Fame, Scandal, and Betrayal: Inside Glenn Davis's NBA Journey

Intro [Music] hello everybody Welcome to Telly talk we talk about life growth relationships and all things in between I have uh my poker buddy over here he is an actor basketball player comedian and father mhm big baby Glenn Davis oh hey oh we got drinks we got drinks and shots for you cheers okay cheers need this right now Lord Jesus don't make it come out my nose you still got some in there just just a little bit is it Glen’s Journey Tad yep okay so for the people that don't know your journey in acting the basketball world tell us about your journey and how you got to where you are today um I'm originally from Baton Rouge Louisiana and um uh came from a crazy household uh you know Crazy Life um and I had a option to be able to play basketball and um took that opportunity to get some education went to LSU Louisiana State University where I uh play basketball and I majored in theater and so um kind of took that opportunity playing basketball I didn't know I was that good my mom was like oh like they say you can go to the draft and I was like all right cool so I ended up going to the draft and um they made my career as an NBA basketball player but also had a love for music and acting and theater did you have that itch when you was hooping to like want to act over hooping well you can of tell in the way I played like my Antics my character you know and how the way I perform um you know you could tell I was Entertainer so um yeah I I uh I wanted to kind of use basketball after I got in there to kind of like build that career in you know in theater in entertainment at least and you was playing basketball for how many seasons I played for like N9 years N9 years and what was your favorite team to play for well obviously the Celtics I want a championship with them so you know that was you didn't have like a particular like okay the Celtics cuz you won the championship but did you have like a particular I guess you play for the Clippers to you know like a particular team that you like playing with the most outside of the champ like take away the championship but like the players the people the city the Celtics for sure yeah cuz you know you got guys like kg and Rondo and Ray Allen and you know Paul Pierce guys that are you know done a lot in this league are one day are going to be Hall of Famers and uh you know in the locker room was what the best with them you know cuz you got to see who they were you know um you got to how was that like so many different um personalities cuz I know kg's personality is crazy your personality is you know different like all the personalities there so many strong men in one room well uh um we used to call it like universities because all of them were like Legends and like Ray Allen was a legend so I went to kg University so I did everything kg so like I followed him around as a rookie like I you know was at his house I wasn't at nobody else's house like so he was kind of like my mentor so like being on the team with guys like that it was fun and I got a chance to learn a lot what was the most like I guess fun moment you had with kg being under his wing being under his wing was kind of dope cuz he's such a giving and selfless person right and so there are moments like he'll win big pots in like in the game and he'll be like yo get all those 50s out of there cuz you know I don't do 50s and I'll be like oh okay like what game what y'all playing card okay he like people will put 50s and 20s in there he'll be like yo Rook take that it'll be like $5,000 though and I'll take it and he be like yo go do something or like if we go shopping you know my mom was like boy don't touch nothing you can't afford like you know what I'm saying I always had it in my mind so you know I was a rookie I ain't get no money yet like and he would take me shopping he' be like yo like this scarf like you like this scarf that's when I started learn about like scarves and like you know so he taught you he put you on fash he put me on the player like like even shoes women's shoes like okay women's shoes pause so are you gifting women these shoes like or is he trying to put you on like he just like what's nice and what what women like like he would go buy shoes for his wife and I would have to go get them you know what I mean I would have to go like go pick these out and uh you know just gifts like so he taught you about like Tau me all about women being a gentleman um you know like he taught me about just just how to be a player how to be a a professional and um you know I I owe him a lot for my career and like what I've accomplished in spite of you know that's amazing so um I kind of want to touch NBA Contracts on NBA contracts and how they work and the cut of everything because I feel like a lot of people people think that NBA players are making all this money and then they don't know where the money goes um well yeah and no right we we we understand our agents kind of you know but As the World Turns you know we get caught up in a lot of things and uh so we don't realize that you got to pay your agent you got to pay your taxes you got to pay a lot of things pay your family um and um you know it's kind of like a all right you you're supposed to get the hang of it but at the same time you know we're still kind of young kids they don't give you like a financial advisor or is that something you have to get on your own well they you know the NBA doesn't Supply you with a financial advisor you kind of got to have to do that on your own um and just have the knowabout to just keep checking and know what you're looking at um sometimes you you you run into people that that don't advise you the right way right right and then so now you're in binds or just situations like that so it's more about how much you want to be involved and how much you want to learn um and some you know and some people are different right some people had the knowledge some people don't have the knowledge so they learn as they go you know absolutely and then when you came in how old were you when you came in the leag I think I was like 2021 21 and like you coming from your living situation before being in the NBA to acquiring rookie year money and then getting this money and then growing into a champion like how was that transition did you end up like getting help or where you well coming from where I come from you know um you know I come from low class bad Rouge Louisiana mother was on drugs don't know my father so it was more like me and my decisions and what I make um but um as far as just they're you know when you're ath and you're young and there are people in your lives for just that reason right to help their son go win a state championship or help their livelihood or you know um they only there to for they only there conditional so when it comes to like personal things you're kind of on your own and um in situations especially a lot of athletes that don't have support you know that don't have a background or don't have nobody that's really there for the greater good you know um so um really it's all about the knowledge that you take and how you receive it and what you do with it you know what I mean and just trying to learn without making mistakes is it hard to trust people when Taking Care of Family you get to a certain point in your career and in your life with like a large sum of money like you know especially with family members they know you got all this money and it's like sometimes I feel like it's an obligation that they feel that you need to help yeah um you have that obligation right because you're blessed and fortunate to be able to make it right and there's I think this all about timing you know um there's a time in place when you can reach over and grab people and bring them over the gate um and that's how I feel you know um I've been you know in situations where you got to take care of your whole family um but that's the responsibility that I want so I don't shy away from that I figure it out you know a lot of guys kind of you know uh no this is what I want because I Am the Monarch I am the man that runs this family I'm the one that's keeping the name alive so you know um but how deep do you go cuz I feel like that's that's you know when you are the bread winner in your family and you got a village to feed do you stop at your immediate family your mom your wife girlfriend kids or do you go into like all right your auntie need help your uncle need help your grandfather need help your grandmother like how how far does it go or is that something that like you know if anyone has their helping hand out or if if anyone has their hand out are you just giving to them um at first I was giving um a lot I was giving a lot you know um and then I had to you know had to realize I have kids or I had a kid um and it kind of changed my thought process so what I think about is my blood line my mother my aunt I mean me mean my my nieces and nephews that's what I focus on um because at the end of the day that's all that's all it's going to be there when the [ __ ] hit the fan you know what I mean so how many how many how many people do you think and then you take care of Plus the hood yeah you know cuz a part of me you know you got to protect the Wolves the Wolves protect you so you know and I feel there's a necessary evil out there so I make sure I'm covered all the way around absolutely so um yeah when you get those phone calls jail calls you you you you you pay attention you know what I mean that's what it is being a general you know what I mean and um that's the respons I embark or Embrace I mean um so you feel like Pressure of Taking Care of Family that's a lot of pressure on you you know knowing that you have to take care of so many people and knowing that you have to provide financially for so many people no uh I don't think so um it's just my character and who I embrace like my heart is bigger as just this building you know so that's just how I feel you know okay so the moment that you had the injury where you hurt your ankle and left the game in a wheelchair how was that a pivotal moment The Injury That Changed Everything in your life it was tough for me because um it was my it was my fourth surgery on my ankle with my third surgery on my ankle and the same one the same one and um the Clippers didn't tell me it was broken and then at the same time they entic me to play right I didn't play the whole year doc was playing Spencer Halls and a part of me wanted to play like the competitor to me so I shot my ankle up when it was broken and I shouldn't have shot it up and they didn't advise me they didn't tell it was a complete like complete break break it was break it was broken right so um I kept playing I shot it up didn't feel anything but while shooting it up it playing it was messing it up more and more and more so you didn't feel it based off of like the adrenaline that you had while you were playing the game I felt it I felt it but having a I had a fifth mete torsal break also too and so I just thought my foot was just dealing with pain and you know I didn't want to miss this opportunity um so played played and then we end up losing the series three we were up 3 to one doc was upset everybody and uh my exit meeting was horrible it was just like you you know you didn't do what you were supposed to do and you let us down and I was like my ankle you know something was wrong it was like well we'll see you in the offseason talk to you later whatever and um I didn't get a x-ray I didn't get hey you know you need surgery they didn't even think about doing that so um I went to host so what did what did they sorry to cut you off but what did they tell you when you were playing on your foot that was completely broken and you didn't know it and they didn't give you the proper treatment like what was that conversation well they really you know JP the trainer he was just saying you know you're out of shape and what happened was your foot gave out and you broke your you know you you sprain your ankle your ankle's not broken so it was like ice and you know Elevate pretty much yeah and you're your back and so as I was trading during the summer I just knew something was wrong I was just like I can't move I can't turn up my workouts and um after that happened um that September right before the season started I had to go get surgery because it was broken and so taking that time off and you know not getting surgery waiting the whole summer kind of ended my career because being a free agent right you just don't have no AB no stability um and you don't really have a home to train or workout and so I went into the the the season with my foot broken and I had and you were still on the Clippers I was a free agent okay and so they basically wasn't obligated you know to to have you to have me but I broke my foot on their time right so I should during the playoffs yeah so I should be able to go and be able to get all the treatment I need and stuff like that so so all when when the season ended and you guys didn't win that series off seon you knew something was wrong with your foot but you didn't get the proper treatment because you didn't know to I didn't know to and so uh I went back home and a family doctor of mine was like come get an MRI and they was like yo you know another x-ray is like it's broken and so I went back up and how how long was that time frame of it being broken before you got the MRI um it was playoff time so it's like May so like May till September so four month about four months four or five months and you were walking like on your foot like walking on it no crutches I just felt pain I just think tolerable pain or like tolerable pain to the point where you know just certain spots you know I know that I can't go anymore mhm and so um it did stuff like that and so I knew something was wrong and so as I was getting to you know I went on the whole year um with my foot broken doc you know called me he was just like uh sorry to hear it you know we'll check back in this is your family doctor no this is Doc Rivers okay the head coach and guy I want to championship in the Celtics with so MH he just treated me like [ __ ] really at the end of the day and um you know I became really depressed um because now basketball is gone it's taken away and that was all you know for a long time I you know my dream was to be in the NBA and now this is over with like I was kind of like a standstill couldn't believe it like shock and so I just became real depressed and just you know dealing with a divorce also too you know it really weared on me and then me this was at at the time you was a free agent you was dealing with the divorce he wasn't signed you didn't have the The Popeyes Chicken Situation support system that you needed the coach wasn't there for you the NBA wasn't there for you you know you have a broken ankle and all this stuff is going on at once and so I'm in denial you know cuz I feel like I'm an alpha I'm not depressed I'm just going through a spell um then you know things start happen happening I got a drug case weed you know traveling to go uh see an artist and then you know the manager you know in there tells me you know you're smoking weed now the police bum rush and I go to jail for marijuana where this was in Louisiana this is in Maryland in Maryland and we wasn't legal then yeah and then I went then I went on TV with the Popeye's chicken with with the the $300,000 on the air like I was depressed I was making bad decisions wait wait I didn't know about the papy's chicken what was the papy's chicken situation papy's chicken situation was after I got arrested I just panicked and I just got on the internet and I just was like I'll have my day at court you know white folks just mad cuz a man making money and so it was the stupidest thing I ever did in my [ __ ] life oh my God I can't even talk about it it's so stupid it ended my career because now they like oh [ __ ] he got something going on for real for real you know but I'm depressed I don't even realize it like I don't even realize I just did that you know and as I realizing that I did it a month later I'm going out the club and some gu is banging on my window on my car and I push him and he breaks his face face swear to God false break girl breaks his face not girl he breaks his and I'm talking about that was turned and went baller Alert in the hospital with the picture on it and I'm just like oh my God wait this is all in a time span of like you going through all this divorce this free agent like how long was this before so I broke my foot in 15 16 and then 16 17 18 you were spiraling spiraling spiraling spiraling so was was your way to like cope with everything through comedy like to just play it off and just like joke about it because you didn't want to take it serious or I never I never meant to like offend you know um my characters just it's different I'm From a Different Cloth like you know I come off different I never realized what I was doing I thought me I was just defending myself but it was more like of the image that you were painting the things that you were saying how you were doing it there's other ways to do it and um I just made a bad decision because of the people that I was around you know um and that's my decision you know and I got to live with that you know so it was just a mistake you know and um I was going through a lot and I didn't know I didn't know who to run to or talk to you know people that were mentors and people that were agents and you know they were they they left so I didn't couldn't get on the phone call and be like hey what should I do you know was was at the time you were a free agent was your money the same then as to a free agent or you still getting money I was still getting paid from the NBA but I was just living a different type of Lifestyle did did you feel like when everything spiraled it was going to stay in that kind of like dark place for you or did you feel like all right eventually this is going to stop or I'm going to stop or I'm get over this I thought I was eventually getting over it but I was just digging myself in more and more holes you know um because I was making decisions off of things that were happening instead of thinking um just a lot of things I wish I could just redo but now you know it's a life it's a lesson when everything happened with the NBA Insurance Issues whole like NBA Insurance situation how did that like take place well that situation happened um because of a friend of mine my friend of mine came to me and asked me hey are you paying cash with all your injury that you had and I was like yeah um and so they came to me and taught me hey this is how much money you have this is what's going on um we can help you do that you know I was like all right cool why do I have to and so so your insurance wasn't covering your injuries my well I didn't know right the NBA they don't tell you hey you got $450,000 in your account they just hope you don't use it right they just be quiet they don't say hey you have this in here y they'll send you something you know but you don't have someone that helps like dictate everything that you have going on or that that's something that you have to do on your own I had I had someone but you know he wasn't doing the right things and you know you know my family members and things was telling me that he was stealing money from me so it was just a process like of just trying to figure it out know the difference between the two but and who do you trust with with your money with your life with your health with your family and all that stuff mhm and so um the situation was more like you know I was trying to recruit all the stuff that I've been going through you know and I went to my financial advisor to try to help me um but he also led me in the wrong direction you know um he was also he also took the stand you know what I mean in my situation you know um he used to do everything for me you know was for sign my papers um anything I needed done divorce papers whatever I need money from my mom like he was damn near power of attorney and so um so you gave him the How Did You Pay for Your Injuries ability to handle everything for you without you overlooking it uhhuh and so the situation when it came you know when my friend that's you know in this situation you know he basically had another person that was in it who's you know the culprit he got 10 years uh Terence Williams um he was the culprit and um when he called me you know it was shocking cuz I didn't know he didn't tell me hey you know Terence Williams is a part of this he's helping me he's doing this I had so it was just a conversation of you being like or someone coming up to you and saying like how are you paying for your injuries yeah because basically as NBA basketball players it's almost like a Brotherhood and so when we're working out we all work out together we all see each other every other day you know if we're not on the same team we see each other in the summertime and so you know you don't think you know these basketball players are defrauding the plan or doing something illegal because they all got injuries they all have situations where they've been in and you know they've been hurt you know so I you know I don't judge or ask you know so when the situation came up you know um I was asking Terence Williams like hey you know what you how are you involved he was like Hey I'm the I'm I rep the players you know Association or wherever he said he said he was a a a player rep and basically that's a player that kind of is like a designated kind of person for NBA players to get information to if they need help with anything and so he played off that and um so he was like the spokesperson of everyone that needed help that had injuries yeah so that's what he was making it seem like you know and um and he was expecting everybody to pay cash he was expecting everybody to give them information give him information in order for him to go to your physician and make sure that you know you get all the information that you're supposed to be getting so he's the guy that makes sure the player gets everything he needs for his injury does like the paperwork for it and then the player goes to that particular position yes and so now he handles all this sh he said he handled all the situation he's the middleman and so you know a part of me you know was like oh okay you know but I didn't know for sure so I gave him my the phone number to my financial advisor the one you trusted the one that I trusted right and so he calls me back and he you know he doesn't talk about you know this sounds fishy so cuz when he got on the stand that's what he said he only emailed me said review it sign it send it back and I was like okay but you did did you review it no I didn't review it I didn't look look over it I didn't even think about looking over it my assistant uh Ariana she handed it to me and I just signed it and so so you expected everybody on your team to support you in a way where you knew they had your back yeah and so basically and this is a time that you're a free agent a free agent I'm going through all this crazy stuff so they already know you're in like I feel like your team knows you the most right your team knows when you're depressed your team knows when you're happy your team knows when you're up your team knows when you're down so they know you the most and they you would think they would look over your contracts you would think that they would look over your documents and let you know hey precautionary this is in here you might want to look sign don't sign it [ __ ] don't sign it don't sign it [ __ ] like it's fishy you bro you you do everything else for me you say everything else I listen to everything you say and nothing has went wrong since this particular moment like everything's been golden everything well I'm just not getting a job right I'm broke my foot I'm out of B but you know that you're not getting a job because you broke your foot so that was kind of like all right this is known I'm not getting a job because of this foot injury but when this was presented to you it was like nothing's wrong with it sign it send it back yes it wasn't like I need to go over this because there's something that's fishy in this contract yeah yeah I didn't even when he gave it back to me I just signed it like you know what I mean I trust him right I trust him to make sure that you know um he puts me in you know the best situation possible how long was he your financial advisor 10 years oh wow 10 years and um Terrence Williams Blows Up Matt’s Phone so as that evolves you know um Terence is calling you know I'm already sending it in so he's calling in and he's calling to the point where it's getting kind of like crazy and so that's when I start to get knowledge of like hey what's going on why are you blowing me up like this like why are you you know being aggressive and [ __ ] like that like was he checking in to see if you want to go see the physician he was checking in to see if I got the money okay so how how was everything working like you get a certain amount of money if you go so basically you put in claims and then when you put in the claims right you get a certain amount of money of the money that you said that you paid cash right and so um when the claims when the claims when when he put the claims out that's when he started talking about money he never started talking about money when he first started talking to me you know he just came from a point of like trying to help so how did you know how much to claim because that's how much cash you put down my financial advisor he did the paperwork oh okay so he did all the paperwork and so so he did all the paperwork but your name was on it that was signed on this paperwork that he did claiming the cash that you paid when you saw the physician for your ankle yes mhm and so um I was after all that evolved like starts going around um Terrence Williams Asks for Money teren was like you I need 16,000 and I'm like [ __ ] so how does he need your money that you claim that's what I'm trying to say I'm like what the [ __ ] you need money from me oh no you out your [ __ ] mind right and so that's when me got in a quarrel and then you know you know me not wanting to like go crazy you know what I mean cuz they did educate me on about having it you know what I mean so I was like all right here go $1,000 bro like so you was breaking him off barely anything I never I broke him off because of the education part cuz alanm helped me you know what I mean that's the only way cuz I was like all right cool th000 and he needed it so was it like where he like let's say for example he found you a physician right you paid CL you paid cash to this physician let's just say it was a $20,000 physician bill right and he's like all right well you claim $20,000 you're going to get the 20,000 in the claim I want $5,000 and you're like why do you need the $5,000 out of never talked about he never talked about money so I'm like 16,000 you out your mind what you mean like what do you what do you but but he knew what money you were getting from each claim that you he know he know what I was getting cuz he was talking to my financial advisor what was his business talking to your financial advisors of the claims that you made because my financial advisor know my claims right but I'm saying why was Terren asking your financial advisor because I didn't TR I didn't trust it so I gave it to my financial advisor like so they had their own thing going on outside I don't know what they had going on but at the same time he signed the paperwork cuz he believed in Terren right but he signed the paperwork with your name on it or he signed the paperwork are your name on it or you sign the paper Edgard signed filled out the paperwork there's paperwork that need to be filled out of each like each claim yes and so he filled out all that and you had no Edgard Fills Out the Paperwork knowledge of what it was that was no knowled what was bu but then he was like all right here's the claim that you made for this for this cash offer signed it and send it back so we can claim this yes he signed the paperwork how long was that going on it was only a one time thing like it only happened like one time so when they got your claim and Terrence was calling you what like when you were questioning him about the 16k what was like what did he say said what was your response that's when I knew something was kind of like like it was something was wrong like how the [ __ ] I got to pay you $16,000 that's when I started calling like my teammates like Tony Allen um I called him you know and he told me you know to like bro you shouldn't have be [ __ ] with them like type [ __ ] and then that's when I started to figure things out and then the how long ago how long was that process of you a month and a half it was like a month and a half to months and then after that um we didn't get any money so the plan manager blocked the plan so basically I was like okay cool like all right cool like I I got you know I got thought I got away with that like damn like I almost was put in some [ __ ] up situation when I didn't get the money so I was like oh okay but what that did is started investigation that was from the first situation first claim the that that claim yes the only claim no there's there's more claims okay so so basically but after the first one you knew that something was fish yeah and so when I didn't get the money I was like all right cool and so time goes on time goes on and me I'm still thinking to the point like I had a real injury you know and so I'm still working out and so that's when I started playing for the big three and as I'm playing with the big three um I'm looking at everybody else you know my peers everybody everybody's doing the same thing and so I'm just like all right cool how can I be involved or how can I you know you know get the same treatment cuz you know I told my best friend who I didn't want to implicate you know I told him you know I you know teren and Allan try to take advantage of me like can you put me in touch with a real doctor right and so and you still needed to fix your ankle and I still needed to fix my ankle because I was also playing at the same time right so as I'm playing the big three getting treatment getting worked out on you know time goes by and you know after I'm done um I go to Sean and you know the doctor calls me and say hey man whatever you you need and so um I I didn't recruit this is a different situation this is a this a whole situation they're not even investigated right right they're not even investigated so as I see all the players doing it so I'm like okay this is legit and so as I go you know I'm train in so I call him and I say hey man what what can we do you know I text him can you come to me or do you do you want me to come to you you know um I know you've seen me working at The Big Three like you know what I mean like can I take can I take those claims and he was like yeah you can cuz I was there too and so um he tells me what to do you know um he tells me where he want to send the money to like you know what I mean and I'm thinking everything's legit like I'm not thinking I'm doing nothing illegal you know what I mean and so so the investigation comes and you know everything comes I get arrested they The FBI Raid bring guns and you know draw me down all type of crazy [ __ ] you know what I mean and um you know this was during the big three no no this is right after after after after I made the claims with them I thought everything was fine this is after whole new situation whole new situation whole new physician but same situation they're just looking for something and so they found this and so um the doctor from Atlanta um he basically ends up pleading the fifth basically doesn't come to trial and just turns everything like I brought him to the scam when he you know basically was already involved in doing things cuz I got his information from my peer right right and he came to me saying hey recruiting me you know what I mean and um hey pay cash and this hey like I've already paid cash this is what I'm going to claim for because I know the days that you were here and I've watched you like you know and so so he acted like nothing happened he acting like I don't know nothing I don't know nothing else I I haven't done in other players like I came out of nowhere and just came and made him do fraud so was he involved with other players yes hell yes so when he when they found out did they find out he was they never found out they just basically say hey give us that give us Glenn and we'll let you go oh wow so basically and you knew the other players he was involv because they asked you me this is what's going on with him him over here he was like come over here with us right so and I'm not think you're not about to tell on who's involved with what's going on that's not what I'm doing right I'm not doing that I'm not from that that I'm from a different claw my mama will be mad at me so how many other people were there that was getting treatment from this doctor about 50 other guys 50 and nobody found out about the other 50 nobody to found out about that and that was based off this doctor in Atlanta yes and he just does Sports I mean like what was he doing like just he does Sports he does celebrities you you probably know who he is if you see and he was just like I don't have no involvement in this I don't have he brought me into this I just came out of nowhere and brought him into this is he black yeah wow so um when all this happened and you got arrested and raided what like what did you say what did what what happened when they were questioning you about this whole situation how it started where it started it they called me first of all they called me and at the time I was I think I was with Chris Brown or something I was doing something busy I was busy he was outside well no I also work with him too but I was uh I was doing something for him and I couldn't come the FBI called my phone right and if the FBI call your phone I'm not going to just go like you know what I'm saying I'm like like hey like what you didn't question like why is thebi calling my phone why am I in trouble I didn't even think nothing about it I should have right in in there called my lawyer and got right on it and say Hey you know because the NBA the NBA well the the FBI there were you didn't think that like the FBI is calling my phone this is serious was you high like where you smoking weed oh yeah I was high as [ __ ] so you just didn't you were just like FBI's calling my phone I didn't even think am I going to do I just called my lawyer and he was just like just wait cuz you know they're not telling us nothing so they weren't saying like I we're gonna break in we're GNA do this we're going to do that like what was that conversation well the conversation was basically you need to come talk to us right now and I was like I was in Miami so I couldn't just pop out you know FL where was where were was that conversation supposed to happen What city La yeah and so they when they came I didn't you know I called my lawyer I didn't think nothing of it so did your lawyer handle that call for you he did handle that call but they didn't give me no information on what they wanted to SP to me about it was just like come in we need to talk to you yeah so when you were in Miami did when you got back to LA were you like all right I need to talk to the FBI yeah but they didn't want to talk to me how long was that time frame of the call cple seven days and they were just like all right we just not going to talk to you we going to talk we didn't get to talk so you thought nothing of it after I didn't think nothing of it and then you know the more and more I started to like you know more and more I got wrapped up in it I'm just thinking like I can't tell you know like my Society where I'm from and where I'm you know what I mean so did you just like kind of like clear your mind of everything that was going on with the insurance stuff the claims the people it was kind of just like all right this is a situation that's gone now or you think this is a situation that the FBI got a hold of well there's a situation that I thought it was gone but they they basically right when you think about it I'm the biggest player nobody really knows anybody else I'm the biggest one and were you making the highest claims Why Did You Go to Trial because you had a real injury no when you look at my claims is only $80,000 that I'm going to jail for they made hundreds of thousands of claims everybody so why do you think that they I went to trial I went to trial and cuz I didn't know what to plead to right you know what am I going to plead to I really came from a point of where I thought I had a you know I thought I had a real claim because I had a real injury right that affected my life in so many ways and you have a NBA and your career and career and you have an MBA salary over not an MBA health care plan where the money doesn't come from our taxpayers the money comes from me right the collecting the baring agreement right the you know the players came up with the the players and the owners came up with the collecting the bargain agreement where players can put in money and the owners match it right and it's in a third party okay where the health insurance at it's in a third party where you have to go access the money so I'm not stealing they said I was stealing from other people I'm stealing taxpayers money what you thought was your money for your health insurance that the NBA provided yes and then in every meeting that the Players Association have there's a there's a document or a PowerPoint that says this money is yours like so mentally you thought that was your that's what they that's what they tell us for your for your injury and so I got no assistance when I broke my foot and I had to do all the Your Legal Situation treatment and I had to be in places thousands of people were at like it wasn't the same you know what I mean and um so did you max out whatever was in that account of the funds provided for still money in there still a lot of money in there I only took like there was only so what did they say that money was for if it wasn't for you to process claims for your injuries that's what it's for that that's what it's for they saying that my injuries were false claims because the doctor said I was supposed to be in Atlanta but he that's the LIE he told me I was supposed to be at the big three where he was at so that's the situation right they're saying that I made you you were at the big three but the doctor was in Atlanta I was at no the doctor was at the big three too okay so you was at the big three with the doctor they they're saying that you they're saying that the claims were in Atlanta and I was like no the claims like if I would have got on the stand like the the communication between me and the doctor was can you account the days that I was at Big Three working on my foot trying to get it ready to play and he said yes I was there too I remember seeing you thousands of times this is in text and it was shown in evidence that that was in text yeah it was show in EV that was in text so how didn't he get charged for for seeing you and saying that basically he told on me before I can tell on him right yeah and there is no way to like because I cuz I cuz I didn't get on the stand right if you don't get and tell on anybody else and tell on any anybody else or even get on the stand and talk about the situation so you were like I'm going to eat this up whatever my lawyer told me to do that I wanted to get on the stand because I'm not lying you know what I mean so do you feel like if you got on the stand it would be less of a sentence for you yes than what it is yes yes cuz the people that were involved as well too that would like Terren and all them they got 10 years and you had the least amount of time time well no I got the second I got the I one two I got the second most time the least amount of money Terence got the most I got the second and the other guys who just washed away they just told and plead and they got lesser time than me on a lighter note how was working on power acting how Working on Power is acting transition to the basketball world for you being in power uh being on power is pretty cool um I was a theater major did that make you happy like you know to just be like all right this is what I want to do this is what I want to school for I'm having fun with it I get to play a thug and you know have a good time I like all just facets of theater so it's not just one character um this character you know I can embraced his character because of just who I am and you know the type of life I live I think helped me but um um I'm a real lesbian and so um it's been fun uh being able to act and be a part of a a big cast a huge cast that that can really you know act you know really really bring it you know um the table reads are amazing you know what I mean like you hear Chris Lofton and you know Joseph Tommy um you hear those guys talk and act you know you learn so much so uh it's been an eye openening experience uh I'm so happy you know because it's something that I want to do you know what I mean something that I had a passion I have a passion for um also producing so um I'm having fun you know who was your favorite to like play with or read with uh definitely Joseph um Tommy Eagan Tommy Eagan um Chris Lofton he's really really good um you know I like Isaac Keys he's really really good too you know he's a football player uh that's trying to you know that that's made it in the acting World um it could so many people Tommy flanakin he's he's dope you know uh it's a lot you know especially the writers The Producers Lionsgate has been dope you know theyve been super supportive um do you feel like that's brought your happiness back acting yeah um like I could see the like glow in your face and smile when you talk about acting yeah it's it's um it's a dope experience you know um it's something that you know I've always wanted to do so when you finish everything that you have going on coming back into the scene when you act what is something that you want to do moving forward like do you want to continue playing roles that you're already playing like on power or do you want to go into like more action stuff or more like comedy stuff or I want to I want to do deep in pain type drama type theater um you don't feel like that'll put you in a depressed state of like you know like play playing something like the Joker or something like you don't think that would make you mentally drained I think it comes with a game right you get clock in and clock out when it comes to acting yeah but I think it comes with it I think it's a choice every actor has a choice right and Keef Future Acting Roles he made his choice and he did a wonderful job but do you think he wanted to choose what it led to yeah uh when you think about Jack Nicholson you think about that part right he did such a great job and Keith is such a a student and just such a a just powerful man in the acting world you know um he made that choice to give his life and I think that's what comes with acting you know um we dive so deep to be able to bring you those characters to life and um you know me as a thesbian you know I appreciate that why do you think you want to play such a deep role moving forward after everything because I look at my competitors I look at the Rock I look at David Batista I look at all these guys that are playing aess and they're huge guys right we look at Michael clunk dark you know Jr right played in The Green Mile right that movie was so impactful right he went so far to show us that character that he won won an award and I want to be that big guy do you feel like you could play in a movie that's racial where you're playing a Slave yes for sure do you think that would be something that that would make you mentally trained yeah you to clock out yeah but it's like I said I love it like I love basketball right I you know like my mindset is I'll go I'll black out meaning that whatever I got to do to deliver that character to make those choices be believable I'm going to do it and so it's just like the streets right it's it's a life that we choose to live and a lot of things come with it you just got to know how to handle it and so that's how I feel about acting you know it's something that we choose to do and we have to live with it or be able to control it you know and this is how I feel do you feel like you relate more with Glenn as a person or big baby as a person and then how you got that name big baby you know it's hard to say right because both of those people both of those guys you talked about right they are me you can't get one without the other you know so um I embrace both um big baby is very outgoing charismatic person um crazy wild you know we'll beat you up you know big baby you know Glenn is the nice you know hey shy don't want to kiss Glenn so who do we have right now Glenn or big baby we have Ronald so so Ronald Ronald is my first name are we you remember that movie Split but that actor played an amazing amazing role and killed that role like do you think you could ever play something like that yeah where you're just like 10 different people in one yeah right when you think about kind of like where I came from right and where I've been I had to be so many different people cuz I feel like the person we saw playing poker is not the person I'm sitting with right now totally totally different I'm like who is this man right now totally different person yeah so you do you feel like when you're in different elements your personality changes for sure right I can go to My Hood is it adaptive though like you're are you being resilient or are you adapting to like What that particular situation entails well when you think about my life and my you know I I had to grow up rough and tough and had to deal with a lot of crazy stuff but then basketball opened the doors where I met Keller bankston's house and I'm at David Hill's house and I'm met you know Jonathan's house but his mom and dad are together and you know they got dinner you got to go at the dinner table you know so I'm a sponge you know what I mean that's how I got through whatever I got through I just learned really really fast because that was just my way I had gaps when I was young went to different like I went to like 12 different schools you know just stuff like that so I had gaps like I you know I didn't really read and write well you know what I mean I just knew how to count you know and so um and I learned by sitting under the tree with the old men talking give the Gap you know asking for a dollar you'll know how that teaches you how to be in this world and how to act I ask so many people for a dollar it's crazy like so um I had to that and so I had to know that how the way I am in 44th Street in the park I can't be the same way at the gala sitting next to Timothy and his mom and uh you know I had to come a different way absolutely so um speaking of coming a different way for everyone that comes on the show we play this game Would You Rather After Dark of oh no man oh no man man I don't want to play no crazy games this is who I remember at the poker tournament hell no man so we are going to play would you rather after dark I'm playing with you rules of the game people like to come on here and cheat um you have to answer I have to answer you cannot remix your answer so you can't change the question up but you can give your explanation okay let me see a card all right so I'mma play with you so we going to play it we going to pick man this can't be no crazy stuff man not no freaky freaky stuff it's crazy so I want to tell them myself it's crazy all right cool I got my too oh hell no you want another shot or you good oh Lord let me get one more oh I can't see it right no you can see it you you can literally pick what you want oh I can't even spell I can't even read that one oh I want that one oh no not the same one you good with your two your content I don't know about that what okay I'll take these two I feel like this one is going to be no I don't like that one I want a nastier one okay this is good oh no that ain't doing that one okay this is a good one okay I stop what what what are these questions do you got your twoo you're good okay no I don't want do to okay what what they're wild they're wild okay okay I gotta take these too okay so these are mine okay okay would you rather call your partner's mother right after you have sex every time and tell her how it was or poop a pile of parasitic worms and eat one oh yeah I'm calling Mom do I'm letting them know how I'm in that thing I am dead I'm letting know how I'm stroking mama I'm in that thing calling you just letting you know your daughter okay she made it she made it all right it's on you tell every child you meet that you'll adopt you're tell every child that you meet that you're adopted easy that's easy what was the other one vomit every time you orgasm I'm telling every child that I me I'm adopted that's I mean that was easy you gave me an easy one yeah I gave I a want to do you dirty oh trust me I get all the I get all the questions on here i' I've had spit swallow all types of crazy stuff okay I'm get two more okay I'mma go while you look for yours okay all right would you rather die while being burnt at the Stak after living a full life or have 10 nipples randomly placed on your body damn 10 nipples randomly randomly it could be like could on your [ __ ] on your stomach on your head on your nose in your mouth nipples nipples 10 of them 10 all over your body I'll take the 10 nipples and I want to get burnt you going to live with 10 nipples 10 nipples play with whatever okay wake up in the middle of the night only to find your significant other masturbating to a photo of their ex o I'mma chop his dick off oh yeah sorry damn have everyone in the room discover your darkest secret I mean which one you want what I I don't feel like my darkest secret is like dark I feel like it's more embarrassing than dark masturbating to your ex I feel feel like it's like just disrespectful cuz like why you not masturbating to me and why I got to be your ex like that's like why don't you I don't care masterbate to the what masterate that's how you feel okay but you be like I don't care cuz you you you would be with her if you wanted to like but you don't you feel like you don't feel like that's weird I I don't I I would rather that I want to know what's up I want to know I don't want to be in the dog I want to know so you you not like who was that singer that was like I listen if we together if we together and we built something and I look over I'm not going to pick that one I'm going to leave that one you can have that one that's just how I feel you feel like there's times when you argument should arise and that might not be ARG yeah hold them accountable but like there's nothing to be like whatever I feel it what what was my options or have everyone in your room discover your darkest secret yeah my darkest secret is not that I mean I got dark secret I'm you can have y'all can have my dark secret okay I got real dark secrets oh okay last but not least use hot sauce as ey drops or die alone a't going to die alone anyway you don't you know everybody going to be standing around nobody going to go with you you're going to die alone anyway oh hot sauce hot sauce you doing the hot sauce in the do the hot sauce you might go blind for real I don't know does hot sauce make you B no I didn't had hot sauce in my eye a thousand times when and how EA Fried Chicken going like this was it like just a little burn it was like ah ah but it was just probably like a dab I'm talking about like hot sauce in the eyes drenched in the eyes hot sauce it didn't got in my eye like bad I don't believe it you how many times I eat fried chicken with hot sauce least in my lifetime time probably I ate fried chicken probably a million times like you took a bite and it was just in your eye I started eating fried chicken at two was it like how was are we talking jalapeno peppers like two two piece two piece pepper from churches with a pepper and a biscuit with a strawberry coldrink at 2 years old hot sauce and ey pepper hot sauce M I want I want Louisiana hot sauce all right tell everybody where Where to Find Big Baby they can find or you want to do another another option no I'm done all right tell everybody car coming down tell everybody where they can find you what you got coming up all that good St uh you can catch me on stars um Power Force as king kilo that'll be dropping season 3 it'll be dropping uh January um what else Instagram and all that stuff catch me on Instagram you can find me on I don't even know this [ __ ] by heart and [ __ ] like I don't even you can make all um oh um hinge all that [ __ ] I all that hinges wild I'm want hinge I'm want uh Bumble all that Bumble hinge all right single I'm sing I'm single uh just call my phone y'all tune into power coming out in January write me in jail when I I have to go to jail I need I need letters okay you guys find big baby Glen Davis on Instagram if you want to stay connected with him hinge Bumble grinder whatever he got going on not my business but you will find him in all these things tune in to power coming up and that is it for T talks

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