The Basic Chat EP 29: NCT'S MOON TAEIL'S DEMISE | Ex CEO Min HeeJin of Ador

BASICALLY AN INTRO hi guys um today what is T welcome back welcome back oh child today news has broke for some things and we're going to talk about it well not today today is in Wednesday when we're filming this but y'all going to see this Friday oh well it's still today for today but when you see it when you see it is it's Friday but we're gonna talk about it you know um so obviously everybody knows about the like what's her name minhen thing with a door um go love a good conference mhm l a good conference loves a good miss a good casual wear a good Snapback you know um she love put on a show one thing she going to do is put on a show and um the news about te from NCT H now that one that one threw me into the abyss because that one I was really just taking back because my biases in nctr t in jungu and I was like whoa not not Moon not M as soon as I saw it I dropped it in the Twitter group chat I was like [ __ ] what is this who want where when and why but it's okay we'll talk about it we'll talk about it but anyways um join the chat be a good little um basic we have to tell you anymore like true you already know your fingers should already be on the Subscribe button yeah and if they're not woo therapy might be needed I don't know oh no he said therapy that's crazy oh no but anyways join the chat spill the tea oh my great join the [Music] chat which one we going to talk about let me my you got nqu wait this not sponsored it could be it could be but it's not um which one we talking about first child um let's see honestly let's get the easy one out the Ex CEO Min HeeJin of Ador way Eeny Meeny mini miss miss this absorbable Min okay so there were some obvious um allegations and stuff against Miss minhen um with um bang Hitman bang talking about some you know they was doing a little something something behind the scenes also talking [ __ ] about espa um but not good old Esa good old Esa not Esa good old Esa but uh she has I don't know if she decided to like leave a door or they were like girly you gotta get out I'm thinking either way she stepped down she stepped down um we don't know what this is going to be also what we're talking about our opinions our opinions um we are not stating facts just know that we're not stating facts we're going off so don't start with me we're going off of you know we have to make sure we like say that because yeah you know a lot of yall think we're talking fact going off of what's in my brain and my opinion off of what I read yeah so but um I am reading this from the Korea times I know a lot of people like to be like the meat he said it's sourced I know a lot of people like to be you know like the media this the media that and I'm like yeah I understand but we have to do our due diligence to go off for like some credible sources you know anyway and I mean where there's smoke there's fires so yeah um but it says that like despite her removal as like the CEO she will continue to serve on the board and produce music for new jeans so she's just not the Figure Head anymore the face hold I got to turn this light close but I had to turn the light yes but I mean like what does that mean though like it just means she's not like so you know how like they say like the position the high positions are all just figureheads and everybody under them are the actual like you know movement of the company so she's just not the figurehead anymore like so who's going to be the CEO now we don't know they haven't appointed anybody yet cuz I did at first I was like what does this mean for new jeans like yeah would they transition over but if somebody else if she's just like stepping down she's GNA stay on the board and nothing's going to change then yeah it is what it is because it's like still she's gonna they was just like girl you're being too messy child cuz she had two conferences [ __ ] was just coming out left and right and I was really wondering how long this was going to like go on for can't even lie yeah but can't even lie it was always something it's always something I think Hy like has been just boiling over with the scandals lately it's just like and I know the general consensus about Hive is not that great it is not great at all but CH it's just been boiling over and it even says that like she there were allegations that she had plotted to seize control of aore and take the girl group with her away from hyve I was like well I mean so now I just want to know what was true or what's false then because you Ste down why' you step down right was it that you willfully Ste down or did somebody like force you yeah like what's what's the real T yeah but like but like you said it's like what's going to happen to new jeans in the midst of all this because new jeans is still very active and I can't imagine that it's not doing badly to their reputation that all of this is going on with their uh company because it's like they are they are they started with Scandal like new jeans came out and everybody was talking about cookie they did everybody was talking about cookie and they were like y' got these like 14 15 16 year old girls singing about some cookies and then obviously the whole thing was like minian was like oh no it's about giving a cookie to our fans girl and she's talking about she consulted like American Artist and stuff about the meaning and it's like girl no you didn't because if you did they would tell you that a cookie was something else and the way it was it it was how it was performed oh girl y was talking about no cookie they said uhhuh they like it simple they keep coming back but bro I completely forgot about that cuz when you said it I'm just sitting here like what Scandal did they have child I completely forgot about cookie they have that and I don't think wasn't really a scandal after that for a couple of comebacks that I know just people being haters that I know of yeah just people being haters just people being haters like hating over their hair and like the like yeah yeah but now this is you know so I like I wonder if H if anything does happen to adore um because the brand reputation is through the through the floor uh if something does happen to the door I wonder if new jeans is going to be absorbed into like Hive itself or like music I really feel like they're going to acquire it because a door is under Hive yeah or like it's like they're subsidiary but is it just going to be completely just Ador is no more y just under Hive like what's what's the tea but anyways I will say though it is the drama isn't really reaching new jeans early I haven't seen it because their comebacks doing great they're still doing their bunny camps or whatever the concerts they've been doing so yeah I think it's our girlies are doing good I think it's partially because it has nothing to do with like the girls themselves I mean it does but it's like reputation Wise It's not like them themselves it's y'all like anything yeah yeah because and then the whole thing with um Hitman bang like and these uh women of the nights and like all of this there is just so much going on of course all of this is alleged there's still stuff being worked out but oh my God those photos be allegic like whoa I said hold up like there's nothing wrong with one a little company but you know you know how reputation Works [ __ ] hey Hitman bang wanted to do a little bang bang I he was taking their pictures they was cute and they Instagram no that honestly made me scream for an entire fortnite that [ __ ] was hilarious made me scream for an entire fortnite because you are taking the she got you taking the pictures for her D it he was say hold on let me get down let me let me get that angle y'all if you haven't seen the pictures I those things are hilarious no yeah but um yeah A lot's been going on but yeah A lot's been going on with under the hi umbrella um hopefully you know I cuz again a lot of people have a general uh opinion about Hive but I do hope they get together because they have a lot of talent and artists under them and that could affect everybody they have big names too they have groups that have been established for a long time they have fris 9 who just made a comeback they have 17 they have like boys next door they got all of these all these names that are making you know a lot of noise and if this company you know continues to go the way it's going child they don't care as long as they making money I don't think like I honestly and truly never see a company stop being messy they will never stop being messy as long as the dollars are rolling in they're never going to stop so I have [ __ ] don't surprise me these scandals don't surprise me stop person I be sitting here trying to see what else like what else can you do right in a couple months we looking back at this like everybody going to be streaming artist y'all still don't go to their concert that's that's the messy thing about it because it's like they know that we have such deep ties to like the talents a lot of these bands and it's like it's like the company can do whatever they want because they know that fandoms really ain't good at organizing and boycotting people still going to be like will accept that bare minimum yeah you know you see what happened with um SM and the whole like San thing like people were trying to boycott they was like okay they said a he good for y'all glad yall know how to organize an event bra [ __ ] that is so sad but it's honestly the sad truth like that's that's business like how many series have we seen where the little cookie cutter businesses be in the investment departments and it's bad because you can't boycott a company and bring a company down without affecting the artists yeah damn and I feel damn damn I'm like I just drained your pocket didn't not anyways I don't know we'll see anything can happen anything happen What Ellie said anything could happen um is that what she said yeah she you know that all she was like is her where she at Ellie Miss Ellie Gold dink anyways um we we can get into the next topic I'm NCT'S MOON TAEIL'S DEMISE dreading this do I have any more strawberry milk [Music] I is what the women of Korea would be saying if y'all men will stop being trash but anyways um I am orbiting okay oh well let's get into it for us news today woke up this morning no let me let me let me just break down how this came about I woke up this morning y'all went on Twitter you know looking for the typical mess and I see a blog post and I'm like hold on you know me nosy let me read it I see T pictures I see withdrawal and I saw s a c she said cor what the [ __ ] I when I tell you that was the last thing I thought would ever come out like that [ __ ] bro and it happened like what six years ago yeah allegedly according to Legend allegedly um this happened six years ago and they are just be able to get evidence to actually prosecute but also there was also talk again all of this is alleged alleged according to Legend us none of what we say has been put as fact we are why you talking like we are just um putting out information that we've seen we're just sharers of what we we're just sharing what we but there's obviously K-pop stands all of a sudden become detectives and um no fact so you know people are talking about like this happened six years ago and what happened he's already been some people are saying he's already been Prosecuting but he HD it so well because he when it happened what they alleging when it happened is two years after they debuted and if you know about C's debut they debuted with um T Jan and D young with that yeah um I forgot what the song was called it was like that one but yeah yeah yeah yeah but two apparently two years after that um that all happened for t for Moon T and it was hidden very well even from um SM I guess allegedly say especially from the company allegedly we don't know because I did see quote tweets of people being saying that it took forever for this to finally take place so I'm like did you hide it really well or but I know something about it has to be real because SM did not play with the removal of the of him from the void group and the removal of him as an exclusive artist of SM hello when I tell you everybody has unfollowed him everybody un everybody unfollows him and he unfollows everybody I was like whoo yeah so it it's giv some some there was like this is crazy and how they were saying that he's willingly like doing whatever needs to be done I'm like hm yeah but this is also bringing up a bunch of other conversations again like these conversations have never stopped but it's bringing up a lot of other conversations about the 4B movement and stuff like that and just to kind of give some context cuz I feel like a lot of people don't know exactly what the 4pb movement is they're just like they immediately hear like what the basis of it is and they're like G why are they being celibate and stuff no it's more than that but but they don't really know the nitty so theb movement is based on four principles which is um no to heterosexual marriage um ban which is no to childbirth beon which is no to dating and be sex which is no to heterosexual sexual um relationships so they're saying child they said no to marriage no the relationships no the sex no the child births you ain't even getting this cookie okay nothing nothing the women in Korea are fed up they said we're not engaging with men whatsoever and a lot of people are kind of attributing this 4B movement cuz I think it's been going on for like I think four years or so or maybe even longer but cuz this well this um copyright I'm reading this from the Yonce um University Research output section on their site um but this was published in 2021 so that's the farthest back that I've seen an article about it but um they're also taking this and kind of blaming the decline in birth rate in Korea and I'm like can that really be blame because it's only five years of like serious you know engagement in this movement y'all's birth rate has really been declining for a while so I mean we need a we need an excuse somewhere you know and so the women they're just they're just like Korean women are like look we women we tired men going to be men wherever men are we are tired child and honest ly like I say we joke around but not really um with Alissa all the time we're like look get rid of us all like volunteer tributes I understand like I try my best to um be very much an advocate for all people but if y'all got to get rid of men y'all got to get rid of men like if y'all look as long as you can promise me myself like you know a painless death like quick like either just shoot me in the head or um that's C or you know give me some morphine and then like you know yeah inject me with something I don't know like um everybody else y do what yall want it's like really tough if you just look at the news no matter where you're looking at it it's literally the same when it comes to men in relationships it's like what is going on like get rid and it's honestly I can't but it's honestly just so like I hurt because I look at this and I look at my like Mom and I look at stuff like how she was treated and I'm like damn I'm like is is it is it that hard is it really that hard is it that hard to be just a decent person not even like you don't even got to be a good person just a decent just be a decent human being minimum but it's the culture it's the culture of men like initiating just everything bad in the world and that um yeah that privilege and that audacity just passes down through the DNA of all men and it's like a reworking that to from a ag like luckily I grew up with a mom that like taught me hey you know I mean obviously I guess back then she didn't know I was going to be a good old rainbow child but um she always she's like women you better act right or I'mma beat your ass like she instilled to respect women like in me from a very young age and it's obviously like because of what she went through and then my grandmother went through with men they're like something got to change something got to Chang so but um yeah I don't get it because I just be looking at like The Men Who be doing all these crimes and whatnot I just be thinking like if that was your mom or your sister or like like would you want some random doing that to them like no the men the men I can speak for my family the men and my family be like like let like my sister get a boyfriend or let any of the women in our um in our family get a significant other oh all the men in our family like always side eyeing and it's like the it's the crazy thing is it's like y side ey am because y'all know how men are but then y'all turn around do the EXA same thing that y'all be eying other men for doing to the women in your it's so ass backwards so as backwards but I think the craziest thing to come out of the whole like 4B movement is Korea offering like different employers are offering Koreans to money a substantial amount of money to have babies like and to be honest it's like about so they we know babies cost money right and they say like a baby like can cost like anywhere between like 50 to $100,000 more dollars per year and like for instance um Soul CNN reported that bu young group a construction firm based in Soul plans to pay employees over a 100 million Korean wand which is $75,000 each time they have a baby it said a press release on a press release Monday it will also pay a total of 7 billion Korean wand 5.25 million in cash to employees who have had 70 babies since 2021 theany y' y'all and I promise you I promise you this situation this whole thing the this whole thing is laughable to me not because it's funny I swear I'm not laughing because it's funny it's because this is so so unbelievable like y'all really this was the solution said have 70 babies whoop so you just want okay but that and then that presents another problem because it's like okay you have an overflow of children right obviously like people are going to exploit this and what that entails you're already like men are already gears are a turnning they're already going to be like oh let me just go get a bunch of random women pregnant all and just like make sure I get proof that the baby is mine and get my little $75,000 then what are you going to run to what are you going to run into you're going to run into a bunch of abandoned children because hello people are going to end up not being able to support cuz you know that 7 $5,000 like ain't going to be split up evenly you know somebody going to Swindle somebody unless y'all have like any type of like specifics in the contract when you do these you going just have a bunch of babies with no daddies that is a bunch of babies in the orphanages I cannot fathom I cannot wa happen but that that just goes to show that in a in a society and in a world that are is run by men they are always going to make it like it's the woman's fault instead of attacking the root of the problem the root of the problem is men are trash and they're treating that's why women are not wanting to marry wanting to have sex wanting to have babies no like they're going to say that we don't want to because it's us our attitude our pride like it's not that it's the trash men like why not educate men more why not hold them accountable for the [ __ ] that they do but anyways yeah it is what let us know in AN OUTRO BASICALLY the comments what you think we got 15 seconds on our cameras like comment share subscribe like anyways the chat bye bye [Music] [Music]

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