Antonio Gibson: "I'm ready now, I'm ready." | Patriots Press Conference

Published: Jun 10, 2024 Duration: 00:06:10 Category: Sports

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good man started off a little a little wishy-washy with the weather but it's getting [Music] better I'm ready now I'm ready I don't went to Cape Cod you know what I'm saying got some got my feet in the sand a little bit uh Feth yeah it smooth kids enjoyed it h no I ain't doing no mini golf mini golf I got you I got you um a guy coming out here ready to learn um you know doing what he needs to do and taking those steps but U other than that uh same process as everybody else OTAs uh learning what we need to learn um building that Bond as a team uh just coming out here and and doing what we need to do um definitely I see it from all the quarterbacks all of them make uh great throws um I tell everybody it's OT right now so it's it's tough for anybody but uh you know once the season comes you know hopefully everybody performs like working withand so far how you guys uh it's been good um cool guy uh I feel like we got a great room not just him uh uh a complete room um everybody does something a little bit different and um right now we're just you know working it in to to see who does what best and who could complement off each other and uh I'm enjoying it you this is the first time your NFL career you've changed teams just how do you feel like your adjustment is going uh pretty smooth uh the locker room um very accepting um not much change um I feel like it's it's more of a bond here they do they do a lot of things together um nothing against my brothers on the other side but uh it's it's more you know there it's more how would I say like everybody you know communicates with each other from offense to defense and um and that's a good feeling to come over here and you know them being acceped and um I having a good job fitting in it has it been learning the offense so far and is it similar at all Chang the past um in some ways uh it's almost the same different terminology so it's it's more so getting a terminology and trying to forget about what I've learned the last four years and and put it into this offense of course a few things are difference but that's why we out here getting reps in and um you know learning what we need to learn that do you think this type of offense sus you your style your game um definitely uh they do a lot U they get everybody involved and and I'm loving it um I'm learning um our our coach you know he does a lot he doesn't mind putting us out wi you know keeping us in the running back and uh just allowing us to do multiple things so um I do enjoy it and I'm I'm definitely enjoying it throw the ball I everyone's I will comment on that dude got a cannon dude got a cannon but uh you know he he he can zip it for [Music] sure Ah that's a tough that's a good question uh I I don't know yet uh I guess we have to see when the season come around um It's Complicated right now cuz we haven't done it but um we're getting it down we're testing things out every every other day so it's constant adjustment so one you know once the season come we see how they get the lineup and and you know they throw they twist on whatever they doing then I could kind of get a judge on it but right now it's a little tricky but I'm enjoying it yeah ask com in terms of you feel on team how much a lot um just seeing him around how he communicate with the players his coaches um it's completely different from what I'm used to um he's just like it's almost like he's a part of the locker room and um you know it's different so um just seeing that and and how he connects with the players and everybody in the building from from the cafeteria to to the to the people clean up like to everything it's it's amazing to see um you know that just that just brings a for us you know we want to fight for him so that's a good feeling um in that time uh personally I didn't you know I didn't know what he was like but when I got here um man he my daughter loved him like my daughter was with him all day and uh brought her into the office and and just that connection there I kind of knew what kind of guy he was so you know that definitely after that I was already here so that didn't play a part but I was already here but I got to see what type of guy he was how old your daughter uh three yeah Taylor there was a team period where looked like you were picking up blitzes and kind of working through that then you H fast to the flat on one of them too just is that scripted and like or is that like something that you guys are reacting to the defense uh what you mean by react like is it is it like do you know where you're you know is it predetermined where you're going to go or is it something that you guys are communicating at the line of so the pickups are not predetermined uh the pickups you kind of have to adjust after the snap uh but that right there has been a major transition for me from Rookie year to now um I'm I'm supered I can kind of see what's going on I got an understanding for it so I can calm myself down see the field but like the routes that's kind of predetermined why is Major just different offenses or what's the Bigg change with it you said what what's been the biggest change with it you said it was a a big difference um just rookie year just having a lot on my mind um my story like I played receivers so coming into the league like I knew nothing about running backs so like protections too minute that all was in my head was like crazy to me especially like game day so me in my fifth year being able to like slow it down know what's going on and and and slow everything down before it actually happens is a a major blessing now for sure all right thank y'all thanks for

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