Paranoid Putin desperately trying to extend his life to prevent being overthrown | Diane Francis

Putin has resorted to sort of primitive Shaman type uh methods and he he has reported to to um take regular baths in an extract made from the blood of the antlers of Siberian Red Deer Vladimir Putin is probably the richest man on earth and in history he probably a trillionaire directly indirectly he's got everything except he doesn't have eternal life so this is what he wants he's trying to get some more years for himself um you know if he had cared about the longevity and the life life expectancy of Russians he wouldn't have declared a war and sent so many of them to their death uh but this is all about him and uh he's about to turn 72 on October 7th which is the date by the way when um the uh terrorists uh attacked Israel and they were trained by Vagner mercenaries out of Russia in Syria so uh that's how he likes to celebrate his birthday but that aside uh this is is kind of almost pathetic in a way because I mean understandable who doesn't want to live longer healthier but um it it's you don't order scientists to come up with genetic revolutions you know just so that you can live past the uh normal lifespan Russia's life expectancy is ranked globally 164th the global the expectancy there is 72 years for men and women but only 67 for men and that's worse than the Congo he wants it to to 78 by 2030 and that's when he turns 20 78 and then by 2036 he wants it up to 81 I mean this is this is nonsense um it's not science that will do this but he could increase the life expectancy of Russians if he stopped the war and banned alcohol it's an abysmal place to live uh alcoholism is rampant probably because it's such a miserable place to live for many people it's hopeless there's no Civil Society uh there's no sense of commun community and belonging because the government cracks down on anybody who assembles and tries to organize anything at all for any purpose so it's it's you know it's a it's a pretty pathetic place to live and uh you know the Russians just you know I don't know how many of them even know this is maybe just a western report that leaked out uh and uh you know and and I think they know that it's not gonna move the dial in terms of their own happiness and Longevity uh and uh you know and and already let's let's be honest Putin and these oligarchs have access to the best medicine on the planet um they go to Switzerland to Spas they go to the the Mayo Clinic or whatever equivalent in Europe to get fixed they have Top Doctors they have the all good hospitals to go to um to the extent that this letter is made extensively public it may mean that you know they want to share this benefit that the oligarchy is prepared to share this benefit with the people but I don't think they believe much of what comes out of the Kremlin and I spent a lot of time in Silicone Valley and and and in the business world and rich people have everything but longevity and they invest a lot of time and money into finding cures or regimens or vitamins or blood transfusions or whatever they can uh to to extend life and in fact Google has has a subsidiary called Calico which is dedicated to uh longevity and you know I think Putin is also um you know kind of different in as much as I don't know if you recall at the beginning of the invasion when he would have a meeting it was during Co he have these long tables you know if you met with him you'd have to be double checked triple checked for he's a germaphobe he's a germaphobe and uh so I we don't know why and the speculation was that maybe he was undergoing chemo was immune deficient or whatever or he's just a a germaphobe or paranoid thinking people could come with a bomb strap to their waist or something uh and you know so he's he's an odd character and I I think it's actually in character for him to have done this but the state of the Health Care system in um in Russia is has got to be pretty pretty abysmal U one of the stories that I wrote about it is that he does like the silicone billionaires seek out Oddball characters who promise um healthy healthiness or cures or um some regimen that's going to make them live happier longer and it looks like he's even resorted Putin has resorted to sort of primitive Shaman type uh methods and he he is reported to to um take regular baths in an extract made from the blood of the antlers of Siberian Red Deer some kind of wacky you know Siberian thing and he does that uh he does that regularly and I know I know uh certain billionaires in Silicon Valley who have been buying um this is yucky but they've been having their blood transfused with blood taken from um the umbilical after birth they buy these because apparently there's more stem cells which are Curative and considered beneficial in in the fetus and once the baby is born still inside the umbilical cord so there that there is an actual act actual practice of that going on that I've heard of maybe it's it's not it sounds creepy but it isn't I mean they're not killing babies to get their blood but they're using the umbilical cords so this is the kind of thing that are going on and you know of course there's the famous Pon de Leon Story the the search by the Spanish conquistador for the Fountain of Youth and thought he found it in Florida a lot of people think it's in Florida still to the extent we can trust the footage we get out of Russia you know you never know they're very good at fake AI stuff but let's let's trust that what we see he looks okay for a man of 72 years of age he in fact he looks quite healthy and um I mean he's no longer running around with his shirt off or playing hockey to demonstrate his virility and vigor but he does look okay however people have talked about detecting a trimmer in one of his legs and maybe in his hand that could indicate something temporary or that could be some people speculate Parkinson's uh and you know I we're never going to know because the minute it's found out that he has something that is going to debilitate him or kill him he will be removed by Rivals so these are carefully guarded Secrets when you're a dictator well I'm sure he wants to live as long as he can and he's the richest man in the world and he's going to buy and do whatever he can to get the the the techniques or the medicines or the doctors that are going to add years to his life I don't think it's connected to Ukraine he's been uh raping and pillaging all over the world his entire career uh and so that's really not new this is just a really big Special Operation uh and the ukrainians are doing very well I in my estimation although you know their country is is getting slowly destroyed um but the point is that Putin is an odman um I say if he's going to spend Russian dollars to come up with scientific breakthroughs the rest of us may actually benefit from this but to think that the Russians have a scientific codery that is capable of doing any better than the gigantic pharmaceutical companies Health Care Systems and the rich developed world where life expectancy is much higher uh is is probably not very smart to bet on uh their lifespans right now are lower than the Congo and in North Korea so you know Russia lags badly um the rest of us uh you know and including third world countries like those that are badly managed by dictators

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