Philadelphia Eagles-Minnesota Vikings postgame show: Cooper DeJean and co. make their case | PHLY

[Music] hello everybody doing my best bow wolf impression welcome into the phly Eagles podcast postgame show myself Jamie Lynch and with the great Fran Duffy we got Julia behind the scenes Bo wolf right now is currently at a Jan doson introductory press conference in a postgame setting uh he is going to join us after Nick sani's press conference we will carry the Nick serani press conference for you right here so you don't have to go anywhere we hope to be your home for eagles post game on the internet this year Fran and uh I don't know Nick serani personally I would imagine he is uh slightly irritated by today's performance because overall start to finish we'll recap everything and The Fringe guys and who did well for themselves today and all that overall just kind of a sloppy game uh a lot of penalties some dropped passes uh kind of a coaching nightmare not that it was their fault but like everything that would irritate a coach kind of happened today yeah you had turnovers you had penalties you had long drives on defense short drives on offense a lot of things that you would look back and say not ideal not an ideal way to end the preseason but uh that said you have to keep in mind obviously our our our viewers know this is many of the players you saw here today are not going to be playing two two Fridays from now in Brazil against the Green Bay Packers and so uh yes you'd like it to a little bit smooth in this but the the sky is not falling in Philadelphia it's funny every time they show saquan Barkley and AJ Brown and Dallas SCD and Jaylen Herz and on the bench I just go man I can't wait to watch the actual real product uh but we are finally done with preseason football uh a lot of these guys we won't see anymore Will Greer might have just taken his last professional snap of football ever you know we don't know how that works uh you know the roster decisions are due this week uh the 53 man roster is due by Tuesday I believe they said it noon yep is that correct noon and then Wednesday the 16 player practice squad uh is going to be set we might see some trades before then we might see some movement Don Bland for the Dallas Cowboys just went down today six to eight weeks for him that's a big loss for him uh you have a bold prediction we'll get to at some point in this show that's right that's right yes uh so A lot's going to happen between now and Tuesday uh but as a whole before we get into some of the nitty-gritty of who play played well who didn't who kind of who stole the show for you for the Eagles today if you had to pick one player on either side of the ball or special teams that kind of really did well for themselves today on the on the on the you know the roster battle ahead yeah I would say one player that to me flashed more than any would be Julian aquara the pass rusher off the edge I mean had a sack late in the first half that stopped a that stopped the scoring drive for Minnesota or stopped the touchdown drive for Minnesota they were still able to get a field goal uh and then was able to force an inmet pass on the ensuing possession for the Minnesota Vikings so for me aquara it's going to be it's going to be tight obviously with the numbers off the edge it's going to be a tough uphill climb for him to be able to make it he would be competing with Patrick Johnson I think as that for that final spot off the edge Johnson gets the nod because of special teams value but aquara is long versatile explosive he showed the ability to be able to beat tackles in a number of different ways here today in this game uh and he's a guy that's done it here in the NFL I mean he got a nice contract from Detroit a couple of years ago uh this guy's been around the block a little bit and so Patrick Johnson the arrow you think is pointing up with him he's in year three we talked about the Special Teams value but is that going to be enough to unseat a guy like aara who's got that level that level of of quality play as a defensive end yeah he certainly was uh jumping out all over the screen today uh and if you're just joining us welcome into the phy Eagles postgame show presented by bet 365 find out why it's never ever ordinary at bet 365 and look who we have in the chat with us Zack Burman live from California absolute get out of here go hang out with your wife uh but no great to see you Zach uh yes aquara is an interesting one as he he disrupted today you know another guy on the defensive side of the ball I think that did himself a lot of favors was Van sumerin yes as well I thought he kind of shined a little bit there in Z in the chat by the way is that he's checking it on bvs he's big bvs guy yeah that makes a lot of sense uh so it's going to be very interesting you know a couple position battles uh you know probably got decided today and you know I'd love to be a fly on that wall when the coaches and Howe are sitting in there and trimming you know whether it be those final three or four spots and who can bring what versatility to the to the team whe whether it's a to or somebody else or somebody like a Tristan McCollum who again I thought was another guy that kind of showed some flashes of playmaking ability uh you know van sumerin uh is another guy that showed up uh McCollum these are all Fringe bubble type of players and you know a Joseph engada who may have been considered a bubble type of player probably did himself some harm today McCollum and Van sumerin and okara uh really kind of shined and probably gave the coaches more to think about yeah I think at the end of the day when you look at Hoy Roseman Nick serani the St The Scouting staff and the coaching staff as you're trying to figure out who's going to make this final 53 who's going to make that 16-man practice squad that you mentioned who's worthy of sticking around uh on the as an injur Reserve candidate as well because remember there's a new rule that's going into effect this summer where uh teams can now place up to two players on a shortterm injured reserve but you don't have to hold a spot on the initial 53 that used to be the rule before Jamie was that if a guy got hurt and you wanted to keep him through you had to keep him on the initial 53 and then you could put him on injured reserve the next day the NFL changed that ruling here this year and so uh if there's a player that got dinged up here in this uh in this game or this week of practice and you would say you know what uh we're not necessarily counting on this guy for the first five six weeks let's put him on ice for now we can address it later uh and we saw a number of players did not play today in this game that you would say okay but is this is could jayx hunt be a player like that where hey you know what we know we're going to bring it along slow with jayx hunt that could open the door for someone like a Patrick Johnson or a Julian aquara to make this team and so how teams and spe specifically the Eagles because we know that they are typically uh you know on the Forefront of trying new things from a roster management standpoint they we'll see if anybody tries to get creative with how they try and use those two spots yeah Keegan might be another guy and hun today you know minor dinged up and you wonder how much of that is legit versus how much of that is is the roster construction game of like hey they didn't play the final preseason game they were dinged up that's it so we want to put them on ice for a couple weeks uh so all that stuff is going to be very very interesting um Tanner tan mcke versus Kenny picket the much debated qb2 controversy uh Tanner mcke another nice drive there in the second half uh didn't result in the touchdown unfortunately but he looked pretty good I guess that's kind of at the end of the day you know not a major major storyline because as you said both guys are going to be practicing both guys are going to be there Will Greer uh is probably done here I can't imagine he's a practice squad guy um but you do want to have you know some Young quarterback within the system on that prti prce Squad um anything stand out to you from mck today uh I thought both guys looked fine both hean picket you know there wasn't a uh a terribly productive day for the offense obviously was only putting three points on the board uh I think they had more turnover on Downs than they did uh points in this game which is not ideal but I think when you look at the quarterbacks both of them had some key passes dropped and so the receivers were not able to come up with some of those big plays for them EJ Jenkins had the one in the end zone on the corner route that would have been a tough grab he had to leave his feet he was looking over the shoulder Defender on his back so uh a tough situation there but you know Joseph NADA he he dropped one that from picket and then dropped one from mck on fourth down in the Red Zone a slant right on the numbers goes through his hands pops up and it's an interception in mck's name so yeah it wasn't a great day in the box score for either quarterback but I didn't think either of them played you know over the top bad yeah uh maybe the most interesting thing today was Cooper deene and the way he was used we talked about it during our halftime reaction uh Vic fangio uh seems to have a blitz toy in kuber deine of course it's always hard to tell preseason what translates into you know week one and how much are we going to see Dee even on the field um all that stuff is to be determined but it was interesting that Cooper Dee it appeared much like Tanner mcky earlier in the preseason his day was done and then oh not so fast they brought him back in defensively for a certain I believe it was a third and longish package and then he came back into punt return two kicks uh what did you make of Cooper de jee's debut as a Philadelphia Eagle let's let's get a guy who has not played a game you made the point during halftime this is a guy who hasn't played in a year so let's just let him go out go through the paces of a real game this is the best action we're g to get of him going into the regular season uh you know played a lot of nickel uh and then played the Special Teams as you mentioned so uh we saw him against the run I'm excited to go back and watch the tape and see what he looked like against the pass but I thought you saw some good things from from Cooper de today certainly playing downhill you mentioned how he was used as a Blitzer I really do think we talked about this at halftime as well I think we're going to see a decent amount of blitzing from this Eagles defense this year uh and a lot of that is going to feature the linebackers and the nickel corner and obviously that was the role that Dee played today well hogy Mouse everywhere are going to be thrilled to hear more blitzing this year uh we're getting a d direction from Bo down at the link he thinks the Jan doson press conference is worthy of a little little peek in oh let's do it and I'm a huge fan of this trade I know you are as well I love doson coming out of Penn State uh I think he absolutely made the team better so let's listen into Johan doson courtesy of the Philadelphia Eagles Twitter account no I hate to say it but I was never an Eagles fan um boo but you know I'm making my whole family Eagles fans today all right good answer you saved yourself I'm going to leave that out Giants fan no um just keeping it in my hands uh being ready for my opportunity when it comes um so it's not so it's familiar uh it's familiar having this feeling um and just having around me all right we timed that one great and got the final question there is Johan doson welcome to Philadelphia um but you know what are what are your thoughts on Jan doson I love the kid coming out of Penn State I thought he was going to go in the second round that year I really wanted the Eagles to kind of Target him uh but ended up going in the first to Washington he burned the Eagles last year the kids got speed my friends in DC say he can get muscled off the ball a little bit on contested balls but runs great routes flashes the speed what are your thoughts on Johan Dodson because he's a he's a an exciting late addition to the team yeah I think there's there's two ways that you want to kind of structure that answer right there's the the player in Jan doson and then there's the decision to trade for him at this point in the calendar I'm I'm a fan of both because I think when you look at doson this is the exact type of receiver that the Eagles should have targeted in trying to make a trade before the season starts he can play inside and outside he's got some pedigree to him you have two years of cost control uh until he's a free agent he has shown Talent here in the NFL he obviously comes with draft pedigree and it's not like hey you know what he got drafted in the first round and he hasn't done anything he has been productive in the league we've s we've seen what he can do against the Eagles well now he's gonna try and make plays for this Eagles team I like his hands especially going back to Penn State he caught nearly everything throwing his way the route running the route running was there uh to me like yes play strength that was an issue he was under 5'11 under 180 pounds when he was coming out of college so he's not going to be a physically imposing guy he's not known as like this tough guy across the middle but I think when you look at his ability to be able to pull in the football consistently that was honestly one of the things that kind of hurt him this offseason a lot of the things you heard was hey you know what he's got a case of the drops he's right now has he lost his confidence I think anytime you have a change in coaching staff a change in regime which there was both obviously in Washington the last couple of years uh you have a new GM in town that did not draft Jan doson you have a new coach that did not have faith in them this is their third offensive coordinator in three years if you've got the ability to go in and say hey you know what you don't value this guy as much as the previous regime let's go in and see if we can get value here a lot of people are saying oh third round pick's a lot to give up you got a fifth round pick back so you're trading from the fifth round or from the third round down to the fifth to take on a receiver that hey if AJ brown or Devonte Smith stub their toe and they miss a game you're not completely out to seea Without a Paddle with Jan doson as your number two receiver going into a game when you still have saquon Barkley and Dallas do so I think that's a good trade to make I think it's a good talent to take up gamble on uh I like the trade overall I like the decision yeah and and one of those third round picks was uh you know from how's Mastery before you had the extra so uh it ain't going to kill you at all to take a shot on that type of guy um we will talk about a couple of those other guys but uh I'm glad we got the doson uh you know trial run done there for the press conference as we will be bringing you Nick sani's press conference coming up here in a little bit uh now Fran Eli Ricks we've talked about Zach and Bo have talked about uh a possible trade candidate as all of a sudden now the Eagles have a deep secondary which is an amazing thing to say after last year's uh end of the season and what that secondary was uh Eli Ricks probably a guy that hoe rosan is going to be active on the phones with um how do you see that playing out Josh Joe you know that bottom end of the rotation in the cornerbacks uh I think they feel good about the position and with a Don Bland going down we can get to your bold prediction as well here um you know it's going to be an active couple days on the phone I think for hoe yeah you're always trying to find where can you get value and if Eli Ricks or Josh job or any any of these Corners Zach mcferson if they're not going to make the 53 and you don't think they're going to be able to sneak through to your practice squad and you say hey you know what if we're not going to be able to get this guy back is there any way we can make a trade and see if we can get anything back for him in a deal and so you start looking around okay who are the teams that might need a corner you mentioned Bland know Dallas is going to need a corner do you want to trade with Dallas that's a you know Washington and the Eagles just did it but typically I would think you know you're not competing with Washington for the division you're competing with the Dallas Cowboys for the division so if you do internally like Rick's a lot do you want to help the Cowboys out then that's where you say you know pay me no no question but a team that I think it would make a lot of sense for if I would say hey where is Eli gxs going to suit up uh here this fall I would look if it's not here in Philadelphia I would look at the team that the Eagles just played you look at the Minnesota Vikings uh they lost three corners due to injury and obviously there was the I don't know if you saw this this summer uh the rookie fourth round pick I believe Kyrie Jackson out of Oregon Tri died tragically an automobile accident this summer uh and so they they are missing some cornerback depth they had one of their starters go down with an injury on the first day of camp they've had other injuries there this summer so there they're clearly looking for quarterback help they went and signs Stan Gilmore ironically enough from the Dallas Cowboys uh he played there in Dallas last year they signed Gilmore this summer but also whenever you're looking for these kind of Trades these kind of late in the the offseason acquisitions who are some connections on the coaching coaching staff people that might be inside the building and say hey you know what let's take a risk on this guy I know him we feel like we can get him up to speed quickly Minnesota's DB coach is Durante Jones who was the DB coach and defensive coordinator at LSU uh over the course of Rick's early time there he came from Alabama but started his career at LSU he was a big-time quarterback recruit so there's a someone in the building that might be Zack bman pounding on the table for an Eli Rick to try and get him in the building so that might be a trade partner that you say okay you know what maybe there's somebody there that we can uh try and see if we can get this deal done I like that you're not getting that knowledge everywhere folks well thanks for tuning in here to the phly uh Eagles postgame Show podcast we'll be carrying serani briefly and then we'll be talking to Bo wolf who's gonna get some sound and color from the locker room and from coach serani hopefully he's pounding the table like Zach getting the hard questions answered at the press conference uh but Fran I want to run through some of these guys now I don't want to push you into final predictions you know you have 48 hours to kind of fine-tune this and get your Final Cuts but let's talk about some of these position battles some of the guys that had opportunities today to really win a spot on it so let's just go through some of them uh the linebacker one Orin Burks showed up today he had a he had a pretty nice game he split the Gap a couple times made some nice running play tackles uh versus van suan um you know Orin Burks could be a guy that maybe if he's not going to be on that 53 maybe he try to flip for something uh how do you see Van sumerin versus Orin Burks here you know I kind of wonder if both guys don't make it you and he would be a little bit heavy at linebacker but again it's that this is where some of these decisions for the final 53 kind of come down to uh it's not necessarily Orin Burks versus van suumer it might be Orin Burks versus Van sueran versus Joseph Nagata versus Eli Ricks versus Tristan McCollum who on the bottom of the roster can can bring you the most value and so I think when you look at Burks he was brought in this off season as a veteran back end of the roster type of backup High floor uh well you you drafted Jeremiah trer Jr and he has done some nice things here in Camp enough that you say you feel pretty good about him making the 53 is Van Sumer and the Special Teams value that he brings is that enough to definitely cement him in there Burks is tough we had bo on pregame and he's he said he felt like with pencil right now that he put Burks on the 53 well he is the back to backto back champion almost he he he did not get it last year so so three years before that trying yeah so he's trying to get that back from Andrew uh I think when you look at Burks I think I would put thumbs up and I think I might lean that way for Vance Sumer as well both guys might make it so do they keep uh do they keep five or six of these guys so is Burks does that mean if he's making the team he's contributing on special team I think he's got to yeah I I think both of those guys will have to uh a couple comments in the chat uh ZB in California says great Insight on the position coach Zack I completely agree that was great Insight uh and Andrew Keats says man Fran is a pimp I also agree he actually left his Cane and fur coat over there to come into the studio uh but a couple other position battles going on here uh unfortunately for Joseph andada uh probably did himself some damage today uh he and annias and Paris Campbell Paris Campbell had a nice play during the game um but you kind of have a little bit of depth at wide receiver here you know they showed the 12 R wide receivers during the game um all these guys aren't going to make it and some of these guys aren't really practice squad worthy how do you how do you break down that back end the wide receiver depth here I think with the Jan doson trade that kind of put a nice solid pecking order on the table there for the everybody kind of falls into their natural position yeah exactly so you feel okay Brit cvy and Johnny Wilson as you're four and five you feel pretty good about that knowing CUV is going to be a special teams contributor as a Return Man Johnny Wilson is not thrust into the starting lineup as a rookie six round pick and you feel pretty good going into the season that way so I think when you look at that you have those five guys I don't know again would you rather keep Orin Burks or would you rather keep Joseph inata or annias Smith or one of these guys to me I think you probably go with with the guys that can help you on special teams and I don't think that inata can do enough there to be able to provide that value uh I would say he's probably on the outside looking in at this point certainly after today I haven't crunched the 53 breakdown like you Zack and Bo have but I would think five wide receivers is probably enough with the Elite Talent of AJ and Devonte at the top as you said do you want a six wide receiver or do you want an Orin Burks who can you know has some experience in this league and play special teams uh so that'll be an interesting one and then is uh Smith is he practice squad worthy in your mind 100% I I think you probably want to try and see if you can bring him back now he was a fifth round draft pick so there are going to be teams out there that had draftable grades on an i Smith you would think of the other 31 squads and so uh there are going to be teams that when he hits the waiver wire and say okay uh should we go out and bring him in what did the pro tape look like so the GM's going to look at whoever the pro Scout is that's in charge of the Eagles all right what did annia Smith look like and that Scout he's gonna know everything that happened with all the reports about annias Smith all the tweets about anas Smith he's gonna send he's hey reportedly did not have a good summer we went to the preseason tape the tape was okay made some catches over the middle showed showed a little bit there in the final game against Minnesota but would we rather have that or the guy that we've had here all that we know everything about that's the thing with receiver is I feel like everybody's got young receivers that they're trying to grow and they're trying to develop so you might be able to get anas Smith through to the practice squad if he makes the practice squad I will make a vow to get his name right because I keep going anas as in anas williamsi I I got to work on that second eye it keeps tripping me up so if he makes a practice squad I promise you sir I will I will pronounce your name properly uh all right to the offensive line uh we talked about this quickly at halftime Gates certainly looks the part as a mean so tatted up long hair no gloves looks the part uh they like him he got paid previously in this league versus Brett to a guy that's been here a couple years they have some Sweat Equity with and you know Jeff statland probably loves that he can play all five positions on the line how do you kind of do you think both have a shot is it one or the other here uh what are your initial thoughts on those two it's typically tough for the guys that get in so late in the game and Gates did not sign with the team until it was the first first or second week even of training camp and so my initial gut reaction would go towards to and say okay he's the guy that would get it especially I think his versatility is a little bit better than gates gates has the ability to play three spots in theory I think you can look at Brett to and say he could play up to five spots for the offensive line in a pinch and so to me I would say that Brett to probably gets the edge over gates but it wouldn't shock me if it went the other way okay uh couple more uh running back they're probably only going to keep three we've talked about that that it's probably just shiply gain well and this guy saquan Barkley who's new here will learn more about him um but the reality is saquon Barkley was signed to be a three down back so depth at running back look if saquin goes down it's a whole different story but depth at running back is probably not of the utmost importance here on the 53 construction Davis price did look outside of the fumble today he ran hard he ran patient he ran pretty well uh any shot there for a fourth running back to make the team or you think it's just those three I think my gut would say that Davis price would be able to you'd be able to get him through to the practice squad and that would be the guy you'd probably look at if he got scooped up that for sweet Lou yeah that's that's tough you're not going to keep two on the practice squad so you know I I look they showed us today that Davis price right now is the guy that they that they uh have higher in the pecking order how do you think Bo is digesting all this breakups can be hard yeah not that well I mean that there's a reason why uh you know I think that Matt Quin came through with a solid for him let him got of get out the back door on that for the the camp Crush oh we'll get to the uh the Mount Joy song because he's another one um safety wise yeah uh Sam made a couple nice plays in the running game today came downhill hard stuck his head in there make some nice tackles but Tristan mcum again a guy that kind of popped off the screen a little bit made some plays Cooper deine selfishly Stolle an interception away from my boy um but uh that's going to be an interesting one and then Bradberry not playing today is either one of two things yes one they know what he brings to this team they like it and he's going to make it or two we're done with him going to move on no reason to play him today and get worse tape out there um what do you make of that kind of I guess F Sydney Brown's going to start the year on the pup we assume so he'll probably be down for six weeks so that does kind of allow you a little bit of flexibility to bring you know that fifth safety onto the 53 well how do you take the James Bradberry decision today um I would take it as he's done here okay I I think the salary cap implications probably meant like he was going to give it a full camp and a go and I would my gut says he's done yep what do you make of it I I kind of think that he's on the 53 I I do I think that's going to be an interesting one yeah I think that's going to be one when they talk about the the beat Rider 53 man contest uh that that is going to be a big one I would think that's going to be divisive amongst all of the beat reporters because when you look at Brad Barry that's a he you think this is where B's title is determined right here yeah I mean it's gonna be a big one for sure it's like one of those uh when a 3C gets knocked out of March Madness it's like oh everybody rips it up that's going to be one where if Bradbery makes it half the beat team beat cor is going be upset with himself so I think when you look at Bradberry uh we talked about the value in the in the kickoff in the pregame show is that he's got the the veteran Savvy he's got position versatility can play Corner inside or safety uh and he's going to be a good Mentor for a lot of these young DBS that you have you're going to be paying him anyway to you try and get that value if you can get a mum or a Sam or both to the practice squad because remember it's a big practice squad you might be able to get two of those DBS in there so um to me I think he's on and I think that it would this was a you know we're not going to put him out there we feel like he's definitely locked in to the 53 but I could be wrong it'll be interesting to play see that play out the next couple days yeah very well uh very much will be interesting uh we got to get to a super chat here from Josh H says not concerned about that game nor are we Dee looked good for missing camp and mcke is still better than picket uh agree with on both of those I thought Cooper Dee kind of looked like he hadn't missed any time in terms of physicality he clearly missed hitting people uh he looked quick off the you know on the blitzes and my man's biceps and arms looked bigger than I rocked up yeah it looks like he got a little more SW since his Iowa days uh so I agree with you Josh I I think uh all those points are valid yeah I'm excited to see what dein's role will be early on I think that Vic fangio was you know he wasn't overly committal in terms of how he was going to try and use Dee early there's a lot of time left before then he hasn't shown us a ton yet so uh that's as he's getting back onto the practice field tell you what you you play in this game he played a half and change here today he's got another full week of practice I think there is a possibility that you get into week one and he's playing a key role in that secondary on the inside in some kind of form of sub packages and that allows quinan Mitchell to be that outside corner for this team so I think that's going to be fascinating to see what the the coaching staff how they view Cooper Dee now after what has been a week and change on the practice field you got a half half a game here and then you got another week we'll see a play out yeah back to that safety between Sam and McCollum how do you how do you view that um is there a clear winner of those two BO told us pregame that Sam kind of got the nod in practice this week although this McCollum guy won't go away he shows up on in every game it's the uh the quintessential good problem to have I think with both these young guys uh Sam a little bit of an older rookie McCollin yeah McCollin has been in the league for a couple years now uh him and his twin brother came out of Sam Houston State a couple years ago his twin brother is a a starting nickel outside corner now for the bucks down in in Tampa but I think when you look at McCollum uh he's got he's got explosive traits we saw him flying around the football field over the course of this summer got his hands on the football today we've seen him make plays against the Run he'll come down on the blitz as well so I think when you look at both these players it they'll come down to how have they done in in special teams and that is going to be a big thing that if they're gon to make it it's going to be because of special teams yeah uh to the offensive line um Trevor Keegan today missed the game because of a minor Nick up uh we just talked about it maybe one of those guys they try to you know protect on that injured list I thought he played pretty well I know the PFF grades on him in the first two games of the year were pretty strong uh you know decent equity in terms of draft Capital spent on him uh looks like him McMahon Matt Hennessy Canard are the four kind of you know big question marks on the offensive line how do you make sense of those four Matt Hennessy brought in as a free agent you know minimal money spent former Temple man uh Canard might be a first in preseason history it feels like he played every single snap what do you make of these four that I think has got to be the first time that's happened time an offensive lineman to play every snap in every preseason game I I have not heard of that before so uh to me that that is new but I would say canard's probably outside looking in uh I would say it's probably unlikely for him to make the 53 he's played some tackle and guard so he offers that versatility but I think it's unlikely uh that he does make it so I would say he's probably outside looking in I think Hennessy is outside looking in I don't think that he's going to make it to this 53 man roster at this point which is surprising considering that he did get some free agent money here this offse but to me then comes down to you talked about to and Gates I think those guys are competing probably for one spot does Keegan make the 53 or was this injury enough to be able to get him to sneak him onto one of those injured lists and say okay we're gonna put him on ice for a little bit Keegan has only played at one spot all summer and that is typically not something you see from an offensive linean in the Eagles scheme typically Jeff stotland likes those backups to be able to tr to uh move in at some different spots I've only seen him at left guard all summer so and Bo might I haven't been on the practice field for the last week Bo might be able to correct me on that later but uh Keegan I think at right now the way that he needs to play he either needs to be a technician or he needs to be like a merer like moving people off the ball I don't think the technique is quite there yet consistently to say you know what if if there's an injury to Landon Dickerson I feel good about Trevor Keegan stepping in right now and playing I think you feel probably a little bit better about Gates or about to stepping into to that spot and so for me I think that Keegan you'd like to be able to see if you can sneak him to that injured list if possible yeah that'll be an interesting one to to I mean Jeff statland when he speaks though and if you know like they listen right like so he's earned that yeah so if Jeff statland is gonna chime in on one of these guys uh you know I think that goes a long way obviously uh Fran you let's take care of some business before we get to Nick Siran and the Great boow Wolf uh you want to take us away with game time here oh yeah absolutely so obviously I'm new here to uh to phly but I'm not new to the game time append it's outstanding and so uh when you look at whether it's concerts games I mean for me the the Phillies have been a big draw my son's five years old he loves going to Phillies games so uh for me the one thing I love about game time it's got this feature called Game Time pick that makes getting tickets for your favorite Live Events even easier game time picks filters out the fluff to show you only incredible deals on great seats so you don't have to waste time searching through thousands of tickets I love the fact that you can see the Viewpoint from your seats uh before I used it Atley not long ago yeah 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delivered right to your door visit SL phly birds or you can find it pretty much anywhere that sells beer celebrate responsibly Miller Brewing Company Milwaukee Wisconsin 96 calories per 12 ounces fewer calories in carbs than premium regular beer all right let's continue on with kind of bubble watch uh some guys you know that might have a job up for grabs um the tight end position EJ Jenkins today yep uh you know missed one in the end zone that I'm sure he would love to have back would have been a tough one but you'd like him to come up with it versus Alberto uh this is for the third tight end position how are you seeing this one I thought you know last week with that jumping catch that Jenkins made pretty tremendous play in athleticism former wide receiver converted to tight end how do you see the Albert o EJ Jenkin I mean EJ Jenkins has a Mount Joy song written after him now like it's it's kind of hard to uh to not make the team after you get you know one of the up andc coming great bands writing songs about you to me EJ Jenkins has done more this summer than Alberto has and I think when you look at that and you say okay if if your entire culture is built off competition and hey got go out and prove yourself it's not like Albert Oak quins got this great uh you know pedigree from an eagle stand yes they traded a pick for him last year they bought him back in free agency but it was a a one-year kind of a pro IT contract I think when you look at Jenkins he's just done more now uh again would have loved for him to come up with one of those catches certainly the one in the end zone from Tanner mcke here in the second half but I think when you look at Jenkins he's done more but I still don't know is is that enough to definitely lock him in for a roster spot or do you feel like hey you know what we'll go in with two tight ends to start on this 53 on Tuesday and then you know if Jack sto shakes loose with the New York Giants or if there's another tight end that we target we can go and trade for that guy or pick up that guy on waivers and that becomes tight end two or tight end three uh to me I would say that Jenkins over Albero but I don't think that that means he's a lock for the 53 gotcha yeah I would I would think uh Jenkins is put a little more on tape than Alberto has uh this preseason Thomas Booker um I saw you know I didn't notice him a ton a ton today but there was one really nice play where he shed a double team kind of made the quarterback get outside the pocket Rush a throw a little bit uh what do you make a Thomas Booker's chance to make this team I feel good about it I I wouldn't say he's like a stone cold lock but I feel you know probably like 80% right 75 80% that he's probably on this team I think what what he's done this summer his ability to disrupt both against the run and the pass I feel good about his ability behind Mora ojimo and above like Marlon tuy pelou that's kind of where he is in the pecking order for me yeah he's been an exciting one so let's head down to the Lincoln Financial Field and listen to the old ball coach as Nick serani just started his press conference here courtesy of the Philadelphia Eagles Twitter account is our standard here so it's a good example um that if you if you don't play with good fundamentals we miss tackles we uh you know we fumbled the football we we didn't take the football away uh we had a takeway that had a penalty we had some penalties um we'd had some drops in some critical areas that would have led to points and all the and all those things led to points and so that's what you you hope that doesn't happen but that that happened today and so it's just a good example if you you can have um all the town in the world have all the the best plays in the world but if you don't play with good fundamentals I don't care what level you are um it's going to affect if you win or lose the football game and so that was the message of you know to these guys of hey you know if you don't play you know just like I just said but also the message after the game also was um that's the last time that those 91 guys will be together we're going to have to make some some tough decisions and but it was a good camp it was a it was a camp that we you know guys worked their butts off we got better um and it took all 91 guys to get better not just the guys the 53 that are going to make this team it took all of us but that is the last time that that those 91 guys will be you know Philadelphia Eagles together you've been you've been asked different versions of this over the past several weeks but now it's official that the offensive ones did not get a game snap during thean muscled his way in there wow what led to that decision yeah uh again you you always take everything into account of how many reps you got you know um I'd say this week we had two you know we didn't have a joint practice this week but um we had two joint practices two inter Squad practices uh that were scrimmages um and again everything up front is live the only thing that's not live is is the tackling to the ground so the receivers are are live except for they're not getting tackled it's it's every everything is completely live um and so we felt like the work that we got in the in the in the joint practice versus the Patriots the inner Squad that we had at the stadium um prior to our first preseason games and then the two uh inner squads uh scrimmages that we had um you know were were was our was our work for the ones and that's why we decided that way um to go that way um and I get it that's that's everybody's job is to say what if they would should they have played should they not have played you know what I have to make the decision and I and I get that I understand that I have to make the decision that I feel is best for our team and if our team and if I feel our team team is ready and I felt that I felt that we were getting a lot of good back and forth um again hard practices out there for you know for two hours um you know which has been more than what we've been and and so I felt like we got enough work to to be ready to go and I'm comfortable where we are leading into this week uh into this upcoming I guess couple days before we get into the um you know game week mode but I'm comfortable where we are and looking forward to some more good practices it to get to get Cooper Dean into the game you know be able to play as much as he did and how do how a DI C or is strong you know obviously I you always got to go back and look at the tape and see exactly it's hard to make assessment of how somebody played based off tape you can always have an idea of some of the splash plays that they've made uh and you know I saw him make a couple of really good plays I thought he looked fast uh and physical out there um made a couple tackles that I thought were really good made a made a had a penalty that we going to want back that negated a um an interception in the first drive so um but it was good to get him out there and playing meaningful snaps uh see me you know seeing that he hadn't you know played this this preseason and and so I guess that goes into the question you asked too like are these guys why and these guys play well I thought that they had you know enough snaps through all the things that we did Cooper did not that's why he played so everything's taken into account uh on that on that part but I thought thought again I thought there were some good things there's going to be some things to clean up uh and uh but it was good to have him out there because he's talented and um and we're excited about his his potential learning a new position why didn't he play for them yeah everybody uh everybody had different reasons for why they why they didn't play um because we know he's cook you know with with James again same deal you know we felt like he was in a a position where we were comfortable and that's why that's why he didn't play Notions you had with where how do you see his future with the team breber yeah you know obviously we uh we we like James had some really good uh moments here and and had some really good uh has been a great teammate made some great plays here um and so yeah I'm excited that he's here and uh you know has the versatility that he has Notions you had about the linebacking room before this week when Orin came back and before this game when he played how much do you think he's going to make you guys think about this decision and what have you liked about him over the last week yeah um it's a deep it's a deep room um I'm really um I think that's been a fun room to kind of watch play out of you know uh comp uh competition uh because I think there's been there's there's guys at the top there's guys in the middle there's guys that you think would be at the back end they've all really competed well um and so you know we got some tough decisions to make uh and this is never never a fun time here at this at this particular time um but you but you've been preparing for it right the entire time everything's everything's evaluated so that's a deep room and uh naturally you can't keep keep all the guys and you keep the guys that that you can because you know I know and I know all those guys can help us win football games today more today more motions offensively um to this point even without playing the starters and maybe didn't want to tip your hand but how have you noticed the advantages answ offensively on forward say that I'm sorry like with motions being able to dictate what you I was enjoying my soda too much I couldn't hear you the advantages yeah um yeah again we we're doing different things to you know to hide plays we do different things to get information um there's there's multiple reasons why you would why you would motion why why you wouldn't motion also um and so you know without tipping the hand that's that's why you do it right you do it so you can get some information sometimes you do it just to hide some stuff uh and that's the way those things go withas Nick he expressed to me and some other reporters in Baltimore he was a little bit disappointed really seemed to come on uh last couple weeks and in this particular game what have you seen from annias Smith and sort of that that term yeah you know obviously it's a it's a you know there steps to when you get into the NFL it's a different it's a different game and so um you know sometimes people start fast and sometimes you know it takes it's a little bit of time and so um nias uh has done some really good things he's had some things he he has to learn from um but you know he's growing like the rest of the guys uh because he's working his butt off and so um he made some nice plays today and that were good but you know like like everybody we we all got work to do to get continue to get better press room's missing a silver back to dominate where's Zack bman when we need him getting off to maybe a slow start or not back to the soda you know in that first no noina answered him why why I didn't play him as it means I'm ready if I if I was worried that we weren't going to Good Good Start I'd play him but because of all the work we have uh I'm not worried about that we got to go out there and play and execute now but I'm comfortable where we are in terms of Johan dson you know you added him now looks like four through the rests are going to be open there in terms of details what's going to you think the deciding factor in terms of making who makes the roster at that position watch yeah um obviously the we got a lot of a lot of different a lot of tape to re watch that we've watched that we have to rewatch um and again deep room it's a deep room and Jan just adds to that the the depth of that room and so um just like the linebacker position just like the receiver position we got a lot of tough decisions to make and you'd rather have tough decisions to make that means you're you have good depth right that you're comfortable like oh man I'd be really excited if this guy's on the team I'm really excited if this guy's on the team um and that's what that's you know that's where hoe and his staff have done such a good job of getting the talent here so we have these conversations of you know all right who's number 53 52 51 50 49 like who's the who is it between for the five and six receivers or the four and five uh linebackers so again makes it for hard decisions but uh you know that's only helping your team when you're having those type of of discussions all right thanks folks all right I personally love when the media really like kind of you know all go for it at once and they have to decide who to go to uh but the real question of that press conference I think was what's in the cup is that a recovery smoothie does he have a a fountain soda did he pour a Miller Light on Ice uh that is a bold move I don't I've been to a lot of Coach press conferences in my life I'm not sure I've ever seen a a straw up on the stage before Fran you're risking it's a whole new season that's the thing you're risking if you have the straw and you pull the straw out a little bit there's that awkward noise that cringy like you don't want that especially on the on the press conference mic that's terrible yeah but nothing nothing major there uh the Bradberry question of course he's not going to answer truthfully Orin Burks uh she had a little insight there uh you know overall nothing nothing Earth shattering by any means there but uh bo wolf is going to be joining us momentarily from down at the link I will say you mentioned Earth shattering I remember being a teenager I grew up here in Philly just like you did James and I remember when they opened Park Parks Casino oh yeah that was their Earth chatter that was a huge huge deal uh and Parks Casino now is perfect for afterwork gett togethers date night girls night out whatever you're looking for you can sip on tantalizing drinks and 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bringing helpful home The Helpful you love from the store now right to your front door so make sure you're visiting Ace Hardware home services online at Ace Hardware homes to get you started on your next project all right uh bo wolf is joining us live momentarily from Lincoln Financial Field uh we will continue some of this bubble discussion of the players uh that we've been going through here H but let's bring them in here Bo wolf how would you uh grade Fran Duffy's first round of live reads here at PHL a plus oh look at that creting on a curve like a Zack bman grader what what is going on here with this backdrop is this phone FL good question here's the deal okay you know there's no way that I could beat Zach's background right so how can I take you somewhere different somewhere you might not get to see that's the whole job of a reporter right take take the reader take the listener take the viewer somewhere that they cannot get where I am right now is the visiting team coaches Booth okay up above the stadium and I am on the ground underneath and you can see here it the roster bubble conversation whose bubble is gonna pop what you see here this is hardened gum underneath all this thing is just filled with old gum can you believe it those is that are the black things right there is that gum or is the yellow the gum well what you see right there also is a sticker there's a a princess Eagles jacket sticker that has been stuck underneath here surprised a visiting team got a hold of it but yeah look at all this gum oh disgusting slobs that are coming through the link find it trash they think the philadelphians are the ones who who who have no class what is this this is disgusting of all the places you could have done this from this was at the bottom of the pecking order for me as to where you were going to end up doing this hit from can you do a little pan out can we see you are you laying on the floor like uh like Kate Winslet and the Titanic can you paint me like one of your French girls yeah he's yeah he got well I expect nothing less and nothing weirder from Bol what have I done I don't I don't know what I'm doing you reconsidered your life uh career after this well there's a nice backd job right there there we go so B wolf um I guess the 30,000 foot view from your uh take of the game today what stood out to you what jumped out to you uh what are you making today's Final preseason game I think the biggest takeaways for today for me uh number one is is Nolan Smith playing as much as he did uh I do think that there is some signal there that you know he is he is not Vic vanj Jo's favorite player I I think for a first round pick in his second season to be playing that deep into the final preseason game is is probably not great signal um I you know I thought Tanner mcke took a little bit of a step back uh and and Kenny picket looked a little bit better than he did the first two preseason games still not super great um you know what it's hard to make too much of the of the final preseason game right there are guys who flashed and you wonder if it's going to be just enough to get him onto the team you know Tristan McCollum I thought had a really good game and made a good case to be you know the like one of the last players on the team on on defense if they need some extra safety depth I thought Andre Sam was was solid as well I thought Orin Burks made a good case yeah uh he was flying around but you got to keep in mind the context of this is a guy who has fresh legs and has been in the league a long time and he's going up against backups like you should expect a pretty high level of performance from him he delivered on that I don't know if it's going to be enough for him to get on the roster and then on offense like I I thought Tyrion Davis price looked good uh the fumble you know it's it's hard to wonder how much that's going to matter if they keep a fourth running back it's going to be him but I don't know if if they if they want to or need to keep a fourth running back B just circling back to the linebacker conversation and I don't want you to give away to too much obviously you'll be submitting your final 53 here in the coming hours but uh when you look at Ben van sueran Orin Burks Jamie and I were talking about earlier uh is it one or is it both is it neither how do you kind of view that that duo there at linebacker it's just hard for me to believe that the Philadelphia Eagles are going to keep six inside linebackers it seems like too much yeah and uh you know I know that we we care about the new kickoff Rule and maybe that's going to change rosters a little bit but you know if Orin Burks doesn't sign somewhere else they could put him on the practice squad in week one Elevate him also see how you know injuries shape out I wouldn't be surprised if both of those guys are in on you know in the in the NovaCare complex on the team this season but I I would be pretty surprised if they keep six guys um and I also think they they'll think about it long term like Oren Burks is a is a nice player but if he's not starting for you and he's not your number three I know he's a good special teams player but you might as well have Ben van Sumer on the roster because then you you keep his rights for the next two years bo uh aquara today really kind of jumped off the page a little bit what do you make of his chances here uh thought he had a tremendous game today he did um and all three of those guys competing for what you would imagine is the Sixth and final Edge spot have had flashes over the course of the summer uh Patrick Johnson is a bit more of a known commodity for eagles they know that he's very good on special teams we all remember the the big play he had at the end of the the Ravens game you know getting that sack to give Jake Elliot the the doover uh Romeo oara as you saw today has pass rush juice as well and so does Terrell Lewis and has has flashed a little bit at times over the course of the summer as well so I I mean right now I would guess that aara is not on but he's a player who you know they they signed to a Futures deal uh I think we did the exercise back in like February which of those Futures guys has the best chance to make the roster and we on AAR there is there was real like a background of his pass rush production so there's a reason to be uh you know intrigued but I would I would lean right now towards Patrick Johnson only because they they know what he brings on special teams and he has looked pretty good as an ed rusher this summer as well Bo one added wrinkle to trimming down to the 53 man roster this year is the new rule from the league about the the two IR spots short-term IR spots the teams can use and you might have a better sense of this rule than I do you and Zach but uh my understanding is that it just allows teams to be able to put guys on ice for up to six weeks potentially the full year right that previously they would have had to be on the 53 before you could put them on IR is there anybody on this roster right now that you think that the Eagles could use that to their advantage for and if so who would that be uh yes I think there are several candidates and I think this is a you know you have to think about how Roseman maximizing keeping uh control of as many people as possible and so for instance Trevor Keegan y suffered an injury at the end of practice the other day did not suit up today I would be pretty surprised if he's not placed on injured reserve at this point just because um like why they're not going to need him in the first four weeks of the season it's four weeks for for the at least four weeks for the the new IR rule so uh that is one now I I do have to tell you something all day I was looking I was trying to count I was trying to figure out the guys who were not playing did I see them on the sideline and there's one player who I did not see on the sideline and then I went and then I so I went down early to see guys coming off the field go into the locker room didn't see him anywhere didn't see him in the locker room Isaiah Rogers I don't know I could have just missed him it could it could just be uh me missing him not seeing him uh I tried to ask around nobody knows anything but it's a little bit on my radar I don't know what what if something happened to to Isaiah Rogers would he be an injured reserve guy early on H interesting that would impact Cooper deine right ironic because I think that now you say okay maybe quinan Mitchell is your your outside corner can we put Cooper dein on the fast track to be in the nickel in week one what did you think of Cooper dein today FR I thought it was a solid day it wasn't all perfect but it's the first football Jamie made the point I mean he finished the season last year at Iowa hurt so this was the first time he's been on a field in uh you know 10 months plus so uh to me I thought that it was mixed results I'm excited to go back through the film to see a lot of the pass game stuff was there wasn't a ton of great replays uh from the with the pass game on the broadcast but uh I thought he showed up as a Blitzer showed up as a run Defender really nice tackle on the goal line one-on-one so I thought we saw some good uh I wanted to go see what he looked like moving in space though yeah I think the the the coming forward stuff was all good he's got the physicality that that you want there you know there were a couple plays where I think it was lucky Jackson both times where they were incomplete but it's sort of because the ball was not there on time and uh he didn't get his Fe down like he did Shake loose of of Cooper Dee uh if if I mean if there is something with Isaiah Rogers I don't know if you would go Dee week one or if you would just go uh quinan Mitchell on the outside in base inside and niichel and let ke Ringo be on the outside that would be that would be a tough call for for Vic fangio bo uh let's talk about Eli Ricks uh you guys have discussed for a while him being a prime TR uh you know trade candidate here with their all of a sudden new depth at the cornerback position Don Bland goes down today for the Dallas Cowboys out six to eight weeks do you think Hoy Roseman has the balls to trade with the Dallas Cowboys the team you're competing with for the division you think he could milk something nice there what do you think yeah I mean if they have the best offer I don't I don't I don't think that how Roseman would be like super nervous about Eli Rick coming back to bite him um I think El RX is a is a good young player I don't know that he is uh you know if if you ever think he's going to develop into a starter or if if ideally he's like your your top back up on the outside what's your read on Eli FR uh I like Eli Ricks in terms of being a developmental player but I just don't think the numbers shake out in his favor with this group right now I'd rather if you're saying okay which young Corner would you rather keep obviously it's it's Ringo right I mean you have if Ringo is your four corner uh I don't know that Rick's I know he played in the slot last year but I don't think that that's something that you want to have for him long term and so uh my prediction earlier in the show with Jamie I think he ends up on the on the opposite sideline uh the team that was there the Minnesota vik I think it makes a lot of sense uh their their former or their defensive backs coach was with Ricks at LSU and so I I look at that as a connection that would make a lot of sense for that team it would not Shock me if he ended up there when the dust settled yeah how about Ricks for Lewis seen oh Cen had two key penalties in the first half one they they clearly don't like him very much and you know he hasn't done done enough to uh be liked right but is he a guy who the Eagles would be like oh we had a good grade on him coming out and and you know make him a player that would uh that's not bad I mean to trade an undrafted free agent for a first round pick I would very much like the uh the potential value in that kind of a deal so trying to think who else might be might be IR there was there's one other guy in my mind who might be IR Poss but but it doesn't come to mind think about that but go ahead do you think it's jayx hunt JX hunt J that is that is who I was thinking about thank you Jamie uh yeah I think they like jayx hunt and like want him to be a part of the rotation early so um it depends on the severity of the injury I think it's an oblique if he's going to be out a couple weeks then maybe that's a way to to carry an extra person on the roster but I I think they I think they want jayx hunt involved on defense uh bo I was gonna ask you about James Bradberry you uh and then we'll ask you about the locker room and stuff uh Bradberry serani was asked about it you know like uh what's what's the deal with him not playing today they said more or less like we're comfortable with what James is didn't really reveal too much what do you ultimately make of him not playing today it either means he's safe he's on the 53 or it means they know he's done and they're going to move on what what's your take on that yeah I think it also would have been a bit of a I mean even though he's fighting for a roster spot like to make him play in the third preseason game would have been a little bit of a uh you know shot across the bow maybe a little bit rude to to the guy um I make of it that they probably didn't want him to get injured in this game and that fully guarantees his contract we're talking about like a marginal amount of money because uh if if he does get cut which I expect him to get cut and sign somewhere else the Eagles get a little bit of an offset on his contract but whatever team's it's it's the whatever the veteran minimum is it's not a ton of money but I think that's what they were they were protecting yeah I was gonna say any any sights and sounds from the locker room you care to share any Zack Berman nuggets who'd you talk to who' you run around I know you were uh chasing down Isaiah Rogers and where he was or wasn't uh but what you what you make in the locker room today uh yeah you know was mostly guys who are on that that roster bubble you know like uh Thomas Booker and Nick Gates and Tristan McCollum and Patrick Johnson those guys like did they feel like they stated enough of a case over the course of of the summer most of them do feel that way they they feel pretty good Nick Gates was a little hard on himself said had some bad days but feels like he came on as as Camp went on I was also doing a little uh you know circling around survey questions who's the one player on the team you think he going to have a big season that'll be coming out on all PHL in a little bit um but there was not a not not a ton of action from you know the the main guys out there but you know what nudity of Plenty uh well we appreciate the Insight from the eyes and ears there real quick I just want to ask you my last question just to use your nose what uh what flavor of gum we talked about underneath that desk I mean all all different kinds that's the thing like I want to know I wish I could go to the replay booth and see uh how old this is how many different people have been doing it is it one guy who like comes to the same spot maybe it's a division rival and it's this is his way of thumbing his nose at the Eagles I don't know yeah he's doing the old uh uh Rick James bleep this house and he's just throwing his gum all under the desk but last one Nick serani um preseason had the uh maybe a a soda a slushie he was sipping out of a straw up there with the cup any idea what's in that cup think he poured a Miller Light On Ice you know what uh I I wasn't in there because uh I can't I knew that I wasn't going to be Zach I thought you you know what this is the final preseason game I don't want you guys to have to wait too long make this show as quick as you want my responsibility is to the postgame show so that was my priority but if I had did guess yeah I don't know smoothie smoothie makes sense a recovery smoothie perhaps uh well great stuff Bo everyone in Philadelphia media is trembling awaiting your final 53 man roster prediction when can we expect do do I just go on and say Isaiah rers is going on IR I can I trust that I don't know probably not right a lot to think about here well we can read it all on all great work thanks for giving us your best Zack Burman today from Lincoln Financial Field and you will not be surprised he was in the chat uh he is at a wedding cocktail party talking to everybody he can about van suan how would you feel as that bride and groom like the guy flew all the way across the country but can't even be present in the moment come on the grind never stops away we tried to tell them yeah so Bo you guys are back two o'clock on Monday is that correct two o'clock on Monday two o'clock all week long and then also we will have a you know we'll have an emergency pod reaction after the roster gets set on Tuesday afternoon so plenty of action coming this week on the PHL y Eagles podcast love it make sure you're reading Zack and Bo on all Bo have a great rest of the weekend we'll see you next week thanks guys uh there it is and speaking of which uh with the PHL Eagles show coming up the season is two weeks away uh which is really actually 13 days away uh a Friday night peacock national game in Brazil the Green Bay Packers are the next opponent Jordan love one of the highest paid quarterbacks in the league now uh it's going to be a great game I think it's the best week one or one of the best week one matchups really looking forward to it it's real now I I will say the next 13 days are like the slowest 13 days on the calendar in the entire year the leadup from the final preseason game we're we'll appreciate the next couple days we'll get to the F the roster cut down but that buildup uh is terrible and so I am really excited to kind of get through although the one thing that helped me personally just greed you know from a greedy standpoint me getting my feet under me here with B new shows excitement new ideas like that'll be fun that'll get me through but usually waiting for week one that wait is usually terrible yeah uh but coming up we have uh for the Brazil game a great event going on here at phly we are going to be at the Tradesman in Center City Philadelphia brought to you by our awesome friends at millerite we're going to be doing the pregame show uh and a watch party there uh myself and Bo and some others will be there for pregame I'm going to be hanging out for the watch party and leaving probably at halftime to get back here for the post game to join Bo and Fran Zack of course is going to be the international Man of football and we'll be down in Brazil bringing you uh everything you need to know from the game uh but if you're a DieHard member already you get a sweet discount on this I believe they're $40 tickets which includes an unlimited Buffet uh three uh drink tickets uh we're going to be giving out tickets to the Browns game and if you are SVP right now on all on the uh uh events tab we're going to be giving away some great memor ailia including this beautiful jayen Herz signed uh you can't really see it with the glare of the cameras but it's right there it's a beautiful image of Jaylen Herz it would look great in any man or woman cave whatever it may be uh so hopefully you can join us coming up for that awesome event courtesy of our friends at millerite would love to hang out with you uh and guess what it's Eagles football it's real September 6 hopefully you can join us downtown Philadelphia uh we'd love to see you and we'd love to give a go Birds and high five uh it's real Fran I speak for everyone here at phly it's great to have you on board with us we are super excited for the season couple super chats before we get out of here uh Ethan Gillis says Fran there are very uh my eyesight as an old man are there any DC's or DL coaches that might want Nolan in a trade could be a good candidate for a player for player trade to get back depth in safety or tight end positions I would be before you chime in I'd be shocked if they yeah moved on from a from a guy they you know have big hopes for and you know not addressing the DN Edge rushing position outside of Huff this off season I think they said we're counting on you Nolan Smith but Bose points about him maybe not being fangio's favorite is valid to me I looked at it with Nolan playing as much as he did today I look at that more as this guy needs a lot of work as a rusher you know this is a guy that we we feel good about him against the run his effort his character all of that we feel good about but he needs reps as a pass rusher and so trying to get him as many of those reps uh and you always have those conversations with players as a coaching staff and say hey you know what uh we're feeling like we want to play you x amount in this game not that you're asking the player for permission but like how do you feel about playing more and if to me like my experience like in terms of what I know about Nolan Smith he's a guy that always wants to be going and so if he's like yeah like I want to play like put me in uh I feel like he's one of those guys that would want to almost volunteer for that playing time we know he needs to work as a rusher that's kind of how I view it I don't think that they're completely down on him to the point where they would want to trade him uh for a play and I'm trying to think of other teams out there I mean Dirk cutter was with Georgia when the for a couple years he's the offensive coordinator in Baltimore he could be an internal voice there but I mean Nolan Smith was universally loved as a as a uh as a guy off the field by the entire scouting Community genius loved Nolan Smith and so I don't think you're going to have to try hard to try and find people around the league that would say oh yeah we feel good about bringing in this guy off the field Nolan Smith to me uh when you talk about an X Factor of the Season yeah I don't know Nolan Smith to me could be this team's biggest X Factor like he has an opportunity here to make some serious cash in this league to establish a great career here like this is I don't want to say it's do or die because you you want to give draft prospects three years before you kind of great himount but he has an opportunity here to really make a name for himself in this league and sees a great opportunity he might be to me the team's biggest X Factor in terms of need versus ability versus like all of it together the path for me I look at noan Smith and you say Okay can he be on that same pathway as Josh SWAT and Josh sweat he fell in the draft he fell to the fourth round because of an injury but he was viewed as a top 50 type of player similar type of archetype as Nolan Smith they were different players but similar Talent and Josh year one was essentially a red shirt year that's what Nolan Smith was last year year two that's where you started to see flashes with Jos as a rusher and it was year three when he really broke out and so I think you look at Nolan Smith and you say this is a guy that can come in defend the Run play with effort offer leadership be part of the rotation same thing with Brandon Graham Brandon Graham was the same thing he had that injury he made more of an impact as a rookie but then had that injury and it was a slow burn to kind of get back to that he just made his first Pro Bowl what was it in 2022 right so think when you look at Brandon Graham you look at Josh sweat two good examples on this team alone of pass rushers taking some time it doesn't always happen right away so I would say I would preach patience with a guy like Nolan Smith personally uh I also think just from a skill set standpoint he is exactly what Vic fangio wants from a from that position off the edge as a guy that can move forward and drop back do a little bit of everything offer value as a stunt guy looping inside I think Nolan Smith is a really good fit situationally in this scheme yeah pror to this preseason game the previous two the package of hunt and Smith together on the field I was like wow this is kind of like uh a de coordinator's dream a little bit because the athleticism those two possess so as cousin Grace said you got to give them three years except for anas don't you dare call me anas Smith LOL uh but yeah I would imagine annias is probably a practice squad guy that that would be my guess yes yeah uh so that's going to do it for us here at the PHL Eagles show Fran it was great to kick off uh your first game day here at phly of course September 6 we will be at Tradesman Zack burman's going to be in Brazil uh they're going to be bringing you great coverage in these next you know 13 days leading up to it uh Zack bow and Fran but September 6 it's real we'll be at the Tradesman giving out uh some great memorabilia raffling off some tickets to the Browns game I hope you can join us uh Zach will of course be in Brazil Bo Fran and myself here in the studio can't wait Birds football is around the corner uh Fran great great stuff and look forward to your career oh we got another Super Chat on the way out gotta hit it uh Super Chat from Jaylen allso Dio madday did I do that right I think so all right he said Fran uh is Journey to the draft podcast coming back in some way shape or form some way shape or form yes maybe not the same name we we'll see what the draft what a draft show looks like but uh you can definitely expect to hear draft takes from me uh when it comes to the Eagles for sure moving forward abely and Fran's going to be doing some draft coverage for All City Network as a whole as we begin to take over the country and we wouldn't be able to do it without all you sickos in the chat all you die hards that support us here so if you ever want to support us and what we're doing here trying to bring you the best Philadelphia sports community on the internet become a diard at all you get a free piece of merch you get 20% off discounts you get invites to our Discord it's going to be worth your while and on top of that all you get the best writing and coverage in town from Zach and Bo and Fran to Les Bowen to Jim Salsbury to Charlie o'conor to Derek Bodner and Kyle newbeck we had Jim Salsbury did I say him tons of great writers that are worth the investment alone the rest is kind of the cherry on top so if you want to support us here at phly become a die hard today or maybe ask somebody coming up hey Christmas and the holidays are around the corner why don't you give me a Die Hard package believe me you're going to love it here we love all of you thanks for hanging out with us thanks to Julia behind the scenes for producing Today's Show the eagle show will be back on Monday at 2 o'clock 53 man prediction rosters will be abound I will be back on Monday morning at 11: a.m. talking about the God aul Phillies and hopefully they put us out of our misery soon just kidding hopefully they turn a corner and bounce back uh but we'll see you all on Monday have a great weekend [Music] everyone we all s like the May

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