now so again live at the State Fair all those people that are running across the road are just walking they are leaving their so socks are probably drenched and flooded they're probably miserable and the people entering they don't care they don't care it's raining than you Dom also for becoming a member and welcome to the velocities they're not miserable I don't know man I don't know by the way we are only five subscribers away from 367,000 subscribers if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe parking alone is crazy expensive that's usually how it goes with fairs and special events and stuff like that I don't know what is going on up there looks like a lot of traffic coming into the safe air though I think that guy's texting or he's distracted or they're parking or they're they're doing some weird stuff I don't know what's happening here what is going on what is happening here this is very strange what is happening is the camera can move apparently I'm just confused on what is happening here oh there is another person running oh now they're driving what in the world is going on more people are running across the road cutting in front of cars I like this is the strangest thing ever oh you got a firet truck that okay that that's why I guess I still very strange and people are still not pulling over for the fir Tru I mean write everybody a ticket honestly at this point that was so confusing though like it would just been easier if everybody just went any tornadoes on the ground we did have I think one tornado on this storm uh back near Oak Grove but at this point it it looks like the rotation been falling apart I think we'll have another shot for a tornado I think it's just going to take a little bit of time hey Amelia for the Super Chat we need clown music for this that'd be so funny thank you joha for the 499 it was this year we spawned in time for the siren was rated ef1 that's crazy at 2 a.m. that's actually pretty crazy I don't know if I was live for that I don't feel like I was though for Late July I don't feel like I was live much in the last couple weeks of July back to Connor craw here for a moment guys are just tuning in and we're in Downtown Minneapolis just got to fill my water rusher sever storm is right on top of us the wind is in front of us is Illinois going to get Illinois will get mostly just isolated wi tonight the line should fall apart before getting there or it'll still be kind of like there it just I think it'll fall apart before it actually gets to like Chicago another intercept later this evening hey Jacob for the Super Chat I go to the Minnesota State Fair just to people watch I mean hey some people do that we've been kind of doing that on this live stream to be honest how strong would the tornado B if one is possible I don't think we're going to have much of a strong tornado threat if we do get one it would probably be up in here somewhere it' be near that warm front I don't think we we're going to see a strong tornado though unless you know again something just pops out of this line and you know like I think the best chance would literally be up in this Kink here that we have developed and I think we may have had a tornado like I legitimately think we've had we did have a tornado for like eight minutes back over in Ramsay which this is about when that tornado possibly happened multiple large trees were snapped in Ramsey Minnesota and also in inoka there's also multiple large trees uprooted near Highway tun near Cutter's Grove no no mentioning of their potentially being a tornado Maple Grove had a late report of two tree or two birch trees and several tree branches down in Maple Grove and that was as of about 30 minutes ago and a light pole was down in Albertville which I think I already went over and also just outside of Minneapolis near Victoria there was a tree and a power line down blocking one lane on Highway 5 so yeah interesting stuff there was a CC drop yeah there was a CC drop on that storm yeah I I watched it and like initially I know some I know B Smith he's been pretty spot on whenever he super chats here but he he usually says stuff that I might not see and that was one of them that I I saw it just it didn't look very convincing it didn't look convincing until like three or four scans in I mean I can go back a little bit but I'm not going to show everything I'm just going to go back and show you the CC drop like this was initially when there was a potential tornado on the ground it looked way more definitive though north of Andover and then you can kind of see that CC drop kind of continue continue like this right here really was what it stood out to me like the couple scans here really looked more like a tornado veloces did not look super tight they just were strong enough and then as this continued to move East to kind of fell apart but I do think we had a tornado on the ground probably for about seven or eight minutes back over just west of uh East bethl this is an urgent alert a tornado ground seek shelter [Music] immediately so we do have a tornado on the ground um as of now observed back over in Shaga County and Santi counties near North Branch and Cambridge so this warning was just upgraded and it was observed by law enforcement near Cambridge moving Northeast at 45 milph uh again granted the rotation is not tight but if we do have a tornado it would be located just to the southeast of Cambridge just south of 95 approaching Harris Interstate 35 in North Branch so if you are in this warning seek shelter away from Windows lowest floor possible and in an interior room of your home or building there is a camera in North Branch but it's looking at a road so it's kind of useless but if we have any view of anything I'll let you know but this was observed by law enforcement thank you Jazz for the Super Chat also thank you Dibble for becoming a member and welcome to the velocities appreciate that all right actually this right here might be the tornado yeah that if if this is indeed on the ground it' be this right here you're going to see it update in a second too so that couplet going towards Spring Lake Stark and eventually Harris and the Peaceful Valley Mobile Home Park will also be in the path of this storm activity as this moves Northeast you are not welcome wow thank you Jacob also for gifting member appreciate that no CC drop but that would be your tornado right there going towards North Branch in Minnesota this is an urgent alert a tornado is on the ground seek shelter immediately do have a new tornado warning on this storm it is still observed so this is still a confirmed tornado which it was just upgraded moments ago but we do have a tornado on the ground um again back over west of North Branch they have issued an extension for this tornado warning as this goes towards the Rush City area near I35 near Harris so if you are traveling along I35 between Pine City and the shago City area of Minnesota uh be alert and try to avoid the area as we at least have an RFD sege but potentially even a tornado still on the ground moving in that direction towards I35 this new warning does include pulk County Wisconsin and as well as shago County Minnesota which again if we have a tornado it's going to be approaching Spring Lake see what the velocities look like here in a second check cameras I mean I'm looking for cameras we only got like two in the area and they are one's looking at a road and not loading and then yeah they're kind they're kind of pointless up here unfortunately there's a camera further North near like Pine City I think or Mills Creek which is way up here that we're going to see anything from up there this could even be a bit more of a rain wrapped tornado now the tornado is like embedded in here it's embedded in a lot of precipitation St now just west of North Branch is it going to go PDS it's too hard to tell because we don't have one really a great radar presentation of it um and two this is observed and so this isn't like a tornado that we've definitely seen on radar we saw it earlier on radar I think but a little bit harder to tell I mean you can kind of see the terminal Radar Site really came together on the velocities it's a little bit broader now me check out the base velocities here go to tilt two and tilt three yeah there's definitely circulation in the mid topper levels of the storm definitely more rotation in like the clouds like this is again 10,000 plus feet off the ground what we were just looking at uh there's definitely at least a lowering or some spin in the clouds too hard to tell really by radar if this is still on the ground uh could have just been a brief tornado or something like that it could still be on the ground so just you know take the warning serious ly continue to stay in your safe place this will continue to move to the Northeast thank you Squirtle for the five GI to members appreciate that if you got a GI to membership make sure to thank Squirtle in the chat appreciate the 15 total gifted members now we're 16 all right um this is from the shago county sheriff this is what it looks like on this storm and this again observed it is almost undoubtedly a rain wrapped tornado somewhere in there we don't know where but it's almost undoubtedly a rain wrap tornado this is definitely going to be some sort of high prip situation nice tinge of blue there by the way some of the water droplets refracting or reflecting all right this is the latest from the National Weather Service of Twin Cities law enforcement confirmed a tornado that touched down east of aanti and has now lifted that's as of 3 minutes ago from the National Weather Service of Twin Cities so um even though it says observed on here they have at least for now said that this is no longer on the ground but it could drop again so stay in your safe place if you're in the warning want to quickly go over to Brandon Copic who is on radar Omega and on YouTube this is his view Cent C ly of the storm what a view just he's a little bit behind the storms now cuz he was helping with a tree but he's just behind them near the um the sh o area just out the Minneapolis nice little view of that storm if the trees go away you'll probably see a bit better there you go better view nice little storm there look at that big rain shaft thereo that is gorgeous it's like a freaking Micro Burst in progress all wait for the next radar scan here come on Max what are you saying come on Max for what's the problem I didn't eat cheese curs today so I can't be blamed for that how the folks doing at the State Fair uh we can check in real quick what the state fair looks like right now looks pretty okay I mean the the the roads are wet it rained there wasn't a whole lot of wind this was not as crazy as a few days ago still got people going back to their cars but there is lightning in the area so people are probably still trying to get back and just leave now hey B Smith for the Super Chat the Mountain City South Dakota tornado is rated an ef2 tornado so yesterday if you guys were at a live stream yesterday um again according to B Smith it was an ef2 tornado in Mound City yesterday which we were again live for if you want to watch back those tornadoes we had multiple live shots of those tornadoes yesterday and can go back to my live stream from yesterday uh back over in South Dakota and we even had a tornado in North Dakota it was definitely a a wild 4H hour stream especially in the last two hours it got crazier as we got closer to like eight what do you think the threat is for Western Iowa should be mostly wind I wouldn't R out a brief tornado but this looks like a very messy setup I really highly doubt we're going to get anything really that organized here but yeah doesn't look too too concerning right now do have some live radar Omega cyclin ports one in Iowa this is a live shot back over in Northwest Iowa at a lake and then we also have one back over in Nebraska but I think the uh the main core of that storm activity is already gone we even have one back over in Kansas we actually have one back over just outside of Kansas City couple of little updrafts kind of trying to pop here little popcorn storms back over near Kansas City nothing too crazy yeah you can watch all those Cyclone ports in the radar Omega app with the top Link in the description below on IOS and Android that is the app that we're currently using if you need a radar for your phone if you're on iOS or Android uh you can check that out with the top Link in the description below on IOS and Android highly recommend it comes with live cameras live stormchasers all that sort of stuff uh by the way this is the report that we had this is as a 445 so 16 minutes ago in assanti Minnesota law enforcement confirmed tornado touchdown and has lifted near the intersection of Durant Street in County Road 5 East of Asanti so that's the latest there radar Omega is a one-time purchase and you get a lot of the features but if you want more features there is a subscription part of it they have three different tiers and you can get more features with it like satellite imagery computer models and stuff like that will come with the subscriptions uh Jake but it is just a onetime purchase for a lot of the features that are in the app how do I share a photo you can add me on Twitter at Max velocity WX that's preferred uh you can always add me on Facebook too or message me on Facebook but I don't always look at those as of right now this is still an observed tornado warning even though I do think it is lifted we still have rotation for sure at least a big surge of wind near North Branch approaching I35 they have just downgraded it back to radar indicated so it is no longer a confirmed tornado but if you're in Rush City near I35 continue to stay in your safe place as this continues to move to the Northeast thank you Corey and as well as Amelia for becoming members and welcome to the velocities we're going to stay zoomed down till the next scan for the reminder if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe down below it is free to do like the stream also it does help get this out to more people it's been a busy last few days we were live Monday we were live yesterday we've been live today three of the last four days we went live which is kind of crazy to think I only thought we'd be live like maybe twice this week we've been live three times not ruling out a live stream tomorrow too so it's been active thank you Edwin for the Super Chat I don't know where that is but but I mean at this point the main concern for Minnesota is not really winding down but it's kind of moving more into Wisconsin now um at at this point like if you're in like southeast Minnesota we could see some damaging winds maybe a brief spin-up the greatest concern for severe weather will be predominantly going into Wisconsin here soon we could still see an isolated severe storm in the northern side of the state but damaging winds and isolated hail the main concerns and the uh tornado risk should be pretty low hey Dylan for the $2 venmo uh honestly like anything that's firing off out in front of the line or out in front of the outflow boundary should just be mostly elevated like hail and wind events but um yeah I mean the stuff in Iowa just isn't really that impressive like even though there's a lot of stuff firing out out in front of the line it's just I don't think any of that's going to be really toric I think if anything we could get something maybe with one of these storms near New Richmond but I'm not super confident that that environment is that favorable for these little discreet cellular storms that have developed than you Jazz for the super chat should be mostly wind for Iowa it's because you started school I mean that too started college three live streams in the last four days it's it's been a grind by the way if you didn't watch my video today highly recommend you do if you want to check out the tropics I do think we are going to have a hurricane within the next week and a half in the Caribbean or even perhaps going towards the Gulf of Mexico uh the tropics are about to heat up in a big way so definitely recommend you check that out um today's video again talking about that talked about for like 2 minutes at the end so you can skip to the end and see that but yeah it's uh it's going to get active here pretty soon so if you're anywhere near the Gulf Coast or you have a vacation plan definitely keep that in mind as we go into September we have M hour winds right now near Egan going towards Cottage Grove southeast of Minneapolis I'm going to see if we have any live cams here got a big surge of wind right now in your Egan we have a few live cams I'm going to try to pull up one so give me one second here there are several live cams in this area we have a big downburst wind event Happening Here approaching Cottage Grove stay away from windows again if you are in the severe thunderstorm warning whoa yeah it is windy look at this just a second ago it even look crazier look how windy it is right now the brain is blowing left to right and it's definitely windy here big downburst winds right to the southeast of Minneapolis this is just approaching Cottage Grove right now this is definitely going to be a big wind event down here I mean this is probably 70 mile per hour wins if not even closer to 80 there are several cameras I'm just trying to see we have another view of those somewhere we have another view this is a right where this is happening on this is on us52 by the way on 70 70th Street so at least 60 for sure I it it definitely wouldn't shock me if it's over 70 though this is not a tornado by the way this just wind wind's starting to calm down just a little bit now our wind is definitely starting to calm down that was right here somewhere it's like one of these roads looks like we have Street flooding too there's actually Street flooding by lville a little bit of Street flooding might just be Port drainage your Yankee Doodle road yeah we have this big area of wind near the route 55 area this is also a live shot where this wind is look at this got flooding and you also you got a little bit of Street flooding but you also got the wind blowing that water away from the camera can kind of see that a little bit they're these ones are definitely at least 60 they I wouldn't be surprised again if they're 70 plus I do know where Egan is now thank you and we are literally talking about Egan as we speak this is another view again this is definitely 60 plus a little little bit more wind here this is a little bit more north of where we were just at but still on Minnesota 3 near I 494 so obviously this should give you a pretty good visual that you should at least stay away from Windows if you are currently um in this area looks like that downburst wind may have just kind of fizzled out but it's definitely a little bit weaker actually it's still kind of there it's right over 52 and the cameras are just shaking like crazy right now some of them just have low visibility which is making it tough to find a good camera this is I mean guys this this is definitely 70 this is this has to be 70 look how windy it is this is very strong down burst wins we I don't think it's a Micro Burst but I just think it's really strong 70 plus mile per hour winds right now near Egan watch for those trucks too those that truck is driving right into this wind right now it's going sidewards too these truck the truckers have to be careful in this area this is right on us52 which is where the core of the wind currently is and it is absolutely ripping out here could definitely see some trees fall from this wind is this the amount of severe weather common for Minnesota this time of the year yes it's more common in like this time of year like August and September and even July we didn't really have a whole lot though in July for the most part our wind's got a little bit calmer there again that wind is going to be approaching 1061 next and it's also near I 494 see if we have any other shot of this this another shot right here this is right on um m55 it's on 52 southbound right in this area as well this is the Leading Edge of the storm right here at the very top of your screen winds picking up as well crazy wind right now in this area area and by the way this tornado warning might just get canceled the rotation become very broad there a little bit of rotation maybe trying to develop with those little discrete cells that developed near the town of Star Prairie near New Richmond so we'll be watching those closely as those continue to track to the north they'll probably end up merging with these storms here or this line of thunderstorms here pretty soon but the worst of the wind right now just south of St Paul we have some strong down bursts approaching Newport and it will be approaching the terminal Radar Site near Woodberry again this is a live shot right now on 52 southbound with the Leading Edge of the storm activity in addition to some of the wind the wind will pick up a bit more probably here in a moment yes Connor is stuck in traffic everybody pretty much is stuck in traffic do you do any blizzard forecasts for Minnesota do do like snowstorm forecast yeah we We Do videos for that stuff and sometimes live streams to talk about it my buddy and Egan has his sliding door open and now has wet socks said he had multiple three to foot foot or three 3 to four foot branches down in his yard yeah it doesn't really surprise me with how strong the winds have been do appreciate the Super Chat yeah that's not something that you want to do is go walk outside let's just have the slider door open get the socks all wet sounds like a great time how's the bench doing guys we don't have a camera of the bench anymore I'm sorry to break it to you we do not have a view of that bench anymore I wish we did we don't it's a very sad time I love your new setup I do too I love it guys you guys don't understand I don't know if you guys I mean some of you probably have only been here you know today onto our live stream so I just want to show you guys the difference of our our studio setup because it is just so different I posted this a couple days ago I'm G to show you guys real quick it's it's crazy wherever it is this is just this is Bonkers all right this used to be what our streaming setup was for those that are wondering we had a laptop and a monitor that went into the laptop this was it I know right it looks amazing this is what it looks like now it looks like a full-blown operation we have we actually have more monitors than this now this is a bit of an older photo we have like eight monitors now we have two laptops an actual computer it's it's crazy how different it is now compared to what it used to be and that by the way that photo the first photo you saw that was May of this year so even during some of the outbreak streams we only had that setup like there was nothing else other than that so it's crazy crazy how far it's it's come all looks like the worst of those down burst winds starting to fizzle out a little bit more I think the wind threat was just brief at least like the high wind threat it was a pretty quick like maybe even a Micro Burst wouldn't rule it out we have some Rotation by the looks of it near Star Prairie right now so we'll have to watch that closely just a little cell up here a little bit of circulation we'll have to watch that in Wisconsin they have gone ahead by the way that tornado warning is done so we are back down to no tornado warnings need more monitors always need more and we basically have eight now it's gotten pretty crazy busiest weather streamer I know I mean I'm pretty darn busy especially with college it's a definitely not easy this from Brad out of um Egan Minnesota few moments ago definitely very windy here just moments ago again this when we had that possible Micro Burst or at least just the strong damaging winds sheesh the wind was whipping do a little retweet of that on Twitter again we'll be posting updates and photos and videos on Twitter make sure to follow us there at Max velocity WX again if you are new to the channel make sure to subscribe down below it is the red button you can subscribe to the channel we'll keep posted with the latest with severe weather coverage whenever needed across the Midwest especially but really the entire country and we'll have OB we obviously do daily videos and all that thank you Jeff for the $10 Super Chat appreciate the generosity um probably not going to make it I mean you CLA you CLA 90 miles I thought was further you CLA you'll probably get storms it should be mostly a win threat but tornado threat should be pretty low that's what it looks like for the rest of this evening just for reference our tornado threat will continue probably until about 8 or 9:00 these are the tornado parameter values for tonight this tornado threat will still be in place really for the next several hours and that's why we're probably going to be live here for a while I don't think this is anywhere near done yet but our tornado threat will move into parts of predominantly Southeastern Minnesota uh Western Wisconsin perhaps near UK Clair and this will kind of drag itself down into Southwestern Wisconsin by about 9 tonight tornado thread is very low to zero though after about 10:00 anywhere in Eastern Iowa Southwest Wisconsin or Northwest Illinois um I don't think we're going to see any tornado threat really after like eight or nine tonight so I think our main concern really will be over the next few hours and this is what the future radar looks like so this will be predominantly just a line of thunderstorms by about 8:00 tonight across Wisconsin Iowa Minnesota and there will be some storms in Kansas and Nebraska those should be Prett pretty much just isolated wind if if anything by 10 to 11:00 the line of storms continues to move East I think by 10: this is just a wind threat and even then it should be a pretty low risk tornado threat should be pretty close to zero and then overnight this will approach Chicago I think this will fall apart before getting to Chicago but we could see at least an isolated threat for uh Gusty winds in like the Chicago area but that'll be like very late tonight into tomorrow morning so that's what I'm thinking right now for the long term by the way we have 14 severe thunderstorm warnings you might be thinking where are they well we have Apparently one in Texas and Oklahoma we have one in Arkansas we have one in Florida we have one over in North Carolina we have one in West Virginia we got a few in in Virginia we got one in Maryland with wow this one's actually 2in hail and 70 m per hour winds apparently near Fredericksburg and we also have one near Cumberland so that's where a lot of the warnings are we also had tornado warnings in Pennsylvania earlier so it's been a little bit interesting we really only have two with this line of storms aside from what's Happening down in Iowa so that warning counter is correct it is not misleading even though they're all kind of all over the place they fastpac are fast passed for the $5 Super Chat yeah the wind was def I mean that was basically hurricane Force wins that looked crazier than Debbie that win that just happened outside of Minneapolis that looked crazier than Debbie you watched our stream of Debbie making landfall it was very underwhelming when it came to wind the storm surch was pretty crazy though so Brandon has a good view does he wow yeah actually they both do let's go to Brandon Copic again he's on the YouTube or on YouTube and also on the radar Omega app and you can download radar Omega with the top Link in the description below to watch both Brandon Copic and as well as Cory girkin which Cory also has quite the view right now what the hell are you doing they are both back down on the southern side of this line south of Minneapolis than you Michelle for becoming a three-month member I do not consider Pittsburgh to be in the Ohio Valley personally I really only consider like Ohio and Tennessee and Kentucky and like Indiana maybe Western Pennsylvania maybe like Western Pennsylvania than you Vex for the 499 I don't know what that means but I appreciate the Super Chat any trampolines on trees I bet there are I just I haven't seen any reports yet of trampolines being on the tall trees on this Thursday tossing trampolines on tall trees Thursday head back brand Copic pretty good view of the storm right now look at that precept look at that core just look at [Music] it remember the bench yeah had a whole bench March too we had the bench March for the hurricane tby pretty funny [Music] back to live radar back to Cory as well once he's back with a good view he had a pretty good view there a moment ago all right let me see hey I'm going to keep honest with you guys I I've seen this message I think three or four times let me uh do this real quick let's do one moment please I don't know how to do this give me one second this this this type of spamming guys like this is like 10 messages all in the last like 20 minutes will the weather be bad in in Alabama come on thank you Carol for the $2 Super Chat the Ohio River starts in downtown Pittsburgh does it I guess you're in the Ohio Valley then oh my God now now we got every asking everybody's asking now yeah there isn't any tornado possible labels anymore just back to severe thunderstorm warnings thank you by the way to anybody that's super chated or become become a member appreciate your support thank you to all of our members of the channel these streams would not be possible without you guys I really do appreciate it than to anybody that subscribed as well we are getting very close actually to 368,000 subscribers so I do appreciate anybody that's subscribed as well to the channel on the road to 500 apparently we're back up to 20 severe thunderstorm warnings by the way again a lot of them are not even where we're talking about really today I mean most of them are back down in like random places like Virginia Maryland and Alabama well we got one in Alabama I I need to check it on Alabama real quick because you know ninja was talking about Northeast Alabama is it concerning this weekend well we do have a storm near Birmingham that's apparently severe with 60 m per hour winds so it's not Northeast Alabama but we do got some stuff out there all right hash down the trampolines Ash trampoline awareness said in my chat Australia looks hot what does that have to do with anything that we are talking about back to Cory Gerkin Cory has a pretty good view you're going to see it in a second of that southern storm just south of Minneapolis GP bada bing bada boom view that storm right there yeah I'm going to see what it looks like as I go further Cory get starlink I don't think so did he Cory staring does anybody know Cory giren have starlink I know Brandon did but Brandon Copic starlink got ripped off his roof from that tornado yesterday Jacob for the Super Chat how long without Diet Coke we're almost on a month 29 days right now Cory gin has a star I did not know that a better haircut LOL I love this Channel I don't think there's anything funny about that my haircut is fine thank you there's been a lot of haircut and hairline slander recently and it will not be tolerated I mean after my stream yesterday this is what I pulled up this is the first thing I saw after my stream yesterday like dude come on guys my hairline is not that bad it's not a cold frontal boundary thank you friend in Florida for the $10 Super Chat hey you could probably go sit on the bench if you're in Florida it's back over I don't know where it was but it was like near Cedar Key you Genie for the or becoming a three-month member I have noticed a difference I actually eat healthier now for whatever reason like I I don't I haven't been going to like McDonald's or anything like that recently I've only gone once I think in the last like month I was going like almost every day I felt like in the last few months before that I actually got groceries too which is shocking I know might shock a lot of you I didn't buy groceries for like four months it's a long stretch look at the rotation on that hairline there's no rotation on my hairline please I'm vulnerable my boyfriend is losing his hair I don't love him or I don't love him less that's good at least I mean if your boyfriend's here and you said something else then you know you might be cooked so it's good to keep that secret Max grocery fund has to start again hey it might have to we're getting groceries again I know crazy stuff then you butt for the becoming a one Monon member I I I agree with that I agree they're just jealous jealous of the perfect hairline it's it's perfect than you Tracy for the $5 Super Chat like we've had the topic of you barely being able to boil water I know how to boil water guys please I'm not that bad at cooking all right I I burn grilled cheese sandwiches sometimes but one of those things is not not knowing how to boil water they flash for become for the $20 Super Chat appreciate the generosity I appreciate that a lot thank you flash appreciate the generosity put some W's in the chat for flash why are you even cooking knock it off wow you want me to live a healthier lifestyle I guess I have to go back to McDonald's that's what April just said McDonald's every day here we come new members only video can you cook better than a fifth grader I probably can't honestly I think a fifth grader would do better do have a new damage report coming out of Egan maple tree snapped near base it's the latest over there thany milky for the Super Chat I don't know what that even means but I appreciate the Super Chat well that got personal what's wrong with McDonald's just can't have it I haven't had it in a while hey yo you got a square face get some round glasses what I have a square face it's not that no it's a little bit squarey I guess I don't know he's right though McDonald's is bad you eat McDonald's like every day and you still go to McDonald's it's crazy behavior exceeding hairline Friday we're not we're we're keeping flying fences Friday we're not renaming Friday there's no shot no shot we're renaming Friday I like Friday's name than that one guy for becoming a four-month member looks bro the the Flaming of the hair Line's getting out of hand McDonald's has the best diet of coke that's why I went to McDonald's so much honestly actually does have good diet coke a lot of carbonation and like the straw or something does something special I don't know some weird stuff happening at McDonald's will McDonald's be bad in Alabama bro how many subs for a shaved head stream guys we're not shaving my head northward moving outflow boundary jokes incoming no absolutely not what does the chat summary say I don't think the chat summaries are working I could be wrong I haven't seen them recently than you account for the $2 Super Chat how did you like the hellofresh order you got a while back the only hellofresh order I got the first one I got all the meat and stuff was warm like the The Ice basically melted the second one I was supposed to get got lost in transit so I just gave up thank you James Pettis for the or petus for the $2 Super Chat dude stop with the my my hairline looks fine thank you Charles for the very generous $20 Super Chat I appreciate that a lot thank you yeah final year meteorology is definitely going be hard especially the first semester here hopefully the second semester isn't as bad hopefully live stream from Waffle House dude I'm not streaming from Waffle House I've actually never had Waffle House waffle house has not been in my uh catalog of places I've gone in my life hello fresh is horrible wow that's disrespectful I don't really know how it taste I mean I've had it before but like not recently I couldn't even have it Denny's live stream when I don't think I've ever been to Denny's either thank you tech for the 999 Super Chat I'm gonna be honest I have no clue I don't know I don't have an answer for you I do appreciate the Super Chat I don't know off the top of my head I just I don't know waffl house is mid don't waste your time I would have to say it is probably pretty mid just by how cheap the prices are grow out a mullet give Connor a run for his money I'm not I'm not growing out of mullet this chat is literally going crazy about Denny's for some reason Denny's in Waffle House like never I've never had either I'm pretty sure I haven't been I may have been to Denny's like when I was like one or something love The Awful Waffle what that's a name for a waffle The Awful Waffle can I order the Awful Waffle please get it with some sour cream like sounds horrendous I'm not doing a mohawk no get that gritty haircut speaking of gritty if we get 20 members I'll do a gritty today I didn't do a gritty last stream what in the world is going on I couldn't tell you Buffalo Wild Wings stream when I actually had BDubs recently I when stormm I was here in Florida we went to BDubs it's it smacked it was pretty good no sour cream slander who's eating sour cream with a waffle i' would love to know you milky for the Super Chat I don't know what what what even is that haircut I got to look it up there you Echo for becoming a two-month member appreciate that dude I'm not getting a haircut like that I'm not getting an R9 hair haircut that looks horrendous no no shot that's not happening anytime soon or ever sour cream eating stream when I'm not eating sour cream I don't even like sour cream it looks disgusting Max versus Conor crof cooking competition please if we do a cooking competition there's just no way I'm winning by any margin I I would probably get a one out of 10 if we had judges it would be the worst thing ever I don't know what cook I'd probably just cook a grilled cheese put some bacon on it and call it a day thank you native for the Super Chat I don't know who that is I appreciate the Super Chat actually I'm G to look this person up too dude his hairline does not look good what do you mean at least I have a hairline stream for the Super Chat you have a Buzz Lightyear costume in your mailbox there's no shot I don't think I even have any packages right now I haven't got notified hey Jordan for the Super Chat Chicago suburbs will probably not have much tomorrow quickly go to the future radar 4 today and tomorrow yeah I don't have any mail in my mailbox right now this what tomorrow looks like I don't think we're going to have anything really in Chicago I think our only threat for legit severe weather will be like Eastern Michigan and it'll be like an hour long so live stream very unlikely tomorrow unless for whatever reason these storms decide to go a bit crazy in near Detroit uh there is a 2% tornado risk over there but does not look very live streamable right now members only cooking stream would be fun fun for you guys not fun for me I'm not wearing a Buzz Light your costume there's no shot thank you CM for becoming a two-month member than you Tech also for the 499 Super Chat than you also quick for the8 pound super chat I nearly lifted a discarded crisp packet what does that even mean talking about ketchup definitely wobbled bumblebee confirmed from six mile per hour winds are we talking about ketchup packets I need to know in the chat who eats ketchup with chips I I need to know with plain potato chips does anybody do that I I I want to know he you Elizabeth for becoming a member and welcome to the velocities Dakota there's no shot you do you just said yes there there's just no way you you do not I'm hly going to do a poll for this we need we need the answer if you eat french fries with ketchup and you're saying you you need to figure out what's going on cuz like it's literally the same thing but better thany James Peters for the $5 Super Chat dude your hairline is so far back an archaeologist couldn't find it that's that's a violation thank you Larry for the 999 how about if we fund a mullet I'm not growing out a mullet I'm not doing what Connor does there's just no way with Florida heat and humidity there would be no way I could do that you pimp for the Super Chat all right 33% of you eat chips with ketchup all right it's those are pretty good numbers pet just said I'm out of money now bro this guy this guy super chats tries to Flame me about my hairline and is out of money what a guy cheese fries with hot sauce all right now that sounds disgusting is this a British chat or what what this is not British this is definitely English this chat is going so fast I don't know what's happening anymore th this stream went from so weather related to so off topic so fast it was the biggest downfall we've ever had it's a texture issue there's nothing wrong with chips and ketchup there's no texture issue there how are the tropics looking check out my video today I have more details on it I talked about it near the end of the forecast definitely recommend you check it out there hey Larry for the Super Chat french fries with mustard what now that is disgusting that's like eating chips with mustard or that just awful that's an awful combo Max has ketchup in his water bottle that is false I do not have ketchup in my water bottle mustard on a hot dog I had mustard on a hot dog one time and I almost threw up that was the worst experience ever mustard mustard is just not it thank you Kathy for becoming a member and welcome to the velocities you get back to talking about the storm there isn't really much to talk about right now I mean there's no severe storms anymore in Nebraska or in um Iowa and if even if there was it would just be for wind we had storms here near Kansas City this is the radar Omega Cyclone Port not really much happening here either just some updrafts that have kind of struggled to actually come together the east Coast is really the only area that actually has pretty active weather right now and it's all just wind and hail I really seen anything out of the ordinary there thank you Scott for the Super Chat how's it going Joselyn fries dipped in a chocolate shake that sounds like somebody somebody would do that like Sonic or something the main event that we went live for was the Minneapolis stuff and it's pretty pretty mid at this point there actually is a little bit of circulation that developed back over South the Hastings but still not much still watching to see if something happens I mean again we're we're going to be live here for a little bit just to make sure nothing really pops off so we'll stay live something does appear a bit more toric mostly just wind otherwise though chips and gravy no that sounds awful F reminder if you are new to the channel make sure to subscribe down below it is free to do like the stream as well thank you Samantha for becoming a moderate velocity member do appreciate that and welcome to the velocities we are only 500 subscribers currently from 368,000 make sure to subscribe if you're new to the channel also if you want to become a member of the channel it is the top link or one of the top links in the description down below you get benefits like a chat badge bloopers access we have a very funny bloopers video for members only you can check that out if you become a member memberships start from little as $22.99 a month links down below it's also the join button also today's stream is brought to you by radar Omega you can download radar Omega with the top Link in the description below on IOS and Android comes with tons of features like the live radar stormchasers you got live cameras across the entire country especially back over in the Southeast um and in addition to that comes with computer model data and satellites if you become a subscriber in the app there are three different subscription tiers that start from as little as $4.99 a month definitely recommend you check those out with additional features you can check it out with the top Link in the description below on IOS and Android and thank you to menacing for the $5 donation I do appreciate that there's ketchup flavor chips I've actually heard of that I have not tried them I don't think I'd rather just eat ketchup with chips it just is way better hey Jacob for the Super Chat do you like poutine I've never actually had P team before there is a tornado possible lab in Pennsylvania but I'm not really seeing much here it doesn't really look that impressive were there any tornadoes today uh we likely at least had we at least said one but probably two or three uh mainly just north of Minneapolis a little bit earlier in the Stream this is the latest From The Storm Prediction Center the risk for localized damage damage gig wind and wind gust and perhaps a brief tornado May persist for another hour or two but before waning by 9:00 so I've never actually seen a typo on an SBC uh mesoscale discussion but there you go there is the typo by 8 to n how I join Discord the link is in the description down below I haven't plugged this in a while but don't forget if you want to pick up a piece of merch from shot Max you can we have drunk NATO merch we have Max velocity merch Max hydration merch definitely recommend you check it out again if you don't know what a drunk NATO is that's what it looks like top right of your screen definitely recommend you pick one of these up shot Max the link is in the description it'll also be in the chat but that is a drunk NATO we actually had a couple of drunk NATO yesterday got my Max velocity hoodie super comfy that's awesome I do not have a Max velocity shirt on today I usually would the uh the problem is I don't want to be uh recognized at college so there you go trying to avoid wearing that right now you get ptin at Epcot yeah I just I've never had it before I mean I've seen it I've seen it before I just haven't had it never really had a craving to get it there is a zip up yes there is there is a zip up Hoodie just in time for the fall you see some of the videos from stormchasers yesterday we had literally people on our stream yesterday Chasers that were intercepting tornadoes but I did see some of the videos after the fact too by the way our merch is international shipping so if you are in a different country I had somebody ask earlier but it does go to like the UK and stuff as well so just throwing that out there oh got a looks like a crash this is Brandon Copic Again on YouTube in radar Omega some somebody hydrop planed I think off the road it looks like everybody's okay it looks like somebody maybe hydroplaned off the road good reminder to take it slow in the roadways especially with how wet it is crosss Minnesota and Wisconsin it does appear as everybody's okay I don't see any like major damage or anything I usually wouldn't show anything like that but just looks like a spin out or something like that what's the risk with these storms at this point mostly wind could see an isolated tornado or two before this wains down or winds down by about like 8 or nine across both Wisconson Minnesota still watching for a wind threat though even Beyond now it's just the threat of severe weather in general is definitely a little bit lower than before so we'll keep a close eye if anything does happen though bro it's like a hurricane outside my house I'm surprised there's no severe thunderstorm warning on this right here near the uh terminal Radar Site the velocities on the terminal Radar Site were pretty high no warning on this copyright strike imagine happy birthday Doug yeah Connor has actually a pretty good view right now of the shelf cloud look at that right there I'll leave it on Conor for a second I'll be back in like 60 Seconds for there we go boom that's why we grinded it out chat cuz look at that look at that beautiful shelf that's why we did it wow that is impressive look at that structure completely off topic but for those that live in Oklahoma there is a grocery tax I had no clue that there was a grocery tax in any state I didn't know they actually had tax on groceries by way Brandon is saying the driver's fine and all that so just letting you guys know look at that chat thank you Mason for becoming a 3mon me should be mostly just isolated hail and wind it's really about it but even then I don't really expect much severe weather over there mostly just strong storms I had no clue they actually had a such such thing as a grocery tax I thought it was just like a a Countrywide thing where they didn't tax on groceries they actually have grocery taxes in Alabama and Pennsylvania apparently but apparently they just got rid of it in Oklahoma so I just saw it on my Facebook feed is a grocery tax not normal I didn't think so do not think so Oklahoma has a tornado tax wow now that's something yeah I don't when the grocery tax ends I just saw something about it like it's going away who knows when thought it was interesting no problem Mason no problem at all that's a be going to get I'm going to get out ahead of it again that's a be roll out back out ahead of it I live in California don't even get me started with taxes I had no idea how bad I I I won't get you started don't worry I will not get you started feel like you get taxed for walking in California like I feel like it's just everything there we apparently had a video of a water spout on the lake there was an actual water spout in Iowa excuse me this is actually like next to a radar Omega Cyclone Port that's crazy there's actually a legit water spout apparently in Iowa that was at 3:05 so it's about two almost 3 hours ago this just came in though at Spirit Lake near The Sandbar Beach Resort in Dickinson County there's a video of it apparently I don't know where it is but sheesh water spout reported in Iowa who would have thought I thought it was going to say Lance boo that's pretty crazy oh what a thk hey you Gabe for the Super Chat no problem appreciate you tuning in thank you quickly also for becoming a member and welcome to the velocities go back to uh Connor Connor by the way right now is just enter just entered into Wisconsin on I94 near Roberts going in the direction of Baldwin static welcome to Bears cage your Prescott Minnesota are we sure talking about Prescott Minnesota I don't think Prescott even exists in Minnesota where's Prescott Minnesota Prescott Wisconsin okay oh right here just to the south of Hastings there was a little bit of rotation here earlier nothing really came together yeah right there that's what we're looking at yeah little little couplet right now in your Oak Grove uh moving into Wisconsin this could get tornado warned actually it's right it's right on the border of Minnesota and Wisconsin unored area of rotation right now about to move right into Oak grve back to Conor real quick wait for another radar scan impressive shelf cloud there again in Western Wisconsin thank you Jack for the $2 Super Chat uh T Mo should just mostly be wind trying to form out in front of us fortunately I don't think they have enough we're just going to wait for the next radar scan here it's a big shelf cloud huge shout out to Donald for picking up two Max velocity mugs on shopmax appreciate that there's the latest scan still got a coupl it and potential tornado threat going into Western Wisconsin going towards River Falls and Ellsworth and Martell we've actually covered River Falls before like a big hail storm but currently not tornado warn definitely have a couplet though developing moving to the Northeast what app am I using it's radar Omega you can download it with the top Link in the description below we are currently on the Minnesota and Wisconsin border and we are keeping a close eye on this couplet here near Oak Grove is your last name actually velocity no I people keep telling me to rename myself to like actually having the last name velocity I wouldn't even be surprised if we got an isolated tornado threat in uh Northwest Wisconsin I think it's a much lower chance though really our main Corridor for any tornado threat will probably be in this area uh Western Wisconsin and Southeastern Minnesota see this latest velocity scan shows it's coming in what is Connor's Chase vehicle uh I think it's a Toyota Rav 4 well I've seen it before it is a Toyota Rav 4 I just don't know what kind I think it's a hybrid or something I literally have seen it before literally drove it to Florida latest scan still showing rotation again not really stronger or anything like that but definitely something to watch for for potential tornado threat right now on track for the town of River Falls it's right near the alow boundary it's right literally right next to the Ala boundary too so a new tornado warning has been issued all right brand new tornado warning that is going to be for Pierce and sa St Crow counties in Wisconsin so if you are in this tornado warning seek shelter immediately away from Windows lowest floor possible and in an interior room of your h building is for Oak Grove Town of River Falls Martell Baldwin Woodville and eventually T of Caddy will be in the track of this so velocity's couplet right now near Oak Grove currently moving to the Northeast and actually Connor is in this tornado warning so bottom right of your screen we'll be keeping a close eye on him he's actually in this warning right now we'll see how this develops but it's been definitely rotating for about 10 to 15 minutes now just hasn't really come together yet it is moving currently kind of a little North have another radar scan in a second I think Connor is going to be going towards this so we'll keep a close eye on him use driving down right now to the South l a velocity scan coming in in within the next 30 seconds making its loop on the radar sweep on radar Omega St Croy County thank you yeah St Croy and Pierce counties in Wisconsin here's the latest scan still got very strong velocities going away from the radar going towards is pretty weak this is the couplet that we're kind of watching for here uh again near Oak grve it is moving Northeast towards the town of River Falls and Martell this environment here in Western Wisconsin is still favorable enough for a tornado or two so we are watching this very closely have a little bit of circulation too near Aton which is right on the border of Wisconsin and um uh Minnesota the terminal Radar Site not really showing that as much it still shows that rotation though for sure near Oak Grove that's what we're watching for right now wait for another radar scan we'll go to Connor Connor is going to be approaching this this his view right now he is still a little ways away from the couplet but he is going to be approaching this over the next several minutes and he is in the tornado warning so keep a close eye on him thank you ardwin for the Super Chat appreciate that thank you for tuning in dude the ground is just taller on the right side of me for some reason the CC drop at the edge that's just clear air contamination so again Conor crof we're live on him because is right now inside of the torado warning and we are waiting for another radar scan there's nothing to really tell you about right now so we're just going to stay on him that is the Leading Edge of the line of storms that you're seeing on the right further down to the left and kind of in the middle that is where we're looking for the potential for a tornado you ever noticed in public I've been noticed quite a bit I've been at least noticed it like a dozen times now somewhere over there too far away though Connor is in Wisconsin yeah and he's currently let me give you a mileage he is got a couplet he's about 14 miles from the couplet but the couplet going toward Ward him so give or take 5 minutes until he's within pretty close distance of at least seeing maybe a lowering or something like that we do have a new radar scan that just came in we're going to go back to radar again this is the latest scan so if we have a tornado it'll be near Oak Grove see what the velocities look like that there's no de there's no debris signature no CC drop as of right now see what the velocities look like upate here in just a moment four minutes behind but velocity should update waiting for velocities to update have not updated yet this is in Wisconsin again if you're just tuning in near Oak grve and River Falls East of Minneapolis we are also watching broad circulation west of River Falls so a couple areas that we're looking at right now this is still a favorable environment for tornadoes it's not a done deal yet so again continue to stay in your safe place if you are in this warning the terminal Radar Site still showing rotation for sure the other Radar Site just updated we still do have rotation so we definitely could see a tornado drop and again that'll be on track for Connor going Northeast going go back to Connor and see what he's looking at here he's about to take believe a turn he's getting in position right now for this rot River Tyler for the Super Chat appreciate that heading right for my location like right for it we'll start off by going west because we're going to have to be north of the circulation to see it more than likely at least I think Conor's just evaluating his Road options right now that is that what you're seeing here is the line of storms that's not what's producing the tornado right now what would be producing the potential tornado is going to be on his left and probably about a couple minutes once he drives a bit further down the road road options are a little bit scarce in this area we do have a shelf nice little shelf cloud latest CC radar update still not showing any signs of a debris signature waiting for velocities to update bottom right of your screen again this is near oakrow Wisconsin with this Tado warning some our left King the lines over there we're going to go back to radar just going to show you again guys if you are just tuning in this is the tornado warning again going in the direction of town of River Falls in Martell it is still again a radar indicated tornado um R A again not super tight by any means but I definitely wouldn't roll out a tornado with a couplet like this it is currently moving Northeast I do want to go right back to Conor cuz he has an insane view of this structure look at this thing wow think I see what a view of this storm look at that thing the storm that's going to be producing the tornado potential is right there it's in front of him we're looking on the right be right there see that dark kind right there on the right that's the line of storms with the shelf cloud it would be be right in there again this is right inside the tornado warning Conor is still probably about 8 miles or so to the northeast of where the rotation is right in there he's not trying to go too far into the storm itself because the storms are going so fast it's going be hard to keep up with them if he goes too far that's where it would be this was just updated it is still radar indicated so no confirmation as of right now it's heading pretty much directly at us so we do have a small possibly CC drop but we don't have any update on velocities or reflectivity so that might just be contamination or something along those lines we're going to just wait and see yeah that looks like a tamination all right we're going to see what the velocities look like I'm going to go back to them once they update here's a fire department T-shirt o Clair Wisconsin we've been following you for a couple of years I saw you in Hudson I was parked there I was going to buy you dinner because I thought you're whatever reason the velocities are just deciding not to update right now but where that rotation is going to be now is going to be near the town of Fall Rivers no CC drop at this point waiting for a velocities to update whatever reason they do not want to cooperate go back to terminal Radar Site they'll probably cooperate actually got more of a couplet on the other one possible tornado South the town of River Falls just not sure why the other radar s's not updated apparently there's people moving into the university and River Falls right now so not good timing for sure definitely get into your safe place you're in that area if we do have a tornado it would be just south the River Falls again this is live right now on this tornado warning did you guys see any rotation up north not really or Fall Rivers sorry Fall Rivers River Falls same thing where is Fall Rivers isn't it isn't it just River Falls did you see the two cops where about three miles back they turned that way and went towards the black cloud really start laughing was that the college or something yeah I'm going to I'm going head down this road thank you so much have you seen any trampolines today we have not yet seen any trampolines going to have to be on the north side of it if we want to see it have to be on the North side St to move again heading right at us right here still no CC drop anywhere do not understand why the velocities just do not want to upd I have to be on that North Side that's where I'm going to get oh was there a guy talking to Conor I wasn't even listening sucks there too going back to live radar here if we have a tornado it would be southeast of River Falls we don't have any debris signature as I mentioned before uh we're going to have to keep going back to the terminal Radar Site because the velocities don't want to update for some reason on the regional one that's what it looks like on velocities right now and again if we have a tornado it would be right there moving in the direction where Connor is we don't have anything confirmed at this point but that would be the area of interest right near 65 moving towards 29 let me go back to the other radar set again don't have any debris signature which is good news but doesn't mean we don't have a tornado I'm not seeing really any other couplets so this is really the main one it was a local firefighter who gave him a shirt I was going to buy him dinner oh I got you okay that's cool I sorry I didn't have my audio on I have it like on it's just pretty quiet we're going to go back to there didn't load he has a big time lowering though if I can get to load bro come on there we go big lowering right now almost in a spot might on this storm and Conor crof chasing it velocity's updated at 604 still definitely have rotation there's no doubt we have at least some rotation perhaps a lowering definitely could be close to having a tornado that's again 7 minutes ago I'm going to check my phone and see if it's updating faster thank you Tammy for the general Super Chat appreciate that going to go just our South this is where in the chat for Tammy yeah this is definitely rotating I mean the the my phone's up faster this is definitely rotating still definitely still have a couplet perhaps a tornado rain wrapped or is trying to drop right now again this is the live shot here of this storm in Wisconsin again your River Falls that is attempting to produce a tornado there it is oh that might be a cone that might be down might be a cone in there yo there's a cone in there there's a cone right there that might be down that's down I think that that yeah that might be on the ground a tornado guys there's a tornado right there yeah that's definitely a tornado on the ground tornado's down tornadoes on the ground right there tornado's down tornado down that is a tornado that is on the ground it's becoming less condensed just to the east of the River Falls tornado down I saw it all the way to the ground for a second it's just it's a bull funnel now [Music] might have just lifted still has a funnel at the bare minimum so going to be approaching Martell Baldwin Woodville and Hond as well as town of caddy in Wisconsin we're in a perfect spot so make sure you're in your safe place we able to get up right that little funnel there could drop again going to Cross Road start starting to get rain wrapped a little bit in there coming back down toner yeah that's the main concern I'm losing it with the rain contrast losing it losing it it was down though for a second it was down for a second there's the lowering as a whole we don't have any de signature still but there was a tornado this is what we're looking at on live radar right now if we have a tornado which we just did it's west of Martell rotation is currently not updating still but we don't have any debris signature but if we have a tornado it would be right there this is the latest velocity scan definitely still have an RFD surge meaning we definitely have damaging winds without a doubt going towards Centerville Palmer and Woodville Wisconsin again this is your circulation so if we have a tornado it be right near Highway 29 moving to the Northeast could only see it down for a second that's again the live shot here it's more than likely now a rain wrap tornado hang on if it's if it's still down it'll cross this road if it's still down it'll cross our road right here keep an eye on that right side keep an eye on the right side I get through these trees right here it's just a big rain shaft what you're looking at by the way right now we don't have any definitive view of that tornado right now just back to radar real quick this is the velocities if we have a tornado it's going to be near Centerville Connor's right here for reference so he's going I believe eastbound this what radar looks like so the tornado's going to be kind of on that Leading Edge a bit rain wrap though approaching Centerville all right so again moving Northeast it's on track for Baldwin I94 also in the track of that and eventually going to be going towards the town of tainter so they will be also in the track of this so again the live shot right now from Conor crof rain right Martel it is down by the way Mary for the $10 venmo appreciate that thank you for the generosity could be it's right here I think think it's right there it's going to probably be hard to see again and likely rain wrap tornado right there can't confirm if it's down still cannot confirm if it's still down you're tuning in this is a tornado rning your Baldwin Martel in Western Wisconsin a lot of trees right now I'm going to go back to radar and just show you what's happening right now so again if there is still a tornado it's going to be located just Northwest of Martell we still have an inflow Notch got the hook and everything still a very organized supercell uh velocities apparently I just got word that there is an outage at the radar site over in the radar site that we're using in Minneapolis so that Radar Site is the reason why we have some delays with some of the data coming in I think it's coming in again though cuz we're getting updates frequently with the velocities um this is an urgent alert a tornado is on the ground seek shelter immediately all right this this warning just got upgraded we are now on a confirmed tornado which again Conor Croft did spot there a few minutes ago not sure if it is still on the ground but if we do have one it's going to be in the direction of Woodville in town of caddy in Western Wisconsin so if you are in the pink polygon again make sure that you are your safe place away from Windows lowest floor possible and in an interior room of your home or building again this tornado is going to be right about here we don't have as much of the wind going towards the radar as we did before not nearly as organized but we can still have a tornado with this like little couplet here near Centerville so that's where we're kind of watching to see if we have another tornado that tries to drop or if we still have one on the ground uh when this was spotted it looked a little bit more like this so it did not look super impressive so we definitely could still have a tornado with the similar sort of setup right now that we have uh with this particular Super Cell let's go back to Connor this again just been upgraded to a confirmed uh tornado wrong button going back to Connor though large rain shaft again if we have a tornado it might be rain wrapped but keep a close eye and see if we can see anything here how's it going Freddy appreciate you become a member by the way look welcome to the velocities how's it feel can't confirm anything interet [Music] [Music] uh Logan should just mostly be wind pretty low threat of any severe weather Road does something stupid up here so might lose visual it's great Freddy Ro does like this weird little te all right we're going to go back to live radar for a second if you're just tuning in this is an observed Tornado by weather spotters it was a pretty much rain wrapped tornado a few minutes ago back over west of Martell this is now north of Martell and if we still have a tornado which it's unknown if we do but if we have one it's going to be approaching Woodville this is an urgent alert a tornado is on the ground seek shelter immediately all right and they've just issued an extension to this tornado warning it's going to continue as a tornado warning and it is going to continue as an observed tornado warning if you are anywhere just to the north of menani back over west of the town of tainter near Glenwood City boyceville wheeler Connorsville Connor crof I guess lives there or something nap Emerald uh these are the areas in the track of this particular tornado warn cell it is going to continue as an observed tornado warning uh which again is a reported rain wrapped tornado uh just east of River Falls a few minutes ago if you are in the pink polygon make sure that you are seeking shelter immediately away from Windows lowest floor possible and in an interior room of your Homer building as this continues to track to the Northeast just south the prairie farm excuse me just south of prairie farm is where this will be heading over the next several minutes um couplet overall has been definitely decoupling over the last few scans but we could still have a tornado right there uh which reflectivity hasn't updated yet but if we have a tornado it would be right there matching it up with CC we still don't have a debris signature but it basically be within a mile of where Connor is uh just off to the east of Centerville approaching Woodville over the next several minutes and again that is currently moving in the direction of I94 back to Connor here real quick see if we have any other traffic camps perhaps in Wisconsin yeah are Rd all right we do have some TR we actually do have live cameras on i 94 so we're going to keep a close eye on those front of us and if there's a tornado it's going to be somewhere where Connor is he's basically right in the hook right now bottom right of your screen this is Connor and that's the hook where there would be a possible tornado within about a half a mile them just kidding it's about a mile Northeast of I think now it's going to lose signal a little bit here and this would be where we have a tornado if it is still on the ground it's going to be approaching Woodville it is highly likely that this is a rain wrapped tornado this is just North of Centerville this is actually a live shot on the Wisconsin traffic cams back over on I94 so just off to the north of where this tornado is uh frequent lightning can't really see much here but there is obviously a lot of rain low visibility so definitely a lot of problems out there already for people that are driving there but um I'm not seeing anything definitive on this traffic G just want to point that out that's where the Leading Edge of the damaging wind threat is uh just back off to the northwest of that hook the latest velocity scan still showing that couplet just to the south of Baldwin the CC still not showing anything so no debris signature but that right there if there is a tornado that is where it just be approaching the town of Ule going towards Woodville and town of caddy that is currently again moving to the Northeast going towards Glenwood City boyceville and Wheeler and nap back to Connor here air somewhere just to my North somewhere just just to my Northeast just to the Northeast barely like two north of me you're just tuning in like And subscribe only tornado of the day we got it fre down this is not the only tornado of the day by the way just letting you guys know here went through here I don't think you I don't think he heard about the one earlier down there has been at least one other tornado there was one earlier back over like north of Minneapolis at least one I think there was two though it's shingle damage oh yeah it's down it was down Conor is reporting that there's damage in the area so that's probably still on the ground oh heck no heck no Lo these couplet is approaching I94 nowu sem okay we got a we got another view of this close by r r lead we're going go back to Conor in a second this is a live shot this is looking W This Tornado War cell uh like like in the area we don't have a view right now but it's probably still a rain wrapped tornado looked like lightning but maybe even some power flashes possibly a tornado we still don't really know for sure if it's still rain wrapped in there but that is one of the live shots that I'm going to keep a close eye on somewhere to our rightz that's right on I94 where this tornado would be going some to the right more just north just North I'm going to get on I94 I'm still watching the other live sh I can blast these somewhere just to our right trying to get in front of it now we got Northerly Big Time rain wrap all right this is the latest radar scan velocities are definitely broadening a little bit so that might be a good sign not seeing as much of rotation again this will be approaching um areas just west of town of taner I do also want to point now we have rotation developing on a new storm that has just developed Southwest of menman so keep that in mind a little bit of rotation there another little discret cell that has developed still got a strong inflow Notch definitely still a possibility that we do get a tornado uh with that storm and also the one that we are currently looking at um as this activity does continue to move to the east Northeast this is another live shot again in Wisconsin on I94 this is a live shot towards this storm I'm not seeing anything again it's a very rain wrapped area of rotation so it's going to be difficult but Conor is really right behind it so we're going to go back to himone just died keep a close eye though on that other live c phone down might lose service I don't know a second probably three or four miles my East right now about 3 or four miles to my east of circulation I got about a mile to the highway got like a mile to Interstate 94 I got the plug in the freaking hotspot phone I would not call this an outbreak now not a tornado outbreak ow we only had I think two or three tornadoes today so back to live radar again the other tornado warning has now expired this storm is again moving towards Woodville town of caddy nap boyceville Glennwood City Connorsville wheeler town of Glenwood all in the track of this I do want to go back to this live shot and this is looking at this storm that is currently producing the tornado potential again this in real time heavily rain wrapped tornado without a doubt if we still have one look at this thing this storm's crazy this camera's moving around too this is a massive shelf cloud on it too that's the shelf cloud right there the Leading Edge of the damaging wind threat crazy looking storm back to Conor we definitely have rotation though developing on that other storm that just developed out in front of this going toward menani come on man fortnite got shut shut up Freddy's not letting you Chas with him shut up Jesus anyway is Conor by himself yeah he is here we go got to floor it it's about going to across the highway in a minute all we're go back to live radar yet again uh velocities are really starting to Bren out on this storm I'm not seeing anything that looks like this is still on the ground it does continue as a confirmed tornado warning though just east of Baldwin again going in the direction of town of tainter northwest of menani I do want to again bring your attention to this story night near Weston this thing is starting to develop at least some rotation this will probably end up getting tornado warn if it does continue with that rotation it's been developing over the last several minutes it's a very new storm uh this one definitely looks a little bit more concerning especially with that rotation that's developed west of the um oair area so definitely keeping a close eye on this storm we're going to keep a close eye on both of these storms over the next several minutes as obviously this one's been confirmed and then the other one that's developing that one is definitely starting to look a little bit more interesting here visual on radar this is a live shot of the tornado War cell if we have a tornado we actually might see it in front of us there's actually a little spin here look at this look like a little bit of spin right there top left of your screen maybe even back in here too this is the storm again that's tornado warned wind is picking up if we have a tornado it' be in here somewhere not seeing anything definitive but there is at least some spin in the clouds you can definitely see it especially at the top left of your screen look at that wind this is all the RFD search look at the wind really pushing here left to right if we have a tornado it's more than actually look at this right here that right there might be a little funnel is spinning right there more than likely though I would think it' be further down the road here that that looks like a funnel though right there and now the rain curtains are coming in quick that right there I think was a funnel yeah we can't even see anything anymore that became rain wrapped very fast there's multiple live shots here I'm going to see if we have another one anywhere all kind of up and down this area and the next time we really have any view we'll probably be back over near mamani actually got a trailer pulled over as well if we have a tornado it's going to be just east of Woodville that's where the main area of rotation is at least according to radar again Conor Croft right on the Storm we're going to keep a close eye on him that one camera that we were looking at um the one to the right of it went out the one that we were just looking at is still up so there are some power rages more than likely going to be happening in this area so again if you're in this warning definitely continue to stay in your safe place honestly I wouldn't be surprised if we got a tornado warning though for the this other storm here in a moment thank you joa for the 499 super chat ah crazy stuff I mean this environment is still favorable for tornadoes I mentioned it earlier but the tornado threat definitely not done by any means we're going to go back to Connor he's right behind that area of rotation for some reason the every time I go to that screen it just doesn't Lo there we go call the number so he's again just right behind this ttic supercell near Woodville in Wisconsin who actually we're going to go back to this camera back over in Wiscon this again on I94 in Wisconsin you can't really see much but look at this whole shelf cloud right here if we have a tornado it' probably be like right there it's just too hard to tell look at that wind just surging right now a lot of cars on the road too that might be a tornado I can't tell it's like it's very rain wrapped absolute surge of wind though I mean this is at least 70 m per hour winds oh power flash I think I think this saw on the I think that is a tornado there I think that's a tornado we just saw there was power flashes there in the background huge huge wind I this is a I don't know about the tornado being strong but at least the wind itself is very strong we're talking about 70 mph winds right now I think we just saw a power flash though I do think there's a tornado on the on the right side of your screen now it's looking westbound an I94 here near Woodville someone's definitely still a tornado the wind is going absolutely nuts and I the cars aren't even moving anymore they just came to a standstill wow what is happening oh my goodness cars are under the overpass that's ridiculous that's why everybody's stopping cars have gone under the overpass and stopped there don't do that dude that literally backed up that entire area of traffic and it's going to cause accidents but you literally cannot see a thing right now the wind is just so strong here this is probably 80 plus mile per hour winds that we're looking at right now this is just bananas we have more cameras coming up I'm going to see if any of these have a view of anything they're going to have a view here shortly I know that we're going to keep a close eye on those I don't know if we really have a tornado anymore but we may have but like right here this is just all RFD surge so this is going to all I mean we got 80 mph velocities being indicated on radar right on I94 it is crazy the camera's going back to looking westbound here all these cars have stopped because people have decided to stop under the overpass and we may have just lost this camera the camera may have just gone out nope it's back all right let me go back to it look at the just look at the rain curtains all that wind it's just you can't even see anything it's crazy how windy it is this is all 80 m per hour winds right on I 94 70 to 80 m per hour winds man oh man those rain currs are whipping this is crazy I kind of doubt it's I highly doubt that's an accident under the overpass I highly doubt it I've seen it way too many times on these live streams people always Park under overpasses it doesn't matter what it is and people will park in the middle of the road it's the dumbest thing it's clearing up a little bit again we kind of in and out here been very strong at times and goes back to being weak so again what radar looks like right now huge wind surge right now though going right across I94 and it's about to come up again here in a minute uh there's like a little dip right here on the I94 uh this will be the new area to watch for for the the next live camera basically being able to see this wind in real time it is very strong wind so we're going to have our next camera up in line here in a second um they have downgraded this warning it is back down to radar indicated so no longer a confirmed tornado but it is a radar indicated uh area of rotation this has a history of producing at least one or two tornadoes here in Wisconsin so take the warning seriously continue to stay in your safe place bare minimum we're talking about 80 mph winds that have literally been surging across i 94 this yellow on the velocities is indicating some velocities as high as 90 mph this is what I'm talking about by the way Connor is now stuck behind these people because there are people parked under the overpass no no don't block me don't block me in dude going to tell Conor I need to God damn it why you block me in I just saw on a live under that over buddy on ramp you're blocking me now sitting on the shoulder for no freaking reason dude get the hell out of my way yes go through that okay yes you go through that I can't oh he's going to try to go backwards I kind of didn't really think about telling him beforehand but I didn't think he was that far behind I also didn't really think of it but it is what it is still got 80 plus m per hour winds though right in the town of CAD area going towards nap and Wheeler still watch the storm also near mamani potential for a tornado will exist with that storm we back to the live camera on I94 this is a new live camera wind is beginning to pick up here so we're going to see what happens got a lot of people driving into the storm too wind's about to pick up here in a second it's in Wisconsin if you're just tuning in Western Western Wisconsin wind hasn't picked up quite yet here still hasn't picked up yet on that camera that's like literally right out in front of where this was coming up to the other live camera by the way that was back over like near the caddy area has gone down so that camera's gone but we are watching that other camera to see if anything does pick up cuz the worst of the wind would have literally just hit that area that RFD searge though might be going into nap instead it might have actually just went to the north of that I94 camera set so it's going towards naptown of Sherman wheeler in boyceville with the potential for 70 to 80 m per hour winds from what we just saw on that um live camera pretty crazy stuff we zoom out our next radar scan thank you Sam for the $5 Super Chat appreciate that may or me not me no money me no money what appreciate the Super Chat apparently that's the pronunciation RFD is the rear flank downdraft it's basically what comes out of the hook EO most of the time yeah the RFD search definitely a big concern right now moving East it's the latest scan the rotation on that me no money storm or whatever that that area of rotation a little bit broader we got a lot of storm mergers happening there still watching this storm with mostly a wind threat i' would say right now going towards the town of tainter moving Northeast right now so we're still watching both storms very closely as they continue to develop than also Logan for the Super Chat thank you crafter for the four-month membership thank you Jansen for the $5 Super Chat thank you Daniel for the $5 Super Chat uh de Mo should be mostly just a damaging wind threat and it should be pretty isolated I'm not too concerned about that area I was taught to go under the over underpass why not well it's an overpass first off but I mean the the reason why is cuz if one person stops then a lot more people are going to stop and then eventually the road just gets blocked and nobody can get through so there's no reason no reason at all for you to just stop under an overpass it doesn't matter if it's a hail storm doesn't matter if there's a tornado cuz it's it's actually less safe to be under an overpass even during a tornado there's just so many reasons why you should not be under an overpass or underpass what whatever you want to call it under and overpass sounds great I mean literally all the wind will just get funnel through so it's literally pointless to stay under it still got a little bit of rotation by the way near Pepin it's another little area that we'll have to watch for low tornado potential but definitely still relevant back over south of where the tornado warning is so between Southeastern Minnesota back into parts of Western Wisconsin west of oakair all mostly moving eastbound the storms currently in Iowa have been pretty tame they've been just mostly Gusty winds lightning Heavy Rain nothing really beyond that at this point and then back into Kansas is kind of the same way right now a another radar scan in a second I mean if there is a tornado debris can literally just get funneled into the you know underpass and you're just going to get basically cooked so it's not something you want to do even if there's a tornado warning if there's a a hail storm whatever it might be it doesn't matter just a bad idea no matter what you do than you Ben for the 499 Super Chat thank you Alex for the 499 I don't know where that place is Alex but main concern across the board at this point is damaging winds in an isolated tornado threat that includes Wisconsin uh Iowa's more mostly just going to be win from here out yeah the other thing is you could block out EMS Vehicles like if there's an emergency like they're just not going to be able to get past unless there's like a detour or something yeah Conor's just in a low single area he has a lot of trees and stuff around him he's going he's not an I94 anymore he decideed to take a detour I'm not sure if there's something other than what I mentioned like the uh I don't know if he got my message I have no clue if you heard it but originally the thing was that he like there was a again people parked under the over pass and then he decided to go around everything so I don't know if there was more than just that or if he didn't get my message one of the two is the rotation right over manmani yeah there's rotation right over manmani now that's actually coming together more again there is no tornado warning on this it's coming together surprised there is an a warning on that one the northern ones become much broader this one right over manaman has been rotating for a while hasn't really tightened but it's trying to come together right now a new tornado warning has been issued so brand new tornado warning for manmani town of weaton town of tainter all these areas included in a brand new tornado warning also town of red cedar is included in this if you are in the pink polygon seek shelter immediately away from Windows lowest floor possible and interior room of your building this rotation has been trying to tighten definitely could get a tornado and this is going to be going right into the town so if you are in this town you got to get to your safe place this is a pretty strong area of rotation it's not like a weak little tornado situation uh we definitely could get something a bit stronger if it does drop so you definitely want to make sure that if you are in manman or if you're in town of Cedar any these areas surrounding it the pink polygon you got to get to your safe place this is definitely a pretty significant situation if we do get a tornado to drop and that rotation has come together even stronger that is not a good sign that is tightening very quickly and that is very strong rotation is right over the town of menani this is not a small town at allom monoman okay I got it monoman monoman Wisconsin apparently that's the pronunciation it's a cc updated it's updated we don't have a CC drop yet let me check the Southern Radar Site we're waiting for the radar the velocities were much tighter a second ago again we could get a big time tornado right over monoman it's heading towards town of red cedar as well this is not a good situation because that rotation was very tight I don't know why it doesn't want to update now but a moment ago it was very tight and it was pretty strong got to be in your safe place if you're in this warning why is this radar not updating all right we'll give it a second we should get another radar scan in a second for velocities as well checking my phone too to see if we have any CC drop not seeing anything updated yet this is the latest velocity scan this is as of 650 should have another scan in a second if we have a tornado though it be right over the town of monoman this is the latest scan so if there's a tornado it's going to be right on the North side it's pretty tight rotation still be right over the North side near Ridgewood Heights it's going to be approaching the town of cedar or red cedar and I94 which there is a camera right in this area so I'm watching to see if anything happens on that the CC did update we don't have a debris signature right now but if we do have a tornado it's going to be right over the north side of monomane just north of Irvington waiting for radar to update we also have more rotation to the South we have several areas of rotation and we have this one strengthening again your boyceville it's fully rain but that rotation is intensifying again there too this is turning into a bit of a weird situation cuz we actually have several areas of rotation now uh we've had a few we've had a couple really over the last half hour but we have a new one down here to the South uh let me go to the southern Radar Site just to verify yeah we we got several areas of rotation we got some near watasha we got some south of Durand we obviously have the one in menman and as well as or menom and also the one near town of tainter so this is definitely ramping up a little bit with the tornado threat see what the velocity show here in a second we have any sort of torado on the ground with the the monomin storm it's going to be approaching town of red cedar here's the latest scan a little bit broader but if we have a tornado it's going to be just south of the town of tainter a little bit of rotation Still Remains in your boyfield they'll probably end up continuing that tornado warning if that rotation stays as is or even intensifies just a little bit whoa what is happening down here is that just contamination that thing tightened like crazy okay that might get tornado warned looks kind of like it's rotating let me go to base velocities it's back over West movi the higher tilts don't really show as much that definitely appears as if it's rotation looks like mostly wind back over in southeast Minnesota we have a new radar scan coming in we'll we'll check it out again in a moment and we have a new velocity scan coming in in a moment on this these two storms there's a report of a power flash as well in monomon so there is potentially a tornado if not a just damaging winds it's very possible it's it's a wind search we have very strong winds going right through n as we speak going towards the town of red cedar wait for radar to update let me go back to the southern Radar Site again appears as if we do have some rotation on these other storms too yet we still have some circulation near Wasa and Nelson that's going to be on track for movi and Independence so a little bit of rotation there I'm not seeing as much down here near Stockton but we're we're watching that area to the rotation that was ongoing near uh monoman is definitely broadened a lot more of the last few scans still have rotation near 170 it does appear at as if it is still somewhat broad we are watching both them very closely in case they produce a tornado at the very bare minimum right now we are talking about RFD surges which means rear flank down draft that we are dealing with that is going to be producing damaging winds in this area anywhere from 60 to 85 milph as this moves across i 94 it is on track for the oakair area so if you're an oakair definitely stay vigilant as these storms could still be producing the potential for either you know it might not be a tornado but at least could be a damaging win threat as this continues to move eastbound so that's what we're looking at right now again Connor is still approaching the storm from the West so he's still on this stuff botom right of your screen this actually a pretty good view this is back over on i 94 in Wisconsin wind should pick up here in a second this is the Leading Edge of the storm see if we can see anything a lot of lightning for sure nicely maintained lawn nice observation no problem Hannah yeah Wind and Rain are starting to pick up a little bit wind should pick up more in the next like 30 seconds it's an I94 I think it's kind of in between the two main wind bag threats so to go back to live radar again velocity is not really looking impressive on the southern storm anymore looks like it's Bo out into more of a wind threat perhaps becoming more dominant with wind and not really as much of a tornado threat the one-year wheeler still rotating some but not nearly as much as earlier I think this warning will probably just be let to expire um the southern storms back down your Alma honestly look a little bit more organized we've had a little bit of circulation on these so three different little areas of rotation that we're looking at back down near WBA red cedar a little bit Southwest of movi so if you're in any of those areas just continue to stay vigilant but they have gone ahead and let that tornado warning expire back over North the town of tainter the new concern right now is a broad area of circulation near monoman moving towards town of kfax town of Elk Mound and weaton and Elk Mound which is what I just said so if you're in those areas continue to stay in your safe place thank you Karina for becoming a member and welcome to the velocities as a friendly reminder if you are new to the channel make sure to subscribe down below keep you posted with the latest with severe weather coverage make sure to like the stream it does help you help get this out to more people there have been tornadoes today we've had a couple we actually had one with Connor about I don't know it feels like an hour ago now but probably about an hour ago and then we also had a tornado a couple possibly back over in Minnesota earlier in the Stream probably about like 40 minutes into an hour in this tornado warning has been updated still radar indicated so that's for the Wheaten area and tainter area just east of monomon but if you're in monomon you're no longer in the warning unless you're on the east side of town oair is not in the clear by any means you are still watching at least for a win threat but perhaps an isolated tornado threat there has been rotation embedded with several areas in this line none of which have looked to the point where they need to be warn warned but uh we're going to keep a close eye on it as it continues to move easty Michael for becoming a two-month member appreciate that wow it's a live shot of this storm and this is right on I94 might might might actually be a lowering right there whoa big CG right there you guys just see that wow that was a huge CG just south of I94 that was where that just struck it's like a big lowering though right here CG is cloud ground lightning another one there's two now two different cladr lightning strikes like not even a minute in the same spot basically that one was a little bit closer to the highway that looks like it's spinning though a little bit it kind of looks like we have two different lowerings this is looking Northwest than I94 right where this tornado warning is you jack for the Super Chat not not a big one it was it was pretty small it was regular that was a few days ago that was back on Sunday we're really looking at this right here that that's the area of interest for tornado potential just north of I94 in Western Wisconsin another CG man there's been a lot of close lightning strikes and a lot of them very bright too big rain shaft coming in it's going to be very low visibility here in a moment camera's shifting a little bit still looking Northwest though in I94 if we have a tornado again it's going to probably be in here that's where we're looking right now I I'm going to stay here looking at radar on my phone just to match everything up here but we did have a little tight couplet kind of develop but it might be contaminated EA monomin it's right over I94 which is where we're looking right now reason why we're on this camera it might just be a little bit contaminated but there is a couplet right over the interstate on the latest scan from the Minnesota Radar Site which is probably less accurate the one than the one down the South the one down to the South didn't show as much you kind of see it spinning though look at this look at the spinning motion kind of got it's a large mesocyclone by the looks of it you can kind of see you can't really see it fully at the top of your screen but there is some spin there let me uh condense my screen a little bit so you can just kind of see it look at the bot like top left right there you can kind of see it spinning see the clouds kind of spinning in this direction this is a pretty decent mesocyclone it is definitely spinning right now like literally over the camera it's literally spinning in this area lot of cloud ground lightning strikes thank you Shadow for the 999 Super Chat appreciate that all right we're looking more North now now if there again is a tornado it' probably drop right in front of us somewhere hopefully the camera goes tilted up a little bit more there is still a funnel I think that might be a funnel at the very top of my screen I you know full cam this all right I'm just going to do this see it right there top left of your screen another that looked like another lightning strike and not a power flash I wish they tilted the camera up a little bit more actually I might just go in the other direction I can't just going to keep it here it's about to get rain wrapped it's still spinning there you can kind of see it at the top left another CG right there lot of cloud ground lightning strikes with this storm highly electrified supercell here in in Wisconsin I'm going to go back cuz this is about to get rain wrapped I'm going to stay here for a moment I'm going to probably go back though to a different live cam that's more in front of this see if we have a better view but it does look like the rotation has broughten out again on that Minnesota Radar Site the uh the one in Wisconsin still showing relatively broad circulation where is this camera going the camera's going crazy all right let me let me just double check to see if we have any other live shots out in front of this that was near Elk Mound for reference we'll have more cameras out in front of this just none of them are right right now looking at this so that is our main camera we're going to go back to that in a moment this again the tornado warning that we have it's just Northwest of oakair goes for 13 more minutes broad circulation at this point anywhere just West and Northwest of O Clair so if you are in this area um again continue to stay in your safe place back over near the movi area still got some broad circulation moving in the direction of Mondovi and Highway 93 this is a severe thunderstorm War cell with a tornado possible label on it would not rule out an isolated tornado because we do have some rotation moving East Northeast on track for Elva movi and a few other locations and then back over um along the board near Winona I'm not seeing as much all right so that's what we're looking at right now we're going back to this live cam because the wind is picking up so the wind is definitely getting strong right now and wow another big CG had some big cloud ground lightning strikes in this area by the way if you want to see that lightning strike that happened initially you can go to my Twitter page Max velocity WX I just retweeted it Max velocity WX on Twitter if you want to check that out make sure to follow me on there as well we'll be posting updates on Twitter with photos and videos and all that too yeah the wind's definitely picking up now very low visibility as well camera may have just gone out give it a quick little reboot and see if it is or not give it the reboot card reboot van looks like the reboot worked another big CG strike man it's non-stop been so much lightning here with this storm it's crazy how close is Connor to this camera uh he's still a little ways away but he's going to be closer at some point he's still kind of behind I mean you can see him at the bottom right he's not really in the rain he's still a little bit behind it not in the heavy rain at least very slow traffic as well tornado warning was just updated for done in chip Ewa ities in Wisconsin it is still radar indicated rotation nothing confirmed at this point we go back to live radar I'm not really seeing much rotation at this point it's really Bren out it's very very broad as of right now so hopefully this particular storm is just wind and that's it but right now we are definitely watching for a wind concern especially for the oair area so we got some rotation here movi still got a little bit near Fountain City there's definitely rotation up and down this line but the one that's back up near oakair is bring out a lot I'm going to keep close eye on that area back to the Wisconsin camera again for now I'm going to leave it here for a moment I'll be back in 60 Seconds e all right hey you mono for the Super Chat how's it going Chelsea hey theme Pro for the one gift to member appreciate that if you got a GI to membership make make sure to thank theme Pro all we're not really seeing Much Anymore other than just rain we'll just go back to radar for now stay zoomed out until our next scan time to get my cheese cards I'm actually getting hungry it's eight it's it's actually already at 8 o'cl almost been live for four hours we were live for four hours yesterday probably going to be another four hour Banger today maybe even a bit longer do want to quickly bring this up it's not really related to what's happening right now but we do have now two areas of development now in the Atlantic Ocean so things are about to get spicy in the Atlantic Ocean probably going to get a big hurricane out of this Orange area though somewhere who knows where yet but probably the Caribbean and then from there who knows where that goes but Tropics are heating up they're again spicy just grab my dinner I'm jealous I'm hungry not sure what I'm getting tonight wait for the next scan no problem mono actually funny enough just thinking about personalized messages I have a cameo that's doing like an hour and a half it's for somebody's birthday kind of have to do that it's doing like an hour and a half from now I've been a little bit delayed on that doing that Cameo haven't been able to get around to it just thought of it though I got a notification like 15 minutes ago telling me that good times do it live I'm not I'm not doing a cameo live be pretty funny though you do Cameo I do I know I'm on Cameo crazy I know we had a lot of cameos for uh Father's Day Father's day was a big one we had a lot of cameos for that do it on stream I don't know I I usually have to take a few tries to do it in general so probably not doing it on stream got a cameo from Jerry Ryan for $350 last year I one I don't know who that is two $350 for a cameo bro I charge like not even $30 uh Hayden you'd have to contact them I'm not sure how much that costs maybe I could up my rates maybe we should charge $1,000 per Cameo imagine nobody would buy it by the way tornado warning has uh I Believe been just cancelled yeah it was just canceled so no longer any tornado warnings in Wisconsin yay what is a cameo it's basically like an app that you can buy a personalized uh like video for or from so I have a cameo if you ever want to get like a personalized message or whatever like like an actual video I'll put the link in the chat it's also in the description I only charge $999 wow only this man's charging an entire fortune that guy's charging almost a car price of a used car maybe yeah no more tornado warnings for the time being we'll see if that changes have you ever refuse a cameo uh no actually no I haven't I think we've done every Cameo um we've had about 30 or 40 now I think we've done everything so I'll think we've had a cameo that I've denied yet you're under selling I would say I'm under selling I just I kind of like doing them too like I mean I could charge more but I don't really feel like charging more I feel like it's a fair price I mean for what it is feel like it's fair there a chance of tornadoes in Jersey today are you talking about New Jersey I would say no how's it going Jessica welcome back feel like you're a $50 kind of guy maybe next year we'll see maybe maybe next year for now though we're keeping it at 29 it was originally 20 I think it one point it was like $10 like before I I like I made a cameo account like over a year ago and it was like $10 and all of a sudden somebody requested one I was like I should probably raise this cuz if it's just $10 I think everybody would get one so I had to make it like a little bit better otherwise if it was like if it was like $5 I would have like unlimited requests and I would have no time to stream more than likely I'd pay $100 you're not even a member of the channel sir no I just want to be fair I don't want to I'm not trying to overcharge people for that stuff I mean the video the the cameos for the record are like usually 30 to 45 seconds I don't feel like charging $100 for that short of a video maybe we'll just keep upping the price with how many subscribers we have so every 10,000 subscribers we gain we go up a dollar so right now it' be almost $37 be so dumb almost time to raid Connor it might be I don't know might be raiding Connor there's like nobody else live it's literally just Connor I think and Brandon Copic ended his stream it's basically just i b basically the only Chaser out there right now is Conor that at least we at least I'm subscribed to right now or at least the only one I see on my YouTube feed no problem cppy Fountain City I don't know where found city is Wisconsin not really seeing much maybe that little CC drop maybe it's not really definitive there's a little bit of something there though just Northeast of Fountain City there's a little bit of something wouldn't say for sure that's a tornado though hey Jordan for the Super Chat uh severe weather threat it's not done it's going to be going for the next few hours but it should be winding down more as we go throughout the evening I think the worst of it will be done by like 99: than you Carrie for becoming a member and welcome to the velocities Buzz NATO guys I'm not the what Buzz NATO Buzz Lightyear NATO that'd be crazy we send you a Buzz Lightyear costume you'll still do Cameo I mean if you send me one and you actually order a cameo I guess but like you'd have to actually mail me one cuz I don't have one apparently somebody was mailing me one I don't 100% know about that though haven't received anything yet thank you Cassidy for becoming a member and welcome to the velocities gritty in a Buzz Lightyear costume at 500,000 that'd be crazy I I would again have to have a costume I'm not going to go buy one I don't know you know how much one would cost that'd be crazy though the craziest thing ever bench Cameo I'm not going to go I'm not going to go to the bench just to do a cameo there's no shot guys we're awfully close there's 7,000 of you watching I bet at least 135 aren't subscribed hit the Subscribe button down below we're currently 135 away from 368,000 so make sure to subscribe hit the like button down below as well if you've enjoyed the stream thus far if you want to support the page above and beyond you can be a member with the join button down below it's also the top link um in the it's the pin Link in the chat it's also the second top Link in the description down below if you want to become a member of the channel comes with lots of perks like bloopers videos you got members only streams that will probably have a members only stream this weekend so definitely recommend you become a member um you also get a chat badge and some other cool stuff thank you stream for the 199 I amazoned you one oh goodness I can't wait thank you bradden for coming remember and welcome to the velocities than you Lunas for the Super Chat should be mostly just a win threat I don't think there'll be much in the morning though and I don't think there will be much honestly in general in Northern Indiana I became a member just to do that or got to say though if you guys haven't watched the bloopers video it's a Members Only video but if you haven't watched it it is very funny definitely recommend it what do you think tomorrow Michigan I think tomorrow will be mostly just Eastern Michigan in the thumb should just mostly be a win threat but could see a brief tornado um I'll be on standby in case we have to go live it's very unlikely though due to the the area it's covering it's a very like the area it's covering it's a large area but uh the the threat for tomorrow is really just supposed to be in this area like the main threat will be here we could see isolated severe storms elsewhere but it's going to be a very low threat and if we do see anything it'll just be hail and wind so my greatest concern right now isn't that slight risk and we actually believe it or not we called this this morning but we said or at least I said I wouldn't be surprised if we had an isolated tornado here uh there wasn't a 2% tornado risk at the time they actually added that and they also added a slight risk so interesting stuff there but yeah thank you space for becoming a member and welcome to the velocities find a live camera of e um oair Let me let me look I haven't looked at oair we do have a live shot in oair of the storm here's what it looks like right now top right of your screen a little bit of a shelf cloud there what do you think about Saturday what's happening Saturday thank you Michael for becoming a member and welcome to the velocities outbreak stream I might do an outbreak stream but I'll probably end up doing with Connor If he if we want if if he wants to and if you know we're all around and whatnot I would rather do it with somebody than do it by myself that game I'll probably do it with Connor if he's willing to do so he's brought it up so we might do it but he's still chasing and stuff so who knows when that'll actually happen I me to be honest with you like our next stream will probably be this weekend for uh members and it'll probably be a geog guesser stream and I will probably do it with Freddy if he's around I have not asked him yet this weekend but what is Conor's location uh he's in River Falls Wisconsin which I don't think is right I think he's closer to pretty sure he's closer now to uh oakair I doubt we're going to see any ttic activity in in Indiana tomorrow no I think it'll be just I isolated wind and hail a live stream tomorrow is highly unlikely that's all I'll say it's highly unlikely that we'll have a live stream tomorrow the only way we have a live stream is if something really ramps up which I I don't think there it would have to be like a major change or there's something that's big happening in Michigan like that'd be like the two ways that it's possible another big lightning strike man the these lightning strikes have been bright here very very bright lightning let's see if there's another camera yeah that's really the main camera that we have back to this camera oops camera or what Connor just drove by this camera did he I don't think he drove by this camera this camera isn't in the rain he's in the rain Conor is actually driving through wind I I'll full screen Connor what it looks like right now for yeah literally nonstop lightning pretty much where he is he's inside the storm if I don't get past it now i''ll be driving in this for hours screaming or not yeah de Mo isn't really in a tornado threat tonight it's going to be mostly just a win threat so not too concerned about de Mo tonight go problem blue good luck by the way hope you have a good surgery I I don't know what else to say hopefully your surgery goes well but have a good night yeah holy win yeah Conor is literally inside the storm right now big wind holy wow look at that wind holy huge RFP searge saw just saw that out the corner of my eye by OBS look at that wind though holy d wow like a jump scare I mean the wind speeds here probably at least 60 MPH it's got be more than that though I think it's like 70 this is worse than Debbie oh my God this is insane wind is just insane this is stronger than freaking Debbie that's literally what I just said I literally just said that hurcan Debbie no shot we thinking about the same thing that's crazy somebody needs to clip that somebody needs to clip that in sence me on Discord or something Conor and Max are sharing a brain cell this guy uh Conor's at 94 jeus is near Mount Washington apparently insane wind guys what 94 and 29 that's behind the storm he's in the storm like he's in the middle of it see his location by the way at the bottom left of the screen the tracker also see at the bottom right too on radar Omega whoa that was close wow huge huge Cloud ground lightning strike right there in front of him hey buddy nice turn signal jackass blinding rain you don't even put your signal on hydr plane slamming on my brakes reminder if you're new to the channel make sure subscribe we're currently 45 subscribers 368,000 B so unpredictable make sure to subscribe if you're new to this channel need to get how much water do I drink in the day uh probably about six or S 22 oz water bottles so whatever that number comes out to be it's a lot let this guy know a turn thing you mod for or mode for the $5 Super Chat it should be mostly a win threat maybe an isolated tornado I think the greatest concern will probably just be to your north and west only hope is it gets weaker and it bends to the South way down the line gets weaker and it bends Way South that's my only hope at this flight I can go about 55 once I go above that major hydr plane so got have to work with it hey B can you get the last like five seconds of the square jar like $100 in it I bet like when I actually said like I literally just said that burm tornado monomane was Johnson I mean if we had a tornado it would have been earlier it would have been like 20 minutes ago or 30 minutes ago we may have even a tornado trying to we might have some rotation trying to come together near Arcadia right now a little bit of an inflow kind of get a little hook going here near Arcadia it's not really too impressive but a little bit of circulation there a little bit of something should have a package coming Saturday sounds good ch I'll keep a close eye out how fast is Conor storm traveling um East about 35 to 40 miles per hour any news for Green Bay the green pay Packers are going n and eight that's the news that I have for you back to Stanley with weather yeah we might get a tornado warning on this Arcadia going towards Blair little bit of rotation when's this tornado Outlook end I'm just curious they have it ending okay so we're kind of still in that 2% this might get tornado worn though there's still rotation here near Arcadia big inflow got a hook and everything near Arcadia right now thany Michelle for the 499 Super Chat I appreciate that I I probably will but I mean if anybody sends me them I'll probably still use them I mean it's not like an urgent thing I'm giving up on it I'm just not going to order more basically it's too expensive you need care packages for when you're studying I mean you can if you want I I haven't had to study yet I mean I'm only in the first week but probably a few weeks from now that'll be much appreciated if you do send anything we'll wait for another velocity scan we'll probably go back to Connor in a second by way if you ever do want to mail anything the link to mail stuff is in the description I'll post it post it in the chat too link to the address the PO Box what whatever you want to call it here's the latest scan W what is happening to this thing this thing's like has the craziest looking hook on radar see what the velocities look like mailing myself this weekend all right sounds good I'll see you there IM Earths week in college granddaughter had an exam what that's actually crazy there's the latest scan I don't know this thing looks weird I we definitely have rotation but the the hook is just weird looking this kind of looks like a mouth and it looks like somebody's pulling a finger at it or something hey Darcy for the very generous $20 Super Chat appreciate that put some W's in W's in the chat for Darcy appreciate that a lot I'll mail you a supercell thank you appreciate that can't wait to see it wouldn't mind some rain honestly wouldn't mind a storm than Larry for the super chat um that's actually a good question I have so I got Max I mean I wear XL t-shirts usually and sometimes they're actually too large for me the max velocity t-shirt and the drunk NATO t-shirt I think are fine I would probably go a size I'd probably go a size up if you get a if you get a t-shirt one second just going to check this out I mean I have a Max I I wear my Max velocity t-shirt often just going to get a feel for this another shirt on yeah I mean I would probably go a size up just in case but it's usually pretty it's a pretty good fit usually I would say it's you know I wear XL this is pretty similar to the XL shirt I'm wearing right now so man this thing is like this Hook is crazy look at this thing rotation is not really that crazy but it's the hook is just insane on this thing why are we why am I getting judged on how I put on a shirt like what I put on a shirt normally I don't know what you guys are talking about than you two for the Super Chat um I would get to your I mean I would go to your safe place just in case honestly thank you by the way um thank you but appreciate that I'll probably just make my own clip for it just so I can edit it appreciate that it's not normal what do you mean that's how you put on a t-shirt I'm honestly surprised they don't at least have a tornado possible label on that it's like the most impressive rotation that or at least most impressive hook that we've had might be falling apart though am I going to eat for dinner tonight Culver's canes Panda what honestly probably none of those I don't know what I'm having for dinner it'll probably just be something easy though than you Scott for the Super Chat how's it going Marcus and marshia is this Omega it is it is radar Omega you can download radar Omega with the top Link in the description below on IOS and Android that's the weather we've been using this entire live stream Where am I broadcasting from on Earth it's my favorite homemade food honestly I couldn't even tell you I don't know if I really have one there a tornado in Indiana no nothing even happening in Indiana right now I mean if you walk outside in Indiana I bet it's just sunny or clear this what this is what Michigan looks like right now on the radar Omega Cyclone Port I mean like literally there's nothing out there like just a couple high clouds thany snowball for the Super Chat huge shout out by the way to Mary also for picking picking up some shop Max merchandise do appreciate that you if you want to check out any of our t-shirts hats anything like that it's on shopmax it is one of the links in the description by the way after today assuming that we don't go live tomorrow which I don't think we will um our next live stream might not be until our next hurricane so that that's how long we're thinking for our next live stream we might not be live again at least for a normal weather live stream uh members only we'll probably have a stream here before uh the end of this month or possibly in September but um more than likely our next live stream will not be until we have something in the tropics so unless something does change with severe weather which I don't think it will so just letting you guys know kind of giving you a gist of what's Happening Here over the next few weeks it looks like we're going to be gearing towards the tropics it's been a long time since we've had some that has been impacting the United States um the tropics have been somewhat quiet for the last few weeks as well but they are about to wake up in a big way so more than likely we are going to have several live streams covering whatever the next hurricane is or tropical storm or whatever it might be and um yeah I mean the the on sevel members are going crazy with the next tropical wave showing potentially a major hurricane and perhaps even a catastrophic hurricane or it goes is very unknown obviously because we're just so far out but uh definitely something something that we're going to be watching for and I'm going to show you guys in a second what I'm talking about since we don't have anything right now on radar that is at least right now concerning but I just want to kind of give you guys an idea of what we're talking about here it's going to get pretty active pretty quickly and I don't usually I use those words by the way like hardly ever I'm just letting you guys know like I don't I don't use wording like that I'm not trying to scare you guys but like this is what we're looking at as we go into Tuesday of next week almost every single Ensemble member of the European model currently indicates that at least a tropical storm in the Caribbean Sea by Wednesday Thursday and Friday a lot of The Ensemble members have this as a hurricane some even as a major hurricane around the um you know Puerto Rico area and back even closer to the Dominican Republic in Haiti and then by like Saturday into Sunday of next week so by like September 8th a lot of these ensembles are bringing this towards Florida so there's definitely cause for concern in the tropics right now um obviously again this could go literally anywhere uh but the on members have actually shifted more to the West here recently it was originally way more to the East and then another tropical wave just behind that but that one probably going to be a fish storm so definitely not what you want to see this time of the year but we are watching that closely I'm going to have a more detailed video breakdown on that probably soon I don't know if we'll have a video Tomorrow by the way just letting you guys know I kind of doubt it so if we have a video it'll be tomorrow afternoon and if we do have a video tomorrow it will more than likely be about the tropics so I'm just letting you guys know about that go back to Connor here for a few minutes just kind of not going to make it on this run but I might later down the line I'm in Florida I'll be ready I am too hopefully wherever this tropical storm or hurricane goes hopefully it doesn't bother my internet or anything like that we do have to live Tad lb I turned it t just a little bit is Iowa going to get any damage mostly just isolated damaging on that's about it so a little bit of damage but probably shouldn't be too bad I just crop the other Chaser out right now Conor crop is really the only Chaser out there I mean yeah I'm thinking about that super I'm thinking about doing that the thing is I know I can I probably won't do that I'll probably stay on 94 because eventually I'm going to get out of this heading as long as I'm heading Southeast the line curves back Southwest so I'm going to get out of it eventually if I take us 10 that just adds more my classes are not if I stay on 94 it literally brings me home so that's why I'm just by way we are currently five subscribers from 368,000 make sure to subscribe to the channel if you've not already they literally will just take me home if I say on this highway so that's half the reason why I'm trying to push through on and not take a different Road out ahead and the number just jumped bada bing bada boom yay 368,000 crazy stuff Ember just keeps climbing the number just keeps on climbing uh Hannah that the or hanon the the numbers that I was showing you those are all just pressure numbers so yeah those numbers are just pressure that's the last two digits of pressure so if it said like 40 for example it' be 940 mbars that's like a cat four type Storm Cat 3 Cat four Cat 5 that sort of range if it said like 13 it's probably going to be a 900 or it's going to probably be a,3 mbars like a high pressure system um or TH or if it said like 20 you know it just depends on where it is but most of the time that's what that means said 96 996 M bars so just it's just the pressure number the last two digits thank you Smith for becoming a member and welcome to the velocities think Connor's just about to get out of the rain he's getting close he's close I think once he gets out of the rain we'll raid him close to getting out of the rain Patrick again thank you for watching today guys this been a banger stream nobody else getting tornadoes we're out here streaming for 9 hours almost absolute grind of a Chase and we're almost out of the rain for the second time Dad who was watching when we got caught in minneap Min Minneapolis traffic and I thought the chase was basically over uh man yeah probably that traffic we probably never would have got that tornado taking a 4 and a half hour stream hey TJ for becoming a member welcome to the velocities as a reminder if you do want to watch the members only stream which will likely be this weekend our next members only stream uh make sure you become a member it's the join button down below it's also the link in the description welcome to Bear appreciate you big dog dud I do think the tornado threat though is starting to drop I can see I'm not really seeing much rotation at this Edge Chad I can see the lead Edge it's right in front of us right just for becoming a member and welcome to the velocities we're making it out new outlook oh I forgot there is a new outlook let's check it out they have issued a new severe thunderstorm watch for Wisconsin and Northeast Iowa damaging winds and hail being the main concern maybe a brief spin-up that goes until 11:00 tonight they have gone ahead and downgraded though there's no no longer an enan risk for severe weather or back down to a slight risk they still have a 2% tornado risk in place but at this point again it's a very low chance the majority of the storms are starting to move out of this area as well so uh just keep that in mind so yeah than you demon also for becoming a member and welcome to the velocities the hell risk was also downgraded so couple updates there don't forget the Cameo I'm not doing a cameo on stream it already takes me so many tries I'm not going to do it on stream you live stream also for major winter weather we we do sort of I mean I didn't do it a whole lot the last couple years we do a lot of the time do like forecast live streams that are like two hours discussion sort of stuff and forecasting we only did really one coverage for a winter storm or blizzard and and um that was with Connor so I had that that was like this year I think like early this year we're more than more than likely though do more of those um this winter just wasn't really something we've done I don't know why just never gotten around to it I guess they you Dakota for the Super Chat no problem glad I can helping appreciate you tuning in and thank you for the generosity wasn't I just on some sort of vacation um the last vacation I was on was with Connor was like the last legit vacation I've had that was back in Late July it was perfect timing too it was like right before and right a it was basically right before um any sort of like major severe weather happened and also just after it was like perfect timing I haven't realized this but we apparently almost gained 2,000 subscribers today wow that's kind of crazy No Cap are they calling for Hail size basically just chees skirt size tail nothing nothing large right now if we got any large hail like quarter size that's about it I'll go back to uh Conor here for a couple more minutes got out of construction just getting out of the storm now all right we're out of the rain for a minute at least oh speed limits down to so that's not ideal you tuning in I can help but I don't even see the construction I think Conor is going to keep going Southeast on 94 I could be wrong though I think he's just really trying to get home honestly I don't know how far he is from home but like Lane it's going to be a I'm I'm guessing he's not getting hotel tonight I could be wrong though okay I guess the lane shift it's not a closure I think he's going to probably just chug along thank you Matthew for the super CH or becoming a two-month member off to our right I don't think I'm getting Cur tomorrow I'll be honest with you but I do appreciate you keep coming to month member last time I had cver was Sunday so before that I didn't have C for like a month it was a long time other than just getting like ice cream or something yeah Conor is in O right now Wisconsin yes dude at least I get a temporary break like I said we're probably we're going to end up in the rain again yeah got me I think he is that's what I'm saying and then we'll bust out of it again and then we should be smooth sailing should we raid him we will we will we'll R them in like 5 minutes then we can get back out of head and if there's uh if there's structure we can go back into structure this is one of one of our longest live streams though in a while I I don't know the last time we were live for 4 and a half hours which usually like during the Spring this was very common the last time we were live for 4 and a half hours was back on July 15th the Doro stream was the last time we were live this long which is been the Duro was 8 hours that was that Duro stream was 8 hours long this is our longest live stream since that point which is kind of crazy not even Debbie was that long Debbie was about 4 hours and 15 minutes so crazy stuff crazy crazy crazy stuff gritty before the raid all right temporary break about to get freaking clobbered Again by a little bow to the South I think I don't problem matth I don't think we're that fast accidentally just crushed a check mix thing on my desk Good Times remember the Cameo I I I have to do it like literally right after the stream it's going to have to be a bang bang sort of play I mean it's like literally I'm I have like an hour left on it I have exactly 60 minutes left on that Cameo we got to do it right after the stream I did not stream uh few years ago Sam I mean like the latest live stream I would have had for anything Nationwide aside from like Louisiana or Texas would have been like mid 2022 like I I haven't streamed anything before that unless it was like middle of 2022 like Nation so just like this line is getting real close to freaking eating me again please don't eat me Mr line please don't eat me I don't want to be eating right now okay pause but still come on Mr line all right well severe weather's kind of dying down so I think we're going to call it uh again if you are new to the channel make sure to subscribe like the stream if you enjoy it uh thank you again for radar Omega for sponsoring today's stream if you need a weather app to say ahead of the storms you can download radar Omega with the top Link in the description below on both IOS and Android uh we're going to do a Conor we're going to raid Connor Croft so stay tuned you'll be redirected to Conor um make sure to just stay tuned and say like Max velocity rate or whatever um and yeah there he's literally the only one live so we'll just rate him appreciate you guys all tuning in have a great safe rest your night thank you to anybody that super chatted or became a member appreciate you guys a lot thank you for your generosity next time we'll be live will probably be this weekend for a members only Stream So if you want to watch that you can become a member uh the join buttons down below there's also links in the description uh if you want to become a member and the it's also pinned in the chat so if you don't know where to become a member it's one of those links all right uh thank you guys all for tuning in really do appreciate it have a great safe rest your night make sure to download radar Omega it is the top Link in the description below all see you guys all again soon thanks for watching

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