Category: Entertainment
Intro hey guys crew blind wave i'm eric i'm jany i'm eric and we're here with another black pink reaction this is du did i know that one you generally you say something with confidence people believe it this is d d d du let's find 뚜두뚜두 mv out you're listening to see if it's really the song title oh... Read more
Category: Sports
Foreign [music] [applause] [music] leader in men's speed skating with nine world all-round gold medals and nine olympic medals [music] thank you congratulations friend thank you you've achieved so much in your career so many medals so many records is there one in particular that you're most proud of... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Basically an intro hi guys um today what is t welcome back welcome back oh child today news has broke for some things and we're going to talk about it well not today today is in wednesday when we're filming this but y'all going to see this friday oh well it's still today for today but when you see it... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Sm entertainment annonce le retrait de teil de ncity en raison d'une affaire d'agression sexuelle le 28 août sm entertainment a fait cette annonce soudaine sur les réseaux sociaux choquant les fans selon la publication du label teil a été impliqué dans une affaire criminelle pour un délit sexuel et... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Sáng ngày mùng 9 tháng 9 một sự cố nghiêm trọng đã xảy ra trên cầu phong châu phú thọ khi cây cầu bất ngờ bị sập khiến nhiều người rơi xuống sông châu hồi k m ở b đảo chụ mạnh cái đợt c bệt ch mạnh ôi ôi ii ui ui ui ôi chết rồi chết mạnh quá mình điii đí không ôi giời ôi ôi giời ôi iii báo báo cho đii... Read more
Category: Entertainment
मटेल इज अ सिंगर फ्रॉम साउथ कोरिया हिस स्टेज नेम इज टेल टेल डेट ऑफ बर्थ इज जून 14 1994 हिस एज इ 30 यर्स एंड बर्थ प्लेस सल साउथ कोरिया ही वास अ मेंबर ऑफ केप बॉय बैंड एंड सिटी एंड हिज पोजिशन इन द ग्रुप वास मेन वर्कलिस्ट टेल मेड हिस पब्लिक टप ऑन अक्टूबर 13 2015 वन ही वास नेम टू एसम इंटरटेनमेंट प्री डेब्यू ट्रेनिंग ग्रुप्स एसएम रोकी एसएम इंटरटेनमेंट डिक्ले इल वड नो लंगर टू अ पार्ट ऑफ एनसीटी ऑन अगस्ट 28 2024 अकॉर्डिंग टू... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू आवर चैनल कॉइन एंड करेंसी और आज हम अपने कलेक्शन से देखेंगे साउथ कोरिया का हाईएस्ट डिनॉमिनेशन इन बैंपोट साउथ कोरिया एक एशियन कंट्री है और वन डब् एन नाम से करेंसी यूज करता है अभी करंट सीरीज में उसका हास्ट डिनॉमिनेशन है 50000 वन का चलिए आइए देखते हैं यह 50000 वन का बैंक नोट है साउथ कोरिया का इसका हम फ्रंट साइड देखेंगे तो सामने शिन ंग का पोर्ट्रेट बना हुआ है इधर अंगूर के पेड़ ग्रेप्स का पेड़ बना हुआ है य हम... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Vụ sập cầu phong châu ở phú thọ huy động hơn 500 cán bộ chiến sĩ tìm kiếm cứu nạn cứu hộ vụ sập cầu phong châu hiện đã cứu được ba người chưa xác định được số người mất tích nước lũ dâng cao chảy siết nên tìm kiếm cứu nạn gặp rất nhiều khó khăn sáng ngày mùng 9 tháng 9 một sự cố nghiêm trọng đã xảy... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Intro in south korea, k-pop stars have fame, fortune and millions of female fans. but some led a double life. a hidden world where videos of women being drugged, raped and humiliated were shared. there was a room deep in the club. whatever were to happen in there you wouldn't hear anything. their crimes... Read more
Category: Education
अगर इस नीले गोले पर कहीं नर्क है तो वह है पप्पू की कंट्री नॉर्थ कोरिया यहां नॉर्थ कोरिया में स्कूल और किसी कंपनी या हॉस्पिटल में आपने जरा सी भी छोटी-मोटी गलती कर दी तो आपको ऐसी सजा मिलेगी जिसे सुनकर आपके रंग टेक खड़े हो जाएंगे दरअसल एक बार नॉर्थ कोरिया की जेल से एक निकम्मा कैदी भागते हुए पकड़ा गया तो फिर जेल के जेलर ने उसे मारने की जगह खाना ना देकर उसे तड़पाना चाहा कैदी एक दो दिन तक भूखा रहा और उसकी हालत खराब हो गई उसने यहां-वहां खाना... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Missed out on the latest k-pop news don't worry i've got you covered from big changes in golden child to bts's gin being called hb's hero and even a wedding announcement here's everything you need to know from this week in k-pop on august 28th sm entertainment dropped a bombshell announcing that moon... Read more
Category: Sports
Congratulations how does it feel to have won this award well it's uh it's an honor to be here and then win this awards sure i mean i guess as you've competed over such a a long period like it's looking back on it what sort of what was your favorite games or favorite experience over here i think uh uh... Read more