[Music] black lions the Philadelphia Eagles are Super Bowl champions Eagles fans everywhere this is for you [Music] [Music] hey what's up 302 bir I'm Jack all lead through the playoffs in fil what's up guys D talking in here as always God bless go first let the celebration begin you are now listening to the 302 Birds Eagles postgame show with Jack and Dal proudly powered by tick pic the official Fan Experience partner of the Philadelphia Eagles now let's take it to the show want to know Friday night fired up you know the Vibes if you Eagles fans are with it let us know immediately right now in the chat but what's up guys the Dalton and Jack here live from our studio in Newark Delaware and thank God it was a close one it was an exciting one but the Eagles got their job done in Brazil Jack how you feeling tonight I'm feeling fantastic great w my bets got [ __ ] but it's okay I'd rather take it Eagles W then get lose then win my bets so uh good to be one and0 yeah that's a great way to put it man I would always rather take my team winning then my bets not but let's get right into it we're gonna not waste any time for you guys tonight jumping right into the elephant in the room we'll get the negative part of the show out of the way in the beginning but as a lot of you Eagles fans know I mean jayen Herz looked off tonight two interceptions one fumble two you could really say two fumbles because one was cam jens's fault one on the tush push but I mean Jack what do you think I'll let you take it first was it Jaylen Herz was it being in Brazil what do you think was up with him tonight uh it's it's uh interesting because that offensive line looked like it struggled he was getting a lot of pressure in the pock ET um which he wasn't used to last season um I think personally you know it's just the first game Jitters you know being in a foreign country and playing your first game expected he didn't play at all in the preseason so I'm not too worried I mean he passed for 278 yard I'm sorry yeah 278 yards he had an 80.3 completion rate so I mean other than the fumble that he had um I really think he played decently well and uh I'm excited to see what he can do with this this offense with Kell Moore yeah I'd like your take I mean there were a couple mistakes that were had for sure um but overall he looked good I thought he was in control he looked like there were a couple mistakes but it looked off from miscommunications things that could be fixed so that's why yeah I agree with what you said I'm not overall excited about it the one thing I will say that I want to talk about is Jaylen Herz you could tell let cam Jurgens hear it a little bit on the sideline there which was nuts so that was insane because as Eagles fans I mean you don't really see that side of Jaylen Herz and I'll say this I think a lot of fans at first would be like oh Jaylen Herz why are you getting upset this that I like that Jaylen Herz is showing passion that he's like yo you know what like I want to speak up and let these guys know like hey this is unacceptable like this is not the way we do it around here and I think that that's that's a good thing to do Jaylen Herz was a little bit quieter so I mean what was your whole take on him I mean he got in cam juran's face not to where it was bad but it was like dude what the [ __ ] yeah I mean it's it's this is Jaylen herz's team so it's nice to see that he is taking that leadership role uh to a whole different level we saw it kind of falter uh towards the end of the season last last year um but I I think you know be a little aggressive if he really wants this season to go as planned and you know play great game and it just those little mistakes happen all the time um but I think it just shows you that he has can be that leader um that we need that we clearly didn't have last year in the locker room so it's nice to see um you know Jaylen hers kind of take the responsibility and kind of tell juren like this is not okay like we need to we need to work on this so um it's good to see that kind of dog in him that he's ready to lead this team to Victory um but yeah that's all I got to say and they gotta have those things worked out like that that shouldn't have happened I don't care that you're in Brazil I don't care that you know there's Jitters and I think it was on the Regular Show this week that I said I don't think both teams will score on the first drive and it ended up being true it's just usually true in NFL games or Sports in general when you go abroad the Philly like it's it starts off slower um but oh my God overall it was a great game overall Jaylen hers played well but there were things that it felt like should have been fixed in preseason should have been fixed in uh Camp things like that so it's kind of frustrating as a fan to see that and also like people are saying comments like his mistakes you know throwing her like like Jordan said Herz needs to work on on decision- making we saw clearly that Jaylen Herz did not make the greatest decisions in some of the plays throwing into double coverage throwing into triple coverage that's rookie stuff he's not a rookie he's at this point I would say almost a veteran so you can't be be making up those CED plays because luckily there's no interceptions he had two interceptions tonight um but you know in the second half we saw him make a terrible pass to Devonte Smith uh you can't be doing that granite it's you know maybe the Jitters like dlan said but that's not acceptable and you gotta make the right decisions you know when you're trying to win a game or you know take this team to the next level yeah it's very unacceptable it's very frustrating shout out to Rich Bridge shout out to James for Tony and the whole Eagles Maniac group but with that being said that means we want to get on a more positive note with this show and kind of kick it off a notch to talk about somebody tonight sorry I'm just adjusting this lighting so I don't look like Casper the [ __ ] [ __ ] ghost out here but I want to talk about sequan Barkley who came out and didn't just impress didn't just wow us he shocked Us in his debut three touchdowns two rushing one receiving I mean we were watching back there on the projector I'll never forget that what was that like watching Sequon Barkley in a debut and doing it so well I mean I think it was weird uh seeing j seeing saquon Barkley in the Eagles threads um but like our one buddy Brandon said to us like he pointed out like this is the second Eagles player in history or in recent history that on his Eagles debut scored three touchdowns the last person to do that was Terrell Owens who was probably one of the better receivers this this Eagles team had in recent history so putting his name against likes like Terrell Owens that is is huge and having three touchdowns in his debut and what we can call his rival team for so many years that's that that tells you something and I really think he has embodied the Philly life style now um and it's great to see his energy um and see what he can do I mean granted he had a great year his rookie season on the Giants but in recently uh he hasn't been able to run behind the greatest line that we have um but yeah I mean it's awesome to see that I was actually talking to our buddy rap and he's a Giants fan so [ __ ] you rap by the way um but I asked him I said hey like uh when was the last time saquon Barkley scored three touchdowns in a game and his response was I forget what date Day date he said but he said in 2018 was the last time he scored three touchdowns in one game so that is telling you something that I think this is the better fit for for him we saw Derrick Henry last night in the Ravens game we I don't think that's a good system for Derrick Henry to be in uh compared to what saquan is in Philly yeah I think sequan Barkley has a chance to be the best running back in the League this year and that's not a hot take that's not you know something that's wild to say I legitimately think that he's gonna have either Jaylen Herz or sequan Barkley will be the MVP of the League this year that's not a hot take that's not something wild when you look at the Eagles on paper they probably should have the most wins in the NFL and typically the way it goes is the offensive leader of that team will typically win MVP or get some kind of you know accommodation hopefully they do because oh my God like Jack said it was it was surreal at first it was weird to see but it I was afraid of DeMarco Murray that's the first thing that I think of and I don't want it to end up like that but at first the first quarter like okay and then he just really busted it open once the second quarter you know what I mean like once he got into the game and he got settled in he was like fine wi the longer that the game went on he got better and that was nice to see because it's like cool like he's finally behind an offensive line that he can utilize he can be the caliber that he can be and I just hope that that keeps up throughout the year I mean this is a great win tonight against the Packers the Packers are a great team 34 29 I mean Green Bay is a solid solid team they have a good defense too I Know Jack and I may disagree on that because he hates Jordan love but they're a good team so I mean and also we saw him knifing through the gaps and him giving getting out an open field and kind of put it on the afterburners we didn't really we haven't really seen that in recency like I mean it's great to see that he can still do that when we need him to um it's just a matter of if we can keep him healthy that's the biggest thing he has been plagued with injuries in the past couple Seasons so as long he can stay healthy I mean hey I'm I'm excited to see what this guy can do I was a little uh you know leery kind of first game I wasn't expecting much out of squin um but he really changed my mind and I and I saw a lot of positivity coming out of on T on tonight's game and I want to give a big shout out to to Whiskey Tango Fox Trot 26 in the comments on Instagram damn that's a [ __ ] username but anyway I want to say you're right it is unfair for me to compare Barkley to Murray I'm just saying I'm afraid that we're going to get a great caliber running back and not know how to utilize him so far so good but you are 100% right that chip did not know how to use him what's going on Dean as well shout out to the code green show but yeah man I mean he he proved tonight that that's not going to happen is the point that I was trying to make and he just looked like a natural out there he looked legit he looked like he was built to be in that offense and I like this comment here too real quick I'll highlight Barkley is definitely getting his CMC situation where he's getting out of shitty team and now he has a chance to compete for not only an MVP but compete for a championship and and that's got to be really refreshing so shout out to you hoodie dra with that comment that's a great one too I love that but along to our next topic the Eagles rookie the biggest Prodigy quinan Mitchell overall looked pretty sharp there was one play that he got burnt on but the rest of the game I'd say I mean he looked good what do you think hey he lived up to that number he wore tonight 27 Malcolm Jen is an eagle Legend um and just other than getting burnt that one time he was playing locks tonight on the receivers and that's what we kind of expected out of this out of this young kid and I'm so glad that he played well tonight I mean you know it it gives me some hope because we have been plagued within the last year or two at that quarterback position where we get burnt all the time um and seeing that young uh Young Buck almost have a pick his rookie debut that is huge and um this kid's gonna be a great talent and I I can't wait to see what he can do with for the Eagles defense for the next what four years years because he's on a rookie contract so um and not to mention I mean I don't know if we we hit on it but that defense was awesome I mean we compared to last year dude this defense night and day difference I mean we held them to six points in the first what two three drives um and it was just great seeing what Vic vanio kind of Drew up for us um and holding them you know to not that many points I mean granny was 2934 but I mean this defense I I think looks a lot better and uh I'm excited to see what this defense can do this year will o Conor shout out to you our guy I don't know if you remember from New York he's the guy that tailgates with us that always wears the 60 Bend Derk Jersey and he came all the way from New York to hang out with us at kondy Kates Mitchell has arrived that's one of the best comments we've gotten all night too because that TMS it up I mean the dude has shown why we got him why he arrived Why the Eagles said okay you know what we want to spend all our capital on a quarterback and then another quarterback which seems to be what they need I mean but overall the dude looked like he had been playing football in the NFL for a year or two I mean he looked comfortable out there he looked solid he didn't seem to have a lot of jitters which was great because you expect that out of rookies a lot so I was really impressed overall with when Mitchell the defense overall I was extremely impressed with too I think blank and Chip had a great pick I I won't lie I'm gonna say this I would like to submit in apology form to read blank and ship because I've been a blank and ship hater like Dennis shout out to Dennis our guy on the fantasy show but I have been a blankin ship hater and blankin ship is pretty much denied All Odds practice squad and and always found a way to make a play so at some reason at some point you got to salute the guy and tip your hat and say okay whatever my bias is whatever I you know am seeing I got to put it as side because this guy is a good team football player and that's the thing too when blank and Chip got the pick it's not just blank and Chip celebrating it's the whole team celebrating with Reed so there's something to be said for that too yeah I told you Dennis told you Oh blank ship is going to have a great season and we saw that tonight and I'm excited to see what this guy can do moving on the season I mean great to have a pick that you know turned into a touchdown from sequin um that's what you need you need these key plays uh to turn the tides and I I think blank and ship is that player um so I'm excited this season to see what he can do yeah I think and we we gave him [ __ ] because he had a shitty defensive coordinator last season the whole defense sucks so having Vic vano who's probably one of the most brilliant defensive minded coaches out there and seeing how this defense performed I I I just think you know we're we're in for a great year this year yeah I think that this is just the beginning of the Philadelphia Eagles this season I don't think it's going to end up like last season knom would mark my words but I really feel like with all the pieces that they have I mean they might suck for 10 years after this but godamn it if they get a Super Bowl I'll be [ __ ] happy because like they just have so much Capital invested in this team so many pieces that if they don't come out with the Super Bowl I really don't know what else they could do you know what I mean like they pretty much exploited all resources and done everything that they can so moving along now to our next topic I did want to highlight some of the Lineback play tonight which for Eagles fans has been a real sweet spot it's been a real sore spot for us that you know it's not sweet it's sour sour spot thank you Jack yeah it sucked Achilles heel ever since Jordan Hicks left man that's my guy but overall tonight I mean we did not have an Achilles heel with linebacker play which was great Zack Bon looked really solid you had been talking about him all year on the weekly podcast in a little bit throughout the preseason on the post games and then the Koby danan somebody who who you and I I know both have been waiting for to pop off popped off tonight which was awesome to see go ahead and talk about that yeah I mean we haven't really seen much play from him because he's been injured uh we put him in few you know a few plays here a couple since he's been in the league um and and seeing Zack Bon I mean we've had issues at the linebacker position for quite some time and seeing Zack Bon get in on those those tackles stop the run that is positive to see um and ncoe Dean I mean I I think as of all our Eagle fans I I think we can admit that that one hit he had on Reed to break up the pass was amazing we have not seen that we've seen plays like that when he was at Georgia but seeing him you know put a body on him and cause a breakup is just what we've ex what we thought of what we expected him to do in the league but granted he hasn't really done much until this on this this game I mean this is his maker break year this is his maker break year he has what after this season he has one season left on the rookie contract um so yeah no he this is this is his year I mean he has to perform to the best Poss possible way he can um and you know give us some hope so it was great seeing him get that hit on Reed it was because Reed was the guy tonight who went off for them right yeah he he looked insane and there was one miss tackle that CJ GJ had that we were all shaking our head but Reed's a good player I think you got to admit that so if NOCO Dean blew him up like that and and what I liked was it was the Instinct it was that he knew before the snap what he was doing and you could feel it you could see it like he was sure of his decision and he was decisive and he went through with it and that's what you want to see in a middle linebacker you're not going to win them all but I think that you're G to win the majority of them by doing that so I was really happy to see that um and proud but I do want to react to this comment too another comment player guy hoodie dra dude if you haven't subscribed yet you gotta subscribe because you are a great commenter but he's saying I wish Josh Hoff had a better debut he had some tough battles on the edge he also was slipping how how were you feeling about Huff's debut he had a few good tackles but I mean this again this is a new system for him uh not to [ __ ] about it but that field was horrible people were slipping Every Which Way um so I mean we'll see you know his debut at the link next week to see what he can do I mean I I think you know we saw him in the preseason have some great plays so I I I think uh we're excited to see you know what he can do I'm not too worried about this debut you know every debut doesn't go well for everyone so um but I'm I'm excited to see you know when he's in link when we have a good field uh what he can do yeah I think that's the best way to sum at up you just had a great quote right there which is not every debut can go well for everyone you know you you hope for the best but not everybody sequan and I mean that as a compliment to both guys but I think once we get back in Philadelphia next week once these guys get settled they're going to be sleeping in their home bed they're going to be at their home field I think we'll see a way higher Comfort level with a lot of these Eagles and also they'll be able to play in the cleats that they know things like that so they should bounce back I think a lot of these players to not say late bloomers but maybe game two and we all know Kirk cousins [ __ ] sucks on prime time so if you're with that drop a like drop a heart drop a subscription or anything because we all know he's about to [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of it on Monday Night Football and I am here for it I am here for it our boy Josh hanging out there a question what's up Josh what's the question alsoi Friday don't play till Monday it's a mini buy Josh just said because we played Friday we also don't play till Monday so we also do have what nine days is that almost yeah nine days off so they're going to be really refreshed recharged Jaylen Herz and cam Jurgens will be getting ice cream by that point all all will be well so we'll be good mistakes happen but they they got the win and that's what really matters and also I want to talk about AJ brown man a lot of people were wondering if he was going to get it done tonight I was ironing so that we could look good for you guys tonight that's how much we love you guys that's another reason drop his [ __ ] subscription but iron and on Jack's patch on his golf shirt and as I'm sitting there I hear AJ Brown and we run into the living room and we see AJ Brown taking off like a nuclear missile at the speed of [ __ ] light some super sonic [ __ ] and it's like what can this guy not do I mean you see how Jaylen Herz connects with him and it's like cool just put the ball in his hands and he's gonna go off so for me AJ Brown has been everything that and some and I'll stand on this take to this day that he is better than Terell ens I think he's the best wide receiver that the Eagles have ever had I'm just waiting for everybody else to admit it I don't know if Jack dordan will ever admit it um but man he he is definitely the best wide receiver we've had in a long time since Terell Owens I think nobody else would argue but golly it's like having Julio Jones in his prime one I mean the dude is a freak of nature I mean what's been your reactions to this dude having him on our team he's one of this is is one of the best receiving cors we've had um I wish we saw more out of Jan doson but he was only targeted twice uh but adj Brown had five receptions for 119 yards um and averaged around 24 yards per catch uh so that Jack just in itself is a great stat to have and I mean he wasn't really doing much in the in the first half um but yeah open open drive after the kickoff in the second half I mean that is just awesome to see AJ Brown I mean I didn't expect anything less he is a freak of nature um and I really do you know like to see what this guy can do and it's great to have only five receptions for9 yards so that is a crazy stat so I'm excited this season uh I think he's gonna have another breakout season this year um and I mean he's just a good dude I mean his struggle that he was pretty open about his mental health um mentioned that he was not going to be here about this is about two about four years ago he was thinking about you know not being here so just just him going through his mental health situation and kind of bouncing back um is great to see um somebody you know do so I'm just excited to see what this guy can do and it's just it's great to see what you know have this guy on our receiving Corp yeah I mean he's been everything that in a blast for the Eagles this comment I want to respond to real quick the both of us I'll let you take it first is AJ Brown better than CD lamb see that's a that's like a they're two different receivers CD lamb is a more just answer if you had to say overall just don't overthink it yeah I I would think so yeah yeah no not I would not think so I know so yeah he is but I get your point but again AJ Browns more that physical receiver whereas uh CD lamb is that kind of deep threat so it's kind of I would say too like if you're just ranking NFL wide receivers AJ Brown should clear CD lamb on every ranking AJ Brown is the top four if not top three undoubtedly wide receiver in the NFL over the past two seasons right now you should say recency biased this that I know it's only game one but I mean he looked really good and Cody Dak saying he forgot doson was on the team yeah I'm taking AJ over cidd more versatile like hoodie also said man this guy's a great commenter like I said but he can just do more things and if I was an NFL coach for that reason I'd rather have the guy that can get the 50 50 ball too so it's nice to see I mean everybody I feel like ate tonight on the Eagles everybody got some everyone had a reception other than Johan doson on the Eagles offense Sequon Barkley had that reception touchdown you know that was great we had Devonte Smith kind of you know Late Bloomer tonight and then AJ Brown so I mean it's and Dallas got it he had 33 yards I mean hey that's all you really need as a tight end so um you know it was nice that you know I don't think Jaylen Herz has had this this uh share of wealth um like exactly like last season um so him able to spread the ball to all the receivers that he has is just something that can kind of improve his game um and make this this team a lot better No One's Gonna [ __ ] about not receiving the ball yeah I think it's like you said nobody's going to [ __ ] about not receiving it because everybody seems to say in these interviews in these post games in anything I just care about doing what the team needs me to do which is great because that's what winning teams have that's when the New England Patriots were their Dynasty and this and that they had all that so hopefully the Philadelphia Eagles can keep that Trend up but man saquan Barkley really leading the charge tonight for the Brazil game as you guys can see a little bit festive here we had the balloons in the background had a little bit of a party tonight but that's all we got I want to give a quick shout out to my family and my friends for coming over tonight number one my parents and my sister my sister really for cooking 48 freaking sliders that were deliv delicious which I'll probably be eating one of them at 3:00 in the morning tonight they were really good yeah they're fire Josh is saying yeah they were fire Maddie so shout out to you for that and shout out to my friends all for coming over helping set this up great night thank God the Eagles [ __ ] got it done because it would be a long plane ride home and I also want to say not to be controversial but I'll say this they really should have let Philly sports guy into the stadium with his face paint because Jordan Spectre shout out to Spectre art you guys can see have a piece of his work up there love that dude too he's an amazing artist an amazing person too they didn't let Philly sports guy in with that paint job and that's just insane to me that's Sports I I can't believe that in Brazil there's some kind of a law against it or something I didn't get to hear the whole thing but I just want to say that's wild that's ridiculous PSG does so much good so that was my only you know upsetting part of the night other than that the night as a whole was great so I I can't be more appreciative but that's all we got I don't know if you have anything else other than that is it's just great seeing um one of our division Rivals players on our team and seeing those fans [ __ ] about it I'm not gonna like madd's plus one um he was like he's yeah Teddy's a Giants fan um and he's like wow it really hurt uh when sequin got that touchdown the first touchdown and same with her buddy rap uh so that just makes me in itself a lot happy that he's on this team and I can hear these Giants fans [ __ ] um but uh you know yeah without further Ado hey Josh hey buddy it's not an intro it's an outro hit that [ __ ] outro this is for you [Music] [Music] hey what's up 302 birs I'm Jack all Ro lead through the playoffs in fil what's up guys Dy talking in here as always God bless go first

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