UFC 5 | Bruce Lee vs. Michael Keaton

[Applause] [Applause] well this is exciting here at DC the founder of Jeep kundo one of the founding fathers really of mixed martial arts Bruce Lee is back in a big spot here tonight Bruce Lee is what every kid looked to when they thought about doing Cor Bruce Lee is the person that anyone looked at when they said I want to be a fighter it was the speed it was the Charisma it was the approach of Bruce Lee that made him so special and tonight he's going to look to show a new generation of Fighters exactly how it's supposed to be done and if you hear the phrase Drillers make Killers right I mean that was Bruce Le nutshell he felt like practice would make perfect nobody trained as hard as the great Bruce Le Bruce Le ladies and gentlemen Bruce effing Le ready to battle and take home that elusive UFC [Applause] goal well as much respect and appreciation as we have for the skill sets of the lower weight class athletes there there's nothing in Pro Sports quite like a UFC heavyweight championship fight that is a reality you've been there you've done that baddest man on the plan and putting that very Distinction on the line today yeah the champ walks again and he wears that proudly John he wants to be called The Champ he loves to be called the baddest man on the planet he is so skilled he's so dangerous he's so scary and he gets up for these types of challenges he intends to Never Let Go his belt he understands the challenge in front of him here tonight but he has forged by this training camp the championship experience he has acred and we'll see if he can leave the way he enters as the greatest heav and there's her Dean he will handle the action inside the Octagon all right here he is the founding father of modern MMA Bruce Lee ready to go for round one the speed and the angles just absurd and a hard got simulate in training you think you got a beat on him and then you end up twitching on the canvas so we'll see how the opponent chooses to defend Bruce Lee here in the early [Applause] going ooh looking to go to the leg kick here just out of range Lee gets caught with that punch cannot take those leg kicks clean like that right hand lands [Applause] flush straight punch that is useful lead kick is true there by Lee both Fighters hanging down on the pocket and both Landing I mean these guys are led to fly what a pace that they're fighting at what a great job using the off hand to dictate the pace of the fight closes the Gap and gets the single collar tie now now some spacing as they exit the clinch the right hand just misses [Music] kick to the body for the champion both Fighters throwing heat now take down defense is there just over three minutes to go oh flush knee to the body he's got the length advantage in this fight and certainly made it count in that exchange oh good job defensively there to block the strike by Lee aome separation real sneaky body [Applause] kick nasty high kick up looking to land the right just out of [Applause] range oh high level defense there the hook shot is blocked by Lee well champ I don't see that well but it's hard to miss the redness underneath that elbow lot of bodily investment from his opponent tonight yeah it's an investment John it may not pay dividends right now but the more you go there the more damage you do eventually it will show itself right now it's starting to show when both are prepared these are the types of fights that we expect under two minutes in round one there [Applause] all right champ now we're starting to see some bruising on that thigh pretty good job attacking that area tonight I mean this guy is digging his shin into hit the thigh what a tremendous performance by this guy just out of rings with the big right hand oh now it lands a shot to the [Applause] leg all right so there it is yet another strike to the body feels like that was what the game plan was rooted in coming in here tonight absolutely johnan you could think that he's setting him up to go up top or honestly if he continues to land at this rate at this target he could finish him here so I wouldn't change anything unless he makes you oh found a home for that KN man these guys have some chins on them huge shots being landed on both sides oh and he tags him with the straight hand there beautifully done by Lee and there's that jab he loaded up there with that high kick all right that Cal kick starting to show some visible signs of bruising now and it's exciting him he's excited to see that all the work that they done in preparation is showing itself in the Octagon 15 seconds remain in the round nice body shot nice he lands another huge kick round two next all right take a seat deep breath take a drink all right here we go listen you're doing absolutely awesome I want you to punch a lot of highle highlights from that last round DC take us through the replay if he fought like this I would be comfortable entering him into a K1 level kickboxing competition he's that good at finding and Landing those kicks at will he needs to continue to do this as the fight goes on you ready to fight ready all right round two all right here we go as our next round gets underway that was some serious Precision striking on display in the previous round found his openings upstairs and closed the show he has landed at an alarming rate his opponent needs to get his head off the center line he's walking into him with his head straight up not moving trying to engage without changing the angle that is why he is getting brutalized right now arer continues to land a high volume of strikes he talked to us a lot about pace and pressure and he has certainly kept up his end of the Gard I mean the cardio is fantastic tonight he is pushing at a level that we have not seen him fight before this is shades of Kobe Covington Max Holloway those guys that can fight all night he is showing you that he has done the work in the training room and it's on full display to now what a that one land all right so the redness is omnipresent now he has absorbed a whole lot of body strikes pretty good poker face but I'm not sure how many more of these he must take no he doesn't he needs to do something different he cannot continue to get beat up like this but it's on his opponent it's on the guy that his Landing Le strikes to continue down the path until he makes you change something do this over and over because it seems like this is your easiest path to Victory hands high hands high trying to inflict some damage here but misses with the kick he does a great job getting out of that Cliff position they're so evenly matched they're going TI for going to the S kick nice counter right hook there and there he goes lands another combination as cardio show good that is that it allows him to put forth this type of output in P when his opponent is done at two he is stringing together four five six more different strikes you don't do that without having fantastic cardio oh up beautiful jab there by the champ oh nice jab Focus Lee gets caught with that punch his chin is held up thus far got to S up the defense here though checks that leg kick leg kicks all day his Mobility is compromised might get it back a little bit as the Fight Continues but that's an obvious limp right now well it's going to take ice on the Cal ice on the thigh when he gets to the corner to try and bring it back but once you get dead leg there's not much you can [Applause] do well his corner was pretty urgent after round one little bit lackluster there in that opening round he has certainly picked up the pace here and as a result he has taken control of this second [Applause] round under two minutes here to go round [Applause] two oh nice right hand by The Champ yeah again going back to the jab just out of range [Applause] look at how he turns his hip over when he throws that kick let me see that [Applause] [Music] hook need some work guys your starting to do some really significant damage to the body here another strike lands there [Applause] under a minute now to go in this one throws that deep and it lands well you got to think he's going to enjoy watching this one back tomorrow morning he has landed a ton of significant strikes and really a guy who has been a monster in the gym finally putting it together here in the off go home and admire your work it doesn't take till the next morning he's going back to the right now and firing up the video to look at judyan a and he was the one caus all theaction pretty good position here with the single collar in the clinch nice jab by Lee 20 seconds to go round [Applause] two his head kick is blocked so no damage inflicted there all right so a nice straight punch there after he caught the leg he decides to punch out as opposed to going for any taked down and the one sounds on round two right take a seat relax okay listen you're not tired I know You' got more all right so we now look back at some of the action from that previous round DC a lot of good highlights on both sides I mean a lot of good highlights from both competitors they both should be very proud of what they accomplish but I'm telling you man I'm not sure they can keep this up if they land at this clip for another 5 minutes somebody's going to sleep you ready to fight ready here we go third round of this championship fight all right so as this next round gets underway hopefully the good action we saw in the last round will continue both Fighters certainly had their ups and downs both oh my goodness well he continues to land a high number of strikes here just like he did in the previous round this is a world class display of striking here tonight all right well he rocked him pretty good but didn't sort of smell blood in the water and now his opponent's back I mean blood's in the water you got to go and get it you got to go find the Finish you cannot let him off the hook like that because now he will be motivated to try to go and hurt you as now you're really starting to see the damage on that thigh maybe check a kick protect that leg a little bit he's got to check a kick in return you've got to make him pay for throwing these leg kicks they can't be free you can't just get your leg beat up right now we're starting to see how much damage he's inflicted on his opponent oh and he lands yet another flush knee that's going to leave a mark and again when you're using this length as effectively as he is here tonight we might get a finish here not too distant future big roundhouse now just [Applause] misses heavy Lea landed on both sides in that exchange bleeding now nasty cut on his [Applause] nose investing in the body with the kick there beautiful setup to the leg Ki well he has clearly faded in this one and not talking about the high and tight skin fade on my man Daniel Cormier he got stunned earlier in the round and and mentally I feel like he checked out a little bit he hasn't been able to build back and fight the way that we're used to seeing him fight he needs to take a breath take a moment and get back to work oh he lands another strike to the body here and just continues to punish his opponent's body here in this round just like he did in the previous [Applause] one all right seems as though his sole focus is attacking that cut and man it's getting bad now a lot of blood flowing yeah as it should be right he should be focused on getting to that cut making his opponent pay he did the work he opened up the cut now it's on him to continue down the path and make the ringside position coming here try to stop this fight all right hard L kick hard low kicks now keeps going back to that jab keeps throwing that jab but unable to land well this is absolutely the hurt business it's hard to see which party is more injured but I think both Fighters have been really affected with those strikes in this one yeah both guys have been affected both guys have been beat up it's a very competitive fight let's see who has the heart to Carri him through these very tough moments Lee gets caught by that straight punch you got to do better than that defensively look at the turle in that kick yeah he's got to he's got to start checking kicks 90 seconds to [Applause] go unable to land with that punch oh nice Lee's got a nasty bruise Daniel you see it appearing there on the left side you got to think all of that body investment by his opponent is going to pay large dividends as this Fight [Applause] Continues noce the drive look at how they drive the knee right into the [Applause] midsection ooh head kick land he hurt C with inches right there boy wow it was a good night if that landed oh and he continues to pour it on we mentioned earlier the aggression with his striking got to be careful to knock gas out here but at least you have to admire the approach mixing it up well tonight there's a shot to the leg 20 seconds now remain in the round 15 seconds to go nice straight right [Applause] hand all right three rounds down potentially two more to go we are headed to the championship round all right so the round is over and you see some obvious bleeding now looks like the cut is on the nose yes it is cut man will try to get in there and shut it but of course as soon as he absorbs a strike this next round that thing could reopen certainly Bears watching here moving forward all right there's the end of the round so it was a huge strike to the head that stunned his opponent and and nearly got him out of there yeah that was a big moment a big strike lands his opponent's on wobbly legs that is exactly what what you want to see as you're walking back to your stool your opponent staggering back to his corner and being hopeful that he can get it back together before started the next round we have arrived at the fourth round fight scheduled for five five minute rounds all right here we go fourth round oh back to his feet oh all looking to land the leg kick that one checked take a deep breath [Applause] controlling the fight behind that jab he's just being more aggressive and because he's being more aggressive and more loose with his strikes he's [Applause] landed some damage being doled out and now some swelling upstairs on his opponent he's not moving his head effectively he's trying to be Face First Look you don't have to prove off T you got to move your head be active don't be reactive in your defenses well block that punch well often times when you see damage like this things are critical we don't always see a referee calling a doctor for body strikes but maybe this would be a case to call this is one of those situations where something abnormal is going to feel pretty good we don't see it very often but this this is one of those times where doctor needs to come in and check this guy out circling to his right oh body kick attempt here it's no [Applause] good big Power Shot [Applause] there well an incredible fight thus far both Fighters look like they could be finished at any time if you wondered about the heart on either side that question was answered tonight nothing there are no more questions in regards to these two fighters both of these men have been hurt both of these men are swollen they're bloody they're both even though them they're both willing and ready to continue this fight don't back up push forward oh beautiful one oh and back to his feet get those Comin move those hands oh nice job to block the kicka Brea set big side lands both guys oh and he lands another combination here really starting to get into a striking Bo I mean in stringing them together so effectively never throwing the same attack more than once what a job to recognize all the openings in his opponent's [Applause] defenses under two minutes to [Applause] go your hands up use your footwork now it's okay your foot pretty good jab there by Lee oh man that c is going to be so sore for we back to the feet now oh and he caught the kick and lands the left there oh shot to the body connects there he hasn't really thrown too much body strikes in this fight but now as this fight goes on he is not discriminating work in the body and those shots are going to count nicely done to the body targeting the body with the kick now oh looked like he might have been in range but misses with the kick Lee's nose is bleeding now so we'll see how he handles that adversity but nothing ideal about it here in the middle of this this [Applause] fight oh just misses with the kick pretty good execution for him there on the sidekick DC just really feeling himself one of those traditional martial arts techniques that are making their way to the UFC's Z looking to land the leg kick [Applause] now Mak the oh how good oh so there's the horn at the end of the round he got knocked down near the end of it Saved by the Bell he will live to fight on the question is for how long all right let's check out some of the action DC and how about the punching Acumen by that fighter in that previous round he does not waste anything he does not Loop punches everything's tight everything's precise he's a sniper we always talk about how he's a sniper he is a sniper and it showed in that exchange that allowed him to drop his [Applause] opponent you ready to fight ready it is the fifth and final round oh we're getting a finish here yeah he hurt him real bad still hurt oh he got him again oh he goes with the punch and he lands all right he's very comfortable fighting off his back DC now looks like he's trying to hip Escape yeah he's trying to hip Escape or maybe look for a kamur here really maximizing his shots here on the [Applause] ground this is where he wants to be quick hit movement there and he does indeed get back to his feet nicely done oh switch kick lands oh well no denying the durability on the other side but at this point you just got to find that kill shot and get him out of there A lot of times that comes with reps that comes with taking your time you get excited and you want to finish because you think it's right there but at times you just over swing and you miss a lot he needs to slow down if he wants to get his opponent out of this fight good work guys come on it's okay move use your footw all right time to hit the sooco station both of these Fighters are on empty this looks like when I played video games as a seven-year-old when I didn't know nothing but button mashes you two guys have Button Mash to the point that neither one of you can find a Knockout you better hope your parents don't walk around and watch wow back to his feet we got a lot of blood Now ladies and gentlemen I think my mother just turned off the TV but every time that area gets targeted that cut is getting worse and closer theoretically to the end of the fight yeah and you know when you got a person like this in front that oh trying to turn out the lights with that roundhouse kick but just misses well if these were Cal kicks this fight would like already be over but I would say it's pretty Critical with the thigh damage at this stage of the fight it's very close and the thigh is is bigger it's a bigger muscle so it takes more damage in order to limit him but look at his movement he can barely move around the Octagon now he's very very close to being stop my leg all well time is the enemy now DC and he's really running out of it if he's going to get his hand raised tonight he's got to go forward he's got to just throw everything at his opponent to try and find that punch or that kick kick that's going to end the fight there is no time to strap oh another oh huge leftt 90 seconds to go to decide this one try to establish that Jab relax relax keep your hands up for me now down the stretch we come final round and what a fight what a performance on both sides they'll be feeling it tomorrow but unbelievable will and I mean this is what us fight fans love to see two fighters out there battered and bruised bloody have been in an absolute War but neither of them willing to take a step back and give up I don't know who's going to win this fight but I do know and there it is oh oh judges needed tonight as he pounds him out for the TKO I'm hoping I get an invite to the after part

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