Category: News & Politics
रूस के राष्ट्रपति व्लादिमीर पुतिन आधिकारिक यात्रा पर मंगोलिया पहुंच गए हैं और पुतिन की यह यात्रा जापानी सेना पर सोवियत मंगोलियाई सैनिकों की संयुक्त जीत की 85 वं वर्षगांठ पर हो रही है लेकिन इस बीच चर्चा यह है कि वह गिरफ्तार हो सकते हैं वो कैसे इस रिपोर्ट में समझिए मंगोलिया रूस का पड़ोसी देश है पुतिन सोमवार की शाम को मंगोलिया की राजधानी उलान बटर पहुंचे और पुतिन के मंगोलिया पहुंचते ही उनकी गिरफ्तारी की मांग उठने लगी है क्योंकि मंगोलिया इंटरनेशनल क्रिमिनल कोर्ट का... Read more
Category: News & Politics
He has to be selective where he can visit um mongolia is uh is fairly safe i think that you know russia shares a long border of mongolia mongolia is not going to cross putin and russia um you go to other countries and um that risk is there the the the the variable um and if he can't 100% count on it... Read more
Category: News & Politics
He has to be selective where he can visit um mongolia is uh is fairly safe i think that you know russia shares a long border of mongolia mongolia is not going to cross putin and russia um you go to other countries and um that risk is there the the the the variable um and if he can't 100% count on it... Read more
Category: News & Politics
While vladimir putin deals with ukraine's advancing the first military invasion of russian territory since 1941 he faces an unexpected economic setback from mongolia in its four-year economic plan mongolia has not allocated any funds for the power of siberia two natural gas pipeline which was intended... Read more
Category: News & Politics
दुनिया के सबसे ताकतवर राष्ट्रपतियों में से एक रूस के राष्ट्रपति व्लादिमीर पुतिन यह सवाल अंतरराष्ट्रीय जगत में गूंज रहा है दरअसल इंटरनेशनल क्रिमिनल कोर्ट ने अपने एक फैसले में पुतिन को दोषी ठहराते हुए उनके खिलाफ वरन जारी किया हुआ है अंतरराष्ट्रीय अदालत के नियमों के मुताबिक मंगोलिया रूसी राष्ट्रपति को हिरासत में लेने के लिए बाध्य है मंगोलिया इंटरनेशनल क्रिमिनल कोर्ट का सदस्य है उनकी यात्रा जापानी सेना पर सोवियत मंगोलियाई सैनिकों की संयुक्त जीत की 8वीं वर्षगांठ के मौके पर... Read more
Category: News & Politics
इट हैज बीन ओवर टू इयर्स सिंस द रशिया यूक्रेन वर स्टार्टेड द वड हैज नाउ रिच्ड अ क्रुशल जंक्चर रशिया सीम्स टू बी स्टीम रोलिंग इनटू ईस्टर्न यूक्रेन विद दैट एंड यूक्रेन कस्क इनकर्जन इन द बैक ड्रॉप द रशियन प्रेसिडेंट हैज रिइटरेटेड दैट कैपचरिंग द एनटायर यूक्रेनियन रीजन ऑफ नबास रिमेंस रशिया टॉप प्रायोरिटी पुतिन मेड दी स्टेटमेंट्स ड्यूरिंग द ईस्टर्न इकोनॉमिक फोरम हेल्ड इन लाद वस्क अ डे यर वन से एमी गोल इन कस न वा टू मेक अस नर्वस फस मूव ट्रूप्स फम वन एरिया... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
We're joined today uh and i forgive me um by a person i consider to be not just a great historian but probably one of the most important journalists working today and normally i urge people to buy their books because it's a nice and polite thing to do given that you've made your time and you've probably... Read more
Category: News & Politics
We're joined today uh and i forgive me um by a person i consider to be not just a great historian but probably one of the most important journalists working today and normally i urge people to buy their books because it's a nice and polite thing to do given that you've made your time and you've probably... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Is russia looking to deploy a new nuclear weapon i'm talking about the 9m 370 bunik these are nuclear powered and nuclear armed cruise missiles they were unveiled in 2018 by the russian president vladimir putin russia claims the missile has a range of up to 23,000 kilomet and what's more russia claims... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Putin has resorted to sort of primitive shaman type uh methods and he he has reported to to um take regular baths in an extract made from the blood of the antlers of siberian red deer vladimir putin is probably the richest man on earth and in history he probably a trillionaire directly indirectly he's... Read more
Category: News & Politics
We will be closely monitoring those details coming again but shifting focus for now to north korea where the the leader kim jong has received a new consignment of his choices horses from russia the russian president vladimir putin and kim jong un remember share a love for animals horses in particular... Read more
Category: News & Politics
There is a huge question well when one is afraid of escalation like what are you afraid of like we have shown that even if you are marching into the russian's territory there is not much of escalation because they just going to according to their plan they keep destroying our energy infrastructure they... Read more