Brazil-bound Philadelphia Eagles plan to start Nakobe Dean at LB with Devin White out | PHLY Eagles

two days away from the season opener and we have a shakeup at linebacker for the Philadelphia Eagles we will talk about that next and check in with our man in Brazil coming up on the phly Eagles podcast [Music] [Applause] [Music] Ola PES AAL and welcome to the PHL Eagles podcast presented by bet 365 download the bet 365 app and use code PHL y365 when you sign up whatever the moment it's never ordinary at bet 365 hello everybody two days away from the season opener in sou Pao bow wolf here handsome Rich Hoffman to my left Jamie Lynch further to my left guys how we doing we're two days away from the season opener and throughout the season you two are going to be mostly taking the reins on these Wednesday shows how we doing yeah doing real well excited to uh to do Wednesdays with Rich here and talk some birds uh did a good job of uh pacing the excitement levels I kept it kind of bottled up and uh this week it's starting to run through wall yeah yeah this is fun like say we still haven't seen saquan Barkley in an eagles Jersey you know what I mean like you guys have because you've been down there most days uh but I haven't I don't know if Rich has or not so I've seen him in like pictures yeah play uh so you know we're two days away it's it's pretty damn awesome now both of you have gone on the record with uh some predictions which everybody can read on our big drop on all our phly Eagles season preview you have 10 brand new stories on there saquon Barkley Jamie mentions well Zach you know he did the classic Zack thing he went to the hometown he went to the the the place where he gets his food you got a whole story of saquin coming home and why it was a no-brainer for him to sign with the Eagles you've got our predictions you've got the roster rundowns you've got cuz writing about why the Eagles are so in the Zeitgeist now you shouldn't take it for granted you've got Fran breaking down what's going to be different about the Kell Moore scheme you've got cam Jurgens ready to take over for Jason Kelce Les Bowen writing about Jaylen Herz Rich has a rundown of the schedule all good stuff become a Die Hard go check out that PHL Eagles season in preview now we do have some news guys we're going to talk to Zach in a minute in South Pao I do want to maybe we should take bets on how long he slept because I know that was a big uh and maybe in the chat weigh in if you think let's go over under four and a half hours of sleep do you think he went over or under there uh but Rich let's let's hear from you how are you feeling like excitement level about this this Brazil game I know you wrote about it in the newsletter that you're a little it's a little bit on your radar that this doesn't seem like the best laid plans of Roger and Men no it doesn't I think agree with me as well it's a I think you 100% I mean I think it's cool it's cool but I don't think they've done it well no I it it it's all from the NFL and the Eagles perspective and I I guess what I would say Bo is just if you're going to go to a country cool embrace it that you've never been to before like the league right yeah yeah and and a country that you have mentioned is like lot lot of NFL football fans there right they you know they love the beautiful game they have their uh their soccer dominance as well but they love football there are so many kind of eagles Brazil accounts and you know I I think it's very cool that they are going there but like can we have some planning here can we have some you know this idea of oh man the players have this don't do list and you know like where's the fan Outreach right you know where's the where's the clinics for the little kids and it just seems like I mean the Eagles along with Zach are flying two days before and and Zach I'm not worried about him like the the the person who sleeps like you know his sleep schedule is very clear that he could bounce back and you know I mean I'm worried long run this is the start of the marathon he you know he can't be he can't be sprinting mile one as he's got the the Spectre of the full season barreling down on him as long along with a book release that's true I'm I'm I'm more confident than you but that's okay the uh but yeah like they're gonna play what two or two days after popping off that long flight it just seems like everything's rushed the business trip ele element of this is I don't know I think it should be more than that and uh it's okay like I am super excited about the game itself right I'm excited to see saquon Barkley but yeah it does seem like the planning of this this whole trip from the NFL's perspective and we can lump the Eagles in there as well not the best that's all I think I I think that that's probably right but and I think the Brazil narrative is getting a little overblown too yeah that's the thing that's disappointing is like all of this xenophobia about like you can't you can't be doing this in Brazil uh like don't wear green I lived in Northeast DC for 5 years I've lived in South Philadelphia you know like you have to be care got shot in the chest the other day Union Square like yeah I think it's taking on this narrative that's unfair to the country Brazil and the you know the bristling you know from you know Devonte and all those guys about like you know this they they're not treating it like that this is this is a cool thing yeah and I understand why like they got a fly 10 hours they're just going to play a game it's a little bit silly but com man about it he was the only one that I've seen that's like this is a once in a-lifetime Opportunity this is cool everybody else is kind of it's weird though Jaylen is wired so like businesslike he's like I can I can do a business trip in a foreign country you know I'm not sure if he had to do kind of the cool Brazilians by sneakers too basically what he's what he's going for all right well we do have some Eagles news and so we're g to bring on our Eagle's Insider this is our Ace Hardware temperature check because we're going to take a look at which Eagle is heating up with our Ace Hardware temperature check visit Ace Hardware home services online at www.ace Hardware homes to get started on your next project and Zack Burman live from souo is going to tell us that Devin white cooling down what is the counterbalance to that Zach and first of all how are you I'm doing great it's great to see you guys um yeah Devin white well the Eagles are on a flight right now they left at 10: a.m. eastern time Devon White's not on that plane uh Devon white didn't not travel with the team will not play against the Packers has an ankle injury was not something that had kept him out of practice uh last week earlier this week but showed up on the injury report yesterday and is not traveling with the team today so you will see niobe Dean out there uh with Zack Bond frankly you might have seen ncoe Dean regardless the Eagles have been pretty Coy about what their plans were at linebacker as Bo pointed out throughout the summer like that's a position that they kept rotating even though Devon White Zack B always the first guys up there was you know a big fangio who's a straight shooter about most things right he he said this this week quinan Mitchell's gonna play right there's there's no pitch count on brenon Graham he said as recently as what was it Monday or yeah yeah Monday or uh I'm sorry the days are running together Monday that linebacker is a spot that is still on unsettled but they're still figuring that out and so um but look for noobe dun Dean to play there I think he's had a good summer uh the best he's had during his three years here and this could be his his job going forward this season do you expect that it will be ncoe Dean and Zack Bon just throughout the game as your top two linebackers or do you think we will see some kind of rotation with potentially Jeremiah tror Jr or even Orin Burks involved sure I wouldn't roll either of those out I do think Bon and Dean will be the first two up uh but I don't think this is a position where there's there's an ironclad too uh now didn't take as much work with the ones this year or this this this summer uh but he he he did mix in some um Burks is someone experienced he was wanted him on the 53 clearly right now save him practice squad elevation but he's someone that they liked from the time they signed him so yeah I wouldn't roll that out but I think Dean's gonna be the top linebacker there and I think Dean will be the one with the Green Dot last one on on Devon white who I think we can say the temperature was cooling off on Zack um you know I think Jeff mlan reported that Dean might have beaten out Deon white anyway and Albert Breer reporting that the Eagles potentially looking to trade Deon white in the leadup to the roster cutdown what do you make of all that and you know is Devon White gonna be here for much longer well the Eagles have a kind of a checkered history signing these veteran linebackers to uh Team friendly deals in the past they've missed more than they've hit I like that Deon white signing because of the upside I can't say Devon white like clearly separated himself this year if you were hoping the change of scenery was going to be beneficial was was going to be what makes him play the way he did early in his career that last year as a contract dispute I don't think if you were watching practice this summer without the context of who he was he would jump off to you now there are athletic traits there that I like and I there's a track record which is why I was in favor of of the signing but yeah if if Dean plays well and they're happy with the dean and bond combination then um I don't know if White's here the full season it's just I think it's a little premature for for me to say it but it's certainly not good that he's not flying with the team this this this week so Zack on that trade front wouldn't it make sense uh you're not really gonna get anything for Devin white wouldn't it just make sense to carry him on the roster because ncoe Dean hasn't really shown a proclivity to stay healthy here isn't Devon white pick up off the streets per se sure and and that's I think Albert's report was saying like before cutdown day you know if they could have gotten anything cut down on 53 yeah I I I don't now if if it's the type of thing where the Eagles have a set starting group and you know wh's not contributing on on special teams then you weigh kind of the the Merit of the roster spot um but again I I think it is premature to say that um we've seen in the past you know I I was listening uh yesterday uh again the days are running together it was yesterday night in the airport to uh bo and Fran they did a great job on yesterday show their predictions and they talked about Nicholas Morrow last year and he had that three sack game right like you know and and then he's he's not even in in the lineup a few weeks later um linebacker is a position where I think the Eagles will cycle through this until they find the right group of guys so if Bon underachieves if if Dean underachieves it could be white back in there like we you know I it certainly makes sense to keep them around for for now and we'll kind of see how this develops I I'm in f i I like white uh and as as B probably laugh like I the the name appeal is what jumps to me there you know because he's there is a track record we we we've seen him have sucess before you're a track record of him being benched last year by the coach who he sees like as a father figure I mean yes yes I mean we're talking about him compared to the Alternatives right now they they they they they made a sizable investment for their standards but certainly not a sizable investment for for linebacker standards like to give you an example when we were doing the free agency discussions right one of the you know the the the I was I was talking about Jordan Brooks Jordan Brooks got like 10 plus million in free agency Devon white the Eagles got him I think for what four million guarantee three and a half million guaranteed so it's it's really not a big Financial investment it is their biggest Financial investment since Nigo bradam it's a little bit more than Kaiser white but it's not a big Financial in in investment relatively speaking so I think even even went into the signing hoping but not relying on this working well I mean you could make it you know would you rather have sequan Barkley and Devin white or Jordan Brooks and Devin Singletary I'll let you answer that question who would you rather have I think I'd probably rather have the linebacker in this offense that can make the most out of a running back yeah and this this this goes back to our conversation about like a players at a money compared to you know if if you're paying Jordan Brooks a lot of money and he's not an a player or even like an A A minus player you would you you you'd rather pay the top running back top dollar but I do see your point like I'm I'm not overwhelmed by paying demon sleary five million a year um but there are other avenues they they they could have gone so I'm with you there we can save this this big picture conversation of the roster building for another time let's let's get to the the scene setting here Zach now I know that are disappointed with your backdrop here tell us uh and tell the audience the links that you have tried to go to to bring us a better backdrop yeah so this is a point of frustration for me uh right now you see the interior window of my room the on the on this side is the bathroom um I'm facing a window that I tried doing the hit from there toilet C it's it's really just an office building behind me then you see kind of a Skyline I'm not saying the skyline and I'll get to that in a bit um in the in in the in the distance now the other side of the hotel where I think Dave zenaro is EJ Smith is based on Instagram photos I come here comes the fomo yeah no yeah they have this beautiful Bridge okay and I've gone to the front desk twice and I've tried to see if I can get a room on that side and this isn't because like you know I want some some great view for me it's for the viewers I I I've been thinking I'm doing hits on John Marx's show hits on Anthony's show PHL Eagles hits like I want that view in the background they're telling me every single room in the hotel was booked uh it's the you know the NFL is staying here this is did you try sliding a little bit of cash dollar it's a it's a pretty bridge I think we're actually kind of missing out here okay yeah well TR so if you go on my Instagram zore Burman uh you can see that I I went up to the uh there's like a a gym SL swimming pool on the top floor went up there to take shots of it um I went outside because I did I walked around the perimeter of the hotel looking for a visual because I did a uh a 60-sec short on the um on the on the Devon white news uh and I wanted to do that outside and I found the spot there and I was trying to get the bridge in the background there just just didn't didn't did not work out about 30 minutes ago Julia our terrific head of production um I wanted to test out on because I can't get the hotel Wi-Fi on the phone when I'm outside so I wanted to see if if the connection over the cellular was strong enough because I got the handy selfie stick here or tripod selfie stick um and I was gonna do this outside uh while I uh you know uh just holding this up and so you had this great backdrop in the background Julia told me and she was right like or well she could only know I'm not there I can't know the connection was too spotty for that un so unfortunately I said I'll come up to the hotel room and I'll try to see if I can get this background uh and I tried angling the camera the right way then Bo says it's just an office building so I'm deferring to the host here Bo but um also dark your face was very dark in any event yeah in any event I really want to get the right backdrop I want to show people the scene if you go to all all our social accounts you can see uh some of the scene in the background there I will be at practice tomorrow uh from Corinthians Arena uh and I will come on our show from Corinthians Arena hopefully get a good backdrop there but I look I'm here our company invested in in in us being here I want to make sure that uh the audience sees beautiful South Pao Zack what have you eaten so far have you gotten any local cuine set to scene forget about the backdrops tell us about your experience yeah the birds fans everywhere what's it look like well so yeah so look it's three days before you know I I left on Tuesday night um through Miami to South Pavo so so you would think a Tuesday night flight Philly to Miami Miami Sal poo maybe not be it might not be full of Eagles fans I got to tell you full of Eagles fans and I know you know if if you watched Anthony show the other day some of the fan groups you know you know like Philly sports trips like they're out here right uh now they're in Rio all right they're they're doing Brazil the way Bo did um they're they're they're going to Rio and then they're only coming to South poo like the day of well I don't want to speak for them but um like they're spending most of the time in Rio from from from my understanding but a lot of fans came independently and they were on on my flight there was uh you know I was um on the flight to Miami I was sitting right by John Clark and uh people pass John Clark and you know um go Birds Go Birds Birds to John Clark right like they John's one of the most recognizable people in Philly right about to you about to you yeah yeah it's kind of messed up uh well as phly continues to grow there's there's there's there's gonna be more people saying uh nobody recognize nobody recognize you uh I don't know we don't need to get into that no did anybody recognize you um not really no well were hold on were you doing the did you have did you have your baseball cap on youro your baseball cap with no logo the black one yes yeah definitely had that you pull it down low I could see I could see how you doing notice yeah now look I mean yeah yeah um but it was I know your travel gear so I I was um you know John Clark by the way John's The Man He's tell he's in the Miami Airport shouting over to me from from The Other Side Kyle schwarber just hit a home run right um so uh shout out to John there he was he was this was like uh 10:45 in in in the Miami Airport um so uh so so anyways a lot of Eagles fans coming down here for sure uh did sleep on the plane I know that was something you wanted to know got got a good chunk of s the chat unanimously taking the under on four and a half hours I would also take an under on Zack but he might have he might have had some performance enhancing drugs what do we think a little bit of an upset here um I fell asleep early in the flight and you know it's it's one of those things like you wake up off and on but you're still in your sleep trance you fall back to sleep right yeah um woke up with like an hour and a half to go on the flight ex set five hours in in 33 minutes according the book the book is absolutely cashing in just raking in what a big what a big day for the PHL Sports 365 is about to buy more advertising yeah I I was um I was pleasantly surprised it it made the flight fly through I actually you know the flight back I'm taking non-stop that's a 10-h hour flight on the way back I got to figure out how I can tap into what happened last night because uh if you tell me I can sleep for six hours and only have like you know be awake for four hours of the flight sign me up for that that that's that's and I don't know I mean I'm trying to figure out if the flight home right now does not have the little Wi-Fi logo on it that's a concern day after game want to do some follow-up writing follow-up columns so uh uh we're gonna we're paying close attention to see if that Wi-Fi logo appears sometimes so Zach if you hadn't slept the whole time what were you planning on watching and don't tell me work and writing and all that you had to watch a little something no that's the thing I I wasn't going to write um on that because I I wanted to sleep like I I specifically said for that flight because there's only a 1 hour time difference I can't catch up on sleep here I wanted to to to make sure that I slept on on that flight um but I uh I did download um a few things onto my iPad uh and then I was going to um you know both kept talkinging about succession no no both talk I I I never watched the final season of succession I downloaded the final season of succession uh but I gota say I want to go to sleep and when I'm going to sleep I I I need either like something I'm familiar with so I'm not attached to the plot lines and so Ted lasso put that on this you know they had it on the screen in front of us you know the the the in seat screen Ted lasso was watching that episode I didn't even get to the result of the game boom was out right away so uh thank you Jason stakus well Zach I think I can speak for everybody here everybody in the chat and especially Emily we are we are proud of you we're proud of you for sleeping man getting some sleep this is a new year new you no this is I mean I'm not planning on sleeping a lot while I'm here it's just that specific night um but uh Emily is is uh controlling the Twitter account so you might see some some tweets she's having a little she she's having a little too much fun with it she's like you know she she put it up she she put up the first three tweets she said that was so easy do you need anything more and I'm like yeah you know you have enough to do at home I I I don't want to buy your time up and she's like no just text and I'll copy and paste so she's controlling the uh Twitter account right now um and then to answer Jamie's question I had I uh I walked around to um in the kind of area here I'm so the hotel that I'm in is a little bit like removed from I guess the Hub up of the city it's more kind of financial area there's a mall that's attached to it that I I walk by there are three now now Bo knows Brazil far better than me this this might be a thing in Brazil three different buffets that I passed by is that a big thing like lunch buffets no I mean I was in Rio for five days I'm not like a I'm not like a scholar of the whole city the whole country so did you hit the buffet it's a pretty it's pretty vast Place three different buffets three three different buffets had and it's a big uh stew country right great stew yeah stew there was like a a sampling of like six six different stews you know you can go with uh the the the I don't want to say all like the different meats that were in the stews but big stew why who are you afraid of offending bying the meats in the no I don't want to miss like there there was some like possibly if the oxil is watching this I don't want him to know that I forgot him I gotta tell you on like an 85 degree day I'm not a big hot stew guy um fortunately as I said that's fair there's there's the uh there's the high there's the highest concentration of Japanese people here in South poo um outside of Japan like it's it's um I can give you a lot of southp facts that I've looked up so uh had a little sushi with the buffet had a nice combination of of the um of the sushi rolls and uh the stew and um a little bit of the salad um and then they uh I I I want a little pickme up and I I went to the coffee bar at the hotel and I said I said what do you recommend at a Brazil coffee shop uh and he said he told me cappuccino and I said went in Brazil so I'll have the cappuccino yeah are you planning on trying any exotic meats this week are you going to go outside your comfort zone just as long as that's not out of my comfort zone but I am going to yeah I look Bo told me don't overrate the the Brazilian steakhouse experience I've had multiple people including those living in South pow who who who reached out who specifically recommended the same Brazilian Steakhouse so I got to give that a shot um and so so perfectly you to end up at a buffet and just know that because there's a a high concent this fact that you know that you've picked up well and then I got to get the the buffet Sushi well how was it h i mean better Sushi um like grocery store we're like oh well you know I said you know and then they asked me what what what you want to drink and I said I said whatat do you have and they said they have their their house juice their house juice is a combination of um like different like fruits and uh Ginger was in there um it was it was fine it was it was good but I'm I'm very curious to explore more of the South pal what ra review the sushi was in and the house juice was fine but well I've only had one meal here I mean i' I've been here for six hours right but this is what I I need to say okay and I'm sorry I I know we have ad breaks we we need to get to um I'm sorry but uh I I will say the STW in this city is incred now so there's 21 million people who live in the like uh whole South po area you know there's 14 million in the in the municipality 21 million in in the area it's the most densely populated city in the Americas and and and you can see it like typically you have uh a downtown or like a you know like Philly has has has has Center City Manhattan you know you you have that that one area here it's so sprawled out it took an hour and a half from the airport to or to the hotel uh it's going to take two and a half hours from the hotel to the stadium two hours tomorrow from the stadium to the game I asked uh people like where can I walk to and they say you don't walk you you know yeah you have to go anywhere and everywhere is like 20 minutes minutes 30 minutes away it is um so Sprout out here but uh uh I'm trying to kind of see as much as I can of uh South po within reason I know in case Emily's watching here within reason but I will uh I I am making sure that I am getting the full South po experience as much as I can including by the way I say South po experience South pal Antonio too I saw South pal in the lobby today South pal and South pal yeah it's great seeing s like to see 21 million people inside him excuse me I don't know how to respond to that but it was great seeing s we do go but I want to give you one chance um give us the give us the 30 second plug on what people can read about your trip to saquan Barkley's Hometown which is up on all yeah first off I do want to publicly recognize Bo here Bo carried us with our special section I'm proud of the special section um bo bo is Bo didn't Bo was the leader with that and has four pieces I highly recommend all of them my piece was the saquon Barkley piece if you if you remember I missed practice one day uh because Eagles changed to Monday and Tuesday I went out there um and say I asked saquon before I went out there I said where should I eat okay and he he he told me the restaurant Samuel Ellen's restaurant so I go to Samuel Ellen restaurant and I cross the street from Samuel Ellen's restaurant is a rock that says home of saquan Barkley and saquon Barkley's a gens and I walk into the restaurant and uh this this very nice woman Stacy at the front she she greets me and I you know or well she wasn't greeting me she wash she was sitting me down and I uh I told her what I was there for and I said do you know saquon do I says do I know saquin um he lived in the apartment above me for seven years like what are the odds you know and I I I saw saquin a week later for I was talking to him for the story and I said I spoke to Stacy and he looks at me like I'm I'm creeping on him and I'm like how did you meet Stacy and I I said she was working she was working at at s lens restaurant um and then I was you know so uh I was scrolling through some of the pictures on my phone with with with saquan it was like uh genuine you know unless a great actor which which which might be the case he sees some of these pictures and he's like wow he's like you know I I need to bring my daughter to see that and I you know he says he said at one point like this is before I was say like this is when I was just say say to everybody right and so you really got the sense in talking to him and being there like who he was before he was saon Barkley if you will and uh this and a really coming back to this area is very meaningful for him uh because of that he didn't grow up an Eagles fan he grew up a Jets fan but all his boys are Eagles fans and in addition to that like the the idea now it it took me 57 minutes to get there uh from a little bit like west of Philly from mcgomery county saquon says he gets there in 45 minutes like he drives considerably faster than I do um but anyways like the idea that he's no no left fo Barkley right but uh the idea that oh yeah but the idea that um he so close to home is Meaningful to him and uh I tried to kind of paint the scene for the readers check that out in addition to all the other stories and all all right Zack we do have to let you go but we also have a super chat for you from Chase Daniel Plan view who says Zack did you make a takeoff joke to John Clark oh I I did not make a takeoff joke to John Clark although I I felt bad because um I was in the bulkhead seat okay and John was in the row behind me so John was in uh well it's not row two it's like row eight bad row seven whatever it is right um and uh Jon's like a foot taller than me right and so I was gonna offer JN my seat uh because he he he needs a leg room more than I do hit the player hit the game you know I yeah but then there is the bulkhead seat across for me was open I was waiting for him to move he he he did not move but yeah I did not make that that joke joke the John it's always good seeing John all right Zach go uh go paint some more pictures of the scene uh you know see if there's any other uh you know gas station sushi places please keep a food diary of of your week I'd be I'd love to read that it's a good idea there's a cookie place in the mall that that um I was gonna pass up the the sweets but went in southp I'm here on a company D like the audience wants to know yeah my cookie reviews so I I will go and I will take a I'll take a picture of the cookies and I will tell people how the sou poo cookies are all right thank you very much Zach and we go from one ZB to another talking about our friends at zbiotics now I Know Rich has a has a tough situation coming up on Friday night week one Eagle season opener Al I got a wedding to go to I I know I know you don't want to feel bad on Saturday morning so maybe do a little zbiotics pre- alcohol beforehand because let's face it after a night with drinks you know we don't bounce back the same way that we used to so if I'm going to drink I need to make a choice I can either have a great night or a great next day that is until I found 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necessarily involved in what Zach and I were were you know semi- arguing about about the the roster building but just a temperature check for you another year where we don't know what to expect or we sort of expect that the Eagles linebackers are going to be a problem in this game in particular uh you know the Packers very good at manipulating those linebackers seems like a place where they can make some hay what's like your just as as an Eagles fan like level of trust here are you a little bit over having to worry about this yeah I mean it feels like we're back at square one I mean it really does and honestly for most of the training camp I think pretty much every Observer said all right Devon white is he looks fine he's getting most of the the first team steps now you would say it's it's probably fair to point out it's hard to gauge linebacker it's the it's the most difficult because yeah you you can't tell from the sideline view if guys are in the right place or not you know um now ncoe Dean at the at the open practice at the link like missed a few tackles in the open field that is when like you can see stuff yeah but I mean Deon white the most of the stuff that he was doing was coming forward yeah um and you know you could make the case that if that's if that is what he's doing it's probably not a good sign and and real quick you would also agree that over the last week week in a half of training camp it looked like ncoe Dean was making enough like you know at the open practice he was making enough bad plays that stood out he actually was making some good plays that stood out he was there's one that that pops in mind where he was actually like in coverage on Devonte Smith on a crossing rounde and made a nice play and that's one where like okay that's that's one to you know keep in the back of your mind because that's what you need to see um I still I think it's a little bit overblown like I don't think that NOCO Dean was like you know looking like mid-career Bobby Wagner out there at practice but I I do agree that it was cleared the low bar of his best summer so far so my concern in all this is Zack Bon because exactly we're just like Trot Junior and uh nocoe Dean have physical limitations where they aren't in an ideal pair together right if Zack Bon isn't good they might be screwed like NOCO Dean is tough because one you have to count on him being healthy which he hasn't shown an ability to do in two years now three Zack bond is a total wild card in this and if Trot and and noobe can't be paired together because teams are just going to pick on him in the passing game I mean this yeah I mean Bon thing is entirely theoretical yeah I thought he looked better than I expected him to this summer and his instincts seemed a little bit better than than I would have expected given the fact that he has never really played the position full-time you know he over the course of his four-year rookie contract with the Saints according to True Media I was looking it up he has like 150 snaps in coverage you know Devon White had like 450 last year right so that that's just showing you how how little he's actually been asked to do that so yeah like I you know Vic Fango loved Zack Bon he's you know that's part of the reason that he's here um you know you go back to like when he was asked about the linebackers in the spring he was the first guy he mentioned yeah so I think he's going to have a chance I'm pretty skeptical that it's going to it's just because like if he could do that wouldn't he have done that before and so that's why I kind of think that I mean I like TR Jr I think I think eventually he will be involved here but I I'm curious if Orin Burks now is going to be a guy who's who's G to like shockingly play that's that's what he goes from barely making the 53 he might he didn't make the 53 he got called up from the practice Club it feels like we're hanging by dental floss from Warren Burks and it's not even game one yet yeah it's also like the the palace Intrigue with the reporting on this too like I could accept Okay Deon White's hurt like he can't play but the idea of we don't know what Zack Bon's going to give you uh we don't know what noobe Dean's gonna give you like let's say NOCO Dean hits let's say he plays B what why can't he play with Devon white and now it seems like this is almost being taken off the table it's a little bit on my radar of like this this uh this season which is like oh like okay how serious are they like are they really together like you know like all these moving Parts who were just crammed into one you know Frankenstein body and like oh there's nothing to see here uh Nick and Jaylen are totally fine like you know we're all getting along we're all buddy buddy and then the day before they fly to Brazil like this guy who wasn't on the injury report basically at all is all of a sudden out with an ankle injury like come on yeah and what do you think the pack what do you think the Packers are doing right now you know Finding ways to execute middle yeah well they're not doing that but they are finding all right well R gets play in time we're going to pick on him as soon as he steps on the field if Zack Bon is you know they look at his preseason tape and then think he over pursues everything they're going to draw up something to counter that they're just going to attack or it just feels like the linebackers are just going to continue to get attacked now the one thing I will say is uh NCO is like as as uh like fun a player to root for like he he's he seems like a like an awesome guy um if the narrative Arc is like didn't play his rookie year disappointed his second year and then now he's finally healthy you know both of his feet are no longer Liz franked and he's able to you know hold down that position I think that would be a great story and and you know certainly he is a guy who like the guys on the team gravitate towards to to some degree so he's a play I pull for him but it's it's far from we don't know what he is and it's year three it's it's weird I I also wonder too like because you know if they are bad there's going to be a lot of you know hand ringing about oh you should have put more resources in the linebacker position I think saquan would be the person that people go to I'm also just like if you look around the league there are not you know two linebackers for every team there are not 64 good linebackers good starting linebackers in the league um and you know they like five yeah so there is a little bit of this where like other teams have questions at DIS position if you look at the other depth charts it's just that the Eagles have been this is historically their same problem over and over and over again yeah so so here we are again well you know they got a chance to go out and prove it on Friday all right a quick a quick ad turnaround here cuz Zach you know just telling us so much about how many people live in South Pao I mean I that was a 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show last segment with a little draft and because there is so much Unknown about exactly how Vic Fango is going to play these guys on defense what we're going to do is we're going to draft we're going to go snake style and we're just drafting who you think is going to play You're trying to draft a team of the most defensive snaps played cumulatively okay now it's difficult it's difficult let's let's figure out our order you you two guys play Rock Paper Scissors and the winner gets to pick spot they have yeah best I'm one two three shoot not shoot three okay one two three shoot all right J one two three not rock paper scissors huh yeah I've always been a one two three Guy rock paper scissors I guess I kind of mix them up you know what you know what I did Growing Up and I still get Rachel my wife makes fun of me for this rock paper scissors says shoot you ever heard that no that's psycho stuff what are the official rules I think they actually have national championships for this stuff they do the r Shambo imagine being good at that like year to year like like I knew a kid from college that actually went to like the US Open of it and it was like a big event on a stage yeah I feel like he's probably cheating like he's got like you know Rachel BR won she won a tournament at Disney world really when she was a kid so yes big big feather in her cap also my son he's been watching this show uh rescue Riders it's like a dragon show and they play um uh hay Rock fire instead of Rock Paper Scissors Shoot what does hay beat hay beats Rock hey covers rock okay rock puts out the fire and the fire obviously puts the hay in Flames yeah I wouldn't want to be that but the the difficulty of this is you always want to throw fire because fires like this it's just fun to do like you want to go like this that's way more fun than hay I mean Rock but fire like you get to move that you get to move your fingers around that's that's way better all right Jam you want to go first second or third uh I guess I will go oh I'll go third okay Rich what do you want to do that would have been my pick as well I'll go second all right I got to lead off now leading off is tough yeah that's because you think about it like the the guys in the secondary if you have guys who are going to play they're going to play the most but there's a lot of like injury risk there CJ Garner Johnson hasn't stayed healthy in three seasons Reed blankin ship has an injury history darus slay is 34 and that's why I'm going off the board here I'm taking my number one pick I'm going quinan Mitchell wow I'm going with the rookie uh you know Vic Fango said the other day he's he's uh he's ready to play every snap I think if he stays healthy he's going to be on the field I'm going quinon he was in my top tier I will say that I had him second so I I think that's a good pick I I understand it after what Vic said yesterday you don't know you don't know where he's gonna play but I think he's gonna play and obviously the the injury element of this too because we're we're looking at a couple things here right like playing time y uh performance obviously and durabilities maybe the biggest one and then position yeah yeah that's the that's the other one with injuries and stuff okay so quinan Mitchell was number two so I'm going to take my number one pick okay feels a not probably not as good of a player as quinan Mitchell I am going to take Reed blankin chip reason he was in my top tier as well second last year by the way I would not have been able to tell you offhand that James Bradberry led the defense andn almost 92% of the SN by like it it really wasn't that close I think slay was second if I'm not Mist maybe I have that wrong but I was looking it up prior to the show so I think it was Bradberry blankin chip SLE something like that yeah so I mean I remember in the offseason I forget what the program is where the the NFL gives money to kind of players on rookie contracts that play play a lot I think Reed blankinship got the second biggest payout in the entire League last year with that so uh I think like look it it's not perfect like he could get injured he performance maybe I'm a little bit worried about because they do have some other options back there at safety but I'm going to go with Reed second all right you guys took I had three guys in my top tier first round picks you guys took two of the three okay how did your draft go last night by the way uh I think pretty great okay I got graded an A+ and Yahoo said I'm going to win the league I'll take that congrats yeah thank you big big night in the house um so I'm going to save my pick for the first round because I get the snake so I mentally feel better about him being a second round next year yeah so I'm gonna go with the uh the baby rhino nice I'm gonna take Jaylen Carter here in the first he was not in my top tier he was actually the first of my second tier um but a little reverse psychology on myself now I get Darius slle and the second round I feel better about taking the old cornerback uh there you just like the value of yeah yeah it's good value in the second round Carter thing is is the big question here sure and I actually I think I would have had him as my second pick just because he's going to play they need him and if you look at the Dolphin snaps last year Christian Wilkins played the third most snaps of anybody on that defense they had some they had some injuries on the outside but this is our expectation that Vic vanjo wants to really push the needle on how often those defensive linemen are on the field uh all of the emphasis has been for Jaylen Carter and Jordan Davis on like increasing their level of Fitness you know I did the the poll story of asking everybody on the team who's going to have a big season this year and Devonte Smith who is usually like a very reliable n by the way everyone read that uh he said Jaylen Carter and Jordan Davis because of their Fitness like because of them seeming like they're going to be ready to play all these snaps and so Jaylen Carter who I think has a chance to like have a breakout season and compete for a defensive player of the year potentially I think he's going to be on the field the thing that really got me kind of like horned up about it was watching mayada and Lane Johnson on Chris Long's podcast and like you know when like you see somebody that is talking about you know a mutual and there's just kind of like this like glow and like holy bleep like this guy has it and they all just were raving about Jaylen Carter so I think he's going to be on the field more uh than maybe I expected so and then I'll take slay second so I'm happy with that snake do we do we think it's a little weird that Shawn Desai basically ran these guys into the ground last year and like look Matty pensils the worst defensive coordinator I've ever seen in my life he did not have a very fresh defensive line he was working with at that point and then they go all right we're gonna take the guy who just believes just just get out there did you see uh mny P by the way I did on the bellich show on the underdog Network very funny there was like a jump cut too because like it was for the first five minutes and like B bich it is so funny that he's still demanding to take his his failson staff with him wherever he goes in media like yeah come on from defensive coordinator to Underdog fantasy there you go uh okay next one so I had one more player I do not feel great about this because of injury I feel it as long as he is healthy he's gonna play every snap he's a right a phenomenal player um I think uh you know he's going to bring an element of toughness and just uh he's an irritant to other teams so I'm talking about CJ Gardner Johnson uh so the Counterpoint and why I'm a little bit scared because the secondary guys play the most is that he has played in 15 regular season games the last two years it's not a lot yeah I had him in my second tier as well I think it's a good pick but it's just dependent on health yeah yeah like if you ask me uh which player would I bet on to play 100% of the snaps this week it would be CJ gner Johns no doubt about it he's gonna be on the field as long as he is healthy for every snap but he has to prove that he can stay healthy um and it's you know it's one of those things where he would say that they've all been fluky um you know it's not like there's something about his body but this is a player who invites contact uh and sort of invites that flakiness because of the way that he uses his body which is what makes him such a good player so uh yeah I think I think you're right now that I that was like the top five tier for me so now it's a now it's sympatico there yeah you guys we we we got that exactly as I a little bit different but those five for sure so now I got to just go with like I could take an upside swing but I'm actually I'm gonna I'm going to stick with at the turn here I'm going to take the two Edge rushers and get the snaps that they're going to play I'm goingon to say Bryce huff and Josh sweat uh those are going to be my two little picks it's a nice little onew combo piece um you know I could yeah I could go the the nickel we don't know if there's going to be a full-time nickel uh is it you know is key Ringo where as Roger is going to be on the outside I know that Bryce Hoff and Josh s I'm going for floor here so I'm going to take those two guys I like that so I'm either GNA come in first or I'm gonna come in last yet uh because and really like what are the sticks what are the sticks they I mean we're probably not like d is not even gonna bother so it doesn't matter uh so I'm gonna take noobe Dean next I was considering and look I his injury history he has the two question marks where we don't know if he's good and we don't know if he's going to stay healthy but like I I think if you know he gets into a Groove here like the top linebacker plays all the snaps so uh I will take that and he will play either you know 80% of the snaps or 20% of the snaps whatever all right big snake coming my way here um gotta watch where I say that um I'm gonna go this is tough I think I'm going to go with key Ringo wow little bit that's an upside swing yeah an upside swing there and I think I'm going to go Milton Williams okay I think he's going to steal a job at some point this year yeah I mean there's a there's a real chance I think that he ends up playing more snaps in and he seems durable so I feel confident that healthwise he'll be there it's just uh can he prove it and and look he's he's is he in a contract here he is there's a lot to play for so uh yeah I don't love those two picks but I feel okay about them I like that you've got Carter slay Ringo Milton I think we should I think we can go all six rounds here I think we can we can get to 18 guys who have a reasonable shot to to be a part of this defense go ahead Rich all right I will take a higher floor player there's another one that I was I was looking at that I thought you know could be another like 8020 guy we'll see uh I'm gonna take Jordan Davis next uh who I was considering yeah he's like look he's not gonna play as much as Jaylen Carter uh I'm sure they don't want him completely gassed but he's also Far and Away the best player that they have at a starting position so uh go with him hope he gets up to you know 50ish percent and and we'll take that and move on okay at this point I feel like I have to take the upside swing on Cooper Dee yeah I think there's a I think there's a chance come week three that he becomes a close to full-time player uh so I'm going to take Cooper to jeene and then I'm on the fence here you know I could go linebacker I could go Nolan Smith I could make a you know make a case for Avante Maddox or Isaiah Rogers do I believe in the Zack Bond thing I'm gonna go it's tough I feel like I crossed on someone I wasn't supposed to cross out I feel like I did that too I'm going to go uh I'm you know what I'm going bold oh oh bold and beautiful I know where he's going I'm taking Trot junr yep uh I'm just I've been it's it's it's been what I expect to happen all season long All Along by midseason he becomes a close to full-time player I'm gonna I'm gonna go and bet on on Trot it's a good it's a good pick you put them on the table I respect it all right um well since I have the two safeties I think you could make an argument that avonte Maddox you know he could be the nickel in a couple days he could provide some aity at safety but since I have the two safeties I don't want to root for that I want I want those guys to play the entire year so uh I am going to take I'm gonna take Zack bun we'll see how that goes maybe right hey and and look maybe it's a thing where I get most of the snaps in the first half of the Year Bo gets most of the snaps in the second half of the year when Trot Jr proves that he is the better player at that point but you know Zach just give me just give me September that's all yeah he wasn't going to get past me I was hoping kind of bond would fall to me there a little bit uh but I will take Nolan Smith okay I think uh I think dude's got a massive opportunity to get some some big playing time if he shows up early um so I'll take the gamble there and then on the way back last pick Jaylen carner Darius slle key Ringo Milton Williams ring off the board and no no those those are have uh part of me wants to say Devin white just because yeah sure why not like it could be so bad that he's forced in play but I don't know like I mean if we had done this draft yesterday he would have been like second guy would have been high I say Rogers I like I just think cornerback so competitive I don't know if you can wiggle in there as much I'm gonna no because if I go ojimo that means that Jordan Davis is a massive failure or he's taking Milton snaps potentially yeah I will Brandon Graham yeah I don't think BG's goingon to be playing much I I'll do it I'll take Devon white and a risky yeah late round pick High upside all right you have Reed blankin ship CJ Garner Johnson nocoe Dean Jordan Davis Zack Bond well there's a few options here no no Isaiah Rogers yet all right is Rogers Sydney Brown Sydney Brown Avante M missing at least four at least four and jayx Hunt Orin Burks if you want to bet on it Brandon Graham that's possible uh I'll take more ojimo I had an ojimo in my second low floor yeah low floor that's good or high floor rather low ceiling uh okay I didn't trust my board there I had OJ Mo ahead of Deon white that's okay yeah I'm gonna close it out uh I I do think there's a there's a chance that Avante is gonna make us all look dumb here yeah and could be uh the nickel this week and just hold that job there's a chance Isaiah Rogers makes us look dumb and you know as a full-time starter on the outside uh BG jayx hunt involved but I'm I'm go I'm going to go uh against your safety Tandem and I am going to take Sydney Brown I think there's a chance that second half of the Season he's a full-time starting player on the defense so I'm going to take Sydney Brown to uh join my group of quinan Mitchell Bryce Huff Josh SWAT Cooper deine Jeremiah Trotter and now Sydney Brown what perfect timing we nailed this thing right on the post right on it fantastic all right teach that uh well thank you guys for joining us for this episode of the PHL Eagles podcast we are back tomorrow tomorrow the professor and Fran Duffy we're going to be getting a little bit more into the weeds of this Eagles Packers matchup and then uh on Friday Jamie and potentially Rich maybe a mystery guest at 2 o'clock as we count down the hours at that point to the game itself you you've also got the kickoff show from the Tradesmen yeah looking forward to that great barbecue fantastic I love Barbe you can join uh you might as well I mean what else what what better plans do you have on Friday night than watching it with a bunch of other sickos at the Tradesman uh awesome and then we will have you with your full game day coverage halftime show postgame show we have a very exciting announcement to come about what our postgame show is going to look like so we look forward to that thanks everybody for watching and listening we will talk to you tomorrow make sure you do check out that Eagles preview on all and as always we love you [Music] [Applause] we all sitting like the mayor

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