Former Player HATES on Lamar Jackson | Cam Newton Opens Up About Ron Rivera

Intro [Music] okay okay I know I'm late I'm late that's I say I'm late that that's my fault okay we had some technical difficulties I didn't want start the show until I had I got it fixed all right be he was ready to go he wanted he wanted to go right on time he said hey okay we got tight schedu here I said not yet I'm always looking out for y'all yes all right we I I needed I needed to get it done okay so I apologize return yes yes yes you are what's going on lvht crew B what is up my friend not whole liot man not feeling great today it's not a nah uh I called out word today feeling sick you were off all day wow what wow I could have put you to work um no I was feeling sick if I was gonna work I would have gone somewhere where I was getting paid for it you know I've been they've been working the hell out me at work but um I always get a a boost of energy when I come and do the show and that's that's I'm not just saying that like that that is a fact every time uh these lights come on I'm ready to go all right but uh look it is Wednesday happy Wednesday hope your week is going well but if not hopefully it gets better starting right now we are streaming live on YouTube Facebook and twitch I almost I almost said the other one okay the Elon Musk one we're not doing that anymore okay that's not that's not how we roll anymore all right Elon done lost his his mind again Sterling my good friend Sterling what's going on what's up Sterling yo he said broad my main man and Jose the man with the master plan indeed B guess what Sterling did today what did Sterling did today he bought those $150 cookies oh man come on St I thought I thought you were going to say he quit his job and he's coming over to to work with you or something like that man you say for some cookies I told him to save me one okay they do look delicious I ain't going to lie they look delicious all right um uh certain I will I will move some things around my schedule tomorrow and I will be over there to to enjoy some delicious cookies okay uh Yolanda is in the house says good evening LBH family what's up Yolanda Yolanda evil Lamar what is going on good to see you and look I'm I'm going out of order here okay cuz our guy 86 ghost Basel was first first salute bazel appreciate you as always man Stern said he got him for free what okay then what you got going on over there Sterling all right we G we're gonna talk about that Sterling yes Darius what's going on Darius shout out to you what up Daris Ferris in the house he's in the chat he's also joining us he's waiting backstage he's going to join us after the the uh black history fact all right got our guy hendo from the Rog pod salute to you thanks for coming through um and when B sets fixes the settings here we can have him on show along with Ferris all right uh slim Smith what's going on I got coach salute coach thanks for coming through man says put the game down Brodney that was not be's fault that was my fault okay I gotta take I gotta take the blame for this one that was my fault uh B understands Ferris understands right I you know I wasn't I wasn't going to let it go okay it had to be done before the show started all right right Chris White what's going on says I thought I missed it again this week no no no no no no no no you you didn't miss anything you didn't miss anything off to a late start Jeremy salute Jeremy you know I appreciate you guys man like the the guys the guys and gals that come through every week even in the offseason all right um this offseason was a little slower right I think we had I think there's a lot more going on last last offseason that that's when lar got signed right um and you know we like to talk about other things I know that's not what that's not everybody's cup of tea right but you know we do what we want to do and we appreciate you guys that that that uh come along for the ride Jeremy says 150 for cookies well not when Sterling got the hookup all right he sterling sterling has some expensive taste but he be on point all right comrade [Laughter] Jeremy Frank B what's going on shout out to you who else we got in here Osman salute salute thanks for coming through all right all right I think we got everybody yeah we got Chris White shout out to everybody shout out to everybody uh that that's going to join the chat all right uh make sure you hit that like button if you're new here hit that subscribe button we we have been close to 2,000 for for a while now we need to cross the 2,000 subscriber Mark so if you're not hit the Subscribe button go ahead hit that subscribe button also if you want to do a super chat all right we do things a little differently here that pin link that you see in the chat box will take you to our streamlabs page or it's just like a super chat you just go over there click the link leave your donation leave your comment also right below B is a QR code for our cash app okay dollar sign LBH show is the cash app it works the same way all right you leave your donation leave your comment you get a nice animation on the screen and we'll read your comment on air all right um okay we have a few things to talk about we got even more to talk about on the overtime show all right so we started a little late we're gonna get this thing started but first we like to start every show with the black history fact and B has a Black History Fact black history fact for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to this week's black history fact Wally Amos born Wallace Amos Jr on July 1st 1936 in Tallahassee Florida was an American television personality entrepreneur and author he is most famous for creating the Famous Amos chocolate chip cookie brand and other Gourmet cookie brands like cookie Kahuna and Aunt Del's cookies before his cookie Empire Amos worked as the first African-American talent agent at the William Morris agency representing notable musicians such as Simon and Garfunkle The Temptations and Marvin Gay in 1975 Amos opened the first Famous Amos cookie store in Los Angeles California using a $25,000 loan from Marvin Gay and Helen and ready his cookies quickly gained popularity and became a staple in supermarkets across the United States Beyond his business success Wally Amos was passionate about literacy and hosted the television series learn to read his legacy lives on through the delicious chocolate chip cookies that bear his name all right shout out to Famous Amos uh I I told a story in the overtime show last week there are some cookies at my job in the vending machine that they're not Famous Amos but they remind me of Famous Amos and you know I'm a Cookie Monster right I got you know every time I see those things in there yeah I'll buy two or three of them at a time okay I'll tell you one I'll tell you one thing shout out to Wally Amos because he did it without charging $150 [Laughter] sterling sterling got for free yeah got it not it's not for one cookie it's like it's a box of cookies not oh I'm sorry that makes it all makes all the difference I think it comes out to like $10 of or $13 a cookie or something like that disgusting I mean we we'll find out they might be delicious you said the same thing about the ginger ra ale okay the ginger is expensive and it's still disgusting that you charge that much for ginger ale it tastes good it had better taste good that's the bare minimum about to say you say you don't want anymore hey that that ginger raise I promise you this I'll never buy a bottle okay I think he would I would not okay all right so then next time I get some you don't want any I didn't say I wouldn't drink it said I wouldn't buy it I was very intentional with my word choice I said I will not buy a bottle of that ginger ale price is disgusting not the liquid contained within oh I see I see all right all right we're gonna discuss more about that on uh on the overtime show all right uh what's going on Jay shout out to Jay the 6 thanks for coming through Zeke Hokage what's going on say what's good my internet family what's good with you Zeke appreciate you all right now you guys see the headline you know we want to talk about Julian Edelman his comments uh about laar Jackson was he hating okay um Cam Newton and his his comments on Ron Rivera we're gonna we're gonna spend a little time on that one because you know I've been saying some things about that for a while to be all right and Cam Newton confirmed everything I said okay but um let's bring Ferris up before we go to those I you know I told be right before we got on air I want to talk about this Brian Flores and and Tua thing all right so let's let's bring Ferris on this is I love how when you said that Ferris was like oh my God I'm on the show up turn around but uh yeah let's let's let's hop into Brian Flores Responds to Tua's Comments it Ferris I'm offis what's up W welcome back Ferris what's going on Ferris I'm doing good good shout out to the Almond smash yes shout out to almond Smash in round poptarts okay and we're referring to just aloe okay just aloe he was old enough to see round poptarts and I got I gotta dig that that episode of the overtime Show when he said that we thought he was talking craziness until we pulled it up and it was true and that blew my mind blew my mind all right like poptarts that were round yep it happened it happened shout out to just Allen man um so Ferris B I I I don't know if you guys saw any of the Dan leard uh show when he interviewed Tua and he was talking about Brian Flores and how Brian Flores was terrible to him and you know um just didn't really want him or whatever as a quarterback and I guess was it today or yesterday Brian Flores had a press conference and basically he apologized yesterday yester yeah okay okay um I wanted to get you guys' thoughts on that like how do you feel about well you know what Tua said about Brian Flores and also like Brian flores's uh response to what Tua said and now to be fair Tu they asked him about you know kind of the differ between uh playing for Flores and playing for McDaniel he wasn't just kind of going after Brian Flores essentially you know Flores would text him uh and tell him how he didn't belong there he didn't earn it he wasn't good enough he would say that to his face every day and you know to said like like any person would uh when you're under that kind of constant barrage that he started to kind of internalize it uh and you know it made him feel bad worse about himself it affected his play and all that and he's getting the exact opposite uh from McDaniel now and you know he feels much better about himself about his play he's much more confident um you know that part of it I mean look I I understand that Brian Flores may not have wanted to to be his quarterback uh and and especially as a as a black head coach you know you're only really getting the one shot and I'm sure he felt a certain kind of way about not getting the quarterback that he wanted for his one shot uh and you saw how that how that wound up right he got fired and now he's uh you know he was a position coach for a year now he's back to a defensive coordinator no real talk about him getting a head coaching job uh but you can't treat people that way uh whether whether you wanted him to be the quarterback or not whether you think he can play or not whether you think he belongs in the league or not uh he's still he's still a person he's still a human being you can't just constantly I mean basally verbally and mentally abuse him because you're upset that you didn't get the player that you wanted Ferris oh no I completely it's just it's we always hear this about the Patriot assistant right they get a head coaching job and they do some type of imitation of Bill and it always blows up in their face this exact thing happened to Matt Patricia in Detroit where Darius Slayton says I hate him he is not a good person I don't like that man you know it was a cornerback and this is a quarterback so the quarterback sees people listen when the quarterback talks but I think you know when the quarterback which has become kind of you know one of the most important positions on the field is also saying this you know you know they like like this is kind of like the same like it's another bill bellich disciple trying to act like they're Bill and it does doesn't work cuz Bill would would be that like hard ass but Brian took it to an extra level cuz Bill would yell at Tom Brady he would cuss Tom Brady out but he wouldn't roll up to Tom Brady the night before and say you know what Tom you know why you're drafting the sixth round cuz you suck and you don't belong here it's like no you don't do what right and like I remember that draft class too right the reason Tu of you know before the season started Tua was the number one quarterback back in that draft class and then Joe burrow had that great year at LSU you know what I mean that's the one thing people that love this revisionist history about that year the Year prior Joe burrow was wasn't a top the number one overall pick that year he became the number Tua was the number one pick for the three years at Alabama right yeah and then he and then he broke his hip and that's what people were like is he going to survive in the NFL because he broke his hip he has all the you know the tools he's you know 6'1 he's a little small but he's he can throw the ball he can sling it so people act like you know him and Justin Herbert were seen as like Justin Herbert was like over here and two was like over here like no it was literally like like this so you know you didn't get Justin you got to a it's whatever you keep it moving this is just bad coaching you know what I mean cuz people talk about like oh coaches right you know you got to treat everybody the same no you don't you can't cuz people don't respond to the same coaching you can cuss let's say you can cuss Brodney out you say Brodney what the hell is wrong with you you cuss him out and he goes out there and he gives you 500 yards and he wins you the game and he hates you but he succeeds in the process you can't you can't do that to Jose you can't do that to Jose cuz Jose can't you know you got to make sure what cuz it's it's it's 53 people not you not it's not 53 robots mhm right you know it didn't work yeah you you should then adjusted like okay me [ __ ] on him the day before is not working no let me change you know was uh oh I'm sorry I want get a quick shout to Don C salute man he says what's up Brodney Jose and Ferris I can't comment on the round poptarts I'm here for the football in my world Pop-Tarts are always deliciously rectangular indeed that's right as they should thanks for coming through and salute to Jerry Green Man as always the southern baller show make sure you guys go check that out sh up um so okay so that's the first part of it and and I agree with you guys you know um that's one thing that all all the criticisms I have of John Harbaugh I've always said this I love how he backs Lamar 110% at least publicly right and I'm sure he tells Lamar these things like he doesn't say anything negative to Lamar It's always hey you're the best in the world you're the greatest right like he's always the number one cheerleader for his quarterbacks he did the same thing with Joe Flaco right and I think to a certain extent he he he makes myself believe it right um there's a lot of other things I can question on but but in terms of support for his quarterback he's always a th% on on their side okay that's what every coach needs to be doing that is your starter okay you may not like who you have there but that who you have and you need to instill as much confidence in them as possible they need to feel like yeah I can do this coach got my back I ain't gotta worry about that right they need to be 100% focused on on playing the game and not well what's Co what's coach gonna say now if I mess up no man you got you have to do it and if it doesn't work out doesn't work out so that's something that Brian Flores uh learned his lesson on the second part of this is Brian flores's comments he did from I didn't see it from what I understand he did Apologize um and he was congratulating to on uh you know a successful year last year how do you guys feel about the apology uh you know he he acknowledged uh that like you know he didn't deny anything that Tua said you know say he he treated him poorly and and that that's something that he had to had to learn from and grow and evolve uh and become a better person and coach and you know I commend him for that um just not very often that you you see uh football coaches or people in any positions of authority really uh taking blame and taking accountability uh and and and you know actually trying to better themselves um but I I would still say it really should not have taken this for you to understand that that was not an okay thing to do FIS yeah yeah know my thing is it's like you know I mean like you know you're you're a coach who's been coaching well for probably like 25 years you didn't you don't know like you talked about how you have great relationships with over your he said over my 21 years of relation relationships in in in coaching I have great relationships with a lot of people okay good do you treat them all the same way did you treat them all the same way you coached them did you treat them one way then realize it didn't work why did you treat two of this way and not realize like oh this is not working I don't think this is a coaching strategy with two I think he just didn't like him yeah no that's true but then but then like you know yeah you're right yeah yeah yeah yeah he yeah he probably didn't like him so I would be like I commend him on on you know just you know apologizing and and showing some maturity there I wish he wasn't the first coach to do it right like I'm still waiting for Jeff Jeff fiser to apologize to Vince Young never right like he said Matt Patricia apologized to Darius Slay cuz did cuz we're not going to say it Ferris but do you know what he said to Darius Slay that got him so upset I don't remember something very specific he told him SMD oh wow yep yep and that's what that's what set him off he was like you don't say that to another man if y'all don't know what that is you you can you can look it up come up yeah okay yeah I I would have I would have punched him that's that's what said he he felt like it right so so I mean talking from a man who yelled at his coach for yelling at him for nonsense but but you know I would definitely throughout the history of the NFL I've never seen a coach publicly apologize to any of the players for how they how they acted right it can't be Flores publicly yeah was coaching he cried that was every that was every week for dick though yeah I mean like which time like publicly apologize for how he treated a player while he's got a lawsuit going on man I don't I don't you know Brian man just wait wait a minute you know what I'm saying like well people are using this instance to discredit the lawsuit and I don't these are separate but that's why that's why I wish he just did he just you know because coaches do that you know and in college it's even worse in college they be be rap every player that's exactly why I can't stand dabble Sweeney right their livelihood biggest biggest child I ever seen right um but yes I he shouldn't have done it to begin with right he was doing that he was doing that bad coach thing but you know he got called out he said you know what you're right I can't say nothing about that man I apologize that's good now let's see how he he interacts with the players moving forward and people are saying like oh Tua just can't can't take tough coaching I'm like yeah Tua definitely can't take tough coaching he he definitely was coached by softy Nick Sabin for years absolutely you know not not Nick Sabin who's destroyed 18 million headsets yelling on the sideline at you know me yeah like very soft-hearted Nick Sabin you know where he cusses out grown men like you you you see what he does to his assistant on the sideline man you know it's uncalled for it's unall that's not leadership wa hendo said I hate Vince Young for what he did to Vince Young was that type did you mean uh he he was responding to just Al saying he hates Jeff fiser for what he did to Vince Young uh yes and and I just I hate you know I hate the idea that berating people and and verbally abusing people mentally abusing people It's just tough coaching you should just deal with it no man listen these football coaches right you know up up to the NFL you're dealing with children you know you start in peeee you know you go to Middle School to high school you know into college you're dealing with kids and you need to control yourself like it's not okay for you to go on an exploit fi tie raid because somebody dropped a pass in a game when you're sitting on the sidelines making millions and millions of dollars and they're getting nothing I mean it's ridiculous uh and the idea that we kind of look up to to those coaches as as you know role models and they're always right and you need to listen to the coach is BS that's why I like d and and what they do those College coaches I know we're going off a little off but like those college coaches are are far worse than NFL coaches and we know this we know this because when they make the transition to the NFL they can't cut it right because you could scream at anybody like yes NFL coaches yell sometimes right but there's still that level of respect right you can't go overboard right but in college like you said vs a complete dictatorship and when it to the NFL and you have to talk to grown men it doesn't go that way grown men with multi-million dollar contracts then they have to watch their mouth because if you're beefing with too many of them you're the one that has to go right because your contract is the easiest to get rid of that doesn't count against the cap theirs does right and they can't handle it and I and I hate how they try to mask that their their fear of going to the NFL with oh you know they're just a million-dollar kids and you know they're they're spoiled they're spoiled you know uh guys you know spoiled kids that that that don't want to they don't love the game and all that stuff no that's their way of saying I'm afraid to go to the big leagues and have to deal with grown men and get exposed that's what happens Nick sain that's why I don't put Nick sa up there as as a alltime great he's alltime great college coach obviously yeah but overall no exactly because if you're you're calling them kids and you know millionaire kids you're coaching kids already why can't you coach kids continue coaching kids kids exactly cuz you're scared to coach you're really scared to coach grown men cuz in college man didn't didn't Deo Sweeny last year say if kid started getting paid he was gonna leave why is he still there yeah right why is he still why does he still employed have the same question hyper by the way but that's what I'm saying you know what I mean like why why why are you literally said you're going to quit when your when your player started getting nil money you still you're still employed you still there you still want to be cuz you're a control free and you're an ego Maniac you know I mean the you know these college coaches you know I mean I have never met a college coach where they don't have something wrong with them like something's wrong Kirby Smart at Georgia what the hell's going on at Georgia every other year someone's getting arrested for going a 100 and 80 and in a 50 every year it's the same problem you know I mean Nick Sabin half your assistants don't like you you know L kein makes fun of you in in public he says oh you know thank you Nick but he don't you think he like getting yelled at every Sunday because you wanted to throw the ball cuz you knew you had eight NFL wide receivers you know what I mean like you know Urban Meyer piece of [ __ ] yep yeah major major major that's I think up on him he didn't ask for that what' he say that girl was dancing up on Urban he didn't ask for that I was talking about that talking he trying to enjoy a dinner with his family that's not what I was talking about that that you know good for him I'm talking about you know at Ohio State where he uh you know decided to hide you know his wide receiver coach beating on his wife but you know that's that's no there among other things among other things you know you know this this is that's you can't trust a buck eyee this this was um a little off topic this wasn't one of the things I had on on the lineup but I was just listening to I was listening into Dan LeBar show before we started um go check out the Dan LeBar show I mean I'm a big fan of his his uh whole network um the whole interview for two is on there but it was interesting you know in this football talk so all right yeah I'm sure he'll appreciate us giving him a shout out too like they're they're barely making it over there yeah he been waiting for this okay you're welcome man all right you got your shout out all right struggling struggling writer and YouTuber for years all right let's let's let's get to some Ravens news right now okay Julian Edelman the hater Julian Julian Edelman Trash Talks Lamar Jackson Edelman had some words about Lamar Jackson and uh let me let me pull this up because this is the reason why we were late because I I had to get these clips loaded up okay um everybody takes shots at Lamar Jackson we know what it is right I told you this is a Lamar Jackson market right if you're talking about media okay the bus of media and sports content and all that stuff it is a Lamar Jackson Market we talk about the hate that he gets that's because man we gotta get these clicks baby we got get these inredible considering how little he actually says right how very little he says and how well he plays okay um you know there's always some something to criticize him about and Julian Edelman you know got in on the action apparently right so was this hating or was this fair fair criticism cuz you know I I thought one way strongly before I actually heard the whole thing um and I feel I feel certain way now okay so we're gonna talk about that I'm gon play this clip and and uh you guys in the chat give us your thoughts no team has ever done that but the Chiefs will try to do that this year do you expect them to be back in in the Super Bowl and win another one I've learned my lesson I'm never betting against the Chiefs again okay I will never bet against I lost a lot of money but it's not up to the Chiefs we all know what the Chiefs are they got Andy Reid Patrick Mahomes spag noola Chris Jones and everyone it's up to everyone else we need to see a Joe burrow come out and do something stay healthy start fast you need to see Lamar Jackson who's been on a milk milk carton in the playoffs so he's missing and then you know you got to see the other guys there's going to be a dark Horseman but but right now your money is on the I'm going with the che okay I love how he had he had to explain the milk carton reference because he's old as [ __ ] we're we're because we're all old now and and young people are like what are milk cartons why would you put someone on a milk carton what does that mean that's how you went viral so um I'm gonna be honest uh once I heard the whole thing in context I was like it's not that bad right like he's basically saying the Chiefs are the favorite he's got to see it from the other guys right uh I don't obviously I don't agree that Lamar Jackson hasn't shown up in the playoffs he has shown up okay uh the rest of the team didn't show up the coaches didn't show up right he has shown up um to say he's been missing okay there's a couple games he didn't play great he didn't play great in the Buffalo game didn't play great in this last Chiefs game although I don't think it's nearly as bad as people uh are calling it they're calling it a terrible game because he didn't run it's not his job to run it's his job to throw the ball right um the the the six carries that that the other running backs got that was the problem okay but Julian Edelman like I said I I was I was flaming him yesterday I still kind of am right because you he did throw some Shadee there he threw some Shadee Julian Edelman Falls in that category of players that that have tagged Along on great teams playing with great quarterbacks and players and he wears his Rings like get like me okay you want to be a champion you gotta be like me no no no no you like you're just a guy standing next to the guy standing next to the guy standing next to the guy all right like he was good he was good wasn't great but we get this a lot from the Patriots players man like they're obnoxious former players oh yeah you know To Be A Champion you gotta do this to be a champion you gotta play for Bill Bel and and and uh Tom Tom Brady that's that's what you that's that's what you got to do but in all fairness I didn't I don't think he was he he threw a little shade but this wasn't about Lamar Jackson he was just saying the Chiefs are that team and he's absolutely right about that and it's going and and and people are gonna have to step up including Joe burrow right right there there it is right there Jose so the way he says about Joe burrow is like always been injured he you know he he needs to get healthy but but then Lamar It's he disappears even though that's not a full factual statement has he had bad playoff games yeah but you know so is Joe so is uh Josh Joe beat did beat beat them one yeah but that's that's the one thing Joe has over Lamar that I've actually beating them in the playoffs you know I mean you've beaten them in the regular season like remember the regular season where he does that flip in the end zone and everyone's like w but you know Joe beat him in the playoffs I think at their house you know that's what also makes it makes it doubly like Joe needs to be healthy yeah you know the more I watch it you know you know yeah he has a little you know snarky attitude about it but I'm not going to you know I'm not you know I'm not fully be like yo man that's you trash him like you know like does he have to pay a little bit better yeah a little bit better because you know contr pop belief both quarterbacks didn't play well in the Chiefs Ravens game last year the Ravens shut down Patrick Mahomes in the second half when they figured it out you know what I mean he boom we got him but but you allowed Patrick to have that little leeway in the first half and he got on you and he stayed on you you know but you know that's the way it is you know but overall yeah I don't think it was that bad in my eyes what do you think B no I mean you know it was it was mild criticism ISM it was I I think unnecessary criticism and it lacked any kind of uh Nuance to it because it's not just about Lamar's not just about Joe but you know he's just calling out the the quarterbacks because the quarterbacks are the most visible and most popular uh players and they are the most important players on the field but like fais said I mean if you look at the game uh 241 yards one touchdown and then you had for Lamar 272 a touchdown and interception uh plus his catch and and his rushing yards right they played very similar uh Pat Mahomes didn't have a great game in the Super Bowl either right he he he threw a bad interception in the Super Bowl he threw another pass that should have been picked off in the Super Bowl he was getting uh also shut down until until uh Fred War not not Warner green law popped as a killes trying to run back onto the field oh which was terrible uh but the again the difference comes in with the supporting CS like the quarterback can only do so much you make the throws you make uh and the receivers have to catch the ball and make plays with the ball running backs have to catch the ball and make plays with the ball the the offensive line has to block I mean there's there's a reason that Pat Mahomes got embarrassed in one of his Super Bowls it wasn't because he disappeared it was because they were playing with a third string o line right like there's always context to to how these these games unfold and it was the same thing with Lamar right if Z flowers holds on to that ball going into the end zone we're having a completely different conversation yeah that fumble doesn't happen what it's it's what 1714 yeah something like that you know what I mean three points Bo let me give a um we got haven't seen you in the chat before shout out to is it double O Kane I think I said that right double O Kane says Lamar gotta win big uh play Win playoff games uh plain and simple the criticism is fair okay um but you can say that for every quarterback right yeah like what other quarterback gets criticized like that like Josh Adam hasn't one has hasn't uh won either you know um Dak hasn't won like like who do you like double OE who do you considered top quarterbacks but you know what what he's saying is true like until you win you know that criticism is g to be there yes fair or not uh paon Manning doesn't get criticism right because because paon Manning has two Super Bowl rings pton Manning played like garbage both those years they won the Super Bowl uh he was he was one of the wor he was the worst quarterback in the NFL when he won the Super Bowl in Denver uh the year he won the Super Bowl with Indianapolis I believe he had four touchdowns and seven interceptions in the playoffs but the team won so he no longer gets that criticism of being one of the biggest chokers of all time which is what he was prior to that year yeah he won his first playoff game at the age of 27 yeah you know and again you know he was second Jesus yeah I mean we understand what it is right it's you know Lamar is clicks so he gets talked about more but if it's you know when we're talking about criticism Fair criticism nobody else gets criticized really don't get talked about like everybody else is allowed to fail I mean we've talked about Matt Stafford you know how long it took Matt Stafford to win his first playoff game loser 13 years right uh look at Justin Justin Herbert you know there wasn't any talk about Justin Herbert and how he didn't deserve the money don't extend Justin Herbert blah blah blah he has the biggest playoff choke in history on his resume he's up 30 what 30 to 30 to zero or 27 Z which one was it uh I believe it was 28 280 280 and they lost and don't give me like oh the the coaches they messed up the game plan they messed up the game plan you up 280 bro you up 280 against a quarterback keeps who have four interceptions in that game now let's talk about criticism as well um Ed makes a point here even though I thought the defense played excellent it says Ravens defense has to force a turnover for once in the playoffs this is true ddsq go to dds's comment you know it's funny that he says that because you know on the surface of it 17 points to the Chiefs you know I'm not going to complain about that but this is a Chiefs team who we universally panned as the worst offense uh the Chiefs have had in this entire run right and and people was saying oh man the the Ravens offense might actually be better than this Chief's offense so maybe holding the fewer than 17 yeah uh ddsq is this the one you're talking about here F that's the one right that's literally that was literally the difference all right hold on let me read it uh for for the audio listener it says the difference in the AFC Championship game was the Chiefs defense forced three turnovers two in the red zone and the Ravens defense forced no turnovers yes and that's what we're talking about right like the defense got no got no criticism because they held them to a relatively low amount of points and you say you got to be able to outscore them but that Chief Chiefs Defense Force three turnovers right and we're supposed to be better we have to we have to do it this is where we put all of our resources in it and this is something that me and be keep saying when we say defund the defense hashtag defund the defense this is what we're talking about right you're putting all your resources on the defensive side of the ball and not invested in the offensive side of the ball but the defense has no accountability none and honestly yes we gave up seven was it 17 points had the defense gave up 35 points the criticism would still be on Lamar yeah that's why I keep saying I don't want to see like look Nate Wiggins I think he's gonna be excellent right I don't want to see him drafted in the first round not by us no right like yeah go to the first round I want you to get your money I don't want to see go I want to see us to uh to go defense in the first round when we need help on the offensive line right and more wide receiver help okay I don't want to see you know our our our big Acquisitions our big signing being being manab right we signning manab and not and not Brandon auk right I I don't I don't want to see that invest in the offense and this is uh missile 87 redefin says defense held the Chiefs to zero points in the second half they played their ass off and y'all lost uh they held the the bills to 10 points and y'all lost held the Bengals with Joe burrow to 17 points and y'all lost that's why we say stop drafting Corners stop drafting Edge rushers get some difference makers around Lamar Jackson on that offense because you can't score when you get to the playoffs and and you can't tell me defense wins championships because y'all ain't won [ __ ] also too you know like like people like no you can criticize Lamar you I mean it's fine to do that if he if he's messing up or doing something but the thing is we use the ju to position right like Lamar and Josh Allen are kind of like in the similar boat right they both have one playoff win you know what I mean I think it's one I think they both beat each other for that playoff win I think uh correct me if I'm wrong um no Lamar has more than one playoff win has two right two two yeah two all right two to one my bad two to one and they're kind of you know you're kind of like in a similar boat but no one talks about how Josh Allen like no one no one no one like they like there's the occasional criticism by a a mainstream media head and then everyone talks about Josh Allen for like a week and then they stop talking about Josh Allen but Lamar they know if you say something about him it moves the needle it's the game right you want you want people to tune in you want people to engage even if they engage to say you suck and your opinion doesn't matter of Lamar they want you to engage my bad I apologize because that's the way they operate man revenue and and and traffic and you know Impressions you know and no offense to Josh Allen you know you know it doesn't you know he doesn't move the needle no one no one cares about Josh Allen Josh Allen goes an entire career and not win any other Playoff game and No One's Gonna care No One's Gonna care the ultimate example is Matt Stafford people don't even know M Stafford went that long without winning the playoff game he always spoken highly of like he was one of the best in the league one of the best in the league he was a loser they gave him they gave him every excuse for not winning he had one of the greatest wide receivers of all time okay and there were and people would say oh well his defense was always bad it wasn't always bad there were like two maybe three years where he had a top 10 defense oh he had everything around him sorry what J has five playoff wins I apologize my bad oh yeah yeah he's got a few my bad he's got a few I apologize yeah um you know but you know you you could have used uh what's his name Lawrence Trevor yeah Trevor Lawrence Trevor Lawrence yeah Justin Herbert Trevor Lawrence these QB are allegedly better than Lamar Jackson who have bigger who yeah exactly Prescott you know so but we know what it is it's if if these guys talk about Josh Allen nobody's gonna click on that these guys talk about Joe burrow nobody's gonna click on that nobody's gonna listen people care about Lamar Jackson so they're going to talk about Lamar jackon Jacks good or bad preferbly bad because when you hate on Lamar Jackson that gets more clicks that gets more reaction that gets more engagement so that's what it is a lot of times yeah because you have the Defenders then you have the haters both flowing to your article or your your clip right they're they're agreeing with your criticism like yeah he sucks you know screw him and then you have the defendant saying like no man here are the context and then you have both fan bases fighting each other man it happens all the time you know what I mean like you know back to Matthew Stafford man Matthew Stafford had had Calvin Johnson and and you know you shout to Nate berlon he was a good wide receiver as well you know he had he had Calvin Johnson Nate Burleson in a good good offensive crew some good defensive players and he didn't win a single playoff game with he's a loser and no no Super Bowl win I'm sorry he can win a Super Bowl he's still a loser is Trent dford not a loser what are we doing here man just because you win a Super Bowl don't mean you're not a loser I don't care yeah I said it I don't care all right we got Super Bowl is is a team achievement we got we're 60 people in here make sure you hit that like button if you are new make sure you hit that subscribe button we are close to 2,000 subscribers help us get there ASAP uh and yes MDT Sports uh he says you guys already know uh Lamar Jackson gets criticized and hate to say it but because of racism racism definitely plays A Part race race plays a part he's a black quarterback they didn't you know most of the media didn't want him to play quarterback coming into the league they were saying he was a wus Receiver right even though he never played the position he never ran the 40 right they just said hey there's a athletic uh black guy there he can't play that position right not smart enough not cerebral you know not traditional those are all those are all dog dog whistles okay so we know what it is that that's definitely part of it for sure it's not Eli did it twice shut up he say so is Eli Los by the way look at those giants teams they were very bad and he still wants Super Bowls in those just Al said Stafford was shaky in the Super Bowl by the way yeah he tried to give it away he yeah he he yeah he almost staffer himself yeah yeah he locked in on that final drive I mean it's easy to to lock in uh when you have um what's his name also too man on Cooper cup that's not yeah yeah on Cooper cup and and he catches everything that's not that's not G says if Jackson can take it to the next level like Mahomes does with scrub receivers for the past two years there's no more argument Mahomes doesn't have scrub receivers he doesn't have great receivers but what I don't think he's calling momes I mean I didn't read that I don't think he's calling Mahomes receiver scrubs yeah he's had scrub receivers essentially since Tyrese's been gone what is Lamar supposed to do about Z flowers fumbling the ball what is he supposed to do about his receivers dropping the ball I mean yo Travis Kelce caught nine out of 10 targets I'm about say you're not telling the whole story when you say you're not telling the whole story Travis Kel greatest Titans of all time like you can't make the receivers play better do you think let me ask you this do you think they get to the Super Bowl without Travis Kelce no no that that's the misconception about the Chiefs right guys that's the misconcep they say like oh they receiver suck yeah but their number one receiver isn't a receiver he's a he's a tight end but he's a receiver you know I mean that's the thing about they people be like they don't have a number one receiver the Chiefs do yes they do he's just not called a receiver yeah you know he's he's their tight end you mean he's basically Philip Rivers with with no I'm I'm not saying Patrick is Philip Rivers he's better but I'm saying like who is Philip Rivers was number one receiver for most of his entire career Antonio Gates Antonio Gates and then the occasional Vince Vincent Jackson but then he left and went to Tampa Bay you know what I mean but it was Antonio Gates every team with Tony Gonzalez on there who was the number one receiver Antonio Gonzalez Antonio Gonzalez my bad did I just make a new person Tony Gonzalez um sorry but and and and the the the main point also is the Chiefs looked at that and said man that was way too close let's go draft a receiver in the first round and sign Hollywood Brown the Ravens looked at that and they said you know what let's get Odell's bum ass out of here and run it back and draft the corner in the first round and and we got Derk Henry M yeah 32y old Derrick Henry yeah yeah I'm saying his fingers crossed man you know no cuz cuz here's the thing about Derrick Henry man either he's not a human being and he continues to have a great year they weren dropping catches in in a game against us no that's that that's what he's saying they were they they led the league in drops the year it was like 15 yeah and then in the playoffs they didn't that's not P Ms I mean no that that's fine goet but talk about Travis Kelce I want you to answer that question no talk talk about the receivers too because they weren't dropping passes in the playoffs do you do you think because I because this is a false narrative right do you think Garnett that they win that Ravens game without Travis Kelce that's all I need to know and all say you have to you you you still have to use what you have yeah uh except they could have better and that's what that's what we're talking about Jose you keep asking that question about first half of the of the Super Bowl Travis Kelce was a non-factor cuz Dre Greenlaw was told that's your job shut him down and what did Dre Greenlaw do he put that man in jail the the the Niners were winning Travis Kelce was in prison and then Dre green blows his Achilles out and they got to bring in ornell Burks and guess what happened when they were targeting ornell Burks ornell Burks gave out nine nine nine targets eight receptions over 100 yards on the touchdown for Travis Kelce on onell Burks prior to that Drake Greenlaw put that man in prison like that right there boom change the game we literally have an example are the could the Chiefs win if you stop tra if you sto no you can't because d That's Right cl cl they also brought back Eric bemy nobody talks about that nobody talks about that they brought back Eric benemy for that Ravens game okay we know what it is we know what it is they did oh wow they did like I don't think he was officially hired but they brought him back to I guess you know to give a pep talk or whatever you know the guy that they said that you know nobody liked there remember that he wasn't he wasn't like but they brought him back for that Ravens game just saying you uh no just give just give him my opinion man bro uh I watch all TW no no no no no no no gret no no no don't do just give my opinion thing I just ask you a simple question we're not attacking you I just want to know do you think they win the game against us without Travis Kelce that's a simple question that's a simple question yes you can give your opin everybody opinion you're not gonna do the the the the sly criticizing Lamar and then and then just tap out on a response bro you can't hear that that's all we want to know that's all that's all I want to know your your opinion yes yes you're you're entitled to your opinion everybody in here is entitled to the opinion so are we right we just challenging you on it a little bit that's all uh be the change you wish to see says not doubling Kelce was in the first half ruined oh it ruined our chances Travis Kelsey man he's just great you shouldn't have a double of him considering the amount of uh investment in that secondary also too you know like the Niners didn't double him they just sent Dr ginla on him yeah y don't have a Dr grew don't y'all have a Dr GRE doesn't his name go Ry with tokon hiss you know what I mean like no you know I mean sorry that sorry that was bad that was bad like is roqu not a a good coverage linebacker does you know like could he not go oneon-one like was that do you okay Hamilton not exist G says but that hypothetical is crazy so that means no so that hypothetical is crazy but not the well thear just got to do better with Seth Roberts that's not crazy yeah man he needs he needs to put the ball good with that means what do you mean that hypothetical is crazy do players not miss games right do not players not miss games what if he missed that game right like that's that's a easy hypothetical that's nothing crazy about that he's one of the greatest tit of all time who who who on our offense ASA Lamar can you say that about he's one of the greatest of all time at this position he's one of the greatest all time at wonderback he's one of the greatest all time at wide receiver he's one of the greatest all time on at tackle at guard like who like who who's that guy that we have you can say he's one of the greatest of all time at that position you need great players simple simple no it didn't go on it but that's all right you have a good night bro missile 87 redefined just subscribed salute thank you apprciate thank you be awesome uh like Mile and hit that subscribe button all right uh to by the way man you know we can disagree on football guys because it's just football I mean we're not disagreeing about nothing serious like racism you know what I mean just football it's fine still probably W get yelled at for my Matthew Stafford take that's why I mean but I don't really care cuz I just gave you I just gave you a quarterback who has a Super Bowl that no one thinks is good so it doesn't really matter shout to Brad Johnson as well said I heard who so much I thought it was the new day don't you dare be sour clap for your world famous three time Champions and feel the sorry my bad that's that's my favorite group love them yeah um ready move on to uh this cam topic yes speaking of speaking of bad coaches yes okay bad coaches all right um uh agree or disagree no it's not agree or disagree okay I think you're wrong okay you didn't even answer my question Garnett I agree you're wrong I'm messing with you man oh my bad dsq I said shout out to Brad Johnson I didn't slander him said shout out yes dsq is a he's a bucks fan okay stop slandering his his Buccaneer great hey man you know hey D for you man I bought me a cream sickle Derek Brooks Jersey he didn't do it for you ddsq I didn't do it for you I did it for me but you I know just Al we we gonna get there in a minute I know all so okay all right Cam Newton Opens up About Ron Rivera let me set this up okay speaking of bad coaches we talked about Brian Flores in his mishaps early okay uh I've been telling be for a while that there's something about R Vera that I just don't like okay and then when he went to the commanders okay Washington football team SL whatever okay he brought in a lot of panthers a lot of the Panthers organization you know from coaching staff you Ryan uh players Kyle Allen Taylor H but nor son Scott Turner brought a lot of people in yes but he didn't bring in Cam Newton okay and from that point I was calling him a dirt bag I said that's a dirt bag move the only reason you have a career as a head coach is because of Cam Newton the only reason okay he's been kind of up and down but cam has really uh elevated him he had some great years with Cam and that's the reason why he's he's still getting looked at or was getting looked at as a head coach to not bring him in is inexcusable okay um Cam Newton didn't say anything you know why he was trying to get a job um he just always had that positive attitude um you know that people will say well maybe it's maybe it's it's you know he's he's too much in a locker room or he's too much of a distraction like I I don't I don't know what that means I've never heard anybody say anything bad about cam newon so it could have been an attitude thing couldn't have been he had a problem with them who knows right but Cam Newton on his show if you guys didn't know Cam Newton uh big on YouTube now fourth and one big fourth yeah that's his second Channel his his main channel has over a million subscribers fourth and one he just started not that long ago and it's starting to pick up it's a pretty good it's a pretty good show Friday baby yep so um Newton man love this is like a this like a two-minute clip and he's talking that you know he's asked about uh Rona not picking him up in Washington and he gives his thoughts on it if I can get it to play said cam why do you think Ron River never called you to Washington and what did you all said to each other during the halftime in your first game back with Carolina I don't know it hurt me though did you think you was going to get that yeah I said at the bare minimum Washington to come f with me it wasn't just Ron Rivera it was damn Marty hernie oh okay it was Ryan vilon everybody it was Panthers reincarnated in Washington did not get no call no interest have yall ever spoken about that no yeah no I don't know why um but I don't know whether I was hurt or whatever it it [ __ ] with me though I ain't going to lie I'm not gonna be one of these dudes like hell no like you got this coach coach of the year on not just you alone but with your help yep we started the 2013 season 1 and three finished 12 and four coach of the year of course you've been through the you know struggle struggle been through the struggle with him and then to not get a call yeah it was one of them [ __ ] okay I see what's happening here and then also too cam like when you seen him when you came back to Carolina did y'all even just say like what was it Embrace was it like man that ain't no Embrace that you can talk to like that was like a brief hey coach what's going on man I always ni to see you take a picture kick go poo this conversation need to be a funky Friday episode is you talking about like we need to chat yeah like what is it yeah cuz I feel like I could play you know what I'm saying and they had Taylor hanii Taylor hanii I respect you know what I'm saying uh Scarface that's what we would call him um but to ride with him cool the take was his turn and I ain't going to dwell on that but just the for the question no I felt a certain type of way that I didn't get no interest from Washington in a unstable quarterback situation correct okay so goad go ahead FIS you think he provides his homie with those hats I mean yeah I think I think he I think he was wearing one of Cam's hats like actually I think I think where you get them he sells them and I think that and I think I think those are do I think he's doing well with that business as well yeah his his head got a hole in it because of his hair is yeah yeah that's part of that's part of the style of it oh wow man I want one of them hats cam Cam's doing things man yeah I don't think I can wear headphones with them hats um you're trying to you see you see his setup he doesn't need headphones he's got the master setup um so B being a Panthers fan U I'mma let you go first what what do you think about all this it's very it's very disappointing right because I knew Ry wasn't a great coach I mean we all we all knew he wasn't a great coach like he was an all right coach seemed like the kind of coach who could you know get you get you to 500 right like if you were if you were down in the at the at the bottom of the league he could get you stable right and you know having cam there elevated him he actually won Coach of the Year twice I believe uh they went to the conference Championship Game twice they went to the Super Bowl once obviously they won the division three years in a row which nobody had ever done uh and it seemed like they had a great relationship it seemed like you know cam was Ron's guy right and you know for to go and go to Washington and bring in Kyle Allen and Taylor hecki and they know you know I'm good with them you know what I thought was hey maybe he reached out to cam cam wasn't interested something like that right uh but to hear that he didn't didn't even call is is incredibly disappointing right like you wouldn't have that job without Cam Newton uh you know you you probably I mean there's a decent chance you wouldn't even be in the NFL anymore without Cam Newton you know I mean he he could be bouncing around as an assistant or something somewhere but you know like cam legitimized you you know he he was a long time head coach because of Cam Newton uh you know and and Luke and a couple other guys but you know mainly cam uh and and yeah cam maybe he couldn't play anymore you know but that's your fault too at least partially because Ron Rivera you know they ran cam into the ground uh they and when he got hurt against San Diego with that that shoulder injury they never let him sit and heal properly you know they kept playing him uh and so like you you can kind of look at at at Ron and Vermillion and them and say hey that's on you as well and for you to not reach out and give him that opportunity is dirty especially when when coaches get hired they bring in people they know whether they can play or not like it's a loyalty like Kyle Allen yeah like Kyle Allen you know I mean Benjamin Urban Urban Meyer didn't think Tim TBO was gonna be his quarterback right but he brought in Tim TBO you know just because that was his guy right yeah and and so for Ron to to almost it seems like intentionally leave cam out of that is is very disappointing it's dirty and and shout out to Rapid assist he says sometimes you just aren't as close to people as you think you are it's not about being close right it's it's a respect thing if your career was built off of this person whether you're cool with him or not whether you liked him or not you you owe a certain amount of respect to him you didn't even call this man right like how how long ago was that cam played his last game uh in Carolina uh it's been a couple two years yeah okay he's a he's a full I'm just talking about now so so he's a full YouTuber now okay he he hasn't officially retired but he's a full he's a full-time YouTuber you know he's got his hands in all kinds of business cigar linng and all that stuff like he's he's basically retired Rona is is fired okay probably never gonna be a head coach again you still haven't called this man and said hey let me clear some things up about what happened you know why I didn't bring you on he he's talking about on his show like yeah that messed me up man I don't know what happened still doesn't know you still haven't talked to him the first person you should have called when you got to to Washington was cam to bring him on and if you weren't going to bring him on he still should have been the first person that you called to say hey just out of respect for you you know I'm G let you know just you know you here from me I'm Not Gon to bring you on here's why right you owed him that and the fact that you can't you're not manad enough to do that I lost a lot of respect and don't tell me it was his attitude don't tell me it was his attitude because you coached Carson Wentz and you can't tell me you didn't know about Carson Wentz before he got there plenty of coaches knew about Carson Wentz yeah okay Doug Peterson quit football because of car Carson Wentz Super Bowl winning head coach walked away from his Super Bowl champion team and said y'all got it they say we're gon cut you know what you stay I'll leave right also too you know his the the year in New England cam was seven and eight and he he he threw 65% of his passes he completed 65% of his passes you know for years people talking about like how like his you know his his passing his completion was very low and is not very good he he still was improving at age 31 with his with his his completion percentage so you're not going to tell me Cam Newton after you tried to end his career basically cuz you knew his shoulder was hurt and you let him get literally speared by TJ Watt that's why it's TJ watt all day every day he go screw himself cuz I don't play about Cam Newton I'm I'm not a Carolina Panthers fan but there's two people I don't play about and they're actually two car two Carolina Panthers it's kind of weird but I don't really care it's Cam and Luke I don't play about them I don't I don't play about them you literally tried this man broke his back in a car accident and he could have been like coach I can't play I literally literally almost was paralyzed that's right you know but you know what Cam Newton did what Brony what Cam Newton do that week I I don't remember what he did that week but just just you should just say oh he played that you could yeah he play yeah I was setting you up my B yeah like he played the man was in a car accident I saw his car yeah you saw his car smashed to bits he's being dragged out and he's like yo man he's like okay is he dead people thought he died then he like raised his hand I'm good and he played football on that next Sunday yeah for you and your team and for the team and you literally made him out there go out there cuz you knew if Cam Newton wasn't on the field oh he missed one game my bad Jay thank you but you know you know don't let don't let the facts get way of a good story Jay come on what's wrong with you um you know I mean come on you knew if he wasn't out on that field in Carolina you getting fired well and you know fired also makes it look so much worse the incident with the Seahawks right where uh cam didn't wear a tie uh on the on the sort and you know now now you know they've come out and said that that wasn't him that was ghettman and said listen you know if he doesn't do it then you you you sit him right uh and and you know famously they went out there and that was it was a big big game big game uh and they they run out Derrick Anderson I don't know why they called a passing play but they did and he threw an interception on the first play of the game but you know you at what point do you just stand up to the GM and say no I'm not sitting our starting quarterback or a tie you can't what you need to do I'm not sitting him because he didn't wear a tie exactly exactly he he's got no backbone cuz any other coach would be like you don't tell me who to start and who to set that's that's not that's not your place right you might you might have control over you know who stays who goes because you're you're handling the budget you're handling the Personnel whatnot but once I get my team that's where you step out of it so no he's not being benched I don't care how you feel about it I'm cool with it it's I run the team right I run that locker room if I'm cool with it then you need to get on board with that nice to meet you Cam salute also too man I think it's also a societal thing my man said Arab hello I don't know what that means my guy but could even Google itam alayum kilig Gams um just it's it's very common you know even non-arabs say it um uh um it's also thing a societal thing where people be like oh we I don't owe you nothing I don't owe him anything yeah you do you owe people you're not Successful by yourself I owe a lot of people my the the reason I graduated col I I know who I owe and I tell them every day about that braon River basically said I don't owe you nothing you know you nothing to me I don't know even though you owe everything to this man and it's and it's the opposite of the way he portrays himself like you can you can choose not to pay it back which he did but yes you absolutely do ow Cam Newton and and even at this point you you owe him at the very least uh an an explanation if not an apology MH cuz you sh you tried to show people in Washington you didn't need him and guess what happened you failed you're a failure and that's a fact you lost to the New York Giants and we suck that's the only thing guaranteed in life the only thing guaranteed in life with Daniel Jones and new Giants we're at least going to get two wins because he always beats the commanders that's how badly they sucked what speaking speaking of your your New York fandom Chris child's chiming in appreciate it Chris appreciate it appreciate it and um look um you guys feeling the content man make sure you hit that like button if you're new hit the Subscribe button if you're looking for the Super Chat here's how you do the Super Chat that pin link that you see in the chat box will take you to our streamlabs page we're just like super chat Okay click on it leave your donation leave your comment get a nice animation on the screen we'll read your comment also the cash app that's that that QR code right under B and next to Ferris that's for our cash app dollar sign LBH show okay it works the same way you can go there you can leave a donation leave your comment and you'll get an animation right on the screen okay um also once we finish here we're going to go to the overtime show you can find the overtime show on our patreon LBT show now we got a bunch of members to the patreon okay they will all vouch for how good we treat our members okay we have the overtime show that happens every week after the main show we have a Discord going on okay we got fanasy football coming up we're even doing an online D NCAA Dynasty league right now okay uh we interact with our fan base as much as possible it's a lot of fun we're trying to build a community here so be a part of it okay uh LBH show for as little as $5 you got $5 in your pocket you got $5 in your pocket all right go ahead and check it out do it now do it now so you so you can sign up for for the overtime show and check it out because tonight Ferris we're gonna be talking some uh Star Wars cancellation okay do we man yeah yeah we're gonna be talking and some uh some JK ring uh you know she backpedaling a little bit yeah I saw I saw a tweet I saw I gotta tell you a tweet I saw about that hold you you gotta hold you gotta hold it that's that's that's for the overt show all right and we G Talk some video games man there's some video game news out there so let's let's discuss that there is come join us all right uh we have one more topic okay we got the qu are you ready for the court of public opinion be you ready to go over there or do you want to yeah no I'm I'm ready I'm I'm very disappointed at Ronald we'll talk more about on the overtime show because I I I've been telling be for a while that I do not like this man because of that there's absolutely no excuse and to hear it come from cam like that cam is still hurt yeah and and clearly upset clearly upset which makes me very upset okay so all right and he's guilty all right now Court of Public Opinion: NFL v Flag Football ladies and gentlemen this court it's not an actual court right but it's the court that matters Court of public opinion is about to start all rise All Rise court is now in session uh we have what do we have on a docket today be well uh today today we have we have some more order order Ferris this this seem started it seems to be the theme of the year we have some more Olympic infighting uh you know we we we've talked about Noah L and how he he he rovs a lot of people the wrong way and how he goes at other American athletes and nobody likes that uh but now we've got Daryl hush duet uh who I have to believe is the Premier flag football quarterback I don't I did not do any research on this but he's talking so I have to believe he said he's better uh than Pat Mahomes at flag football because of his IQ up here um he said recently you know the flag football is being introduced in the 2028 games in in Los Angeles and he said um them NFL dudes ain't grow this game I don't I don't I don't know uh that flag football has grown mind you I don't know where that's at but he said that it should be the guys who grew the game the guys who have been playing the game who get to represent the United States in Los Angeles in the first ever Olympic flag football tournament um he's feels like he's arguing with himself a little bit here but you know there there is also the thought out there that hey NFL players should go the NFL players play flag football like in the in you know part of Pro Bowl weekend and everything now and you want to put your be best athletes on the team right so you get the gold medal you get to win all that uh but he says they are the best athletes the guys who play flag football for a living I don't I don't know just OTB all the time I'm sorry I tried to control it I tried so yeah I I don't know like who who who who are you who are you going with here you say hey the people the people who who who brought you to the damn are you are you you going with them or you saying are you getting to the steps and you're saying you know what I'm taking Pat mahes with me I'm taking Lamar Jackson and Tyreek Hill and S Garder uh you guys go home okay let's let's recap this because because Ferris is laughing may have distracted you okay uh Ferris uh don't make me hold you in content the court here okay okay my AP is your honor yeah uh is he for real yes Sean Cole Kohl's he is for Real so this is a guy that plays in his flag football uh league and you know I guess he's big time according to him and he in his mind he's like I'm the pat Mahomes Tom Brady of this league okay I Y y'all can't do what I do there's a different element to throwing the ball in Flight football there isn't um there's you know like it's just you know you don't know about the hip dodging to to to get you know keep the flag away you know there's a there's a art to it okay you don't have that HP move they don't have the HP movement be they don't the hit movement understanding that on TV years ago they don't they hey guys don't yes he thinks they don't understand uh it's a different animal and the people that built this sport up uh deserve to go because it wouldn't be in the Olympics for if it weren't for them it wouldn't be in the Olympics so they deserve that roster spot not some you know overpaid you know entitled pro athletes that are the 1% of athletic specimens in the world he threw behind the back pass in this game the other day he's disrespecting the game he doesn't take it serious not like not like hush do said right right so uh you know a lot of people have chimed in on this uh shout out to Tory Smith uh he he chimed in on this as well and he said I don't want to hear all that nonsense I'm trying to win he said ain't nobody trying to hear all that man bring the dogs out okay like okay all right play Devil's Advocate yeah I see his point like you know like don't like come on you got reward us like cuz we know we actually you know you know invest our time and play this and you know we're a part of the the fabric you know you know don't just completely replace us fully but you know let you know let us you know let us you know participate as well I see his point by that but to say that these players have never played flag football is is is not right because what do you think seven on seven is what do you think they do on seven on seven you think just because they don't wear flags it's not the same it's literally the same thing hush would say exactly I would say I would I would counter this even if let's just say he was right they've never played a a single snap which I mean we'll get to that in a second that he's wrong on that but even if they've never played a single snap of flag football they don't understand the game they don't deserve a damn thing what is the Olympics remind me uh ladies and gentlemen what what what is what are the Olympics all about the best of the best athletes in the world so hush are you the best of the best and if you are prove it right be TR outs tryouts yes have some tryouts have some games to see you know who who Rises to the top listen okay listen it's not like the US men's basketball team where they already know the there ain't going to be no goddamn trials they are going to pick from all of the Willing NFL players and then if there are spots left over hush and his boys can get in they are not trying out with NFL players they're G to get no who the spots that left over will go to college uh UFL no they'll they'll take they G take hush is here's what here's what they deserve here's what they deserve here's what they deserve they they deserve a ticket he's a foul they deserve a ticket right you want to honor them they do deserve a try out they do if you're say hey you know what it because because you know we talked about this it is a fundamentally different game uh you know I I don't I think they should just put actual football in the Olympics if they want the NFL players to go uh but it's a fundamentally different game if you're going to let the NFL players play let these guys try out and and see if they can make and see if they can beat him out he says he's got more he's got better higher IQ than Pat Mahomes cool okay that's fine uh it's not true but you think that give him an opportunity to prove it uh give give that that other that other accountant the opportunity to prove that he can beat s Garder on his slant route right give give the uh give the the dude who works in it the opportunity to cover Tyreek Hill and prove that he can do it yeah and we see that they get to go and we see NFL players against future lawyers and it professionals every single week in college go watch the AAC or the big the mountain West no because they don't have to get them on the ground Ferris they just have to snatch that flag that's true and that's just you know what these guys have a different level of hand eye coordination that these NFL players are not prepared for also too you know if 50 yards down field the dude gonna be standing there holding his flag also too I feel like you know when you said actually put I think the only I think if if they want NFL players to participate they're going to it has to be flat because if they actually put real football in cuz I think the teams are going to prevent the real players to playing real football you know what I mean like you know I don't want you to get hurt you know like why do you think that the the Pro Bowl became you know that's fine you still have a there still be a lot of uh other people who high high level players athletes that could that could step in and look there's there's no guarantee we would win a football tournament right like there is an actual Tackle Football Federation they had a tournament this year and the US did not win we lost to Japan then they didn't get to play Japan I mean they they did lose them but I'm saying like they didn't even get to play Japan in the medal round uh they lost to God I can't remember who it was now uh but I think they I think they got the bronze and embarrassing but it is what it is yeah so okay B put put up the poll and we're g we still we're g to talk about it some more there's a couple points I want to make a question yeah if every if every NFL player was eligible to do it will you pick it all right okay pull up the poll and then and then we'll answer question uh that's that's G to be hash NFL or if you agree with hush if you're on hush's side hash flag um you know I I I was kind of joking about this but I think Z flowers like this is right up his alley right he he Lov like he's a guy who can make 20 moves in the space of of a yard right and he does not like running forward uh I think I think he would he would break many ankles out there uh obviously Tyreek Hill is a guy who you know you can't simate you can't simulate that speed and and then the same thing you know I'm not I don't know all of the rules for flag football I don't think the quarterbacks can run I they can't I think they they have to stay in like an area yeah I believe so I'm not even I'm not even going to bother saying Lamar uh because you know if you could run then Lamar obviously the guy but yeah I mean you're you're just talking about your fastest and and most agile uh players out there right I go Patrick quarterback yeah so I think you Patrick you don't really quarterback we got like could you really go wrong with so there are no offensive defensive lines in fight football right no so how how long do they have the stand in the pocket or stand to throw the football shoot what are the rules because when I play flag football I play flag football when I was in the military we had offensive defensive lines like you could block right yeah yeah I yeah and and did that yeah yeah you can go try to grab the flag whatever I don't know what these these new rules are but you know I imagine they don't have all day to stand there throw the ball there's a certain amount of time they have to throw the ball whatever but I can tell you this they have more than three seconds and if you give any professional any NFL quarterback five six seconds to throw the ball they can hit anybody anywhere anytime hold on here here here we go uh I got it right here in this style of football there are no offensive defensive lineman on either team games take place on a field that is 50 yards long and 25 yards wide rosters have a 15 player minimum or maximum sorry and all teams only have players of the same gender uh each team gets four downs to attempt to across midfield for a new set of downs an unsuccessful set of downs gives the ball back to the defense on its own 5 yd line an interception gives the ball to the defense uh at the spot the play ends following the interception uh teams are allowed to run the ball anywhere on the field besides the five yard areas directly bordering The End Zone jumping and Diving as the ball carrier in any context is illegal each team's defense can have a maximum of two blitzers that may Rush the quarterback directly so long as all parts of their bodies are more than seven yards from the line of scrimmage uh SC I got more I got more so we got 707 12 person rosters 60-minute games play with a four 15minute quarters running clock except the final two minutes field divided into four 25 yard boxes first downs are awarded each time the offense reaches the next box no that's a different that's a different set of rules Ferris well this the American flag the this this is the international flag football rules for the olypics we got two votes so far Jeremy is asking who else is going to vote because the NFL is up right now two nothing all right uh just Alo hash hush you didn't even spell his name right you said hush okay and that's not one of the options it's either hash flag or hash NFL you have to pick one of those two all right by the time we finished uh talking that's when the poll closes and we will make our we our judgment will be made all right you guys make you guys make be the judge here you be the judge all right hashtag NFL or hashtag flag who side are you on now I want to say this who said they never played flag football they've all a lot of them played flag football flag football is played in the Pro Bowl right or at least was played in the Pro Bowl um they've had some NFL flag football leagues Michael V was in in one of them right yeah you've had players play flag football hush is I'll tell you what hush is doing and hush knows this he's doing the he's doing the Noahs thing right I'm gonna be that obnoxious Olympian that that's gonna say something controversial to get attention and congratulations he got he got our attention right but they ain't gonna get him into they ain't gonna get him on the team [Laughter] though just house his flag I mean okay see now now it's tied up thanks to Ed and just Alo wow okay well okay so they say hey they deserve they deserve the spot there I then you agree that they should they should have to earn it right because the Olympians is about the best athletes in the world so they should be able to they should be able to beat out those guys yeah because you know we have Olympic swimming trials we have Olympic track trials uh one of our best you know allegedly one of our best track athletes didn't make it to the Olympics this year because she didn't beat out the the girls she got ripped oh who who could have seen bleeding heart J coming in for the little guy with the hash flag I couldn't find the rules I only found the aaf rules it's very simple just Google Olympic flag football rules you know you know what's going to happen Okay so you know what's going to happen you guys are allowing the Lesser athletes to to go represent America and when they go and embarrass themselves you will be the first to throw stones at them thank you OS he says NFL let's get some order back in this court this is not a kangaroo court here okay it's three three we need one more vote okay we gotta break this vote all right um f put hashtag NFL in there real quick no cuz I agree man cuz you know this this America bro it's America man see he hey he's got a point team USA's men's team has won five of the last six World Championships the US Women's team has won the past two World Championships oh [ __ ] oh man duet is 35 so what did duet do before flight football I'm was curious because he's a worldclass athlete I'm assuming he was like a star in college or something so okay ducet who was 35 has been successful for Team USA helping the team to a 2021 World Championship in Jerusalem a gold medal at the 2022 World Games in Birmingham Alabama all right uh so so what did he do the rest of his life to make money I'm reading the thing hold on uh he won MVP in 2023 in the America's Continental uh Championship he was also a member of an amateur Squad that in 2018 defeated a team of former NFL player there it is that defeated a team of former NFL players on national television team duet led the team to a 20-point win over the NFL Squad which included Justin forset and senica Wallace and was coach by Michael Johnson a four-time Olympic gold medal medalist and track uh let's see so this is where this is where the confidence comes from that's where it is that's where conf I beat St koes that's what he said he said foret yeah and the head coach was Michael Johnson a track guy yeah it wasn't even he's not not even a football coach here's the play guys run straight again we have to go we have to continue going over this every week Noah ly is a track guy Michael Johnson is a four-time Olympic gold medalist they're two different things that's true yeah and and mysteriously you know hurt his handm me when he was racing Don Bailey for just Al said my vote isn't looking so silly now is it no man you're not going to be like he be sen Wallace get out of here Justin hell no offense sen Wallace even like okay we wrapping this up okay the NFL barely wins this one sheesh um I beat cyal Wallace so I can beat Patrick Mahomes okay NFL won this all right do we have submitted questions no no submitted questions this week all right so we're going to wrap this up here um all right we did an hour and a half okay uh over time show he's getting ready to start uh like we said we're going to talk some we're going to talk some TV talk some Star Wars and it look the acolyte got cancelled never watched the episode we're going to discuss that uh we're gonna talk about everything wrong with with with the Star Wars just everything wrong with Star Wars I got so many things to talk about there we're gonna talk about JK Rollin uh she she she walking back some things okay she got that she got that lawsuit slapped on her right we going to talk about that we going to talk about some video games we G we G to talk some more Sports whatever you want to okay that's what we do on the overtime show if you haven't seen the show you have to check it out it's a lot of fun anybody that's that's on patreon will vouch for it okay uh it's it's a layback setting okay we have people come on and um we just chop it up it's it's a lot of fun so LBH show if you can do that all you need is $5 that's all you need and you know if you want to give us $10 you know we got a nice shiny coin for you okay that's for our that's that's for for the $10 tier all right $220 tier you get your a coin in some of our ring Kings cards all right uh we we got it all all right so check us out all right Ferris let the people know where they can find you find me every Friday 3 o'cl Pacific good friends better Rivals me and Caleb my Coast we talk NFC East Giants Cowboys today we're going to recap week two of the preseason and previewing week three you know uh why has God forsaken me and um why my why can't I have a quarterback to defend with my heart and you know but I can't have those again apparently um may possibly finding out that my GM wasn't as good as I thought he was but you know we'll see about that um and uh you know probably just cry for an hour let's get ready Network the highlights what are you reading B so Daryl hush duet you asked what he did before uh fight football he was a track athlete um in high school and then he went to Xavier University where he played flag football so I I was I was trying to find something else but he played he played flag football at Xavier a lot of the track a lot of the track athletes after they did that a lot of them said like you know you don't make a lot of money so a lot of them quit track no kidding yeah nobody gives a damn about track that's why I said what did he do for money you still didn't listen anything I don't know that's that's not part of his online profile exactly I found out Fred Kerney was a was actually a wide receiver okay the guy who messed up the thank you FIS thank you for that we we we we really appreciate that all right ladies and gentlemen you didn't even put that you didn't put our end screen on what well I mean I was I was still I was looking up the thing and like there is no end screen it's just yeah no it's just we normally we normally have submitted question so we we end on that screen but it's not like an official no we go back to the to the beginning screen that's usually what we do no I don't think so all right all right patreon members get ready the overtime show is starting in a few minutes everybody else thank you so much have a great night football is back soon all right and I see everybody coming back in the chat as well all right so make sure you hit that subscribe button get our numbers up okay get them up all right we'll see you guys next time peace [Music] St [Music]

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