Category: News & Politics
Lov accepts the proposal moscow mayor yuri lov seen in happier times he was nowhere to be found around his office tuesday leaving early after he was fired by russian president dimitri medvedev the russian leader signed a decree relieving the 74y old mayor of his duties and then explained the move to... Read more
Category: Music
Hey it's david andrew eep so i'm finally getting my poop in a group and releasing some new music and the first song on the new ep which was much requested and i would often save until encore to even perform it one time people got super enthusiastic when i played it at a bar pretty sure it had nothing... Read more
Category: Music
[music] little would be too easy lady away so intoxicated still think about want you all the time i want you all the time i as well be my last bre you are that little black [music] dr you give it why you give Read more
Category: News & Politics
Fragen wir nach bei der kollegin ina baltes in düsseldorf sie hat die debatte im landtag verfolgt ina diese aufarbeitung von solingen heute inwiefern ist der nun tatsächlich klarer geworden wo versäumnisse lagen und wer die politische verantwortung für das versagen rund um solingen trägt ja man muss... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Einen tag nach dem wahlbeben katzenjammer bei der ampel und siegerlaune bei der afd das ist das thema des heutigen [musik] brennpunktes ja bleiben sie dran bis zum schluss dann erfahren sie wie es jetzt regierungsmäßig in erfurt und dresden überhaupt vorangehen könnte aber bleiben wir zunächst bei den... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Friday night football game could be impacted. we'll talk more about it coming up. mark, thank you. now lets get to really just the difficulty in stunning news that broke earlier today. the heartbreaking loss of an nhl star. >> columbus, blue jackets forward. johnny gaudreau and his brother... Read more
Category: Entertainment
In the brutal world of the vikings the blood eagle ritual stood as a testament to their fierce beliefs in valor and vengeance performed on enemies it was a horrific act of punishment that symbolized a twisted form of honor the victim often a captured foe would face a grizzly fate as the executioner... Read more
Category: Music
Wir trumten unser leben und wir lebten unsen traum es gab nur noch uns beide wir vergassen zeit und raum da war mehr als nur gefühle was ich da mit dir fuhr wenn es sie gibt dann war sie hier die libef sag mir wo sind all die träume hin du warst mal für mich der hauptgewinn wir wollten so hoch hinaus... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Okay it's the oerman report join digital fc investigator and pi ed oerman for an in-depth discussion of conspiracy theories strategy of new world order resistance high-profile court cases in the news and interviews with expert guests and authors on these topics and more it's the oerman report and now... Read more
Category: Sports
Hey there fight fans in today's video conor mcgregor's surprising announcement about running for the presidency of ireland has set social media on fire with hilarious fan reactions holy next we break down the intense 5-minute grappling match between luke rockold and hamach chimay where the younger star... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Die crew einer spacex kapsel hat am donnerstag den weltweit ersten privaten weltraumspaziergang unternommen das risikoreiche manöver fand rund 740 km über der erde statt auf livebildern des privaten raumfahunternehmen spacex war zu sehen wie sich zunächst der milliardär jerck isacman und dann sarah... Read more
Category: Sports
Beck given time now running out of it behind a veteran offensive line he takes off running has the first down and stumbles down at the clemson 43 [applause] active dominic love it down the sideline and shoved out of bounds by wade wooden departure the great brock bowers on target it's dylan bell breaking... Read more